
Why The Worlds End Was The Perfect Ending To The Cornetto Trilogy 

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@michaelstrong5383 Год назад
Hot Fuzz is still my favorite in the Cornetto Trilogy, and Shaun of the Dead is great, but I feel like no one talks about The World's End that much or even at all. It's so underrated.
@Nerdstalgic Год назад
Worlds End is so underrated!
@olstar18 Год назад
Gotta agree. I love shaun of the dead but somehow I don't enjoy the comedy as much as hot fuzz when I watch it again.
@Yoyomo124 Год назад
World’s End is my favorite of the trilogy!
@ItsCrawdaddy Год назад
Hot Fuzz is in my top 5 all time movies. It's just fantastic
@chaosido19 Год назад
Idk why but I've always had a mental preferential attitude to 'The world's end'. I watched it every sleepover with my boys😆
@sifatshams1113 Год назад
One of the very, very few comedy films to not romanticize it's lead character and truthfully show what a broken and even toxic person he really is underneath his 'Fun Guy' persona while still remaining sympathetic.
@daniellalloyd1082 Год назад
100%. Gary King is a very sympathetic charecter and while yes, he's a fucking nightmare and a terrible friend, he's dealing with an inner termoil that he just keeps smiling through - he just wants to cling to that moment in his past, one he's romanticised to the point of it completely clouding his future. IMO, The Worlds End is the strongest of the Cornetto trilogy partially for the point that Nerdstalgic raised - you can really feel Pegg, Frost and Wright push themselves with this film. The ending always felt like a bit of a cop out to me, though, even though it made sense in the context of the themes of the film - I want to know if Gary King really ever made it, if he recovered, and moved on - or if eventually his self denial and destructive behaviour lead to his demise. I'd really like to see that charecter arc concluded.
@snapeinvader Год назад
@@daniellalloyd1082 Well, I think that's kind of implied since he doesn't drink anymore, and seems genuinely happy-if still destructive-with his old friends.
@Cassiii33 Год назад
Underrated movie in the trilogy honestly, love the changing of the roles for Pegg’s and Frost’s characters plus a very off the wall ending
@PancakeProduct Год назад
It was a great movie. I feel like an additional twenty minutes would've helped flesh out the plot more. In other words, I didn't want the movie to end.
@sundancetitan5675 Год назад
You ever notice how the both nick frost and Simon Pegg change rolls like in Shaun of the dead they’re both idiots, Hott fuzz Simons character is more serious whereas nicks is more comic relief and then the worlds end simons more comic relief where nicks more serious
@Cassiii33 Год назад
@@sundancetitan5675 that’s a good point actually I never thought of it like that
@exobytemonolith5339 6 месяцев назад
It's not really a changing of the roles very much. Simon Pegg, in all three, plays a man child. It's just that in the third one Nick Frost plays a man who grew up.
@TheCybervoyeur Год назад
It's disappointing how little respect this entry gets in the series. It's not my favorite (Hot Fuzz is ) but this film is amazing and really adds something unique to the trilogy.
@eddiehanley4258 Год назад
I love The World's End, I don't get why people think it's worse than the rest of the trilogy, and I absolutely love the two premises coming together
@erubin100 Год назад
it might've been a bit ahead of its time. remember, this was released before the age of rick and morty.
@jasonblalock4429 Год назад
Just personally, to me the introduction of the space opera stuff happened late enough in the movie that it felt jarring. I know I should have expected a twist from Wright, but I was genuinely enjoying the dramedy about these middle-aged guys reflecting on their sad lives. So I was kind of put off by the second half. I suppose I should rewatch it someday, knowing the twist going in, but I haven't ever gotten around to it.
@overlydramaticpanda Год назад
Personally, I'd definitely say it's not as good as the other two in the trilogy but that doesn't mean I think it's a bad film at all, just that the other two set the standard so high. The World's End met that standard but didn't beat it, at least to me. I think a large part of the reason why people prefer the other two is down to tone. The World's End is, by nature, much more melancholic and bittersweet in tone than the other films were since everything about it is centred around nostalgia which is a very bittersweet thing in itself - there's a lot about the basic premise of the thing before the Network is introduced that is very real and relatable to a lot of people (hitting middle age and wondering if your life peaked years ago; Gary's alcoholism and depression that are evident right from the start if you or a loved one have been through something similar; the struggle to balance supporting a friend/loved one with addiction or mental health issues without enabling them; etc). And while the standard genre twist is hinted to before it's properly introduced, the hints are far more subtle than they were in Shaun of the Dead (where you see plenty of things being highlighted in the background that allude to a coming Z-word outbreak) and Hot Fuzz (where, again, the creepiness of the NWA is apparent from the start and Timothy Dalton is pretty blatantly a villain). The hints in The World's End are kept much more in the background and are more noticeable on a rewatch when you already know what's happening, and it's largely because the main characters either don't notice the hints themselves or else write them off which basically subliminally tells the audience not to bother paying too much attention to them either - again, in both of the previous films, the main characters actually took notice of various things that seemed strange before the genre twist actually occurred which also highlighted them to the audience. It might not seem like a big deal but it basically means that The World's End can feel like almost it's two different films that were somewhat awkwardly stitched together halfway through, so that the sci-fi alien invasion story it becomes can be very jarring for those who get sucked into the "original" story of a bunch of middle-aged guys and their toxic friend trying to feel like teenagers again.
@jkfozul2316 Год назад
I love it as well! Though to be honest saying it's not quite as good as the previous two is something like the inverse of the idiom damning by faint praise
@expressrobkill Год назад
Yea i think it is the worst of the 3 but thats not a bad thing, litterly the best comedy’s of all time so not being quite as good still makes it a great comedy. I wasn’t disappointed as i think they ended the only way they should.
@pacer1705 Год назад
The World’s End was the first movie I watched from The Cornetto Trilogy. This was made even more memorable because I watched The World’s End for the first time at its last screening of its cinema run in my country then. We had audience members in the cinema cheered loudly in delight to send off the movie when the credits rolled.
@rsienicki Год назад
"The World's End" is so well written that even though I knew about the alien plot I completely forgot about it while watching and worried that Gary drinks too much and it might be a problem. That's how you write great characters. Massively underrated film.
@Madferit91 Год назад
It's my favorite of the three. Love the Gary King character and is the movie that gets you the most emotionally invested.
@MrWiggsy4 Год назад
Best of the 3. Now that is a hot take. But one i agree with. But there's not much in it.
@boyroy4u Год назад
The scene at the end where Gary King argues with the Network until they decide to pull out of earth is the funniest thing to come out of the whole Cornetto Trilogy
@MrWiggsy4 Год назад
Get back in your rocket and f*** off back to lego land you c*** Brilliant line
@Vivi_9 Год назад
Don't they literally just go "nah, f it" and nope out of there? Haha
@habilsubarqah Год назад
"To err is human. So...err."
@motherplayer Год назад
Amazing too how even being considered the "Weakest" of this trilogy still is better and more creative than 75% of much of the competition.
@jaredbitz Год назад
I love the way that Gary "grows up" in The World's End. At the beginning of the story, his desire to be "free" is actually what's keeping him held down - the freedom he seeks is really just the freedom to satisfy his addictions, both to alcohol and to the nostalgia of the past. Doing the Golden Mile wasn't an expression of freedom - I'm fairly convinced it was one last obligation he felt before intending to kill himself. But by the end of the movie, he's overcome both of those things and actually found a meaningful cause to apply himself to. He's not just going against society for the hell of it, but because he actually has something to stand for. The fact that he can walk into a bar full of tough guys in war paint and order a water points to the fact that he's gotten control of those addictions. Whatever he's doing now, he's doing it because he genuinely wants to, and that's the freedom he was searching for throughout the whole movie.
@mrcritical6751 Год назад
Oh Gary was 100% going to kill himself, if you notice he doesn’t bring any luggage. If everything had gone to plan the guys would have likely found Gary dead in his hotel room the next morning
@boyroy4u Год назад
I loved watching Pegg being able to be the fun in the movie, his characters are usually the straight man to Frost and Gary King was a wonderful subversion from that. And he was still a fleshed out character, he had emotion and depth all wrapped up in a chaotic humor that just works so well. I think the emotional impact throughout the film as these friends try and reconnect is truly beautiful
@PapaLuge Год назад
Most underrated movie of all time, people really sleep on this one and it's my favourite
@Zenn_Chan Год назад
Worlds End is still my favourite movie of all time. It's such a brutal character study about people who struggle to fit into adult life, and it gets better every single time II see it
@SimmoOfficial Год назад
Hot Fuzz is my favourite and Shaun Of The Dead is a classic and close second but I will always stand by The World's End as being underappreciated and underrated! Such a cool story, twist, Edgar Wright's style through and through and Simon Pegg having the time of his life 👏🏻
@ericstreif2374 22 дня назад
I agree. It's not talked about enough. Even though I know what's coming the way that it apsolutely shifts gears from feel good comedy to outright insanity is one of the most unexpected turns I've ever seen a movie take. It's cinematic brilliance that's frankly unmatched. You're right though, Hot Fuzz is my clear favourite
@nemmeton Год назад
genuinely my absolute favourite film of all time, every aspect of it is just perfect and i can't describe how much it means to me. always so happy to see it get some love!!!
@bensilly Год назад
i agree with this so much its been my favourite movie ever for so long
@emdotrod Год назад
The Cornetto trilogy is the great tribute to three big genres of cinema: horror, action, and sci-fi. Even if The World's End isn't the best of all three, it's still a really great installment to the trilogy with its own moments
@aygtets Год назад
Oh man. 'They told me when to go to bed! Me!' breaks my heart. And I forget about it every rewatch, and just had my heart broken watching it again just now.
@Electrocoreschlampii Год назад
I love how you highlight the "unloved" entry of the trilogy. I think many people had strange expectations about the finally of a disconnected Trilogy. These are not connected movies but they let you interprete a lot that can connect them.
@disquietawe Год назад
I was unhappy with it specifically because of one way it can be interpreted. SotD and HF came out within a few years of each other, but they had said they were part of a 'Cornetto Trilogy' so 5 years later, people were starting to really pester them about when they were ever going to finish it. They were all so much more famous now than when they started and I don't think they were that interested in the Cornetto Trilogy anymore. When they eventually caved and made the 3rd movie, I couldn't help but think that the sad stuck-in-the-past loser, Gary, was supposed to represent us, the fans. He shows up when they've all moved on with their lives and drags them into finishing something they started years ago. They didn't want to do it, but were basically forced, and then the whole thing was even more of an ordeal than they expected. It felt like a middle finger to the fans for holding them to a promise.
@robokill387 8 месяцев назад
No, Gary is literally a self insert for Simon Pegg, he was going through a really bad patch of alcoholism and mental illness at the time.
@Kacp3rrak Год назад
All 3 of the movies are masterpieces in their own regard. Edgar Wright is great
@shangerdanger Год назад
love the first two so muhc. never heard of the third i'll have to check it out
@phoenx8435 13 дней назад
In the wild.
@thomaschiodini5806 Год назад
While this isn't my favorite of the trilogy, it's grossly underrated and forgotten by many. I'll never forget showing this to a friend of mine once cause he said he liked SotD and HF. I go to the bathroom right when it gets to the bathroom fight and all i hear is "What the F***?!?!" This one comes out of left field halfway through and it's amazing for it.
@SFgaming007 Год назад
I'm so glad I watched it without seeing the trailer because the alien reveal was one of the coolest twists I've seen in cinema, the film goes from 0-100 so quickly and turns from depressing to riveting in a single scene. Everyone I've watched it with, including myself, has the exact same reaction to that scene
@thomaschiodini5806 Год назад
@@SFgaming007 This has been my whole goal when it comes to this movie and people who haven't seen it. I just tell them it's like Hot Fuzz but they going on a bar crawl and antics ensue. Then boom. Slamming robots into urinals and this movie is dialed to 11. The emotional stuff is honestly great too. I know some people who've said it kind of comes out of nowhere but on rewatches, it really builds in the background until it just explodes like that.
@makeitthrough_ Год назад
I enjoyed it a lot the first time, but it grows on me hard with every rewatch. Hot Fuzz will probably always be my favorite, but all three films are divine and untouchable
@nateds7326 7 месяцев назад
I think The Worlds End is probably in my top 5 movies of all time. Its funnier than most comedies, more thrilling than most action movies, and more enthralling and captivating than most dramas.
@elliot2331 Год назад
Hot Fuzz will always be my favourite of the trilogy, but World's End is so underrated, probably my second favourite of the movies and made me the most emotional of the three.
@tessiepinkman Год назад
Just rewatched it when I saw the title of your video, and didn't watch this video until I had seen the movie again - and I still love it just as much as I did the first time, and the second, and the third time _(and so on)_ I watched it. It's definitely an underrated movie. I really can't say which one of the trio is my favorite, it all kind of depends on what I'm in the mood for. They are all my "number one", depending on the day. I think many people miss the undertones and depth that this impossibly funny movie has, and even though it's a comedy first, I think those tones of seriousness are what makes or breaks this movie. Not that it wouldn't have been amazingly fun anyway, I'm sure it would have, but they truly outdid themselves with this script - it brought something extra to the table. I simply *love* this movie.
@Zombiesnyder13 Год назад
Edgar Wright should direct KINGSMAN He and Matthew Vaughn have so much in common
@Nerdstalgic Год назад
I didn't know I needed that version of Kingsman till now.
@Zombiesnyder13 Год назад
@@Nerdstalgic support the cause # EdgarWright4Kingsman
@kruegerpoolthe13th Год назад
One of my favorite movies of all time I love how much it stands out amongst the trilogy for choosing to have a bigger message about humanity as a whole and I really love the ending Excellent movie
@theenchiladakid1866 Год назад
It was a fun movie to watch but it was very deep and had more hidden meanings that people realise
@daniellalloyd1082 Год назад
I do love the commentary on the genericness of pubs nowadays, how everything is bought out by franchises, and all these places now look the same. It foreshadows the alien hivemind reveal later in the film. But, then there's Gary Fuckin King - he straight up doesn't notice when he enters each carbon copy pub, smile broad as ever. (Or at least, he pretends not to notice.)
@benw4409 Год назад
I'm a simple man, I see a video on my favourite film, I click like.
@spiceupyourafterlife 4 месяца назад
I remember not thinking much about The World's End when it came out, but when I watched it again as an adult who has struggled with depression and a drinking problem, I found it a hell of a lot better than I remembered it. Something about it really hit home for me.
@jonathanrios3214 Год назад
I’ll be honest when I saw The Worlds End in theaters I was a bit underwhelmed, but over the years it’s become my favorite of the 3. It’s a true work of art
@JamesTheSmithy Год назад
In my view every film in the trilogy is fantastic. And The Worlds End deserves its place amongst Shaun and Fuzz. One of the most underrated films of all time. We may never see anything like the cornetto trilogy again.
@MusicSim8 Год назад
My favorite of the three for sure, I love all of them, but man oh man this one just hits exactly right for me.
@josephkitchens1644 Год назад
The worlds end is one of my favorite comedies!! And the best in the trilogy
The World's End is my favorite in the trilogy, I love the first two but for me they are bound in fantasy... This one? It touched my soul as it remind me of my lost past of my happy wild youth memories that will never ever come back. Those busy friends, people I knew, those old routine with the gang, and the town where I grew up... They all changed... Gone... This film teaches me that whatever happens in life... Leave the past, face the present and move on for the better future...
@ramaarmandoyusran9216 Год назад
My favorite is still Hot Fuzz. But The World's Ens is really growing on me after many rewatch. I feel like this movie is really under appreciate
@dongately2817 Год назад
I never thought Simon Pegg’s acting would bring a tear to my eye - World’s End subverted that expectation
@SpiritedAppaloosa Год назад
I was so worried you would cut K. Howard's emotional transition from the song, so pleasantly surprised!!! Great job!
@phazedash6081 Год назад
My absolute favourite movie of all time. I don't get why people don't like, the characters in this movie are simply a cut above the others. And so much stuff u notice on each watch, like all the cars in Newton Haven being hybrids or electric, like the blanks
@dillon1037 Год назад
The World's End hit hard when I was drinking and even harder now that I'm not.
@winfieldmozlington1546 Год назад
I think it's such an interesting film because it acts as a bridge in Wrights filmography as he left broader comedy behind after this and went into more serious drama, this film feels like him actively making that tonal shift. I'll always respect him as a masterful visual director but I do miss him making comedy. I've never seen a more quotable film then hot fuzz
@isaacschmitt4803 Год назад
The World's End will be my favorite of the trilogy. When it came out, I was very much in King's place, and it really spoke to me. It helped me to see I needed to drag my happy ass out of the slulp I was in and get my ducks in a row. I will say, though, Hot Fuzz has a special place in my heart too.
@gabrielvanzuita5153 Год назад
Just want to say I did a golden mile with some friends a couple days ago kk I love the Cornetto trilogy, Hot Fuzz being my favorite. The worlds end took me the most time to watch, and watched on a low part of my life during the pandemic, so it has a special place in my heart
@jaimel88 Год назад
June-July 2013 was fun. First out was "This is the End" from the US, then "The World's End" from the UK 😂 similar absurd energy, with dozens of in-jokes and a touch of social commentary
@farguc 2 месяца назад
The Fact That Sean of The dead, Hot Fuzz and Worlds End are all very different, yet very similar movies is what appeals to me. Some days I will want to watch Sean of the dead, others I will watch Hot Fuzz. Then Sometimes Worlds End is what I want. All 3 are very much Edgars movies, but each has it's own flavour. To date my favourite trilogy.
@whatsup968 Год назад
All the films are some of the strongest examples I can think of when you can just FEEL that everyone making it really cared about what they were doing, and that they are REALLY fucking good at it
@maxtugger1859 Год назад
Hot Fuzz is easily one of my absolute favourite comedy movies.
@TravisMcInroy Год назад
This film should have received Oscar nominations for Best Editing, Best Writing (Original Screenplay) and Best Actor for Simon Pegg. The Academy hates genre films and comedies. This is the best performance of Simon Pegg's career, though. He was incredibly hilarious and equally tragic and heartbreaking. That's a hard thing to balance.
@archiewilson8934 Год назад
the scene with pegg, frost and considine with “the big lamp” is some of the best drunken delivery ive heard, brilliant - also this film somehow is just as quotable as its predecessors, which is a big accomplishment!
@TylerGuitar5617 Год назад
Saw it in theatres and still think it's the best of the trilogy. One of the best comedy's ever IMO.
@Locadel2003 Год назад
This movie touch some depressing and real arguments too like getting old and cant doing the things of the past despite being a sci fi action comedy movie
@schubertuk 10 месяцев назад
This video avoids dealing with (i) Gary's alcoholism - which I think is a brave and adult topic for a comedy - and also one which I know made some friends very uncomfortable. And (ii) from around 2008 to 2013 Simon Pegg & Edgar Wright claimed the third movie would be a Disaster Movie - a apocalypse movie. That changed to a 'sci-fi' movie after release. Now the obvious explanation is that it was because the sci-fi element was a twist they wanted to keep secret - and that is true. But the disaster element is still the key element that drives the movie - this movie is about a bunch of friends heading to some form of nexus that will be a total disaster - and it become true. And through that disaster there is some personal salvation - but ultimately the damage is done - the world is sent back 10,000 years. I do agree this is the best movie of the trilogy, the most adult - the most rewarding about the human condition. But at the same time I also accept it is difficult, divisive, and makes a significant number of 'fans' of the first two movies very uncomfortable as it asks them to confront their addictions, and their obsessions (including nostalgia) - ideas that are somewhat celebrated in the first two movies! The fact that Simon Pegg himself had outed himself (after Hot Fuzz, but before World's End) as.a recovering alcoholic I think is particularly poignant. Simon & Edgar grew up. The question posed by The World's End is: did the fans grow up too?
@Shreddah Год назад
I loved this movie since it came out, and had a blast every time I watched it. I watched it with my girlfriend - who normally isn't into comedies - the other night, and she had a blast as well. Severely underrated, and currently rated 6.9/10 om imdb - which is criminally low for what it is.
@SeriousxSniper Год назад
not only did this video put me on to this movie, but it also put me on the Three Colors trilogy, love the content fr
@xjemimaxjaundicex 7 месяцев назад
This is such an underrated movie and easily my favourite in the trilogy
@Chamiliatic Год назад
Worlds end has to be my favourite in the trilogy. I go back to it the most.
@peterproductions5015 Год назад
Man, these movies really helped cement Edgar Wright as my favorite filmmaker. I love all three of ‘em, and TWE is so under-appreciated. Glad to see it getting some love, all three are A+ films from me.
@tobygoodman9134 Год назад
Hot Fuzz is one of my favourite films of all time. Every last detail of Hot Fuzz is just perfect. I enjoyed The Worlds End, but it just felt a little off. The drawn out fight scenes with the blanks, and the odd ending did leave me a little disinterested at times. I think it certainly had the potential to be equally as good as the other two, but fell a little short. That being said, its still better than 90% of the garbage that is pumped out by modern cinema these days.
@MrWiggsy4 Год назад
I absolutely love worlds end. Massively underrated
@nbrandon6377 Год назад
Nice examination. Gotta pitch this in: Wright & Pegg were not the only creative forces of Spaced, though. Jessica Hynes (nee Stevenson) was a writer & creator of Spaced and she never gets a mention. Which sucks. Wright was the director, Stevenson & Pegg were the writer/creator team who made and fuelled it. It matters because Spaced is where Wright's directorial style (the sight-gags, the cinematic references both meta and micro, the cuts, etc) got tested and found an audience that facilitated this trilogy's funding and reception. She should get mentioned whenever Spaced gets mentioned, and she never is. :(
@Hemlocker Год назад
Not only was she a creator and writer of that brilliant show, but she was one of the first female lead characters in a sitcom that felt like a REAL person, and she played the role brilliantly.
@kickedinthecalfbyacow7549 Год назад
This film makes me so happy that they left spaced at only two series.
@gautiermilewski4322 Год назад
Thank you for this, I was too underwhelmed by the movie after the adrenaline rush of Hot Fuzz to go back to it but I won't skip it in my next Cornetto marathon and I'll be more mindful of all this video has highlighted in the next rerun.
@RG-zt4ox Год назад
I love Gary king of the humans He represents everything good and bad about us as people and that to remove the good or bad takes away everything that makes us what we are
@jamesdeziel1468 Год назад
I watch the trilogy about once a year, and the other day did Shaun of the Dead. While it's one of my favorite movies, I was pretty baffled that I thought of The World's End throughout the entire movie. Perfect timing for this video, and can't wait to get to it on the rewatch.
@1987Liono Год назад
This film suffered from This is the End being released the same year. People thought this was a copy due to the similar titles.
@ChrispyChken Год назад
It's been years since I've seen this trilogy, and I completely forgot about it. Glad you made this video just to remind me they existed so I have something to binge again!
@sea_triscuit7980 Год назад
I absolutely loved this movie, the first time I watched it I went in blind. I didn't watch the trailers or read the summary, I saw who was in it and because I liked Shawn of the Dead so much I decided to go for it... I'm so glad I did
@PimpMacSlickBac Год назад
Thank you for this. Your opening point about people not liking certain parts of the trilogy, I feel entirely. I related to this 3rd chapter, as a young adult alcoholic, missing youth, and convincing myself and others that I am top notch.
@aclockworkreview Год назад
The thing I've loved about The Worlds End is the character of Gary King would be my favourite character played by Pegg as it made me realise that I'm the Gary of my group of friends who is stuck in the past and hasn't moved on which makes me sad that my old friends haven't helped me lately but they'd try to comfort me I just love the worlds end for its deeper meaning of moving on from the past
@JMilamski Год назад
This one is my favourite and it so underrated
@travellingblade3015 4 месяца назад
I think Gary King is a very haunting character. Perhaps because when I watch him, he really resonates with me and I see a lot of myself in him which scares me.
@Richard_Nickerson Год назад
Spaced is so good. I miss that show.
@tylerbob2072 Год назад
It’s a mystery to me as to why The World’s End isn’t as popular. It’s probably one of my favourite movies ever; the best in the trilogy! It really pours in the emotion more so than the others, whilst being as funny as the other Cornetto films 🤩
@vitorbarbosa1664 Год назад
Took me 5 minutes into the video to pause it and go rewatch the movie, well done!
@AssasinZorro Год назад
I watched this movie twice. I liked it second time better, and it was hard to appreciate it on my first viewing. I don't like it as much as previous two movies of the trilogy, but I still think about it from time to time in a positive light
@renatocfrancisco Год назад
I was not expecting this XDD Amazing movie!
@SFgaming007 Год назад
Really loved this film and felt it was very underrated in the trilogy. I'm so glad I watched it without seeing the trailer because the alien reveal was one of the coolest twists I've seen in cinema, the film goes from 0-100 so quickly and turns from depressing to riveting in a single scene
@Bow-to-the-absurd Год назад
Petfect? Not by a long long way.
@grrinc Год назад
Agreed, not petfect at all. Don't know why everyone kept saying it was. The petfect movie has yet to be made imo.
@samevans9167 Год назад
Love to see some appreciation for The World’s End, definitely the most underrated of the trilogy
@LeonardoKlotz Год назад
The first ANT-MAN was a fairly decent movie, though very standard and formulaic But if Edgar Wright had done it, it would've been groundbreaking
@Nerdstalgic Год назад
Somewhere theres a universe where that version exists haha
@sa3doz Год назад
I didnt know about this movie existing.. I went i watched and came back to the video .. thank you for letting me know about it
@TheJaime9526 Год назад
It’s a subtle retelling of Arthurian Legend, and both a critique of modern tech obsessed connected culture, but also wonders if it’s a worse idea to reject it. A very British tension about rejecting change, fearing change, and wanting to harken back to good old days that may never have existed. Gary is the once and future King. It’s the sad point.
@iainronald4217 Год назад
I really loved Hot Fuzz growing up, I watched it so much my DVD of it stopped working. I was sick of Hot Fuzz and didn't remember liking The World's End when I saw it in theatres. Then, in 2021, kind of as a piss take, kind of because I wanted to see it again, I decided to buy a Blu-Ray of The World's End. I just fell in love with it. I watch it again every few months and honestly can't appreciate it enough. It's so good, especially because the story is so familiar, I am 30 and know the Gary Kings of my hometown, who I understand less and less as I grow older.
@angelsackson Год назад
Appreciate this video bruh, longest day today and nice to come home and dry off to this education on one of the best trilogies in English / British cinema.
@thomaspettifer8062 Год назад
It took me a long time to truly appreciate how epic this film is!
@InsideOutBeats Год назад
Absolute brilliant Trilogy! I've just uploaded a Remix Tribute to Shaun of the Dead, so many vocal snippets I could of used. After watching this I feel I have to complete the Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy remixes. Hot Fuzz next!
@pepperet5216 Год назад
Gary is still my favorite character
@cszm5639 Год назад
World's End is so well written it makes even sadder how Last Night at Soho lacked in that department
@Hemlocker Год назад
Last Night In Soho was so disappointing, maybe partly because I held such high hopes for it - buth with my favourite director, favourite actor (ATJ), and favourite genre all in one, it was hard not to get excited! I did still enjoy it overall, especially the first half or so. But it really felt like it fell apart towards the end.
@cszm5639 Год назад
@@Hemlocker I was very hyped too, but the ending is so... insulting... it's like all the absolutely genius writting and love for the characters in the cornetto trilogy wasn't there. I get this is E W alone without the writters of the cornetto trilogy, but Scott Pilgrim had that warmth, and Baby Driver kinda did too, as flawed as it is. But Soho got so lazy and hypocrite at the end...
@slicedcheese9917 Год назад
i literally just finished watching the film and am currently about to start on an Edgar Wright essay
@aquabot 11 месяцев назад
That look at 3:49 it's so touching.
@QJDWG Год назад
My Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy Ratings: “Sean of the Dead” - 9/10 “Hot Fuzz” - 10/10 “The World’s End” - 9/10
@doesntmatter6930 Год назад
Worlds end is one of my favorite movies ever
@dannyganelin9777 Год назад
A brilliant trilogy with three perfect films. I think it's time for a rewatch.
@channelwarrior861 3 дня назад
You're right there bro! This movie is great! I know people consider this the weaker film out of the trilogy, but I still love it nonetheless!
@B1onicelbow420 Год назад
One of the best trilogies ever made
@kiwimastermind4063 Год назад
I just want to take a moment to highlight the great work the french translator team did. While it bears some of the scars you can expect from a translation, how well everything was kept, from the tone to jokes, is very commendable! I do watch it in english when i watch it, but my first viewing was in french. And while i absolutely enjoyed the VO when i rewatched it (many times), i gotta say, it does feel inferior to the VF at some times in the movie. So i was gonna say that i think the VO is the best version, writing this makes me realize they are pretty much equal. Both have things more and less than the other. If you speak french, i recommend watching it in french if you decide to rewatch it some day.
@DACorderoArt Год назад
This is oddly enough my drinking movie wen ever I'm tipsy n looking for something to watch before bed or chill to I choose this movie, one of my favorites
@Numba003 Год назад
I watched this movie several times when it came out. For such a silly and convoluted plot on paper, it has a lot of heart. I haven't seen it in years, but I do distinctly remember it still. Thank you for another interesting video. God be with you out there everybody. ✝️ :)
@garyphisher7375 Год назад
This film really grew on me with repeat viewings. Time Hollywood gave Edgar a blockbuster film to Direct - he could smash it out of the park!
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