
Why I WON'T do the Keto Diet 

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27 сен 2024




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@UFDTech Год назад
We had my 5 year old son on keto for years for his severe uncontrolled epilepsy (averaging 100 seizures a day, 1000+ on his worst days). It was highly managed by a children's hospital, with every meal being prescribed by the doctors. He had to be in the hospital for the first week to induce ketosis because of the severe side effects of the keto flu. We checked his blood 2x a day to monitor his actual ketones to make sure he was in proper range. Monthly bloodwork and doctor's appointments to make sure he was developing properly and getting all of his nutrients. It was intense, but worth it because we finally got some form of seizure control & stability. This is after we had failed to get seizure control from 8 different anti-epileptic medications. BUT we had to take him off of the diet after 2 years because of the liver side effects. Most epilepsy medication is processed through the liver, CBD is processed through the liver, and keto hits the liver really hard as well. We were looking at liver failure for him before he hit his teenage years, which is more terminal than his current rare disease that causes the seizures. So we made the difficult choice to come off the diet in order to preserve his longterm health. Keto is good, but unfortunately, it has some severe drawbacks. Thanks for highlighting them in the video!
@KyanneSummer Год назад
Oh my god I truly hope your boy gets better❤
@chandragreenberg9109 Год назад
Craig please be careful with the upcoming video on learning the splits -- I tried to learn the splits about 5 years ago and I still have a lingering hip injury/strain from pushing myself too hard and I wish I had never done it. And I was trying to go slowly, I did it over even longer than 30 days.
@mykki.d Год назад
@air1fire Год назад
My diet has to be SIMPLE. And EASY. Otherwise I just can't do it, I'm too addicted to junk food. It took me years to develop healthy, sustainable, intuitive eating, and it has nothing to do with any diet or fad.
@colinm366 Год назад
Yes! Sustainable is the keyword
@milkshakebananaz Год назад
@notrandom2 Год назад
I really never understood the naysayers. In short, your eating too many carbs. There's a political history as to why you are eating so much more carbs today than your grandparents did before the 1990's. Then you have research papers coming out that shows those seed oils that usually accompany those yummies aren't so good for the human body. Then there's the "too strict" argument. Sure. It is a strict diet for anyone dealing with addiction. That was me. I'm an addict and I know it. "In moderation" never worked for me. #Keto did. Lost 100lb back in 2017. It has stayed off. I went #carnivore back in 2022. All my blood work (LOTS OF BLOOD WORK) checks out. My LDL is on the high side but everything else is right. I'm comfortable taking this risk. There's plenty of reasons why someone practicing low carbs shouldn't be concerned about high LDL when everything else looks great. If you're overweight and over 35, I would recommend blood work 6 months in. See your Doctor get a referral to see a cardiologist and get plenty of blood work done. Get your CAC score. Prioritize your health over yummy snacks.
@air1fire Год назад
@@notrandom2 "naysayers"
@notrandom2 Год назад
@@air1fire Oops, my bad, you're right... "Fatties." I'm obviously talking about the fatties that can't put down the carbs.
@drewbeta01 Год назад
I lost 90lbs on keto, and I felt fantastic. It also helped me consume less alcohol because when you're on keto you become a real lightweight. The problem came when I realized how weak I was, so I started working out and lifting weights. Some people say that they feel great working out on keto, but that wasn't my experience. I came off and saw massive strength gains. I've gained weight, but not back to where I was, but I've managed to stay relatively lean because I put on a lot of muscle. I do need to drop some lbs, and keto actually helped me understand better how to read food labels and understand nutrition. I just know that I'm going to lose some strength when I lose weight, so I wasn't in a big hurry to start.
@gimmealargesalad Год назад
This was my experience, too. I felt pretty good on keto and my acid reflux as well as bloating basically went away. I did notice that I became faint a lot faster when working out, so I started adding sweet potatoes to my diet and upping my protein. I think a low carb rather than no carb is more sustainable. The thing that made the biggest change though was learning nutrition and reading the food labels. I feel like this needs to be mandatory in schools so kids grow up healthier.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Hey have you tried? Dietary Fiber !!! TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research, google it!!!! (:
@descai10 Год назад
Keto generally reduces strength but increases endurance. Glucose can be burned much faster and thus produce more quick energy allowing for more explosive power from your muscles, but it runs out quickly. Meanwhile ketones are burned more slowly but you have an essentially unlimited supply since it can just pull more from your body fat, so you have higher endurance.
@kyleduffy Год назад
@@descai10 THIS ^, the problem isn't Keto. Burning fat gives you endurance which is what the human body prefers. Quick burning glucose is great if you know you'll kill that animal quickly. But if you need all day energy for the hunt, glucose isn't so good.
@pomberry3591 Год назад
@@descai10 so then why do ultra marathoners carb load before races?
@CuriousGeorgeIsSuper Год назад
Considering most of the long-living cultures out there have a mainly carb-based diet (rice in Asia, yams in Africa) keto just doesn't make sense to me for long term health
@kerredderrek Год назад
Dietary Fiber is the longterm solution.... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@Zothaqqua Год назад
I've been in strict ketosis for medical reasons for two years. It worked really well to treat my condition. It was not my goal to lose weight. It took about a year to get used, not physiologically, but in terms of learning how to live: cooking, recipes, eating out, etc. It's been interesting, and it's hard work, but the alternative for me is to be really really ill, so I'm motivated. I don't think it's suitable for WheezyWaiter, who tends to want to do something for a month and talk about it. It takes *years*, in my opinion, to change your life enough. (Btw, I don't have high cholesterol or any other weird symtoms. I get tested regularly because chronic illness. But I'm me and you're you.)
@kerredderrek Год назад
Hey have you tried? Dietary Fiber !!! TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research, google it!!!! (:
@akiwaki3751 Год назад
Yep, I remember a girl studying medicine and "eating" vegetarian.. basically she was eating lots of soy stuff, fried soy.. etc..you would expect she knew what she was doing.. so wrong.. so she always had herpes around her mouth.. she was white like a ghost. Why am I saying this? Because people who dont have years of studying and a deeper understanding of how body, procceses work, THEIR OWN BODY work and enough knowledge of nutrition and dietetics, go often EXTREEME. This is a geeneral rule in life for people to go extreme rather than balanced, take the middle way, act normal, being rational and appeal to common sense. To listen and get to know their body. So often people do mistakes. All of these took me years of knowledge, studying and so on. And then you guys coming with these bullshit information and get subscribes, likes and put people in error. It takes time to undestand the art of eating and tranaforming you body and do healthy changes in metabolism. Not even dieticians/nutritionists are able to deliver correct knowledge and cause people these problems. Damm, these woke people, they re funny. So to me, this video is just another extreme reaction. To state that you lose " feeling" in an arm because of this, to put things in such a simple minded manner. This girl is taking her time to tell those words. It s easy to go wrong when you have not enough knowledge. Im sorry not to believe what, you deliver here. Guess what, everything can be harmfull, ill you, numb or whatever you say there. This video lacks a lot. You and that girl talk so brifly and without anything sustainable to support your afirmations. And you want people to take you serious? Get out of here 😂😂
@nahkalahdeyoung6889 Год назад
Good for you thats amazing! You are exactly my kind of inspiration. I dont think people realize its a way of life, a lifestyle. Not just something u pick up n put down. by all means do that if u want. i betcha most will end up wanting to try it again once they see how good they feel. ❤❤❤😊 of course there is the exception of people that do it wrong, or if there not doing it correctly. But hey this is just my opinion. I do struggle with chronic Lyme. But while on keto, I felt like it healed. Until I messed up and if of coarse flared again. Bottom line KETO IS AMAZING!
@SN-gc3vc Год назад
So you are still chronically I’ll even though you changed so much? I am sorry to hear that.. I don’t know about your condition of course but in my opinion the best doctor on the internet reversing diseases is dr Brooke Goldner. If your results are not what you would like on keto, might be worth to check her out.
@Zothaqqua Год назад
I advise anyone reading this not to pay attention to Internet "doctors" or take (or give) medical advice via RU-vid comments.
@TwelvetreeZ Год назад
Maintenance Phase is a podcast that did a great episode about the origins of the keto diet, definitely worth a listen!
@megsley Год назад
aren't they pro fat acceptance? I wouldn't trust much of anything they had to say, honestly.
@Sylfa Год назад
@@megsley All the recent research and reviews of older research has found that "fat is bad" was a message payed for by the united states sugar industry lobbyists. And entirely untrue. There was even research *at the time* that pointed out that the real problem was sugars. So anyone being "pro fat" are actually following medical research, and best practices. Saying that following the most accurate research makes you untrustworthy is really some severe mental gymnastics.
@JP-ve7or Год назад
​@@SylfaI believe they meant fat acceptance as in "promoting obesity" rather than anything about the fat macro. (And yeah, the hosts are pretty strident and (to me) off-putting, but they do their homework on fad diets, where they come from, what the research actually is/was, and how people were affected. It's a pretty good show.)
@AmandaLenon Год назад
@@megsleythey’re pro kindness and pro being informed. If you haven’t listened you probably shouldn’t advise people not to listen to them.
@saramarques7986 Год назад
I started keto 3 months ago and it wasn't for losing weight because I'm underweight. It was because of chronic pain I've been dealing with for so many years and I got rid of that almost 90% with this diet. For me the most important is to not suffer anymore and feel stronger. I was always without energy and couldn't put my feet on the ground without feeling like cracking glass under them. Now I no longer feel all the inflammation, arthritis and chronic pain I felt. It's much more milder, I found joy in living again. I think it's worth trying and if it's not for you switch again to what works for you
@smirbelbirbel Год назад
I'm so glad this works for you, you had a big problem on your hands and something that's practically an elimination diet solved it. That's amazing! I do not think that means everybody should try it. Especially if you don't have a problem, things are going well, your relationship with food is good etc. I simply don't see a reason do do something with risks attached that is massively inconvenient. Most treatments for serious illnesses are not for the general public to have a go at.
@hagsch Год назад
"Now I no longer feel all the inflammation", FEEL all the inflammation; that's the whole point and issue with the keto diet. A keto diet puts your body in a lot of hormonal stress, high cortisol etc. so you are in a sort of permanent fight or flight mode with reduced pain receptibility without really resolving the issue. You you want my recommendation for a dietary change, what did your usual diet before keto consist off?
@TheCinder24 Год назад
My pain conditions and pre-diabetes are reversed on keto. Also mentally doing so much better. Keep up the good work and keto on.
@11235Aodh Год назад
@@hagsch I really don't understand why people don't opt for the diet that causes least environmental destruction first and see if the problems go away then too, i am quite sure that mcDougall's starch based diet when done right can also alleviate a lot of these problems without issues in the long run. But who cares about the planet right?
@SN-gc3vc Год назад
Great! I got rid of fibromyalgia on a whole food plant based diet. Lot’s of omega 3’s from flax and chia seeds, lots of fresh dark raw leafy greens, lot’s of water. It’s amazing! I couldn’t walk, wash my own hair a couple of years ago, now I’m thriving! 🎉💃🏻
@zooedca Год назад
My doctor told me a blend of intermitant fasting and Mediterranean diet is best. The blue zones follow this as less to no red meat and way more fruits and vegies.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you tried Dietary Fiber? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@Jupiter-td4kw Год назад
Vegetables have a lot of vitamins minerals and antioxidants also a lot of fiber particularly leafy greens but of course you gain little calories from a bowl of vegetables
@FreeTheDonbas 5 месяцев назад
Carbs, sugar, veggies - everything is worse for you than red meat. No idea where the anti- red meat thing came from. Red meat is our ancestral diet, it contains everything we need. You can replace all veggies with a single Vitamin C pill, & at least the pill doesn't contain pesticides, anti-nutrients & oxalates. The people in Hong Kong live the longest & eat more red meat than any other modern society.
@chewbone Год назад
I found success with keto, but did have trouble keeping it going long term. What worked better was being more relaxed about it, and having a little fruit, more veggies, and rarely bread or sweets. Staying in ketosis wasn't necessary, and just going lite on the carbs was much easier and fulfilling. Breaking that sugar addiction was key.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Hey have you tried? Dietary Fiber !!! TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research, google it!!!! (:
@ROyler-rs6nh Год назад
Yeah, doing it temporarily really just made me crave sugar less and also made me aware of how many carbs (in the form of chips, treats, processed snacks), and therefore excessive calories, I would eat mindlessly. Cutting out added sugar would pretty much have the same effect I'm sure.
@stargazerbird Год назад
Yes, no need to be in ketosis all the time. I have carbs in milk in my coffee, maybe a salad or some veg in a restaurant meal. Key for controlling my hunger is about zero actual sugar and a lot of protein.
@winslow8779 Год назад
Love that you bring up "that" sugar addiction. It's such a sneaky factor for many of us and plays into the difference of whether keto "works" for some of us versus others.
@suncu91 Год назад
Diet shouldn't be done long term. It is literally starving yourself. It is better physically and mentally to cycle maintaining and losing weight every 3 months until you reach goal weight and then maintain indefinitely.
@kingfisher9553 Год назад
I used to go eat with the seniors at the senior center every once in a while (I was 15-20 years younger than most), good food, good company. I decided to try keto and went to lunch with the seniors and carefully separated the carbs out but in the end I had half a cookie (as my tablemates were raving about these cookies and telling me to try one). So what, a half cookie, what can it hurt. OMG! The drama of the born again Keto dieters was intense when they found out I ate half a cookie. I told one of them, yes, exactly like this: "I don't think my eternal salvation was jeopardized by a half cookie," and I quit Keto (mostly because I have had enough of shrill born again extremism). I still love my Whole 30 recipes, I like the Mediterranean diet recipes, and I never ate much bread or sugar in the first place, I grow a lot of my own food, my meats are all pasture raised, I cook from scratch. It's enough. And, I can have a cookie with the seniors if I damn well want to and if a friend makes a great lasagna oozing cheese and invites me to dinner to share this special treat -- I'm eating that lasagna!
@jennamillsap8220 Год назад
Hopefully you don't quit other things based on what extremists say. They are "extremists".
@cincin4515 Год назад
They're as painful and arrogant as the "grass fed, organic, pasture raised BS" mob. Superiority via what they stuff in their mouth to brag about.
@KatieDeGo Год назад
They're mad they couldn't have the cookie, and lashing out because of low blood sugar lol (I have no idea really)
@pendlera2959 Год назад
@@KatieDeGo I doubt it was jealousy. They genuinely believe their diet is the correct one and were dogpiling on Kingfisher for breaking the rules. People who get into dieting really buy into the idea that your body is an accurate reflection of your moral character, so if you aren't at the correct weight or aren't following the right diet, they see you as a lesser person who has given into your base desires.
@TheCinder24 Год назад
I have been Keto-Carnivore for almost 4 years. I am not dogmatic about it. Very occasionally, I have a cookie or a donut but it has to be a special occasion. I just keto on the next day. I find it easy. Eat meat and veg. There is a lot of research that has already been done.
@rebycVG Год назад
10:16 "lots of people who don't care about food. blows my mind. there are people who eat to live, not live to eat." Hello. ._. That's me.
@jenniferbrezler3742 Год назад
Pfft! I lost 30 lbs and gained 50 back. I missed rice. Those humans that say cauliflower rice tastes the same, they are insane
@kerredderrek Год назад
Hey have you tried? Dietary Fiber .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@SkedgySky Год назад
@efisler030548 Год назад
Zoodles are also the worst. Veggies are great but they are not pasta. 😜
@harrynac6017 Год назад
What works for me: split food, the first portion I eat the healthy way (in this case cauliflower rice), the second with what I like. This doesn't work for keto, but I guess that your goal is weightloss.
@@harrynac6017 That's very smart. I had a similar tactic to avoid gaining weight over the holidays. I would visit and stay with family for the christmas days (we celebrate christmas eve on the 24th, then the first day and second day of christmas on the 25th and 26th), the days around christmas days, new years eve and usually another day. I'd go back home in the first week of January and weigh myself like normal and I would often have gained 2.5 kg which would take me 2 months to lose. The last 2 years I had a plan that worked very well for me. For every meal we had (we would typically eat twice a day) I could eat whatever I liked but I had to start with a soup (usually a clear soup like chicken soup) and have a salad (salad greens, some tomato, bit of olive oil and vinegar). Then I would also eat the other options available at the family meals until I was satiated. That included things like stewed dried fruits, lamb, ice cream for dessert, a cookie with some tea, and oliebollen (doughnuts without holes typically eaten on new years eve, very old dutch recipe). I never felt like I was missing out on anything because technically I was allowed to eat everything. But of course as you can imagine you will eat less of the fattening stuff if you've already had soup and salad. We would also go on walks if the weather allowed it to look at all the beautiful christmas decorations in the neigborhood. I'd weigh myself before going away for christmas and at the end of the first week of the year. The first year I did this I actually weighed less at the end of the first week of the year than I did just before christmas. I was so surprised. Second year my weight was exactly the same. I consider that a win.
@hazzieandnord Год назад
I had a similar experience to Nataly when I tried keto. And also I am glad there are other people out there that enjoy food as an experience, because I hear a lot of people only see it as energy and I've just never been able to think that way. Moderation and exercise I enjoy has probably helped me the most and the only thing I've been able to keep at.
@Joseph-C Год назад
Consistency and moderation are so key to everything in life. Glad you found a lifestyle that works well for you.
@anti-ethniccleansing465 9 месяцев назад
I don’t know why people make shit so complicated. Simply cutting out meat not only helps anyone lose weight and get to a normal weight, it makes you live longer because it’s healthier for you. Of course it is given that you don’t eat Oreos as your meal every day.
@GoufinAround_ Год назад
The vast majority of people who do "keto" don't actually do keto. They're just cutting out processed foods and losing weight because of it. I feel that any diet that would remove your ability to have fruit or greatly limit your ability to have vegetables is not worth it. I don't think people really understand how much "75% of your calories comes from fats" really is in a day
@kerredderrek Год назад
Hey have you tried? Dietary Fiber !!! TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research, google it!!!! (:
@descai10 Год назад
you can eat plenty of green veggies on keto, they are low in carbs
There's still plenty of vegetables on keto. Some are very low in carbs. But agree people need to do their research and know how to measure/weigh and count their macros properly. Learning about the ketogenic ratio was a silver bullet to me. I really also had to figure out what my meals would look like if I worked with what I had locally and not take my inspiration from people living on the other side of the world. Eating lots of vegetables was never a problem for me, I would consider them essential for my own adherence to the lifestyle/diet.
@darkydoom Год назад
Agree. Most people I see on keto just eat brown and no real veggies or fruit. Sure, you're skinny! Doesn't mean you're healthy. I feel so much better going closer to vegan (so reduce dairy and meat but not completely cut it out)... I guess just Mediterranean works with my Mediterranean genetics
@darkydoom As a European it's weird to me what the US calls "the Mediterranean diet ". It's not even close to what people in those areas actually eat. It's not low on meat and other animal based proteins at all, you might be surprised. But all of the Mediterranean home cooking I've had was very delicious, seemed healthy enough and I would choose it over what the SAD looks like any day.
@altaccount9101 Год назад
I tried keto for a few months and it made me feel incredible. My mood improved considerably, I felt energized, focused and capable of taking on tasks and projects that seemed daunting before. My sleep improved as well. Counterpoint: I love carbs. My sugar cravings disappeared after a while, but I just can't exist without bread (even if it makes me groggy and sad).
@danilejai7801 Год назад
Honestly I keep coming back to keto because the foggy grogginess I get from eating tasty carbs keeps ruining my life (ie can’t get projects done, laziness, etc). More than weight loss I think the keto should be promoted for mental clarity.
@kj_H65f Год назад
Same! I lost 40lbs on keto, but maintaining was difficult not physiologically but emotionally and mentally. Also I wouldn't recommend it for a lot of the same reasons in this video. I wouldn't likely ever do it again.
@jessicastevens6102 Год назад
My son has a metabolic disorder related to protein and we literally determine whether or not his body is in distress by checking if he's in ketosis with the very strips that I've seen keto pushers using as a good sign. That kinda changed my perspective.
@Stamnessj Год назад
But your son has a metabolic disorder..
@Sylfa Год назад
Ketosis isn't the same as ketoacidosis, the first is natural and healthy. Every fetus and newborn of a healthy parent is in ketosis, it's the optimal state for a growing child to be in. Ketoacidosis is when the body is when the blood is becoming acidic from it happening way too much. Both are detected with the same tests. Just like drinking 2 liters of water is good and healthy, but drinking 7 liters of water has literally killed a woman. I have no doubt that whatever metabolic disorder your son has is dangerous and that makes it either impossible, or practically impossible, for them to try something like the keto diet. But that doesn't mean that Ketosis is bad, it simply is not. Ketoacidosis is typically what killed people with Type 1 diabetes prior to synthetic insulin, btw. I don't know if that's what is happening in this case, it's just a good common example of how Ketosis strips can be used to detect a runaway metabolic process. The strips only measure ketones in the saliva or urine after all, and is useful to make sure your LCHF/ketosis diet is balanced properly. Some can get in ketosis with as much as 15% carbs, others might have trouble at 2.5%.
@pendlera2959 Год назад
@@Sylfa Just because something is good for a fetus or newborn (and newborns are actually in a state of stress, so not a good standard for health) doesn't mean it's good for a growing child.
@nomadicam Год назад
I did keto for a few months and had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy during that time. I ignored all the ectopic pregnancy symptoms thinking they were just keto flu. I know the two probably aren't related, but keto is now inextricably linked to a horrible time in my life. Gimme carbs!
@danabbott1395 Год назад
I lost 55 pounds last year going with a pretty strict keto approach. It was the only diet/approach to eating that's ever seen those results from me because it does demand a level of commitment that I just didn't have for other diets/approaches to food. It also got me to the best A1C's I've ever had (Type 1 Diabetic here) and due to the frequent bloodwork I get done as a result of being diabetic I was able to keep an eye on my cholesterol and while it was fine to begin with, it got better - lower bad cholesterol, higher good cholesterol, lower total cholesterol. I've since lightened up slightly to where its more on the very low carb side of things vs making sure I'm always 100% in ketosis. I take supplements to avoid that whole keto flu thing (only ever had it for 2 days) and I've been great. That being said, as you mentioned, you have a healthy relationship with food as is so other than doing it for the lols or the clicks, there isn't a great reason for you to try it.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Hey have you tried Dietary Fiber? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@annadayknight Год назад
I had HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) when I was pregnant (extreme morning sickness) and didn't eat or drink water without vomiting for 3 weeks. Finally made it to my first antenatal appointment and I was in such a high state of ketosis that I was taken straight to hospital in an ambulance. I had lost around 4-5kg in a very short space of time. I get the keto diet and why it works but it does seem slightly alarming to me that people are aiming to be in ketosis when being in this state can be a medical emergency. I know you're only aiming for low levels of ketosis with the keto diet, but perhaps some people tip over into higher ketosis and that's why they end up unwell??
@t.nysted4146 Год назад
Thanks for the content. I might have been one of the KETO fanatics back then. I felt like I had seen the light. Still do, but less fanatic about spreading the anti-carb lifestyle now. My experience. Being former 140kg type2 diabetic and now 'cured' without any medicine is awesome. For me. I have mildly higher cholesterol* but Doc says it's preferable than consistent high bloodsugar. Eat more Fish and kale. My main reason for sticking to it however; that time I promised myself the usual McD drive-through reward on my way back from recycling, and mid-roundabout realised I didn't need or want it and kept going home instead. That kind of self-control I have never experienced before. I can now walk past shelves of snacks without impulse-purchases. I have high energy brain for 16 hours without need for eating, yet never a temper-tantrum. For me, the weight loss didn't sell it, it was reclaiming control from my carbs-addicted brain. I don't eat cake, but the mushrooms, pork rinds, cream, butter, gravy-bowl and cheese fondue all make up for it. I do MISS apple juice. My family learned to accept I skip on the potatoes and bread - in favour of the 'unhealthy' fat - once they saw the effect. To Wheezys point here, For all you beautiful regular sized bodies, I think it doesn't make as much sense to go try KETO. I had plenty of fat to burn (lost about 40ish kilograms between yearly diabetes checkins and I aim to keep myself level at about ~99 kg) (I also only ever use my Docs scales, so weight check is only once a year, weight-loss was never a goal). I do imagine if you do not have enough bulk to burn, no wonder it doesn't work. Besided, most normal bodies know how to burn both Fat and Carbs. KEEP it up. Problem is when you like me teach the body that all energy it ever need comes from the Carbs alone, then it grows lazy and stores fat and only burns the easier carbs for energy. That is where KETO comes in to force it to burn fat. It is slower (also why it sucks for all high intensity sport/activity). I go for 30-100 grams of carbs a day, using common sense and rough maths. If my body get too much carb it goes back to lazy. It is very much similar to addictions. I am a recovering carboholic ;) But yeah. Not for everyone, but I do love it. (Also. Artificial Sweeteners helps, unless you're worried about those as well).
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you looked into Dietary Fiber research? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@stvcolwill Год назад
Preaching to the choir here! I love your take (and honesty). Looks like you've come to several realizations with your own health and how your body works. Keep up the great work!
@MyFocusVaries Год назад
Netflix has a show right now about regions where people live longer than is typical. So far, the diets eaten by people in these regions are high in vegetables and healthy fats, and have plenty of carbs. e.g. the Mediterranean diet. They're tied to a completely different lifestyle as well. Eat a vegetable, talk to your neighbour. Skip keto.
@LSG101097 Год назад
Turtle live up to 100 years, so if I feed my cat plants he surely will live up to 100 years!! Right?! Amazing logic, you are genious!!
@paullangan193 Год назад
we dont have enough data on longevity of Keto. What we did see in this show was that ALL the people who lived the longest were not obese, diabetic etc...........not really a diet issue for them more of a lifestyle. they eat less and burn of calories.........
@MyFocusVaries Год назад
@@LSG101097 I am actually extremely intelligent. You don't read full comments and extrapolate.
@MyFocusVaries Год назад
@@Hawxsn did you read the whole comment? I did say it's tied to lifestyle
@MyFocusVaries Год назад
@@paullangan193 did anyone commenting read my whole comment? I said it's tied to lifestyle
@fdiw Год назад
It's also depends on your activity style runners like yourself and me need carbs we need that quick access energy. I did keto for 3 months and even after I got past the keto flu I could not run anymore. And then the whole thing spiraled into an eating disorder but that was a real wake up call that your body needs fuel for what you're doing. If you're working at 9:00 to 5:00 and only getting walks for exercise maybe keto works out for you I had been a casual but consistent runner and weight lifting and I could not physically run anymore on keto. I also felt my brain melt and wanted to die. If it works for other people great do you but I'm really appreciative that you did this video about some of the potential hazards❤
@DeadDancers Год назад
I looooooved keto. I felt so awake. It was just so hard to find food that was suitable and not the same thing over and over and over. Also when you don’t like salmon or avocado, the internet is low in ideas.
@Zothaqqua Год назад
Over the past two years I've developed a diet based around eggs, nuts, and green vegetables, with a bit of meat. There are so many egg possibilities that it's hard to get bored! Also, I developed a way to make "cakes" (note the quotes) using ground almond, butter, and egg as a base, with stevia for sweetness, then anything else you fancy for flavour. Adding gluten makes a more doughy mix you can cook in to pancakes too. I staple for me recently is a big green salad with some tomato, chicken, walnuts, cheese, and mayonnaise, but basically anything to hand. No avocado!
@daniellebutler1036 Год назад
“I’m pretty sure you can still play video games on Keto (more research is needed” 😂❤
@marcbrady5898 Год назад
Hey. Its my first time listening in. I can totally identify with why you're not doing keto. I tried it and it's not for me. You delivered your message in a hilarious and positive manner. I look forward to more from you😊
@TonyDiCroce Год назад
The missing piece of the puzzle here: I suspect the people who actually follow the diet very strictly are much more likely to experience negative side effects. The rest of us, for whom Keto amounts to just eating the normal carbohydrates included in things like vegetables (and some fruits) while eliminating most sources of refined carbs (bread, pasta, sugar) feel pretty good on the diet, tho I suspect technically we are not really doing Keto.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Hey have you tried? Dietary Fiber !!! TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research, google it!!!! (:
@GeekProdigyGuy Год назад
That's just eliminating processed foods + added sugars. Eating any substantial servings of (the common higher-sugar) fruits will kick you out of ketosis.
@DontMockMySmock Год назад
yeah that's just a Regular Diet
@rileystanek Год назад
Yeah, true great point
@fdiw Год назад
That's a great point literally everyone that's told me that they loved keto and can't believe what happened to me was because I was strict on it and they never were
@ntombilanga3541 4 месяца назад
I only did keto for 10 days, but in those 10 days this is what I experienced:my mouth felt cleaner than it ever has, and my teeth were the strongest & whitest they've ever been. My skin glowed like crazy and I literally looked 10 years younger. I'm 37 & ppl were telling me I looked like I was in my early 20's. I slept better and I had stages where my mind was super clear and stages where it was really fuzzy and groggy. I think I wasn't fat adapted yet and didn't give the diet long enough. I'm trying to get back into ketosis, because I truly believe it's the fountain of youth.
@sarahn.2296 Год назад
I don't know if anyone will ever read this (unlikely since you get so many comments) but just my personal story: I struggled for years with my health. Neuropathy, muscle aches, fatigue, panic attacks, brain fog, anxiety, depression, mood swings, diarrhea/constipation, bloat, cramping after eating, and a bunch of other stuff that feels like a distant memory now. I struggled for years with symptoms both physical and mental and my doctors gave up on me. This past winter I had a doctor who finally tested me for SIBO, which came back positive for methane dominant SIBO. My B12 levels were also checked and they were dangerously low. The SIBO was affecting my ability to absorb nutrients and, quite frankly, I was suicidal because of how poorly I was feeling. I saw a new doctor who decided to treat the SIBO with appropriate antibiotics and also told me to go "no carb, no sugar, no carbonated drinks" (essentially keto) for a week leading up to the antibiotics and the duration of the two week course because she said it would make the drugs more effective and that carbs and sugars would only feed the bacteria. I was strict for the entire three weeks, and my life has changed forever. That was several months ago now and everyone in my life remarks about how much better I am. 90% of my symptoms from before are gone. My B12 is back up to a normal range, so all my symptoms from the deficiency are gone. I don't wish I was dead all day, everyday anymore. My doctor said the keto wasn't a long term goal, but it's astounded by the progress I've made and advised that if I felt comfortable enough I could continue with it. I'm not saying this is EVERYONE'S ideal diet. I'm saying that there ARE people who benefit from eliminating carbs and sugar from their daily intake. I take breaks where I go back to eating how I used to, and I always regret it. My gut symptoms always return and I realize how poorly I feel throughout the day. Two arguments I have for naysayers: how can it be dangerous to eat keto when you're basically only eating fresh meats, dairy, and vegetables? Shopping the "outside" of the grocery store is one of the best things you can do for your body, eliminating highly processed food and additives/preservatives. Secondly, it sounds like people forget that electrolytes are a huge, HUGE part of keto. Drinking water alone isn't going to help, you need to make sure you're getting magnesium, potassium, etc. This can be done easily and affordably by adding sea salt, "No Salt" (potassium chloride), etc to your water in small amounts. Magnesium supplements are also a good idea. Lots of people get obsessed with the test strips, but a little known fact is that the color on the strips get darker the more dehydrated you are. Not only is it giving false positives, but it's making people chase that high of seeing a deep level of ketosis, which isn't what you should be after. Lots of people in the keto community don't even check their levels because there's essentially no point in doing so. Just eat healthy and push forward. I know lots of people who would probably die on a keto diet and would never recommend it for everybody. But eating fresh food is definitely not dangerous in and of itself.
@AngelaAsks Год назад
I totally get the health problems and the willingness to try anything! I've been doing carnivore for 2 months. Still ironing out the kinks but I feel loads better than before.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you tried Dietary Fiber? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@DJSAYBR Год назад
After alot of research Into keto and the issues around it, I decided to go on a "Modified" keto diet essentially it was no carbs and sugar for 2 out of 3 meals. For me that was breakfast and lunch. Supper I could eat as much carbs as I'd like. Over 6 months I lost 40 lbs and felt waaay better. I did not track carb consumption or total calories. I ate what i craved when I craved it.... Except carbs. I only ate the carbs I was craving at supper time. So evening snack, breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, all carb free. I found my cravings for carb went down this way. And felt way better, more energy. Alot of the keto downsides I found disappeared when I ate carbs once a day.
@urbster1 Год назад
it's also worth mentioning that men and women will likely have different reactions on keto. for me, it was very effective to lose 20 lbs (and then i went off of it. still don't drink beer or eat pizza and i've kept the weight off) but my wife felt horrible!
@username00009 Год назад
So your wife had keto flu?
@urbster1 Год назад
@@username00009 no
@slax4884 Год назад
Girls are much more carb and blood sugar sensitive I think
@rileystanek Год назад
That's an anecdote, because there have to be women who thrive by carnivore diet, and men who don't want to/ can't handle keto 😄
@stargazerbird Год назад
Female here and I do great on keto.
@bpsara Год назад
I never went full keto, it's somewhere between keto and low carb, and that has been working great for me the last 5 years. The main goal since the start was to get healthier with something sustainable FOR ME. So, I adjusted the macros to allow for that sustainability (with expert help, of course). So, no grains/cereals (especially wheat & corn based) and other carb heavy stuff (like potatoes), but I decided to keep eating fruit (once a day if it was too sugary) and veggies for the vitamins/minerals/nutrients. I'm more flexible with rice now than when I started, but it's still a once in a blue moon thing. I've learned so much about how my body reacts to food since then, like which stuff gave me acne, what made me feel bloated, what gives me more energy through the day, etc. The point is: look for what is sustainable for YOUR body, make sure it's NUTRITIOUS, let yourself indulge once in a blue moon, and you're most probably golden :)
@genevieveincolour Год назад
If you want to continue to improve your relationship with food, might I suggest looking into Intuitive Eating instead of the next diet? I would love to see a video of you trying it for a month. It's a great way of living that could use more visibility on the internets. In particular, I recommend the book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, it changed my life!
@megsley Год назад
intuitive eating works fine for folks who don't have food issues, but for people struggling with things like binge eating its absolutely a terrible idea.
@genevieveincolour Год назад
@@megsley I can see why you would think that, it's a very scary concept for anyone struggling with an eating disorder. I'm not a dietitian and I'm fortunate enough to not have any food issues, but from what I've read and seen this does work for these folks. Bingeing is often a response to dieting and food restriction, and intuitive eating helps people learn to trust themselves more around food, and it has no restrictions. 😊
@seooooyo 11 месяцев назад
I also had the feeling of my arm go numb. Not from Keto, but I was not eating healthy. I'm so sorry for Nataly's experience, because that is not a nice feeling. :/ I also respect you and her both, for finding humour in it and talking/listening with such candor. It's a fresh breath of air, with you Craig, to hear someone that care about, research and keep an open mind on whatever topic. I literally thought your number 1 reason was going to be "I DONT WANNA!" I mean, that should be enough?! But thanks nonetheless for this insightful view into your life.
@zeitgeist888 Год назад
I lost 67 lbs on keto and have kept most of it off for 5 years. My bloodwork is the best it has been including cholesterol and I feel great. I won't and don't try to force or convince anyone that it is the best or even for them. I just tell my story of my experience as an example of one. I have gone off keto for awhile when traveling. This resulted in weight gain and feeling worse but the vacation and incredible food made me let go. I regretted it from a weight and feeling good standpoint but not the experience standpoint. I did simple keto where I didn't count calories or any macros except carbs. Stayed under 50 total carbs a day and nothing else to consider. I also focused on whole foods and kept away from processed food or seed oils but not super strict just where and when I could. For me it is a lifestyle and pretty easy. If it is done as a diet temporarily it works but expect the return of weight and feeling worse during transition into and out of ketosis. Find a diet that is a way of eating daily not just for a period of time.
@mysterylovescompany2657 Год назад
It does work. It works amazingly. I did keto (not even strictest kind) & the fat just melted off my body; in like 2.5months, I'd lost more than a 10th of my body-weight, felt the best I ever had, & was even starting to see abdominal "11 lines" (aka, feminabs) - all without exercising. It's absolute sorcery. I had to give it up bc we fell on hard times, & meat + coconut + avocados + cheese all are much more expensive than rice, potatoes & (dried) pasta. I also _really_ missed bread. I wouldn't characterise it as a bad experience _at all,_ (I was lucky enough to not even get keto 'flu while metabolically transitioning) but the increased grocery costs may be a barrier to entry to financially endangered ppl.😢
@saschao7966 Год назад
I went on the keto diet because I was strugling with severe brain fog, lack of energy and depression after a year of cancer treatment and covid. It took exactly 4 terrible days for me to feel remarkably better. It was as if a weighted blanket was lifted off my shoulders. My mood drastically improved, my energy levels came back to normal and I was able to focus again. In my opinion you can eat very deliciously while on keto. All my meals were basically enormous brunches- I ate myself silly. Cravings for sweet stuff and bread etc really completely went away in no time. And I am a chocolate fan normally. The feeling of being hungry changed as well. Usually I would feel a need to eat or I would feel bad- blood sugar crashes probably. On keto, I would feel hungry-very simply. My energy levels were incredibly stable thoughout the day and I slept like a baby. My problem was that I lost too much weight so I decided to change to intermittend fasting which still allows my body to be in ketosis for lenghts of time everyday while eating much more varied. I still do IF and on a quite low cabs diet and I feel great. I am not super strict about it either. If I go out on weekends I eat as and when I want. That way it is not difficult at all.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you tried Dietary Fiber? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@annieevans7609 Год назад
I’ve had similar experiences with keto. It’s the only way of eating that seems to work for my body - reducing pain and inflammation, and losing weight easily. I even kept the weight off when I came out of ketosis, which has never happened with any other “diet”. I now eat low carb as a choice, but I’m not religious about it and will allow myself the odd piece of pizza or an ice cream. To me it’s about eating healthy food for MY body. 😊
@amandadelecosse1661 Год назад
My friend lost over 100lbs, but only stayed on it for a year. A year after she stopped, all the weight and more was back. I think it destroyed her confidence in her bodily autonomy and she adopted other worse habits. She tried to convince me to join her at the outset, but anything that tells you not to eat fruit and vegetables sounds illogical and unhealthy to me.
@AlthenaLuna Год назад
Anyone who's not eating vegetables is doing it wrong. You avoid the super sugary ones and go for the ones full of fiber.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you looked into Dietary Fiber research? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@JustJulia-qt9nh Год назад
Oh God, this brought back so many bad memories. I did keto but I kept having to start over because I love doughnuts. And when it invariably never worked as well as I thought it should, I’d get crazy strict. Eventually I had all sorts of gastric problems…blah blah blah…wound up trying carnivore…health got abhorrent…and now I’m trying to switch to a primarily whole food plant based diet but I’ve really f’ed up my entire digestive system so it’s rather difficult. Anywho… people should listen to their bodies more.
@PFirefly06 Год назад
If people listened to their bodies more they'd eat nothing but donuts... Not going to say that keto or carnivore would work for you, but I will say that there is a good chance you were doing it incorrectly. Not because of your reaction, but because most people do most things incorrectly. I did 4 years of vegan, and despite all my research to try to do it right, I still did it wrong. The reason? Because I, and the research at the time, didn't know that plant protein and essential vitamins are far less bioavailable than animal sources. So me getting my recommended amount was actually me NOT getting my recommended amount and became deficient and run down. Nutrition is tricky 🙂👍
@JustJulia-qt9nh Год назад
@@PFirefly06 there’s a boat load of recent research showing that plant protein is NOT les bioavailable and the proportions of amino acids tend to be better for inflammation reduction. I did really strict carnivore for months. At the end I couldn’t eat red meat anymore. I would actually have a reaction to it and now it tastes absolutely disgusting to me but I can eat chicken. I had an endoscopy and I have chronic gastritis with episodes of acute inflammation where I can’t really eat anything for a week or two. This is not a matter of which diet at this point but treating the underlying condition first. I would prefer to eat plant based because I know that meat consumption has an enormous effect on carbon emissions and climate change and I don’t want to trash the world I’ve brought my children into.
@PFirefly06 Год назад
@@JustJulia-qt9nh I'd be curious about your boatload. Maybe I could park it next to my boatload lol. For real though, I have not seen any good evidence that suggests plant proteins and nutrients are more bioavailable and would be interested to see a paper or two that counteracts my understanding. I'm am not dogmatic, but I am highly skeptical of anything that doesn't fit established research. Layne Norton of biolayne is probably one of the least biased nutritionists on youtube and has done more than one video on this. Not my only source, just one that is easily available for anyone like yourself to look into without a deep dive. Also, lets not get started on what kind of farming practices trash the environment. Agro industry as a whole, not just factory meat farms, are horrible. Plant based doesn't get a pass and is just as destructive if not more so in certain sectors. My contribution to the environment is growing animals and plants, hunting, and foraging my own food. I'm not a fan of any kind of large scale agriculture. Eat plants all you want, but unless you grow it yourself you are still contributing to environmental damage. If you eat organic, guess how they fertilize it? Animal waste from factory farms. You literally would have to go to the farms that supply your food and vet their practices and sources to be sure of what impact is being made on your behalf.
@JustJulia-qt9nh Год назад
@@PFirefly06 I agree agro industry is a major contributor. 90% of mono cropping agro industry goes to feeding livestock so…need I say more on that? I will happily find you some sources when I have the time so check back later.
@PFirefly06 Год назад
@@JustJulia-qt9nh 90%? If you say so. Growing grass is not what I was talking about since people don't eat hay. Corn is the biggest culprit, but if you're eating a good plant based diet, I'm referring more to how destructive and resource intensive California almonds are, or Mexican avocados for shipping. Realistically, unless you live in a rural community, you rely on industries, practices and infrastructure that are more harmful than the food industry. Cities and urban centers rely heavily on rare earth minerals that are mined with no environmental concerns by China, and have atrocious human rights violations. The amount of carbon emissions to make one vegan friendly "leather" belt is worse than my truck emissions in two months worth of driving. I'm not really trying to argue the merits of plant based, but I am arguing that its any worse than anything else people do without thinking about it. Its not fun to hear that trying to protect the environment just hides the new ways we still destroy the environment. It sucks, but its reality.
@one_smol_duck Год назад
Honest to god, unless done under medical supervision for a specific condition (such as epilepsy or diabetes), I struggle to believe that this is actually a healthy diet for anyone. It's disordered and dangerous. Successfully losing weight does NOT automatically equate to a healthy diet.
@ganterl Год назад
I did keto for about 4 months and lost nearly 40 pounds. I decided to slowly ditch the diet because I was missing bread a lot, and in the next few months I pretty much gained back all the weight I lost. It definitely works if you're trying to loss weight quickly but at least for me it is not at all sustainable. Also I would frequently have dreams about sandwiches which just added to the misery. Now I'm just sticking to watching my calorie intake and trying to limit fats and sugars and it's been going super well! And more importantly I see this as a way more sustainable way to maintain a healthy weight. Do what works for you!
@mrd799 Год назад
I've found intermittent fasting to be the only thing i can really follow forever, i eat within 1 hour window. but if you already lost the weight you can make that 2 or 4 hour window, my suggestion is do intermittent fasting and keto and when you lose the weight do intermittent fasting only, and eat all the stuff you want within that time window, and you wont regain weight, worked for me.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Hey have you tried Dietary Fiber !!! TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research, google it!!!! (:
@littlestbroccoli Год назад
Frequently have dreams about sandwiches was just 😙👌🏻 so funny and also I'm sorry, that must have been torture. 😂😂
@biteofdog Год назад
I used to love bread but I've noticed over the past 15 years that it makes me feel bloated and miserable so it's rare I have bread unless I have pizza.
@robinmichel9048 Год назад
Everyone wants the easy answer to weight loss. Like there's one simple thing they gotta change to lose weight. Well, there is one simple thing you need to do..... limit your calories. Not the answer people want hear but for most people that's the way it is. Implementation is the hard part.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you tried Dietary Fiber? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@robertp457 11 месяцев назад
Here is another reason: constipation. At one point I needed to expel waste for a week or more, but nothing would come out. When i finally decided to spend however long in the bathroom to rid myself of this brick it was traumatic, exhausting and painful. I stopped that day and gained a bunch of weight back after, but that's all on me.
@dkeener13 Год назад
I started eating a keto diet several months ago when I was prediabetic and borderline obese. I've lost 40 pounds, A1C is back to normal, never felt better. I was strict and "extreeeme" at the beginning because I think that's necessary to a degree when you're trying to kick a 45 year habit of bad eating. I've backed off a little now that I'm closer to a reasonable target weight and will even have a fresh baked cookie now and then, but I plan to eat predominantly keto for the foreseeable future.
@mrd799 Год назад
Once you raelize it isn't possible to follow that diet long term as a life style, before you start gaining the weight back wich always happens if you just quit keto, do the intermittent fasting then, decide between 1 to 4 hour window, and do it everyday, dont limit yourself and eat whatever you want within that timeframe, and you will never gain back the weight again. As someone who has done keto, lost weight, gained it back several times, i promise this is the only way keeping it off, My eating window is 1 hour per day for a year now, and i feel great, i workout 4 days a week, some days i eat pizza some days burgers, but i always add lot's of vegetables,
@dkeener13 Год назад
@@mrd799 that seems a lot more restrictive to me than just not eating rice, pasta and bread, but hey you do you.
@@mrd799 Your experience isn't universal. I did keto and transitioned to more mixed macro eating and kept of nearly all of the weight I lost with keto.
@mrd799 Год назад
@@itsalwayshalloweenexceptwh5118 Nice, i honestly never heard of anyone keeping off the weight they lost on Keto so i'm quite surprised there seems to be quite a lot you that managed it.
@andianderson3017 Год назад
I did Atkins and lost a lot of weight in the early 2000s. I didn’t do well on eating fat thought and mostly just ate a lot of lean meat. It eventually resulted in hair loss and feeling bad so I stopped. When Keto became a thing I thought-oh! I just need to eat more fat! No. Keto flu didn’t go away for me. My digestive system became somewhat of a personal social hazard. That also didn’t go away. Now I do a pretty balanced diet where I try to eat mostly Whole Foods (but it doesn’t have to be perfect) with a focus on healthy fats, protein, and fiber, with fat being the lowest because that’s just what feels good for me. I track to make sure my calories are what I want, but not every day. I lost 60 pounds this way and I love it. I feel like a magician because I can eat everything. But it’s what he said. Do what works for you.
@MiguelDuboisSwarm Год назад
I haven't seen the video yet but... I did keto a couple of months and after the abstinence effects go away, it works. The thing is... I think it works because you stop eating sugar. Today's food is super high in sugar, and if you don't eat carbs, you stop eating sugar all together. So even after you stop doing keto, your sugar addiction is gone. So you don't crave sweet food as much.
@KayKayBayForever Год назад
You should watch the video! He did a no sugar challenge in the past already.
@keighteye7994 Год назад
That’s my experience as well. I think for “normal” people, it’s more about the sugar and refined carbs (addiction) than anything. AKA processed junk food.
@gimmealargesalad Год назад
@@KayKayBayForever I will never understand people state their opinion before watching the video they're commenting on. He definitely did the no sugar challenge and even stayed away from it for a bit after.
@ashleylovepace1941 Год назад
@@gimmealargesalad I will never understand people who get upset at other peoples comments on videos 😉
@stvcolwill Год назад
@@KayKayBayForever When you say he did a no sugar challenge, are you saying that he did no starches, no rice, no breads, no corn, no fruits, no noodles, no alcohol, etc? or did he just say not to refined white sugar? all those things are complete sugar. Your body knows no difference. i'm thinking I should watch his no sugar challenge video. hmmm.
@keyanethsolen248 11 месяцев назад
I love that you talked about how Keto isn't bad for everyone. I've been following the Keto diet for about 5 years now. It's my opinion that it would be great for a lot more people in the U.S.A.. That said, I allow myself at least once a month to go crazy with carbs for a weekend. I do this mainly for psychological reasons. Carbs taste good. And they trigger addiction chemicals in the brain. Our bodies recognize the energy density in them and want them. I believe that my "cheat" weekends are what has made the Keto diet sustainable for me for the last 5 years. I will never, not be a follower of the Ketogenic diet. It feels great for me. And my "health" has been amazing on it. My doctor is pretty impressed with the tests he's run.
@Xellot Год назад
As someone with rheumatoid arthritis, the keto diet has greatly improved my life in basically every way. I can't say enough good things about it, frankly.
@Sylentstorm Год назад
I have actually heard from many that it is especially bad for women and can affect the thyroid.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you tried Dietary Fiber? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@mishelle6315 Год назад
I've tried keto - but ultimately I love carbs. However! I use a keto supplement daily (which when I started using the supplement, it coincided with my migraines going away and what was several migraines a month has remained at zero since 2016) and I've learned different recipes and ways to exclude added sugar (different sweeteners for some things, no sweetener for others (like tea) ), so I think the concept of it has made me more aware of all the added stuff in our foods.
@strapkovic Год назад
I tried too quiet a few times as I’ve been obese my whole life. I do good for a few weeks then I feel so limited that I don’t eat at all. Then I get sick then I go back to carbs and then I get bigger.
@BossOfAllTrades Год назад
​@@strapkovicwere you eating high fat like the diet recommends
@adamninezero Год назад
What's the supplement called?
@mishelle6315 Год назад
@@adamninezero It's called KETO//OS
@stvcolwill Год назад
Honestly, Mishelle, @@mishelle6315 i'm struggling to understand how anything called a supplement relates to keto. Keto is literally eating whole foods and limiting carbs to 50 or less per day. How on earth is a supplement a part of that in any way? I understand that a lot of people supplement when they're on keto with Vitamin D and K2 and magnesium... but that's because of our soil lacking in nutrients, not because of the amount of carbs per day. Sorry, I just don't see how anything like that helps or hurts or is related. I'm not trying to pick on you at all, I just don't understand. Is it exogenous ketones?
@epowell4211 Год назад
Not really interested in Keto and don't think I've ever watched a vid from you, but for some reason I clicked and I'm glad I did. The combination of science backed info plus humor made this a very enjoyable watch. We tend to think everyone thinks like us, and the fact that some people can just see food as fuel, or even a nuisance, used to blow my mind. For me, food has always been like a whiny 2 yo yanking at my shirttail, screaming "mommy mommy mommy!" A nearly constant voice in my head reminding me I could eat, I should eat, or some flavor is desperately needed. I did ok on diets, but I'd be thinking about food constantly - always planning my next meal, doing the math to see what I could eat next. It drove me crazy. I am also extremely susceptible to food suggestion - every commercial for food or grocery, a cooking/eating scene in a show, even games that have food shape icons! - and start craving stuff, getting a stomach ache and acid reflux if I don't watch out. My friend was shocked when I told her about this - she just didn't get it. Even weirder, I get as excited about a good salad as she does about ice cream lol.
@davidx.1504 Год назад
This comment will probably never be seen by anyone, but I'm gonna go to bat for keto. 1) too strict - there are several keto replacements to foods like bread, ice cream, etc. If you really must have those things, and you are willing to research the ingredients, finding keto versions is a no brainer. Keto sweeteners like Erythritol, allulose, stevia, monk fruit, etc are your friends for making sweet keto food at home if that's your thing 2) bounce back - don't stop eating keto if you don't want the bounce back. You can eat keto for years and suffer no adverse consequences, especially if you do it "correctly", which takes a lot of reading an research, but is doable. And if you have cravings that make you wanna quit keto, refer to #1, and avoid the bounce back. 3) health risks - of the health risks listed, the only one worth addressing is the nutrient deficiencies one, with a brief note on the others in a moment. Any restrictive diet, including keto, ups the risks of a deficiency, since your cutting out so many foods that may have supplied a diverse range of nutrients. The way to address this is to first, get a list of the daily recommended or required amounts of all (micro)nutrients; second, measure what keto foods you like to eat on an average day and add up how much of all nutrients those foods give you; third, if your typical keto foods leave you short any nutrients, add some keto foods that have a lot of that nutrient, or supplement it; and fourth, increase your sodium/potassium/electrolyte intake. If you do this, you should be good for keto in the long term, and you might even avoid several days of keto flu in the beginning. Regarding the other health risks listed, if you are doing keto correctly, they will not be a problem. Just avoid vegetable oils (i.e. oils that are not coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, or butter), dairy protein (basically all dairy except heavy cream and butter), and tapioca fiber and honey (both digest just like sugar)
@jaimetarne9436 Год назад
My doctor gave me the news in november that i was now diabetic. He gave me a few months to reverse it on my own. After reading and listening to the point i was overwhelmed. I put together my program. Yes i cut carbs, but not keto. I call it low carb, less than 70 g per days. I also cut out sugar, less than 25 grams a day, usually about 10 or 15. No, baked goods, no pasta, no corn, no rice, etc. Plus intermittent fasting. I lost 39 pounds in 6 monyhs. About 1 pound a week. Slow but continual. At 6 months i was no longer diabetic, nor prediabetic. I still have 12 pounds to go for other reasons and so i am not on the prediabetic border. I can go over to someones house for dinner. I can go to restaurants. There was an adjustment, but it is easy to do long term, since i am on month 10. This worked for me. And i would not do keto, too extreme, and i am happy with my choices.
@royalredus Год назад
It seems like I'm in the minority, but I've been eating keto for years and find it to be very sustainable, and I feel great. When you just eat good quality meat and veggies, you're bound to feel good.
@YogaBlissDance Год назад
What about the fat?
@royalredus Год назад
@@YogaBlissDance There's a ton of fat in the salmon and beef I eat.
@nahkalahdeyoung6889 Год назад
Im starting Keto for second time around. An ill tell ya i never felt so good and fell off first time unfortunately. i got on initailly for Lyme disease. An ended up feeling like( this is what life is SUPPOSED TO Feel LIKE) it was AMAZING!!!! and im now working to get back to that. But hey to each there own. I love apple's too buddy. sacrifices. 😊
@azriell783 Год назад
I lost about 130 lbs on keto over a ~2 year period. It works for some and not others. Yes, It's restrictive. I found simplicity in that restrictiveness which helped me prevent making the daily bad choices I had been making. Repetition is boring and untenable for some, but for me it simplifies things and I found it more sustainable once I was in a routine and rhythm. I naturally fell into intermittent fasting as well, and then over a period of a few months I tightened my feeding window from 8 hours to 4. In the end I was skipping breakfast, eating lunch around 2pm (a salad of spring mix, chicken, ham, cheese, and the ranch for lunch pretty much every single day), and dinner at 6 (dinner is where I mix it up, but usually boils down to green beans or broccoli + protein, or otherwise taking a dish that involves carbs, like tacos, and removing the carbs). This probably sounds dull and boring to most people but routines work better for me than just freestyle mixing it up.
@AndreaNicholeBreuer Год назад
I was on the keto diet for 2 years and it worked relatively well. I lost about 20 pounds and thankfully never gained it back but I did find that every time I would go off keto for a meal and eat pasta or bread, I got bloated almost instantly. For me, once I "cheated" that one time, I could not cut them out again for any length of time. So I decided that if I craved bread or pasta, I would just eat it. My diet has become a lot more flexible and I could not be happier.
@JarrettOriginal Год назад
Yup, similar experience. Fast tracked me to heart attack territory. Super high cholesterol, super high triglycerides, inflammation markers off the charts, insulin resistance super high. My IBS got out of control. I did lose weight, but it wasn't worth it. Now I've been plant based for six years and it works fantastic for me. At 40, I've never been healthier.
@heatherruiz9490 Год назад
It's not for everyone, but it's a great diet that can help reverse a lot of health issues. Keto is a lifestyle change, NOT a diet for me or my mother. My mother went (clean) Keto and ALL her labs improved including A1C, Uric Acid, Fatty Liver reversed and she was able to wean off of Metformin which was making her really sick, and her cholesterol numbers are perfect. She doesn't do it for weight loss, it helps keep her inflammation down and she slips up every now and then, but she goes right back to it. She even makes her own mayo from avocado oil. For those people not wanting to try this diet (check out Dr. Berry) I think the biggest health benefit comes from removing the seed oils (Dr. Knobbe has done amazing research) and anything ultra processed. IMO if humans went back to eating REAL whole foods, and yes REAL MEAT & FAT TOO (go to local farms if you can) it would be a much healthier place and everyone wouldn't need to be on so many meds as they age. As another example I had a neighbor that lived to be 105, she didn't know anything about the Keto diet, but she ate low carb without even trying, she would make a large soup with sausage and 7-8 different veggies and eat that through the week. She ate a small amount of bread and barely any sweets. She would tell me that the doctors would prescribe her meds as she aged, she would accept them then toss them in a drawer untaken. LOL! Also, it sounds like your friend may have been having major electrolyte imbalance (magnesium, potassium and salt supplement is needed) and that tends to happen quickly when transitioning into keto.
@jene5830 Год назад
I did strict keto for 3 months, did everything right, and couldn't think straight, felt like poo, and had no energy. The thing that broke me was watching everyone pass me on a hiking trail when I was (am) an avid hiker. The worst part is I lost no weight from it at all.
@efisler030548 Год назад
My sister tried it when she was young, healthy and really not overweight based on charts at all. She lost almost 30 pounds in a month and ended up in the ER with kidney stones.
@francisgeorge7639 Год назад
You get kidney stones from too much leafy veg or beats and carrots. Keto itself doesn't cause kidney stones if you know what you're doing. Ie, read a keto book
@Jazzatic2011 Год назад
Hmmm. Im not well read on that but do we know what causes kidney stones typically now in this day and age?
@francisgeorge7639 Год назад
@@Jazzatic2011 I believe it's 80% plus caused by oxalates, so that's leafy veg and beats, carrots etc, which are often consumed in quantity by keto/low-carbers if they're not well informed. Carnivores (I inhabit carnivore forums) don't report kidney stone issues. But like keto dieters some have gall stone issues; however likewise keto/carnivore is not a direct cause, rather the under-use of the gall bladder from not eating much fat, and then suddenly the use of the gall-bladder squeezing on stones from eating a lot of fat. The protein-kidney stones link is a theory, and like the cholesterol-food theory turned out to be wrong, it doesn't seem to happen in practice.
@cjdflkj Год назад
@@Jazzatic2011depends on the type of stone. Many doctors (Europe treats stone formers with entitles and probiotics), believe that wide spread antibiotic use has resulted in a loss of probiotic and thus enzymes that helps to prevent a poor absorption of calcium and oxalates. We know that the stones are made up of calcium and oxalate but we have not proved a low calcium or low oxalate diet has helped (low calcium diet ass found to make it worse). Uric acid stones are formed in people who can’t process too much meat. We don’t know why they can’t. Struvite stones are from a bacterial infection. Cystine stones are from a genetic defect that puts more cysteine in your kidneys from your digestion.
@cjdflkj Год назад
@@francisgeorge7639it’s not caused by oxalates, everyone eats oxalates and only 10% of people get stones (about only 1% of people got stones 50 years ago(. It’s caused from not having calcium and oxalates digested and pooped out properly. Low oxalate or low calcium diets have not been proven to stop stones. Many major medical organizations suspect antibiotic use has destroyed something in the gut that helps us digest calcium and oxalates properly, in a few Nordic countries they treat stone formers with an enzyme and probiotic mix to help fix the issue. The only true way to prevent stones, and it’s not 100% is dilution. Dilution is the solution to the pollution. That’s the best and most proven way we have now.
@positivelysimful1283 Год назад
Low carb-- sometimes I do what is considered lazy/dirty keto, sometimes carnivore-- literally saved my life. It's not for everyone, but anyone with weight concerns and/or certain health concerns should consider trying it. But even if you don't go high fat/high protein, almost anyone will benefit from giving up sugar & controlling carbs. LDL is an interesting issue because we actually have 2 kinds-- one kind is large/buoyant, which is neutral and doesn't hurt you, your body actually makes more of it to facilitate healing (among other reasons). The other kind is small & dense, that's the dangerous kind. You can be fine with a high LDL as long as you have the good kind, but you have to request the test to find out what kind of LDL you have. If triglycerides are low and HDL is normal, your LDL is probably the good kind.
@AMcDub0708 Год назад
I tried keto for a month and I was thirsty ALL THE TIME. Like, I was worried I had become diabetic!! And electrolyte drinks didn’t quench it at all. As soon as I reverted to eating “regular” the constant thirst went away.
@BlueMoon3l3b Год назад
That’s probably because it’s really bad for your kidneys
@SkedgySky Год назад
@cincin4515 Год назад
Same with me. My lips were glued to my teeth I was so dry.
@SkedgySky Год назад
@@cincin4515 I am guessing you and the original poster do not exercise much?... (light walking doesn't count)
@AMcDub0708 Год назад
@@SkedgySky Yeah not really. Interesting. Curious how that effects it tho?
@cymph1157 Год назад
Thank you!!!! For letting me know I never was doing the KETO diet but rather a KETO-ISH diet. I still eat fruits and vegetables but have lowered my carb intake like cereal, pasta and bread and increased fat, fiber and protein. In general, I try to eat gluten-free food for gut health and I found this works for me :)
@latterdaycovenantliving Год назад
One time I hurt my shoulder weightlifting it was terrible and ruined more than a year of my life. It’s possible that weight lifting isn’t actually bad though and that I just did it wrong.
@KayKayBayForever Год назад
It doesn’t mean weightlifting is bad, just like he has stressed that keto is good for some people. But it means weightlifting shouldn’t just be jumped into with not enough understanding. I wouldn’t encourage everyone to do heavy weights the way some people encourage everyone to do keto.
@positionthepositron Год назад
Fiber. Fiber and enzymes. We have to understand our personal genetic disposition to digestion. It is a full life journey.
@ChippiesBR Год назад
I did Keto once for 4 months and it was fantastic. Did all the things people talk about. I did it a second time and it was horrible. 1st time I had alot of injuries so was just doing light exercise and walking. Worked great. 2nd time doing lots of Hiit and strength training - could not function. Went terribly. Came good after switching to standard Mediterranean diet.
@mwinchesterjr6862 Год назад
(Unrelated to the video, but I promise I'll watch it soon) I just started an American politics course in college. One of the boards recommended, "Crash Course U.S. Government and Politics". Super happy to see you're the host of the series.
@aprildawnsunshine4326 Год назад
So happy to see this get addressed! I tried it after my hysterectomy and tbh my fibromyalgia got way better. Then my stomach started to hurt, found out I had filled my gallbladder with stones! Went on meds and a low fat diet for 3yrs and they got better but not the pain. Dr cut it out but too late for the nerves in the area and now I'll have a stabbing pain any time food or gas or even a seatbelt presses on the area AND I have to eat extremely carefully for the rest of my life. Every meal and snack has to be low calorie and balanced and I basically have to graze bc I don't have a gallbladder anymore. If I slip up not only am I turning green but I get horrible vertigo and low blood pressure to the point I can pass out! Imo even if it's working for you it's a bad idea bc you'll be less able to deal with injury or illness but also so many things are lipophilic and could be released and make you much much sicker.
@francisgeorge7639 Год назад
Stones come from under-use of the ball bladder. Typically from eating a diet low in fat or worse a low-fat diet. Keto causes major use of the gall bladder which is when the stones manifest their presence, but it's not actually caused by keto. A friend had her's removed but fortunately wasn't as far gone as yourself and is fine with a keto diet. No issues with fat at all, surprisingly.
@sidilicious11 Год назад
Long term 40 year vegetarian and vegan here. I eat as healthy as I can, try to stay away from white sugar, white flour, alcohol, and and junk foods. I succumb to healthy-ish junk sometimes so I’m not pure. I recommend eating a wide range of healthy whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruit for long term best health.
@SimplyInspiredbySheena 3 месяца назад
💙 fun fact: my Mom did the Akins diet (arguably the same as Keto), and she lost a lot of weight really quickly but then started coughing up blood and was in serious pain…she turned grey!! And had to go to the emergency room and it turns out that diet screwed with her gallbladder and it was trying to explode! …true story, I was the one who drove her to the hospital. She’s fine now that she doesn’t do that diet anymore
@silent_midnights6285 Год назад
I did strict keto a few times in college. It worked great for mental clarity and my body felt good. However, sleeping was a big challenge, and I never really enjoyed the diet. I haven’t found the “perfect” diet for me yet, but I do know that it is not keto. I just sleep so much better when eating carbs.
@SydneyReader Год назад
I'm sorry to say I haven't been watching your videos this year. I clicked because of Nataly in the thumbnail. Really enjoyed the dynamic delivery - you, sir, crack me up without fail , so thanks!!!
@NicoSmets Год назад
My mantra is: don't eat processed food. Doing that brings you close to keto already, since it excludes bread, pasta, sugar, ... I love keto. It rid me of a list of health problems, and I accidently lost 20 pounds in the proces (10 kg)
@prawncrisp5951 Год назад
Hey Kreg! Short-to-medium-term follower, first time commenter here. Enjoying your vids a lot, so thanks. Also, amazed to see how ridiculous (& unpleasant) the comments are, esp by comparison with the usual! So many people seemingly unwilling or unable to reasonably put a case or posit an alternative, just lots of unevidenced &/or inflammatory/reactive nonsense all over the shop… Wondering if these are the most dorkishly polarised comments a vid of yours has received? Anyway, appreciate some new-to-me info you present here, and your reasoning for *your own* decision. I really like how thought out and contingent it is; that is, your decision is made up of a sequence of variables, and that if any one or some were different you might make another decision. Appreciate in general your emphasis on doing cool stuff - how to keep (or get) moving on making & doing things, finding intrinsic motivation, sort of uncovering & honouring one’s own emphatic YESes in life and going with them. Overlong comment, Sox, but have wanted to say hi for a while. Hey also to Chyna! Really enjoy the rotating cast of players (parents, pals, neighbours, expert folk, the odd glimpse of Ada, etc). Spring greetings from Australia (the backyard macropods say hi too, probably 🦘)
@emmafoley8987 Год назад
Splits challenge: it would be so cool to see a collab with Movement by David. That channel has been super inspiring for me to work on specific flexibility skills.
@JasmineG96 Год назад
I am a dietitian and I love this video. Losing weight itself isn't that difficult, but at one point you will have to start holding the weight instead of losing more and more. And if you did the weight loss with a super strict diet that will he very hard for you. I work with my clients to first improve their eating habits and meal conpositions, very often it already does wonders to have 3 well balanced meals a day that keep you full and help you not get cravings in between and stop snacking. One client has lost almost 10 kg in 3 months just by actually having a lunch instead of just snacking between breakfast and dinner. Remember: It's a lifestyle change, so do one that you could keep up until you die in 50 years. No forbidden foods, just moderation and regular meals with a healthy amount of physical activity 😊
@agreeablegraylife Год назад
I'm eating carnivore to keep gerd, arthritis, gastritis, and inflammation away. So far, so good. I used to be a carb addict. I do supplement due to other health concerns. No more bloating. Never thought I'd end up here, but I'm getting my life back.
@stuckinaloop9556 Год назад
I'm on the "I only eat what I feel like otherwise I don't eat as I can't imagine me eating it" diet. I had tuna pasta for brunch and later I'm having donburi pork with salads. Tomorrow I don't know maybe samp or choi sum; oh I'm having rice cakes that's what I want tomorrow and I'll make stottie bread as I've been wanting that for awhile. So that's it. I'm 40 years old and eating only what I want and eating only when I'm hungry as it's great for me. I considered keto and a few other diets like intermittent fasting when they were very popular and everyone was taking about them but then I thought, "what would I eat?" and "what if I wasn't hungry?" and that disturbed me so I didn't try either. I just continued to eat what I fancied, when I was hungry. I'm also a mum and that's what I do for my kids too, I don't have set meals or meal times. I just cook what the kids fancy and I feed them when they're hungry; I know that's a lot of cooking but it's great, it works for us. I like your doctor friend his advice is solid, for anybody else (neighbours) this might seem like madness but for us it's good, it works.
@dkeener13 Год назад
Keto bro here, one thing I'll say is it's hard to do keto halfway. Somewhat paradoxically, I think it's easier the more strict you make it. When you have a little bit of carbs your body starts sending signals that it wants more. But when you're fat-adapted and riding high on the ketones with carbs at say
@LSG101097 Год назад
@missys8676 Год назад
Agree. I find it even easier to just eat carnivore
@stargazerbird Год назад
Yes, I did full on carnivore for a week and forgot to eat. Checked my calories and I was barely getting in over 1000 a day.
@JSRJS Год назад
It's not natural. It's not how your body is meant to operate for long periods. Hence why it's a bad idea. Period
@stvcolwill Год назад
100% right, Dkeener!
@zloboslav_ Год назад
I find the hard-line keto diet unsustainable too. I prefer a moderate carb restriction combined with quite often, but not constant, intermittent fasting. I think these are good tools, but I cannot do their extremes constantly and consistently.
@ginacirelli1581 Год назад
Thank you. The keto diet just seems too extreme for me, not to mention that I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I have recently started eating only from 11 am to 7 pm, which possibly triggers short term ketosis, but from my understanding that is not harmful. It has definitely allowed me to lose some stubborn menopause weight!
@Fuckingboredrn Год назад
No you'd still be I'm ketosis the swap happens due to the lack of carbs in you only eat 11 to 7 anytime outside of that would also be keto since your not getting an influx of carbs. I agree tho seems to restrictive and I enjoy fruit way to much lol
@ClitGPT Год назад
"The keto died just seems too extreme for me, not to mention that I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian". (facepalm)
@ginacirelli1581 Год назад
If you think being a lacto-ovo vegetarian is extreme, well... all I can say is don't ever go to India.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you tried Dietary Fiber? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@pomberry3591 Год назад
@@ClitGPT Vegetarian and even fully plant based is so much easier to do than keto in social situations. You have a lot more options at restaurants and you can usually eat side dishes at potlucks/when you're invited to people's houses for a meal.
@FnVRGaming Год назад
Pleeeeeeaaaase Do a video, diving into the topic of "everything's going subscription"... I'm trying to be frugal and it's become abundantly clear that the whole world is trying to have us pay them on a reoccurring schedule.
@rexawrex4947 11 месяцев назад
I go into partial ketosis doing intermittent fasting, but I'm also way less strict about it than you were when you tried it. I basically try and not snack after an early ish supper and then have an early lunch while still drinking coffee and tea in the morning and tea at night. But I still have late nights where I have snacks and drinks occasionally, or a day where I'm going out for breakfast. It's just my day to day routine that is IF. And I think I really like it because I can dip out of it every once in a while, or I can have the snacks I want within my eating window.
@Aleho666 Год назад
So you don't mind the bad breath? That was top of the list for my wife ...
@Jay_and_Meeka Год назад
Keto did not work for me. I felt awful on it. I was sort of forced to try it a few months ago when I suddenly became type one diabetic after my first round of cancer treatment. I’m on immunotherapy, and my immune system attacked my pancreas, essentially killing it and rendering it non functioning. I went very low carb, and was almost hospitalized because I just couldn’t eat after a while. It wasn’t until a doctor told me that my body actually needed carbs and I began to eat them again did I start to feel better, and my appetite came back.
@MeatYourNewBestFriend Год назад
I used to do keto but then went to carnivore based on what I had learned about it. I liked it so much I'm still doing it 3.5 years later. has really helped with my social anxiety and depression and I no longer have a dad bod even though I have a desk job. All the fat and protein (and probably a LOT of other nutrients that we don't often get cos we eat so much goddamn bread and other useless crap) really stops you wanting to snack because it's so satiating - you just never really feel hungry. But yeah, you gotta do the keto flu transition at the beginning to get the benefits - I gather it doesn't work for everyone for whatever reason but I wouldn't let one or two negative anecdotes and a warming from a most likely brainwashed Dr that has to tow the line get in my way of getting away from the Standard American Diet and potential better health. Carnivore is the ONLY diet that allows you so get off sugar! Look into it, get into some social media groups and witness aaaaaall the people that have benefitted from keto and carnivore. it's much closer to how we would've eaten before the invention of foods that DIDN'T EXIST during our actual evolution as the planets most successful animal and that really starts to make sense when you start feeling the difference.. I can't think what it would take to make me go back to the normal way of eating.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you tried Dietary Fiber? .... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@scottblinn Год назад
One correction about when talking to your friend in your video - her doctor has a lot to learn (most doctors only ever take a total of 6hr of nutrition in school and also focus on medications for treatments). It is perfectly normal and fine to be in ketosis long term and our biochemistry and physiology are designed to use ketones for energy. The big advantage humans have is that we can use both ketones and glucose for energy and can switch between them just fine. What her doctor was talking about is a condition called ketoacidosis, which IS a dangerous condition that can happen in type 1 diabetics (and other rare cases). Being in ketosis is NOT the same thing and I’m surprised her doctor doesn’t understand the difference. I’m also wondering if her arm going numb was a result of extremely low electrolytes. It is very common to happen to people transitioning to a ketogenic diet as you flush your electrolytes quickly from frequent urination as the body’s inflammation goes down. This is also the leading cause of the “keto flu“. Ensuring you replenish your electrolytes in the first couple weeks of starting a ketogenic diet pretty much avoids these problems. Also, using a breath meter of test your ketone levels (or the urine test sticks) isn’t very helpful. Both of those devices only capture ketones you are NOT using and will actually start reading less as your body starts to actually USE the ketones in your blood. Until you can use them (fat adapted) you will feel low energy and see high ketone levels on breath/urine tests.
@hugolopes4286 9 месяцев назад
This feels more like spreading misinformation. Your interview has no value at all except being alarmist and giving invalid and unverified information about keto dangers. Was her reaction from keto? Even she herself doesn't know. Does she have any other medical condition that were not disclosed? Any medication? Excessive coffee or tea could be a factor. I am not advocating for keto but trying to remind you that being a content creator with a big audience you have a certain responsibility in regards to dangerous misinformation.
@Kalijey Год назад
I'm a success story, I've been on Keto for three years or more that and have been loving it. The funny thing is just before going on it I starting literally hating grains, and haven't missed them since. OOH also I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and have been for over 20 years of my life, and its helped me keep my blood sugars in balance cause of the diet!
@JHaven-lg7lj Год назад
My Dad’s wife went on a keto diet and insisted that he did too, but they weren’t monitoring their ketones. She didn’t lose any weight because she drinks a couple of liters of whiskey a day, and he did lose weight but also screwed up his kidneys /: I wish that casual keto-dieters were made more aware of the need to monitor your ketones, and listen to your body.
@francisgeorge7639 Год назад
What was the kidney problem?
@ItsAsparageese Год назад
"Why I WON'T take blood pressure medication" "Why I WON'T get back surgery" "Why I WON'T get a cast on my leg" I appreciate that the video has nuance but the title really comes across like it's stigmatizing a legitimate medical therapy. (This isn't a shot at our wheeziest of waiters, the algorithm is a cruel mistress and capitalism screws us all.) I just really wish culture would let go of this insane idea that any given diet should EVER be considered "best" or "worst" in general. It's like diets are religions now. The keto mafia is just as wrong as people who are strictly anti-keto. It's therapeutically valuable for me. It won't be for other people. Just like any particular medication or other treatment. I just hate the paradigm we're under right now with so many people getting so preachy about diet, in any direction, at all.
@kikib8434 Год назад
I had a friend who had the same issues with ketosis. I told him to supplement electrolytes or it would be dangerous - your nervous system will start going haywire. Once he did that, he was good. I'm just going to stick to my whole foods diet with lots of variety 😊.
@MatthewMartinDean Год назад
You made the right choice. Do something safe like the 30 day Indian take out diet. You don't lose weight or anything, but you do get to eat a lot of roti. (It would be a good follow on to the no takeout for 30 day experiment)
@shoyuramenoff Год назад
As an Indian person, the takeout food has significantly more oil than homemade food. So he definitely should sample multiple places throughout the month, and pick the healthier places and dishes.
@yasminceleste3844 Год назад
I loved this measured takr - and very much agree with what Aaron said!
@ladynymue Год назад
Considering there are no long term studies for health and longevity and they change the cholesterol narrative to make it seem healthy, I think it's smart to be wary. For as many positive reports, there are as many people who did not have a good long term experience with me among them. So, follow your instincts on this.
@kerredderrek Год назад
Have you tried Dietary Fiber as a long term dietary focus?.... TLDR hunter-gatherers 70-80% of their diets come from Dietary Fiber rich foods. They eat 100-150 grams of dietary fiber per day. We, people in industrialized nations get 10-15 grams of dietary fiber day. !?!? Our bodies have evolved to sustain itself for millions of years with a fiber rich diet...... gut bacteria play a major unrecognized role in our health and chronic illness(if we do not eat the right foods). Gut Bacteria allow us to digest and make use of dietary fiber nutritional intake. There are studies that show the Anti inflammatory, auto- immune, and psychological health benefits of a high dietary fiber and fermented foods diet. #gut #microbiome #gutbacteria search Erica Sonnenburg PHD Stanford University research (:
@BreadCatMarcus Год назад
My old coworkers son actually got hospitalized for ketosis and it was pretty bad. Thats why i always got annoyed by people that always screamed at others to do keto.
@kyleduffy Год назад
And there was complete proof that ketosis was the cause, not something else? When we are born, our little babies bodies are in the metabolic state of ketosis. Several tribes, especially in the northern parts of the earth, are always in the state of ketosis as they don't have easy access to fruits in those cold, cloudy climates. Ketosis is a perfectly natural, perfectly healthy state of being.
@descai10 Год назад
that's ketoacidosis, not ketosis, and it's caused by diabetes.
@stvcolwill Год назад
@@descai10 100%. ketoacidosis is so often conflated with ketosis. ALL humans will instantly be in ketosis if you fast for 48 hours. All babies are in a constant state of ketosis. This is not at all Ketoacidosis. I have a child that has Type 1 diabetes and yes, it's often conflated as the same thing, it's not.
@timlay4504 9 месяцев назад
My advice is to change diet "gradually", I did this and gradually reduced my servings over weeks. Benefits no shock diet, you won't feel you are on a diet (easy to stay on it) and I lost 50lbs (from 210lbs to 160lbs) and have remained at this weight ever since.
@VooDooSue Год назад
I've been carnivore since May and have lost 45 pounds. My health has tremendously improved as I'm working to treat 20 years of psoraisis. This diet showed remarkable improvement in stubborn plaques that are not responsive to medicines. This way of eating is not, however, sustainable for me. I'm currently adding foods back in and evaluating them against flare ups. What I do think is that the processing of food directly correlates to my skin and autoimmune disorders. To your guest's point: Find what works for YOU.
@Resmungo Год назад
Also, it isn't really as hard as you make it sound, after an initial adjustment period. And at that point it requires very little thought, too, as an added bonus. Much less thought than counting calories for me.
@Naatta Год назад
I think you have some great points. To preface, here's my backstory: my weight-loss journey in March of 2019. I went from low carb to keto, I was doing intermittent fasting periodically and lost 85 pounds in one year (yay!). I plateaued during the Covid lockdowns and then in 2022 I found my relationship with food becoming very toxic. The restrictions about what you can and cannot eat while on keto started to feel almost like a bullying mentality. I no longer found joy in eating because all the foods that brought me joy were not keto and if I ate them I'd become very depressed to the point of early onset bulimia. After talking with a couple friends and a therapist I decided to step back a bit and simply eat what I wanted for while to reinvigorate my passion for life, and food. Personal pros and cons: Pro: By pushing myself into low carb and keto I managed to reset my system some. These days I simply can't eat an overabundance of sweets or carbs because my body can't handle it like it used to. This helps with mindless eating or over eating, of which I used to suffer greatly. I also have come to respect food. Sweets are meant to be treats and not consumed daily, and carbs are fillers which I find myself no longer craving in the great quantities I used to. It also helped me change my mindset about the order of which I eat the items on my plate. Cons: The restriction of what to eat. Don't misunderstand me I will happily eat all the butter, bacon and cheese I can get my hands on, but by having that little voice in one's head saying, "No, you can't have that, that's not on your diet", what was once a good reinforcement (like a coach) ended up turning into a bully and it did take a toll on my mental health. As for these days, have I gained weight back? Yes. Partially due to the foods I've put into my body, but also due to going back to me sedimentary lifestyle which that part was ALL on me. But I feel much better about the thought process of what I put into my mouth. If I'm on a date I want to be able to have pizza or a alcoholic beverage and not feel bullied about it by my own mental thoughts. When I eat out I still try to go for a low-carb/keto option,(just because they process better in my tum tum) but I don't make it a doctrine like I used to.
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