
Why is Putin so Popular When People Are so Poor? - RAI With A. Buzgalin (9/12) 

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On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Alexandr Buzgalin says under the slogans liberal democracy and market capitalism was delivered chaos and crime; Putin stands for traditional Russian values and culture, social order and making Russia great again - with host Paul Jay
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22 июл 2018




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@austinp.5024 5 лет назад
I'm so sick of hearing the word "oligarchs" when someone thinks they have credible knowledge about Russia. Yet, nobody ever uses the term "oligarchs" when referring to the US, which can credibly be described as an Oligarchy.
@annoloki 5 лет назад
I think plutocracy is the far more accurate term for the US than oligarchy.
@terriej123 5 лет назад
Austin P. I hear it a all the time about the US. Even Bernie Sanders (our most popular politician) says it quite a bit.
@austinp.5024 5 лет назад
annoloki I agree, but you can't have plutocracy without oligarchs.
@austinp.5024 5 лет назад
terriej123 you are correct, Bernie Sanders uses the term deliberately to address the very point that I brought up. In the US, the term "oligarch" is designated for Russians, whilst rich Americans are considered wealthy "job creators". As if the wealthy in America have no political influence whatsoever, and are simply above criticism. Completely absurd double standards.
@DMChoreographer 5 лет назад
More accurately a technocracy when you dig deep into the research.
@joshuaoha 5 лет назад
Two intelligent men, being critical of their own countries and societies. This is the only thing that has ever made the world a better place. Thank you for this.
@trulywylde5726 5 лет назад
I guess you could ask that same question about our Country! Right? That's why we have the poor ppls March..!
@trulywylde5726 5 лет назад
Persian User sure there's no wealth Gap or poverty in the US, maybe not where you live, but it exists! Read the UN report
@MeCrazy516 5 лет назад
50% make 30k or less in the US, thats pretty close
@MeCrazy516 5 лет назад
US gets what a D- on infrastructure, its a mess...
@nayanmalig 5 лет назад
LOL USA thinks printing money & paying off debt is wealth
@thosethatcan 5 лет назад
Ven Wis yep. Its called faith.. Sets the patriarchy.. To hold down education.. Its folks like #americanatheists that changed bs laws in 5 states.. Check them out at youtube ..
@conscious_being 5 лет назад
Why is a leader who brought stability to the country and earned prestige abroad, popular? Indeed, a very difficult question to answer!
@conscious_being 5 лет назад
Charlie :/ Russia made it illegal to deny Nazi crimes or glorifying Nazis. Must have something to do with about 25 million Russians killed in World War II by the Nazis. To brain-dead guys like you, being anti-Nazi may equate to being a Zionist stooge, but the world is more complicated than the your two functioning brain cells can handle.
@kipmcewen949 5 лет назад
Conscious Being: so-called "stability" when the price is a country (Russia) that has state-run media and many other things like this is not the price that anyone should have to pay for "stability." Freedom any day over "stability."
@rafaelpena4269 5 лет назад
Rethinking Religions..you need FREEDOM AND STABILITY..It's a hard balance I know..but we must try
@allgoo1964 5 лет назад
Conscious Being says: "Why is a leader who brought stability to the country and earned prestige abroad, popular? Indeed, a very difficult question to answer!" == Do you mean Hitler?
@isabellajones8535 5 лет назад
There was another thing the professor didn't mention. That there is that about President Putin that is very open. You can see he doesn't lie [he's a past master at dodging questions he doesn't want to answer - but he doesn't lie] but who, over and above all else, loves his country and cares for the people, who genuinely wants to make the country a place where people can, in the main, live decent, happy lives. Compare him to the interchangeable plastic mannequins parading around all over the rest of the world, and the difference is startling.
@iMetmor 5 лет назад
13:19 I completely disagree with Buzgalin's answer! (I'm a Russian.) The thing is, there is an old existential debate in the Russian culture that dates back to the early XIXth century. Back then a nobleman called Chaadaev wrote a series of essays that have become famous, in which he claimed that Russia is basically a country that failed to contribute anything to the world culture. This gave birth to the intellectual movement of "westernists" who now have their successors in this non-systemic, non-patriotic opposition they talked earlier in the video. The westernists were opposed by slavyanophiles who tried to prove that the Russian civilization is important. And this debate sits deep within every Russian up until today. Every failure by Russia is an argument for your internal westernist, and every success - for the internal slavyanophile. The fall of the Soviet Union didn't just lead to a depression in economic terms. It was also a literal, psychological depression: the vision people bilieved in as their contribution to humanity failed. People needed desperately to regain self-respect. The reunification with Crimea and the intervention in Syria gave that self-respect back: here, Russia isn't an irrelevant wilderness after all! We, its people, can contribute to the world!
@iMetmor 5 лет назад
Scott Johnston I follow American (and British for that matter) media a lot, and the more they talk about Russia, the less they say anything that's representative of the actual country. For example, it has become a mantra already that Putin is "a dictator, a thug and a murderer". Apart from this being insulting, it's just made up. The couple of murder cases they're referring to aren't related to Putin at all. I won't be surprised if at some point the government provides personal guards to somewhat prominent opposition figures. Because every time any of them sneezes, Western media burst into hysteria about how Putin gases his critics with bio-chemical weapons.
@aforty1 5 лет назад
Which one program was that? I wanna watch.
@rafaelpena4269 5 лет назад
You're celebratin' war, death & destruction as if it's a way 2 gain credibility
@rafaelpena4269 5 лет назад
Only contradiction I can state is that "the west" does the same thing..which is "totally" assasine bc they have "a more diverse" economy than Russia..this is where China takes the cake
@iMetmor 5 лет назад
>> The more maniacs like McCain and Biden try and hurt Russia the bigger the unintended favour. Do you agree with this ? I'm not an economist, but that is one of their consequences. Sanctions do hurt us in other regards though, and one can't become an economic giant with just farming. The general attitude to them is that it's OK if they stay, but even better if they go. Putin has stated that getting into top 5 economies is the goal for his last term. We'll see what he'll do. He's really good at foreign policy, but that was his job before he got into politics, so he's showing that his intelligence career was well deserved. I'm not that confident in him when it comes to raising GDP.
@Jean-yt1lu 5 лет назад
Russians have kept their culture and their values and survived the onslaught of Western ideologies. Good for them. Look at the mess the West is in. This series is so interesting, if more people would take the trouble to learn about Russia and other countries the world would be so different. Thank you Paul Jay.
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Harry Hhhhjtfhn - good bye
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Henri Rauhala, duh? Russian Orthodox is Christian
@HypermarketCommodity 5 лет назад
Jean what are you talking about, in Russia culture is used to control the poor part of the population. Did you ignore the interview, he is talking about the Orwellin system... Go to Russia.
@eltoq8407 5 лет назад
Jean don’t you worry, culturally russia is going the same direction as western countries( to a complete distraction) , it’s just behind by 15-20 years. I’m russian National living in us for 10 years.
@deltaheavy5553 5 лет назад
17:00 Our religious leaders are just as bad here. Some live in multi million dollar homes.
@allypoum 5 лет назад
This is an excellent series, and I have learned a great deal from it. Bugzalin strikes me as a fairly thoughtful and self-effacing witness who is clear about the limits of his analysis and open to criticism and new ideas - certainly compared to certain Western academics I can think of(*) - so I feel his story is valuable and important. It has certainly been missing from the discourse here in the 'West'. Well done again TRN for giving us this. (*)Also he has read Marx....
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Alasdair Church you are not listening to the right experts,too many aren't & that's why US is a mess
@dickhamilton3517 5 лет назад
Russians are well educated (at least those of his age), and not afraid or embarrassed to be 'intellectual'.
@moto2kx2 5 лет назад
Paul, Awesome stuff you are doing here and in general. Keep Fighting! Cheers!
@charleskesner1302 5 лет назад
Thanks for looking into the real Russia.
@isabellajones8535 5 лет назад
What a pleasure to listen to an intelligent, conversation, with balanced and sane views. Please, where is the second part?? Thank you to the organisation for making it, and the Professor for his sane discussion [even if I dont quite agree with all of it]. I'd like to study more of his work.
@ianobrien6972 5 лет назад
Quality of life for Russians has improved greatly in recent memory. They attribute that to Putin and why should they not?
@BartAnderson_writer 5 лет назад
This series just keeps getting better and better. Thanks
@ryana42 5 лет назад
I wish videos like this would link to the previous videos
@skippy5712 5 лет назад
I imagine it has something to do with the fact they are not as poor as they were in the 1990s. There free medical works again, there free education works again and crime is dropping and everybody gets a roof over there head even if it might not be all that luxurious. They all get free heating during the winter months. Add to that they now have pride again in there nation and hope. The insidious negatives of US culture have been stopped and Russias pride in there own culture has been given back to them. When I was there in 2004 it made me sick to see some Russians adopting what I would call some of the most disgusting sides of Western Culture where there own Culture was so superior. Thanks must go to Putin for helping stop that. He would have had plenty of support from older Russians. It saddened the older Russians to see this happening. Most of it of course was caused by the 1990s period of no hope and no pride amongst the young in Russia. A sense of hopelessness. Putin stopped that and his Government. Even by 2004 most Russians were starting to hope again and there pride was rising. All overall thanks to actions Putin took. There was no hope during the 1990s. Things just went down and down. Putin and his Government can't solve everything overnight. Especially with the USA doing everything they can to keep Russia down and hinder Russia rising from the ashes of the 1990s. It disgusts me every time somebody in the West tries to claim Russia was more democratic under the control of the Oligarchs in the 1990s. Absolute bullshit. What nation is truly free when the majority of there elected Representatives "Duma" is owned by some outside vested interest or Oligarch. It is not as if he is not aware of the problems of the bottom 20%. To help them up now is one of his Governments main aims having sorted out most areas including the Military. Now is the time to help those who have missed out on the new emerging prosperity. He has stated that. Again this year even with rising revenues he has reduced the Defense Budget iff measured on the basis of Exchange rates. I imagine there intention is to direct money as there revenues increase towards lifting this lowest 20% out of poverty. At least they are not going to spend more on Defense. The opposite of the USA. He at least obviously is not about making the Military bigger and bigger. He will not allow the Military Industrial complex to control the nation either. They are expected to serve the nation. Thats my opinion as an Australian that has visited Russia twice.
@francobarone7437 5 лет назад
Maybe because some people believes in other values not just money? My grandma used to tell me, as long you're happy with what you got you're a rich man.
@pukulu 5 лет назад
"in 1993 they destroy parliament by tanks" --- Buzgalin
@johnperniciaro785 5 лет назад
What strikes me is how much of what Mr Buzgalin talks about---kids helping out Cuba or Vietnam, kids cleaning schools, working with farmers during summer---I have heard from my wife. She is younger but lived her youth in CCCP. She often says people did not have time is money mentality, buying & selling constantly on the brain. It was not a paradise ---men drank too much and there were unquestionably deficits in consumer goods, the life was physically much more difficult; however a mining/industrial city (think Scranton PA/ Patterson NJ) would have cultural amenities on par with the capital---not like there is Boulder & then there is West Virginia---Universities were not dominated by elites like here. Women did all jobs surgeon, brick layer, chemist, musician. And as he relates, the 90's run by University of Chicago-Harvard/US State Dept were an absolute catastrophe for people---the whole country turned into a ghetto----
@katesisco 5 лет назад
I wonder when life in the US will get as good as Russia's. Do we have to fall further?
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Kathleen Sisco - US is declining empire, we have already fallen, the question is where is bottom?
@dickhamilton3517 5 лет назад
not so far.
@tomlinid 5 лет назад
I bet you would find a lot of people in many countries living at or below the poverty line I would imagine it runs at about 40% in the UK. There are a lot of people in minimum wage jobs and on zero hour contracts.
@65minimom 5 лет назад
tomlinid, start wi US
@tomlinid 5 лет назад
Sandy I agree both countries have a lot of people on the poverty line. In the UK there used to be well paid jobs but these went when Thatcher let majority of the manufacturing base go and she smashed the unions. These jobs were replaced with lower paid jobs in coffee shops, warehouses etc. That are frequently part time and many people have to do 2 or 3 jobs and work longer hours to earn enough to live.
@psgrenier 5 лет назад
In the late 19th, early 20th century, Marxism was widely popular among the Russian intelligentsia, in much the same way campus PC thinking is popular in the US today -- it was, in other words, something lying on the surface, like a fashion, not a deeply thought through philosophy of life. The leading philosophers and thinkers of that era -- Solovyov, Berdyaev, S. Bulgakov, among a number of others -- virtually all went through a Marxist phase, but grew beyond it without, incidentally, embracing at the same time liberal individualism. They rejected that as well. This is an excellent series and I am so glad to have discussions like this, light years more thoughtful than the idiocy of mainstream media. All the same, I would suggest that you need to take a deeper look, Paul, at Russian intellectual traditions. It is not the black and white you imagine between 'religious obscurantism' and progressivism. This attempt at a synthesis of what is best in the pre- and post- Soviet past is an ongoing project, one in which prominent Orthodox Church intellectuals are also participating. It is not easy to do. But given the deep influence of Hegel in Russian culture, it is a logical ongoing project for Russia.
@LA-kc7ev 5 лет назад
Returning to religion is not being regressive. We in the West are so used to debunking it based on 'religion's' massive mistakes, that we have lost touch completely with what it is at its core. In the meantime, consumer, now neoliberal, society has leveled all culture, all human values, all substance, all true individuality.
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Forgive me but I keep missing what he said about Jill Stein - anybody hear this clearly? thanks
@goivanijony8002 5 лет назад
Because they used to be even poorer and had no social aid and no Jobs
@rootus62 5 лет назад
When you want a serious answer to this question then ask a sane person. The words "ideolog" and "idiot" are synonymous.
@sagardhillon9270 5 лет назад
Princeton or Harvard proved in a research study that America is an oligarchy meaning capital control over polity but difference between America and Russia is American oligarchs have struggled in market like musk Zuckerberg Schmidt etc they became oligarch later and without simply privatisation . Some of American oligarch tech was privatised from pentagon but not all . Russia also have some in of yandex vkontakt telegraph chatroulette Kaspersky Elbrus etc in New economy but due to small market they don't have scaling compared to american oligarchs who are globally competitive because more mature financial industry and English language which is academic and business Lingua franca
@Treklosopher 5 лет назад
Sagar Dhillon yep. It was a joint study conducted by Princeton and Northwestern University, released in 2014, that concluded the U.S. is an oligarchy based on study of public opinion and bills passed by the U.S. Congress from 1980 to 2002.
@Treklosopher 5 лет назад
@sagardhillon9270 5 лет назад
Larry Kelley yes that one . Thanks for sharing
@leighfoulkes7297 5 лет назад
Russia sounds like a cheaper photo copy of the US Oligarchy system.
@slorter10 5 лет назад
A member of an oligarchy, someone who is part of a small group that runs a country. A very rich person, particularly with political power; a plutocrat. A rich man who used his wealth to gain political power and who would use political power to enrich himself once in office. Sounds like the United States as well as Europe Russia China !
@brianbooker8736 5 лет назад
This is an excellent series, I'm doing a deep dive on Marxian theory and everything your guest says makes so much sense. Capitalism is in crisis; there are many internal contradictions causing the crisis but in the US the rule of law is under attack by Trump and his band of not ready for prime time players. They are destroying the rule of law nationally and internationally. Your guest talks about value; Marx wrote three volumes on surplus value. Marx believed that money doesn't have value it's an instrument used in the motion of Industrial Capital. Money does have a price though and that is interest which is a claim on future surplus value. This is another internal contradiction that has moved Capitalism into collapse mode. Ancient civilizations knew with money as an exchange method you had to have Jubilees get rid of debt which is another internal contradiction. The crooks in control of the levers of Empire love themselves to much to confront a nation with comparable strength. China has been passive and the US has been pushing them to respond, a word of advice, if you see a sleeping Dragon let it stay asleep.
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Brian Booker - the is country was founded by the elite & it has never changed without a fight
@fredschwentafsky6993 5 лет назад
U will get good emails because this is good truth.....congratulations.
@HypermarketCommodity 5 лет назад
Down with the Orwellin collective Oligarchy.
@spasev 5 лет назад
Last time I went to Russia I didn’t see any more poor people in Russia than in US. As a matter of fact I was stunned by the beauty of their people and cities, women in particular.
@iMetmor 5 лет назад
spasev Well the gentleman who's being interviewed does tend to present things in somewhat dark colors. He doesn't lie, but his view is overly dramatic at times. Also, as a marxist, he underestimates how peoples's personal qualities impact history.
@rafaelpena4269 5 лет назад
spasev..yea..their women are beautiful.
@19battlehill 5 лет назад
He hits the nail on the head when he says the crisis is liberal capitalism --- Yes, this is what Marx knew 70 years earlier -- Capitalism is exploitive and does not work --- Problem with world is the economic incentives that have risen up since the Industrial Revolution ---- Capitalism has allowed criminal banking and corporate class to rig system that they are now trying to turn into some kind of socialistic dystopia (going back to a type of feudalism, with them being lords and the masses being serfs). WE need a decentralized system of economics where working together is rewarded, but where WORKING is rewarded as well. Those at the top want to be rentiers and those at the bottom want crandle to grave socialism no matter how bad it is as long as they are guarnateed a living. This is what is wrong with the world. Hopefully block chain decentralized and disruptive nature can get millenials to see that their value is from the individual and his choice to join a group or project. -- we all must contribute and if people need help then it is their communities that should support them (not the STATE).
@ResistEvolve 5 лет назад
I wish it was addressed what the residual socialist elements today in Russia are. I think higher education is still free, the country has universal health care, and I think Russian pensions are better than SS say in the US. I'm not sure about the oil and the natural gas, I think there are state companies for them. I know Professor Buzgalin earlier said private versus nationalized doesn't mean that much in Russia (I wish that have been explained more clearer), but anyway I wish what is still socialist/quasi-socialist about Russia still to this day had been discussed.
@EGHG5263 5 лет назад
Russia is full of enigmas and contradictions. According to the government statistics, in summer 2017, 22 million Russians were classified as poor (15% of the population)Their monthly income is less than the subsistence level, which is currently 10,328 rubles ($173). Nevertheless, despite the persistent recession and the high degree of inequality, Russia’s poverty level should not be exaggerated, said Tim Worstall, economist and observer at Forbes. Unfortunately, the poverty rate has seen an increase in recent years, with 13.5 percent of Russians living in poverty in 2016, said Dalton Westfall
@skippy5712 5 лет назад
Emmanuel Alegba One thing that makes getting good statistics for Russia difficult is most older Russians are very adverse to paying Tax. No Tax under Communism and also suspicious of Banks after many virtually lost there life's savings in the 1990s when the value of the Rouble crashed. This resulted in some turning to the cash economy and exchanging any extra Roubles they had into any stable currency they could get there hands on and putting it under the mattress. Just because a person looks a poor street trader or flea market trader does not mean they are really poor. I assume the people who determine these figures have ways of allowing for this in there overall statistics.
@dolandlydia 5 лет назад
Emmanuel Alegba I think our poverty rate is higher.
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Discerning Troll - listen the dollar is worth nothing but paper - we need to worry about food, clean & water & a roof
@EGHG5263 5 лет назад
Discerning Troll I totally agree with you. I happen to read a post from an American who lives in Russia and he holds the same view. I will search for his statement and post it here.
@EGHG5263 5 лет назад
An American living in Russia has this to say about d country and thinks they are intentionally misleading the west about their capabilities... "Russia is definitely an outlier when it comes to economic issues. After living here for about three years, I see what Churchill was talking about. For example, the quasi-libertarian laissez-faire approach to capitalism really struck me when I got here. You can see job postings advertising “gray pay” and “black pay” openly on job posting websites. This is essentially left alone as white envelopes replace taxed paychecks. If you go by the official numbers, Russia’s GDP is experiencing a 2% growth rate (which is miraculous considering the sanctions), but if you somehow manage to count this HUGE black and “gray” market, it is MUCH MUCH bigger than anyone has quantified. Given that plus the fact that only a small percentage of Russia’s natural resources have been explored (which is understandable given the fact that the country is bigger than Pluto), I can honestly say that the long-term prospects for Russia are absolutely out of this world, and that’s not taking into account the culture of fiscal responsibility. Russia is just... different. It’s a parallel universe of sorts, and there’s no way I’d even want to go back to the States."
@ammonammonammon 5 лет назад
bad example there at about 00:30 ... I have seen women like that in snow, rain, burning sun - but totally faking the poverty or ailment, etc ... I used to follow them when they finished their days (about the same time I was commuting home) and notice how they transformed after a few hundred meters ... limp goes away, dirty bag goes into another regular shopping bag, scarf off, hair pulled back, walking upright and by the time they get to the metro just another day in the office and on the way home. I have done this three separate times ... similar experience, once she met up with a larger group, family I think, and they all had been doing it, panhandling. A better example of poverty is to leave the city and see how people live in the country - almost medieval, but many of them choose this lifestyle. Poverty in Moscow itself is very very low from what I have seen.
@Donita1213 5 лет назад
Funny how Americans always point out the problems in other countries, (except our good friends, Saudi Arabia and Israel). I think that keeps us, (government officials and media) from honestly looking at ourselves.
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Donita1213- no it doesn't only the unaware- wake up
@ralphp.6089 5 лет назад
Can it be because Putin is making a difference for the better? Everything is relative. We have it much better than Russians but comparing to our past we are slowly going down.
@drumsnbass 5 лет назад
Putin is a nationalist. He believes in his country, so the people believe in him. Trump is the same, a nationalist.
@erdingtown 5 лет назад
If you think russia is so poor, you have never been to russia. Compared to Americans, they are rich.
@matejebach5487 5 лет назад
In other words, people in Russia today are not poor. As one now deceased american who moved to Russia permanently wrote me, they are now as it was in US during '50es. Finally good and every year better. OK, they had one blow when US starts economic war (sanctions!!!) before few years but now it is every day better. And they remember how it was in socialism when all lived like american low middle class, but without debt. They remember how it was during american stile of capitalism 1991-2000. Oligarchs, inequality, huge poverty, insecurity, gangs wars and violence. Infrastructural collapse, number of cities without electricity, thermal heating ect. And they remember how becomes when Putin came to power, first stabilization then, recuperation, discipline of oligarchs and liquidation those who wanted to continue looting and taking out of billions into Britain and US. Then recuperation of economy and infrastructure, rise of standard. Military consolidation. They still have some remains of that US decade in their country, some percentage of poor people but it is way less and under control. It is capitalism but regulated, with lot of social benefits and safety nets. And of course, there was crisis because of sanctions, my friend from Moscow tells me that they are really lacking - france cheese. They have their russian but it is not so god. All other what they were buying from the world now they have own, in same quality. But cheese... This is biggest problem for them. And one important thing, they know that war is coming, nuclear war, they remember '80es US when nuclear attack on CCCP was on the brink, they know that it would happen again, soon, when US start to collapse, they will attack.
@ishinadish 5 лет назад
Don’t correct the man’s English. We understand what he means.
@awaltrip 5 лет назад
Love ya Paul, but it's time to pass the ole microphone onto someone more eloquent and interesting to watch. Aaron Mate is perfect, find someone similar. No disrespect, you just don't keep the viewer engaged and it's difficult grasping the point and a lot of the time even what is being said. I'm sure you're probably a great researcher, stick to that. Just a friendly 2 cents.
@elinope4745 5 лет назад
Compare Siberian women to US feminists, and tell me who do you think is happier? Now compare the men who live around those women, whom do you think is happier? Is the US really wealthier then Russia? How big are the houses? How good is the food? How nice is it to go for a walk outside? How well does the community get along? I don't count things in dollar values, dollar values can be manipulated by different groups. How happy is the common person with the life they are living? That is real wealth.
@jadenaxi5796 5 лет назад
I think you are falling into the mentality of "the grass is always greener on the other side." While contemporary American life is no picnic, I would not go so far as to speak for Siberian women and US feminists, or for that matter, other men around them . Although you present your views as questions, it is clear that they are only rhetorical ones. Happiness is a personal feeling, and romanticizing the other side's conditions risks distorting the discussed issues. Of course, I am speaking only for myself.
@sergs1557 5 лет назад
Jade Naxi: He's not wrong. The Western mentality of aspiring towards more and more material wealth is causing the downward spiral. Since my red pill moment I've come to understand the meaning and value of old, if not ancient, wisdoms like the one you cited about greener grass. "You can't buy happiness with money" for example. Western societies are getting unhappier every year. The marriage rate goes down, the divorce rate goes up, the suicide rate goes up, the birth rate goes down. Mental illness runs amok, most people pop one or, more often than not, more than one, pill just to get through the day. Lefties, of the snowflake and feminist variety in particular, are getting worse and worse and don't know why. So they double down and become more aggressive in the pursuit of their misguided goals and if, once they reach them again, things aren't better, they double down again with another supposedly victimized subgroup of society and "things will get better once this (perceived) injustice is eradicated!" Which they won't be... again, but they already destroyed another aspect of society, have made themselves and others even more unhappy and are on to the next group. If one of them wakes up and starts questing this lunacy, out comes the branding iron. You're racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, xenophobic, and whatever else they can come up with.
@elinope4745 5 лет назад
Arvr Bolk Neoliberal groups did that and have been doing that for nearly a hundred years to the US. Russia is better at defending itself from those groups. But Russia has been infiltrated by neoliberals for about 30 years now. Their future is not so bright either. Feminism and other similar ideologies have been used to divide and distract the masses.
@MatticusF1nch 5 лет назад
Love when "progressive" media types blame the opioid crisis on the decline of family values.
@wleao13 5 лет назад
the US are in the russia borders and putin have to make a stand and not repeat the stalin error with hitler.putin is a strategist and patriotic.make something great again is just a empty slogan.
@vukans595 5 лет назад
More less honest interview! But it is not difficult to answer the question from title! People of Russia saw what kind of ''help and democracy'' they can expect from west, even blind can see that West don't want for Russian people to live good, have big economic standard, have democracy, they want to occupies Russia to made them vassals and to steal all their natural and economic resources ! Like they did in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, ....etc. And people of Russia are aware that it is not less then miracle ,how Putin succeeded to stabilize Russia, make her power again, wile all the time, constantly obstructed, sabotaged by the West
@CN-dy4dw 5 лет назад
Putin is nobody, who is Putin's handler behind the world scene? That is the question.
@miked.9746 5 лет назад
Why don't you talk about skid row in Carlifonia and many other homeless joints where Americans are living in abject poverty. Across the whole of the USA these homeless joints can be found. The hypocrisy of the West is beyond comprehension.
@Jimpassarotri 5 лет назад
Nice report. Can you ask the professor about the murder of the Romanov family?
@robertablack5581 5 лет назад
Putin sexy
@KarlRKaiser 5 лет назад
Might as well ask why the Democratic party is so popular while people are poor? ....oh, I forgot. They're not.
@65minimom 5 лет назад
Karl Kaiser- most do not even vote or their vote isn't counted. 1929 is right around the corner
@for-knees5986 5 лет назад
There is no one to vote for in either major party and no leader outside the System who can galvanize people, the way Lenin, Mao, Castro. Most strong good leaders are threatened or killed outright. Imagine Malcolm X as president. Not a chance.
@Internetbutthurt 5 лет назад
Cuz people arent actually that poor.
@StrangerHappened 5 лет назад
*People are poor, but not so poor. Russia's average wage is about a couple of thousands of PPP USDs.* Plus, the Russian GDP during Putin's time has increased more than thrice (216%), more than any other country in Europe.
@nikolaip5834 5 лет назад
Marx himself would be ashamed. You clearly know the history, you have studied it. Yet, you cannot answer the question of why there is no other social democratic opposition (you leave out the social democratic aspects in your answer), and only attack liberalism while advocating *for* Russians' needs for strong leadership. You basically end up with a political system that is without liberal or social democratic aspects - so, the same kind of oppressive society MARX was trying to get away from. You also forget that Putin is himself asserting market capitalism, not the West. Then you praise Putin for it. Absolutely chaotic argument. *Facepalm*.
@nikolaip5834 5 лет назад
Also, fuck the US. Not saying I don't agree with that.
@khawlanimri4080 5 лет назад
Another Trotskyist!
@sergefa5862 5 лет назад
@vukans595 5 лет назад
How easy this Paul Jay host labels people and parties as neo-fascists!?
Китайка и Шашлычок😂😆
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