
Will Gog and Magog be a nuclear war 

Lawrence Hajioff
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24 июн 2024




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@TheMessiah666 3 дня назад
Thank you! I’m really enjoying your teachings!
@RabbiHajioff 3 дня назад
I'm so glad!
@Jasn_Chvz 3 дня назад
Amen. Bought the book a while ago, it’s excellent. Thank you Rabbi.
@sf8006 3 дня назад
I am so glad I found this! It clarifies so much that I have been asking about. Thank you Rabbi!
@RabbiHajioff 3 дня назад
Glad it was helpful!
@joansmith7893 7 часов назад
Thank you Rabbi. Great teaching
@Comet_MS64 19 часов назад
I actually became an ex-Muslim after I became convinced through extensive research that Gog and Magog are fictional.
@DavidMelechYisrael 3 дня назад
@Holly20249 2 дня назад
Thank You very much dear brother! May Hashem bless You! Moshiach now 🙏🏻 Amen 🙏🏻
@mweinstein1542 3 дня назад
Brilliant! Thank you so much, Rabbi!
@RabbiHajioff 3 дня назад
You're most welcome!
@RabbiHajioff 3 дня назад
@commonsenselucy5697 3 дня назад
@adamyitzhak9907 День назад
Calm down boomer
@commonsenselucy5697 День назад
@@adamyitzhak9907 No!!! "YOU CALM DOWN." I have a "right" to my feelings. This world SUCKS now due to so much artificial intelligence. It is "ANTI- CREATOR." Not sure how or why this Rabbi is pushing this garbage.
@Olamchesed 3 дня назад
The yetzer hara, bad inclination wants us to despair so we can't reach our potentially. But we should know, we are capable and can accomplish anything woth Hashem 's help.
@LRS11B 2 дня назад
What's the title if your book Rav?
@RabbiHajioff 2 дня назад
@@LRS11B The Future
@goodtimestv9690 2 дня назад
@aryehgershaw1145 3 дня назад
G-d the Rock will intervene in this war. He has no need for man's Necular Bomb. G-d took care of Sosom and Gemora with out man's Necular capibilities. G-d does not need man to win a war.
@eviecourtlandt 4 часа назад
@@aryehgershaw1145 Nuclear bombs are a hoax. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were carpet bombed. There's no evidence of atoms let alone splitting one. But 5G can kill just far worse than any nuclear bomb, that's why they needed a cover -- so they could install an actual killing machine right outside your window.
@Miriam5718 3 дня назад
Yup me too..bought your book BEFORE Oct 7 LOL
@mardankadivar9177 2 дня назад
We Iranian people (not government) stand with Israel. We are hostage of this regime and Islamic regime has no supporters in Iran. Since 2022 Iranian revolution began. So what happen if Islamic regime in Iran fall?
@sitresjolie2343 2 дня назад
Would the people welcome back Crown Prince Reza in a constitutional monarchy, perhaps?
@joansmith7893 8 часов назад
Praying for you brothers
@jakovshamilov4193 2 дня назад
Thank you!! Very interesting!!
@zayinbranchministries9603 2 дня назад
Shalom Rabbi Todah Rabah for your teaching May Abba continue to bless you and family Baruch HaShem Bo Yeshua Bo 🕎📜🕯🕊🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱Am YISRAEL Chai
@karenredgreene2498 2 дня назад
Thank You Rabbi! i'll be following you beginning NOW! :)
@KeepingWatch95 3 дня назад
_Zechariah 12:9 _*_And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem._* _Zechariah __12:10__ And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: _*_and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn._* _Zechariah __12:11__ _*_In that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon._* _Zechariah 13:6 _*_And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends._* _Zechariah 13:7 Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones._ _Zechariah 13:8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein._ _Zechariah 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: _*_they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD [ יְהֹוָה ] is my God._*
@vestadorado1768 4 часа назад
Your comment how old people will be treated. That is happening now. I was taught to be kind to them. Now i am old, it is unreal, the treatment.
@ikleinit 26 минут назад
A dog looks at what the other dogs does. Without his own daat he follows the other dogs .. bechinat eruv rav
@duckgutz2067 2 дня назад
What tractate was that? I couldn’t understand when he said. My ears are horrible 😊
@ikleinit 13 минут назад
The rock of yaakov is our achdut.. which is our superpower
@luciferlucero 3 дня назад
@lisaking4291 День назад
Thank you for saying what the actual calendar date is, being in a Calender country that uses the Christians date calendar, we don't know what it really is, date fact of, and its real tiresome having, a Christianity reminder that's inspired work's has been of not having biblical literature of God, bless god and prayer for god, god is everything GOD 🙏😔
@roxanepremont2774 2 дня назад
Face of a dog: covid mask looks like a dog snout. Could it be that?
@timhaley3459 3 часа назад
"Gog of the land of Magog" (Eze 38:1), is the leading nation of a coalition of political nations, that attacks NOT fleshly Israel, that has been rejected by God and are now his enemy (see Isa 63:9, 10; 66:3-6; Matt 23:33-39; Gal 4:21-31) and will be "under the helm" of Gog, the political nation taking the lead in attacking the new "nation" of spiritual Israel during "the great tribulation".(see Isa 66:7-9; Matt 21:42-44; Gal 3:7, 29; 6:16) This new "nation" of spiritual "Israel" (Matt 21:43), that is composed of both Jews and Gentiles (Rom 11:11, 12; Acts 10 shows Cornelius as the first Gentile to become a member of spiritual "Israel" in 36 C.E.), the 144,000 "Jews" (along with Jesus Christ, Rev 7:4-8), "a kingdom of priests to our God", Rev 5:10), the "chosen ones" (Matt 24:22, 24, 31), those "sealed......with the promised holy spirit" (Eph 1:13, 14), for "the heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1) for "the first resurrection".(Rev 20:6) These make up God's heavenly Kingdom, along with Jesus Christ as its premier king/high priest "according to the manner of Melchizedek" (Ps 110:4), and has replaced the apostate, murderous people of fleshly Israel, whom Jesus calls "serpents, offspring of vipers" (Matt 23:33) and said that Satan the Devil is their "father", doing the desires of their "father" (John 8:42-44), having no love of God.(John 5:42) It is this new "nation" of "Israel" that became God's, whose name is Jehovah (see Ex 6:3; Isa 12:2, KJV), "special property, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" that fleshly Israel had "first opportunity" to become (and squandered) at Exodus 19:5, 6, but failed their inspection by "the messenger of the (new) covenant", Jesus Christ, from 29-33 C.E.(Mal 3:1-3; Luke 19:41-44) At 1 Peter 2, Peter says to both Jews and Gentiles (1 Pet 1:1): "It is to you, therefore, that he is precious, because you are believers; but to those not believing, “the stone (Jesus Christ) that the builders (the Jewish religious leaders) rejected (and murdered, Acts 5:30), this has become the chief cornerstone (of God's Kingdom, Ps 118:22)" and “a stone (Jesus Christ) of stumbling and a rock of offense (to the nation of fleshly Israel).”(see Isa 8:14)" "They (the nation of fleshly Israel) are stumbling because they are disobedient to the word. To this very end they were appointed. But you (Jews and Gentiles who exercises faith in Jesus, Gal 3:7) are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession," "that you should declare abroad the excellencies” of the One (Jehovah God) who called you out of darkness (Isa 49:9; 60:2) into his wonderful light.(Isa 49:6) For (quoting Hosea 1:10) you were once not a people (Gentiles), but now you are God’s people; once you had not been shown mercy, but now you have received mercy."(1 Pet 2:7-9) The attack by "Gog of the land of Magog" with his coalition of nations, will be preceded by a domino effect when Jehovah causes Satan's system of things, his world, to begin crumbling, both politically, financially and religiously, as Revelation 16:1-20 shows of "the seven bowls of anger", whereby the religions of the world called Babylon the Great (in which Christendom is a major part) are "burned to a cinder" by the political "ten horns" (Rev 17:12), the member nations of the "scarlet-colored wild beast", the United Nations, in phase one of "the great tribulation" (Matt 24:21), forever ceasing to exist.(Rev 17:3, 16, 17; 19:1-3) Then with scathing judgments, "great hailstones" (Rev 16:21), spiritual "Israel" pronounces judgments of destruction against Satan's world of wicked mankind (compare Jesus words at Matthew 23 against the Pharisees and fleshly Jerusalem), exposing its corruption, and this will cause the "people to blaspheme God because of the plague of hail, for the plague was unusually great".(Rev 16:21) The result ? The political nations react violently against spiritual "Israel", bringing on the attack by Gog of the land of Magog, to "invade the land whose people have been restored from the ravages of the sword, collected together out of many peoples onto the (symbolic) mountains of Israel (or spiritual paradise that Jehovah has created, see Micah 4:1-5), which had long been lying devastated (or true worship of Jehovah "lying devastated" for some 1,800 years, until about the 20th century; see Eze 37 and "the valley of dry bones", as well as Hosea 3:4, 5)." "The inhabitants of this (symbolic) land (spiritual "Israel", Gal 6:1) were restored from the peoples, and all of them dwell in security.(see Micah 4:1-4) You will come against them like a storm, and you will cover the land like clouds, you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”’(Eze 38:8, 9) How will it end up ? Daniel 2:44 shows spiritual "Israel", the 144,000 symbolic "Jews" (Rom 2:28, 29; Rev 7:4; 14:1), having received their "heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1), and been resurrected as immortal spirit "sons of God" (1 Cor 15:53), now takes up their positions as "kings and priests", that along with Jesus as the premier king/high priest "according to the manner of Melchizedek"(Ps 110:4; Rev 1:6, KJV), makes up God's heavenly Kingdom. These are now ready to fulfill Revelation 2:26, 27, of ' shepherding the people with an iron rod so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels ', at what is called Armageddon, "the war of the great day of God the Almighty" (Rev 16:14, 16), so that "Gog of the land of Magog" with his hordes are destroyed and "buried".(Eze 39:11): "And to the one who conquers and observes my deeds down to the end, I will give authority over the nations, and he will shepherd the people with an iron rod so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels, just as I (Jesus Christ) have received from my Father."
@DUSTYONES 2 дня назад
See a stone.
@andthensome512 День назад
No, it won’t because it happened almost 2000 years ago.
@007MegaRoll День назад
gog and magog after mellenium kingdom , so no gog and magog never happened its happening now
@007MegaRoll День назад
yamaka is not jewsih its roman it signifies submission to Roman rule, hebrews were forced to wear yamakas to show obidience to roman rule
@joansmith7893 7 часов назад
Could you Christians please allow us Jews to listen to our teachers without your Christian comments.
@antithesespistopheles8112 4 часа назад
Could all you move to Israel?
@shoshannafachima1306 3 дня назад
חזק וברוך.
@RabbiHajioff 3 дня назад
@mikebee6786 2 дня назад
​@@RabbiHajioff Thanks needed to hear it 👍 Does it seem the question by force was answered by, as a result of Chutzpah Moshiach Ben Yosef and if,vor when, Moshiach Ben David merits, an unveiling - GD Willing- by perhaps a very long Shofar That sounded out of His mouth, in which, only a few may have heard audibly in initially heralding in an announcing of ITS arrival so as to signal a whistling in the invisible an ingathering of All, Spiritually, from the 4 Corners of the Universe into Adonai Echad in Adam and on given to assist all to Unite those on Adama assistance to Ascend? Apologies for the lengthy question if unknown 😅
@michaeltindol2033 День назад
7 year peace the king you say stop the war when Israel at least after fighting north war
@matthewnationsr6280 3 дня назад
remember solomans flying house lol
@shirleyannelindberg1692 3 дня назад
Maybe the gentiles shouldn’t tell the Jewish people what their Prophets teach…?! Maybe they should learn Hebrew and not rely on Christian translations that completely mistranslate the writings. Learn our Hebrew language or at least a Genuine English translation of the Hebrew. Artscrol Tanakh would be a good start.
@janishart5128 3 дня назад
Hi Shirley Anne! Well said - THANK YOU!!!!
@emetahava 2 дня назад
...only when Jews don't know their own Scriptures!!!
@eviecourtlandt 2 дня назад
@@shirleyannelindberg1692 just ignore the absurd pamphlet they call the NT, it was written by Pagans.
@emetahava День назад
@@eviecourtlandt Funny how most Rabbis accept the Brit Hadasha was actually written by JEWS. You have issues.
@dianedrewry32 12 часов назад
Maybe the fault lies closer to home and not with us Gentiles who after the believing Jews, will be grafted in, or would you prefer to exclude the rest of mankind from eternal life with our Creator? Think on this and then read Isaiah 53 slowly and with humility (if you can find some): there has been a long and terrible history of later rabbis distorting the Old Testament (The Tanakh) in order to spoil any accurate references to Yeshua; they have tried to render texts to represent Israel in place of Yeshua. A striking example is Psalm 22 of David where the rabbis altered one letter in the Hebrew which immediately changed the word sense, ‘For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; Like a lion my hands and feet ‘(Psalm 22 verse 16). The verse is not how David wrote it and it is clear which part is inaccurate: ‘Like a lion my hands and feet’. It was originally, as shown in the Dead Sea Scrolls 2,200 years ago, written as: ‘Ka’aru My hands and my feet’, Ka’aru means ‘to make a hole’ and meant in this sentence, ‘They have pierced My hands and my feet’. The erroneous translation 1,000 years ago became: ‘Ka’ari’ which means a lion. The rabbis had shortened the Hebrew letter, thus changing the meaning and in the process it made no sense. This is not the only example of deliberate tampering with the Hebrew texts, there are also the commentaries which gave the rabbis licence to interpret as they wished. The Old Testament prophets: Isaiah 8th century BC and Zechariah 6th century BC both prophesied Yeshua accurately, but Jewish rabbis ignore their prophecies.
@phillipchapman169 8 часов назад
Thinks mere man can speed up the arrival of our Messiah!? The arrogance is astounding. Jesus will come when he is good and ready at the appointed time. Not before nor after, but at His perfect time.
@joansmith7893 8 часов назад
Jesus is not coming
@antithesespistopheles8112 4 часа назад
@@joansmith7893nor is any other meshiach.
@masternmargarita 2 дня назад
What kind of a Moschiah would allow for a nuclear war to happen?
@sitresjolie2343 2 дня назад
The ultimate messiah is a human being, just as all the other messiahs were.
@antithesespistopheles8112 4 часа назад
@@sitresjolie2343only a Jewish one.
@user-qb9pu7ds4o День назад
Before Masiyah second coming was Rapture
@joansmith7893 8 часов назад
Not true
@bobby_newman 2 часа назад
I am a Christian turn to Jesus and be saved.
@zayinbranchministries9603 2 дня назад
Shalom Rabbi A must Read The Fall of Edom By Rabbi Dr Itzack Shapira Ahavat ami Ministries Many more publications 🕎📜🕯🕊🙏🏻🇮🇱
@judaismtreasures9606 2 дня назад
The prostitution might mean corruption, not actual
@Danielight 3 дня назад
0bama is Gog.
@michaeltindol2033 День назад
Third temple will be for your king and use ai
@wilfredomelendez1724 День назад
My brother, the antichrist will be sitting on the third temple saying he is God and will persecute the ones that have the seal of their Lord in the fore head... So when the third temple is built ... Run! The Messiah will come down from the clouds and every one will see him... Fyi.. read your bible
@joansmith7893 8 часов назад
Please read the Tanakh. The New Testament is a man made text.
@chandrabasdeo7773 3 дня назад
Why don't you explain the book of Isaiah speçifically 53 Rd chapter
@Olamchesed 3 дня назад
52 and 53 is about Israel
@waitandsee9345 3 дня назад
​@@Olamcheseddon't worry u'll change that opinion in the appointed day of ur life 😉
@eviecourtlandt 3 дня назад
@@OlamchesedTotally, they can't read Hebrew so they don't get it.
@npc6352 3 дня назад
@@Olamchesed Actually the whole book is 😎
@npc6352 3 дня назад
There is no such thing as chapter in the original text. Your translator made it up, like lots of other statements. Why don't you ask him to explain it to you?🤪
@emetahava День назад
YESHUA of Nazareth is TRUTH. He is the TORAH.
@KyleEnoch-y2w День назад
Amen 🙏
I totally agree Yeshua Hamashiach is the Jewish Messiah
@joansmith7893 8 часов назад
@joansmith7893 8 часов назад
He is not.
@sreesharma 5 часов назад
idol worshipper
@user-qb9pu7ds4o День назад
We are not in 5784But we are in 5998.big big diferent between satan and God calender
@goodtimestv9690 2 дня назад
You said that we are going to return to Israel wealthy because we came to America and all around the world to make money? I think we’re going to get rich when the Messiah comes because money’s not gonna mean anything but there’s plenty of poor Jewish people right now that are barely getting by so I recommend you do charity. I don’t know where your theorymeans that all of us are rich coming to Israel money you know how many poor Jewish people are in the world I wish the rich Jewish people gave more to the poor Jewish people instead of giving it to universities and NCAA, etc. I might’ve misunderstood what you meant which I hope that’s the case but I just want you to be aware. There’s a lot of poor Jewish people in the world in America specifically trying to get by get money for Shabbat, etc. real Jews,. if you’re rich, then God bless you but just so you’re aware not everybody’s in the same position as you to think like that I know a lot of poor people that are barely getting by in religious Jewish communities in America. I’m from America Financially the situation is very tough
@matthewnationsr6280 3 дня назад
Read Antarctic piece treaty's, Lockheed Martinbeen and the waydarkstaer turn s and thank God for spaceforce and dark star stay away from Walmart my friend
@janishart5128 3 дня назад
Step AWAY from the drugs!!!
@shirleyannelindberg1692 2 дня назад
@@janishart5128 *Exactly* 👍🏻 *Janice* *Don’t know what he’s prattling about* 🤣
@matthewnationsr6280 16 часов назад
@@janishart5128 did you read. If you didn't you can't give a intelligent response without doing the research witch that. Was only a small amount so if you haven't read it is your input inspired by intelligence.. Also karma aka the river of fire you sound like someone who is having to learn the hard way.have you even figured out what times are are in probably not a well rounded education is key to a to understanding and refusing to absorb new information inhibits growth . But can't fix stupid I guess I hope your not stupid and read it before you commented
@goodtimestv9690 2 дня назад
I don’t think you’re right about saying that the children of Ismael are going to get a pass from God they’re going to repent. I don’t care if they how much they repent. I’m gonna pray that God will never accept their repentance. None of them any of them throw candy around, etc. even had a thought in their head that they want to kill the Jews.
@leecogdell652 8 часов назад
Proverbs 30, Psalm 22-16/18, Psalms 69-8, Isaiah 53-12, Psalms 22-16, Psalms 22-18, Isaiah 53, Daniel 7-13/14, Psalms 16-10, Psalms 22-1, Zechariah 12-10, Zechariah 11-12, These are but a few of the Old Testament verses that prove the Messiah of Israel has already come and died and he rose again and his name is Yeshua/ Jesus and please don’t take my word for it simply look up the verses in the Old Testament.
@joansmith7893 7 часов назад
@joansmith7893 7 часов назад
Go back and read the whole chapters of the books you are quoting.
@leecogdell652 7 часов назад
@@joansmith7893 did you even bother to read the verses?
@leecogdell652 7 часов назад
Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name, and what is His Son's name, If you know?
@joansmith7893 7 часов назад
@@leecogdell652 I did when I was still a Christian.
@michaeltindol2033 День назад
Jesus wins
@Tishri21 3 дня назад
The Psalm 83 (immediate neighbors of Israel) war occurs before Gog/Magog coalition and attack, and involves different nations. The Ezek 38/39 coalition doesn't include the immediate neighbors, enemies, currently attacking Israel. The Psalm 83 war is underway now and will "appear" resolved with a covenant based on lies, not intended to be kept but just buys time, brokered by the King of the South (see Dan 11) and Israel's enemies. It won't last long. That's when the 4th Beast (dreadful one) of Dan 7 occurs which is the Time of Jacob's Trouble (Dan 7 and 12). Only after that 3.5 year period will all the enemies, including nations of Eze 38/39 join in. They will be destroyed by the Lord, ushering in the 1000 year reign, return. Teach the word of God. It is truth and without error. Writings of men are misleading people.
@jwhyte2042 3 дня назад
Maybe you shouldn’t tell the Jewish people what their Prophets teach…?! Maybe you should learn Hebrew and not rely on Christian translations that completely mistranslate the writings. Learn our Hebrew language or at least a Genuine English translation of the Hebrew. Artscrol Tanakh would be a good start.
@007MegaRoll День назад
no such thing as third temple in bible
@joansmith7893 7 часов назад
Yes there is.
@A-childOfGod-pp4ge 3 дня назад
“In that case, I say, isn’t it that God has repudiated his people?” Heaven forbid! For I myself am a son of Isra’el, from the seed of Avraham,[a] of the tribe of Binyamin. 2 God has not repudiated his people,[b] whom he chose in advance. Or don’t you know what the Tanakh says about Eliyahu? He pleads with God against Isra’el, 3 “Adonai, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars, and I’m the only one left, and now they want to kill me too!”[c] 4 But what is God’s answer to him? “I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not knelt down to Ba‘al.”[d] 5 It’s the same way in the present age: there is a remnant, chosen by grace. 6 (Now if it is by grace, it is accordingly not based on legalistic works; if it were otherwise, grace would no longer be grace.) 7 What follows is that Isra’el has not attained the goal for which she is striving. The ones chosen have obtained it, but the rest have been made stonelike, 8 just as the Tanakh says, “God has given them a spirit of dullness - eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, right down to the present day.”[e] 9 And David says, “Let their dining table become for them a snare and a trap, a pitfall and a punishment. 10 Let their eyes be darkened, so that they can’t see, with their backs bent continually.”[f] 11 “In that case, I say, isn’t it that they have stumbled with the result that they have permanently fallen away?” Heaven forbid! Quite the contrary, it is by means of their stumbling that the deliverance has come to the Gentiles, in order to provoke them to jealousy.[g] 12 Moreover, if their stumbling is bringing riches to the world - that is, if Isra’el’s being placed temporarily in a condition less favored than that of the Gentiles is bringing riches to the latter - how much greater riches will Isra’el in its fullness bring them! 13 However, to those of you who are Gentiles I say this: since I myself am an emissary sent to the Gentiles, I make known the importance of my work 14 in the hope that somehow I may provoke some of my own people to jealousy and save some of them! 15 For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean? It will be life from the dead! 16 Now if the hallah offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole loaf. And if the root is holy, so are the branches. 17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you - a wild olive - were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree, 18 then don’t boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you. 19 So you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 True, but so what? They were broken off because of their lack of trust. However, you keep your place only because of your trust. So don’t be arrogant; on the contrary, be terrified! 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly won’t spare you! 22 So take a good look at God’s kindness and his severity: on the one hand, severity toward those who fell off; but, on the other hand, God’s kindness toward you - provided you maintain yourself in that kindness! Otherwise, you too will be cut off! 23 Moreover, the others, if they do not persist in their lack of trust, will be grafted in; because God is able to graft them back in. 24 For if you were cut out of what is by nature a wild olive tree and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree! 25 For, brothers, I want you to understand this truth which God formerly concealed but has now revealed, so that you won’t imagine you know more than you actually do. It is that stoniness, to a degree, has come upon Isra’el, until the Gentile world enters in its fullness; 26 and that it is in this way that all Isra’el will be saved. As the Tanakh says, “Out of Tziyon will come the Redeemer; he will turn away ungodliness from Ya‘akov 27 and this will be my covenant with them, . . . when I take away their sins.”[h] 28 With respect to the Good News they are hated for your sake. But with respect to being chosen they are loved for the Patriarchs’ sake, 29 for God’s free gifts and his calling are irrevocable. 30 Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before but have received mercy now because of Isra’el’s disobedience; 31 so also Isra’el has been disobedient now, so that by your showing them the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive God’s mercy. 32 For God has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all. 33 O the depth of the riches and the wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are his judgments! How unsearchable are his ways! 34 For, ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord? Who has been his counselor?’[i] 35 Or, ‘Who has given him anything and made him pay it back?’[j] 36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” Romans 11 Complete Jewish Bible Footnotes a Romans 11:1 2 Chronicles 20:7, Psalm 105:6 b Romans 11:2 1 Samuel 12:22, Psalm 94:14 c Romans 11:3 1 Kings 19:10, 14 d Romans 11:4 1 Kings 19:18 e Romans 11:8 Deuteronomy 29:3(4), Isaiah 29:10 f Romans 11:10 Psalm 69:23-24(22-23) g Romans 11:11 Deuteronomy 32:21 h Romans 11:27 Isaiah 59:20-21, 27:9 i Romans 11:34 Isaiah 40:13 j Romans 11:35 Job 41:3(11)
@janishart5128 3 дня назад
NO FURTHER SCRIPTURES were given to mankind by God AFTER Mt. Sinai, so STOP quoting the "NT" to us, which is NOT scripture that was given to Moses at Mt. Sinai, and it blasphemously preaches AGAINST what God said to us there! You need to realize, research, and accept that NOWHERE did God ever mention the "Jesus" character to us, NOWHERE did He tell us that we need to be "saved", and NOWHERE did He tell us that He requires HUMAN BLOOD (a purely pagan ritual!!) as atonement for our sins! Go peddle your pagan idolatry ELSEWHERE - "Christianity" absolutely did NOT come from God! There is NOTHING you can gaslight us with, since we have been learning from the Orthodox Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. In the absence of the Temple, the Rabbis are our spiritual teachers, since they (and ONLY THEY!!) have been studying the original Hebrew, all the way back to Mt. Sinai. PLEASE buy a Hebrew Bible (says "Stone Edition TANACH" or "Koren Edition TANACH" on the cover, and Rabbi Tovia Singer's books "Let's Get Biblical - Why Doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?", and Rabbi Stuart Federow's book "Judaism and Christianity: A Contrast", to help you understand why Christianity absolutely did NOT come from God.
@shirleyannelindberg1692 3 дня назад
@A-childOfGod, *Stop waffling about your “new” Twistament* *There’s nothing ‘NEW’ under the sun* ☀️ *Read King Solomon’s book, Ecclesiastes*
@A-childOfGod-pp4ge 3 дня назад
@@shirleyannelindberg1692 prayers for God to remove the scales from your eyes. Thanks for reaching out ❤ OnlyJesuSaves ✝👑📖🇮🇱👍🏼🙏🏼
@sitresjolie2343 2 дня назад
You have been deceived. Is your mother Jewish? If so, please see a qualified Orthodox Jewish Rabbi for assistance. If not, repent of your sins and obey the Noahide laws henceforth.
@A-childOfGod-pp4ge 2 дня назад
@@shirleyannelindberg1692 Daniel 9 24 “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and for your holy city for putting an end to the transgression, for making an end of sin, for forgiving iniquity, for bringing in everlasting justice, for setting the seal on vision and prophet, and for anointing the Especially Holy Place. 25 Know, therefore, and discern that seven weeks [of years] will elapse between the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Yerushalayim 👉🏼until an 👉🏼anointed prince comes 👈🏻[Messiah Yeshua came exacrly on time👍🏼]. It will remain built for sixty-two weeks [of years], with open spaces and moats; but these will be troubled times. 👉🏼26 Then, after the sixty-two weeks, Mashiach [Yeshua, as the Prophecy states] 👉🏼will be cut off 👈🏻 [Crucifixion] and have nothing. The people of a prince yet to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary [Romans 70 AD], but his end will come with a flood, and desolations are decreed until the war is over.” Do you believe the Prophet Daniel’s words? Then you would understand that Yeshua, Jesus, was the One Daniel Prophesied about because it already happened exactly when Daniel said. Yeshua was the final Sacrifice to take away our sins, the Lamb of God, and He is talked about all throughout the Old Testament. Isaiah 53 is another example, but there are many. Blessings and prayers ❤✝👑📖🇮🇱
@impeachbiden5003 3 дня назад
You scripted this 2500 years ago? It sounds like you are following a script. How else can you know exactly what's going to happen to the very last detail?
@ShSy-ni6zq 3 дня назад
Because the fringes = Orthodox are obligated to be narrow-minded It has its advantages I was raised to be open minded As far as me, one man's haranguing about HIS TRUTH Is another man's haranging about HIS TRUTH YADA YADA YADA LEVITAKUS 4 JACKSON 5 Fellow Cyber friend I'll stop big brother Google thanks goggle
@janishart5128 3 дня назад
Because God TOLD US (the Jewish people) in the ETERNAL words He gave to us at Mt. Sinai, what will happen! Don't EVER tell a Jew what OUR scriptures mean! You need to realize, research, and accept that NOWHERE did God ever mention the "Yeshua/Jesus" character to us, NOWHERE did He tell us that we need to be "saved", and NOWHERE did He tell us that He requires HUMAN BLOOD (a purely pagan ritual!!) as atonement for our sins! Go peddle your pagan idolatry ELSEWHERE - "Christianity/Messianic Christianity" absolutely did NOT come from God, and it blasphemously preaches AGAINST what He said to us at Mt. Sinai!! There is NOTHING you can gaslight us with, since we have been learning from the Orthodox Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. In the absence of the Temple, the Rabbis are our spiritual teachers, since they (and ONLY THEY!!) have been studying the original Hebrew, all the way back to Mt. Sinai. PLEASE buy a Hebrew Bible (says "Stone Edition TANACH" or "Koren Edition TANACH" on the cover, and Rabbi Tovia Singer's books "Let's Get Biblical - Why Doesn't Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?", and Rabbi Stuart Federow's book "Judaism and Christianity: A Contrast", to help you understand why Christianity absolutely did NOT come from God.
@KeepingWatch95 3 дня назад
_Isaiah 42:8 I am YHWH יְהֹוָה : that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images._ _Isaiah 42:9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them._
@KeepingWatch95 3 дня назад
_Isaiah 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,_ _Isaiah 46:10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:_
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