
[WWE] Cody Rhodes Theme Arena Effects | "Kingdom" (WrestleMania XL Prelude) 

Wrestling Arena EffectsXP
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Requested by:
Jo Nirmal
Finally the son of a son of a plumber has finished his story, written his place in history, and finally dethroned the Tribal Chief to call himself, a Rhodes, WWE Champion. With his entrance on The Grandest Stage it truly felt like the thrilling end of a Movie that had us all hooked. So enjoy his Theme song from WrestleMania, "Kingdom (WrestleMania XL Prelude)" W/Arena Effects!
#wwe #codyrhodes #wrestlemania #arenaeffects



2 окт 2024




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@KingSlayer147 5 месяцев назад
Came back from the depths of the dead rising back to earth. Cody is here to finish his story, and he did. This theme it’s freaking. Incredible!
@ProGamer-to7om 4 месяца назад
The vilon playing or whatever sounds like “it’s finally came to this moment finish the story!!”
@samdath3439 5 месяцев назад
Cody left wwe and rebuilt himself to where now wwe can't deny him.
@jakubsokol7301 5 месяцев назад
Once undesirable, become undeniable and now WWE Champion The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes!!! 🎉🎉🎉♥️🎉
@RaktimB 5 месяцев назад
Don’t forget to put the final boss too
@ayokunlecoker3162 2 месяца назад
New WWE Champion The American Nightmare Cody Rhodessssssssss!!!
@headofthetabletribalchief6193 5 месяцев назад
Make aj styles new theme song arena effect
@nathanmoore5535 5 месяцев назад
cody rhodes I'm so happy for you winning your title yesterday it was epic fight in Belfast
@aries-qt3vs 5 месяцев назад
Requesting Damage Ctrl Still the Badest
@jordynstief3225 3 дня назад
A while later into the segment of the Friday Night SmackDown after Survivor Series 2019 between the Big Dog, Roman Reigns and the King of the Ring, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin... Roman Reigns: (with a microphone in hand to confront the SmackDown Tag Team Champion partner boyfriend of his Shield elder sister.) Don't worry. I heard Wade say that he wasn't planning on making you defend your kingdom. You don't have to worry too much about that. What you do need to worry about is the fact that Sis was able to wipe the floor with both Raw and NXT by herself with little to no help at all before exhaustion overcame her. Yeah. And, as a result of the multiple injuries that she sustained, I heard Wade's going to step up and take over as Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager for her until she fully recovers from her wounds and injuries. She's pretty much the reason as to why SmackDown dominated at Survivor Series despite the fact that we may have ended up tying with Raw. King Baron Corbin: (wearing the SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship around his shoulder, the Lone Wolf Championship at his side, the Lone Wolf amulet pendant around his neck, the full body armor set based off of the Bane of Light, Dharkon, complete with the altered cape, crown and scepter and the ring that she proposed to him with on the SmackDown Live after SummerSlam 2 years ago around his finger and a microphone in his hand in order to confront him.) Wait a minute. How did we end up tying with Raw? Roman: Seems like you've forgotten about a very important factor. You see, Sis currently wields both Raw and SmackDown belts, so that pretty much means that if a win is counted for SmackDown, then that same win can also be counted for Raw and vice versa. Baron: Oh, yeah. You're right. Roman: So, I honestly don't know if this means that Roode and Ziggler might be scared because I think they realize that they might soon find themselves outsourced by your Lone Wolfess. Baron: (ponders about the possibility.) That's a possibility. Roman: So, I bet they've since become willing to take any and all offers they can get right now in order to avoid becoming outsourced because if it wasn't for her, we probably would've lost to NXT via blowout. Baron: Well, I think you and I can pretty much agree on that one, despite the fact that you and I don't see eye to eye on much. Roman: Heh. Ain’t that the truth? By the way, how's she doing? I heard that she's been resting comfortably following the multiple bruises she sustained at the hands of both Raw and NXT throughout the night Sunday night. Baron: That's correct. She's doing okay, although very tired and understandably so. I mean, she had a very long night on Sunday. I actually spoke to her after Survivor Series. I said to her, "I bet it wasn't easy for you to have taken the bull by the horns and led SmackDown to victory in my place by yourself, even after I went missing." I encouraged her to get her rest and get her sleep. She's currently resting comfortably in her black metallic kingdom locker room right now as we speak. Come to think of it, after this, I'm going to head back to her locker room to check on her. I'm just thankful that she wasn't harmed any further than what could've been. And, don't you worry, Roman. I have her being looked over her wounds and injuries by that world renowned forensic pathologist confidante of hers. In fact, she impressed the heck out of me so much at Survivor Series, I'm currently contemplating on whether or not to make her one of my hitmen. *Kingdom entrance theme suddenly plays in the background, catching the attention of both the King of the Ring, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin and the Big Dog, Roman Reigns* Michael Cole: Oh, wait a minute. Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: (wheels out to the entrance ramp sitting in a wheelchair with the aid of her Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master, Emperor Wade Barrett wearing the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship around her waist, the Constable of SmackDown medal around her neck with the red heart locket, the Snake Amulet and the Lone Wolf amulet pendant also around her neck, the black metallic TNA General's coat and hat, the black metallic General Manager's outfit, the pair of Elias's wristbands and the full body armor set based off of the Bane of Darkness Spirit, Galeem which was fused with the light of Ultra Necrozma and Ashrah with a microphone in her lap in order to confront both her Shield brother and her SmackDown Live Tag Team Champion partner boyfriend of over several years.) Corey Graves: Here comes the woman of the hour. The reason for SmackDown's show of dominance at Survivor Series despite the obvious physical pain that she sustained from every single confrontation throughout the night Sunday night at Survivor Series, none other than my Liege, the current Grand WWE Champion, Empress Madame Ninja Barrett. Ninja: *hears the cheers and applause of the crowd* (takes the microphone from her lap into her hand.) Wow. Thank you for the love. How's everyone doing tonight? Alright. What's up, Birmingham? Man, that was live. You guys are live tonight. (turns toward the King of the Ring, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin.) Hello, darling. (turns toward her Shield brother.) Hello, Brother Reigns. Look, I know the both of you were probably not expecting me to be out here right now considering the circumstances, but I have just come out here to inform the King of the Ring that as soon as I fully heal from my wounds and injuries that I sustained throughout the night Sunday night at Survivor Series, I will be more than happy to accept his offer to become one of his hitmen. (hands the microphone to her Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master.) Emperor Wade Barrett: (takes the microphone from the hand of his wife and apprentice as she hands it to him.) You see, King Corbin. The reason why I've wheeled her out here tonight is because she told me upon waking up from the restful slumber that she was feeling extreme soreness in her legs, so which basically means that we're not exactly over that medical hump just yet, but the good news is she's almost fully recovered from the injuries that she sustained from every single physical confrontation throughout the night Sunday night at Survivor Series. We just have the soreness in the legs to deal with now. (hands the microphone back to his Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager wife and apprentice.) Ninja: (retrieves the microphone from the hand of her Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master and motions over the King of the Ring with her hand.) Baron: (approaches his Lone Wolfess's wheelchair.) Ninja: I need a favor from you. Baron: Of course, my Lone Wolfess. Ninja: (to her Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master.) I need a favor from you as well, my assistant. Wade: Yes, ma'am. Both: (bow before the Empress and Grand WWE Champion.) What is it that you request from us, Lordess? Ninja: (to her Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master.) From you, I want you to keep the wheelchair on standby (to her SmackDown Live Tag Team Champion partner boyfriend of over several years.) and from you, I need you to call the ambulance, (gets up from the wheelchair to show that she's fully recovered from the wounds and injuries that she sustained from every single physical confrontation throughout the night Sunday night at Survivor Series much to the surprise of both her Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master and SmackDown Live Tag Team Champion partner boyfriend of over several years.) but not for me. Corey: What? My Liege's actually fully healed?! Ninja: (gently sets the microphone down on the wheelchair and heads down to the ring after miraculously regaining feeling in both of her legs and stares down her Shield brother.) Corey: My Liege can't be serious about this, can't she? Michael: Oh my. Ladies and gentlemen, don't adjust your television sets. Ninja: Alright. You want to see what the newest hitman for the King of the Ring can do? Okay. Let's do this. (watches as a referee appears for the upcoming and impending physical confrontation between the two Shield siblings.) Ring the bell. Referee: Yes, madam. (motions for the bell.) Ring the bell. *bell rings, signaling the beginning of the match*
@jordynstief3225 3 дня назад
A while later into the showdown between the two Shield siblings on the Friday Night SmackDown after Survivor Series 2019... Michael Cole: We're back here with our Shield sibling showdown to kick off the Friday Night SmackDown after Survivor Series. And, before you ask, no, this isn't an illusion. No, this isn't a mirage. There you see, a fully recovered, 100% healed up Grand WWE Champion, Empress Madame Ninja Barrett really bringing the fight to her Shield brother, the Big Dog, Roman Reigns. Corey Graves: Listen, I'll give credit where credit is due to my Liege. From the way she was in that wheelchair that you see, the Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master of my Liege, Emperor Wade Barrett keeping on standby under the instruction of my Liege, it made it look like she was still reeling and recovering from the wounds and injuries that she sustained from every single physical confrontation against NXT throughout the night Sunday night at Survivor Series and probably wasn't going to be able to compete out here tonight, but I'll admit that she even had me fooled. Emperor Wade Barrett: (standing next to the SmackDown Live Tag Team Champion partner boyfriend of over several years of his wife and apprentice, the King of the Ring and her best friend, the father of her child, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin at ringside keeping the wheelchair on standby for his Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager wife and apprentice.) Empress Madame Ninja Barrett: *pants, coughs and groans in pain* (wearing the black metallic General Manager’s outfit, the pair of Elias’s wristbands, the black metallic hitman’s outfit, the Constable of SmackDown Live medal around her neck with the red heart locket, the Snake Amulet and the Lone Wolf amulet pendant also around her neck, the black metallic TNA General’s coat and hat, the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship around her waist and the full body armor set based off of the Bane of Darkness Spirit, Galeem which was fused with the light of Ultra Necrozma and Ashrah, takes the opportunity to heal herself and mentally prepares to hit her finisher.) Corey: I think my Liege is done playing. Ninja: For you, Brother Reigns, the end is nigh. And it looks like you’re going home in a box, maybe 2. (hits her Shield brother with the End of Days and covers him for the three count.) Michael: Ninja with the End of Days. Referee: *counts the pin fall* (motions for the bell.) Ring the bell. *bell rings, signaling the match's end, Kingdom entrance theme plays in the background* Greg Hamilton: Here's your winner, Empress Madame Ninja Barrett. Referee: (raises the hand of the victorious Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager in the air.) Corey: The Big Dog, Roman Reigns has just fallen victim to the newest hitman for the King of the Ring, the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin in the form of my Liege, Empress Madame Ninja Barrett. Ninja: (helps her Shield brother back to his feet, shakes his hand and fist bumps him as she helps him to the wheelchair that her Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master kept on standby for her.) There you go. (to her Assistant Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager husband and master.) I need you to get Reigns to the back stat. He seems to be in a lot of pain. Wade: Yes, ma'am. (wheels the Big Dog, Roman Reigns to the backstage area under the new instruction of his Acting Raw and SmackDown Live General Manager wife and apprentice.) Ninja: *panting* Oh, I think that took a little bit more out of me than what was originally expected. King Baron Corbin: (runs toward his Lone Wolfess in order to check on her after the Shield sibling showdown wearing the SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship around his shoulder, the Lone Wolf amulet pendant around his neck, the Lone Wolf Championship at his side, the full body armor set based off of the Bane of Light Spirit, Dharkon, complete with the altered cape, crown and scepter and the ring she proposed to him with on the SmackDown Live after SummerSlam 2 years ago around his finger.) My Lone Wolfess. (sees the evident exhaustion on her face.) Oh, you must be exhausted. Here. Let me ease you back to sleep, mi amor. And while I do that, let me try a soothing combination. (eases her back to sleep by giving her a soothing massage while *singing a soothing lullaby to ease her back into her deep, restful slumber* and watches as she drifts off to sleep and collapses into his loving and patiently waiting arms from exhaustion, immediately accepting his command and going back to sleep after succumbing to his soothing lullaby.) *finishes his soothing lullaby to her and soothingly coos her back to sleep* That’s it. Go back to sleep, my Lone Wolfess. Once we return to your locker room for the night, I'll fix your bed for you. (gently strokes her head with his hand in order to push sleep to the forefront of her mind, pushing everything else that would be of great concern for his hitman to the back of her mind, allowing her to just focus on getting some much needed rest and gaining some much needed sleep, gently puts his hand on her velvet cheek, gives her a rather lengthy and very romantic kiss gently placed on the temple of her head in order to bid his unconscious hitman goodnight and carries the now deeply sleeping body of his newest hitman in his arms back to her black metallic kingdom locker room for the night.) Meanwhile in the backstage area... King Baron Corbin: (arrives back at the black metallic kingdom locker room of the Empress and Grand WWE Champion with the sleeping body of his newest hitman, his Lone Wolfess in his arms, opens the door, walks inside while being careful to close the door behind him on his way in and notices that the lights of the black metallic kingdom locker room were still turned down so she could sleep without having her rather sensitive eyes becoming blinded by light.) Alright. Now, let me fix your bed for you, my Lone Wolfess. (walks over toward the bed, gently lowers her body onto the bed, puts the rag with cold water back onto the temple of her head in order to protect her from the heat in her sleep and gets her nice and tucked in for the night by draping a very warm blanket over her resting comfortably body in order to prevent her from shivering from the cold, develop a resulting chill from it and freeze to death in her sleep.) There you are, my Lone Wolfess. (sits back down on the chair placed nearby his Lone Wolfess’s bed to protectively watch over her as she slept.) *hears the soft breathing followed by gentle purring of his Lone Wolfess in her sleep*
@CodyRhodes-1 5 месяцев назад
Acknowledge your new champion BTW thank you Seth
@DarrellGrant-nw5nu 5 месяцев назад
Yeah props go to Seth for not betraying Cody and having his back 👏
@Ayie-y2k 2 месяца назад
I Love you Cody
@alexzayjurado8391 4 месяца назад
I love you cody rhodes you are my favorite hero ❤️ 💙🤍 in the wwe and you make your dad happy and proud 🥹 you did it you make me cry because I am so super happy that you win the championship at wrestlemania 40
@MarcusWalker15 2 месяца назад
@JavierMathis 3 месяца назад
the beginning part of the theme is too sad ngl
@FunyunGuy807 3 месяца назад
1:39 Fans: WOAH!!!!!!!!!
@Yousef-g3l 3 месяца назад
@MarcusWalker15 2 месяца назад
@marcuswalker1528 4 месяца назад
@DarrellGrant-nw5nu 5 месяцев назад
Our new Tribal Chief Cody Rhodes
@veedflex 4 месяца назад
Only one ☝️☝️☝️☝️
@M1NX07-C 2 месяца назад
Tribal chief is always Roman Reigns ☝️☝️☝️
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