We do not feel it is a dead game. There have been a lot of amazing tournaments including World's recently. Yes AMG don't seem to be giving as much focus as we'd like but the game is still great.
@@OutofArcGaming it's my opinion that the bigger tournaments numbers like world's are bad data, or at least misleading. It seems to me that since tournaments are so few more people end up at the ones that are left, like they're concentrating but not necessarily increasing. Locally the stores around my area don't even carry it anymore. The last hold out store that was still trying to run events and game nights just put all their xwing on clearance. Content creators like your self are rare these days and engagement is over all low. Legion and shatter point are the winners now. Way I see it there are two outcomes that we'll see before end of year for Xwing. Either the game is declared complete and shut down officially, or AMG has been working on a complete re-launch/boot/fresh plan of some kind and that will be announced instead. Honestly I don't know which of the two I'd be hoping for at this point but c'est la vie.
@@danteunknown2108 whats wrong with handholding?cards like this are great for folk who have no knowledge or will only play a few times. misses out the shitty setup xwing normally has allowing anyone to play easily.