
Will Heaven Be Exciting? 

John Ankerberg Show
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In Part 1, guest Randy Alcorn along with Dr. John Ankerberg help viewers discover some of the details of the believer's future home and how exciting heaven will be. As we do, we'll learn how a greater biblical understanding of heaven can transform how we live today, including how we share our faith with others.



29 июл 2024




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@darthbane2669 8 лет назад
I am very much looking forward to entering into the next life.
@17JUNI19601 5 лет назад
Thank you Dr Randy Alcorn for this great explanation, what a marvelous time we will have ahead of us....HEAVEN.....!!!!
@salttwo9256 8 лет назад
What a wonderful future we have
@jamesmcconnell1041 5 лет назад
I can't wait to be in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ, and my wife is in heaven Angelina Powers waiting for me to be with her and have and told her, an inheritance that will never spoil or fade. I am so thankful for the messiah to have me in heaven with Abba Father and the Angels and Saints. I can't wait!
@elanie60 9 лет назад
I will let Jesus choose my house in heaven coz He knows everything what is best and suited for me coz I trust and believe Him in all ways. Amen
@datprawn4850 6 лет назад
it's not what WE want, it's more over, what Jesus wants for us. Whatever he shall provide, will be far better than our imaginations. I like narrowboats and treehouses, but Jesus shall provide to me with something beyond my imaginations or which would be a true potential that only he can awake from within me.
@darthbane2669 6 лет назад
Lets put it this way...Jesus Christ has infinitely better taste than we can imagine. I'll trust him to give me something that will leave me utterly speechless. My tears will be my way of being grateful.
@kjvinside4932 5 лет назад
@@toptipple No.
@maulanwong3841 5 лет назад
Heaven will definetly be exciting
@JohnCGUNSNFREEDOM 5 лет назад
The Pre Trib Rapture is getting closer and closer. Hallelujah
@Trunk874 6 лет назад
Love it. I think we will paint celestial visual songs for God in the stars and Jesus and the Holy Spirit will abide with us as we form songs and King David directing while angels string harps and God even sings along as the many children fly alongside us in worship. On calming worship days we walk with animals or get taught by disciples of old. I can’t wait to meet Deborah or King David or Moses and talk with Elijah. MORE than anything I want to hug Jesus for about a million years and go with him everywhere. Thinking about heaven just makes me so excited man. Talking about lit? This is HEAVEN! God face to face how incredible!! Jesus and God actually there. Springs of stars and new drinks in a new body of mineral water and juice and fruits that taste better than anything we can think of. Saints I can’t wait this is why I tell all my fam about Jesus because I want us all to go!
@nikkic4661 5 лет назад
Pure love. No one trying to destroy you.
@BrandonLee-iv6kj 7 лет назад
I love it hallelujah! Thank you for sharing it has given me the joy of salvation! Amen!
@utlot9785 2 месяца назад
Very good
@philipbuckley759 5 лет назад
we will finally understand the Bible...
@friendyadvice2238 5 лет назад
Whatever we think heaven will be like it will be infinitely more wonderful than we could ever imagine. Jesus is God the Son himself who became a man!!
@fredtheunicorn4241 5 лет назад
I don’t like the idea of spending eternity with someone who says he will torture us forever unless we love him.However I guess there is no choice. But how can you learn to love someone who threatens you?
@friendyadvice2238 5 лет назад
@@fredtheunicorn4241 Just be open minded about it. Jesus said "knock and the door will be opened to you". Jesus has done all the work to save our souls ... all we have to do is gratefully receive the gift my friend.
@fredtheunicorn4241 5 лет назад
Friendy Advice I have given it a lot of thought but I just can’t believe it. It makes no sense to me.A murderer who “accepts” Jesus goes to heaven and his victim who doesn’t,goes to hell.Why does God want to torture people for infinity anyway? I would never do that. It is a repulsive concept.Do you believe that happens?
@bigsky8061 6 лет назад
Y'all are talking about the NEW heaven and NEW earth. However, as much as people talk about the 2nd coming and feeling that it is going to happen very soon, as in our lifetime, we don't know for sure exactly when the 2nd coming will actually happen. Hence, for those of us who most likely will die before then, what will we find in the current Heaven?
@darthbane2669 5 лет назад
No one has the proper ability to even imagine even close to how great it will be, and the New Earth will be the new dwelling of Heaven where Jesus lives. Sandy it will be better than you can even imagine right now, I wouldn't worry about it.
@philipbuckley759 5 лет назад
will we have two residences...on in the New Jerusalem....and one, in the New Earth....
@alyssawilson3072 6 лет назад
I imagine heaven being similar to the world in my favorite childhood video game, Zelda and the Wind Waker. If you ever played that game, you'd understand. I imagine heaven to be a bright, colorful, beautiful place, just right and not overwhelming. I imagine you will never grow bored because there will be too many new places and things for you to find. I imagine many things. Before I met God truly, Zelda and the Wind Waker was my only comfort. And though I will never forget the world in that game and imagine heaven being similar, heaven will be better, SO much better. If you want to know what the game was like through music, look up the ending credits of Zelda and the Wind Waker. It's beautiful, and without a single word, just the notes remind you of victory and freedom.
@darthbane2669 6 лет назад
Dude no one can even come close to imagining how great it is. Jesus Christ himself said we lack the imagination no matter how technology to even come close to the glory of Heaven, will be better than our ability to understand. Also I think you need to grow out of your gaming habit. If your only comfort is some kids game then I truly pity you.
@Pekingesejedi 9 лет назад
I've already built my mansion in my mind.It's a replica of the city of Minas Tirith in "Lord Of The Rings:Return Of The King" with parts of Rivendell as well. Also,parts of Kings Landing from "Game Of Thrones" and Asgard from "Thor:The Dark World" thrown in.And in my palace's throne room,The Iron Throne of Westeros.And the fact that we will have Superpowers like Thor and Superman is just AWESOME.
@jpFlorida 8 лет назад
thats a really good mansion!
@Pekingesejedi 8 лет назад
Jordan Prip Thank you sir. And Stark Tower on the top will do nicely too.
@Trunk874 6 лет назад
Lol Rivendell that sounds cool!
@SquidCena 6 лет назад
Pekingesejedi wait so your mansion is going to be a city?.... I don't think that will happen Mayne because how will everyone have a mansion? I want to build New York City with tons of people on the new earth...
@darthbane2669 6 лет назад
I'm looking forward to eating, it's gotta be an amazing experience since sin is no longer a thing so no worries about eating something awful or that will cause you to get ill. Also I want to know for a fact if we need to poop or pee anymore...doesn't sound Heavenly so I'm going to rightfully assume no we wont but be nice to hear it said.
@SquidCena 6 лет назад
Darth Bane no we wont....................
@mikesaddy5523 5 лет назад
What a blessing you are Pastor! If you sold apocalypse buckets you would be as good a preacher as the great Jim Bakker! Dear Leader Donald J. Trump is, in my opinion, the greatest Commander in Chief since the halcyon days of the great Millard Fillmore or even Franklin Pierce! Your descriptions of Heaven as real place fascinates me and I can't wait to get there! I do have some questions though: If we are technically dead but have bodies in Heaven are we really zombies? Are there computers in Heaven? What's the wifi like in Heaven? I sing tenor in the Praise Choir at Bethel Baptist in Lexington Kentucky - can I sing in the Heavenly Choir? Can I sing next to Carlo Bergonzi? Is there bowling in Heaven? I know that both you and Dear Leader Donald J. Trump, the greatest President since Calvin Coolidge, both like baseball. My friends say that Trump pitches and you catch. Will you get a better wig in Heaven Pastor? Or will your real hair grow back? Is my dead dog waiting for me in Heaven Pastor? I love everyone Pastor but I can't stand people from Tonga. Those fat Tongans waddle around their little island - I am surprised that it hasn't capsized under their combined weight! Is there golf in Heaven? Do we all get holes in one?
@user-jf2zy7yz4w 5 лет назад
There is so many people sitting beside Jesus and eating. How big the table is to see our Fathers Abraham ...king David and dinning with them. I don't get it. If there is transport to visit some place or someone?
@darthbane2669 5 лет назад
I believe we can move around much like Jesus did, by teleportation immediately just by thinking it, he also flew up too Heaven, and he just walked like we normally do.
@TheSwords99 5 лет назад
A pastor believes to live forever is so boring that he would rather cease to exist?!
@salemsalem1440 6 лет назад
I dislike how they sit so far apart from one another.
@arosete3512 5 лет назад
I noticed that the first thing.
@philipbuckley759 5 лет назад
someone has changed the format, again.....
@TheBibleSays 6 лет назад
So, are you convinced that one minute after you die you'll (hopefully) be in heaven and meeting Jesus? Are you aware that the apostle Paul taught we'll meet Jesus _after_ we have been resurrected, and that we won't be resurrected until Jesus returns? Consider for yourself what Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." That's right. Paul did not teach we go to heaven when we die. We wait in the grave for our resurrection at Jesus' return, then we meet Jesus. A few will immediately say "Hey, wait, didn't Paul say (re: Phil 1:23) he'd prefer to 'depart, and be with Christ'"? Yes, he did say that. But if you think Paul thought he'd meet Christ _when he died,_ then Paul must have made a mistake about meeting Christ after our resurrection at Jesus' return. The _assumption_ that Paul thought he'd meet Jesus _when he died_ is the problem. Paul knew, from the Bible, that when we die our "thoughts perish." Psalm 146:4 describes death: "His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish." We go _to the grave_ when we die and our "thoughts perish" - our consciousness stops. We remain in the grave until we are resurrected. While in the grave we have no consciousness and do not experience the passage of time. When the elect are resurrected at Jesus' return (as Paul described in 1 Cor 15:50-54 and 1 Thess 4:13-17) their consciousness returns and _then_ they meet Christ. It will _seem to them_ like no time had passed since their last conscious moment at death. After departing in death, the next thing Paul would know was that he had been resurrected and was meeting Christ. That's what Paul was referring to when he wrote "For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better" (Phil 1:23). Paul did not believe we go to heaven and meet Christ when we die. No, Paul himself clearly taught that we remain in the grave, "asleep in Jesus," until resurrected, and will meet Christ after we are resurrected: "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17) Jesus said "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven" (John 3:13). That's right. Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah and the prophets have not gone to heaven. Peter even confirmed David was still in the tomb when he said "Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day . . . For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand" (Acts 2:29,34). They're all still in the grave, waiting for their resurrection at Jesus' return. Will you go to heaven when you die? No: you'll wait, in the grave, for your resurrection. If you're in the "first resurrection" - the resurrection at Jesus' return - you'll "meet the Lord in the air." Otherwise you'll be resurrected in a later resurrection, when "all the rest of the dead" (Revelation 20:5) are raised for judgment. Jesus described that later resurrection: "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." (John 5:28,29) Perhaps you noticed those in the first resurrection "meet the Lord in the air." Paul did not say they meet the Lord in heaven. Where will they be, and what will they do? "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years." (Revelation 20:6) Yes, they will be right here on earth with Jesus, as He makes the Kingdom of God a reality right here on earth. *They'll have a much more useful and meaningful future than some sort of eternal vacation off in heaven.*
@carlosjerus5244 6 лет назад
no feces,urinating, all negative, gone
@darthbane2669 5 лет назад
Thank God seriously the idea of having to poop or pee is just so...unheavenly too me personally. I dont want to have to stop enjoying his kingdom to use the bathroom...
@darthbane2669 8 лет назад
Why would we need to pay 40 bucks for a book about Heavenly things? How is that doing Gods work? It isn't he shouldn't be demanding money for something that is freely given by our lord Jesus Christ.
@jonathansmith7065 7 лет назад
Darth Bane Dude relax, it says in the Bible man should be compensated for his work. Randy did an OUTSTANDING JOB of taking biblical scripture and interpreting it in more description, giving us all joy and something to look forward to. I'll pay him 40 bucks for that (I have purchased the book, it's AWESOME)!
@darthbane2669 6 лет назад
Nope sorry not good enough, his disciples were told by Jesus to spread the word for free and demand nothing in return. Making money off the bible in any way in my opinion is shameful. I'm sure he is a nice guy but anyone that makes a lot of money talking about their viewpoint of the word of God will not have a reward waiting for them.
@ERIN_198 6 лет назад
Darth Bane then don't buy it. Sheesh
@darthbane2669 5 лет назад
You dont seem to understand my point erin and yeah I baught one of his books years ago and it was nothing but him saying it will be really cool having new bodies and mostly just using quotes from the bible...it's really pointless to buy anything but the bible when it comes to the word of God. Anything else is just them trying to make money off of people.
@arosete3512 5 лет назад
Don’t buy it! What a bitter man!
@robbiemckenzie100 5 лет назад
I don't think you all drag stuff out long enough... Get to it already good God... The building of the Ark didn't take this long.... Sheesh
@user-jf2zy7yz4w 5 лет назад
One more question if there is a place black and White people living together? Or Just for whites.?
@darthbane2669 5 лет назад
Are you being serious? God died for EVERYONE not just a select few, all who accept him no matter what your color of skin is will be accepted with great joy if you truly love Jesus Christ.
@mitchandrew5637 7 лет назад
Heaven will be like the earth was on December 31 2009 and I will have all the physical media released before 2010 and I will be the same age I was on December 31 2009 and the stores and restaurants will not be empty they will have the tenant that was previously IN there before it closed
@truthseeker1833 5 лет назад
It's too bad the scholars don't know God's true creation rather support Satan's spinning ball lie
@Darwinsman 9 лет назад
This really is putting the cart before the horse. Don't you think that Christians should first establish that heaven actually exists, before they start imagining what it will be like?
@darthbane2669 5 лет назад
We know it exist because Jesus Christ promised us a place in his family if we accept him. He said it's better than you can even imagine. You clearly are not a believer.
@Tuffydipstick 6 лет назад
No one is in heaven now. Read John 3 verse 13.
@darthbane2669 5 лет назад
black no one was in Heaven at the time because he had not been glorifiedyet. When he died rose 3 days later he went and took people out of the grave that were worthy of him and brought them too their new eternal home.
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