
wtf are you doing eugen? 

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Welcome to my white boy video essay.
00:00 Intro
03:35 Ground Balance
08:32 Air Balance
15:10 "Historical Accuracy"
28:33 Broken Patches
33:53 Divisions are Dumb
38:44 Maps Suck
57:58 Competitive Scene Blows
01:07:59 Game Design
01:16:26 DevBlogs
01:23:51 I was banned from the Strike Team
01:30:23 Strike Team Failures
01:36:28 Make the game F2P
01:40:13 Report Button
01:42:20 Darricks
01:46:17 Summary
02:00:20 Outro




30 июн 2024




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@hornet8364 6 месяцев назад
"most ww3 media is inherently trash" while showing a pic of team yankee is one hell of a controversial thing to say
@lateralus2612 6 месяцев назад
Infantry veterancy does matter, the problem is it matters in only one particular way that only infantry focused divisions can afford to take advantage of: suppression resistance.
@Gongolongo 6 месяцев назад
Shut up nerd
@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualized 6 месяцев назад
Only at 23:59 so far, so not sure if you will bring it up. You know what would be historically & technically accurate and likely completely break ground balance? Proper reverse speed for NATO & Warsaw Pact tanks. T-72 etc. have very low reverse speed, meanwhile Leopards are really fast, one could likely shoot & scoot micro T-tanks to hell. I mean maybe it could be balanced easily, but I am not sure. I see your points about balance, but from all I know balance is the hardest to do and the game is not finished, as far as I know Company of Heroes 2 still receive regular balance patches and that game is far quite "simple" compared to Warno. EDIT: About the Mig 31 lol yeah, I think everyone I played the game with pointed that out or completely agreed with it once one person brought it up.
@FeherMate 6 месяцев назад
Always nice to see the creator of such awesome historical videos having a bit of fun with games! While I do not agree with all of Rang's points, the air balance is indeed fundamentally broken, and I feel the same annoyance about it especially because Eugen has already fixed the exact same issue in SD2. It had the same situation with way too resilient planes waltzing through the AA net of the enemy, and it took them multiple rounds of HP and suppression nerfs, price increases and availability nerfs on the worst offenders as well as AA buffs to fix it. The fact this process hasn't even started in this game is a big issue, especially as the problem is even worse.
@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualized 6 месяцев назад
@@FeherMate Yeah, air is broken, I completely agree. I generally don't use air, since I am bad at it, I love my AA / SAMs, particularly no-Radar SAM since no SEAD/radar off micro for me ;) I thought they added air suppression, but as Rango showed it seems to be "missing" or completely off. EDIT: PS: thank you!
@FeherMate 6 месяцев назад
@@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualized I am kind of in a similar spot, the one radar SAM I can be bothered with is the BUK.
@RANGROO 6 месяцев назад
@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualized First up big fan of your content mate. For AA suppression it works with SPAAG, but missiles cause no suppression when they miss. I think their goal is to make SPAAG stun and Missiles kill but that does not work sadly. Also seen shilka's take 30 seconds to kill an Apache at medium range.
@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualized 6 месяцев назад
@@RANGROO Thanks! Ah yes, but I think - as you stated - that swirling missiles of death should increase suppression. Yeah, AH-64 are a beast in this game. One of my biggest gripes was infantry in helis landing in front of infantry in position and taking basically no damage... and the heli flying off, like nothing happened as well. I think they might have fixed that. What do you think, would correct reverse tank speeds break the game? Or how this could be balanced?
@exorbitantprivilege 6 месяцев назад
Jumping into the "i was banned" -section immediately
@henryhamilton4087 6 месяцев назад
Honestly....having F-117s in the Berlin Division does kinda make sense considering it would be the only aircraft that has any chance of flying across the Soviet front line and reaching Berlin unmolested by AA defenses, so having a *small* squadron of it does make some sense The Mirage IV though? yeah, you're right on that one.
@chadjensen2027 6 месяцев назад
Considering one F-117 was actually downed by a not-so-modern for the time Serbian S-125 SAM I think you’re overestimating Nighthawk’s capabilities by a mile. It’s an aircraft that’s harder to detect than your regular one, not an invisible UFO of some sort. So uh, no, F-117 in the West Berlin division is just Eugen’s bullshit
@henryhamilton4087 6 месяцев назад
@@chadjensen2027 yes but the F-117 that was shot down was flying the same route several times before it was shot down, so the SAM crews know where to look. The SAM crews could only lock on at something like 20km. The point is that it is 'plausible' that a small F-117 squadron could be routed to Berlin through some corridor that has been identified by intel without being detected.
@righty5890 6 месяцев назад
@@chadjensen2027 fun fact, it got radar-locked when dropping its bomb! guess when you can detect the F-117 in WARNO? after it dropped its bomb! crazy right??? so saying it can't cross is bullshit
@picklepepper900 6 месяцев назад
​@@chadjensen2027 the f117 was also detected and fired upon when it opened its bomb doors to destroy its target. So flying there to do its thing, it likely would be able to make the journey.
@JAnx01 6 месяцев назад
@@picklepepper900 You both are just parroting the propaganda from a cover up story, actually. The US loves to reinforce the illusion of unbeatable hardware, so whenever something like this happens, the blame is shifted onto people. "Muh magic stealth fighter! It was the dumbass pilot who flew the same route repeatedly and also had his bomb bay door open the whole time." Yeah sure! Absolute nonsense! Another weird claim was that it happened because the SAM crews normally turn on their radar twice, then move, whereas this time they turned it on for the third time and that's where they spotted the Nighthawk. Now, this may be something the SAM crews actually said in an interview, but the reason the propaganda machine pushed it is because it added that "bad luck" element to their "dumbass pilot&planners" story. All these mental gymnastics instead of admitting the Nighthawk got detected and shot down simply because it flew too close to an air defense radar. These kinds of war equipment propaganda narratives have appeared repeatedly with consistently the same themes in modern history (our people may be cretins, but our machines are faultless).
@EneTheGene 6 месяцев назад
Am I the only person who thinks that historical accuracy in itself actually makes the game more fun and interesting?
@michimatsch5862 6 месяцев назад
No. But alas many people seem to disagree. Kinda sad, the only games where people seem to agree to that is stuff like Graviteam tactics but those games seem quite hard to learn...
@JohnofByzantium 6 месяцев назад
@rizkijunir23 6 месяцев назад
No, its boring and bland
@DatPiffy 6 месяцев назад
The fact that Russian tanks can reverse at light speed is infuriating
@whitefox25 5 месяцев назад
if games like warno were historically accurate than you would not have balance cuz in history nations were not balanced nor in real life. Video games need balance people cry about balance and competitive games need it or else every would is just going to play the same op nation and that gets boring real quick
@The_Faceless_No_Name_Stranger 6 месяцев назад
You speak of Wargame RD like it’s a finely tune game, from my experience it wasn’t . Spawn, get cross mapped rocket artillery. Spawn, get heli rushed. I’m not saying WRD didn’t require skill or had a high skill ceiling in competitive scene. But on the ground floor it was chimps hitting each other with rocks and flinging crap across the room. That’s why I got nervous for Warno that it took away the phases system from SD because that put a hard lock on the shit that could be pulled at the start.
@bsmallie11 6 месяцев назад
i appreciate the takes in this video. even as someone who loves warno (the vibes are immaculate, very easy to get sucked into the experience), I can agree with a lot of the criticism. I think that the game is still good, and better than previous titles, but it can still be useful to get it out there. i also would say that alot of singleplayer people in all Eugen games play skirmish as well. also dont be too harsh on divisions, building decks with divs is very cool in a roleplay sense.
@VulcanHDGaming 6 месяцев назад
It's important to criticize the game but I disagree in some areas. I think your comments about air balance are generally correct, they need to sort the RNG/ ECM interactions and make diving helicopters and planes be punished more. In regards to ground balance however, it just sounded to me that you hadn't played for a while because a lot of the issues you brought up used to be the case but have now been fixed for the most part and saying a Bradley or Marder don't do damage is simply untrue, 30mms are just over tuned right now and thus meta (there is always a meta). From what I gather "historical accuracy" isn't so much a priority, rather "historical authenticity" which are two entirely different things. Authenticity is how it feels or is portrayed based on specific values, in this case Eugen's values. Accuracy being whether or not it is exactly correct, which for SD2 they can go back and fix. Whilst I agree their arguments for certain units can be inconsistent, I think the overall authenticity of Warno is pretty spot on. As far as the patches are concerned there really isn't much excuse for their poor QA but I'd say for the most part, not always, they are pretty quick at fixing things they break. The Division system isn't going anywhere so we have to make do and I personally like it. I like some of your points and introducing a system more similar to Regiments would be cool where you can add a choice of detachments to your main division (or regiment). I think the maps are pretty good honestly but the sectors do need adjustment in some cases to allow for less choke gameplay as you say. That being said, I think having some grindy maps is a good thing. My own issue with maps is that some of the larger team maps have high point contested sectors which just end the game really quickly if one side has a bad start (see Cyrus and Volcano). Forward deployment is a fickle beast. It's a really cool concept, you could even add troops that air drop at the start. In practise the power creep of newer divisions has made it so this is also now a meta and it definitely needs adjustment. I think your critic of the Warno competitive scene is a bit harsh. It's not perfect but the SDL does a good job of running and creating fun tournaments and leagues for people to take part in. Tournaments will always be heavily influenced by the meta, I myself was knocked out of the mentioned tournament by Tiberious and his "tactical outplays", however utilising a meta to your advantage over other players is a skill and it's not up to the SDL to fix imbalance, only manage it. Yes split supply in supply vehicles! Yes, communicate better in dev blogs! Yes, report button please! Yes, updated matchmaking but don't remove lobbies. All the best with your new projects in the New Year! Look forward to seeing your future content.
@Raptorsified 3 месяца назад
Wtf is this argument about the competitive scene. I understand you've been working with sd league since sd44 but you don't gotta gobble that glizzy that deep. You say that game balance is not the issue of the tournament organizer, but in that case why have rules pertaining to the game itself at all? Just let the game play as the devs intended to. Not to mention the wide body of competitive organizations would disagree with you. From certain moves being banned in sports to cards in a tcg and of course certain strategies (eg. Smogon ruleset for competitive pokemon which has many times more players than this). So to say it's wrong to expect the organizer to have a rule addressing a problem with these games dating back a decade now? Come on brother don't make such a poor argument.
@Tofuk 6 месяцев назад
>Competitive scene sucks >Said by a guy whose conduct necessitated introducing an anti-helorush rule in the tournament 🤔🤔🤔
@onepangaean3018 6 месяцев назад
@jurajsintaj6644 6 месяцев назад
huh- whats the context for this?
@onepangaean3018 6 месяцев назад
@@jurajsintaj6644 guy invents cancer. Then wonders why there is cancer.
@user-ux8ik9ww8e 5 месяцев назад
imagine getting filtered by helis
@molotov6844 5 месяцев назад
​@@onepangaean3018He didn't invent it, he knew it was a problem and then forced them to add the rule. The wargame community has known about how helo rushing since basically the release of the game. It says a lot, especially when helicopters are even stronger in Warno, how undeveloped the competitive scene in Warno is.
@Toklika 25 дней назад
I really watched the whole 2 hours and I must say, you really say what I think
@blitz-war 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this quality content
@czarkusa2018 6 месяцев назад
Nothing makes one angrier about a game than loving it :(
@gdsvdebrbfbf 6 месяцев назад
As a singleplayer player, I have never felt more abandoned by a developer I held close to my heart. The near shaming we get from the developers when we ask why AG has not been released yet ("When it's done" does not hold up for so many months, do not treat us like small children) might be normal just after a game entered early access, but after 2 years of early access and at least 9 months of teasing Army General I feel like they're just taking the piss with us. Thank you very much for this earnest video Rang, take care of yourself and enjoy your break!
@Nilhulus 6 месяцев назад
I like how they told everyone AG was coming out soon for 9 months then when people finally started pointing that out, MadRat tried to gaslight everyone by claiming they never said AG was coming out soon. He was near-instantly proven to be lying by people posting evidence of all the "soons" Eugen put out and he didn't say shit after that. Eugen are scumbags and nobody should buy their games anymore.
@ArrigoSacchi87 6 месяцев назад
"Teasing Army General"? They deliberately didn't want to get people's hopes up so didn't say a date, and a bunch of people interpreted that to mean it's soon. People are acting like small children, let's be fair here.
@gdsvdebrbfbf 6 месяцев назад
@@ArrigoSacchi87 I agree with your point and I know that there's a lot of people out there that have been whining for a very long time, which for a very long time i disagreed heavily with, because Eugen is not a large studio and I understand that game development requires time. What I am frustrated about is that they actually háve been saying "soon" themselvers for quite some time, in more than one devblog. "not-too-distant future"(sep7 2023), a bruderkrieg preview from july, "weve got a functioning campaign"(march 3 2023), not to mention the literal teaser youtube videos, dating up to 9 months back. I have been following this game since the early access release patiently waiting for army general, following almost every devblog for some sign of Army General and my patience has ran out, only very recently I would have to add. I fully understand that it comes over as whiney, but do you not agree that 2 years of early access and still no Army General, that is just a very long wait? It's not like they started developing the game 2 years ago, right?
@ArrigoSacchi87 6 месяцев назад
@@gdsvdebrbfbf I agree that ideally they would have moved faster. My issue is people who forget (often deliberately) that AG wasn't actually part of the original EA release, it was added as expanded scope...so to an extent they created a problem by expanding scope without being clear the timelines (given their small team) would be slow 🦥 Also I think the game was a lot earlier in development that some people realise, it's like extreme early access, a lot of work went into simply improving the engine
@GreyhoundCZ 6 месяцев назад
I am right there with you. I was so excited when the game got announced, thinking that we were gonna get a "Wargame 4". That couldn't be further from the truth sadly.
@exorbitantprivilege 6 месяцев назад
I like the Napoleonic generals in the devblogs because its a way for Eugen to show exactly what kind of nerds they are exactly like myself, of course
@RazzmannWG 6 месяцев назад
Enjoy your break!
@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualized 6 месяцев назад
1:27:18 To be fair, I suspect this might be cultural issue. I don't know enough about French culture, but at least for Upper Austria, it is one of the most disrespectful things one could do (to not answer). While I suspect for Canada, requesting a response is rather "rude". Although, the issue is, you made the first mistake.
@chunguslover 6 месяцев назад
Panzer came in pretty hot, though. The condescension was there from the start. I've gotten a similar impression before from madmat as well, it just doesn't seem professional. Maybe the pronounced distinction between personal and professional conduct is cultural too? Not sure.
@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualized 6 месяцев назад
​@@chunguslover "Panzer came in pretty hot, though." for you, not for me. Asking "Seriously?" is in my(!) book very friendly for posting on an official forum, where one is not just a "regular", to buy another game. Likely different culture and probably different generation as well. Professional is completely dependent on the culture, e.g., my barber told me recently his wife was on a business meeting in Finland, the Fins suggested going to a sauna as well... absolutely not professional for Austria, but likely for Finland. Also in the US people wear clothes in the sauna, in continental Europe as far as I know everyone is naked.
@chunguslover 6 месяцев назад
​@@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualizedYes, fair enough. "Seriously" reads quite passive aggressive to me. There's a personal bias too; I respond worse to (perceived) passive aggression than open hostility.
@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualized 6 месяцев назад
@@chunguslover "I respond worse to (perceived) passive aggression than open hostility." Me too. Yet, fun fact for me not answering is very passive aggressive. The whole issue with text messages is that in my experience, most people read them in the worst possible interpretation too. Same with not answering, if you meet in real life and the person is friendly and the topic does not come up with, everyone is "it should be fine", while in chat etc. it is just "what is going on" in the back.
@chunguslover 6 месяцев назад
​@@MilitaryHistoryNotVisualizedCompelling point. I think there's a mutual lack of diplomacy here. It might have been a bit much to mention panzer in this video as well...
@Hyper_1989 6 месяцев назад
I like WARNO because it was far easier to get into than red dragon.
@hippiehippiehippiehippie 6 месяцев назад
Its definitely easier than RD. Fewer units to control (namely infantry), things die slower so you've got more time to react and a "get out of jail free" button (smoke) on almost every vehicle
@SuntorySuki 6 месяцев назад
literally just buy helicopter lmao
@stardekk1461 6 месяцев назад
That's his point, this game is brain-dead af
@tali9908 6 месяцев назад
@gonozal8_962 4 дня назад
@@SuntorySukiat least for single player, IGNAS / NATO equivalent is kinda strong and ATGM in building is less vulnerable therefore imo
@RazzmannWG 6 месяцев назад
27:29 why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave
@Phoenix11111 6 месяцев назад
Because he’s based
@EneTheGene 6 месяцев назад
@@Phoenix11111 Finally someone using that word correctly.
@LynxErgo 6 месяцев назад
2 hours, this man is crazy
@JAnx01 6 месяцев назад
1:29:35 - here I disagree. Eugen is a small company and the game director should be interested in the feedback from players on the forum.
@VampiroGaming 6 месяцев назад
And even more so if it is a member of the strike team. This could, in my opinion, even be seen as a sign of appreciation of Rangroo and his work. From the posts Rangroo showed he also gave him more than enough time to explain what the posting was about (some "funny" posting in a drunken state). Rangroo, I actually think many developers would have just thrown you out of the Strike Team and the forums without even contacting you (see e.g. what happened in the Creative Assembly Steam forums).
@hippiehippiehippiehippie 6 месяцев назад
This video is 2h long and has more than 13 comments posted within less than 2h of it being released. This comment makes it 14 lmao I'm not watching all of that 😂😂😂
@hippiehippiehippiehippie 6 месяцев назад
I just realised that I am in this video. You guys should watch the whole video, twice, on 0.5x speed
@tali9908 6 месяцев назад
@@hippiehippiehippiehippie Woah hippies content was in it??? I hope it was posted from the Kingdom of the Netherlands!
@Phoenix11111 6 месяцев назад
You are in the video multiple times. Dare I say, you might be the antagonist
@hippiehippiehippiehippie 6 месяцев назад
​@@tali9908haha a classic
@hippiehippiehippiehippie 6 месяцев назад
​@@Phoenix11111 My dream has come true
@tedarcher9120 2 месяца назад
It's funny because in Warno you are not playing as a division but as a battalion tactical group with air support. A real tank division would have hundreds of tanks and bmps
@bigdsolutions 6 месяцев назад
I enjoy Warno quite a lot. There have been some bad patches and some balance issues, but I expect that in an EA game. I even find the balance swings fun, but I can understand that is not for everyone. I hope Broken Arrow gets released soon so all the people who don't like Warno have something to do lol
@TheMasterChief101234 6 месяцев назад
Tone deaf comment
@konosmgr 6 месяцев назад
The main issue with warno is that the skill cap is way lower than RD, and there's multiple secondary factors that contribute to that.
@resonance314 6 месяцев назад
I like the aircraft a lot more in WARNO over RD or SD, that their speed is semi-realistic is good to me. I get it that they kill themselves when you don't micro but still. Having a F104 fly at 700km/h or whatever like they do in RD is dumb as hell.
@Trubripes Месяц назад
The Rush 50 yard and hold syndrome is exactly the same issue with WG Conquest. They need to get rid of that awesome antique and think of something else like BA.
@willworkforfood7028 6 месяцев назад
23:00 Gonna have to push back on this point. You CAN push out aircraft very quickly (as in within a few years if not months) if you have sufficiently skilled engineers, a proper procurement system and an efficient bureaucracy (just look at the pace of development in WW2 and a slightly more modern case Skunk Works). U-2 Spy plane for example went from initial tender in 1953 to first flight in 1955 and deployment in 1956. The problem is the age of getting stuff done quickly has long passed especially in the United States. Other countries are slightly better but they have much less money to work with so it balances out.
@robertkalinic335 6 месяцев назад
Pre ww2 period had the problem of no funding and demands on what do you actually want plane to do, then war happens and even soviets who had huge problems with build quality woke up and managed to develop and produce new plane models in few months right after conducting industry exodus of biblical level, like operating new factories under open sky in nowhere while factory itself is still being built. They were still fairly bad quality in the beginning but got better as war went on.
@gotanon9659 6 месяцев назад
Uhh no Bcuz planes are less complex back then than aircraft say built in the 80's and beyond
@willworkforfood7028 6 месяцев назад
@@gotanon9659 Electronics might have gotten more complex. Mechanical technology more or less stagnated around the 1960s. The SR-71 the fastest known aircraft in the world was introduced in the 1960s. We still use the 1950s U-2 to this day.
@FirestarterWG 6 месяцев назад
Rang dropping megaton truth bombs
@commandershortsight 6 месяцев назад
>Leaves bad review with no explanation >Ghosts devs and refuses to give any constructive criticism >Gets removed from feedback group for not giving feedback Surprised pikachu face
@onepangaean3018 6 месяцев назад
@KGramgram 6 месяцев назад
I'd like to see a deep analysis video on the other games in the series like Red Dragon or Steel Div. 2
@thepolishnz 6 месяцев назад
Eugen makes single player games? dude, they changed things in Red dragon to balance multiplayer and it broke the Campaign game, notable was turning the T55 into a recon, and lowering the effectiveness of Allied CWIS and upped the hit accuracy of Soviet ASM which made Korean War 2 incredibly hard
@dickbutt7559 6 месяцев назад
love the game but i can't stand the tankyness of helicopters and your AA missiles constantly missing on top of that is my biggest gripe. absolutely rage inducing.
@Contentrist 6 месяцев назад
I'm a WGRD vet with 2k hours and I have uninstalled it and moved to WARNO now. Mostly because I feel like WGRD had nothing else to offer me and I want to somewhat help what is left of Eugen to get on with their game development. I play mostly 10v10s in all Eugen games so I'm that casual multiplayer dude. That said I have made some notes for this long comment. 1. Gameplay balance in WARNO is debatable but I do agree that some parts need an overhaul e.g. helicopters. 2. Most historical accuracy in WARNO kind of timeline is debatable, just wish Eugen itself would admit it. 3. I agree with everything that was said about the maps but I think all "bad map designs" still need to remain in the game for variety and options. Those designs just better stay away from ranked playlists. 4. The "no helo rushes" rule needs to be unnecessary for any tournament play. It feels laughable/ridiculous from my perspective or I think from a pro perspective if a gameplay mechanic or parts of it need to be banned for tournament play. Eugen from my perspective has been trying to fix this issue but to no avail for now. 5. Dar rick S and his relationship to Eugen is quite suspicious and I think harmful overall to the community. I think he would do better as a Strike Team member not as an Eugen employee. 6. Mod support and/or a map editor could catapult WARNO ahead of all competition on the market right now. Without them I think the game will remain where it is. But unfortunately those elements are not the Eugen focus right now. Frankly WGRD would need those tools first to guarantee that game's longevity even more. 7. WG supply system of fuel, ammo and spare parts was better and I think WARNO desperately needs it. 8. I do agree WARNO is better for team games, the games I play mostly, but having the focus on only team/casual games will ultimately, I think, take away from the game. 9. I agree that there are too many devblogs. Because of that I am hyped for a WARNO patch each thursday and I don't think it is sustainable for the studio and the player. 10. Having also played the Broken Arrow closed beta it was fun, but I hit a wall after game 4 which made me uninstall and then give my full feedback to the devs. Broken Arrow may fall into similar balance pitfalls as WARNO but their communication and game's clear vision gives me hope for that game yet. And I feel like BA is in a better position to overhaul their balance compared to WARNO. 11. The F2P SD2 model idea is awesome. I rarely play SD2 but that might just make me play that game more. 12. I agree that WARNO needs a game integrated report button for players, bugs etc. 13. I rather like the new CV and mechanics in WARNO. Though I do think that the gameplay might not compliment them quite well. It's a better mechanic for causal team games but its ranked value is quite debatable. 14. I did know about that 2018 strike at Eugen and I have heard that some of those devs that left are now in Steel Balalaika working on BA but that is just a rumor. However the SADF DLC along with the patch in 2021 shows Eugen still knows their stuff from my perspective. Though those changes might just have been developed off of old notes and simple statistics. Overall I don't think it is fair to compare Wargame Eugen to WARNO Eugen. It's good that they have competition now but that only goes so far if one is in a comfort zone. The vision for WARNO feels unfocused which can be explained that it's an indie studio trying to make a strategy game that does everything like the old Age of Empires 2 for example. But good focus and clear vision is what takes one far as we have seen in Regiments which does not have a multiplayer yet because of the vision and focus but one can hope. I really like Regiments and have hope for Broken Arrow but there is nothing like Wargame or WARNO 10v10 matches. And the only game which I have seen tease bigger player counts right now is Stormgate. I saw a 1/64 player lobby on one of Lowko's videos about Stormgate. I'm very exited about that.
@SuntorySuki 6 месяцев назад
>casual player opinion discarded
@Contentrist 6 месяцев назад
@@SuntorySuki casual player opinion discarded = game that will not take off. Only about 20% of players are the so called "ranked pro league" players. Catering to only that audience is a design for the mediocre.
@Contentrist 6 месяцев назад
I forgot to mention. 15. Eugen is severely limited imo because of their use for the in-house engine. It's a really good engine because of what it has done so far but it can't be good for new employees who have to learn the engine and get proficient at it before doing good work. Compare that to Steel Balalaika with their BA made in Unity. If another studio that works with Unity goes bust it is a hiring opportunity for them.
@SuntorySuki 6 месяцев назад
@@Contentrist yet wargame has more active player, same with sd2 coping?
@Contentrist 6 месяцев назад
@@SuntorySuki SC2 and AoE2:DE have more active players than all games mentioned here. What's your point? I mainly play strategy games because AI cheats are a thing now but they are less relevant in RTS multiplayer. Also here is a video for you who spits on filthy casuals: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XehNK7UpZsc.htmlsi=BbGOgsmoXNFfuFWX
@generalboulanger1287 6 месяцев назад
1:06:00 well we already had top players working with eugen dev to work for the balance patch before and they did vouch for THEIR decks and prefered units while advocating for nerf of the units they ̶l̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ dont like. However it did more good then harm and at the end of the day like you said it's eugen fault if they dont get it right. The heli are really a pain in particular and that's not just darrick fault The worst of everything is that some of the problems you mention (like choke point map and unbalanced air power) already existed since a long time in previous eugen games, they dont seems to learn. Map have been claustrophobic, unbalanced, unfit for a good competitive setting and full of unuse space since ALB at least with how much water, bridge, choke point and weird zone they tend to have
@inkozebadigbadig37 6 месяцев назад
isnt really darricks fault but kinda also is since its his job
@michaelthayer5351 6 месяцев назад
Glad to see you alive Rangroo, had us worried there for a second. Any idea when I can get my regular does of wargame casts? With regards to the Mig-31 being used on the frontline, that is something the Russians have been using in Ukraine specifically because those R-37s are unfrickenbelievably deadly. Also about divisions, I've always found they've been limited and as you say are mostly samey, especially when compared to the sandbox that Wargame's Battlegroup system was. And reality seems to agree as modern Russian formations look more like Wargame decks with the Morskaya Pexhota getting T-80s and the VDV being used as shock assaulters or defensive line infantry attached to larger groupings (Russian generals literally taking a card of VDV to shore up their motostrelki) which really makes me think the Wargame Battlegroup is more realistic in a World War III scenario as remnants and capabilities from different units are cobbled together for a specific task or mission rather than the lumbering division staying in one spot and fighting alone for the duration.
@sardauk3038 6 месяцев назад
A 2 hour rant ? Now that's a chrismas special I can get behind !
@Sharahdogmeat 6 месяцев назад
to be honest I think all the actual profressional people left eugen after the two (2) scandals where eugen just flat out failed to pay emplyees
@Sharahdogmeat 6 месяцев назад
laughing my ass off at how eugen's "strike team" discord is like litterally every fucking discord server ever and why discord should never be used for game dev stuff
@molotov6844 5 месяцев назад
Lead designer behind SD44 and Wargame 2/3 is now working on Broken Arrow.
@mh-ht2fp 4 месяца назад
@@molotov6844 Explains why BA is so much better even in a poor beta state. I can't wait till the full release of BA and its good bye eugen forever. I just hope all their shills stay there also.
@miningchip1 5 месяцев назад
hey rang you gonna make videos of the broken arrow open beta tomorrow? be cool to see your impressions
@derptank3308 6 месяцев назад
Glad to see you’re alive Rang
@officer_miller 3 месяца назад
idk what is it with people hating warno either everyone is so blinded by nostalgia and have played so much of it that nothing else is good in thier eyes .and/or just cant belive that a game that had a unimaginably bad luanch has actualy recovered besides from content and balancing issues this game has very little problems i just dont get why people hate this game so much (note:it could be just me though that likes this game)
@tedarcher9120 2 месяца назад
Are you gonna go back to SD2? Seems like the balance is coming back
@milancetkovic7496 3 месяца назад
does anyone know what music he uses in the background or how can i find something similar?
@stardekk1461 6 месяцев назад
Agreed 100% with everything. As an SD2 top player we have similar stuff in balance terms but its ofc much better than Warno, Darricks of SD2 is Gonzo and the shit map design is the flag system. If only Eugene continued developing SD44...
@maciejsztrauch7974 6 месяцев назад
I have inside info about warhammer 40K eugen game not sd44
@NBK1487 6 месяцев назад
Very glad that all Wargame community united as never on this topic, so game save is probably impossible
@matthewbadger8685 5 месяцев назад
How can this game have been released in 2021 when i have memories of watching people play this game from before 2018 and 2016
@Sharahdogmeat 6 месяцев назад
evacing aircraft should do a immilman turn or better yet not be player contrilled at all
@sussymaximo9014 6 месяцев назад
As a casual 1v1 player this game is the bane of my existence. Matches with my friend turn into an hour long grindfest of "will i push him out when he inevitably spaces out or will i reach the 50ft line first" Most of our matches end with both of us only having a single CV in our deployment tab with whoever reserved the best units for the end winning
@gabe7767 6 месяцев назад
I personally think the Warno community is the worst aspect that's holding it back as any criticism or balance suggestions is immediately shot down. Oh you think the fuel mechanic returning is a bad idea? Well go play SD2. Oh you think that there should be an SD2 style armour system? Down Votes and Negative Comments. Oh you think the ranges of AA weapons should be decompressed? Oh well it would actually be bad because it just would be ok. Its the equivalent of shooter regressing to use hit scan weapons. Critical failure on the part of Eugen in terms of caving to people that didn't like innovation, right from the get go with the removal of the offmap artillery. The community has stifled any innovation on Eugens half. Currently I'm looking forward to Armoured Brigade 2 along with Broken Arrow.
@Phoenix11111 6 месяцев назад
Warno community is for the most part actively suffering from brain eating amoeba because the people who still play this game drink unfiltered still water
@ElpredatorGYRO 6 месяцев назад
@Onobody 5 месяцев назад
Can I ask what is mouser/mauser track? I'm confused and curious about the music name in game.
@gonozal8_962 4 дня назад
mouzer did a "Zapad 81" edit, very similar music was used for the soundtrack later and for a promotional "Zapad 89" video
@austinowings4904 6 месяцев назад
I don't agree with all of it, but there's definitely some truth in there. Glad to see people are coming around on SD44, IMO it's Eugen's best game. I kinda feel like they listened to too much of the Wargame fandom when they made SD2, and instead of refining SD44 they pushed SD2 into more of a Wargame direction which diminished it. Lastly, glad to see you'll be taking your own advice and taking it easy for a while Rang. Merry Christmas!
@wwiill00 6 месяцев назад
@sd_league 6 месяцев назад
Whilst not agreeing with the videos tone, I get why WARNO has left you frustrated. Regarding the SDL critisism, In WG you had no other choice then surrender to eugen and be like "well helis never will be fixed lets ban them" In WARNO competitive scene also should show Eugen how their game can be abused. And for the most part Helo rushes are not a thing now anymore in 1v1 due to enough pushes due to visibile feedback regarding the issue. ST for sure could work more efficient. Still that whole segment of the video felt kinda bad taste esp. that weird fight with a EUGEN employee. Still all the best to you and a merry Christmas Rang, it was fun to work with you and you and Khan will forever be my favorite SDN44 caster duo!
@likelike344 6 месяцев назад
Todays R37 and the one in 89´ are probably not the same. I wouldnt trust wikipiedia on this 100%. Also the accuracy probably resambles the one in fighter on fighter engagement even tho based on the experience in Ukraine it should be higher (again I believe they have different radars/sensors and control) where mig-31s (or Su-35) patrol with R37 and are able to score hits on UAF as it allows them to reach low flying targets without needing to enter area of UA air defenses.
@Sceptre1 6 месяцев назад
Great point but what evidence do you have that disproves wikipiedia other than "It's wikipiedia"?
@1210alpha 6 месяцев назад
I am sharing the same feeling with you, but I don't think the issue is as terrieble as you have stated. To clarify, I spend most of my WARNO time in 10v10 multiplayer, so the experience must be different between you and me. If you are interested in my side of the WARNO world, read along. I find WARNO is a much more focus with a specific division compare with the good old generic WG:RD deck building. It aligns with the division in SD:44 and SD2. The isssue with kingtigers and the lack of AA ability in panzer Lehr are something that we cannot ignore. In fact, WARNO has improved the division balance and make every division function in all scenario. In my opinion, it is an improvement. The fighting focus at the centre of the map with all their available units around a single polint. It is absolutely correct. This is already the meta in WG:RD unless you are playing tactical. The only changes that I see is the phase system in SD and SD2. Most games in SD2 10 v 10 also run into a slug fest at the middle of the map as well. Hence, I understand your fructration with the lack of dynamic play. Chopper rush and AA performance is an issue that I agree with you. Current AA performance is questionable to say the least. Chopper can somehow counter MANPAD in close range is making me mad in 10v10 as well. However, WG:RD is not perfect with chopper either. The chopper main mg is near useless against any infantry in forest is the opposite of what we are facing in WARNO. We are less fructrated in WG:RD because there are more ways to counter the inf in forest. Fighter speed and turning radius is also a matter that I agree with you. I have nothing to add in this matter. The game ultimate drain down to tanks collection... and infantry force recon. One can use infantry to tank anything and perform force recon in any heavily competiting area. Follow up with vics and tanks to blast open a gap and push through the the line. If you are aiming for exploiting a break through and buckling the frontline, I don't think it is achieveable in WARNO. A few ticks will be sufficient to build up another defence line and the grind starts again.
@phlogisvobule4058 3 месяца назад
Regiments mentioned !
@ClintEastwooodPS3 6 месяцев назад
I've thought i'm too dumb to attack further into enemy territory. I did overthink every tactic with specific units in combination with another and so on, combined warfare n stuff... But at the end you have to bring every branch of unit to counter whats waiting there, so i just bring everything and move forward. Maybe thats the competitive factor in Warno. You bet on what your opponent doesnt have and gamble units trough the frontline. Same with the opener, its just the small diffference of having an AA chopper or not, or 1 armor or
@lexaron 6 месяцев назад
I gave up on WARNO just like Eugen gave up on the players.
@1bird375 3 месяца назад
Whoever came up with the idea of the division system must be rolling in it because that shit prints money like fuck.
@jameshodgson3656 2 месяца назад
1:26 did you go to Banff?
@juliusceaser7242 3 месяца назад
I just wosh they would make Wargame Red Dragon graphics better and add huge cities like Seoul, and I would be happy, I would pay for it if they want to make it payable
@crumpetcommandos779 6 месяцев назад
In my opinion, SD44 has the best maps in a Eugen game.
@XanderTuron 6 месяцев назад
1:50:10 this is the big thing for me; while I love the presentation of WARNO with its visuals, audio, and soundtrack, it is ultimately less than the sum of its parts. Eugen had a great formula in WGRD and all it needed was refinement and the quality of life improvements from SD. Instead they made the same bad decisions with WARNO that they (in my opinion) made with Steel Division Normandy 44 and WGRD; they have the weird smaller scale of gameplay (AKA unit count and map size) from SD, it is significantly dumbed down for lack of a better term, and they still have this dumb obsession with making maps that have rivers parallel to the front line that create obvious choke points.
@masterofraw1175 6 месяцев назад
Funny thing is that the best anti heli AA in the game is small arms, HMGs and auto cannons
@michimatsch5862 6 месяцев назад
Have a good break Rang! Didn't agree with all points but that's how things go. Hope you return at some point as Skyrim is not really something I am into too much but wish you all the best with it.
@andreassteiner6457 6 месяцев назад
Dude glad that you give a life sign. I worried just last week und checked for a new a video. Hope you are doing well. Still enjoying your content after years. Greetings to khan.merr christmass❤
@nero91 6 месяцев назад
It has many problems that BA already does much better, and even WGRD and SD2 have been doing better. That said I still play it regularly and like it. When BA comes out, who knows. Balance is an ongoing thing, but so many core issues. Just the effort and time it takes to get a game going is so fucking annoying.
@RMMinc 6 месяцев назад
Damn that was a long video. Didn't notice the time at the start. Didn't get for myself the answer is the game worth trying either tbh. I guess it's not as unbalanced mess as on first appearance and new eye candy is great? Maybe if they do a free weekend? Skill sealing point is confusing. Getting into SD2 even after decent experience in previous 3 wargame games was really painful. Although it's probably more about the floor instead. Focus on a grind fest instead of outmaneuvering the enemy sounds really bad. Is it any better on bigger maps? I think the dev was kinda in the right there. I remember seeing your post on steam at the time and it did affect my decision to postpone too. I appreciate you posting the real opinion of the game as i know you have a lot of experience, but if dev is asking why not give some feedback so they can fix the things?
@RoughnecksSTCfan 6 месяцев назад
Not having combat phases like SD screwed the game. I called this when it came out - the game immediately suffered as a result when phase-availability would have fixed everything from helicopter rushing to super-heavy pricing and availability to medium tank and forward deploy spam. But people wanted WGRD 2, so the game acquired all the issues of WGRD, with a few of the restraints and map design of SD2 (but relatively few of the positives) to wear it down further.
@DisinformationAgent 6 месяцев назад
Only 30 minutes in and I have to agree with what I've seen thus far. Playing with my friends in Red Dragon is always a fun romp. We have tried WARNO multiple times and its just not there yet. It can't compete with what they have already done and we all agree that we would rather just have had more Red Dragon DLC. We have tried it in the very beginning and we have tried it a few months ago and it just seems like the game just isn't made for returning customers.
@forlornfoe352 6 месяцев назад
Wait, Warno *still* lacks singleplayer campaign? That is embarrassing, much like that saga of you getting banned and the whole mess known as "strike team". Honestly those three points alone are enough to deter me from even keeping the game on my radar. Thanks for taking your time for such a huge analysis, it is highly appreciated.
@NameTheUnnamed12 6 месяцев назад
Warno has operations, and has released the army general tutorials.
@McMonkeyful 3 месяца назад
I only play SD2 but I agree wholeheartedly with the "fuck historical accuracy" part. I do like the way they made divisions based on real life OOB but the way they rigidly stick to them, while utterly disregarding it for new DLC divisions is infuriating when the balance gets so out of whack. An example is 126th Gorno. A fun division which is very underwhelming nowadays. For some reason historical accuracy demands the ISU-152 & KV-85 can only show up in C-phase, despite 126th clearly being a rush division without them in at least B phase. By altering that one "historically accurate" design choice you could make the division a bit more viable & interesting. Most of the phase locking is nonsense anyway. As if not allowing units to show up for 20 mins realistically represemts history. Another good example are the Brazilians in TF45, which was trumpeted as being the Smoking Snakes, but in reality most of the Brazilian units are debatable as they just come in too late, when better US options are available (Niesi etc...). They're stubborn AND inconsistent. A frustrating mix.
@McClane4Ever. 2 месяца назад
The spam and 50 yardline argument is invalid once you start playing Army general because your choices matter and you need to keep your units alive. Ticking down the timer daster saves you units. Granted it took ages for it to come out and it's only one mission right now... My friends and I have been having an absolute blast playing the one mission that we have. P.S. we're also playing with cinnamon's realism mod. That probably helps a bunch.
@Sceptre1 Месяц назад
No one worth a shit plays army general.
@McClane4Ever. Месяц назад
@@Sceptre1 "worth a shit" nice. Clearly you're not worth having a discussion with.
@Billy-sm3uu 6 месяцев назад
The high aircraft velocity isn't more realistic. These numbers are the theoretical maximum velocity of these planes without load. Also, I highly agree with the air balance. The planes just feel like we aren't controlling anything. The missiles aren't doing anything. And the hits don't look like they register.
@EnSayne987 6 месяцев назад
To add to the historical accuracy part specifically with SD2 because I haven't played WARNO I've found that Eugen sometimes adds stuff that doesn't make sense to still be used in 1944. Of course a lot of it is actually real, like how the Italians and Croatians did really drag out L3s from time to time by that point, and they even did refuse at first to bring back the German FT-17 because it didn't make sense until finding a way that satisfied them but other times they get it wrong. For example how you can get Fw 190's with Panzerblitz 1 rockets despite those not really being used after 1943. Also there's a Osttruppen artillery unit (Ost-Batterie 614) in an AG campaign, I believe Berezina, that axishistory claims was expanded to two seperate batteries and then disbanded in 1943 and so if this is true would not have been around to fight in Bagration. Do I give a shit about these? No, not in the slightest. I understand that's getting pretty autistically nitpicky and I didn't even know the Panzerblitz rockets existed until I saw them in game (though if I'm being honest I would have liked to see the Panzerblitz 2 in the game which were the size of Wfr.Gr.21 rockets, maybe alongside the Pb 1). Still it makes me wonder, if Eugen cares so much about making the game and especially AG historical then why do they have units and weapons that shouldn't even be there? I guess just because it's interesting. That's fine Eugen, just make interesting games and stop hiding so much behind this veneer of reality if you don't wanna commit to it fully. Just admit that you wanna add cool shit. Btw I kinda stumbled on the Ost-Batterie 614 thing on accident while researching RONA units for something totally unrelated, I don't look up every single unit in the game to verify it lol. I make this comment because I have a theory that Eugen has actually made a lot of the game on the Eastern Front representing 1943 either due to faulty information or on purpose to add interesting stuff. I don't really care about that personally, I'm interested in history clearly but I just want a fun game overall so if they wanna add a pair of German KV-2's to 1. Skijäger that may or may not have been around in 44 I don't really care because it's neat. I just find it hypocritical to see them blabber on about how much they've researched and how they care about historical accuracy and then they have a RONA artillery battery, the ONLY unit of its kind that appears to have ever existed by the way, that wasn't even real by that time? Surely they would have found the same info on it if axishistory is correct. It's just such a strange back-and-forth with them.
@wolfi9933 Месяц назад
Eugen kinda often makes up things and flat out pretends that they have some proper Sources. I am researching cold war OOBs for my personal tabletop/mod projects since the mid 2000s and from what i see Eugen pretty much goes only as deep as googling stuff, sometimes even less (If they are not lucky enough to find someone who spoonfeds them with equally bad sources). Like, the ingame "Bruderkrieg" campaign is completely wrong from a logical, narrative and historical standpoint and a lot of their OOBs are plain shit.
@EnSayne987 Месяц назад
@@wolfi9933 I haven't played warno still and know nothing of it's campaigns so I'll have to take your word on that and in Eugen's defense I can't say I've found a whole lot more wrong with the SD2 campaigns besides the above listed. I am still baffled by how they didn't realize Ost-Batterie 614 didn't exist anymore despite it seemingly being the only unit ever referred to as Ost-Batterie so there's no mixup there and that I found the truth with a surface-level browsing that they could have easily done. I will say one other thing I've noticed is that a lot of the units, especially axis, seem to be more full strength than I would expect but they have gotten better about that in more recent campaigns by giving you an inf battalion with like a whole company gone or a Frankenstein panzer unit combining a bunch of low-strength units into essentially a kampfgruppe. I wouldnt be surprised if they default to paper TO&E strength and then adjust if they find a report saying otherwise but then again they don't have much other choice besides assuming their strength. I think they do at least a fair job researching what goes into the MP divisions using actual sources like giving the 1st SS infantry a lot of G43s as a strength report from just before D-Day claimed, I believe from memory it said that the authorized number of G41 and G43 was about 400 but they had about 1150. Honestly where I think they run a foul is finding detailed info on subunits and focusing on the broader division, causing them to miss important stuff
@wolfi9933 Месяц назад
@@EnSayne987 >Honestly where I think they run a foul is finding detailed info on subunits and focusing on the broader division, causing them to miss important stuff Yesterday i googled about 2 minutes and found the Divisional defense plans for the West German 5. Panzerdivision for the late 80s. That is not even closely portrayed ingame (Nor is the East German/Soviet planning), which leads me to believe that they did not even bother to look for that. It is literally google. Another example: They gave the T-80B to the 27th MRD in the upcoming army general, while (Again after a few minutes of googling) they already had quite a lot of T-80BVs. I could continue quite a while. Its not only that that it is mostly badly researched, but i know exactly which shitty sources they are using and those are only a quick google search away. My only explanation for this is that they have some WW2 buff who actually knows his stuff, but only have the power of google (And probably not even books, because they missed quite some stuff) at their disposal. And i have seen some people who's ideas (based on faulty sourcing) were pretty much gobbled up by MadMat.
@EnSayne987 Месяц назад
@@wolfi9933 Funnily enough when I was writing this response I remembered another dumb mistake in SD2, the Marder III H has the originally soviet PaK36(r) instead of the correct PaK40 despite being correctly listed on any site giving info on the Marder III H that isn't some faulty rag. Even Wikipedia has it correct. They recently showed off they are adding the Marder III in an upcoming DLC which did have the PaK36(r), probably where the mistake came from, and I'm hoping they will take the chance to correct the III H but probably both will just have the same Soviet gun forever but one will be incorrect. Back to the main point though I think we've uncovered what's really going on: they just don't care as much about campaigns as MP divisions and so they either don't put in the same effort for the campaigns or they don't put in the extra effort needed to get OOBs correct. With a division deck all you have to do is figure out what the division contained and then just make units that the player can throw in together as if its an ad-hoc battlegroup but in a campaign they actually need to group the units where they would need to be and also mirror the strategy, tactics, etc that the units would be using and they struggle with that. You don't need to google the planned operations of a division if you're just building the framework for people to make decks of and I guess they just didn't bother to do that when it actually matters. I think it's also likely that they don't care as much about realism with the cold war games, I got that impression with Wargame also, because it's not actual history whereas SD has history to draw on. They can simply read what happened in a battle and create a campaign that recreates that to the best of their ability. With Wargame and Warno they probably just think "Well it's alt history so we can put the units wherever the fuck we want as long as we get the OOBs right" but if they aren't even getting that part right then I guess they've just entirely failed.
@dnaseb9214 4 месяца назад
I dont understand what you dont like about it. I only played Broken Arrow, Warno and SD2. I dont see any problems with WARNO. Its the only one of the 3 that is still installed.
@dnaseb9214 4 месяца назад
I never had my airplanes retreat over enemy airspace. Not in warno or sd2. You need the machinegun anti air for helicopters, the rockets arent good.
@dnaseb9214 4 месяца назад
Kinda ironic that broken arrow ended up not being that great...... 😕
@dnaseb9214 4 месяца назад
I do agree that I want more mobility warfare, veterancy being way better of a mechanic.
@okanieba267 6 месяцев назад
I find Warno very disappointed as well, they don't do almost anything new and then do balance changes based on historical data for some reason
@stephangeiger4268 6 месяцев назад
Maneuver warfare has shown its inadequacy in modern conflict, air defense systems should be more lethal. The reason why the infantry began to kill each other slowly was that the game developers used calculated tables of ammunition expenditure (accuracy of personnel fire) During the First World War (1914-1918), an average of seven thousand rounds were enough to kill. During the Second World War (1939-1945), an Allied soldier spent about 25 thousand rounds on average. In the Korean War (1950-1953), UN troops fired 50,000 rounds each to destroy one enemy. In Vietnam (1965 - 1973) American soldiers spent 200 thousand rounds each. The Soviets in Afghanistan (1979 - 1989) - according to one data 50 thousand, according to others - all 250 thousand. The truth is that infantry in modern warfare acts as clay and cement, organizing fire to suppress, the main losses are caused by artillery and mortars. and suddenly it turns out that modern warfare is not interesting to the layman. The layman wants all units to work in synergy and be of equal value. But this is not the case in real life. In WARNO, a tank can cost about the same as a modern combat aircraft, which does not reflect reality. T-72: it costs about 22 million rubles. The Su 27 aircraft costs 2,942 million rubles. The difference is more than 130 times, which the game does not reflect at all. If the players had a choice, which is more important for them to bring 130 tanks or one plane to the battlefield, which would they choose? And how many infantry units can be deployed by spending the same funds? The F16 aircraft costs about 43 to 55 million dollars, if we take the average number of 47 million, then the f 16 will cost as much as 1.4 Su 27. infantry is present on the battlefield primarily due to the fact that there are simply no forces and means to put each fighter in a tank or plane. So modern war turns into a fuss of a bunch of people in the mud and craters from shelling with rare inclusions of valuable equipment that can be lost / destroyed very quickly
@videogamandrew 6 месяцев назад
Why not just make a fun game though? If it really is as you say, then why not just use reality as a basis instead of this shit show. More specifically to eugen games though, infantry fights are generally within a few hundred meters if not straight up cqc. In this case it makes no sense for the infantry to sit there essentially quoting numbers at each other like this is an mmo until fire support obliterates one side. Averages do not equal real world situations.
@ArreatPLvro 6 месяцев назад
f16 block 70+ is 70-80mln usd (double mainframe endurance + modern avionics/radar more than makes up for it)
@stardekk1461 6 месяцев назад
Manoeuvre warfare is inadequate in modern warfare maybe, with a battlefield with a lot of drones, not a cold war battlefield
@1bird375 3 месяца назад
1:06:55 ❤. Strike Team is cancerous.
@Raptorsified 3 месяца назад
All of that heli carnage and not a single cannon based aa in a single clip. Though i guess you did say the comp players in this game suck.
@NBK1487 6 месяцев назад
Dude u are so based with that video, almost all I was saying about WARNO already. Talking about them about ur comments on steam forum, I shared ur video on "biggest" warno community "WARYES" and they just quietly deleted it. And yet another time i like to see how literally most of Wargame community have same issues with WARNO, so Eugene could actually at least see what they losing.
@bigdsolutions 6 месяцев назад
It probably wouldn't be deleted if it wasn't for the Panzer segment
@NBK1487 6 месяцев назад
@@bigdsolutions ah?
@NBK1487 6 месяцев назад
@@bigdsolutions i actually missed? cause it seems like not
@lathans2815 6 месяцев назад
​@@bigdsolutionsthis is correct
@Phoenix11111 6 месяцев назад
@@bigdsolutionsthat’s cope lol
@mattjordan3448 6 месяцев назад
I wish that EUGEN would settle the beef with their publisher and make a modern-day Wargame successor
@JustmeIguess 5 месяцев назад
@theprodigy4585 5 месяцев назад
​@@JustmeIguess EUGEN and Focus Entertainment had a dispute in 2016 over unpaid royalties and wages and has a falling out which is why they've been unable to make a Wargame successor as Focus owns publishing rights. Paradox Interactive is the publisher of SD2 and EUGEN published WARNO themselves
@nedmsuperleggera5038 6 месяцев назад
Thanks Rang, These are all fair points, and you've captured a lot of the sentiments I've felt as a player and viewer. Sorry to hear about the grief given to you in the discord. Frankly, your coverage of the Eugen titles should make you beyond reproach. I've insulated myself a bit from being frustrated with Warno by keeping it installed but only really dabbling in it every now and then. I've played every Eugen title since EE with the most most hours in SD44. SD44 was my go-to unwind in college and I have fond memories of the game and the small 1v1 ranked community. Its a bit sad that Warno is relegated to an 'occasional dabble' in my book since that is a far cry from the pedestal Eugen titles having typically had. I'm glad there's competition in the niche. I've given Eugen the benefit of the doubt for most of their titles, and for Warno I'd say I've gotten my moneys worth out of buying the base game. My main issues with the game are the over/under performing unit discrepancies making the game "sweaty" at a high level, and that most games play out in the same pattern of deployment so you never really have unexpected coordinated games. The lack of a hotfix or roll-back within 24-48 hours of a game-breaking patch reinforced my pattern of shelving the game for long periods of time while passively checking the Reddit for devblogs. I'm eager to see how far Steel Balalaika will go with the same patience.
@joepetto9488 4 месяца назад
Eugen is incompetent. Trying to do too many things at once. They should focus on SDII. Broken Arrow is going to siphon everyone away from Warno.
@joepetto9488 4 месяца назад
1:26:38 they are petty. Eugen is very petty. All their devs are like this when interacting with the community. I am not sure if it’s a cultural thing as the French have a stereotype of being snobby. But whatever it is, they seem to take everything as a personal affront. They perfectly fit the statement “Passive aggressive and unprofessional.”
@TheKrakovv 6 месяцев назад
-To be fair NG units in WARNO are better then any other reservist units. To my knowledge NG units in Desert Storm were not looked on too kindly by regular US Forces as they were known to do stupid shit and really had tasks of holding positions. So they are like more high end and better equipped reservists. -Su-25T is just a modification of Su-25 so there really is no need to do as extensive testing as in the case of introducing completely new aircraft, as well as Konkurs-M, not to hard to develop. Ka-50 is another story yes and it is evident it is just a gameplay decision. Regarding R-37, it never was in operational use, R-37M is since 2019. and it is not in the game, so i could give that one a pass, more money, militarized economy, high pressure on finishing new tech and and entering service in small numbers. I absolutely agree on the deck building there is so many ways it could be better and also frontline system would be better then command zones in my opinion.
@crumpetcommandos779 6 месяцев назад
The British territorials are the best trained reservists
@mosh.4245 6 месяцев назад
The 24th ID refused to take there NG brigade in Desert Storm.
@seanmac1793 6 месяцев назад
I mean the whole thing with the NG is that they are standard US pattern Divisions. They are whole cloth combined arms formations designed to operate together. It isn't just a company of part timers that is inserted to hold the line and bulk up numbers. As for Desert Storm I wouldn't take much from that. The major formations weren't Guard units so they wouldn't be required to do much in that regard
@kajus1402 6 месяцев назад
​@seanmac1793 during Lith exercises, they tend to perform rather similarly to conscripts, well, atleast the Pennsylvania nat guard does. So I do think the reservist trait is fair.
@seanmac1793 6 месяцев назад
@kajus1402 not sure which exercises you are referring to with Lith exercises but I mean things have certainly very much changed over the years and the regular army has gotten a lot better since the interwar years where they were chronically underfunded and I am sure the readiness levels varies between units but in a world where there is a defined schedule by Reforger it would allow units to receive refresher training before they went in. Certainly, they don't have as much range time but that's also not really what makes a unit effective.
@unit0007 6 месяцев назад
I think the most important new feature Warno offers, that we haven't seen in any previous game, is the unit refund mechanic. By far the best solution to the transport issue that has been plaquing Eugen games since European Escalation. We saw the 1 point transports as an attempted solution in Airland Battle only to get rid of them in Red Dragon. And we saw the free but disappearing transports in SD2, which was far from ideal solution either. I could not care less about the graphics or music. Red Dragon had graphics that were good enough for a strategy game, and improving from there is past the point of diminishing returns. As far as QA is considered, in early access the customer is the QA. That is the function of EA, you get early access to a product that hasn't been QA'd. I absolutely agree with you with the historical accuracy of unit compositions. I don't want to play with a historical battlegroup. I want the freedom to create my battlegroup. I think making the game F2P is a terrible idea, and would make everything worse, and thinking it wouldn't be monetized in a disgusting way is naive at best. And we know from other games that do have matchmakers, that matchmakers can't magically fix the issue of small and fragmented playerbase. So while I think the addition of a matchmaker would be nice, I don't think it would make much of a difference in waiting times. The 'simulator' mode matchmaker in War Thunder is now in the best condition it has ever been, with queue times the shortest they have ever been. And yet we haven't seen people flocking to play 'simulator' mode. There is no reason to believe that the addition of a matchmaker would increase the interest in Wargame/SD/Warno multiplayer in any significant degree. Do you honestly believe that the manual effort of having to choose a lobby is really the thing that is keeping people from playing? And that an automated lobby chooser would increase the size of the playerbase or reduce the waiting times? And reporting button that goes straight to trash is useless. It seems to me from your story is that the main issue right now is the lack of paid moderators that can look at replays 8 hours a day, and penalize people. The same bottleneck would still exist even if there was a reporting button.
@hornet8364 6 месяцев назад
i mean, the F-117 thing is quite silly yes but considering it can fly unphased in most scenarios, It could technically fit into the berlin division and hell, any division at all
@JAnx01 6 месяцев назад
Anti-air units have the advantage of being able to surprise and ambush helicopters because they're hidden, whereas helicopters are visible from miles away. I think the helicopter balance is refreshing, actually. In Red Dragon, they were only really useful in the opening moves and still a massive gamble because they relied on people not bringing in AA or the AA lagging behind the ground forces. As for maps, this is kind of a deja vu for me. Airland Battle was the worst. All the maps at launch had not just choke points, but often funnels. When it came out, I complained to Eugen about the exact things you're in the video. The maps of ALB were insanely downgraded from European Escalation that had many more lanes a lot of room for maneuver warfare and surprise attacks (Open Range, Hamburger Hill, Bridge Too Far, The Last Base). No match ever played the same on those maps.
@Thehellhound100 6 месяцев назад
Worst part is that after this video they may hire rangroo to balance the game
@ProvidenceXIV 6 месяцев назад
Incredibly entertaining and informative video. As someone that tried Warno early and really wasn't engaged by it, I contented myself to observe and continued playing WG:RD. What a mess. Thanks for putting this together.
@Nexon44444 6 месяцев назад
It's not such a mess as Rangroo says. He is not a pro level player by any means, he is actually quite bad. All his balance ideas are a L2P issue. There are problems in WARNO, but there were problems in wargame series, steel division series, did it mean you couldn't have fun with these games? Please try the game for yourself, instead of basing an opinion on one youtuber. Many issues that were at the release, are fixed. I really enjoy warno and I played all the wargames and SD games.
@sonje2121 5 месяцев назад
Honestly, ERA just ruined every gameplay. if ERA trait just give HEAT resist, I would say it is okay but it just give +2 Health and ruined entire Tank balance.
@Leon99741 6 месяцев назад
Et cetera
@hurricanetactics57 6 месяцев назад
Warno is a game made in France.
@Nathan-gg2yj 6 месяцев назад
I dont agree with every point: but especially air-to air seems a bit random: Missing missles should definitely induce supression in the attaced unit. I would love to see the option to create divisions by yourself. Chose 3 different Brigades, 2 support groups from your korps and there you go -> unfortunatley they didnt adopt this. I usuallay play 2 vs 2, where in my opionion you have a higher strategic depth, using larger maps let you apply different tactics/ strategies (even tho WRD is still better there as well).
@ExSpoonman 6 месяцев назад
Micromanaging is a symptom of poor game design. It is not something that is GOOD for the game.
@masterofraw1175 6 месяцев назад
11:19 I don’t know and want to
@SS-Sovereign 6 месяцев назад
If memory serves, it's the recording of an F-16 pilot evading three surface to air missiles.
@Raptorsified 3 месяца назад
Stroke 3 footage.
@FoxesGamesHQ 6 месяцев назад
Our team is still trying to get in touch with Warno. The game still has a lot of problems, some of the most important of which you mentioned. Steel Division 2 is much better. And we still don't have an AG single player!
@stasbyelov2100 6 месяцев назад
Glad to see that you managed to fight speech problems and can talk normally now, Rang! Great video!
@mgriffioen8503 6 месяцев назад
@Somki3 6 месяцев назад
After this video I have to say that I am sad about the state of Warno. I actually enjoyed the game at the beginning in the year 2022 but when I hear about the all the problems of this game and especially the developer as well as the strike team I am reconsidering my gameplay options. I now got myself Regiments and its fun. I read the comments of the game in the Forums and oh boy ... sometimes there are some intense arguments. Maybe Warno will be finished in more 1 year. 😥
@ArrigoSacchi87 6 месяцев назад
I don't get this. People enjoy the game, then hear some terminally online guys complain about it and suddenly change the opinion? Make your own decisions
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