
Why we shouldn't have to work just to survive | Jonny Ross-Tatam | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh 

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Jonny Ross-Tatam, the founder of the Buchanan Institute, Scotland’s first student-led think tank, focuses on the roots of innovation and progress. In his talk he promotes the idea of basic income, covering all citizens’ basic needs, to allow people to pursue their passions.
Jonny studies History at the University of Edinnburgh. He is the founder and president of the Buchanan Institute, Scotland’s first student-led think-tank.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx



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@ReallyHappened 6 лет назад
Absolutely we shouldnt have to work just to survive!! We need more time to explore and experience life as it should be experienced! We as human beings deserve that! Bring it on!! Bravo, a great talk!! Thanks for sharing!
@IFvckingLoveScience 4 года назад
Go ahead, do nothing but be a moocher for your life. Rich people will pay for your welfare.
@platt787 3 года назад
if you dont have to work, then you dont deserve that work of the people that built your house. people will not waste their time if they cannot gain, so yes, you can explore the wild, but in your clothes made from leaves and the steak from the cow you killed with your bear hands and burned its meat in the fire you created with 2 sticks. if you are willing to do that, you have no need to worry about finances, because you can create them yourself, otherwise, to achieve your goal of this, you have to pay people to do this for you
@NightMourningDove 3 года назад
@@IFvckingLoveScience If you don't like someone working less than you, then why not work less yourself? No one's forcing you to work yourself to death- oh wait, the pesky rich elite mooching off of YOUR labor. :)
@IFvckingLoveScience 3 года назад
@@NightMourningDove who provides you a wage for your services? :)
@uvwuvw-ol3fg Год назад
Agreed, seems like the government as a byproduct of agricultural/pastoral revolution will always be in need for more consumers, wage-slaves and cannon fodder regardless of ideologies such as antinatalism based on consent and efilism.
@johnd3982 5 лет назад
When I’m not at work my life is wonderful be it one day per week, the rest of week I feel like I’m dying, so if you could reverse the situation and work one day per week and have 6 days to do what you want life would be more fun.
@SerV689 3 года назад
It’s also not realistic
@samoansojah3886 3 года назад
@@SerV689 very true I work 4 ten hour days then do side jobs on days off I feel like I’m getting more time off and actually getting paid more and tax free!
@maddym8795 3 года назад
@@samoansojah3886 when I worked four 10 hour days doing invasive species removal for the public, I loved it! Those 3 day weekends saved me. This past summer I worked a 9-5 M-F office job and it sucked the soul out of me.
@fromdustyoucame 5 лет назад
We shouldnt have to, but we do. The only thing I'm passionate about is not working.
@BELIVE114 3 года назад
Not we bored of working but we tired of no meaning work we did for make the end meat, we bored working hard for making profit for rich people
@maddym8795 3 года назад
Speak up for the people in the back 👏
@goha9218 2 года назад
i was passionate about so many thing before working, killed all my desires when i realised none of my time is truly my own
@rustylove3033 6 лет назад
I think the point here is we all should get to experience life a little more than we do now. As of now most of us are working hard and producing goods, services etc. So that whoever we work for can experience life more and more at our expense. A lot of families do not even get vacations, quality family time, opportunity to persue our passions while the higher ups travel around the world 6 months out of year!!!!! Humanity should stage a world wide strike to level the playing field a little more in our favor.
@MewMewSun 4 года назад
Nice but how? You said it yourself, families can barely afford a vacation. So how would they afford this proposal of yours? They are stuck.
@amandap9332 3 года назад
@@MewMewSun our government leaves us stuck. Time for general strikes.
@sariahlace5944 2 года назад
Humanity worldwide strike I feel very strongly about this. I wish,we could just simlpy enjoy this luxurious universe.
@sethgaston8347 Год назад
There’s no way YOU work more than 60 hrs a week. You have enough time to explore it’s your own fault if you don’t
@rickb06 Год назад
​@@MewMewSunThere is absolutely no peaceful way forward if we wish to not be the slaves that our overlords have disfigured us into becoming. I don't want a war, but a war is coming regardless. Especially with how bad things are today, it is a foregone conclusion.
@chrismorrison4788 6 лет назад
Employers would need to be more competitive in pay and treat the workers like they are valued because they could easily leave and not put up with abuse and under pay for over worked.
@jamdaddy7589 5 лет назад
It’s also your government that taxes your small businesses at 60%
@Syklonus 5 лет назад
It will also remove exploitative and destructive jobs from the market. Things like call centres and telesales will be a thing of the past as either a robot can do it, or IM will take over from phones.
@jonr9659 4 года назад
This is huge. This is why i hate raising the minimum wage. With ubi there would be no need for minimum wage. Workers can truly negotiate their pay and not be exploited
@dburgessnotburger 2 года назад
@@Syklonus what's wrong with call centres?
@jamesguilford6807 8 лет назад
Most people work to survive in order that they will not have time to seriously question the system which requires that they work to survive. I am not so sure people are any worse of needing to work to survive. I am sure that people are worse of needing to secure from others, even the ability, to work to survive.
@AnabolicAsylum 8 лет назад
@fleurpeffer5212 3 года назад
Most people work to survive in order to live but don't have the time to live. Most ppl exchange time for money so that when they are old and frail they will have the money to live...better to retire when we are 20 and start work when we are 40 rather than 60-80.
@jamesguilford6807 3 года назад
@@fleurpeffer5212 ; It is good to make a living for one's self and family. It is not a good thing to be required to earn the Right to live, from others.
@sariahlace5944 2 года назад
People are worst off,look at crime,depression,,suicide,endless bills and debt. we're better off,not being born into this war zone call earth killing ourselves daily to qualify for basic necessities,causes all these issues. the human race/human animals.
@doibing9856 8 лет назад
Everything boils down to genetics, if you have the genes to sustain long hours of attention because your brain can produce massive amounts of dopamine that's excellent, you're getting somewhere billy. See.. We view lazy as if it were a choice, you choose not to do something productive there for you are lazy. The neuroanatomy tells a whole different story. Your brain can become sick just like your body can, but what.. What can sickness of the mind really manifest itself into? Depression is a large one, you see depression is not just something you can shake off, it is LITERALLY changing large portions of your brain. The hippocampus is seen to be roughly 50% smaller in patients with depression, Your frontal cortex shrinks. Until you're left with a zombie who wants nothing more then to kill himself. So please, unless you understand why, don't make ignorant assumptions. You'd be exactly the same in that position.
@comedylizzylizzy 6 лет назад
Doi Bing very well said
@DeVaughnMoody 6 лет назад
THIS IS IT!!!!!! Anyone who thinks they would be lazy are probably facing mild depression
@Syklonus 5 лет назад
I have ADHD. Even if I really try my absolute best to do a task, if it doesn't interest me then I just can't do it well. I glaze, I get distracted, and eventually I start to get very down. However, if it is a task which I am interested in then I usually can do it better, faster, and more efficiently than most other people. That destroys the lazy argument, becasue you are either lazy or you aren't. It is not selective. I've found it hard to hold down jobs in the past, but I am super productive with my time in the things that I am interested in. However, becasue I don't earn from these tasks I am considered a failure. I do earn a bit of money here and there but It has to be subsidised by pretty humiliating means tested benefits. They stress me out and I'm constantly in poor health due to it. To have my basics covered would be wonderful, becasue at the moment I'm so stressed about whether some stranger will give me the money to pay my rent that even my productive time suffers due to work, as one cannot be creative or productive while stressed. If a 9-5 job of whatever task suits you then great, but I can't cope in that environment and I'm sure I am not alone. As stated, laziness has nothing to do with it. The effort is there, but it doesn't get applied to the correct places.
@johnmalvent2189 4 года назад
@@Syklonus Your dopamine processes are not selective by anything you control if working improperly. So unless you have some solution for that outside of drugs, which allow for the boost to proper levels you witness in this person when focusing on a task "they find interesting", chill. Nice veil though.
@jasonpress1230 5 лет назад
I believe that a solution to our current economic situation (40 hours a week, minimum wage for most people) is a universal basic income. This could replace all welfare systems. The universal basic income gives everyone a basic salary ($12,000/year in the US), and they can work for extra. This would allow people to do so much more.
@maddym8795 3 года назад
You ever think about how wages are often are determined and valued by regular people in charge? Who says there isn't a value on things that don't make money? Is everyone/the system going to make it impossible for people to do good things that don't necessarily make any money? I want to remove invasive plants and other infestations, since this is a growing global problem where most of the work is small-scale. These jobs are minimum wage. How could I possibly make a real difference, be happy, and have enough to live my whole life?
@Collabcreatemarketing 2 года назад
How? People would do less
@j.w.5510 5 лет назад
My passion sadly doesn't pay enough but if I had a UBI of 20K a year, plus working on a side job and my wife working, we'd make enough to actually enjoy life. I would probably make a computer repair business which is my passion.
@maddym8795 3 года назад
It's my dream to remove invasive species and restore the environment around me. Sadly these are all beginner state jobs that pay practically minimum wage. If I had UBI I would have more time to not just make a difference, but to be happy, just as small businesses are happy providing their service!
@arturofederico8928 3 года назад
What is keeping you both from doing what you want. I hope you found your passions.
@_the_watcher_2089 2 года назад
you work to survive but your surviving just to work If that’s all life is, than we are no different than a robot that’s made to only work.
@theintrovertedaspie9095 Год назад
Robots AI, Artificial Intelligence, and they don't have complex emotions like humans do. They don't have official personalities, or aspirations, or desires like we do. They're just machines with AI that are programs to do what the programmer says.
@janiemiller825 5 лет назад
Very valid points. It’s so true . I loved this talk. I feel it would be inspiring to majority to have a basic income. Motivate them to improve their work fields & lives thus adding to benefit of society as a whole. Let’s face facts-( it’s discouraging to work very hard & merely Pay for basics survival needs- shelter, food , electric , car ins etc Even more discouraging - to work very hard & still not enough to cover shelter, food , gas ⛽️, electric , water 💦 etc Even using credit cards often to cover utilities merrily to survive. It’s become very difficult for single people on one income to make enough to even cover basic living due to inflation, high rent , food & gas ⛽️, utilities etc all going up & employers paying lower wages now. It’s definitely discouraging - not inspiring. I believe some basic income & more regulations in ref to some affordable rent programs- housing would create some space for inspiration to open up options for training, schooling or even inspire some to create small businesses,etc Some may get lazy with a basic income - however majority will continue to work & get extra training, schooling or entrepreneurship ... be motivated & inspired to create better lives. 👏
@amandap9332 3 года назад
@Pablo Fernando pablotaglemsn.com taxes on corporations and the ultra wealthy. And it would save trillions of dollars. $1.25 trillion is paid annually to welfare programs. And most welfare recipients work. We are already subsidizing wages of giant corporations
@rickb06 Год назад
​@pablofernandotthere aren't too many self made people now a days. You're either born into privilege, or you're an anomaly. Your wealth worship is sickening.
@lindacockerspaniel9657 2 года назад
Now would be a good time to share this video. This would change many lives for the better
@TeKeyaKrystal 2 года назад
yeah , this needs way more views
@non_0mi617 6 лет назад
I hope to one day be able to live 100% money free life. Work with what you love, and you doN'T have to work a day in your life
@jamiemackie3994 3 года назад
I do it every day. Its called being homeless.
@theintrovertedaspie9095 Год назад
@@jamiemackie3994 Your homeless? How do you eat? If your homeless you can't really do anything.
@ErutaniaRose Год назад
You just missed the point entirely. The point is people can do it while not having to live on the streets, that people can do it while being given things like food, water, shelter, and medicine. Might wanna look up a little thing called communism--and I mean real communism under the definition of a "moneyless and classless society", not places that claim to be communist but are not. If you have money and use the money you are not a communist society by definition. At best, maybe socialism. But not communism. The point is that EVERYONE has a better quality of life and the thing we call money, which is just "get to live paper we give meaning to" will be abolished. The planet gave us what we need, and people should not be denied the quality of basic life just because society was built for and by the ultra-wealthy.
@Syklonus 6 лет назад
People cling to misery as an identity because it gives them a voice and a false sense of validation. Miserable in your job? You must be a hard worker then, so you have every right to shout, lash out and even punch down. They see hardship and stress and some sort of character building strength that everyone should have enforced on them by way of fear - fear of starvation and homelessness. That is a poor motivator. We're living by archaic values regarding work, becasue we've worked to survive for so long it's become an almost religious and infallible habit that is heresy to even consider speaking against. We have to stop calling jobs "work" becasue work is activity and effort - not what you do to get paid. We must also stop measuring success by how much money someone has. Unfortunately there are bitter and cruel people in the world who would rather see everyone else as miserable as them instead of elevating themselves to the happiness of others around them.
@aguitarcalledchutzpah 3 года назад
Agree with much of what he says. Problem is, is that even to ask yourself, 'What do I want to do today?' Would terrufy some ppl as rhey struggle to self'direct. 'Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom' Soren Kierkegaard
@Collabcreatemarketing 2 года назад
Very good point people would just sit around doing nothing
@theintrovertedaspie9095 Год назад
@@Collabcreatemarketing Not really. Humans are physiologically geared to be productive.
@martinchristianaguilar5135 4 года назад
As long as CORPORATE OLIGARCHY exists, this idea remains OVERLOOKED.
@YinBeYinin310 3 года назад
I'm curious to know why would anyone give this video a 👎.
@mattswaim91 3 года назад
"If Steve jobs had to work in a minimum wage job 50 hours 40 hours a week just to pay for his basic necessities he would have never been the founder of Apple. Maybe we would have never heard of iPhones or iPods"
@rjwizzah2770 2 года назад
Well, we all started out like Steve Jobs, so what's our excuse? Steve Jobs was not exactly the best example for him to use. This is a bunch of nonsense. "Free money" is money to waste, and we all know it.
@amirrahiminia2556 7 лет назад
In regards to the title of the video: You shouldn't and wouldn't work just to survive in the case of the intelligent life form where advancement in inheritance, intelligent, technology and human organization existed. If that is the case, it is because we are living in a system that legalized plunder and established a moral code to glorify it. If a system had responsibility for individual's needs who's life is being ruled by it, It would have take correct path to solve the resources/energy depleting environment (ie. One child policy). The path it is taken just delays the Chaos where it will return by wider and higher amplitude in exponential growth of the population.
@johnmalvent2189 4 года назад
UN Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; "(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control." US Amendment 9 if US has some huge issue with it. Notice that this gives BOTH the right to standard of living without any requirement, AND security in the event of lack of livelihood beyond his/her control. The law is already in place, it needs to be enforced.
@maddym8795 3 года назад
And I had no idea this existed, growing up through the US school system AND getting a 4yr SUNY degree. Sorry I don't look up every law cause I don't have time for myself already! Thank you for spreading information.
@ES-ch2gk 3 года назад
I live on the beach in a tent, surf everyday and get free food so I dont need to work to be happy 👍🏼women and having kids are liabilities in life.
@jonathanenamorado9537 3 года назад
So true 👌😎
@Ms_Kymm 5 лет назад
I Love the idea, but caps would have to be put in place, for the prices of all those basic needs; that will immediately begin to soar... then it will all have been for not.
@amandap9332 3 года назад
If income is from a UBI prices wont inflate. Costs do not increase so prices do not increase.
@jamiemackie3994 3 года назад
@@amandap9332 Why do you think the big corporations have excessive profits? Because they steal your cut of your labor investment. And everbody just goes along with it. The machines are supposed to pay for the ubi. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.
@marcusspears7355 5 лет назад
If only us Humans can make this a reality 😢
@IFvckingLoveScience 4 года назад
Marcus Spears cry more you entitled commie.
@TeKeyaKrystal 2 года назад
"if Steve Jobs had to work 40 hours a week to pay for his basic necessities , he wouldn't have been the founder of Apple" !!!! love this body of thought and the package it's coming from (a white boy from a good/stable home) .. b/c when those of us that were at-risk youth want to say something like this , we're told we should've picked ourselves up from our bootstraps when we didn't even have boots!
@ErutaniaRose Год назад
Truth. Especially when that phrase "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" was originally created to mean to do something impossible...because you literally cannot pull yourself up by your own bootstraps unless you somehow break all of physics and how your body moves.
@fleurpeffer5212 3 года назад
YES Exactly the sort of thing I've been hoping to hear
@ciaradepenit2405 3 года назад
great presentation..... I fully agree..... unless we have a guaranteed income we the ones without wealth .... we slaves working to survive
@theintrovertedaspie9095 Год назад
The saddest part is that nobody ever asked for any of this. This is literally a burden each one of us was given the second we were born which we also never asked for. Kind like when Frodo was given the One Ring.
@ADyingFaith 4 года назад
RU-vid The Zeitgeist Movement Moving Forward to see how we can transition from a monetary system to a natural law resource based economy.
@meugene3719 5 лет назад
@coleostimie9725 4 года назад
If no one works and pays taxes where does the money come to fund the basic income programs
@claycarpenter8625 5 лет назад
Think about this. To not die we need food, clothing, and shelter. Because of greed we must pay for these things and then we should be so grateful they tax us on it. Do we need restaraunts and fancy cars and exotic vacations and all these things for entertainment?
@alzathoth 4 года назад
while these talks are great and all, it will never happen because the politicians wont let it happen.
@redandwhite3228 4 года назад
Sad but true.
@blueandwhite363 3 года назад
That is because the "politicians" only care about themselves! That pisses me off!
@0thepyat0 7 лет назад
What scares the hell out of me is how many people would suddenly say those dreaded words, "I think I'll be a writer."
@skatebettre 7 лет назад
I think it's a wonderful idea. The world needs more contemporary writers and voices from a variety of diffrent backgrounds. I spent the last six years of my life finishing my book and its recently got picked up by a publisher and is now being optioned for television. Why you might ask? Because I quit my job after my mother died realizing life was meant to be lived not slaving away towards unfilled desires to pay bills. Now I have a product that will probably out live my grandchildren.
@TeKeyaKrystal 2 года назад
el oh el (giggle from a writer)
@goha9218 2 года назад
@@skatebettre if i may ask, how did you afford to stop working ?
@DMRoper1 7 лет назад
Sounds good. Makes sense and well said.
@ZeldaMasterJohn 3 года назад
I think this is brilliant idea 😎
@the_infinity_snake 9 месяцев назад
This came out like about 8 years ago, i still don't see any thing related to this idea, i still don't see any way to survive without working, EVEN in wealthy countries, obviously. 😐🤨🤨😀 What happened to this idea? These experiments? Is this idea, experiment being applied into other places? Is it being successful or not? What are the challenges and how are they being dealt with? 🤔...........🤨....
@kirankumardugana1961 10 месяцев назад
seems practical
@the_infinity_snake 9 месяцев назад
But what if people that can earn basic income everyday choose to retire? What about heavy jobs that no one want to do? What about people who waste their money?
@PureGosu 5 лет назад
the word work is subject.... 1 guy streaming with 10k viewers thats work, another guy gaming thats just a lazy addict but they could be interchanged.
@djefardeur7958 5 лет назад
modern slaves
@lancsFrogger 7 лет назад
what if my passion is playing xbox? is everyone else in the community supposed to pay for my upkeep so i can do that?
@peter8488 7 лет назад
lancsFrogger if you have no ambition that is not a fault of this program its a fault in you, people look around a lot and say wtf is wrong with this world, and I submit to you that YOU are the problem, every time we park or drive badly, every time we don't live within a budget, every time we go left when we should have gone right. and if you want to play video games all day and stuff your face full of hotpockets, and drink energy drinks all day, then the problem is you.
@lancsFrogger 7 лет назад
+peter8488 dude, some projects are well-conceived, some are ill-conceived. & this is v ill-conceived. not that it doesn't contain some truth in it.... that people (a) always try harder & work better when they're doing something they like doing & (b) that this dynamic can be harnessed by a community in many productive ways but in this form - this babyish form - this dudes proposal is an absolute non-starter. its totally impractical & will crash & burn for sure
@chemical717 7 лет назад
lancsFrogger. look dear speakers point is only this that" when the burden of working for survival is reduced to nearly zero then on an average more people can work for their passion their by increasing productivity and increased non-materialistic satisfaction (compassion, team work, careing attitude, etc) when compare to present case".
@nielsguchelaar2334 7 лет назад
Assume that this basic income covers only your necessities. You should then ask yourself would I stop working if I will receive a basic income? Probably not. But we tend to have a rather negative image from others. If I would ask you should others stop with working if they receive a basic income? Probably yes. We expect from ourselves that we will continue working, but others won't.. And maybe, or even probably, there are people who are not going to take up a job with a basic income. But under our current system this is also the case, and "the community is now supposed to pay for your upkeep" too.
@keithpanton 7 лет назад
You would be healthier and less likely to turn to crimes of desperation, and if you wanted any new games, you'd have to work to earn them, so I don't see a problem.
@trustyourself-ashleyching3646 3 года назад
@markm8498 Год назад
Missing that huge part in all these examples where working people who did not live in the fantasy had to fund it.
@ka.4ned337 3 года назад
He was my teacher in year 4😢then her left
@ka.4ned337 3 года назад
Then HE*
@robertgulfshores4463 2 года назад
Work or Volunteer in a Hospital. The elderly patients will tell you to go live your life, right now, even if it means earning less money, or receiving less fame, prestige, etc. Because life is short, and the end is much closer than you think it is. I think if people did volunteer to work with the elderly, they would surely be supporters of life-affirming and culture-affirming policies like a Universal Basic Income.
@10418 4 года назад
10:00 they just answered what they know the guy wanted to be the answer.
@Liefpj 8 лет назад
Dauphin Manitoba is only a few hours from me! "Daufin" as they say.
@chevyakacommas5961 2 года назад
What do you want to do to live is a privilege and is also met with Resistance because while your doing that you still have to worry about how your going to make money. You can't just focus on your hobby that you want to turn into a way to earn your living. This idea of Money is Enslavement!
@lucianodenobrega5319 2 года назад
It would work when one change the structure on how we make money for a living. There is room for improvement.
@lordmock4819 5 лет назад
A man who does not work has no right to eat, for in nature slothfullness is never rewarded... However work in this world is unfairly proportioned and were not just working for food were working for money meaning you can do 10 hours of hard labour and earn less than someone who sat down on a computer all day, now that's unjustified If we where to be payed the exact same amount for all jobs regardless of importance only then could we be truly happy
@dupeaccount1647 4 года назад
So someone who has saved their money and retired early has no right to eat?
@johnmalvent2189 4 года назад
We are at a point where we should be lifting ourselves well above the boundaries of nature and natural evolution. Why, as a developed society would we proclaim that a human does not have the basic right to live, regardless of individual merit? UN Article 25 has more, as well as US amendment 9, and I'm sure other nation-states are similar. AI will reduce some of those extremely physical jobs and other jobs that hold little individual meaning, subjectively. There is slim chance for flat wages to happen in the next 100 years outside of the deaths of millions or more. I'm not sure they even should be argued for at all. Basic income systems are far more likely to be implemented without bloodshed, but they honestly need to be studied far more.
@theintrovertedaspie9095 Год назад
Rights are not earned, granted or taken away. Those are called "privileges." So eating is a privilege, and it shouldn't be. We have a right to live but a right to eat? that doesn't make any sense. I guess George Carlin was right, we really have no rights.
@brockburnett2491 3 года назад
how do i get a job in australia
@419chris419 6 лет назад
So basically "you can start your dreams if you have money to pay for your living while you work on your dream". Must be nice to be that lucky. Some people don't have the damn luxary. What a waste of my damn time.
@johnmalvent2189 4 года назад
Umm, that's exactly why this should not be a waste of your time. It's calling for economic reform that asserts the right to live for EVERYONE at it's core.
@mks8172 6 лет назад
Another basic income advocate which does not realise if we were fre to exchange skills and resources with pointing force at each other with the over arching power of gov. We would be better off provided we have to flourish much more as we have the possibilities but not by the use of force these would grant us the right of defense and many more rights (Its an aim not going work without some time).
@justinpettit3432 6 лет назад
They should do one of those experiments in my city. Lol.
@kamil95821 5 лет назад
Yes, lets start by giving a basic income to 1.000.000 Cheneese people who work 12h a day in all sort of factories. So your pair of your favourite jeans wont cost 5€, but 50€. Then back in UK you want think what you would like to do with your time being on basic income. You will probably be making your own pair of trousers, your shows, you can even try to assemble your own smartphone. Or even beter give basic income to people from "banana republics" so that your favourite fruits price can go from 1,5£, to 5£. Lovely.
@noompsieOG Год назад
A big problem ,is no financial skills or financial education in 19 years of schooling. Nope trigonometry is what we are making a priority instead
@ryanferguson8988 6 лет назад
That’s what parents are for
@galbas78 4 года назад
Finland tried the ubi theory..it didn't work
@bowedbat 3 года назад
Great philosophical exercise but if there’s no economic plan involved, it lacks credibility.
@danpezzin3702 7 лет назад
Food and shelter robots will take care of those not needed in the working world.
@Dennis6819 5 лет назад
Three hours (daily) work is ok
@robertmaxa6631 6 лет назад
In Switzerland, the UBI would be "fully funded". By who?
@johnd3982 5 лет назад
Robert Maxa funded by all the Swiss bank accounts I guess.
@anteconfig5391 5 лет назад
I would become the next Isaac Newton
@nahnahomar1008 4 года назад
Hello I'm nikola tesla
@LastOfTheMaguas 9 лет назад
do plumbers like their job? sure hope so - cause i don't like plumbing. but i'd do it if i had to. many things are not fun - but when they're done they make our lives better.
@rimetime6423 9 лет назад
+sn3192 Many of those type of workers are properly compensated, many make good money
@keithpanton 7 лет назад
A basic income is just that, basic, if you want 'stuff', you'll still have to work, but you'll also be able to say 'no' to work, if you're not offered a fair price for your labour and skills. This should mean plumbers and the like could work less and earn more.
@brettgillespie7089 7 лет назад
Every plumber I've ever met is quite content with their job to be honest.
@kuriousitykat 7 лет назад
Some parts of lack of satisfaction in work is due to low wages, amount of time spent doing them. Many people are in jobs that don't suit them merely in order to make ends so if people could be freer to retrain, work less hours, If wages increase in some jobs more people would be attracted to do that job.
@Syklonus 6 лет назад
If a job is necessary it should be well paid. People will do it then. We've ignored and mistreated those who do necessary work in society.
@crewlj 5 лет назад
That's an idiotic premise to promote. Just because you exist does not bestow upon you a right to anybody else's resources.
@jamdaddy7589 5 лет назад
That’s why voluntarism is important also anarchy and capitalism
@10418 4 года назад
Birth controls.
@saulval5681 6 лет назад
That's weird because my dad says if he stops working, although retired, he will die sooner. Keep busy and don't stop.
@brookswoodward7278 4 года назад
Theres alot of addictive behaviors in america. Spending addiction, sugar addiction, drug addiction, social media addiction... I dont know if it will work just giving out a bunch of money. "It would be like pouring water into a thirsty man's hands" Jordan Peterson.
@witcherfan3502 3 года назад
I know right because living life the way you want is really bad.
@brookswoodward7278 3 года назад
@@witcherfan3502 it is when it starts getting in the way of others way of life. Working with people who are addicted to marajuana in California made my life hard. I literally lost out on lots of money cause they literally dont care.
@gcod3d161 3 года назад
@@brookswoodward7278 They don’t care to do whatever you want them to do because they’d probably rather work on a weed farm than work doing whatever you do, maybe they don’t have enough money to move to a different area or the time/ money to take days off to interview at a different job they’d actually “care” about, maybe that’s why they cope by smoking weed so much
@brookswoodward7278 3 года назад
@@gcod3d161 Go spend your life in a stupor then... Just keep me completely out of it and stay out of my way. I want things in life and work hard to get them. "The question isnt who is going to let me; it's who is gonna stop me."
@reallybadaim118 Год назад
@daveklebt7732 6 лет назад
the key to his analogy that he failed to grasp... is that the wise man built his house. someone else didn't build it for him. he has to work, duh!
@johnmalvent2189 4 года назад
Says who? Think about who stands to benefit the most from indoctrinating society with that concept.
@calleedlund21 3 года назад
Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Not work??? We should all have to work 24/7 to stay alive. But in a more organic and fluid manner I think. I don't think that there are so many jobs that require you to show up at the same place regularly like we do. We're all just mentally ill
@pelgervampireduck 5 лет назад
"communism for millenials"
@marielamccartney7319 3 года назад
Of course a young guy needed to talk about not working🤣😂
@jesssutton4599 7 лет назад
Good for you. But the approach to the sums here seems wrong to me: you can't just do away with 'means tested benefits' and the tax free allowance to pay for basic income??? You can't take money away from the poorest to fund it, as you seem to be suggesting here. And the £3,700 per year you say this would raise is nothing. I absolutely think basic income is the way forward but it will cost money. From the richest. A more radical solution is needed. Keep going you youngsters but this money has to come from somewhere, and you have to make them - the rich, the corporations - pay. For you, for your generation. The ordinary kids of your generation and generations to come. It will be a hard fight - against very powerful and rich people. It's about inequality, suffering and morality. I hope you win.
@brucebaker3523 7 лет назад
If everyone had a million dollars a cup of coffee would cost half a million dollars. If people pursue a career they love it isn't work it is a passion. If people work to pursue their love it is just a job not a career. Money only has value because it is earned, if you want money without earning it you are a thief, if you want someone to take care of your needs you are a pet.
@waynedavis2505 6 лет назад
You're talking about our government. "Money only has value because it is earned, if you want money without earning it you are a thief, if you want someone to take care of your needs you are a pet." Only our government is an ungrateful pet that bite the hands that feed it. If government were solely my pet dog snapping and biting me at feeding time as our government does i would shoot it dead.
@Bdordoidoadon 7 лет назад
But somebody had to work for you not to work. The money for you to let you study doesn't come from the sky so yes, we need to work to survive.
@CalebMcFarland 7 лет назад
The somebody who will be working would be a robot.
@kuriousitykat 7 лет назад
A lot of money at the top wasn't gained by work but by inheritance, unearned interest, financial manipulation in currency exchange and stocks/shares. The profits of the capitalist class are extracted via workers labour & price markup. Actually money is not tied to tangible wealth ie Gold/Silver anymore so yes it can come from the sky. Do you not know that trillions were printed for quantitative easing during GFC. If a nation takes control of it's banks (nationalises) it can control credit. It is not impossible to credit everyone at birth with ube or pay out over life ubi.
@nexovec 3 года назад
NO, being poor doesn't make you eligible for extra benefits.
@commonsense8045 7 лет назад
stupid system
@Orf 9 лет назад
"It's not enough...until every single person, every single one of us...can at least wake up every single morning, and genuinely ask themselves not 'What do I need to do today just to survive?' but 'What do I want to do, to live?'"
@kuriousitykat 7 лет назад
Right on!
@CartoonManWhoo 5 лет назад
you and your philosophies are angelic! Thank you, my fellow human. Thank you brother!
@goodhuman1 4 года назад
What's the answer buddy??
@TeKeyaKrystal 2 года назад
yeah , i found myself clapping along w/ the audience as if i'm not sitting at home alone
@the_infinity_snake 9 месяцев назад
But how can we achieve that? When and how will technology need to be so everybody won't have to work just to survive? 😃
@ESJonas Год назад
Best defense for slavery ever. I shouldn't have to work, but others should produce food for me to eat, electricity for me to use without being paid back. Genius!!!!!!!!
@MegzeeR 4 года назад
UBI is the obvious answer to HALF of our problem. The money junkies who own the housing, food production, manufacturing means, etc will simply raise the costs of everything to keep us all struggling because I believe they ENJOY keeping us worried and poor. I've thought about why they do also and I honestly believe it's because they envy our compassion, loving and simple pleasures that we enjoy and they cannot feel ANYTHING past greed, fear of losing their material stuff, knowing that everyone only acts like they care so they can get their hands on what you have...etc.
@maddym8795 3 года назад
We live in a day and age where there's SO many more people and SO much more technology. Not every person can go start a business or doing something "great" that makes them a lot of money. There's so many people that feel lost and we are leaving them behind. UBI would allow them to feel less pressure and more optimistic about their opportunities. Jobs could be so much more diverse and we have the capability to fund projects that don't make money but instead help make this world better. Not everything is about money. What happened to our right to the pursuit of happiness? Or do they see happiness as the same for everyone...
@kiril323 Год назад
Life is beautiful but we can’t see it because we have to work everyday for the rest of our lives And everyone is ok with that for some reason I wish they would teach me that as a kid That life is bs that we just work until we die maybe then I would accept that by now…
@phy29 4 года назад
it is modern slavery ...
@blueandwhite363 3 года назад
Certainly is. I'm more than tired of it.
@Jets1 Год назад
100% I agree
@princessprincess5788 Год назад
@jdavis6650 2 года назад
A very useful video. Especially for people who don't understand math. Or who had parents that did'nt read them fairy tales as kids. Shallow pandering. Manipulative and misleading.
@PCP1992 2 года назад
Would volunteers be enough to man the hospital and tend to all the sick people? Same question with specialidt doctors
@DMm39 3 года назад
Ok..nobody wants to work...right! And who is going to work? And..example..they dont work and.. Consequences: they won't have money but they will not eat because everything is not going to be there no more..etc etc etc I dont think this is a good move at all They're all falling into a hole And I work..have no problem working
@DG123z 4 года назад
Where does it come from? Like.. what if everyone decides just not to work?
@amandap9332 3 года назад
Would you decide to just not work? I bet you wouldn't. Neither would anyone else.
@spellrush2097 4 года назад
Add robots and this would totally work. Slight risk of an AI uprising but meh we're doomed anyway unless we go to space.
@HardKore5250 2 года назад
Robots would at need to be much more advanced.
@spellrush2097 2 года назад
@@HardKore5250 To flip burgers and be self checkouts? I think robots are advanced enough to do basic labor. Have you seen robots make things in factories? They're perfectly capable of mass producing things with laser precision.
@doc2590 2 года назад
the UBI has been spoken about for years now, I sure hope it happens soon.
@PhyPsyFilm 5 лет назад
Very powerful speech!
@capone3167 7 лет назад
Did he refer to Jesus teaching as a 'song'???
@wyattgriffis 5 лет назад
it is a song they sing in children bible classes
@ErutaniaRose 7 месяцев назад
Totally agree. I get so frustrated as a disabled person who WANTS to contribute to society but cannot meet certain hours of work or physical labor. It's such an all or nothing view. Just because I cannot work 20 - 40 hours a week every week doesn't mean I have nothing to contribute (especially with hyperfocus) and doesn't mean I don't deserve the basic needs of food, water, and shelter. Honestly, I'd love to help make and maintain a community garden. But our world doesn't allow for that, not with police bulldozing them.
@charlottehardwick4261 6 месяцев назад
I feel that this is a little out of touch with reality. If we have a society where people only do a job if they feel fulfilled doing it, who is going to do the jobs that simply aren’t ‘fulfilling’ we need warehouse workers, toilet cleaners and Tesco cashiers. A better system is one where hard work is incentivised. This kind of philosophy is based on the underlying assumption that personal ‘wellbeing’ should always be top priority and that we are all the centre of our own universe. I believe this is leading to a generation of individuals with limited problem solving ability and limited mental resilience. As an employer I hire so many gen z-ers that simply can’t cope with the demands of a full time job. Being an entrepreneur is extremely hard work. I’m not convinced that a high proportion of todays young people would be able to hack it
@edgarmorales4476 Год назад
Because the Ego (the guardian of individuality) itself possesses the electric momentum of Activity-Creativity and the emotional magnetic impulses of "Bonding-Rejection," whatever is born of the "Ego-drive" by its thoughts, feelings and actions, is charged with physical electromagnetic life which will produce replica life forms and will be eventually materialized within the life of the Ego-creator. These created forms not only manifest eventually as experiences but also disturb the functioning of the physical processes of their creator and are the origin of physical discomforts or viruses or diseases. ​ Therefore, is it a great cause for rejoicing when the soul emerges from its encapsulating human consciousness of the Ego (the guardian of individuality), for the ascending spiritual consciousness will create the harmonious life-giving conditions it holds in consciousness. Conversely, it is a cause for sorrow while the human consciousness is submerged in Ego control, producing upsets, trials and tribulations both in life experiences and the physical condition itself. Therefore, I tell you: if you do not like the world, you have it within your power to change the "conditions of existence," right where you are - if you have the faith and consistent will to do so. I repeat in another form to gain your attention: If you continue in your present level of human functioning and thought, you will only experience your present level of human existence. You will be bound down to working hard for a paltry living, beset by numerous problems, such as poverty, ill-health, addictions, immobilized by prostrating fear and exposed to ill-intentioned attacks of all kinds. You will be burdened by present conditions until you understand how to change them. This is the golden opportunity to take control of your lives as never before, by getting control of your thoughts and emotions - the electrical and magnetic impulses - the blueprints of your future experiences. For - you are like potters possessing clay and daily shaping pots and utensils for your use. CONSCIOUSNESS is the clay - the substance with which you make your life - and every condition pertaining to it. You, alone, shape your life into the forms you experience. By your thoughts, you can change your personal future - if you will but accept the Christ Letters, A Course In Miracles and A Course Of Love. You can affect your environment, your homes, families, work, the people you associate with, and even plants, animals and climate. Whatever you hold steadfastly in mind externalizes.
@phy29 4 года назад
it is more hard to do nothing that work ....
@chrisgamer6674 6 лет назад
@meatfactory 9 лет назад
Think about job circulation added to that basic income :)
@lesterchurchill9898 7 лет назад
How about being able to do the one thing that business owners would love to see go away- the minimum wage. In the system presented, the MW could be abolished- after all, the purpose of the existence of a minimum wage is to try to ameliorate the problem of people wasting a majority of their lives just trying to exist. It isn't without its challenges, though. Provide a standard income to all adults and rent prices will shoot through the roof- without legislation and both severe and immediate punishment for those who violate it. I am certain other issues similar in nature would appear as well. Those would definitely be a challenge to address. But... it's a start. Imagine, too, the effects a basic income would have on businesses in a MW-less situation, but nobody needing the jobs they have. They'd have to offer decent wages to attract people, or they'd go extinct. In effect, it would put the onus of responsibility on business owners instead of having the government come in and make them do it- it could potentially reduce the nanny-state role the government is taking.
@WildlandExplorer 7 лет назад
I agree with the rent situation. As someone who makes now what I would have considered a handy sum ten years ago, I now struggle with bills occasionally because rent has continued to climb while wages have remained relatively stagnant. A basic universal income demands price controls on rents. Unfortunately, this would be next to impossible to implement in the states - because capitalism above all else. this may be more feasible in a place that has more of a social-capitalist system in place such as the UK, western Europe, etc.
@dupeaccount1647 4 года назад
I would definitely quit if I woke up in Switzerland with that salary. At least if I had a house completely paid off.
@dennisd292 3 года назад
A room full of people who wouldn't quit their jobs...?
@prianthagovender649 3 года назад
Like and share, why doesn't this have more views