
Why we have less than 9 years left to avoid climate breakdown! 

Jack Harries
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@claudiaperea 3 года назад
Actually we have no year left to avoid disaster. Disaster is happening. Worse disaster is coming because the future heat is already locked in. We all need to actively cut emissions now. Suggesting we have 9 years to AVOID disaster is irresponsibly hopeful.
@domitron 3 года назад
I agree. Ask those people in China or Germany that experienced the worst floods in history how much time we have...
@DrSirmacek 3 года назад
Would be more accurate to title it “9 years before extinction“
@alexspringett 3 года назад
Denial of reality keeps us locked in collective false narratives. Abrupt, irreversible climate breakdown…. Sounds heavy but it is what it is. Civilisation collapse coming to a town near you
@domitron 3 года назад
@@alexspringett In the coming years as things continue to get worse, more and more damage accumulates, insurance becomes too expensive for all but the richest among us, and finally as climate change starts to result in the mass loss of human life (not just animal and plant life as now), I think we're going to have a long time to consider the error in our ways as a collective. Maybe those who persist--assuming there are some and we don't nuke ourselves out of existence--will think about the Earth as what it really is - our life support spaceship that we cannot live without. Maybe the wisdom of always trying to expand and grow in numbers, in economies, and even in technological progress will be questioned as not necessarily always unquestionably good. Sometimes through trials in life, we find out who we really are and finally change. Maybe humanity will do the same as a collective. I hope so.
@davidpeppers551 3 года назад
@@domitron We do have loss of human life now. It is not the future. It is now.
@DecadeAgoGaming 3 года назад
We have 0 years left to avoid disaster
@TheDoomWizard 3 года назад
correct Naz. I only shadow banned you because you tried giving me advice about who I should and shouldn't shadow ban. I find advice unsolicited advice very repulsive, I kicked environmental coffeehouse out for the same reason!
@DecadeAgoGaming 3 года назад
@@TheDoomWizard I didn't once tell you who you should or shouldn't shadow ban I just said banning (in general) isn't a smart thing to do, I also said it's your channel so you decide.... witch you promptly took advantage of
@namiesnaturals3557 3 года назад
Google valemtina zharkova
@DecadeAgoGaming 2 года назад
@@jimmoses6617 :)
@antred11 3 года назад
9 years seems too optimistic. I've read several articles that stated the CO2 budget for the 1.5° goal will have been fully spent by 2027. Realistically, if we look at how little progress we've made all these decades, it seem extremely unlikely that we will be able to curb our CO2 emissions fast enough to meet the 1.5° goal, and I'm not overly optimistic about the 2° goal either.
@ladyselenafelicitywhite1596 3 года назад
@Adventures With Mongos much as this might surprise you, but I agree with you, up to a point. Planting trees on its own isn't enough. I'm an old lady, I highly doubt I will be around in 20 years time. Whilst my father taught me how to use a gun, I live in the UK and don't have access to guns. Although, I would love to own an AK-47 as they are very easy to maintain. Ideally, I would like people to put pressure on governments and corporations. I have done so and encouraged people to join environmental pressure groups. The reason I push those sites is to give people hope and to get them engaged in the issue. I believe that Millennials and Generation Z will be able to change the world for the better. I'm from the Silent Generation and I intend to not remain silent. I honestly think funding the planting of trees, protecting forests, funding environmental pressure groups, and other causes is still worthwhile. To use a favourite quote of mine: "A small difference is better than no difference at all" James T Kirk. Individual actions when combined can make a difference. I have planted at least two trees for every month since my conception, of which I have planted three mangrove trees for every year I have been alive. I have no idea how much forest I have protected, or how much renewable energy sources I have helped fund. But, it isn't nothing.
@anemonaloco 3 года назад
@@ladyselenafelicitywhite1596 well just like the guy above wrote, you still gonna need that gun. hope I'm wrong.
@Elitist 3 года назад
@Adventures With Mongos If you don't want climate fascism I suggest you take more personal responsibility. Fact is individuals fuel the economy. Of course your actions won't actually change anything. This might not be you but I hate this mindset of exclusively blaming billionaires though. Who MADE them billionaires? Why is Jeff Bezos so rich? All of us. If you think the average person 50 years ago knowing about climate change would change any of the decisions we have made since then you are delusional. We LIKE the system of today. We benefit every second of every day. We live in the best time of human history QOL wize. And we gather up a debt increasing ever more by the second. We will eventually all have to pay that debt. So I'd rather at least try to change things myself and in my own life otherwise I have no right to complain.
@chrisslater4053 3 года назад
I agree. What can be argued to a draw will be endlessly until not much of anything happens. "Now that we've heard from the climatologist, we'll have a rebuttal of equal time from a department store salesman."
@drekpaprika 3 года назад
@Adventures With Mongos You are wrong about 2 things. Its always been the individual that changed history, never the masses. And secondly: yes, 80% of the pollution is produced by a few companies, but ask yourself what they are producing? Just garbage that they throw into the ocean or some shit that YOU use first before YOU dump it into the ocean. The companies are the product of our society. Our thinking. Our priorities. One thing everyone can do is decide not to have kids, decide not to travel by plane and going vegan. All very easy to do. It is actually surprising how easy we could change this problem. But we wont. Not because of a few companies but because of our mentality. The egocentric, egoistic, apathetic and tribalistic nature of our species. You can try and shift the blame to some companies but in reality you know who is really to blame. Also: planting trees wont help. To offset the carbon output of the USA alone we would need to plant about 4 trillion trees per day. There is not enough space on the planet to do that. Once a few football/soccer players drop dead on the field because of a heat stroke the panic will start. The masses will realize whats going on. First panic buying, then looting, then stealing from the neighbor, then defending your land from masses of other poorly informed people. Its going to get worse before it gets worse.
@claudiaperea 3 года назад
4:08 that’s a huge understatement. Please check out Peter Carter’s video on agriculture and temp increase. Over 1.6 above pre-industrial will see multiple bread basket failures. A two degree increase worked is an impossible world. Much less 4 degrees.
@DrSirmacek 3 года назад
True. Crop failure rate is underestimated.
@TheDoomWizard 3 года назад
agreed with you again.
@spex357 3 года назад
What about the Medieval period as we are nowhere near their temperature. This is us with thermal socks on and coats made out of duvets.
@wadeinn463 3 года назад
@@spex357 ... ah.. Google it The often mentioned Medieval warm period seems to fit the bill. This evokes the idea that if natural global warming and all its effects occurred in the past without humans causing them, then perhaps we are not responsible for this one. And it does not really matter because if we survived one in the past, then we can surely survive one now. But it’s just not that simple. Read more: 2,000 years of records show it's getting hotter, faster The Medieval climate anomaly This Medieval period of warming, also known as the Medieval climate anomaly, was associated with an unusual temperature rise roughly between 750 and 1350 AD (the European Middle Ages). The available evidence suggests that at times, some regions experienced temperatures exceeding those recorded during the period between 1960 and 1990. Despite being predominantly recorded in Europe, south-western North America and in some tropical regions, the Medieval warm period affected both the northern and southern hemispheres. But the temperature increase was not universal, varying across regions of the world, and did not happen simultaneously everywhere. While the northern hemisphere, South America, China and Australasia, and even New Zealand, recorded temperatures of 0.3-1.0 ℃ higher than those of 1960-1990 between the early ninth and late 14th centuries, in other areas such as the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, it was much cooler than today.
@rjcork 3 года назад
@@wadeinn463 so you agree that in Europe it was unusually hot at that time? Was there any crop failures? Famines? Unusual disasters? No. Basically you are fiddling with facts and facts are that temperature increase during last 30 years was mainly on poles not on equator - you can verify it with satellite temp measurements rss/uah. Moreover you can check on world in data how agriculture output is rising along with temperatures. It contradicts " Over 1.6 above pre-industrial will see multiple bread basket failures". As for medieval warm period, how do you want to draw conclusions on past world temp using proxy measurement from literally few sites around the world? Please check "GISS Surface Temperature" unadjusted 100year record of temperatures from Punta Arenas, Bahia Blanca Aero, Mercedes, Mandalay, Vigan, Port Blair. I could say that there was no warming in southern hemisphere in last 100 years using data only from those sites. Instead of reading wiki or watching videos like this one, check the data yourself and try to draw your own conclusions. All what Jack Harries is doing here is copying some CNN or BBC. The most rudimental thing is checking temp prediction with i.e. IPCC report "Warming above 4°C by 2081-2100 is unlikely in all RCPs (high confidence) except for RCP8.5, where it is about as likely as not (medium confidence)" and RCP8.5 is a scenario with global population growth at the same or faster rate as in last 30 years. Which is highly unlikely.
@awaismir2398 3 года назад
To simplify the video, governments must take a massive step to reduce carbon emissions by 2030, or we are fucked! To simplify it further, we're fucked!
@DecadeAgoGaming 3 года назад
We were effed before I was even born
@MyKharli 3 года назад
1960 was probably around our last chance for drastic action and since then we have had endless ill informed consumption and wars whilst low impact people have been mostly derided .
@kirstinstrand6292 3 года назад
@Chounouryokusha HAHA SILLY YOU ! Perhaps you are not familiar with COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. The average person tells themselves FIBS, because they WANT TO LIVE FOREVER, and when children, we all think we will live a very, very long time. I initially thought my parents would die, not I. And I cried about it at age 11. So, many of us lie to ourselves, believing our Governments will save the day. None of our world Governments discuss these concerns because they, too, are in denial. They are in competition with all others. Enjoy your time on Earth because I'm sorry to inform you that NOTHING is as you BELIEVE it to be. Education will point the direction to you. Paul Beckwith is a good place to begin. He has created more than 1000, 15 minute videos. He is NOT GOVERNMENT SPONSORED, which means that his income does not mandate that he says what our Government wants him to say. (This is an important point.) TRUTH is often PAINFUL...it's part of becoming an adult.
@LeanAndMean44 3 года назад
@Chounouryokusha a very egoistic approach, you are aware of that? People in developed counties are suffering right now, it’s not only about future generations. Listen to the Podcast “Approaching climate change like a game of chess with Dr Jonathan Foley” (plant proof podcast) especially at the time mark 17:30.
@larrytaylor693 3 года назад
@Chounouryokusha we are to late now. If we could cut the CO2 but to much money going into pockets of the political system. Oil companies knew this for over fifty years but spent millons on propaganda to create denial in people that's either to lazy to view the facts or just want to believe that burning fossil fuels isn't going to hurt anything. One thing that's definitely happened over the last year is now 7 out of 10 now believe climate change is real and serious. A big jump despite the denial campaign efforts. But it's as easy as looking out the window. The train is running out of track. You will see it's not just these poor countries suffering from the effects of droughts supper storms and excessive heat breaking records in every corner and it's mine and your back yard today it's a no brainier
@mckennadietze2769 3 года назад
I started watching your fun lighthearted content 10 years ago. Now watching you take on such a huge global issue is incredible, and like always you manage to capture the issue in such a way that a wide audience can understand, and I really believe you'll be able to make a bigger difference than you think!
@KarlSnarks 3 года назад
Never knew this channel until today, but it's interesting to see the evolution of it just by looking at titles of older and newer videos in the upload list.
@TheRandallarthur 3 года назад
We do not have nine years remaining to us. We have stepped over the edge a long time ago.
@georgesomeone7725 3 года назад
This, 100% this. The idea that we can still turn this around is just the powers that be trying to keep the status quo ticking over for a few more years. The tipping points have been triggered, we're headed for hothouse earth. Anyone who thinks we can limit temperature rise to 2 degrees over the 1750 baseline is clearly not paying attention, we're already at 1.5 degrees and headed for 8 or more. The Paris agreement is window dressing at best, a pantomime designed to placate the masses.
@Interdimensionaltravelagent 3 года назад
@@georgesomeone7725 We could still survive; just not in the same way. The willpower it will take to make the proper changes just isn't there.
@bgregg55 3 года назад
@@georgesomeone7725 I'm just as pessimistic.
@NoWay1969 3 года назад
I agree. The only thing that I would add is that that doesn't mean we can't mitigate the harm we've done by acting now. The sooner we end fossil fuels, the better the future is.
@georgesomeone7725 3 года назад
@@bobbytookalook Again, I agree 100%. There was a paper published about seven years ago that suggested that even with an immediate cessation of fossil fuel burning the current scale of warming would prevent the next three "natural" ice ages. Then there's the global dimming issue, which is a whole different can of worms. Moving to a "green economy" is as suicidal as any other option. It requires a whole new cycle of re-indiustrialisation. It's an attempt not to save the planet, but to save the industrial civilisation that is destroying it. "Planet of The Humans" was a flawed documentary, but many of the issues it raised were valid.
@melissastarr4063 3 года назад
The Paris Accords are actually not binding! Which makes it harder to keep countries that are signed on to it accountable to the plans that they were required to make
@kayakMike1000 3 года назад
@Adventures With Mongos um... Seriously? When the earth was 20 degrees warmer, the earth was a tropical paradise pole to pole. Life thrives when it's WARM and dies when it's cold. This cool the planet idea is absurd. This tries to keep people poor.
@doobidoo095 3 года назад
CO2 at 0.04% is a 2,500th of the atmosphere. That means to warm the climate by just 1"C carbon dioxide molecules must capture 2,500"C of heat energy. That is impossible. It also breaks the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. Methane at 0.00017% is a 600,000th of the atmosphere so it's even more impossible. However, the climate is changing. This is because of deliberate geoengineering programmes, in particular ozone thinning away from the poles. Though largely unreported ozone thinning effect is directly observable, this summer you can see a unnaturally bright sun just as we did last year. Under these conditions the pain felt when looking at the sun is not only from the increase in visible light but the much larger increase in infrared. (Look up at the sky and you will see a range of geoengineering operations in progress, these include chemtrail induced cloud or hazing, ripple patterns caused by HAARP installations, bizarre and unnatural cloud formations). Climate change is a programme to force change in accordance with the implementation of Agenda 21 /2030. Current events demonstrate this transition is well underway and will involve massive population cull through injected nanotech (re transhumanist programme). Agenda 21 also sees the permanent loss of all property rights with the introduction of universal basic income (ref NESARA/GESARA) and has/is being promoted by The World Economic Forum. 'You will own nothing and you will be happy' WEF In a depopulated world the surviving brainwashed and controlled population will be confined to mega cities. Carbon limits will be used to restrict consumption and liberty. Meanwhile the re-greened wilderness will be the exclusive playground of the ultra rich elite posing as conservationists. The CO2 hoax amounts to the theft of the world and the enslavement of humanity by a parasitic few. Welcome to the future! _________ I have included a debunking of 'accumulated heat' as it is so often used to explain how trace elements, so called 'greenhouse gasses', can warm the planet. Accumulated heat whilst sounding a reasonable explanation of how heat can build up is rather nothing more than gobbledygook. In fact it shows those using such arguments do not even understand what heat is. When we measure temperature we are measuring the heat energy a thing is losing. In short heat is a measurement of flow, the transfer of heat energy and this will always be in the direction towards the colder. For this reason a thing can never 'accumulate heat' in the way those advocating CO2 climate change describe. The temperature of a body is the measure of heat output, it can never be greater than the measure of heat input. Output = input. When a thing is warmed it is heated to an equivalent of the heat input. If this input is not maintained it will cool. Those that propose that heat can build up to be hotter than the total measure of heat input at a given time either do not understand what heat is or are being deliberately misleading. To illustrate, an object being heated by a flame can never become hotter than that flame, it's temperature cannot rise inexorably to the temperature of the sun for instance. Heat cannot be accumulated. When we think about it common sense tells us this must be the case. NASA and even Nobel Prize winning physicists have expounded 'accumulated heat' as the explanation how CO2 is able to warm the atmosphere. They claim that over hundreds of years CO2 has captured heat energy and this heat has 'accumulated' to produce a serious warming effect. As I have just explained, this is totally impossible and fundamentally violates all the laws of thermodynamics. That respected scientists should support such uneducated, unthinking nonsense is disturbing and only reflects that in terms of being able to think clearly about a subject they have no facility or inclination. These are the Dark Ages of science. Belief has outweighed logic or any critical thought. It tells us that we should not unquestioningly accept anything we are told, that experts can be fools. (NB: be aware of attempts to discard thermodynamics by talking about biology. Eg. 'It only takes a drop of arsenic to kill a person.' This would be somewhat desperate, muddled thinking. Clearly biological processes based on the reaction of a cell are not the same as the laws of physics/thermodynamics).
@marvenlunn6086 3 года назад
@@kayakMike1000 I remember when they wanted to warm the earth up because a new ice age was comming
@Mike-sp6tt 3 года назад
@@marvenlunn6086 what
@marvenlunn6086 3 года назад
@@Mike-sp6tt in the 1970's they thought there was going to be a new ice age coming they were thinking of using soot or coal dust to absorb heat to warm up the earth
@claudiaperea 3 года назад
6:56 “things are looking up” They are not. And journalists have to be just as frank about that fact as they request of politicians.
@DrSirmacek 3 года назад
Ssshhh don’t tell the truth
@ireallylovegod 3 года назад
AArgghhh DISASTER DISASTER !! , oh shit i thought i was joking , boo hoo :(
@ladyselenafelicitywhite1596 3 года назад
Climate change and pollution are things should worry about. ☹️ However, we can take action as individuals. Planting trees is one way, protecting the environment is another. There are ways we can plant trees and protect the environment for free. Here are two examples below. 🙏😘 If you care about the environment please consider switching your search engine to Ecosia? They are just like Google, but give all their profits on reforestation and afforestation projects. They also use 200% renewable energy and every search offsets approximately 1kg/2lb of Carbon Dioxide. 🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳 Ecosia also protects your privacy and does not sell your data to third parties. Please also consider using thenonprofits website. It can also be found as 70 clicks to donate. All the clicks cost you nothing as they use advertising money. They plant trees, protect forests, and help many humanitarian and animal causes. 🙂😘 Buy as many things second hand from charity shops, becoming vegan, switching to a renewable energy sources, and walking or cycling rather than driving are all things you can do to help.
@donutemptycircle8717 3 года назад
@@ladyselenafelicitywhite1596 Many people plant trees because they fear the fires may soon run out of trees to burn. Joking aside, live well without fixating on impossible outcomes. Our time is up.
@noahvaught6588 2 года назад
Actually, they are. As a matter of fact, many news outlets report the worst-case to get more views, more clicks, and thus more money. The key word is; 'If we do nothing.' We are doing things. How about you listen to actual science instead of doomerism? Feeling like there's no hope does nothing but make people lay down and die, and give up. It's a foolish, defeatist way of thinking. Just look it up, and you'll see that there are many upward trends.
@nokiahmotorz01 3 года назад
I remember watching your old videos when I was a teenager, the ones you made when you'd just started this channel and they're a lot different from this but I really enjoy that. I'm in my mid-twenties now and it's amazing to see how you and your channel's content has grown. Kudos to you for allowing things to change instead of sticking with your old formula
@kimweaver3323 3 года назад
Should be titled "How we blew past our last chance to prevent habitat collapse and Near Term Human Extinction sixty years ago."
@mtn1793 3 года назад
Sadly yours is a very realistic comment.
@manfredpolster1732 3 года назад
More like 30th years ago.
@mtn1793 3 года назад
@@manfredpolster1732 The first scientific observations on greenhouse theory were all the way back in the late 1800s. That’s how far back the chances to maintain atmospheric balance extends. Ours is a greedy sort…
@llarmstrong783 Год назад
It was too late in the 1960's
@SerenaSkybourne 3 года назад
Thankyou for this video. We need to put pressure on our governments and companies to change and do better, for the sake of our generation and future ones
@Gator777 3 года назад
Our world is all about the money. If one country changes patterns and others don't, what does that do? Some suffer, some don't. Nothing ever really changes. Climate change has existed as long as the earth has been here. Will there be a day people can no longer exist here? Who knows? I am sick of their propaganda scare tactics.
@taoist32 3 года назад
It takes decades to change most things through the government. 9 years is not long enough.
@GIguy 3 года назад
If this summer is any indication, it’s already far too late when it’s over 50 Celsius in northern Canada! Look at the floods/fires/droughts/famine/heatwaves and a global pandemic in the last 3 weeks! It’s only 2021 and it’s this bad now?? We won’t make it to 2030 without devastating crippling change.
@GIguy 3 года назад
@Adventures With Mongos firstly…..you don’t sound crazy at all, and secondly, you’re totally entitled to say whatever the heck you want, that’s why we comment, to hear different points of view, perhaps, learn things we didn’t know before, or dispel things we believed. I actually like it when people disagree, because most things in life have more then one simple answer/solution….I fully admit I’ve been wrong many times, and that I’ve also been right, but that’s not really the point…..the entire universe is connection, not separation, so don’t ever feel embarrassed to express your view point. I do have a lot of evidence to back up my statement…and even though it’s from a very reputable source (I have my PhD’s in medical radiation sciences, and medical laboratory medicine, so I’m normally a scientific guy, BUT, I’m also an amateur paranormal investigator…yeah, imagine that? I get my information from colleagues, and from university alumni I studied with, whom now work in the field in question)………but ask me to provide actual proof, and I can, but can’t. I have all the scientific data from my fellow scientists who work for the government….but ask yourself, as I often do….how do I know for certain, that what I’m looking at is legitimate? I don’t….but I normally trust certain sources I’ve used in the past, but again, I didn’t do the actual study, and even scientific “fact” itself, can, and is often, someone else’s fiction. Science, and personal beliefs, do NOT have to be enemies. I’ve found it quite useful to take both sides of a discussion, and try my best to interpret and analyze both, often melding the two. So please, don’t ever think you sound crazy, you’re perfectly correct in sharing your thoughts. Even if, in the end, I don’t agree, I’ll always respect everyone’s right to their own opinion. I hope to god I’m dead wrong, pardon the pun, on what I’ve said, but one thing I think we can both agree on, is the earth itself is ALWASY changing, even if we weren’t here, there would still be catastrophic disasters. We can only make the best guess we can, based on whatever knowledge we have. Thanks for being upfront and honest, I appreciate it, as opposed to the often typical troll, who intentionally, and often viciously, will attack anything we say, I wish there were more people like you on RU-vid!…as a side note, I LOVE your name…because of a facial deformity as a child, I resembled what crudely/cruelly was referred to as a “Mongolized face”. All throughout my childhood, until I had corrective surgery, I had a severe cleft pallet, but they needed to wait until I was 12 to correct it (long story)….but my family, spouse, and closest friends, still call me Mongo as a term of endearment. Definitely NOT politically correct (I seldom am for a scientist, but having Down’s syndrome in my family, I’d NEVER use that to be cruel, I can’t even fathom those who do…but my niece and nephew, who both have it, call me “Uncle Mongo”, but it makes them happy, and they both know the true definition of the slang, and how it’s normally used as an insult…they are the most misunderstood group of absolutely wonderful people in the world,,and I love them dearly!…..but when I saw your name, it made me smile. Being born in 1968, the term “politically correct” didn’t exist, so when people would use it as a weapon, I’d turn it around and laugh at them, worked every time! Anyways, sorry, I talk too much, but thanks for the input, I’ll definitely look into it, cheers from Toronto!
@richardconnelly7141 3 года назад
@Adventures With Mongos go boil your head
@LadyMagiccc 3 года назад
Thank you for using your audience-reach to educate. This is so important and especially in times like these, it's easy to slip to the back of our heads. Thank you for the reminder ❤️
@JackHarries263 3 года назад
Thanks for the comment! I wanted to make this series because i've always found learning about climate change an overhwelming and intimating process. Hopefully these videos make the issue of climate change accesible to a wider audience becuase this is a movement that needs all of us. Knowlege is power!
@nitrofreak67 3 года назад
@@JackHarries263 look into global dimming and why we are already locked into atleast 3 deg Celesus of warming. That's likely a minimum. I appreciate your efforts.
@AudioPervert1 3 года назад
This 9 year thing is totally bullshit ... The loss of ice, oceans absorbing more carbon everyday and feedback cycles in abrupt climate change is already devastating the ecosystem. Also nature does not give 2nd chance nor care about 9 years or 9 months ...
@karensavageau4622 3 года назад
We humans will be lucky if we have 3 years left.
@octopunch9300 3 года назад
Im not optimistic about our outlook...too much greed, too much hyper individualism, too much inconvenience for the modern human. Whatever the planet does with us, we basically did it to ourselves.
@billsmith9532 3 года назад
0 years left....the pain is all ready built in...put on your seat belt people...its going 2 get bumpy..
@GayestWinston 3 года назад
Thank you for creating awareness! This is probably the most important problem humanity has faced until now. It's very important with action at this point. I'm not being naive, but we can prevent a lot of suffering from our actions we do know even though they're far overdue.
@mactastic144 3 года назад
There are approximately 8.7 million species on Planet Earth. Humans are only one of them. The narrator only mentions the survival and well-being of millions of PEOPLE on Earth, but not for the millions of other species.
@MyKharli 3 года назад
humans have already got rid of 60% of all species , its what were best at !
@andywomack3414 3 года назад
If it weren't for humans, all those other species wouldn't mean a damn thing you. By the time I stop shedding tears for humanity, maybe I'll cry for everything else.
@michaelsnelling3338 3 года назад
e360.yale.edu/features/as-oceans-warm-tropical-corals-seek-refuge-in-cooler-waters Perhaps nature is capable of adaptation. Perhaps you should challenge yourselves. How many of you eat processed foods, leave a light on, drive to local shops for convenience, actually grow flowers in a garden, count butterflies, turn the heating off, truly recycle, reuse, repurpose, and stop spouting hot air? Winters now we hardly use any central heating this must be true of millions, surely?
@MyKharli 3 года назад
@@michaelsnelling3338 I do all that , the butterfly count is near zero this year as were successful wild bird broods , record lows in migratory birds also . I did a bit of true self sufficiency and all that taught me is we got no chance as the wood i was burning alone to keep family warm in Scottish winters was not sustainable at all . I am much more sustainable now with insulation , one room super insulated so its small to keep warm and saves a huge amount . But no amount of mitigating is going to save us from massive changes in the very near future, and now for 30 million or so climate refugees . Even native trees and the hardiest wild flora and fauna are suffering with this erratic weather ,soon reliable agriculture will be a thing of the past .
@KarlSnarks 3 года назад
He did address it in another video. He said the climate crisis is not a crisis for life on earth in general, the planet will recover and new species will form, but it's a threat to humans and most currently living animal and plant species.
@greennumberthree 3 года назад
well people, I'll be the first to tell you we're screwed if our future depends on our leaders. let's enjoy these fine days, because well, it's gonna suck.
@brummelbar 3 года назад
I find it amazing that there is a completely free platform for such valuable and well made educating content. Thanks for what you’re doing and sharing Jack !
@a.randomjack6661 3 года назад
Psst! When it's free, it's because we are the products. Our personal info, our economic and political views and a hell of a lot more...
@brummelbar 3 года назад
@@a.randomjack6661 yeah sure, go bother someone else with your conspiracy, thank you
@LeanAndMean44 3 года назад
@@brummelbar I think he/she exaggerated, but there is some truth to the statement. Watch “The Social Dilemma”.
@TheDoomWizard 3 года назад
You might like my channel too :)
@gwyn_8562 3 года назад
this is giving me anxiety but let’s turn that into action
@mikeearussi 3 года назад
If you think we have nine years left you're an incredible optimist. There's too much inertia in the system to stop it. Nothing we can do can change that.
@themangoman9315 2 года назад
Yep were fucked of course the rich will get off scot-free as everyone else lives in mad max
@ricardoluisbritto 3 года назад
I would like to plead to every conscious people possible to take notice of what is going on with environmental politics in Brazil. It is catastrophic not only what is concerned about the Amazon rain forest, but to every endangered biomas in the country: the savanna, the atalntic rain forest and particularly the flooded central lowlands called Pantanal. All are under great stress and international effords should press for political change
@leviahimsa 3 года назад
According to the most comprehensive analysis ever conducted on the topic, avoiding meat and dairy is the "single biggest way" to reduce your environmental impact on Earth. - Oxford University Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and species extinction. - United Nations FAO Plant based meals cost on average 40% less than ones that include meat and dairy. - Veganuary
@lindapratt2798 3 года назад
Yah blame the cattle.The biggest contributer us man and his machines spewing crap into the atmosphere.Cattle farts would not have an impact if man did not over breed them for meat.lol
@bbob288 3 года назад
Exactly right. I know this yet I reverted back to eating meat 6 years ago now. Why? Because realistically no one will stop eating meat and, therefore, companies will not stop producing it and so nothing will or "is" changing. The real solution is for us all to become community sufficient. Grow our own food, keep our own cattle. Grow food forrests. Build earthen homes and buildings using on site materials. Use a horse instead of a car... catch our own fish... Essentially we must become natural again. That's the one and only solution and nothing other than that should be given even a milisecond of our attention, such as the whole switch to vegan argument, it's simply a moral higher ground stance taken out of guilt, it's not genuine change. Even electric cars and solar and all that "green energy" is total bs. It's a hard pill to swallow, but it's the truth. 🙏
@LeanAndMean44 3 года назад
@@bbob288 you can’t change anything yourself, so might as well do nothing, ey’? Isn’t that right m8?
@bbob288 3 года назад
@@LeanAndMean44 No, I am actually semi self sufficient and working towards becoming even more... I am changing and I encourage you to also pursue self sufficiency and basically becoming more natural and promote it to others, give them your free food... because that's the solution. Nature is and always will be the way. If it's not nature then... we'll it's no nature and it's going to cause problems as we've seen now time and time again. You need the re read what I wrote. 🙏
@unclepete100 3 года назад
@@lindapratt2798 overpopulation
@marissadower-morgan3313 3 года назад
Even if you drive an electric car, the manufacturing pollution, and mining of Lithium and all other non organic body materials and frame crosses out it's green carbon free emissions benefit . Just like when you buy organic eggs and they are in a plastic container .
@ana-maria6443 3 года назад
What's more if electricity in your country is made by burning coal, you're directly contributing to global warming
@donovanjones4175 3 года назад
It’s a better then nothing and here’s why, all large trucks and many older cars get shipped to 3rd world countries where they continue to pollute for years after. We need to stop this dead in it’s tracks. Time for talk is over. Also, just in time delivery and 3rd party offshore suppliers must also cease immediately. This system was designed to use fossil fuel while evading paying tax. Let’s be real about this people. The business model must die, Now!
@keithturner4223 3 года назад
This is not true, not driving would be best, but driving electric helps. "The researchers say average “lifetime“ emissions from electric cars are up to 70% lower than petrol cars in countries like Sweden and France (where most electricity comes from renewables and nuclear), and around 30% lower in the UK." Here's the whole article: www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-51977625
@jackiepie7423 3 года назад
@@ana-maria6443 what's more if your electricity is dependent on natural gas you have made the problem 20 times worse.
@andrewread154 3 года назад
Electric cars are just a marketing strategy to pet people to buy a new car. They represent no improvement to the environment whatsoever.
@JamesJohn-og8or 3 года назад
The car has gone off the cliff already. It's TOO LATE NOW. You cannot reverse what is irreversible. Tipping points have passed. READ the research...
@peterjol 3 года назад
most problems could be solved simply by making it financially worthwhile for people to SHARE the jobs we can agree we NEED to have done and working much LESS....no more of a world where everyone is working and doing anything FOR money but a world SHARING the work we NEED.
@richardconnelly7141 3 года назад
eventually that may happen,but key people like health care will need to work overtime in that field
@joanwolff802 3 года назад
We certainly need to step forward and make changes right now before it's too late.
@100perdido 3 года назад
LOL. It's already too late.
@thedudegrowsfood284 3 года назад
rearranging deck-chairs on the titanic. as a species, we are greedy and stupid. doomed.
@ireallylovegod 3 года назад
...and still the deck-chairs are all wrong...
@twoeightythreez 3 года назад
More like locking the steerage in the holds, and preparing the lifeboats for the 0.1% while the top 10% are told that everything is OK while the whole shebang is sinking.
@watamatafoyu 3 года назад
What?! We don't need to rearrange the deck chairs, the banisters need polishing!!
@salonen5 3 года назад
"At 4 degrees of warming, we're looking at something like 600trillion dollars in global damages" Shows how much chance we got, still we're stuck in money first mindset. The very same mindset that's the biggest culprit in global warming. The biggest transformation that's needs to happen is in our way of thinking, but unfortunatly humans chance extremely slowly or when the catastrophe happens to them personally. I would like to know how much emissions is released and nature destroyed if we decide to switch to renewable energy sources. Also, there's no reason to trust the politicians. They aren't going to rock the status quo, still they speak about the eternal economic growth, even though it's obvious what happens when you try to do eternal growth in a closed system. The politicans have shown time and a time again that they're talks don't meet up with their actions, it looks like they're incapable at observing the reality that unfolds right before their eyes, maybe they're blinded by that sweet corporate not-a-bribery-but-a-lobbying-money, money that makes them the Pavlovian lapdogs for their corporate overlords. In a time when we should be more unified than ever, every faction thinks only about themself and their intrests. I don't understand what the politicans and CEO's are thinking. Don't they understand what is happening? Don't they realize that there's no higher power that's going to save us from the hell we created out of greed and self-intrest. Or that the earth is the only habitable place for us, there's no second earth where we can escape. Every bit of the universe outside earth is uninhabitable for humans. We're part of biosphere that is unique to earth. There most likely is alien life in space, but their biospheres will be completely different from ours. Hell, even the earths atmosphere has been toxic to human life for most of the earths history. I got some bad news for you Elon Musk but you ain't going to Mars. And as an off topic, I haven't heard a single original thought from you, taking something that alreydy works, making it shittier and encasing it in cheap plastic and gamerlights won't make you a futurist. You're snake oil salesman and part of the problem. And as a piece of advice, if train or subway (there's a lot of information about those innovations in internet, I recommend you check them out) is superior to you're next transport solution, scrap that project, do the same if it involves vacuum tubes. And for every billionare who has traveled to "space": Space starts at 100km not 80km, but I do understand that 50miles is easier to remember then 62miles, no matter about the physics behind the definition, the only thing that matters is how you make things look. Oh, by the way, armies were left outside from those non-binding emission cut deals, goes without saying. Maybe they will nuke the earth to oblivion when they realize that nature has broken the M.A.D. agreement. "Born too late to explore the Earth, born too early to explore the galaxy, born just in time to witness the end of the world". Times up, we're so screwed.
@stan8926 3 года назад
And still the population is growing.
@lizr.g6925 3 года назад
Let's hope not.. The baby population has dropped and I hope it continues dropping
@donovanjones4175 3 года назад
Not for much longer
@starfishw7138 3 года назад
It's also UNFAIR to slowly die in our own waste.
@dianneschepers8275 3 года назад
@@lizr.g6925 I live in Nigeria where the population is growing by 1 million people every 10 weeks...
@Gringohuevon 3 года назад
@@dianneschepers8275 must be all those BBCs
@charlesleblanc1206 3 года назад
BOE blue ocean event 2022 is the end . The cake is BAKED.
@sleingnissel5095 3 года назад
How about 0 EMMISIONS !!!! 0 cars 0 planes 0 trains 0 boats……….. back to basics ppl 4degress = end off humanity and animals…..
@room_threeothree 3 года назад
- the promises of the nations you mentioned are nothing. Joes plan is within maintaining status quo which what brought us here. It has to be degrowth.
@KarlSnarks 3 года назад
@BrightForest You're right, though you need to take into consideration that China pollutes far less per citizen than developed nations (especially the US), and that much of their production is geared towards export to developed nations (so we also bare responsibility for their emissions). Doesn't excuse China's horribly polluting industries, but gives it context in the broader system of recourse and labor exploitation. Let us pressure corporations and governments into not only change their own industry and economy, but also pressure them to pressure China's policies.
@chicoterra4000 3 года назад
tell the truth, we don't have more time to fix this mess, it's over
@themangoman9315 2 года назад
We can't fix but we can minimize the effects
@Imad-gk1gw 3 года назад
The earth will be fine, *we won’t*
@hhattonaom9729 3 года назад
We’re part of the earth, even after we die. Energy isn’t created or destroyed
@larrytaylor693 3 года назад
Be thankful that your now living in the coolest year left on earth . 9 years is probably a stretch. I can't remember the weather man saying 1 in a thousand year event and this year I've heard it over heat dome now China floods
@Soluchi-InfiniteCoCreatorGod 3 года назад
Times Up......💯
@CharlesWakefield 3 года назад
Yes, the life on planet earth has no more time.
@Junglebtc 3 года назад
I remember in 1989 we hadn't another 10 years left . I'm not as pessimistic about the situation but we need to address the issues
@kutieluvsmj7 3 года назад
Michael Jackson tried to warn us
@rubyserenity90 3 года назад
Jesus is coming ya'll.. put your faith in him
@WigfridoftheWood 3 года назад
@@rubyserenity90 No he ain't. No supernatural being is gonna fix our shit, we gotta do it ourselves.
@katespaulding4563 3 года назад
yes, this is going to be hard. yes, it looks impossible. but we HAVE to have optimism and hope if we want to do anything about this. we can't let statistics bring us down; we have to keep going.
@rimvii8168 3 года назад
Exactly. We can't give up. The smallest change is still a massive step to man. I hope that people will realise that we have stepped over the line, but we still have to solve it. A mistake doesn't become a mistake unless you decide to fix it. If society puts in effort every day to at least try to eat less meat, cut less trees down, emit less greenhouse gases, we will be able to at least save the world. We could be the last generation for all we know if we don't make a change. The population is rising, the whole world seems like its going to become a living hell. But. If people decide to try and get along with others, see how we can altogether make a massive change and come together to rebuild our only home planet, we would see such massive changes. As i read statistics in comments, lockdown has caused air pollution to decrease, making it 70% cleaner. To anyone reading this, please don't give up on mother nature and it won't give up on you. Reduce your plastic use and see if it can be recyclable. Try to consume less paper use, along with meat. Use your books efficiently and don't waste paper. If possible, try donating to trustworthy charities. If you believe that picking up plastic from the ground doesn't make a change, it does. Less animals will consume the plastic in their surroundings, causing less deaths of the birds and others. You may not care but im telling you, please be mindful about the earth. I remember having a group that picked up plastic everyday from our school and it's insane on how much we have found. Nearly 20% of our school contained plastic all around our green life and we were shocked. Our group is still going and forever will be. My name is Rei and i will take action to help our environment. Thank you.
@room_threeothree 3 года назад
- would be incredibly important to see a video by you explaining what we need to demand and what needs to be done. Just going green and replacing fossil fuel cars to electronic ones, eating less meat, will not save us from the looming disaster. If you do decide, go deeper!
@jackiepie7423 3 года назад
electric cars are a joke. you think no co2 was pumped into the air to poor all that concrete on your wide highways and over sized frreways? you got 9 years to stop driving your car and learn how to ride a bike to the bus. do you think you can do that elon musk?
@joyrider8882 3 года назад
It’s to late, should have been doing this in the 60’s and 70’s and all the countries know it, the Earth will turn into a cinder of fire and water.
@paulopacifici 3 года назад
It is painful to watch it, but necessary!
@BadassRaiden 3 года назад
I must say, I dislike it when people pick and choose what and how to say these things.. like the part that says "1.5 degrees means summer free ice every 100 years." Pretty sure at least the latest climate reports said we will arctic ice free summers EVERY YEAR, not every 100. BIG difference.
@BadassRaiden 3 года назад
Also the guy talkin about the 4 degree increase will see you know trillions of dollars in damages to the economy.. These people seem to seriously underestimate how much damage 4 degrees REALLY is. Like I live in Maine, and at 1.1 degrees more than it's ever been in my life - never have I seen so many dead pollinators on the side of the road and dead in the grass and dirt from just THE HEAT. 4 degrees almost literally means the remaining population of pollinators will most certainly be eradicated. This is all not to mention that the most recent findings said that well what we said would only happen at the end of the century will actually happen much closer to 2050. And also that a recent analysis of a 1980's study that said we are headed towards societal collapse by 2040 - showed we are well on track for that to happen before 2040 now. So I kinda wish people would stop, I dunno, taking the situation lightly. It's almost like people don't talk about how truly utterly dire it is, for fear of people not believing it's so bad, or being so overwhelmed they don't know how to act. The business as usual model has us on track for 4 degrees well before the end of the century, well before 2075. People don't seem to understand just the sheer scale of how much shit we pump out and that, it's going up exponentially, not gradually, which is why we will have ice free summers EVERY year, not every 100 - cuz things are getting worse exponentially. The direness of the situation REALLY needs to be felt and articulated and I think making things seem not as bad as they truly are - is not the right move.
@justlisten82 3 года назад
4:20 We need to treat this like any negotiation, if we are aiming for 1.5 our target should be 1.2 because we never hit our targets...
@neelepunt 3 года назад
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Such an important series 🙏🏼🌍
@TheDoomWizard 3 года назад
go watch my headline video then
@domitron 3 года назад
I've been studying this topic for a long time now, and my current feelings about climate change are somewhat nuanced. Still, in the end, yes, we are fucked. It's just that I don't believe we're fucked for quite the same reasons that many here do. Getting CO2 down is a lot more complex than most people are thinking and it cannot happen in a vacuum of tipping points that are already set in motion. It's not just a matter of replacing all power with say renewable energy, and even that--replacing all power with renewables--is more or less just a shell game. There is no way to sustain the current human population in a viable ecosphere without using enough fossil fuel to destroy it. So, yeah, it's a catch-22. If we slow down fossil fuel use, things change but all 7.9 billion of us are not going to live no matter how much they change. The most likely scenario is that we do slightly reduce the INCREASE of CO2 in the next 30 years, but it will fall far short just like it has so far. That is because there is no new consciousness about this problem in alignment with its true impact. There never will be either because we all know--all of us who take the time to know--that each and everyone one of us wants it all even though our numbers and lives depend on fossil fuels and there is no viable alternative. Now if our population collapses to say 1 billion or less after a civilizational collapse and restructure, maybe there will be some kind of viable alternative energy future, but that's far, far from the reality we face NOW. In other words, be it 8 years or 80 years, humanity will not voluntarily reduce its number nor impact per person as is required for any chance of a viable future (notice how I didn't even say the words "fossil fuels" in that sentence because this isn't just about fossil fuels; it's about our entire relationship to Earth).
@shirazehirfani9607 2 года назад
Thank you for explaining the important notion of population and its relationship to our predicament, so eloquently.
@joetrainor3113 2 года назад
Our population will likely reach 10 billion by 2050 and 12 billion by 2080, so if YOU are planning for 1 billion peeps, you are part of the problem. Why is it that Euro-heritage people always limit their thinking to "there's too many of us" rather than change your ways?
@howardaltemus9814 3 года назад
WE ARE WELL ABOVE 2deg. Celsius NOW!!! In 2020 Asia had 5 deg above already. We won’t be here by 2026-People are just plain stupid…
@fireball0762 3 года назад
then tell the global leaders and rich with private planes to QUIT flying private planes. They are all hypocrites
@jakel8627 3 года назад
Everyone is responsible for climate change not just rich people
@fireball0762 3 года назад
@@jakel8627 but when the rich in power tell us to do things and THEY won't stop polluting, then they can go to hades with their suggestions
@richardconnelly7141 3 года назад
heard that the usa military produces more green house gasses than several countries combined,say it aint so,were talking what a few planes trucks and tank,give me a break that only fly on weekends for a couple of hours a day on really clean fuel
@Dialogos1989 3 года назад
We’ve seen the iceberg. We can turn the wheel as hard as we can… but we will still hit and many people will suffer as a result (mainly the “3rd class”). “This ship can’t sink.” Icarus became arrogant and flew too close to the sun. The Tower of Babel will fall. “We learn from history that we do not learn from history”. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge”. I have absolutely no hope for us.
@yanotlei7355 3 года назад
@-LightningRod- 3 года назад
it is not "the Chance of a Lifetime",.... it is the only option YOU have left, ...choose wisely.
@DDkiDastan 3 года назад
Now I'm feared and awared
@beppeadr 3 года назад
We are going to reach +3 C* in the next 5 years at an extremely fast speed.
@larrytaylor693 3 года назад
I can't disagree as much as I would love to. Is this a good guess or do you have a theory
@beppeadr 3 года назад
@@larrytaylor693 It is not a guess, it is not a theory, it is just watch what the hell is happening out there.
@larrytaylor693 3 года назад
@@beppeadr oh I've been watching and following climate change and extreme weather events I've watched /read everything I can on the warming planet. I actually think it could happen vary soon myself I just was wondering how you came up with you timeline thought you might have a reason for saying 2 years. The climate is really going wacko right now I figure it will keep doing so at a increasingly faster pase .
@beppeadr 3 года назад
@@larrytaylor693 It is already too fast and it can be only more worst and much faster now. That is why so many billion in the climate change are pushing now almost every country. I also would like to say it is just a theory but this is the reality not the theory.
@mohamedjoudah9133 3 года назад
@@larrytaylor693 we are going to reach 18 C by 2026 . Read Sam Carana blog spot.
@MrKnutriis 3 года назад
The notion that we will cut emissions in half is ludicrous. We're using and emitting more and more and more, every year. And why 9 years - why not 9 years ago? Nice video, pure fantasy.
@richardconnelly7141 3 года назад
we have been too busy in afghanistan for the last twenty years that if they didnt get on the bandwagon and help contribute to climate change we werent going to provide nice new gas stations for them to fill their vehicles and they would have to rely on methane spewing donkeys to ride
@marvenlunn6086 3 года назад
Wow I thought it was always going to be 10 years to save the earth must be getting bad we only got 9 years now
@MrKnutriis 3 года назад
@@marvenlunn6086 It's a bitch. And who makes those calculations?
@__Wanderer 3 года назад
Everybody needs to watch info like this. We all need to do our bit to reduce our consumption & reduce CO2 emissions.
@jemzjyp 3 года назад
This is really well done
@TheDoomWizard 3 года назад
You might like my channel too :)
@tommynickels4570 3 года назад
You are spewing the same nonsense- we are out of time. The arctic will be ice free in summer and that will be the beginning of the end. Ice free in 3 to 5 years. 2021 on pace to be a top 3 year: 2012, 2020 and 2021. Next el nino will carve up the arctic.
@spex357 3 года назад
It's possibly been ice free before or nigh on close. The Tree line has receded by many miles, so it was much warmer years ago.
@marissadower-morgan3313 3 года назад
The 17th- 18th centuries was the best of all times , minus the lack of medical knowledge. Most people Farmed , or were craftsmen of some type . Land stewardship and ownership was a core fundamental of survival . Now that we are totally dependent on foreign manufactured goods , Farming is a corporate business ,we are made weak and unable to use our hands or our minds to make our lives better . That is the failure of our modern consumer /computer based culture .
@artv232 3 года назад
and you could have slaves that would just do all the hard stuff for you and then you could develop a sense of superiority and go to church on Sundays!
@carolwood9270 3 года назад
I love this explanation. We do kid ourselves that life is better than in the “old days”……….BUT as you say, only from the point of view that medical breakthroughs have given us longer lives. However, the nature of mankind is to explore and improve and, and that is okay, to a point. Unfortunately the innovators with BIG MONEY have taken us in the direction of more and more conveniences in our lives that create carbon emissions. You can call it GREED, but really, life is difficult and challenging for all of us, so wanting these new technologies is not greedy, it is normal to want our lives to be more comfortable. I get sick of being told I am greedy for wanting a comfortable, easy life. What is the point of a very short span of life, if it is not pleasant……perhaps a hundred years in the span of billions is a speck.
@carolwood9270 3 года назад
That being said. Now that our desire for a better life is proving dangerous to the climate of the world, it is time to ask our innovators to find a way to drastically reduce carbon emissions. This may result in a less comfortable way of life for us……but it is the only way….i.e. we may have to give up our air conditioners, and other power consuming luxuries.
@MickAngelhere 3 года назад
Hmmm…. With children as young as three.working in coal mines, and young children working in cotton mills for sixteen hours a day plus being used in prostitution , workplaces with no health and safety the list goes on
@Mikeykneeled 3 года назад
Honestly, I say let it kill us off
@Vulcansrule6969lol 3 года назад
Honestly, we've already said that. I think this suicidal path we're on is a fitting end to civilization. Not an asteroid, not a solar flair, but God just allowing humanity to surrender ourselves to the consequences of our choices.
@100perdido 3 года назад
Don't worry. It will.
@sorrywrongplanet8873 3 года назад
You first.
@antred11 3 года назад
If you want us all dead, go ahead and lead by example. I for one would prefer if it humanity had a future.
@jeremyashford2145 3 года назад
Satellite data shows no global warming for over six years. Science. History.
@varindergill1290 3 года назад
So you think global warming isn’t real
@YonathanMoraOficial 3 года назад
Thanks, we need to do this!
@philipmcdonagh1094 3 года назад
Well we reap what we sew, and boy are we in for a bumper harvest. We're way past the point of return were only feeling the effects of what we put into the air in the 60' and 70's now, the 80's and 90's are only starting to simmer.
@mrgray5576 3 года назад
We're so screwed 😂
@awooolf3117 3 года назад
Yes!! Great video!!
@TheSwampeyed 3 года назад
What a great series! Well done
@freddexta3363 3 года назад
Only as entertainment. We have heard these "end of the world" predictions for as long as people have been walking on this planet.
@seismixx 3 года назад
that's some quality content right there
@rex4843 3 года назад
every day on the news, somewhere on the planet, water, wind, fire, and lots of it.
@julianz342 3 года назад
Thanks Jack! This video really made me think about how to help our planet! :)
@freddexta3363 3 года назад
Yeah, not.
@m.l.n2244 3 года назад
How it feels knowing that you are gonna die in 9 years if nothing changes.
@anthonymorris5084 3 года назад
I wish I had a hundred dollars for every single time we were given a deadline by climate zealots over the last 40 years. Exactly how many times do need to hear that we're all going to perish before you stop listening?
@LoneWulf278 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing this! 🙏🏽
@TheDoomWizard 3 года назад
Go watch my headline video then
@garry8390 3 года назад
Only small self-sufficient communities with biodiverse farms in temperate climates will stand a chance. Governments are unable to make any meaningful changes.
@neverlostforwords 3 года назад
To those interested, find out more by viewing videos at a range of Prepper channels. They give advice on how to form such communities.
@garry8390 3 года назад
@@neverlostforwords Thanks for the tip. Strong Towns has some good ideas as well
@garry8390 3 года назад
@@volkerengels5298 I don't think 1 will be enough
@MCshlthead 2 года назад
@@garry8390 wouldnt bank on it, we'll use the nukes once countries like pakistan, india and china literally cant carry on. also those temporate places wont be temporate places much longer
@xtashamariax 3 года назад
Fantastic!! 👏
@aishailyasvannieuwenhuizen 3 года назад
Thank you for your engaging & informative video! May the source of the Divine Essence bless you eternally & reward you for your work. Many blessings.
@patricklincoln5942 3 года назад
RIght. We have less than 9 years to halve emissions. Some are commenting is though we are too late already. The truth is, it is never too late to improve our situation. So don't let this "its too late" meme drag us down. Its clearly too late to avoid 1.1 degrees C of warming and almost certainly to late to avoid that the temperature rise will cross 1.5 degrees C of warming (even with a very aggressive program). However, worlds that are far better than the worst outcomes are still within our reach and we need to be striving for them.
@sourceman9967 2 года назад
Yes, we still can stop futher warming, not reverse climate change(At least not in this half of ceuntry) we failed to do it in 90s, climate change is already a disaster, but we still can stop futher intensifying of this disaster.
@Youeo203 3 года назад
So informative! Excited for the next video!
@terrymoore861 3 года назад
One major problem we all face is exposure to differing facts, beliefs, and assertions from the media, our social circle, and the educational system. We increasingly become over specialized, studying such a restricted area of science that prevents us from seeing the big picture. We all know what we know and what we are told. We all do not know what we do not know and what we are not told and what is hidden from us. When we discover what we did not know, we suddenly realize that what we knew and were told are often facts that were wrong! As a result, disputes can escalate where differing knowledge and beliefs exist. The problem is, most people just believe what they read, hear and see...they are sheeple with no curiosity and logical thought processes and as we know, those in control often hide the truth!
@Selmen_01 3 года назад
So what everyone is just gonna give up, all I hear is complaining and not enough doing. To change the world you gotta first change yourselves.
@TheGreatPhoenix99 3 года назад
Problem is we need to get rid of all fossil fuels right now
@TheGreatPhoenix99 3 года назад
That's where the issue comes as individuals you can't do much we need every single person to listen so unless we get every single person in the world to agree yeah good luck. That's why it feels hopeless because we are the villains we are the species causing the destruction of our planet not some extraterrestrial like in the movies
@TheGreatPhoenix99 3 года назад
We've honestly screwed ourselves this is like trying to finish our essay few minutes before class starts which I can tell you doesn't work
@Selmen_01 3 года назад
@@TheGreatPhoenix99 Your not going to achieve much with that mindset buddy, changing yourself can have a butterfly effect into inspiring millions.
@TheGreatPhoenix99 3 года назад
@@Selmen_01 my mindset has come from me being ridiculed for trying to make a change and told that I should do something better with my life I will always try to do my part but if 10000 others refuse to believe a word you say and sometimes even sabotage everything you done to help it becomes disheartening for me at this point I want to help all the other species who have been affected the worst from our wrong doing o want to try and at least give the species who have been here before us to still have a chance and not go out like this
@arebolar 3 года назад
Nine years ago, they said that we had nine years left. For how long are they going to say that we have nine years left?
@richardconnelly7141 3 года назад
after 9 years we will be eating soylent green and all the predictions of future climate change wont seem necessary
@steviejustamann9689 3 года назад
Hi from NZ. I read many of the comments and i am sure you are all wearing masks and had the shot. Good on you guys! I hope you feel safer now. Now just turn off your electricity, don't buy anything except food and only walk everywhere,, if you really believe! Love to all!
@nashaalia 3 года назад
"Promise Amnesia", true, very true!
@evilchaperone Год назад
Well. I'm in northern Michigan. We are all looking forward to less severe winters.
@Diesel_Drinker_MmmYummy 2 года назад
We're already at 4 degrees and rising! Sweet dream
@PrimeObserver-1 3 года назад
"It'll start getting cooler, you just watch," Climatologist Dr. Trump said "I wish science agreed with you," Wade Crowfoot "I don't think science knows, actually," Trump responded
@minnesconsinprepping7856 3 года назад
And Trump does?
@nehaparmar3544 3 года назад
I am shocked to see many people still in denial of climate change . Sadly …Unless it hits them personally no one will take it seriously
@seaside1454 3 года назад
You mean save the humans. The planet will be fine.
@elisamartinelli7676 3 года назад
We have been hearing for decades that scientist have been saying the planet is warning at an alarming rate, you don't start making drastic change when our planet is fighting back mad, our planet is complex and a wild card. I hope we made it in time but, I think we're screwed.
@EricEllingwood 3 года назад
11th hour motivation I am concerned is the only thing that’ll save us now. If people were to research earthships and vegan Permaculture so much would be better. Not to mention people like Jeff Lawton and Brad Lancaster
@Damianukowiak 3 года назад
Hello all!!
@LoneWulf278 3 года назад
Hello! 😊
@XYisnotXX 2 года назад
"Saving the planet is pure bullshit, the planet is not going anywhere, we are! We're going away folks, pack your shit up." George Carlin.
@emilyscherf4833 3 года назад
i really appreciate everything this channel was and continues to be
@TheDoomWizard 3 года назад
then you might like my channel too :)
@FridaAune 3 года назад
Great video! Thanks for educating us.
@diyafatah 3 года назад
Will be sharing this whole series. Such an important msg/information everyone needs to know.
@Faustobellissimo 3 года назад
Jack, change from above will not solve the problem. Global warming, and environmental destruction in general, are cultural problems and will only be solved by a major cultural shift centered on individual behaviors.
@TJtheHuman 3 года назад
Would there be a way to add to the agreement that citizens can more easily remove and impeach politicians for not taking climate change seriously?
@larry785 3 года назад
9 years???? Ha HA HA!!!!! FOOLS!!!! YOU ONLY HAVE THREE YEARS LEFT!!!!!
@howmathematicianscreatemat9226 3 года назад
I respectfully disagree, my man. Mainstream science has consensus about nothing bad happening within the next 20 years. I could send you the publications of our latest climate Modells if you don’t believe.
@svarog63 3 года назад
@@howmathematicianscreatemat9226 Nothing bad happening within the next 20 years? 49 degrees in Western Canada and US + uncontrollable wildfires, Europe flooded, China flooded....happening RIGHT NOW!
@howmathematicianscreatemat9226 3 года назад
@@svarog63 I meant no civilization breakdown.
@nivekvb 3 года назад
Thanks, Jack!
@peao010109 3 года назад
Not that we have 9 years left to save the planet, but we are in for serious turmoil by then.
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 года назад
Might help to present how climate crisis affects person, such as air quality, water availability, food abundance, and so on.
@rayy2856 2 года назад
Se y’all in nine years😍 ima buy premium tickets already
@stilcrazychris 3 года назад
Jack, I would love to use solar on my house or turn my 2 & half acres for a solar field, but the solar that's going to have to go onto my house, 2bd., 2bath & a small shop, which I think you would agree this is a very small residents compared to other homes, it's going to cost me $90,000.00 to put the solar I would need to run this home. I can not afford this w/my fixed monthly disability income of $1,100.00. During the begaining of the year. I have to decide if I pay rent, buy food, pay my electric bill, or any other bills or do I get my 3 insulin for my diabetes & the pain meds, 2 of them, that help me get out of bed & walk cost me $950.00 month. I will not try to attempt doing a solar system on my own. I know electrics, but not comfortable doing on my own. I don't want to burn down my house that my grandfather built w/his 2 hands. He worked to hard for me to destroy in one day. No way will this happen. Yes, the government here in the USA does give you a rebate, but I don't make enough to fill taxes under their rules. I did the math & I don't even make minimal wage. It comes out to $6.80 hour. Man I'm raking it in being disabled & I do not qualify for ANY EXTRA HELP! I've tried ever number they have giving me to see if I can get extra help. I always get, "You make $10.00 to much for any help" Plus the government will not let me get a part time job to help me pay for all my medications. I would loose my disability so called benefits. It's all bullshit & I'm sorry for the words are not to pleasant. But there true statements that a lot of other people go through also. Also the electric company will not pay me for the extra engery I produce. They just take it. Tuff shit they tell us. If we don't like it don't use our electric company. WTH! I paid good money for this solar & you will not buy it from "MY ELECTRIC COPO"? My non for profit company! Unlike your company that's all for profits. So needless to say I did not get a solar house or field full of promises. I got no dream of all. I do wish y'all luck w/all this climate control & all the prayers to keep everyone safe durning the protesting y'all do. Best regards, "Chris"tina from Missouri
@stan8926 3 года назад
Just go vegan - you will do more for your health and the health of the planet this way.
@stilcrazychris 3 года назад
@@stan8926 Well professor Stan, you don't even know me & you think you know so much about people w/o really knowing them. Before you even open your mouth. Get to know someone 1st. You just assume I'm one way, but I'm not. I raise my own food for your info. Even though I'm disabled. I have to. I do it to survive & go back to the ways of my people, Native Americans, have lived before our time. If everyone wouldn't be so damn lazy & work a little in their life. IMO the earth wouldn't be this bad off. But we will never know this bc of our culture wanting electronics, cars & whatever the Jones have, you have to have more. They need to stop this way of thinking in people's head & just live w/the least you NEED, NOT WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE!!
@hkbr1681 3 года назад
thank you Jack
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