
Winding Down.Part1 

Vincent Donnelly The Mad Fisherman
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Fishing video up in the mountains in Waterville Co Kerry.



30 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 82   
@abakerslife Год назад
Go on, somebody organise a whip round and buy Vincent the cottage. He clearly needs a more solid base for his fishing operations. That 30 euro tent won't last forever. I'll happily throw the first twenty quid in the pot.
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks great thanks so much. When can I expect to move in? LOL. I think I'll have to get use out of my very expensive tent first before settling down LOL.
@WesLovelace Год назад
You need to have Catch and Release on the books like we have here.....I don't care about keeping my catch because a fish is to valuable to catch only once....I would be one miserable person if I couldn't be on the salt all the time!!😎🎣
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Have to say i love a big fat trout on the pan with some chips mushy peas and a half lemon with a pint and a dram nothing better. Especially just freshly caught and cooked by the lake. Thanks my friend for watching and commenting cheers.
@yoshipoche333 Год назад
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
It's great being alive and getting out fishing. Cheers. Thanks so much for your lovely comment.
@bearlamb5026 Год назад
new subscriber to your Channel. Hello I found you by accident. But I don't believe in accidents. I'm from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. That's right in the middle. I do a lot of fishing myself. Our province of Manitoba has over 100,000 Lakes. sometimes we do fishing here in the winter. The ice gets over 4 ft thick. and the temperatures can go down to 40 below. that Celsius and Fahrenheit. That's when we drink our beer warm. we also do some fishing in the summer. As it is freshwater fish we catch. We usually catch walleyes. But here they call them Pickerel. we also have northern pike. Perch. And many others. We also have catfish in the Red River. And many other species. the countryside in your videos looks amazing. It reminds me of one of our provinces here in Canada. Newfoundland and Labrador. It almost looks like Ireland. And most of the people come from there. if you ever passed through the city of Winnipeg. There'll be a pint of beer in my fridge for you. Yes it will be Guinness. if you have an interest where I'm actually from. I make a few videos of my city. I take black and white photos. And change them into colour. Of course I explain a little bit about my city. And the history.
@richiehoyt8487 Год назад
100,000 lakes?! Do they even have names?! The map of Manitoba must look like someone let fly a load of birdshot at it. I expect the mosquitos in your part of the World must be like something out of It Jurassic Park! (Not that our own >`|8as†erd‘< midges are any trivial matter!.) I presume the fridge is to stop the beer from freezing? (😉 I'm kidding, I do actually get that that you have central heating over there. And Summers!) Ice 4" thick on the lakes? There might be 10 days a year here where the temperature at noon would dip below 0°; that's zero degrees in the 'new money' of course! It is a rare thing indeed that the ice on a pond would get so thick that you'd trust your weight to it, so we'd generally send a child out on it to test it... That's actually a lie, I'm sure I don't need to tell you! So! When it comes to ice - fishing, how does that work? Drill a hole, drop in a hook, kick back, have a beer and let the fish do the work? (drilling through 4" of ice 'be work enough, I should think!) [EDIT] ps I think I got my symbols for feet and inches arsey~versey there!
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Wow that sounds like heaven. You could fish a different lake each day and fish all your life and never fish the same lake twice. That's just unbelievable. Glad you enjoyed my video and subscribed cheers. Hope you watch more of my videos and enjoy them too.
@stiofain4693 Год назад
A cottage for mad fishermen.. sounds like a plan
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
In a perfect world. A cottage next to the lake with a boat and engine and a gillie to row the boat LOL.
@richiehoyt8487 Год назад
[Yeah Vince, afraid it's a bit of a 'Too Long/Didn't Read' job again, sorry! My comment, I mean! Still, you never know, you could find yourself sat in your Fortress of Solitude reading the shampoo bottles, and then you'll remember my comment. They're not meant to be anything _like_ as long, I just seem to 'go off on one'..!] Another entertaining video, Vincent, as always. Some nice dry humour on display: "Piles of turf (peat) on the side of the road... nobody uses it... help myself..!" Should any -Dubliners- _kidding!_ Just kidding! I live in Dublin... I'm actually, if anything, making fun of how -culchies- (ahem) 'rural folk' see those from the capital... Should any 'tea~leafs' (thieves) ;^) be watching and getting ideas, as Vincent well knows, such piles of turf are very much _not_ abandoned! In a place where everyone knows one another, if you were caught pinching a neighbours turf, your name would be mud, no pun intended! And it wouldn't be unknown for clods of turf to be booby~trapped with shotgun shells to cover the eventuality of a stranger passing through stopping to fill the boot (trunk), or coming back with a trailer. Not that such activities have ever been commonplace, but with fuel prices having tripled since last Winter, this Winter is gonna be anyone's guess! Everyone talks about crime in Dublin, Cork etc, but in the countryside the theft of machinery and so on from farms is extremely common, and sadly - though the trend seems to be downward, thank God - elderly pensioners being broken into and tortured to make them reveal the whereabouts be of their life savings is a thing that happens. People have been murdered for the sake of 40 'quid' (bucks). As such, juries have been slow to convict elderly farmers where their having taken a 'proactive' approach to security has resulted in people being hurt, or worse. I didn't come to deconstruct your jokes, however. Instead, its your guitar playing! (exquisite, again, as always). Yes, you've had me beating my head off the wall here all morning in frustration, trying to identify this, like, not even 'riff', more like just a 'motif'. I think you're just 'noodling' really, since I should be surprised if you knew the band (not that there's any reason that you shouldn't except that they don't strike me as your style?) but its just this short little succession of notes, but its like when you bump into someone and in your mind you're going "What's their goddam name, I _know_ this, it's on the tip of my flaming tongue?!" You play it no less than four times, (if it helps I think it's the very last thing you play, literally 2 or 3 seconds from the end of the video), and each time I'm just primed to start _''boppin'"_ but each time you either segue into something else, or you kinda just leave it hanging... I think probably you're using it as sort of musical punctuation, but I'm like "Aargh! Vincent! What are you doing to me, boy?!" Well, I finally managed to scratch the itch - Thank Jesus! - a thing like that could bug me for days! Aaand... (drum roll!) it iiis... the intro to "Loveless Love", by The Feelies. It's entirely co~incidence, I'm sure, but it's a quirky sounding riff, you ought check it out, if only for curiosity's sake. I hope your toe is well on the mend - I'm glad you're getting it looked after. Toes get kind of a raw deal, you know, "Poor little Vincent's toe is paining him... >`Pshaw‘< Duzzit _hurt..!_ Duzzit _hurtie~wurtie!?"_ - you know the carry on I mean; but God wasn't being sparing when he was lavishing nerve endings and blood vessels on the toes. And it doesn't take much for a bad toe to turn on you, as _I_ know. And as _You_ know, I know! As for the antibiotics with drink, well, time will have told, but I think I can put your mind at risk there - that whole 'antibiotics - with - drink' thing is a bit of a myth. Let me say here, I have *No* medical qualifications, *whatever!* I did once question a pharmacist on this particular subject though, and she said that nowadays, it's almost never an issue. There are still a handful you need to be careful with, so doctors are happy enough to let the idea persist; apart from anything else, it gives people a reason to take a bit of a holiday from their often excessive drinking habits which generally can't be a bad thing. I say 'generally' cos if you're a stone alcoholic it might be dangerous to just 'cold turkey' it... Anyway the reason people think it's dangerous to mix them is cos it did used to be - (sorry, I didn't mean for this to come out like a public information announcement, but I may as well finish the story now!) One has to remember that antibiotics have only been around since the war, and many of the early ones _did_ react badly with booze (afaik - being honest, I'm a bit vague on that part), but most certainly, booze did stop a lot of the early ones from working, or, even worse, just weaken them - you know 'resistance', and all that, where you just kill the weak bugs, opening up the floor, so to speak, for the hardy f%&kers to take over (which is why we're always told "Finish the Course") Having their genesis in WWII, most of the early 'customers' for antibiotics were soldiers, so needless to say, there was no shortage of rampant infections from hideous injuries (or trivial injuries, for that matter - before antibiotics, even a scratch from a rusty nail could be the finish of you!) Additionally, soldiers being soldiers, and with the celebratory mood about after VE and VJ day, you might say VD was having something of a gala day as well! One would probably have to think back to what it was like in the 80's and 90's in, when HIV (specifically AIDS) inevitably meant a nasty, slow death to have some idea of the horror of untreated VD - especially Syphilis. I'll leave you to gen up on it yourself, but suffice to say it rotted your body, even as it rotted your brain. Much like like HIV/AIDS, people smugly opined that you'd drawn it on yourself; and like HIV/AIDS, you could in fact catch it 'innocently' from your spouse - or in the womb! I actually reckon that as horrific as AIDS was, Syphilis was worse - but you pays your money and you takes your choice, as they say! It could be said that Syphilis and antibiotics were almost made for each other - in a sense antibiotics and the wave of Syphilis and Venereal Diseases generally that came with the millions of soldiers demobilizing after the war came at the right time for each other, but also, so far as I can tell, in a _pharmaceutical_ sense they were a good fit. But the antibiotics could be weakened or knocked out by alcohol, which made the whole exercise pointless, if not actually _worse._ They probably didn't come cheap either, but I'm guessing... Of course, booze was something else which soldiers were known to enthusiastically indulge in, given the opportunity! Now, how much the alcohol part of this equation applied to the use of antibiotics for scratched fingers or strep throats, I don't know; probably a lot ( _THEN_ ). But no doubt the military had probably poured billions into the efforts to find an effective treatment for the spectre of infection; at any rate they would dominate the narrative. And so, we've all learned, even from before we were _old enough_ to drink, "You can't drink on tablets..." Of course, that is a wise dictum. I'm only talking about antibiotics. Drinking with certain painkillers, or sedatives - just for starters - could be lethal; and there are thousands of potential interactions. Alcohol is, course, a drug too (in both senses: "For the Chest" didn't just come out of nowhere!) Given that the people who had financed the development of antibiotics (the military) and those prescribing them (doctors) tended by their nature to be conservative; given that they were used to treat the results of what were seen as vice and bad behaviour in men who, for all their valour and honour, were seen as being prone to indulgence in 'bad behaviour'; and might be rendered ineffective by another type of vice that was frequently instrumental in causing the bad behaviour that was the source of all the trouble in the first place... >`whew!‘< 😖🧐 well, apart from the obvious desire on the part of all involved that the damn things _worked!_ (Did I mention that, especially in the early days, the side - effects _really_ tended to be a bit nasty?!) You can probably see that there was a bit of an idealogical or political element to all this; it wasn't so long after Prohibition, after all. Common sense it may have been, but _of course_ it was going to be hammered into us - "Drink and Antibiotics *don't mix!"* It was something that applied to the early antibiotics, and to particularly antibiotics meant for the treatment of Venereal Diseases (or STD's as they were called when I was of an age that I might have needed to worry about such things, and later, GUM infections... Like, it ain't enough that they got to change the name of things every 5 minutes, they have to go with an acronym with such _obvious_ potential to cause confusion!!) There, so now you know. I'm _so_ glad I could help you get that worry off your mind! 😉🙄
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
I'm glad you kept it short. LOL. Believe it or not i used to fish this lake years ago when i had a motorbike and i camped on this farmers land. Somebody was stealing his turf at night. I was in his house this evening having a cup of tea and he had a big sod of turf he was making a very big cavity in the sod i was watching him then he started putting something into the sod i was wondering what he was doing. He could see by the looks on my face i was wondering what was going on. He said to me this is for my friend. Who is that i asked. The fellow stealing my turf. He filled the cavity up with gunpowder and buckshot and powder cartridges which when explode make an unbelievable bang. He covered up the hole with turf and examined his work. Now he said I'll put this on my pile outside and we will wait to see who's house lights up. I was shocked. He laughed his head off at me and said it will serve him right. I didn't see any house near the lake on fire thankfully so I never did find out who was the culprit. Thanks for watching and the kind comments about my guitar playing. Every piece of music i play in each video i put up the title in credits at the end just before the ps great to here from you as always. Cheers i think i will have a dram and an antibiotic now on your advice. For the chest or i mean for the toe.
@richiehoyt8487 Год назад
@@Vincentdonnelly5158 Sorry Vince, been a while getting back to you. Fair play to you for reading all that. One of my longest yet, I'd say! I'm gonna have to look into the possibilities of doing audiobooks or something, cut my victims a bit of a break! I'm just looking, something like ten pages on the history of antibiotics; and this from a fella who just has his Leaving Cert. - there's times I can hardly believe my own neck! I hope your good lady and yourself have been weathering the floods OK, I've been watching them online here. Amazing no~one's lost their lives - especially on the North Mall, all those basement flats... Every year down there, the same damn thing! I know the city's name in Gaelic means 'Marsh', but 'C'mon, like..!' Of course, you have the 'Eco' Crowd, and the Business Owners, and the NIMBY's ('Not In My Back Yard') and the Office of Public Works, and they all have a different strategy, including the 'do nothing' strategy, so if they ever get it sorted, tbh, I'd be surprised. It's a pity the trout season is just finished; the way it's been, the last few days - all you'd have to do is stick the rod out the window at the lights!! Hell, just stick the _net_ out the window at the lights! That was some tale about that farmer who's turf was disappearing! What you witnessed him doing with the pen~knife, they have a word for that up here... they call it a 'Pipe Bomb'! That farmer, the Kinehan Cartel should've put him on retainer! Stealing turf, it obviously must be kind of 'a thing', cos I'd heard of it when I lived in Co. Mayo! I think there's some people, they'd rob your cigarette papers... They'd probably do it if they didn't smoke! It's just the way some people are made... The mad thing is, 99% of people in the country - side, they'd _give_ you a couple of bags of turf, for nothing, most likely, if you were stuck - all's you'd have to do is ask. "Sort me out when you get paid", they'd say, and then when you did get paid, they wouldn't let you give 'em your money, more often than not... Main reason I came back on to plague you was, I wanted to take you up on the guitar thing, again. I suspect there's crossed wires; probably because I'm clueless about music... I mean, I know what I _like;_ but technically, 'Naah, clueless'! Like, I know you list/credit the songs you play at the end, where you play us out on the stairs; you were explaining it to me one time before, but it's not actually a song I'm on about, it's just a real short thing, just a few notes - a bar or two... I thought it was maybe 'out of' something, or maybe a short tune to advertise something, you know, like that awful McDonalds >`whistles‘< "I'm loving it" thing, but, and if this is what it is, it's embarrassing to admit, I didn't 'click on' before, but there's a good chance you're just tuning the guitar between songs, or doing a scale or something. I reckon its 'Sonic Doodling' on your part is what it is. You're no doubt thinking as you're reading this, "It's _Obsessed,_ is what _he_ is!" But seriously - you know when an 'earworm' gets in your head. It's a _good_ earworm, but I still had to _know,_ I wouldn't have been able to concentrate on anything else until I did! And I think I have it! Likesay, the first 10 or 15 seconds of "Loveless Love", by the Feelies. Could be you've heard the song in a film or something, or my guess is, it's pure co~incidence - you're obviously highly talented as a musician, and, like, 9 notes, how many permutations can there be? (I'm thinking, a few dozen... probably turn out there's millions, lol!) You should have a listen to it, if only for sheer curiosity's sake. You wouldn't have to listen to the whole thing, just the first 10 - 15 seconds... I'm not expecting you to reply to me - you have to work for a living, while I spend my time 'ráiméis~ing' in RU-vid Comments Sections!! But if you do happen to check it out, I'd be really interested to know what you made of it. In the meantime... Sorry for ''Wreckin' your Head!"
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
@@richiehoyt8487 there's a piece of music in the video i play called far from any road. I play it on the stairs at the end also. The start of that piece is what i think your talking about. It's the theme music from true detective. RU-vid true detective theme music and see is that what your talking about. The start of it is very catchy and it's only for a few seconds. Think that's what your talking about. Cheers dmp watching and commenting. Part 2 going up Friday night. Fingers crossed.
@PeelingLine Год назад
Too bad about getting the wrong lake. Missed out on the morning fishing. I like your new mug. You have the best audience. Very generous.👍
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks so much. Yeah I'm a lucky man. All great comments. I'm delighted.
@backpackingireland8624 Год назад
Get the bid in Vince , Chris is a gentleman like yourself. Two great ex customers. I won’t mention Murray’s 😂 Great video yet again. We might meet one of the days in Leap ! Atb Tony
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks dmp watching and commenting. Hope to fish the lake in leap during the winter months please God. We might bump into each other hopefully. Cheers.
@robertgreen5217 Год назад
Super stuff as usual , if the wee cottage was lying open where I live there would be someone living in it or badly vandalised Aye it been a quick season 👍
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
There are still people with their key in the door down in Kerry. A lovely place with lovely people especially around the waterville area where your neighbours look out for you and help you if they can. Thanks for watching and commenting cheers.
@martincorcoran8263 Год назад
Brilliant Vincent, give us a blast of up the ra😂😂😂
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Glad you enjoyed it cheers. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@silver.fox__ Месяц назад
sounds like Gout! in your big toe Vincy i get it too awfull painfull.
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Месяц назад
Ingrown toe nails i have both big toes. Always have problems with them since i can remember. Thanks for watching and commenting cheers
@williamavery9185 Год назад
Main road location and a shell of a house. Me, id buy a static caravan fully fitted. Ok no fireplce but half the price.
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
You have to have the fire place to burn the evidence. LOL. Thanks for watching and commenting. Cheers.
@paulryan8375 Год назад
Ul have to start doing abit of pike fishing vince,to get us through the winter.for the CHEST😉
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Watch this space. You never know what I'll do next. Cheers. Thanks for watching and commenting.
@BlackCountryPiker Год назад
What a beaut of a cottage! I can’t believe it’s that time of the year already. One last crack egh, as always a great watch 👍
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks man time and tide wait for no man. Another year over time flies by. I wouldn't want to be young again but i would love to have the fitness i had when i was 18. Mind yourself out there. Cheers.
@henryschmidt636 Год назад
Thank you for another great fishing season Vincent! In what was nearly the worst year in my life, you and your guitar have lifted my soul .....
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
I'm sorry you had a very bad year this year. Next year might be the best year ever. Crossed fingers. I'm so glad you enjoyed my videos. Thanks so much for your great comment and I hope things will get better for you my friend. Cheers.
@henryschmidt636 Год назад
@@Vincentdonnelly5158 sincere thanks and may blessing keep falling upon you.
@tinkhefferon9934 Год назад
Jesus's hope you boys don't get the breathalyser on the way home 🙃
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Never drink and drive. Its not worth it. Cheers. LOL.
@patrickoleary6607 Год назад
Brilliant ' just brilliant, great for the chest !
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks for the brilliant comment. Cheers. I'm delighted with your comment. Makes me happy.
@peterfox6803 Год назад
For The Chest
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
I have the best chest in Ireland. LOL.
@noelraymond5599 Год назад
beautiful location once again vincent nice 1
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks Noel cheers. Can't wait to get back down there again.
Fish, Food and Fun... love that! How poetic all this is... your world is so relaxing... your humour impeccable... you always keep me hooked dear one... can listen to you for hours 🙏🌹
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks so much for your kindness. Very much appreciated. An old fat fellow drinking whiskey and beer and eating fries by a lake and your hooked you must love the frying pan too just like me LOL. Thanks for your lovely comment cheers. I sometimes wonder are the videos worth making and are they worth putting up on RU-vid and when i see comments like yours it makes me very happy.
@tinkhefferon9934 Год назад
Good to see your mates were waiting for you ,the sheep I mean ,and to see you're looking after yourself with those fry ups 😉
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
You can't beat a good fry up anytime of the day. Thanks dmp watching and commenting.
@TheGentlemanScholar Год назад
For. The. Chest!
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
LOL. It's becoming a catch phrase. LOL. Cheers. For the chest.
@Hellastreet700 Год назад
Can't beat a nice nap after the fry !!
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Your a wise man. Cheers.
@salmonninja7223 Год назад
Yes, that time is nearly upon us again. Tough old season this year. I've redeemed myself these last few weeks with some salmon and sea trout. No water and too much work have got in the way of things this year! That cottage will tidy up nicely for a nice fishing snug. You and Hilda should treat yourselves. It would be lovely sitting by the fire with a nice dram, thinking about the ones that got away. Looking forward to part 2!
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Glad you got some fishing in before the end of another season. Must do the things that make us happy. Glad you caught some fish. Cheers salmon ninja. Mind yourself hope your happy and your wife.
@GuitarLogicLessons Год назад
Lovely house! Few trees around and it's gonna be top!
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Looks the business. A nice place to retire to. Thanks for watching cheers.
@DienLeGuitarPro Год назад
It's great to see your videos, because your nature is so beautiful !
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks man for watching and for commenting cheers. It's beautiful down in county Kerry. Especially when the weather is nice. Cheers.
@ibelieve1468 Год назад
"For the chest" 😂😂
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Very good for the chest. All alcohol is good for the chest. Doctor told me to drink lots of alcohol for my chest.😂😂😂😂😂
@ibelieve1468 Год назад
@vincentdonnellythemadfishe5158 I drink Southen Comfort. It's very good for the chest too 🤔🤣
Well done Vincent another successful day out the cottage is 130 euro said to be near the golf ⛳ some for you to do in the off season lovely touch the gifts are great 👍 and well deserved 👏
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks man for watching and for your great comment. Cheers. Nice place to retire to definitely. Big garden. Could grow my own food. LOL.
@markhunter965 Год назад
Aw Vincent, you make me smile my friend, and I appreciate you for that. May each sunset bring you peace.
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks so so much for your kindness. Peace is the best thing to have.
@stevied8855 Год назад
Hi Vincent, That wee Cottage looks great. Maybe you and the lads could get together and buy that. It may serve you all well during bad weather. Also Chris could cook up a storm in the kitchen. Really worth thinking about i reckon. I'm now off for 3 weeks holiday after working my backside off all year. Can't wait to get out there once ive got the house and garden in order. It has been worth all the hard work though as ive been offered a permanent job within 9 weeks. Wages not fantastic but good time off to go fishing and that's what really matters. Quality of life is the key to a happy life. Will keep in touch buddy. Stevie in Scotland.
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Sounds like everything is coming together stevie. Great about the job offer. You could have all the money in the world and not be happy. Enjoy your few days off and have fun. Cheers stevie. Best of luck in your new job if you take it on.
@paulandrews1548 Год назад
Gota love the mad fisherman 😊
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
LOL. Cheers. Great comment. Cheers.
@patob4868 Год назад
Brilliant as always Vince ,hard to believe another season gone🎣🎣, looking forward to part 2
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks Pat. Where does the time go. All the plans i had. Sea bass fishing mackerel fishing never got doing it. Next year we will do it next year.
@TheGentlemanScholar Год назад
What a great source of joy you are, Vincent! God love ya!
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Really glad you enjoyed my video. Thanks so much for your lovely comment. Cheers.
@Pete.108 Год назад
Friggen Awesome Vincent, your some man and so glad to see you living the life fishing with your friends. All the best and tight lines Peter.
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks Peter. I live for my fishing weekends away camping. Glad you enjoyed my video. Thanks so much.
@Pete.108 Год назад
@@Vincentdonnelly5158 Vincent thats the least me and the wife can say pal. as you always put a massive smile on are faces.
@graemebrown1191 Год назад
Lovely wee cottage✌
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Needs a bit of work. But it is in a great spot. Thanks for watching and commenting. Cheers.
@obsidianzarok2361 Год назад
Cheers Vincent
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks so much. Cheers.
@martin7955 Год назад
I love it
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Glad you love it. Cheers. Thanks.
@Markkilleen. Год назад
Left us hanging, looking forward to part 2 Vincent.
@Vincentdonnelly5158 Год назад
Thanks man i enjoy putting the videos together. Next one up soon cheers.
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