
Why Nouman Ali Khan Is My Favorite Modern Preacher Of Islam 

Ahmerio Khalid
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20 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 9   
@MdJewel-oq2wr 2 месяца назад
"Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise." Sahih al-Bukhari (6410)
@MdJewel-oq2wr 2 месяца назад
Abu Umamah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Assure six deeds for me, and I will assure for you Paradise. When you speak, do not lie. When you promise, do not break it. When you are trusted, do not betray it. Lower your gaze, guard your chastity, and restrain your hands from harming others.”
@TWD_walter 2 месяца назад
Hello i have a question Is it haram to talk with "gay", "trans", "furries" people?, knowing because in islam we dont blame the sinner we blame the sin
@ghojariyaamir 2 месяца назад
No Doubt Nouman Ali khan is the best. Omar Suleiman, Ustad Hisham Abu Yusuf, Abu Taymiyyah , Ali hammuda , ustad Wahaj Tarin.. This are some of my Favourite Speakers Though ❤️
@Ahmerio 2 месяца назад
@muhammadsalafiahlulhadith 2 месяца назад
​@@Ahmerio*_Question: Is Nouman Ali Khan, (the famous English orator) a Daee who follows the Quran, Hadith & Manhaj-e-Salaf? & can people with sound Aqeedah listen to his lectures?_* *_Shaykh Dr. RK Noor: All praise is to Allah, May prayers & peace be on the Prophet Muhammadﷺ his family & his companions & whoever follows them with good till the day of judgement🔥Nouman Ali Khan is a Non-salafi, rather a Sufi Daee🔥It is clear from his speeches & his relationship with the sufis that he is a non-salafi Da’ee, & the people of sound Aqeedah should stay away from such personalities (who don’t know what Aqeedah is, moreover mock at it) & not listen to their speeches🔥Proof-2️⃣:In one of his speeches he said:Did Allah (you know) make a big deal out of the question where Allah is⁉️People come & ask where Allah is⁉️Is He up in the seventh heaven or is He everywhere⁉️Did Allah Ask that question⁉️Did the Sahaba ask that question⁉️Did they repeatedly ask that question⁉️🔥(Ref: Link : Is Nouman Ali Khan with Hamza Yusuf & the Sufi-Asharis?🔥(Ref its refutation too: Response to video - “Is Nouman Ali Khan with Hamza Yusuf & the Sufi-Asharis?”)🔥The Prophet ﷺ to test the Eman of a slave girl asked her, “where is Allah?” & in the reply she said, “In the sky.”🔥Mu’awiyah as-Sahmi رضي الله عنه reported: “I had some sheep which I kept between Uhud & Juwaniyyah with a slave-girl to look after them. One day, I went out to check on my sheep & discovered that a wolf had devoured one of them. Since I am just a human, (I became angry) & struck the girl. Later on, I came to the Prophet ﷺ & reported to him the incident. He terrified me with the gravity of my action. I said, ‘Messenger of Allah’! Shall I free her (as an expiation of my sin.) He said ‘Call her over’. When I did, he asked her, ‘Where is Allah?’ She said, ‘Above the heavens’. Then he asked her, ‘Who am I⁉️She said ‘The Messenger of Allah ﷺ🔥Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ordered me, ‘Free her. She is a believer✅Hadith 1227 in Sahih Muslim✅Therefore we come to know that the Prophet ﷺ to test the Eman, he asked, “where is Allah⁉️” There are so many proofs which inform us that Allah is above the 7 heavens & his knowledge is everywhere🔥Moreover, it is important to believe that Allah is above the heavens, otherwise according to the belief that Allah is omnipresent, the concept of creator and creation unification (hulool & Moksha) will be applied. Moreover, idol worship also becomes allowed because there is space inside idols🔥Proof-2️⃣: In another lecture he said, “when people come & ask me, what’s your opinion about the prophets birthday? I say, I don’t have an opinion about the prophet’s birthday, because that’s not an issue the issue is our children are doing drugs, the issue is kids are leaving Islam, that’s an issue, you want to spend your energies debating whether it is halal or haram or bida’h or Sunnah, when you have people leaving the Deen itself, What is wrong with you? It’s a non-issue🔥(Ref: Link : Is Nouman Ali Khan with Hamza Yusuf & the SufiAsharis?_* *_If we don’t differentiate between Bid’ah (innovation) & Sunnah, then which Islam is correct & which is wrong? The sin of Bidah is worse than the sin of drinking wine and stealing, as the person who steals or drinks alcohol knows that it is a sin & tries to repent but the person who innovates, perceives the Bid’ah to be the Sunnah and does not repent🔥Proof-3️⃣: NOUMAN ALI KHAN in his tafseer of Surah Yaseen narrates a conversation with a lady in Kuwait who came up to him with a book & said🔥Lady: Akhee, you need to tell people that they have to learn the correct Aqeedah & this is the book of the correct Aqeedah and you need to teach this book, so people have the right Uloohiyyah, Rububiyyah & Asma wassifat because people do a lot of shirk, because they don’t have the correct Aqeedah🔥NOUMAN ALI KHAN: Thank you, what book is this? Is it Quran? Is it a Sura’h?🔥Lady: No this is a book of this… chapters & these… deviations that people have & what people consider to be shirk & it protects people from making these kind of mistakes🔥NOUMAN ALI KHAN: This is really complicated. I am trying to study Islam, I am scared right now. I feel like I might be a Mushrik🔥Lady: Akhee this is really important, you don’t know this stuff?NOUMAN ALI KHAN: No I don’t know it🔥Lady: Don’t you want to know it?🔥NOUMAN ALI KHAN: No, I don’t want to know it either🔥Lady:Don’t you want to have the perfect Aqeedah?🔥NOUMAN ALI KHAN: Yeah, I do…(Maybe I should find out where Allah talks about Aqeedah in the Quran) I find the ayah of Aqeedah, there isn’t one. If that word was so important where would it be⁉️🔥Ref : Link : Nouman Ali Khan Unveiled : Noman Ali Khan Said Aqeedah is Not Important🔥From this we understand that Nouman Ali Khan doesn’t know Arabic though he knows to speak & also doesn’t know Deen🔥Nouman Ali Khan is famously known as Mufassir-e-Quran in the west. We ask Nouman Ali Khan whether the word TAFSEER, has come in the Quran in context to tafseer-e-quran? The word Tafseer is present but not in the context of Tafseer-e-Quran. Then what Tafseer is Mr. Nouman doing⁉️🔥Has the word hadith or Sunnah occurred in the Quran with context to the Hadith and Sunnah of Prophet ﷺ⁉️Then should we NAOOZUBILLAH not accept the Ahadiths?🔥Similarly “fiqh” & many other “Ulooms”, where if you apply the condition (Is it there in the Quran?) like how Nouman Ali Khan claims, then there would be no knowledge of Islam🔥Likewise the word seerah doesn’t exist in the Quran. If you search all these words in the Quran with their terminologies, you will not find it🔥However, Deen is learnt by understanding the Quran & Hadith, as it was understood by the Salaf (The 1st 3 generations of Islam), not by individual intellect or counting the number of times a word occurs in the Quran (to categorize it as important)🔥All the Islamic sciences like, Aqeedah, Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah & many more are derived from the Quran & Hadith. The Ulama & Salaf presented Deen (its explanation) in the light of Quran & Hadith🔥Moreover, mocking the word “Aqeedah”, I (Dr. RK Noor) don’t understand how a person does Tafseer of Quran when he is not aware of Aqeedah, SubhanAllah! And how do people accept his words?🔥The lady informs Nouman Ali Khan that people are involved in shirk, because they are unaware of the right Aqeedah, still Nouman Ali Khan didn’t find this topic (Tawheed) to be important. I don’t know towards which Islam Nouman Ali Khan invites others🔥If abstaining from shirk & protecting people from shirk is not Islam, then what is Islam? The second name of Islam is Tawheed. The reason behind revealing Quran & other heavenly books, sending prophets to nations & creating Paradise & Hell is Tawheed of our creator. This shows us that Nouman Ali Khan couldn’t recognize the Da’wah of the messengers, because all the prophets called towards the worship of Allah alone (_**_21:21_**_)🔥Though the word Aqeedah is not there in the Quran, its root word_* *_ع ق د_* *_١ - العقود (ٱوفوا بالعقود) المائده - ١_* *_٢ - عقدت (وَالَّذِينَ عَقَدَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ) النساء - ٣٣_* *_٣ - عقدتم (وَلَٰكِن يُؤَاخِذُكُم بِمَا عَقَّدتُّمُ الْأَيْمَانَ) المائدة- ٨٩_* *_1️⃣In these 3 words the meaning of firmness is found which is contained in the technical meaning of the word Aqeedah🕋🇸🇦✅☝Namely those fundamental things which a person has complete certainty and faith in✅In respect of the technical meaning of Aqeedah it has come as a word in the hadith (يعتقد) in Sunan Darimi no 229, there is an authentic narration from Zaid bin Thaabit radhiyAllaahu anhu that the prophet ﷺ said, “The heart of a Muslim who believes in the 3 qualities will enter Paradise…”2️⃣In the noble Quran the word Eman has been used with the meaning of Aqeedah which Nouman Ali Khan himself admits to, in his talk, when he says ‘nobody has taught Eman better than the prophets, Imaan not Aqeedah.’✅This clearly shows that Nouman Ali Khan knows that Aqeedah means Imaan, despite this due to partisanship & hatred towards the Salafi Manhaj he could not even tolerate the word Aqeedah3️⃣Tawheed ar Ruboobiyyah, Tawheed alUloohiyyah & Tawheed ul Asma was Sifat are categorised in this way to help to understand Tawheed. This is due to the fact that people generally understand Tawheed to only mean Ruboobiyyah. However even the kuffar of the Quraish accepted Allah as their Rab. And this categorization has been taken from the Quran itself & not from any other book🔥However Mr Noman is so biased that he could not even bring himself to look at the book that this lady had told him about, so that he could examine it to see whether it speaks in the light of the Quran & hadith🔥I don’t know if the al Bayyinah institute which he founded & whose logo he wears on his collar even understands the meaning of this word or not4️⃣Mr Noman Ali Khan claims to want to stay away from the discussion about the sects whereas the Quran orders to follow the straight path & to stay away from sectarianism, Surah Anam 6:2_*
@muhammadsalafiahlulhadith 2 месяца назад
*_Proof-4: Nouman Ali Khan is an admirer & supporter of Moulana Tariq Jamil, the Sufi. & it is known about Tariq Jamil that he is a Sufi personality🔥Imam Awzaie said: (إنْ خَفِيَتْ عَنّا بِدْعَتُهُمْ لَمْ تَخَفْ عَنّا إلْفَتُهُمْ) that if a person of innovation’s bidah is not becoming clear to us, then at the very least his companionship is not hidden, because the companionship of ahlul bidah is with the ulama of ahlul bidah not with the ulama of ahlul haq🔥tariq-jameel-nouman-ali-khan1🔥Therefore salafi brothers & sisters are requested to keep far away from such people & instead take benefit from the ulama of the truth such as Allamah Shaikh bin Baz, Shaikh Albani, Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen rahimahumullah & Shaikh Salih al Fawzan & Shaikh Abdul Muhsin al Abaad hafizahumullah & their likes, so they can be guided to the true deen🔥We ask Allah to guide brother Nouman Ali Khan to the straight path✅May Allah allow us all to be steadfast upon the truth_* *_NAK:Distorts Quran & says U can change some words of Quran at your own ease Naoozubillah which is Major Kufr🔥promotes feminism & freemixing like Omer Suleiman yasir qadhi & more🔥_* Zakir Naik calls nonMuslims his brothers & sisters in humanity Naoozubillah🔥Says he is NOT against shias who insult Sahaba & Prophet’s wives🔥 *_Calls shia mushriks his brothers in Islam Naoozubillah🔥Promotes sufism/paganism/shiaism qabr shrine worship pantheism wahdatul wujood🔥🗣🛐🔥_* *_Jaahil Menk:Sugarcoats Islam & says U can shake hands with women "when u have to" & lies about Islam by his motto:🔥"TAKE THE GOOD FROM EVERYONE AND LEAVE THE BAD‼️"🔥Thus going against Allah's Command in Quran 3:110📚:☝🏻COMMAND GOOD & FORBID EVIL✔️ & Menk also defends gay rights to please the western liberal muslims & kuffar🔥_* *_Jaahil Menk:Sugarcoats Islam & says U can shake hands with women "when u have to" & lies about Islam by his motto:🔥"TAKE THE GOOD FROM EVERYONE AND LEAVE THE BAD‼️"🔥Thus going against Allah's Command in Quran 3:110📚:☝🏻COMMAND GOOD & FORBID EVIL✔️ & Menk also defends gay rights to please the western liberal muslims & kuffar🔥_* *_Did u even watch this frauds Denmark ban leaked interview ? He is a secularist liberal who sugarcoats Islam to please the western kuffar & in general‼️Fear Allah and stop promoting him & his like such as yasir QADHI, omer suleiman etc._* *IGNORANT MENK SAID HE ABSOLUTELY AGREES WITH EQUAL RIGHTS FOR MEN & WOMEN IN THAT LEAKED DENMARK BAN INTERVIEW‼️THIS STATEMENT IS WRONG ISLAMICALLY BCUZ IT PROMOTES THE HARAM NOTION OF FEMINISM WHICH IS 50/50 FOR MEN VS WOMEN IN SHARING INHERITANCE OR BEING A WITNESS OR GIVING SHAHADA OR TESTIMONY ETC.!* *THERE IS NO EQUALITY IN ISLAM AS PORTRAYED BY THE WESTERN WORLD AKA FEMINISM GARBAGE WHICH IS HARAM‼️THERE IS EQUITY OR ADL/JUSTICE✅️EQUALITY IS PROMOTED BY HARAM FEMINISM GARBAGE‼️NOT ISLAM‼️IF THERE IS EQUALITY IN MEN & WOMEN RIGHTS THEN WHY DID ALLAH SAY MEN GET DOUBLE THE SHARE OF WOMEN IN INHERITANCE QURAN 4:11,12 & 176⁉️ALSO WHY DID ALLAH SAY THE WITNESS & TESTIMONY OF 1 MAN EQUALS THE WITNESS & TESTIMONY OF 2 WOMEN (QURAN 2:282)⁉️‼️* *ALSO AS A PARENT, MOTHER IS 3 TIMES MORE SUPERIOR TO FATHER & MOTHER IS MORE DESERVING OF OUR LOVE & COMPASSION & GOOD TREATMENT THAN OUR FATHER AS PER THE FAMOUS HADITH WHERE THE PROPHET SAID MOTHER THRICE & FATHER ONLY ONCE‼️FEMINISM is haram & has nothing to do with Islam‼️FEMINISM WOULD SAY MEN AND WOMEN MUST GET 50/50 SHARE IN INHERITANCE & MUST BE EQUAL AS WITNESSES & TESTIMONIES🔥*_ _*IN ISLAM, MEN & WOMEN ARE EQUAL IN THE EYES OF ALLAH BUT NEVER EQUAL ON THEIR RIGHTS, ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES BCUZ THEY ARE DIFFERENT CREATIONS OF ALLAH✔️IN ISLAM WOMEN ARE 3 TIMES MORE SUPERIOR TO MEN IN THE ASPECT OF PARENTHOOD‼️BUT U NEVER FIND MEN LOSING THEIR MINDS & GOING ON AN OUTRAGE & SAYING🗣🗣:"WHY IS FATHER 3 TIMES INFERIOR TO MOTHER... BLAH BLAH..⁉️‼️"💤BUT DUMB WEST INFATUATED FEMINISTS ALWAYS GET TRIGGERED SUBHANALLAH!* 🤦🏻‍♂️ *ALSO IN ISLAM MEN ARE SUPERIOR TO WOMEN IN THE ASPECT OF BEING WITNESSES & GETTING DOUBLE THE SHARE OF INHERITANCE SINCE THE WHOLE FINANCIAL BURDEN IS PUT ON THE SHOULDERS OF MEN IN ANY FAMILY‼️FOR EXAMPLE: A WOMAN IN ISLAM MUST BE FINANCIALLY SUPPORTED WITH LODGING, BOARDING, FOOD, CLOTHING, SHELTER ETC. BY HER FATHER & BROTHER BEFORE MARRIAGE✔️& BY HER HUSBAND & ADULT SON AFTER MARRIAGE‼️WOMEN DONT EVEN HAVE TO SPEND A SINGLE PENNY OF THEIR SHARE OF INHERITANCE OR HALAL INCOME FOR ANYBODY EXCEPT FOR ZAKAT IF IT CROSSES THE NISAB LEVEL OF 85g GOLD EACH LUNAR/ISLAMIC YEAR (which is another topic)!*
@muhammadsalafiahlulhadith 2 месяца назад
​@@Ahmerio*_Proof-4: Nouman Ali Khan is an admirer & supporter of Moulana Tariq Jamil, the Sufi. & it is known about Tariq Jamil that he is a Sufi personality🔥Imam Awzaie said: (إنْ خَفِيَتْ عَنّا بِدْعَتُهُمْ لَمْ تَخَفْ عَنّا إلْفَتُهُمْ) that if a person of innovation’s bidah is not becoming clear to us, then at the very least his companionship is not hidden, because the companionship of ahlul bidah is with the ulama of ahlul bidah not with the ulama of ahlul haq🔥tariq-jameel-nouman-ali-khan1🔥Therefore salafi brothers & sisters are requested to keep far away from such people & instead take benefit from the ulama of the truth such as Allamah Shaikh bin Baz, Shaikh Albani, Shaikh ibn Uthaymeen rahimahumullah & Shaikh Salih al Fawzan & Shaikh Abdul Muhsin al Abaad hafizahumullah & their likes, so they can be guided to the true deen🔥We ask Allah to guide brother Nouman Ali Khan to the straight path✅May Allah allow us all to be steadfast upon the truth_* *_NAK:Distorts Quran & says U can change some words of Quran at your own ease Naoozubillah which is Major Kufr🔥promotes feminism & freemixing like Omer Suleiman yasir qadhi & more🔥_* Zakir Naik calls nonMuslims his brothers & sisters in humanity Naoozubillah🔥Says he is NOT against shias who insult Sahaba & Prophet’s wives🔥 *_Calls shia mushriks his brothers in Islam Naoozubillah🔥Promotes sufism/paganism/shiaism qabr shrine worship pantheism wahdatul wujood🔥🗣🛐🔥_* *_Jaahil Menk:Sugarcoats Islam & says U can shake hands with women "when u have to" & lies about Islam by his motto:🔥"TAKE THE GOOD FROM EVERYONE AND LEAVE THE BAD‼️"🔥Thus going against Allah's Command in Quran 3:110📚:☝🏻COMMAND GOOD & FORBID EVIL✔️ & Menk also defends gay rights to please the western liberal muslims & kuffar🔥_* *_Jaahil Menk:Sugarcoats Islam & says U can shake hands with women "when u have to" & lies about Islam by his motto:🔥"TAKE THE GOOD FROM EVERYONE AND LEAVE THE BAD‼️"🔥Thus going against Allah's Command in Quran 3:110📚:☝🏻COMMAND GOOD & FORBID EVIL✔️ & Menk also defends gay rights to please the western liberal muslims & kuffar🔥_* *_Did u even watch this frauds Denmark ban leaked interview ? He is a secularist liberal who sugarcoats Islam to please the western kuffar & in general‼️Fear Allah and stop promoting him & his like such as yasir QADHI, omer suleiman etc._* *IGNORANT MENK SAID HE ABSOLUTELY AGREES WITH EQUAL RIGHTS FOR MEN & WOMEN IN THAT LEAKED DENMARK BAN INTERVIEW‼️THIS STATEMENT IS WRONG ISLAMICALLY BCUZ IT PROMOTES THE HARAM NOTION OF FEMINISM WHICH IS 50/50 FOR MEN VS WOMEN IN SHARING INHERITANCE OR BEING A WITNESS OR GIVING SHAHADA OR TESTIMONY ETC.!* *THERE IS NO EQUALITY IN ISLAM AS PORTRAYED BY THE WESTERN WORLD AKA FEMINISM GARBAGE WHICH IS HARAM‼️THERE IS EQUITY OR ADL/JUSTICE✅️EQUALITY IS PROMOTED BY HARAM FEMINISM GARBAGE‼️NOT ISLAM‼️IF THERE IS EQUALITY IN MEN & WOMEN RIGHTS THEN WHY DID ALLAH SAY MEN GET DOUBLE THE SHARE OF WOMEN IN INHERITANCE QURAN 4:11,12 & 176⁉️ALSO WHY DID ALLAH SAY THE WITNESS & TESTIMONY OF 1 MAN EQUALS THE WITNESS & TESTIMONY OF 2 WOMEN (QURAN 2:282)⁉️‼️* *ALSO AS A PARENT, MOTHER IS 3 TIMES MORE SUPERIOR TO FATHER & MOTHER IS MORE DESERVING OF OUR LOVE & COMPASSION & GOOD TREATMENT THAN OUR FATHER AS PER THE FAMOUS HADITH WHERE THE PROPHET SAID MOTHER THRICE & FATHER ONLY ONCE‼️FEMINISM is haram & has nothing to do with Islam‼️FEMINISM WOULD SAY MEN AND WOMEN MUST GET 50/50 SHARE IN INHERITANCE & MUST BE EQUAL AS WITNESSES & TESTIMONIES🔥*_ _*IN ISLAM, MEN & WOMEN ARE EQUAL IN THE EYES OF ALLAH BUT NEVER EQUAL ON THEIR RIGHTS, ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES BCUZ THEY ARE DIFFERENT CREATIONS OF ALLAH✔️IN ISLAM WOMEN ARE 3 TIMES MORE SUPERIOR TO MEN IN THE ASPECT OF PARENTHOOD‼️BUT U NEVER FIND MEN LOSING THEIR MINDS & GOING ON AN OUTRAGE & SAYING🗣🗣:"WHY IS FATHER 3 TIMES INFERIOR TO MOTHER... BLAH BLAH..⁉️‼️"💤BUT DUMB WEST INFATUATED FEMINISTS ALWAYS GET TRIGGERED SUBHANALLAH!* 🤦🏻‍♂️ *ALSO IN ISLAM MEN ARE SUPERIOR TO WOMEN IN THE ASPECT OF BEING WITNESSES & GETTING DOUBLE THE SHARE OF INHERITANCE SINCE THE WHOLE FINANCIAL BURDEN IS PUT ON THE SHOULDERS OF MEN IN ANY FAMILY‼️FOR EXAMPLE: A WOMAN IN ISLAM MUST BE FINANCIALLY SUPPORTED WITH LODGING, BOARDING, FOOD, CLOTHING, SHELTER ETC. BY HER FATHER & BROTHER BEFORE MARRIAGE✔️& BY HER HUSBAND & ADULT SON AFTER MARRIAGE‼️WOMEN DONT EVEN HAVE TO SPEND A SINGLE PENNY OF THEIR SHARE OF INHERITANCE OR HALAL INCOME FOR ANYBODY EXCEPT FOR ZAKAT IF IT CROSSES THE NISAB LEVEL OF 85g GOLD EACH LUNAR/ISLAMIC YEAR (which is another topic)!*
@Mrw56 2 месяца назад
Hey when u make the face in words is bad Sahih al bukhari 6109
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