
Yeshua (Jesus), Paul & James taught and lived according to the Torah 

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Contrary to what many believe, Yeshua, Paul, James, and other New Testament authors taught and lived according to the Torah (Law).
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@findingtheancientpath 2 года назад
Romans 3:31 - Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, *we uphold the law* .
@ScottRachelson777 Месяц назад
I think Adam Clarke in his commentary on Romans 3:31 makes a lot of sense: Verse Romans 3:31: "Do we then make void the law through faith? - 1. By law here we may understand the whole of the Mosaic law, in its rites and ceremonies; of which Jesus Christ was the subject and the end. All that law had respect to him; and the doctrine of faith in Christ Jesus, which the Christian religion proclaimed, established the very claims and demands of that law, by showing that all was accomplished in the passion and death of Christ, for, without shedding of blood, the law would allow of no remission; and Jesus was that Lamb of God which was slain from the foundation of the world, in whose blood we have redemption, even the remission of sins. 2. We may understand, also, the moral law, that which relates to the regulation of the manners or conduct of men. This law also was established by the doctrine of salvation by faith; because this faith works by love, and love is the principle of obedience: and whosoever receives salvation through faith in Christ, receives power to live in holy obedience to every moral precept; for such are God's workmanship, created anew in Christ Jesus, unto good works; in which they find it their duty and their interest incessantly to live." And on Hebrews 10: Verse Hebrews 10:9. "He taketh away the first - The offerings, sacrifices, burnt-offerings, and sacrifices for sin, which were prescribed by the law. That he may establish the second. - The offering of the body of Jesus once for all. It will make little odds in the meaning if we say, he taketh away the first covenant, that he may establish the second covenant; he takes away the first dispensation, that he may establish the second; he takes away the law, that he may establish the Gospel. In all these cases the sense is nearly the same: I prefer the first."
@findingtheancientpath Месяц назад
@@ScottRachelson777 The magic word there being "dispensation" tells us his theology. If the law was taken out of the way, then you and I have no sin to be forgiven because teaches that without the law, sin is not imputed. Which we didn't need a saviour after all.
@ScottRachelson777 Месяц назад
@@findingtheancientpath Your comment suggests that if the Law was "taken out of the way," then sin would not be imputed, implying that without the Law, there would be no need for forgiveness or a Savior. This view, however, misunderstands the broader biblical teaching on sin and the role of the Law. Let's clarify how sin was indeed imputed before the Law of Moses and why humanity still needed a Savior, even in the absence of the Mosaic Law. 1. Sin Existed and Was Imputed Before the Law of Moses Romans 5:12-14 (ESV): "Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned-for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come." This passage clarifies that sin was present in the world even before the Mosaic Law was given. The key point is that death reigned from Adam to Moses, indicating that people were guilty of sin and its consequences (death) even without the Mosaic Law. The phrase "sin is not counted where there is no law" refers to the formal recognition of sin under the Mosaic covenant, but it does not mean that sin did not exist or was not imputed before the Law. Genesis 4:7 (ESV): "If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it." This verse, spoken to Cain before the Mosaic Law, demonstrates that sin was already a reality and something that individuals were responsible for resisting. 2. The Role of the Law of Moses Romans 7:7 (ESV): "What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin. For I would not have known what it is to covet if the law had not said, 'You shall not covet." The Law of Moses serves to make sin explicitly known by defining it more clearly. It brought an awareness of specific transgressions, but sin and its imputation existed long before the Law was given. This is why people were guilty of sin even before Moses-sin was present, and death, as a consequence, reigned from Adam to Moses. 3. Gentiles and the Natural Law Romans 2:12-15 (ESV): "For all who have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them." This passage emphasizes that even those without the Mosaic Law-Gentiles-are still guilty of sin because they have an innate sense of morality, a law written on their hearts. Their conscience testifies to this, and they are held accountable for their actions. This natural law demonstrates that sin is imputed to all, not just those under the Mosaic Law. Are you suggesting that all of humanity, from dam to Moses can be guilty of sin and as a consequence suffer death and yet sin cannot be imputed with the codification of a formal, written Law of Moses? I think my argument clearly refutes that idea. 4. Conclusion The argument that without the Law, sin is not imputed, leading to no need for a Savior, is flawed because it overlooks the biblical teaching that sin existed and was imputed to humanity long before the Law of Moses. The Law of Moses did not introduce sin; it clarified it and made it more explicit. Sin was imputed from Adam onward, and death reigned because of that sin. The need for a Savior is rooted in the universal reality of sin, which is not confined to those under the Mosaic Law. Both Jews and Gentiles, with or without the Law, are guilty of sin, and thus, all humanity is in need of salvation through Christ. This shows that sin's imputation predates the Mosaic Law, proving that the need for a Savior was always present, as sin and its consequences (death) were universal.
@valvbl9022 9 дней назад
How about elijah enah​@@findingtheancientpath
@deborahw0 28 дней назад
How I love Your law O Lord! Thank you for this timeless teaching.
@humbleberean 17 дней назад
Awesome Teaching!! Shalom shalom!! And thank you!🙌🙏
@juancordova8509 Год назад
Great teaching
@richardrice7147 7 дней назад
Thanks brother for the message! The first big disconnect with modern churchianity is the same problem with everyone which is they don't bother to read the text with the intent to understand...they don't read the word so they believe whatever is repeated...what else can you do if you don't read it. Then when falsity is repeated as interpretation it becomes dogma...beware of barking dogs. Thanks for sticking to the ancient paths as we all try to return to the way.
@ScottRachelson777 Месяц назад
It just doesn't add up that so many different denominations and groups within Christianity and Messianic Judaism are so confused and fight and debate over the correct meanings and interpretations of vague phraseology and terms, such as "under the law." Math and physics are so much more precise and clear, which is why not many theoretical physicists and mathematicians are religious types. Most of these debates take place by people who are bound in the mind and overthink things rather than letting the Holy Spirit reveal to them what rationalizing about the text can't reveal. I've read a lot of the scholarly books on the subject of the Law of Moses, from authors such as Dunn, NT Wright, Rosner, Thielman, Matthew J. Thomas, Schreiner, etc. No wonder so many people within theological and church circles are so confused.
@dancronce4203 Месяц назад
Just my perspective: the Ten Commandments are an expansion of the two from Matthew, the Torah is an explanation of the Ten, and when Yahusha came he expanded on the Torah and the ten, because it all loving Yah and your neighbors.
@eyeinthesky7336 19 дней назад
First of all there are 613 commandments made exclusively to Israel, not to gentiles. The law was superceded by Christ's new covenant. A different one than the old one. But hebrew roots proponents are blinded by the veil they keep pulled over thier eyes. Think of the torah as reusable toilet paper, sure it helps clean you up a bit but it doesnt solve the problem. So you have to keep wiping.
@danv4046 8 дней назад
We establish that law is good but not for us who are lawless A guilty person sinner Is condemned By the impossible standard of law showing me Me Me I csnt merit I cant be good And then i say please i need mercy grace Thsts why Jesus came To set the law aside by giving what law required He obeyed it 100% So we dont have to He died On our behalf to the law So there is no more to give Law is powerless As there is no more sting No more to achieve No prize to strive No holiness to strive after No sin No death Law is faded away As Grace Came to teach- Person of Jesus on the other side of the resurection As the New Covenent begins after the death of the testator New covenent is on the cross and resurection not at Jesuses birth Jesus and his ministry was for the Jews as an active old conditional covenent thst has ended with Jesus Earning the prize And offering all to Rest in His finished work..,. Shabat to recieve provision of Breath of life to be loved and cared for By God in the midsts of our brokeness There is no more law torah for a new creation as the new creation is not flesh But spirit And the torah was given to OLD creation who were under the tree of knowing LAw/ Ministry of conddemnation CURSE Has been lifted by Jesus
@docscantlin Год назад
What about tassels, mixed fabric, etc. Are these commandments equal to not murdering? Or are they now in the same category as physical circumcision (along with food laws, etc,?) How will we ever know? How about Paul’s many warnings concerning issues nowhere to be found in the Torah or Yehoshuah’s teachings? Foot washing? Head covering? We simply don’t know where to draw the line. Paul’s lists of issues barring us from the kingdom (now lost to hell?) sounds like spiritual/eternal life or death absolutes. We don’t obey the feast commands when we don’t go to the temple in Jerusalem. I wish it were simply the 10 commandments the word “law” / “commandments” pertains to. Very confusing. Logically, if we are obeying the food laws we need sew blue tassels on our single fabric clothes. I’m OK with that but Paul’s lists of banishment “practices”, priest and temple sacrifices now obsolete, the circumcision ruling, and the 4 only “starter” laws (or perhaps merely polite suggestions to keep the Jews comfortable) given to the new Pegan converts leaves us with a “what else is abolished in Torah” and “what else is life and death not in Torah” conundrum.
@Chris-qg8ss Год назад
I don't think Paul was anti-circumcision. Thats a common misunderstanding of the context in which he was speaking. Circumcision without faith in Christ is useless. Not circumcision is useless period.
@dancronce4203 Месяц назад
How about tattoos and cuttings
@danv4046 8 дней назад
2:41 if it doesnt make sense to you Then ask your self what is your problem?? You do not understand Jesus He Rebuking His audience phaessis teachers Who are NOT teaching the Entire Law but are teaching Oral Rabbinical mishna stuff He IS Rebuking Leadership for putting their ow interpretations above Written Law He came to Teach Become the Written law To fulfill acomplish All that law prophets spoke of him As all law moses spoke of jesus filling the law with meaning to show how it all was of him Not for u to do If you attempt to do then u fail And you are cursed by law Deuteronomy 28
@uwaosadiaye9960 Год назад
How do we do convocation if no one around us thinks Sabbath should be obeyed?
@EdDoss Год назад
That can be hard. Perhaps you can invite people into your home for sabbath dinner as a show of hospitality. Serve them. Show them what sabbath is. If all fails honor it alone.
@uwaosadiaye9960 Год назад
@@EdDoss thank you
@dancronce4203 Месяц назад
Know exactly how you feel, my family wants to get me prayed over to get rid of this evil sprite.
@maninthemirror3191 Месяц назад
The heavens and the earth pass away and are remade at the end of the millennial reign. The Torah will be upheld in his kingdom. Jesus wasn't saying it as a metaphor in Mathew ch5 verse 20
@ScottRachelson777 Месяц назад
It's an idiomatic expression.
@danv4046 8 дней назад
2:41 if it doesnt make sense to you Then ask your self what is your problem?? You do not understand Jesus He Rebuking His audience phaessis teachers Who are NOT teaching the Entire Law but are teaching Oral Rabbinical mishna stuff He IS Rebuking Leadership for putting their ow interpretations above Written Law He came to Teach Become the Written law To fulfill acomplish All that law prophets spoke of him As all law moses spoke of jesus filling the law with meaning to show how it all was of him Not for u to do If you attempt to do then u fail And you are cursed by law Deuteronomy 28
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