
Wonderful Tottenham fixture chaos, transfer talk, Dragusin excitement and Postecoglou's needs 

Alasdair Gold
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Talking all things Tottenham Hotspur ahead of the new Premier League season.



29 сен 2024




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@JanM747 3 месяца назад
Thanks, Ali for the consistently excellent reportage and especially for highlighing and not shying away from Rodri's comment which I found upsetting so heaven only knows how Sonny felt let alone his countrymen/ women of South Korean and many others who find racist comments disgusting. I am very sorry this has happened and feel for Sonny.
@michaelmccarthy6464 3 месяца назад
Hi Alasdair thanks for all the info great volg as always thanks for all your hard work take care stay safe
@chrisspurs 3 месяца назад
As a welsh spurs fan ash Phillips is one of our greatest ever defenders if he says dragusin is a really good defender that’s a great endorsement 👌
@Brian-1882 3 месяца назад
Hi Ali, Perhaps the Korean fans that mentioned that if the comment were made about another race &/ nationality is why there's not more out rage and that's because it wasn't talked about on a wider scale on social media. Proof maybe in the fact I hadn't heard/ read anything about the comment until I heard it from yourself in this video.
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
I think there haven't been more repercussions because Son wisely buried the whole thing. If he's not upset what right does anybody else have to get upset (I am so fed up with outrage on behalf of others who didn't actually care)? No doubt he and Betancur will talk it over in pre-season and remind naturally outspoken South Americans that they have to be very careful what they say in public.
@oh6327 3 месяца назад
@@blrbrazil1718did Son tell you he buried it and does not care? What are you making that assumption on? Plus Bentancur’s racist comment was offensive to all Asians not only Son. All of us care and are offended. Idk what you’re talking about and why you’re speaking on behalf of others… especially when you weren’t the butt of a racist joke.
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
@@oh6327: You seem to be determined to carry a grudge, so I won't try to pursuade you otherwise, particularly as it might seem like I am defending something I actually abhor. Peace :o)
@mrD66M 3 месяца назад
@blrbrazil1718 isn't that what you are doing, being outraged on behalf of people who make "bad jokes"? I wouldn't believe you if you told me you have never been outraged on behalf of someone else. Whatever the issue. But it has to make sense morally so more people can empathise From my point of view, I'm only interested in the club being clear and consistent how it applies their anti discrimination/anti racism policies.
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
@@mrD66M: What a strange comment. Where is my 'outrage' (or even anger)? I haven't even tried to defend anyone here. I have merely attempted to interpret the situation and if other people come to different conclusions that's fine with me, as long as they are fair, polite and respectful about it.
@indianrunner666 3 месяца назад
I hope Ange try Romero as a six with Dragusin and Van de Ven as CB
@DiamondDave492 3 месяца назад
Gonna need a bigger boat....I mean squad! 😂
@neilcalton 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the new video, Alasdair. Great to see Dragusin playing do well at the Euros. Definitely very prescient of Spurs to buy him when they did. I do hope Sess does find a new club and finally gets the game time he so desires. All that talent should not be wasted. I don’t understand why Spurs need to look outside the club for another centre back when they have Ashley Phillips and Alfie Dorrington already on the books? Surely at least one of them should be given chances. Better to concentrate the efforts and money on getting a top class right back.
@AlasdairGoldjournalist 3 месяца назад
I guess Ange just wants more senior experience in case of injuries like last season.
@Gremunky 3 месяца назад
I went to a very multi-racial boarding school and had a very racially diverse friendship group. We said things to each other that would apparently make social media go absolutely crazy, and we all said it to each other and it was just banter. We all took it as banter and we all said it to each other, white, black, and asian among us. I think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion because we're hyper sensitive to racial differences these days. Racially based banter is not the same as racial abuse. My friends and I didn't racially abuse each other, and when one guy (not our friend) DID racially abuse someone, he had to be moved to a different boarding house for his safety. I learnt the difference between racial banter and racial abuse. I think more people should learn the difference.
@AlasdairGoldjournalist 3 месяца назад
Would you use such 'banter' in an interview on television as a Premier League footballer?
@Gremunky 3 месяца назад
@@AlasdairGoldjournalist as a general rule, no. But I'm not perfect (nor is anyone) and I might slip up on occasion, maybe even just once in my career. I think racial abuse and banter shouldn't be conflated, because then you're saying they're the same, which diminishes the former and inflates the latter. If it's not to your taste, fine. And we can all say it was in poor taste. But it's not racism. Racism is racial discrimination, racial prejudice, or racial supremacy. Bentancur's comment wasn't any of those things. He was right to apologise for it, and he should have apologised to all Koreans, not just Sonny. But I think we should treat it as what it was rather than something more insideous. Again, we have to take different cultures into account. Can we say our culture is superior to his, where racial banter is more commonplace? Was the culture among friends at my boarding school objectively wrong or inferior? Then you are saying British culture is superior to Uruguayan culture? Is that something you're prepared to say? I respect where you're coming from, and I think we probably agree more than we disagree. But I also think we should have more empathy for a 26 year old who slipped up in a friendly interview where he seemed more like he was speaking to a friend, someone from his own country and culture. He apologised and has learnt. I don't agree with people piling on. We have the luxury of not being on camera like him, with our mistakes broadcast around the world.
@AlasdairGoldjournalist 3 месяца назад
Plenty of interesting takes in there. I don't agree with certain aspects, but interesting to see your reasoning behind it.
@FizzahEditz 3 месяца назад
@@Gremunky I get your point in a way, I have diverse friendships where similar banter occurs, however when we do it among mates it is not amplified globally. think what you’re missing here is that once this ‘banter’ takes place in a public forum it can no longer be seen as banter between mates. It is projected as your genuine view and encourages people who genuinely hold racial prejudices and views against certain groups of people to be more comfortable in holding these opinions.
@Gremunky 3 месяца назад
@@FizzahEditz I agree and have said that he was right to apologise. But from what it looks like, it was a very informal interview. He's holding his child and speaking to someone asking for a shirt, it's not like he said it on sky sports. This is my point about not conflating a bad joke in poor taste with racism or racial abuse. He accepted that he said something he shouldn't have said and apologised. It doesn't make him racist. I think those of us who were not involved (i.e. we're not Uruguayan (and so cannot speak about the culture) and we're not Korean or Sonny (so we cannot be offended on our own behalf)) should just stay out of it and leave it to those affected. What I don't like it the moral posturing and judgement. I think it's being blown out of proportion and treated as something insidious rather than a mistake that has been apologised for. People (primarily white British people) are lecturing and chastising him because he's said something we deem unacceptable in our culture. I think we should leave it to Uruguayans and Koreans to decide how to reconcile their issues with this incident. It's not for us to play moral judge and jury. We can have our opinions, but let's not feel morally superior because we see things differently. We have a tendency to lecture other countries for not having the same culture as us when it comes to social justice issues. I think we have the right to judge our own culture, and a right to ask foreigners to conform to our culture when here, but when they're in their own countries? To some extent perhaps, but within certain limits. I'm not sure how I feel about whether or not this incident falls within those limits. I'd judge another a culture for child marriage, but for racial banter? I'm not sure I have that right. Other people clearly disagree.
@metodivlastanov4084 3 месяца назад
Alasdair, you saying that you do not understand the point where someone told you it is hypocritical this Enlish behavior it is just the point. You do not get it :) Yes, it is stupid what he said, but it is not your job in Enland to say what is racism and racist what it has nothing to do with you. Leave this to the Korean media and people to comment on it!
@alfiegoff96 3 месяца назад
They are commenting on it, extensively and have said it was racist and needs addressing - so shut up
@rashidm2680 3 месяца назад
Re the Bentancur comment, you hit the nail on the head Ali. The test for whether a racialised comment about Koreans (‘they all look the same’) is hurtful and offensive - or not, isn’t measured by how non-Koreans feel about it.
@pplkml6682 3 месяца назад
The funny thing is, if Bentancur had said that all black faces were the same, he would undoubtedly have been called a racist.
@bb5979 3 месяца назад
It means about as much as saying all humans look the same because well all have eyes ears a nose and a mouth.
@Shsjier 3 месяца назад
@@bb5979 damn the racists are really outing themselves today
@goldexperience8559 3 месяца назад
@@bb5979 That is not even slightly the same thing :D. And only someone who lacks critical thinking skills would say that :D
@qseven85 3 месяца назад
U probably have a problem with black faces as there’s no need to be so specific here, no matter what race it is to say “they all look the same” is offensive
@janesandra6645 3 месяца назад
I do believe that Rodrigo meant no harm at all but my understanding is that our players are media trained and professional individuals. Even if it was a mistake, how can one make such a hurtful comment voluntarily and get away with it, I wonder. I think he needs to make a sincere apology to Asian fans who were offended by it.
@robharwood-stamper9857 3 месяца назад
But nothing happens when you're offended.... It's not like you take offence and wake up with aids. Just like nothing happens with an apology. It has still been said and categorically understood as a joke.. perhaps the people offended could acknowledge the joke instead?
@Shsjier 3 месяца назад
@@robharwood-stamper9857 dont make racist jokes in interviews. It's not hard.
@steveberryman457 3 месяца назад
Having supported Spurs for over 70 years and havinf attended - in the past - more games than I can count, I was at a game a year or so ago and was seated next to a Korean. Whilst we could not speak too much - my Korean being a little rusty - we communicated in the best possible way when Spurs scored. We both leapt up and hugged each other, that was without doubt one of the most touching experiences for me. My family were not happy that I hugged him first but what the hell I can hug them anytime.
@zhilong 3 месяца назад
Hahahhahaha love it! I heard he wrote about you the same in Korea! You have given him a very special match day experience.
@steveberryman457 3 месяца назад
@@zhilong Hi Zhi, thank you so much for your reply, what a small world we live in. I really appreciate your taking the time and trouble to let me know how special it was for both myself and my unknown friend and I wish you both well.🥰
@ZZZ-n9g 3 месяца назад
Thank you for speaking up for this Bentancur comments!
@jonscriven 3 месяца назад
It would be weirder if you didn't report on the Lolo / Son comments. It was picked up by all the national press at least in their online versions - I even saw it on the New York Times. Keep carrying on with your excellent journalistic integrity and ignore the outdated morons who are just annoyed that they can't make their casually racist "jokes" anymore. I think anyone who comments negatively is saying more about themselves than they are about you.
@Ghvxddf 3 месяца назад
Ali huge respect to you for speaking out regarding the utterly stupid racist remarks from Bentancur I’m not Korean but I’m Pakistani so I’m still Asian And I’ve suffered racism all my life When it comes to Asia (including Eastern Asians) people always make remarks and yet they say ohhhhhh it’s just a joke But if someone had made the same comments about someone who’s black or someone who’s Jewish there’d be uproar I’m not saying it’s acceptable to be racist towards Jews or black people because its not But when it comes to Asians people laugh it off and don’t take it seriously Racism is racism and should not be tolerated especially in the modern times we live in Thank you for using your platform to spread the right message
@dhl650 3 месяца назад
i totally agree
@davidthfc 3 месяца назад
Thank you Ali for standing up for what’s right.👏 As a Korean-American fan I really respect you for that. So many reporters and media pages are down playing Bentancur’s comments and wanting to move on when there hasn’t been sincere apology. There is a reason why so many people were outraged by his comments. Just bc it’s ok in one country, that doesn’t make it ok in other countries in the world. He must learn that this is wrong and also understand how much weight his words carry. Thank you Ali🙏
@FlyingKoreanMinja 3 месяца назад
People should be upset, but I also don't agree with people who want him gone because of it.
@birkrlvag6959 3 месяца назад
I think its a massive misunderstanding. Its Just westerners struggle to see differences in apperance in asian people without getting to spend more time with them. In my book, not racism. Cause its not us looking down on your continent, if anything its more a weakness on our part. South Korea looks like an amazing country and the people equally amazing. Just my two cents, where I mean not to insult in any way. Just trying to clearify the issue
@west3918 3 месяца назад
He was also talking about Sonny's cousin not Koreans as a whole
@oh6327 3 месяца назад
@@west3918he doesn’t even know Sonny’s cousins or what they look like (hint they’re little girls) so yes it was a racist comment insinuating all Asians look the same
@DonDadda2196 3 месяца назад
Did you expect him to laugh at it live on his podcast?😂😂
@lisawilkinson9107 3 месяца назад
Looking at some of these comments just shows there is a still a problem with racism unfortunately.
@stewarteldridge5498 3 месяца назад
That something is said in jest doesn't excuse it for being offensively racist.
@CaptainHowdy-mw9vc 3 месяца назад
It's all about context. In this instance, Bentancur has made an insensitive remark totally off the cuff and un-needed in the situation and he should have known how it would be received. However, if it was at some sort of end of season party where the banter was brutal and the person in question had correctly read the room and there is an express understanding from everyone involved that there may be jokes of this sort, that is a whole other thing. Context is everything.
@zhilong 3 месяца назад
@@CaptainHowdy-mw9vccontext don’t make excuses. Could he had not said anything racial in the context? Just wondering.
@CaptainHowdy-mw9vc 3 месяца назад
@@zhilong No excuses here. It was a stupid thing and he shouldn't have said it. But freedom of speech is a liberal value that protects all of us. If you go to a comedy show and the comedian makes jokes that you deem offensive, they don't suddenly become hate crimes...they are jokes. In the same way that friends can take the piss out of each other and sometimes it can get quite close to the edge, but it is fine so long as there is a mutual understanding that it is good natured and not coming from a bad place. A world without context would be a dystopian nightmare.
@ahemrvn78 3 месяца назад
No one would say let it go if it was racism against a black person
@zhilong 3 месяца назад
Suarez vs Evra, Suarez make a racial slur to Evra, took months for the FA to put bans on Suarez, however that was on the pitch. Coincidentally Suarez is also from the same culture as our beloved Bentancur.
@AcidAdventurer 3 месяца назад
This begs the question. The contention isn't "let it go because it's asians" but rather "it's not as big a deal as its being made out to be because it isn't racism"
@wildmanmountainjack3725 3 месяца назад
Work was tough. Sat down tired and grumpy. Pulled up RU-vid and it's Ali Gold. The timing of this video was perfect, Ali. Thank you.
@AlasdairGoldjournalist 3 месяца назад
Glad I could help!
@avalonsunday 3 месяца назад
Sonny is Mr Tottenham!
@sheltie777 3 месяца назад
I am sorry to see our great club taking sponsor money from a Betting company. This kind of business causes too much misery.
@zhilong 3 месяца назад
Are you more sorry than Levy building hotels with the football money?
@CaptainHowdy-mw9vc 3 месяца назад
RE Dragusin, I said the exact same thing as you Ali after the commentator said "spurs fans have never seen that." We absolutely HAVE seen it and long may it continue.
@ravensongsessions6087 3 месяца назад
Well done Ali, great work on not shying away from the Bentancur comments. They are offensive, he made a mistake yes, but the comments were racist and were offensive to a large group of people. Therefore they must be called out and not normalised or made light of. There is no excuse, banter or not, it makes zero difference especially when you have a global platform. It’s just a shame so many people in the comments just can’t get past or understand just because it isn’t offensive to them that it’s not highly offensive to a large group of people. As a fan base we should understand that Football is a world game, all ethnicities play it, we want the best players at our club, and a global fan base means bigger sponsorship, more shirts etc sold. This isn’t little England anymore, we all have a responsibility to acknowledge and respect other cultures because we all are Spurs fans. If you want Spurs fans to only be North Londoners, or people from the South East of England then watch Spurs sink down the league with no sponsorship and no way to pay huge wages etc. people need to think it through there are always consequences in the professional world.
@TulipsToKiss 3 месяца назад
Bentancur's comment was so terrible and ALSO when you factor in that Korea is part of their summer tour.... bruh. I'm surprised the club didn't jump in sooner with something public, it's going to be so uncomfortable. I wonder if they'll advise him just not to come at this point.
@bboulder5 3 месяца назад
Thanks for taking the time to discuss Bentancur’s comments!
@caslan1000 3 месяца назад
Hi Alasdair, thank you so much for touching on this. This means a lot to all Korean supporters. Your comments should have been made by the club. Yes, Bentancur said "todas son iguales" .... his apology should be addressed to "todas", instead of just addressing one individual, his teammate. The club who doesn't release an official stand on such racial insult but just busy deleting Korean fans comments on Instagram is deeply disappointing. Isn't Tottenham aware AIA is an Asian company? And what Konami did to Griezmann although he didn't say a word in that video? I am honestly considering not supporting Spurs if the club doesn't take a big or small disciplinary action to Bentancur. Sorry for venting here, Alasdair. Thank you again for being alinged with "No Room For Racial mocking"
@susanwilcox1783 3 месяца назад
Thanks, Alasdair! Always good to see one of your videos!
@suya3717 3 месяца назад
@tylerlongtine9988 3 месяца назад
Ali, I couldn’t agree more with your comments regarding the Bentancur/Sonny situation. You’ve always had a fan in me, I’m proud to support a stand up guy like yourself. Gutted for Sonny, hopefully this does not cause a rift in the squad
@IvanGreenaway 3 месяца назад
Well said - very honourable comments 👍
@qseven85 3 месяца назад
He had a stupid brain dead moment let’s not forget the response from the Suarez situation but this notion that it’s been swept under the rug because it’s to Korean people is pathetic Ali. As a black person a lot gets swept under that we just have to get on with as unfortunately in these times unless it’s homophobic or against what someone identifies as it’s not made a big deal of. It’s good raising awareness mate but I genuinely don’t get what u expect to come from it, should we get rid of Rodrigo then ? as that would be a kind of big reaction you sound like you want, do you think he should go on the tour ? I’m interested to know what actions u think should come from this
@dmamorpm7672 3 месяца назад
Want to say thank you Ali. Sorting all my thoughts into coherent sentences ref Bentancur is tricky, but thought you did it brilliantly. Good analysis of a poor situation. He was a silly, verging on stupid, boy. But I hope there’s ways to properly apologise and enable everyone to put it behind them and move on together with no ill feeling or bad blood. Preferably before the South Korea tour (but if not, certainly during it).
@Mari-ek7yd 3 месяца назад
we appreciate you very much Ali!
@ericatracy1849 3 месяца назад
Dragusin is the Youngest Player in the Romanian Squad.
@drewbadenoch7411 3 месяца назад
I’ve been listening to this chunk by chunk all day since this morning in Sydney. Great video again Ali 👏🏼
@springfield910 3 месяца назад
Thank you Alasdair for sharing your views on the racism case caused by Bentancru. I totally agree with you. No punishment no change.
@petergray-kz8fb 3 месяца назад
ALI, in the light of Bentancur’s “terrible joke” or what both you and I consider, “racist comment” at the expense of both teammate Sonny and the Korean population, do you not feel that the Club should be TOTALLY on top of this, make a clear anti-racist stance and reduce its potential impact by ACTING e.g by the following: 1. Disciplining Bentancur (by fine or Other means), 2. IMPORTANTLY Directing him to do a targeted Anti Discrimination Course 3. Supporting Bentancur in making a public apology. 4. Making a Public Statement decrying his discriminatory comments/attitude but outlining their re-education aims and the clubs commitment to both him & Sonny and to anti-racism (in all its forms). I love Bentancur and Sonny and am so looking forward to next season with them but no excuses should be made for Roddy’s ill-chosen racist stereotype words, or, they will just excuse everyone accused of similar language (e.g. “its his culture, it was a joke, we’ve blown it all up, your’e woke, a snowflake). No…...such language can be terribly hurtful to the individual, the community, and in this case a wider/specific population.
@benwebber8132 3 месяца назад
I agree with you on Bentancur. Aren’t we going to South Korea and Japan? It’s a PR disaster. I remember Suarez a few years ago at Liverpool and what he said. We don’t know their culture, but there is no excuse. Players are club ambassadors during and outside of the normal season.
@zhilong 3 месяца назад
If I was Spurs PR, I would make Bentancur experience different Korean traditions and show or at least pretend how much he loves the Korean culture.
@caslan1000 3 месяца назад
AIA is also an Asian company. They are big in HK, Singapore, Korea. I bet they aren't happy with Bentancur's joke.
@ahemrvn78 3 месяца назад
There is tons of room for racism at Spurs😂😂 very disappointed but not surprised it's just spurs doing spursy things again😉
@zhilong 3 месяца назад
Spursy means bottling and underachieving, which is very much our Chairman in football.
@thedethrocker8858 3 месяца назад
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 wanker
@CaptainHowdy-mw9vc 3 месяца назад
I'm chuffed that we are playing Arsenal at home so early into the season. It would be nice to beat them before they get into any sort of rhythm and while we are hopefully fresh and playing well.
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
Given the point about a busy season, I am still reluctant to sell Hojbjerg. He is another of those mature team leaders Ange likes and he has been excellent since he joined up with Denmark in the build-up to the Euros. On the same grounds, I think we should be keeping a close eye on GLC, with the Argentina squad.
@augustlongpre64 3 месяца назад
“That’s just the culture of Uruguay” is very accurate but not in a way that’s okay.
@bb5979 3 месяца назад
Governments multinational corporations and banks destroying human society -👍 Footballer makes joke with factual basis - 😡
@Shsjier 3 месяца назад
@@bb5979 damn you are everywhere trying to defend racism today
@Shsjier 3 месяца назад
@@bb5979 damn you really wanna defend the racism
@nightwristwatchman3129 3 месяца назад
Great video Ali you hit the nail right on the head, as usual. Ali Gold for PM!! 🙌🙌 COYS
@AlasdairGoldjournalist 3 месяца назад
Thank you but definitely not.
@mikenayler5281 3 месяца назад
Dragusin will be a huge player for us. Great in the air, strong, good vision and brave bringing the ball out. He deserves much more game time this coming season. We can have rotation like City do. It’s the way forward.
@iMDN94 3 месяца назад
I’m only 3 minutes in and there is no way in hell we go into next season having a squad fit to face 69 potential games, barely managed 9 last season because of so few options off the bench 😂
@thomask1733 3 месяца назад
38+1 FA cup + 1 League Cup + 6 Europa League. 46. We’re good
@iMDN94 3 месяца назад
@@thomask1733 well it’s a minimum of 8 Europa League but other than that I like your optimism (genuinely)
@lilbaz8073 3 месяца назад
Califiori is allegedly on less than £3k a week. (3 not 30). So yes he might want a move.
@altair8598 3 месяца назад
I've always respected your journalism and humility but now I would include your honesty in calling out Bentancur's insensitive and naive remark. Well said.
@nexnex-p1t 3 месяца назад
we need to know Uruguay is a small country. It is a country of indigenous people and a country of hybrids mixed with numerous races.
@amazonianstories 3 месяца назад
Have more world cups than england 😂
@francomartini4328 3 месяца назад
Ali, I'm puzzled. In Romero, van der Ven, and Dragusin, Tottenham have three of the best central defenders in the Premier League if not the world. They are incessantly winning plaudits and having their praises sung. And yet, last season Spurs conceded 61 goals in the league, which is 10 more than Everton and more than double the 29 conceded by Arsenal. That's not counting the certain goals saved by Big Vic, which nonetheless (at least in my opinion) count as defensive failures. Make it make sense. How can you square the two things?
@AlasdairGoldjournalist 3 месяца назад
I'd put it down to the overall structure not working yet in front of them and understanding the system, hence allowing more chances. Also a fair few goals probably came during the injury crisis. I guess next season will deliver a better sample size with more options.
@coreydenham9209 3 месяца назад
I noticed at the start of last season, when Bissouma was in form, the 6 play an important part in prevent the flow of the ball between the mid field and defensive ranks. When Bissouma started to lose his form, the goals started to come through. Hojberg didn't fix the issue because he lacks the dynamic sort of trait I think a 6 in an Ange system needs. I believe that when we find that correct player for the 6 these issues won't be as prevalent as they were last season.
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
@@coreydenham9209: I agree with you, but also feel the 5 at the back left our midfield understaffed (exacerbated by Bissouma's drop in form and lack of chasing back) and that was where we tended to get overwhelmed. Once Udogie was out I thought we'd revert to 3 at the back and strengthen the midfield. But we didn't change and that led to fast wingers (Saka, Salah, Anthony) getting in on the right (our left) and setting up crucial goals, whereas if they'd had to face VdV it simply wouldn't have happened. Hopefully Ange has learned even more from last season than his players have and we will be set up better to tackle the strengths and exploit the weaknesses of our adversaries from now on.
@Longeezy 3 месяца назад
Would he ironic if the BetMGM money helps us to fund the Toney deal
@StickAroundBennett 3 месяца назад
@Marie-s3o 3 месяца назад
Mr. Gold, the voice of reason. Rascism not only hurts the people involved, but hurts the value of humanity. It's not a personnal matter btw son & bentan. Will take on eye on what the club has to say about this.
@Tolaves 3 месяца назад
Thank you for speaking up about the Lolo comments, I'm British born Chinese, spurs fan since 10 and heard the "all Asians look the same" throughout my life. Its nice to see someone actually speak up for us as people usually think Asians won't mind as we don't kick up a fuss. All the best Ali!
@StickAroundBennett 3 месяца назад
Why is chicken orange?
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
I thought a move for Hummels might have made sense, since we only need a back-up player yet his enormous experience and quality could have a positive effect on the entire squad. It would be a 'statement' signing (on a free but the wages would be sizeable).
@FlyingKoreanMinja 3 месяца назад
Dortmund has been playing a lot of low block because Hummels has been quite slow. He was never really a rapid cb in his prime and less so now.
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
@@FlyingKoreanMinja: so you'd prefer to sign a fast young CB as back-up, even though he lacks big game experience and might quickly become disatisfied with his reserve status? I thought what Hummels brings might be interesting for Spurs, but only the Ange team really know :o)
@jasonbarlow2240 3 месяца назад
When we talk of buying young talent from the championship, what does Joe Rodon or Ashley Phillips think? Let alone Djed, and Jack Clarke you mentioned.??
@NateMegOfficial 3 месяца назад
69 matches. Nice.
@daddybassi 3 месяца назад
I think it was very wrong, but like many countries, where social behaviour/political correctness is light years behind ours, it’s not seen as offensive. It’s like the U.K in the 80s, you could say offensive things and no one would bat an eye People need to understand there was no malice behind it I bet a lot of countries in South America wasn’t outraged, but that doesn’t mean their a bad nation or people. Their hearts are in the right place, just not the social education of the UK.
@justinlee369 3 месяца назад
27:55 about bentacur's interview
@mikenayler5281 3 месяца назад
How are the rich teams City and Chelsea for example, able to get away with breaking FFP rules, when smaller/ less powerful teams such as Everton and Forest get hammered. Chelsea and City should be thrown out of the Prem and given huge fines.
@Lee-spurs 3 месяца назад
Great video mate as you always do
@Thorfinn-SonofThors 3 месяца назад
Any progress on Nico Williams?
@BelgianHotspur 3 месяца назад
Big up Ali 👋, I agree Radu was immense against Ukraine. We finally have proper competition for a position. I really want us to keep building squad like this would literally be game changer to not always have such a massive drop off when the inevitable injuries come along
@theshog123 3 месяца назад
It would be 'insanity' to sell Will Lankshear. That's it, he's off. This is Spurs.
@jamescoffey5282 3 месяца назад
Realistically, Dragusin is conte to be back for one season, Romero is sold, Dragusin takes over and we use of the players from U21 or young defenders or Ashley Philips becomes backup. No way do we pay enough or promise enough glory to suggest anything else.
@MrSeanbath 2 месяца назад
Hi alistair having issues trying to send a message so I had to send on an old video. So sorry about that.. (classic alistair apology) ermm I have a very random question, what is your thoughts on Roony Bardghji I know he's 18 but do you know if anything ever pops up of him when it comes to tottenhams transfers talk? Ps do you and guesty do a interactive podcast at all? My partner has contacted you in the past to see if we could meet and chat everything tottenham, however you kindly rejected which I don't blame you can come across slightly awkward but if you don't ask you don't get in her words.. anyway hope alls well. Cheers
@willb9006 3 месяца назад
6:58 it was Brighton last year which was a couple of days after Boxing Day, but still the first game post Christmas. Probably for the best that you forgot that game happened!
@BelgianHotspur 3 месяца назад
The Rob guest derby 😂!!! I want his face on my t shirt !!!! 🤣
@Dah230 3 месяца назад
The bentancur situation is so sad. Tottenham are getting a lot of heat for not putting a statement out there. Going to Asia and not condemning what a player said is going to be so hard. Sonny who’s the victim will have to deflect and clean up a mess he shouldn’t have too. The bentancur comments has made it seem like those jokes are okay to say and since that moment I’ve seen more people say ignorant things of that nature. Tottenham silence makes it seem okay
@sylvesterrobson963 3 месяца назад
Didn't he allready apologize
@jackstern5737 3 месяца назад
This is a weird situation. Korean people, especially women, have a very specific beauty standard and a culture of things like skin bleaching and plastic surgery. It’s normalized to where it’s commonly acceptable for teenagers to have cosmetic surgery. In Korea, there is a lot more similarities in appearance, most noticeably in wealthier women. It’s not a funny joke, it’s not entirely true, but it isn’t necessarily racist. Unfortunately an issue that isn’t being discussed much with the specific info that could have been referred to rather than the more racist “all asian people look the same” sentiment I think most people assume he meant assume it’s much more commonly known.
@mrD66M 3 месяца назад
Feels like the Bernardo Silva 'joke' on Benjamin Mendy years ago... we all knew they were good mates since playing together at Monaco and it was meant in jest... BUT it was indeed racist. Maybe inadvertently but it was.
@acidtwin 3 месяца назад
It's a really funny joke and if you think Koreans don't have racial jokes, you're living on another planet. There's a difference between racial and racism. Did he claim he was superior to him due to race? Nope. A lot about nothing as per usual from the woke media.
@michalbylicki1983 3 месяца назад
The only sad thing about is that you still talk about it. 🤦 Son is not a victim. Bad joke didn't change anything in his privileged life.
@zorbathegeek 3 месяца назад
You should have worn that dreaded T-shirt Al! Can't let it go to waste 😅
@kelvint5508 3 месяца назад
When is your next holiday Ali? I need some signings soon 😭😭
@michaeltrup 3 месяца назад
Do you think we will bring in a serious No.2 goalkeeper? I could see an injury to Vicario seriously disrupting our season. Foster is slow now and doesn't have distribution Ange style.
@CaptainHowdy-mw9vc 3 месяца назад
I think Forster has always been slow. Watching him dive for a penalty is like watching a tree fall down.
@Dugiesrevenge 3 месяца назад
Does anyone more knowledgeable than me know why Joe Rodon isn’t seen as the 4th centre back by the club/Ange? Home grown, young, would probably like the chance having been at the club for a while before loans?, seems to have got better with coaching?
@ddandori 3 месяца назад
Mr. Gold, you are so correct, this matter is about whether Spurs is delivering consistent message about racism or not. I also know Bentancur and Sonny is very close to each other and this won't cause any issue between them. However all players in Spurs have to learn how to behave front of Media. Because this can cause financial damage to the club too. Spurs have to deliver strong message so players don't talk BS
@samuelstannard730 3 месяца назад
It will be interesting to see what the FA or Premier League make of the Bentancur situation given the ban they gave Bernardo Silva that time. Also, I now remember why I don't normally read the comments on videos like this 😬
@tiegodiphokwana996 3 месяца назад
Hi Ali, I’m a South African fan, love you videos. £42m is converted to almost R1billion. It sounded so absurd to us that it didn’t make sense to us South Africans to be comfortable with. Even though I’m a spurs fan😂
@orinorio1 3 месяца назад
Interesting start for Spurs. If Spurs can start out how they did last season will be very interesting. Next up transfer news. Looking forward to see what Players leave an who comes in. Mister Gold will keep us in form
@francisschott2141 3 месяца назад
I applaud you for highlighting Bentancur’s comments. You are absolutely correct in your assessments and I stand with you. Many thanks for yet another informative podcast.
@SteveDestiny74 3 месяца назад
69 games nice
@brycehenry5191 3 месяца назад
A statement striker (Toney, Gyokeres, Julian Alvarez), a new DM (Amadou Onana), central midfielder (Gallagher or Eze), backup LCB/LB (Murillo from Forest) and new backup RB (Archie Gray) would be a perfect window for me. Obviously would have to have some sales like Emerson Royal, Rodon, Reguilon, PEH, Lo Celso, Gil, etc.
@jjgarnham 3 месяца назад
Well said on the racist comments, Alasdair. You dealt with that perfectly.
@louloutri 3 месяца назад
Hi Alasdair I'm surprised you don't seem excited at all by the Euro. So, when England are at a big tournament, it does leave you cold ? Me, it's totally the opposite, when Belgium are playing, I'm very excited from the moment I wake up on the morning of the game. I love Spurs but I love our Red Devils as much. And the fact I live abroad now accentuates all this. When the national anthem starts, I stand up in front of the tv with my hand on my heart 😉 So no, I don't want Romania and Dragusin to do well on Saturday! 😂 It would mean Belgium are out already.... 😱 But I agree with you of course, Spurs bought a top top defender and that's great.
@Zaafao 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this Ali 🙏 Euro's has actually been good so far to my surprise, but still miss Spurs. Don't usually do this but one player I really think would be an excellent addition for us and will be surprised if the club haven't got him on their list is Yukinari Sugawara at AZ Alkmaar. He fits the role perfectly and has the attitude Postecoglou values in a player - Just one to look out for maybe. Ps - The random high pitch words are entertaining 😂
@daniel-j-harris 3 месяца назад
I think our fixture order is really kind. No blocks of playing all the big teams like normal. I think those runs of losses against the top 3-4 really kills momentum and motivation. So hopefully we don't get any of these month-long blips.
@zareefsafdar3746 3 месяца назад
Hi Ali, thanks for making the video as always! While I watch the whole video always, sometimes I am excited to hear about certain things like the transfer stuff, would it be possible for you to put even a rough timestamp of the topics? Thanks again and have a great day or evening - whatever time it is for you haha.
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
You are absolutely correct that the timing and sequence of games makes a significant difference, not only because of performance pressure, tiredness, injuries and bans, but the psychological pressures of falling before or after a cup game, home or away and whether one faces a team that is on a good or bad run. Many factors are unpredictable and even when they are foreseeable they're often uncontrollable, but to say it makes no difference because everybody plays everybody twice is just absurd. The schedule was so bad last season that we had a two-week down period and then had to play 3 games in a week. Those postponed matches that crowded our end-of-season should've been slotted in that empty space. But the authorities who run the game do not care a jot for player welfare, presumably arguing they're paid a fortune to do as they're told (or go out and get a 'real' job)!
@GavinPasco 3 месяца назад
Hey Alasdair, great content as always. In my opinion, Spurs must prioritise a strong number 6 & mobile number 9 this window. All other pieces will come together in future windows.
@LeeHalestrap 3 месяца назад
Any chance of Spurs cheering up us England fans and getting some business done? Chelsea and Villa, two teams that supposedly have FFP issues look a lot closer to doing something than we do.
@paulgee1952 3 месяца назад
Racism exists because of the way we are wired. Seeing the difference in the individual takes longer without familiarity . Anyone taking an Id parade know recognition is harder because of this. To deny it is to deny evolution ,however it is offensive to mention it ,even as a joke , within modern British liberal society , our brains see the similarity of a group that is different to us ,before it sees the individual . It is a bad joke, of nature , that will shadow the tour in Korea , how the familiar individuals move forward will be something that will determine the level of stigma Benancur will have to carry now for it ? I hope he and Son are very good friends , since that is the test of that bond AND familiarity that makes us all human ? I am sorry to mention this, but feel it has to be said. We were more tolerant of things like this , now the extremes of the liberal self over the collective group is very much skewed by long term attitudes ,that make those tolerance limits expand and contract, maybe freedom of speech is a crime , ignorance is no defence , I know , but is speaking truth ?
@blrbrazil1718 3 месяца назад
It would be funny if we ended up doing a Walker-Peters swap (again), using Rodon to get a 'new' wing-back to replace Emerson.
@jkidst 3 месяца назад
Yes, very strange that we are home to Arsenal first. Also odd that the second game is in January and not towards the end of the season. Also, we usually seem to get 2 or 3 London derbies back to back, especially towards the end of the season which can be painful.
@drewdutton294 3 месяца назад
Cheers Ali! Excellent video as always. Hoping for more big performances from Radu in the coming matches
@tvgcmma9215 3 месяца назад
Irritating that we’re playing Woolwich after international break - those games usually poor after break as players tired from travelling and teams haven’t worked in tactics or together
@lilbaz8073 3 месяца назад
So calfiori, gray, gallagher, eze, isak and nico williams. Here we go! And somebody call levy an ambulance.
@anthonygonzalez2187 3 месяца назад
The dragon was incredible. I really hope he gets more minutes next season. What a player . Can't wait to see ange Combatant at the euroS . Great video coys
@Kyleterp1 3 месяца назад
What’s going to be wild is that we will have 2 Europa League league stage games during the last week of winter transfer window and any winter transfers won’t be allowed to register until the knockout round
@mikenayler5281 3 месяца назад
Why have a transfer window open whilst a major tournament is being played. Most of the important players are involved and just want to concentrate on what they are doing.
@andrewgregory1543 3 месяца назад
Do we still have a special relationship with Real, where they cherry pick our best players and we get diddly squat?
@lilbaz8073 3 месяца назад
U21s it was the top 16 had to play the playoffs. Similar way for league posigion though.
@vincentmccormack3629 3 месяца назад
Agreed, the order of the games can matter, as you say it’s a more even spread this time, perhaps it will help, time will tell.
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