
Why Reddit Is On Fire About 3.24 & Day 2 Frostblink Build Update 

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@cardox6402 6 месяцев назад
The crafting UI should just make you select every mob you want to bury at the same time and when youre done selecting you just press "confirm" and it would bury all of them at once
@an0mndr 6 месяцев назад
Honestly I always just assumed it would be like this, I thought it was the only thing that made sense
@cardox6402 6 месяцев назад
@@an0mndr For real, the way the ui is rn makes crafting very tedious
@circaen 6 месяцев назад
Where you bury some corpses matter. This solution is not possible as currently constructed.
@CC-xb4rn 6 месяцев назад
@lowkey_Ioki 6 месяцев назад
Not only would this mess up the "row extra effect" type things, it could also merge two different projects you're working on unintentionally. It would be a nightmare to program and people would be angry when it inevitably makes their separated projects combine and ruin each other.
@canhnguyen-uj6ox 6 месяцев назад
all this could have been far more bearable if they just put in a "I dont wanna do this shit" button. Let us skip the mechanic if we think the reward isnt worth it. At least then I can just play the vanilla game until they fix it like past leagues. But no, I'm hard stuck throwing away my maps. Im already stopped playing half way through day 1, will come back in a week to see what kinda fix they've cooked up and if nothing then it's just "GG, cya next league" I guess.
@MrMatigno 6 месяцев назад
I really want to like the crafting system because it seems your can craft some good gear by being smart with the corpses. Needing at least 30 good corpses per attempt, tedious corpse management, craft of exile being required on the second monitor would be annoying downsides, but still an interesting mechanic But when the user experience is so horrible, I just don't want to interact with it sadly. At least the mapping with interactable modifiers and allflames is real fun
@Hornswroggle 6 месяцев назад
This is the exact reason why I absolutely hate crafting centered leagues - i hated harvest, hated synthesis, hated Scourge, hated crucible. Because the potential is so high, GGG think they have to tune is so low that the only way to reach that potential is to go all in, otherwise it's a complete crapshoot. Meaning only the highest of high end players can use it to any degree of efficiency. And the rest is condemned to farm curreny to buy whatever scraps drop off the table. GGG loves to talk about "letting you have fun with super-items for a league" but with very few exceptions like Sentinel they almost always tune it to work against the average player.
@panda93247 6 месяцев назад
It's more like at least 40 good corpses depending on the type of item you're trying to craft with upwards of 60 required corpses if you want a specific craft, not to mention you might craft crazy mods on a really crap base. Imagine crafting with 80 corpses for all perfect rolls and then instead of landing on an amethyst or opal ring base, you get gold ring base. It's punishing for no real reason, and GGG need to look into changing it.
@antonego9581 5 месяцев назад
yep i play with controller so the graveyard is basically unplayable. its so clunky and annoying. just ignoring it. i actually like the lantern, they just need to tweak it a bit so there's better rewards
@ShakCentral 6 месяцев назад
I work in game QA and I've gone to bat for a lot of UI/UX issues and this is maybe worse than anything I've seen before. I'm in shock
@subtractem 6 месяцев назад
It's so bad man. Same here dude, I just don't know how they could ship it like this.
@yavvivvay 6 месяцев назад
It needs "opt out for this map" button. And waaay more rewards forced along the bad rolls as you say.
@Hornswroggle 6 месяцев назад
Yeah... it needs to be similar to Expedition remnants - someting good to go along with the bad... It wouldn't be so frustrating if they hadn't had this figured out 9 leagues ago...
@albertgiovanno1359 5 месяцев назад
​@@Hornswroggle this is what actually baffles me,expedition u can choose not to explode the bricking remnants,this one u just get rekt either way,there is no frickin way they want us read what monsters do in poedb or some shi
@lordofchaosinc.261 5 месяцев назад
If I was playing hardcore I'd just wait until they fix it, crazy danger spikes and no rewards to go with it like crucible but non-optional.
@samkaeppel1160 6 месяцев назад
Just make the grave crafting a menu, it doesnt need to be in the actual graveyard. Give us a table and let us place bodies in graves in a huge screen. Then go out to the graveyard and see the bodies in the graves and complete the craft.
@oneoranota 6 месяцев назад
The fact that I could code such a menu in a day, and they couldn't think of it in 3 months... dafuq GGG ?
@morguliusz9770 5 месяцев назад
@@oneoranota4months? The Affliction League lasted a month longer
@Uelibertiga 6 месяцев назад
Harvest was trash aswell in the start. People complained back then because nobody found any "add" crafts and GGG had to massively buff the mechanic. I feel like this is also needed for the necropolis league. I put around 20-25 corpses mainly focusing on life and res and got neither one on my gloves.
@pledezma91 6 месяцев назад
Yea, Harvest was a dumpster fire before they did a few patches. It was so convoluted and required managing where and what to plant during the first month of the league.
@Nevernew 6 месяцев назад
League is DOA without an exceptionally generous patch
@panda93247 6 месяцев назад
You know what would fix this league mechanic? A turn off the league mechanic button.
@shaunakers48 6 месяцев назад
Another unfortunate thing about adding Necropolis to the Atlas is they put them in the farthest four corners of the Atlas Tree possible. So if you wanted to even invest in it, you'd spend so much in travel nodes. The only saving grace is the top two have the Gateway nodes right next to them.
@Noxxvideos 6 месяцев назад
Thumbnail says "Old Thrusty" which is my nickname on Tinder.
@raffyb.3792 6 месяцев назад
I got the nameless seer mod during campaign in A3 Solaris level 2. It was on sea-witch mobs which you have to spawn by proximity. I don't think I spawned all of them so I went to every single corner of the map, in all the bodies of water and spent 30 mins trying to spawn the "last" mob. Never got it. Not sure what I did wrong but having to ensure the rewarding mod you want is on a pack of mobs that isn't going to "backfire" due to some weird spawn mech sucks.
@oneoranota 6 месяцев назад
I had Nameless Seer in the sewer and I went through the whole map three times before realizing that the last pack was in the hideout subarea -_-
@Ulication 6 месяцев назад
having to /remaining = 0 essentially for this is probably bait for the time investment, i spawned him twice in campaign but i don't think ill do it again unless they make it more lenient only if im well into my build blasting smth like jungle valley and it incidentally happens
@zotha 6 месяцев назад
99% of the mods on corpses are useless, you need dozens and dozens of very exact corpses to get anything good and there is a cap of 64 in the garbage interface. This mechanic going live like this is absolutely fucking baffling.
@robertmartin1872 6 месяцев назад
@down-the-rabbit-hole 6 месяцев назад
@@robertmartin1872 he's right. you are wrong.
@pwnnr13 6 месяцев назад
​@@robertmartin1872great input, exquisite.
@Klyptic 6 месяцев назад
I hate how it makes things harder for no gain. And no opt out is a big no from me
@Tranquilized_ 5 месяцев назад
You explained the problems pretty well, a lot of the complaints I have seen feel like they have no idea about anything and they are just mad but you clearly understand the key points that are the problem.
@an0mndr 6 месяцев назад
I believe the thumbnail says "thrusty", not "trusty"
@BIGPILGRIM420 6 месяцев назад
intentional? if not, hilarious 😂
@subtractem 6 месяцев назад
@RikhardtYT 6 месяцев назад
Sequel to 'How to get Hard'
@an0mndr 6 месяцев назад
@@RikhardtYT I forgot about that, explains it lol
@troggy1682 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for giving clear and concise reasonings on why this league mechanic is so difficult to play around, reddit is useless for getting actual useful information because, as you said, the subreddit is on fire and you would think GGG dropped a nuke on the game itself.
@brandonkruse6412 6 месяцев назад
The lack of borrowed power was a big flop for me. What brings me back to temp leagues is having that extra little buff or league items to make our builds easier to put together.
@TapTwoCounterspell 5 месяцев назад
As a brand new player it sucks to see everybody saying the new mechanic is essentially trash but it is what it is
@matthewmcconaublaze7008 5 месяцев назад
Okay but why do we need 37 crafting mechanics??? I was really hoping for a game mode mechanic this league.
@mwdcodeninja 6 месяцев назад
I think they need to give us a single use per map veto for one modifier. Which yes is kind of the point of the frogs but it should be on every map As part of the mechanic.
@alecf5103 6 месяцев назад
Hi @subtactem this is my first league start and I went with your Frostblink build from Maxroll. Currently on Act 5 and it's going quite OK! It's difficult to get all the gear with the right sockets and links as per the guide, but I'm getting through things fine. Sometimes I'm getting chunked by ranged mobs before I can blink through them, but again, might be cause of my gear.
@GreenThumb27 5 месяцев назад
Out of 100 necropolis bodies, only 1 had anything minion in it. SMH.
@an0mndr 6 месяцев назад
I'm really starting to think they should have just pushed it back a week. Especially seeing that we get nothing day 3 (Easter Sunday), it would've made much more sense to not plan one of their biggest recent patches on a very popular religious holiday celebrated worldwide when the last thing people want is to be at work trying to patch/hotfix things. At least then maybe we could've had a proper ui from the start
@lufhkg 5 месяцев назад
Mark will say “deal with it”
@eshannumin 6 месяцев назад
I'm glad it isn't just me. I got through it, but my goodness were my first few white maps painful.
@yamchadragonball6983 5 месяцев назад
The entire game needs an overhaul that it will never get. Context: i played the beta and came back when this league was released. At every step of my journey i am repeatedly assaulted by an endless wave of New mechanics that i literally have to spend an hour googling and youtubing in order to understand. The passive skill tree and skill gems where already a very complicated affair, but they've just added layers and layers on top. Here are some examples: I assumed the corpses and zone modifiers where related because they where introduced at the same time by the same npc. When i got to the third ascendancy i was asked for an item to progress without any information on how to get it. I have a quest about logbooks that i had to spend an hour on the net researching because i had no idea how to get said logbook. After researching it i havent found another expedition. The expedition mechanic allows you to place multiple explosives, i was not aware of this. I have the niko's explosives quest that has caused me to die at least 10 times because i dont understand what it wants me to do. The list goes on and on. This game is immensely frustrating, i spend half my game time on google/RU-vid trying to understand an endless layer of niche mechanics rather than playing. And then we have this streamer claiming he aint rich while sitting on 238 chaos orbs. I have 13 atm. Oh and trading requires you to purchase tabs and use 3rd party software.
@whoandwut 5 месяцев назад
just don't play it, the streamer comment at the end was unnecessary I had way more than 13c by the end of acts and pushed way over 10 divines in the first 2 days lmao
@justjay3750 6 месяцев назад
this build is so much fun thanks again.
@TheCaffeineKid 5 месяцев назад
I don't know if I'm just dumb (which is very possible) but I've got very confused following your maxroll guide and pob. There seem to be a lot of tree and gear changes that are not mentioned, or they are different between the guide and the pob. I have got very confused and messed up and now I probably need a load of regret orbs that I don't have. I'm getting totally killed in t1 maps and I don't know why. :( I did SRS last league and it went really well so I don't understand why I have failed so hard this time. Sorry, I'm, sure it's all my fault. :/
@andreipacurar1350 6 месяцев назад
Lets not forget about the new soul eater with 90 damage reduction 😂
@lootmaster1337 5 месяцев назад
can i just hide the gravedigger popups via lootfilter plx :/ it usually blocks my shrine and not like the 25 weighting is worth clicking on anyway
@hawkervonrubin 6 месяцев назад
the only bad part about the league is you can't avoid it...
@PowerfulVillain 6 месяцев назад
Completing the campaign and disliking the league mechanic and hearing people rant and reading what most people feel about necropolis league is kinda enough fuel for me to go back and wait for 3.25 in standard. Such a shame, but expected this after affliction (best league ever)
@oneoranota 6 месяцев назад
I'm just short of killing Kitava but here is my two cent : This league, GGG wants us to slow down, to respect the mobs, to understand them, to kite, and to craft with care. Cool ! Going for some PoE 2 pace, I guess ? BUT They need to make the game feel good at the pace that they are imposing us. As you said, t5 downside should be a guaranteed reward. We are used to mowing down mobs by the thousands. Last league, I was killing 500 monsters a minute while mapping, and I was a slow one. I'm ok slowing down to 50, fighting tougher fights, but the rewards have to be tuned up 10 times so that the game still feel rewarding. PoE is a time consuming game, that rewards us heavily with dopamine. Except right now, the dopamine isn't there. Boosted packs don't drop shit, and the crafting is slow, tedious and very average. Essence spamming seems more fun.
@oneoranota 6 месяцев назад
It is especially sad considering they had it right in Ancestor. The gameplay was slower than regular PoE, but the rewards were big (few divines, exceptional gems, div cards, tattoos... )
@notputtingmynamehere 6 месяцев назад
Just get frog allflames ready for t17 maps
@lunatikhd6304 5 месяцев назад
we need more loot
@Daccura 5 месяцев назад
You mention a lot the terms "we" and "us" - Are you playing in a group? If so how did this strategy work for you guys? I would expect a complete different strat playing in a group.
@voodoo1069 6 месяцев назад
I feel like I've been saying this since I started in abyss league. They either don't have a UI guy or he is completely horrible at his job because that is basically always a problem with every league.
@DarkBiCin 5 месяцев назад
We all joked about poverty league. Welp they instead hit us with inconvenience league. -have to grind lab for gem quality or farm/buy a fuck ton of GCP’s -maps are harder and slower -league mechanic loot (specifically essence) feels awful to obtain large quantities off for crafting cvs other leagues -nerfed any build that needs off colors on 5-6 link items I personally as a semi casual feel like this league is more of a grind fest than any other. I dont just feel like im spending more time trying to gear and get currency but my character /played shows it. Ive almost reached the /played for my last 2 league characters who finished T16 + Eow/Se/Maven and I still havent even touched a T12 map. Progression just feels so slow this league. Whats crazy is a lot of the changes they have made felt and sounded fine in their own (like the gem changes) but then whenever little change is added together it just feels rough. But thats my hot take.
@semleenders2730 5 месяцев назад
Why do we need exposure on gloves when eye of malice has it?
@subtractem 5 месяцев назад
It's not reliable enough with how little this build hits
@grave_wyrm 6 месяцев назад
My biggest issue with the league mech is that you are literally forced into it. Archnem, you could just ignore it all together, same with Affliction, and all leagues ive played since Archnem. No agency of when i can play it is not good.
@totallynottrademarked5279 6 месяцев назад
I have always hated how much GGG is shifting rewards deeper and deeper into the end game. Then complain most people drop off in white/yellow maps. You need a 5 link at a minimum on most builds to push into later yellows and reds. Yet from actual mapping, getting a 5-link; good fucking luck. Better enjoy Heist enough to find a 5 link you can easily color.
@Valkaneer 6 месяцев назад
Yes Necropolis is basically everything you do has a secondary Vaal Orb added to it. Even maps you worked your butt off to craft can be bricked by the mechanic and you can do nothing to prevent it. Spend all that currency to juice a map just to have the Necropolis mods screw you over. This really is the worst design ever.
@ThaGamingMisfit 6 месяцев назад
Honestly the Necropolis league mechanic feels like a 2017 league that got pushed back to 2024 in the QoL department. This really worries me for the future, they can't get UI's and stuff right, how will the get it right in PoE 2? I guess there will just be less stuff, problem solved, right?
@skwerlz 6 месяцев назад
How to fix the league mechanic - Cannot affect other mechanics (essence, beastiary, etc...) and stop blocking the screen with the corpse description so you can see what's under it. I'm literally at the point I'll only pick up a corpse to see what else is on the floor. Only thing this was good for was about half a dozen extra alteration orbs and some truly infuriating 1-shots.
@swervbe 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for giving your honest thoughts on the league mechanic as it is now, hopefully there will be some improvements but it's already turned a lot of people off. Ziz chose a bad league to encourage people to play HC lol.
@CrookedParadigm 6 месяцев назад
Is there a final POB for this build floating around from past leagues? I want to play with a finished version in Standard.
@RamzaBehoulve 5 месяцев назад
Leagues are like new games, it's really pointless for "normal" players to rush to the endgame. You are better off taking a few days so GGG can fix/improve a few things by the time you get there.
@Commandelicious 6 месяцев назад
Frostblink, your frostblink, is my second character I play with a friend. It's a lot of fun so far .. but only level 40 or so :D The ball lightning one is fun as well, level 72 but ouf are the monsters harder this league or is that just me?
@oneoranota 6 месяцев назад
The fact that random monsters will do triple damage in your T1 maps is all you need to know... it's not you.
@julianolotero6600 6 месяцев назад
Hey Subtractem. How do you unlock the additional atlas passive trees? I don't even see a 1 sentence explanation anywhere online.
@primalysk 6 месяцев назад
You get one at 50 and 100 atlas completion 👍
@julianolotero6600 6 месяцев назад
@@primalysk thanks. I haven't got to play very much yet, so I am not in maps
@MonologueMusicals 6 месяцев назад
I just stopped playing when I reached act 2. I could see the mechanic wasn't going to get any better.
@nikp3516 6 месяцев назад
When the only way to make even a half decent craft is like 20 corpses why is there a 64 corpse limit, baffling
@pozytywniezakrecony151 6 месяцев назад
99% they will change it
@BlackbeardKNAC 6 месяцев назад
The crafting sucks, I am not theorycrafting I actually tried to use it. I spend 2 days farming corpses to make an ele bow and after putting in a rediculous amount of currency I got a sub 600 ele dps bow
@shawn4387 5 месяцев назад
This league mechanic is so boring it has me getting more excited for D4 😂
@johnnyp6202 5 месяцев назад
It's a great idea but an abysmal implementation. They created a system that if done well could make the campaign fun and maps more strategic but instead they went with almost literally 99% eff you and 1% carrot. Whatever. I play SSF so currency rewards are not all that uber exciting but this league is like hard core against SSF. Why do they think it is OK to just have no rewards for playing at all. I do not get it. I will say if they just pull the Allflames out and make that it's own thing it would be a better mechanic than they have now.
@Dukefist 6 месяцев назад
Probably the most bored I've been in a while for a league start - the league mechanic is meh, the challenge rewards were meh (Big for me as I do 38/40 every league). I have to say though the kirac's vault reward might be something I do before I quit because that was an awesome set or I come back later.
@down-the-rabbit-hole 6 месяцев назад
I can tell you right now, the fact that you are FORCED to do the league mechanic is going to make LOTS Of players quit the game early this league, much more than previous leagues. Players don't like shit forced on them that don't want to do it.
@GhostPepper233 6 месяцев назад
Hence the reason I didn't start the new league. The crafting didn't look interesting, and I don't like being forced to do a mechanic to run an area.
@WDUSNBMHHU 6 месяцев назад
I've played so much POE this Easter I think it's given me an insight into what it's like to be a streamer. I don't know how you do it, TBH, but it's been fun. Too tired to even finish this video ATM, just leaving this brainless comment to help out with the algo.
@BIGPILGRIM420 6 месяцев назад
are you a bot bruv
@oneoranota 6 месяцев назад
This is the worst league since I started playing again in 3.22. Don't kill your brain on it.
@ConnorGrummer 6 месяцев назад
It's also really bad that the necropolis nodes are super spread out on the tree, especially the two opposite each other on the bottom side of the tree. I think with the nodes during the league, there need to be like two clusters, one on each side at the top or middle of the tree maybe, and those nodes need to SPECIALIZE the mechanic, not IMPROVE it. The nodes that give 100% increased chance to get corpses that do specific things is a good example of this. A node that gives more chance to give unique haunted corpses would be the same way. Nodes that give more corpses is the opposite of how it should be.
@LazyM0nday 6 месяцев назад
GGG league motto....Release it - Fix it - enjoy it xD
@darrenyorston 6 месяцев назад
Its quite amazing how many leagues GGG make which are absolute shit in implementation but great on idea. You would think that atleast once they would have made something which by pure luck alone was great. But nope, another UI implementation which looks like it was made by a blind man. Cudos to GGG management for sticking with the low hanging fruit of designers. But atleast they have opportunity for significant improvement. What we can learn form this is that once POE2 is released POE1 is going to become much more horrific.
@Hooga89 6 месяцев назад
As usual they release a league mechanic in a hard "beta" version so people have a slow league start and when enough people whine about it they "fix" it. After all these years I'm actually getting tired of seeing how the hamster wheel is being made.
@Vertog1978 6 месяцев назад
Does a hamster know he is on the wheel? Sorry...high thoughts.
@thade7062 6 месяцев назад
It has no rewards , i dont even mind the little buffs to guys i dont play ruthless or HC , but its just not fun to interact with at all .
@Bart-y3l 6 месяцев назад
can someone send me hos stronghold setup?
@NicholasDarling 6 месяцев назад
It feels like the crafting was nerfed 50 times and the monsters were buffed 50 times before they released it. Everything else seems fine but whoever was pushing on making the league mechanic suck more and more until it turned into this... Needs to chill out, your only thinking about the top 0.001% who are gods and never get hit by anything and can farm a million things an hour.
@handles_are_idiotic 5 месяцев назад
I despise being forced into a league mechanic. I see a chaos ritual when my build still has negative res? i can ignore it. I get a map I need to run and i just so happens to roll a "phys as extra chaos" on a Necropolis mob? well i guess i just have to use 5 portals
@Legionthecomrade 6 месяцев назад
This mechanic is reminding me of both league mechanic Archnemesis and core game Archnemesis and I don't like that. I don't like either of those things at all. We have an absolutely atrocious mechanic to interact with in terms of actually using it and we have stupidly powerful mobs that just ruin the game and forces you to counter everything. I really want to like this mechanic but it needs massive UI and general useability improvements and a way to opt out. This mechanic is rancid. I don't mean just the mobs - I mean the entire crafting system that comes along with it too. I don't mind having to use an external website to craft. We've done it forever at this point. But jesus christ man at least make it to where it's not scraping nails on a chalkboard. I want to defend this but I can't.
@alcodark 6 месяцев назад
downtime league after affliction...😂
@tineye5100 6 месяцев назад
League just feels like worse Rog with extra steps.
@joshuahensley9395 6 месяцев назад
Just about every part of the league feels under baked, really cool premises but not the best execution
@dimitrisfikas7115 6 месяцев назад
I cant stress how disappointed i am man.. i was waiting for the league 2 months now and that was kind of a slap in the face overall .. its actually worse than affliction if you can imagine that lol. A forced difficulty league with no returns on the risk presented makes me wonder why they even delayed this shit.. its just poorly made for the time it took to prepare
@aberwood 6 месяцев назад
Classic league, overtuned mechanic thats unrewarding and a stash space thats 25% what it should be. Time is a flat circle. It'll get fixed as always in the first few weeks, but i don't get how its always so consistently wrong.
@obsoletetortoise4785 6 месяцев назад
I've already found the nameless seer more times in necropolis than I did for the entirety of affliction league and I literally played until there were 3 days left of the league. Lots of disappointment from this league. Copium lives strong though
@sinofusall2080 5 месяцев назад
the graveyard crafting will go core, and when it does i hope everyone realizes that GGG doesnt actually listen to its playerbase and will do whatever it sees fit
@lolleonlolable 6 месяцев назад
who thought this was a good idea ??? you need SOOO MANY corpses that fit together to craft just ONE item and its capped at 68. even than its on a random base, even IF it was any good u prolly get it on the wrong base. the odds of even getting alot of the corpses you need like maybe u want speed/lightning/mana/caster stuff for a wand and alot of "less phys / less whatever stuff" to make a wand, by the time u got all that ur at 200-300 corpses or somehting, but the limit is 68 so even with the ones u dont need for that craft u cant craft shit because u need way more than just a few fitting ones to even have a small chance for somehting good. so your left basicly with deeleting anything but the ones u need for that ONE craft and maybe some super rare ones.. like id expect this kind polish on diablo4 , but not poe .. makes me kinda mad , there is literally zero chance you guys playtested this and tought "yeah lets ship it like this seems fun". i had 125%phys as extra lightning 20%lightning pierce mobs in my scnd map, also +6 proj mobs (same map btw) blue t1 map, almost died like 3 times with 7k effective hitpoints and 10k armour.... like idk what to say.
@therocklau 5 месяцев назад
Someone figured out that if you put too much "% more chance for x mod" in, to the point you exceed T1 chances, then you will never see the mod at all, that looks to me, is design by someone who don't give a fuck about the game at all, if you can invest in something heavily and lost, it's a scam, it's irresponsible coding. That "Chris Wilson will leave" news, might have something else to it.
@silexaurelius 6 месяцев назад
it's just very obvious that at this point POE is on a skeleton crew while everyone works on 2
@SlomoStee 6 месяцев назад
I think the league mechanic is bad lol I dont mind hard content, but I do care that I cant really turn it off....................
@g.waits4gainz205 6 месяцев назад
@Bovineicide 6 месяцев назад
I just spent 15 minutes killing a t16 boss, league sucks lol
@ejswentura823 5 месяцев назад
necropolis ll go down as one of the worst league ever, too much playing around map mods, also corpses... its archnemesis back again but worse
@mike-8381 6 месяцев назад
Classic reddit xdd
@gokusan4961 5 месяцев назад
im sorry but this league is just boring :( the mechanic is useless because u get only garbage items of it :) I would even play old Sentinel League :) i just dont like the whole style of this mechanic and get bored really fast. i gonna skip this boring league and play more lastepoch i guess xD
@Schizm1 6 месяцев назад
Because it sucks.
@insertnamehere4419 6 месяцев назад
This league is crap, saying otherwise is pure cope. It's so bad and so low effort from GGG. But uh, Kripp playing Ruthless and whining and quiting is freaking funny. Could it be Ruthless is unrewarding? naaaaaaaaww lets play Ruthless and whine about it being unrewarding. Play base game and whine, I get it, but Ruthless? hahaha, it's like touching fire and saying ow it burned me.
@marcinchreptowicz6843 6 месяцев назад
Why should it be more rewarding? You people have been spoiled. Everything needs to be so rewarding. Cant you just accept that the league wasnt supposed to be rewarding but maybe it was intended to add difficulty and a little rewards? I honestly feel like the game is too easy and too rewarding. The new crafting system can be deterministic. Thats a big ISSUE. It shouldnt be that way.
@oneoranota 6 месяцев назад
PoE is a videogame and videogames are meant to be fun. So yes, the game should be rewarding. Not everyone is a masochist like you.
@Avishek.Actuary 5 месяцев назад
The league is dead ,period .
@christopheralba4026 6 месяцев назад
Mark and John are just bad game devs.
@circaen 6 месяцев назад
Naw, this league feels amazing.
@hottchipzz 5 месяцев назад
People are mad because it's trash!
@Valkaneer 6 месяцев назад
I don't mind them being on the Atlas, but what annoys the crap out of me is Neon in the Ziz interview said "If you feel like you have to do X then we have failed".... We'll that's all Necropolis is, you are forced to participate in everything Necropolis. You can't opt out of any bit of it. If you don't want to spend atlas points then you have terrible crafting that you are forced to participate in. If you like it or not you must use the necropolis. You can't opt out of collecting corps. You either take the corps or suffer the consequences. Unless you want to leave giant bill board signs all over that block your vision and get you killed, because you can't even dismiss the pop up, collect or nothing. (Yes I got killed when one of the "Call the Undertaker" pop'd up right in front of a doorway, I didn't even know a doorway was there because it blocked the whole door. Didn't want the corps, so while I'm trying to figure out how to close it a mob walked through a door I couldn't see and one shot me). IMO this is the worst working league I've ever seen. So many bad functioning things, and almost like not much though went into it from a team standpoint. For one guy this is hard, but for a team lots of these issues should have been pointed out. I really feel bad for how much work must have went into this whole thing, so much there, so much potential, but then turns out so bad. I had a map I just opened, was going to switch mods around etc, and I get a PM for a trade. I click off to go to my stash and it automatically triggers the map????? Now everything I was going to do was lost due to a trade which if you don't take the trade in a few seconds you will have lost the trade.
@EspyMelly 6 месяцев назад
The league mechanic I already knew was going to be super mid this time around. I'm never one for crafting-focused mechanics, always feels like a bunch of annoying busywork to try to get the most out of it. Harvest was only so popular because they buffed it massively during the league, and I never enjoyed messing around in the garden. If this was all the league had, with no core endgame additions, it would have been an easy skip for me. With that said man do they need to increase the corpse limit, once again a ton of micromanagement to try and get the most of it, with this being post-Harvest where they learned their lesson about giving players too much crafting power so you'll never be able to do what you could then.
@circaen 6 месяцев назад
The crafting's floor is too low for the amount of work that can be put in. Its pribably too conplicated for most people. Its honestly too hard to even know what corpses are worth selling. I like the map system but there should be a bigger reward for tsking in some of the mods. Im actually really loving the league. The gamenis as good as ever. The mechanics are under baked but im having a lot of fun.
@Yotanido 6 месяцев назад
I got the nameless seer modifier in act 8, but couldn't find the fucker... Would have loved a tabula or something...
@minhocho5487 6 месяцев назад
I wish the corpse limit was like 200
@veritaseru 6 месяцев назад
What bothers me the most is that unlike your stash, you can't hit CTRL + F. It's so jarring. I go to search and slam control f 5 times. The technology exists in the game already. How did this fly? Lol
@Commandelicious 6 месяцев назад
Oh, and I crafted myself a chaos res amulet earlier. Went well. It's easier with amulets and wands as it is with body armour and linked stuff. Good wand, insanely good amulet. And then like six times just trash :D
@Oh5144-r3m 6 месяцев назад
Glad you actually are calling out how crap the UI is along with how ridiculous the negative rolls are. There are still some POE elitiests trying to say its not that bad and its infuriating. I'm no casual but Im not a degen, and the league killed my interest with some of this BS. Keep up the content man!
@g.waits4gainz205 6 месяцев назад
17:05 factsss~~~ SO MANY good things but SO MANY BAD THINGS that are so easy to fix atleatsin idea I HOPE THEY GIVE US MASSIVE WEEK 1 LOVE CAUSE IT COULD BE SO MUCH FUN
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