
You’ll Never Read Psalm 23 the Same After Watching this Video! 

Brandon Robbins
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1 окт 2024




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I am a pastor, have a doctorate of ministry, and own a library of Bible commentaries. Despite that, I have never heard or read such an insightful explanation of a Psalm. Thank you.
@patriciajrs46 11 месяцев назад
@tammyfinley5374 4 месяца назад
@lee-mariehanekom9395 2 года назад
One of the definitions of 'rod', is that it is the pigment in your eye that allows you to see in the dark. I realised that when David says "Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me", I knew that God is able to see in the darkness of my life and circumstances and that He will guide me with His staff. He can see where I cannot and He makes a path for me. That gives me great comfort to know that He is always there to lead me, even when I think I am in the darkness, in the valley of the shadow of death.
@johnfoster7428 2 года назад
It struck me, as I listened to this, that as Christians we are descended from slaves, whether white, black or whatever. Moses led our forebears out of physical slavery and God in his fullness leads us from spiritual slavery - the slavery of sin.
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
That’s powerful. You’re touching on something I’m going to highlight in a few weeks in a video on the 10 commandments.
@Nightsong007 2 года назад
Hmm. We are actually descended from Noah, not Abraham. But point taken in the spiritual part. Great video as always, Brandon🙏🏾
@pamelalc63 2 года назад
@princess220143 2 года назад
@@Nightsong007 Why not Abraham? Is Noah not a descendant of Abraham?
@ayolovephat 2 года назад
@@princess220143 Actually it's the other way round.
@IggyFireMist 2 года назад
And another misreading is people nowadays think a father who spares the rod hates his children is about spanking a child. A Shepherd didn't hit his sheep, the rod and staff were for guiding the sheep in the right direction and pulling them out of holes that they fell into...
@kathygee6270 5 месяцев назад
It was also for breaking the lambs leg then carrying the lamb on his shoulders till it healed... so the lamb would learn to stay with it's master (shepherd) and to quit waundering off into dangerous places! Sheep are dumb animals. All you need is one to go, of course, and the rest will follow I believe that's why God refers to us as sheep!
@kathygee6270 5 месяцев назад
Now I'm not saying for parents to break anything. What I believe is children always wander. they're curious they don't understand the dangers . Kids can and are disobedient to their parents. They may need to use the rod to spank their bottoms(discipline) where God added a cushion for them. The staff that's use to guide them in the right direction. Train up a child in the way their to go(accordingly to scripture) and when they are old they will not stray from it. When they leave the house their old enough to make their own decisions and it maynot be God's way... but GOD PROMISES HIS WORD will dog their heels till the day they die trying to get them ,remind them if God's word that's in their hearts. You see they can run from the Lord but they can't hide from Him because they were taught the word of God since they were little kids and that gives the Holy Spirit something to use to remind them of how much God loves them and what Jesus died for on the cross!!! Spare the rod spoil the child . The rod used as a discipline to teach a child if there is only "time out" and counting tricks. I'm going to count to 10 or else. That means nothing! That's how the world says it must be done. Alot of readon why our colleges have turned out the kind of kids we have today. Alot of parents didn't say no enough to their children.
@mariemcclure151 2 года назад
I truly enjoyed this video. It reminds me of how much God loves me. For the last two nights I have been having trouble sleeping. This chapter came to me and I fell asleep. It is my favorite book of the Bible. God bless you.
@mariemcclure151 2 года назад
@@jamespatrick20906 what is the question
@kninebirddog 2 года назад
LOVE THE SHIRT and WOW this only solidify more I have learned about sheep and how they will not normally drink from rough waters THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU May the Lord keep Blessing you with the insights you share ..
@lorrainevane8542 Год назад
We said Psalm 23 every morning in school (regular school) I still say it as I go to sleep...I am 68
@errollabat3503 2 года назад
Tremendous insight to Psalm 23, Brandon. I do indeed have a much clearer understanding. Very well done! Thank you for sharing your passion and love of scripture to enlighten others. May God's finest blessings be bestowed upon you and your family for your enlightening work. Looking forward to your next post.
@susannoel6396 2 года назад
It's always good to learn the Jewish perspective behind a lot of these passages to get the full understanding of what is being said. This was very helpful. for a little chuckle, I'd like to add something my pastor back in Ohio shared with us. He said when he was 11, he was reading the 23 psalm where it says, "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want." and he sat there looking at the verse puzzled asking himself, "So, why wouldn't I want Him?"
@jcjhudson 2 года назад
Learning such a lot from your teaching, thank you ❤️from England
@jcjhudson 2 года назад
@@jamespatrick20906 okay
@jcjhudson 2 года назад
@@jamespatrick20906 born in Netherlands but lived in the UK since 1970….any particular reason you ask?
@purposeinChrist 2 года назад
I'm at a point in life where I need this particular psalm to be my truth. There is so much confusion in my life.
@tammyfinley5374 4 месяца назад
@yukey2587 2 года назад
I am sharing your channel with an old, lonely Christian couple in a small rural town. These are excellent messages of hope and comfort.
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
That’s so wonderful. I’m so happy it’s a blessing to them.
@doreenpeterson4378 2 года назад
I read this having gone through a difficult emotional crisis involving my church service.I was torn between wanting to give up , throw in the towel,wanting to turn on my back on every , which I know is exactly what Satan wants me to do.I kept feeding myself negative thoughts and scenarios. Then I watched this video and instantly believed everything you said. Why? because I had been the recipient of a miracle myself and watching your video reminded me that God is still working in my life and isn't finished with me and will be with me through the journey no matter what. So I will not give up and will give God all the glory and all of my hallelujahs. I will trust him to the very end, because I know the plans he has for me, plans for Hope and a future. thank you Brandon for this timely video and I will pray for everyone including you, because miracles are never ending.
@RobCee4ever 2 года назад
A much deeper understanding of this Psalm is provided in a book called “A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23” by W. Phillip Keller. I highly recommend it for those who are interested. It changed my view and understanding of this Psalm on so many levels. Thank you for your interpretation as well, it is much appreciated. 🙏🙏🙏
@afrarunduml1170 2 года назад
Me too! Love the book. I have it as book and audio always at home so I can gift it spontaneous.
@paulaacker7183 2 года назад
Absolutely agree. Highly recommended!
@debifambro1039 2 года назад
I love the Keller's book too. Being an islander the book made understand sheep, the still water. Oh how good Jesus is as our shepherd.
@ebubechisomyounguche6800 2 года назад
@@afrarunduml1170 can you share with me the audio or the book
@leenie1176 2 года назад
I was going to say the same. Have read the book several times. It was gifted to me when I got saved. I gifted a copy to a friend who is going through cancer treatments, she in turn gifted it to several friends. Every Christian should read this book.
@michaelivesinallus 2 года назад
Gosh Brandon you really bring the Bible to life. Thank you for visuals they will help me remember scripture.Your the best.
@shellyscholz1256 2 года назад
I studied this a lot a long time ago because I couldn’t understand how the rod and the staff were comforting. Then there’s the call to fathers to spare not the rod and those who don’t use the rod hates their child. So I started studying shepherding, rods and staffs. The rod and the staff when used together are arm extensions to keep the sheep going in the right direction. It never makes sense to hit a sheep with a rod because it will cause the other sheep to scatter, even to their death. I’m glad you distinguished the difference between Pharaoh’s use of a rod and staff and God’s use of the same tools. Perhaps people will stop beating their children and blaming their abuse on God by saying God called for child abuse in the Bible. I’ve raised four children and I’m happy to report that I never beat them. They were spanked lightly when they were doing something far more dangerous than a light spanking, for example; putting their hand on a blue flame on the stove, running out in traffic or picking up a sharp knife before they were trained to use one. I can count on my fingers the number of spankings I’ve ever given. I pray that this video will result in parents no longer beating their children and blaming it on God. I pray that those who have been beating their children in God’s name realize that they’re planting a distorted vision of who God is. 1 John tells us that God is love. Beating children is not love at all.
@bernhardbauer5301 2 года назад
Paul tells us fathers how to bring up our children. Ephesians 6:4: "4 And, you fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." And Colossians 3:21: "21 Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged."
@shellyscholz1256 2 года назад
@@bernhardbauer5301 thanks for posting the actual scripture because so many people think they should be hitting their children with rods.
@kareneaton3318 2 года назад
I've been really struggling a lot lately and your videos are extremely helpful to me and a real blessing. Please don't stop and I hope that you and all your loved ones are mightily blessed by the Lord and protected every single day
@kareneaton3318 2 года назад
@@jamespatrick20906 To whom is your question directed? I mean of whom do you want to ask a question?
@josephinerodrigues6400 2 года назад
Just last night I told Jesus that I have not heard your talks for quite some time. What a delight to see and hear you this morning. May Our Lord bless you. You may not see what you are leaving behind with each talk, but I for one benefit a lot and forward to my sister and friends.❤️
@dominicpardo4783 2 года назад
Stop it.
@edwardwicks304 2 года назад
Bold claims, definitely met. You are so correct. I will never read the 23rd Psalm the same way again. Great thoughtful insights.
@tatkinsful 2 года назад
I have been preaching/pastor for almost 40 years and never really thought about some of this like you expound. This will PREACH !
@ronaldmwesigye2628 2 года назад
How would you feel if you ask God to give you a deeper revelation about this thou this has been awesome?? I believe He will
@learleywells4498 2 года назад
Considering you have been a Pastor for almost 40 years seems like to me you should know to be very careful about what you see or hear on the internet. The Bible also says, 2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. NKJV And the Bible also says; Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. NKJV Also, this person teaches "Why you should stop quoting Jeremiah 29:11. Really?? Do you as a good Pastor want to hear what he says?? He teaches as the world, not as a sincere person of God's word. He is not looking at Psalm 23 in the "Spiritual realm, and as God and Jesus sees it from their heart, but he is teaching as in the physical realm. Wake up and pray about this Pastor! Ask God what this man is teaching is true doctrine?
@learleywells4498 2 года назад
@@perazdera2827 Yes I know. Jesus speaks through all of his people. So, I already knew that. 🙂🙏
@tatkinsful 2 года назад
@@learleywells4498 That is kind of condescending. I WELL know about the last days and what shall happen BUT I am always open to hear others who may find something that I have been seeking for a long while. Physical Realm ???? Really ???? I am a Baptist and many of my peers taught things that were not 100% correct and spent more time trying explain away the Bible verses instead of just believing the Word of God for what it say's ! Like the filling of the Holy Ghost.This gentleman is headed in the right direction just like my peers No where in my statement did I say I believe everything he says, I don't trust ANY man 100% because we are ALL fallible and prone to error. " The Valley of the Shadow of death " is actually a place located south of Jerusalem near Absolom"s Monument. Davis past through it and his armies after Absolom ran David out of town. My Bible (KJV) teaches that there is no private interpretation of God's Word. I advise all that hear me preach to not trust in me but God and check me out, I make mistakes.
@kentreed9516 Год назад
To say someone is a false teacher because they are explaining spiritual truths through physical means is dangerous. I say this because this is how Jesus taught the people, through parables. Look up what a parable is. I've heard this explanation before watching this video and I agree with him 100%.
@marshavoiers327 2 года назад
Another Great Teaching in Hebrew. Our GOD IS FASCINATING!!!!! I Learned this as a kid but never understood it. Then i became a Christian in 2007. As God revealed the scriptures to me. I fell so deeply in love with God. He is so loving and caring.
@patriciajrs46 11 месяцев назад
@sandragiera4663 2 года назад
wonderful. i've never seen this psalm this way. how deep is the meaning of these few verses! great. thank you so much! greetings from Germany - sangiera
@TheSweet79firebird 2 года назад
Please please please don't stop sharing these messages. It has helped me on my walk with the Lord and to get closer to Him with clarity and a better understanding. May God filling your cup up continually. It pours into mine at the same time and fills my cup...and then pours into my friends and family...Ect...God is Good and is good to Us
@jaymcmurdo5584 2 года назад
I wonder if the point about there being little green grass is overstated. Perhaps there was a little more in biblical times...? Especially since there would be more forest land at that time, attracting more rain and dew. Lot looked around and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt. (This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.). Genesis 13:10 Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. Mark 6:39
@papawizemyoosik 2 года назад
I was going to move on from this video but I cannot... when I here the description of the Love and Adoration of God for his creation to a rough patch of grass, I am heartbroken. The picture that is painted that the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth, who also took a shepherd boy and made him king, could not take sheep and put them in a a gigantic field of grass is to me unconscionable (even the picture doesn't leave room for the sheep to lie down). Psalm 23 is the Holy Spirit inspired words of a man, David, who was called by the Lord Jehovah as one after His own heart, so when he said 'He causes me to lie down in green pastures', the people of the time would know that meant abundance and you know why the sheep wouldn't over eat... because of the shepherd. Man may struggle to find the grassy knoll but Psalm 23 also says He (Jehovah) leads me beside the still water, and you why they wouldn't drink until they gorged themselves... they have a shepherd. It's in the moment of not having to struggle, the sheep (us) find rest. Jesus said 'Come to me who are heavy laden and Labor and I will give you rest', which doesn't mean we won't work, but once the connection with our Shepherd is reconciled by our Faith in Christ Jesus, we can be led and that was the most important part of Psalm 23 for us to not be led by our own selfish ways, but the ways and wonders of God. What I have seen so many times is the fact that people try to play down the true Power and Purpose of our God. What makes this also more interesting is that same God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus which is a greater sacrifice and miracle than a field of grass. David meant exactly what he meant when he was writing because he knew the God who promised to prosper the Children of Israel if they obeyed His commandments. Jewish people recite the Shema (they also have it on their doorpost as it says in the scripture) and in it's second paragraph it talks of the Blessings of Jehovah if they obey. So to teach people that abundance is not of God is a very Eurocentric./gentile way of seeing God, which is not biblical but based on the doctrines and traditions of men. David would have known that the Promised Land was not one of struggle but of prosperity, not by man's hands but by the Word and Works of an omnipotent Creator, why would David know that... because it's in the bible. I pray that people will read their bibles from front to back, Old Testament to New Testament, seeing JEHOVAH and Jesus in it. Knowing that the Holy Spirit has been given as it is written and spoken by Jesus himself... 'I came that you might have life and that more abundantly'. Trust that it is that Holy Spirit that will lead you to lie down in green pastures and lead you by the still water, while restoring your soul... Jesus' 'sheep' know His Voice and no other will they follow. AMEN
@DinaTous 2 года назад
Love how you use the cultural background to dissect the Word. It”s time!
@ljhere123 2 года назад
What an amazing and beautiful reading of Psalms 23. Many verses in the New Testament unveil Psalms 23 like Matthew 6:25-30 and many more.
@danceoflifepodcast 2 года назад
Love your passion and love this psalm, thanks for these perspectives
@priscillastepney2147 2 года назад
OMG this started out eye opening. I would love to hear you teach on the 1st Corinthians 14:35-35 church order.
@irenemathias9017 2 года назад
I have been to Holy Land, Psalm 23 is so very alive and inspiring.
@pauletteforman 2 года назад
@houtbay9 2 года назад
On the other hand, I want to get rid of my water baptism... I have thought of taking a dirt bath like a chicken .
@annemurphy9339 2 года назад
Such a spiritually significant experience for the believer! Praise His holy name!
@houtbay9 2 года назад
@@annemurphy9339 And such a profound insanity for the unbeliever
@houtbay9 2 года назад
@@annemurphy9339 Its snake oil Anne. Dont be so gullible.
@annemurphy9339 2 года назад
@@houtbay9 I have no spiritual blindness as you do: I know my Savior, Lord and Creator and have walked with Him for many years. You are the gullible one who is deceived by the lies of your own enemy. I will lift a prayer for your salvation before it is too late.
@peggybarton6946 2 года назад
I enjoy your teachings, they are very helpful and easy to understand. I'm going to watch this video again and again. Thanks Brandon...
@aminajarmai2000 2 года назад
Thanks for the words of encouragement, hallelujah
@marshavoiers327 2 года назад
You missed a few things. Sheep are afraid of rippling waters. They shy away from the water. So do we. He does lead us to Still waters. He does try to take our Fears away. Then we see the SHADOW OF DEATH. It is just a shadow that won' t over take us because we are walking in the Path of His Righteousness.
@daisi4925 2 года назад
Thank you. You enjoy sharing the Lords story. Can tell by your enthusiasm. He gives you the words, bless you and yours
@aliveinchrist2379 Год назад
Amen, I am really enjoying these, so great to have a deeper perspective of the times and culture at this time. Thank you !
@actschris 2 года назад
There are periods of lush green pastures in Israel, during the spring time, and this would have made it extraordinary and special. Watch Joel P. Kramer, pastor/Archeologist, on Expedition Bible channel. "Jesus, The Soul Shepherd: Bible Metaphors" very in lightening. Also most shepherd's were men not women. As I understand it your women Shepard is incorrectness since nearly all mention of shepherd is the masculine
@crystalnorton7343 2 года назад
When you said the sheep listen to voice of the shepherd the scripture my sheep knows my voice and follows it 💓
@phinsasattasiri7663 2 года назад
Yes this is the way we need to learn the Bible. In depth to understand to know our Creator and Savior Jesus. Thank you
@Lewis152 2 года назад
You are a remarkable woman.
@niharahaniff1313 2 года назад
We are descendents of Abraham -&Noah is also the same
@erikawatts5393 2 года назад
@anthonyjohn9000 2 года назад
How deep is your studies in the Bible. Have you gone through the prophesies in the old testament. And through whom God is will fulfill these prophesies, do you know what according to the scriptures is the mission of the messiah. Do you know the prophesies in Isaiah 2:2-5 & Isaiah 11:1-10 remain without fulfilment. Why? Have you really understood the the Bible. Does the Bible say that the messiah will have miraculous birth, will die for sins of others, and then resurrected, can you prove it from the prophesies. Why are these people ignoring the promise of God and brainwash with something else. READ the book " let's get biblical " volts. I Ii, by Rabbi Tovia Singer. you will know the truth.
@zeldamee8216 2 года назад
Wow, I did not know that about shepherds 💯
@sandiefrankenstein8972 2 года назад
As always…so good!
@thefirstMrsLankton 2 года назад
Wonderful lesson today BrB. Loved learning about the paths. It all really fits together from King David's time, to the New Testament to now. Excellent!!!
@Submission_Warriors_In_CHRIST 2 года назад
Thank you for this, once again I am in awe of your helpful guidances.
@miriamcampos1476 2 года назад
This is the first video of yours that I have watched. You did surprise me with The LORD is my shepherd; the shepherd being a very humble, nut necessary, job. (An essential worker, in post COVID terms.) But you got the environment wrong. Yes, the land is a desert now, but it wasn’t in David’s day. He killed both a lion and a bear, remember? No lion or bear can survive in a desert, and the land supported both! No, if you look into history, the land was flowing with “milk and honey”…it was part of the Fertile Crescent. So, there were fields of green grass and trees. This is a warning to us, too. They lost their land to the desert because of war and cutting down the trees. We can lose our beautiful land because of our sins too. Your channel is interesting because you are trying to bring light to the way we look at the words, and what the person who wrote those words probably saw. But you need to do more research. This morning I was thinking about the “dark side” of God….we don’t really think about God’s discipline (Heb 12) or testing (Job) or how the 10 plagues also made life difficult for the Israelites. Or Paul’s troubles, while he was preaching he was whipped, imprisoned, shipwrecked, hungry, thirsty….or that Jesus was sent to the cross? For our sins, you say… but God sent Him! God also raised Him up, and gave Him a name above every other name, and He also repay everyone who suffers for Him. But still, we don’t really talk much about this part of God that thinks nothing of allowing beautiful lands to become deserts, of destroying kingdoms (Daniel) of allowing those who are the best to suffer the most.
@bevfitzsimmonds3382 2 года назад
This assumes that the climate in this land hasn't changed in all this time. (And l don't refer to man-made Climate Change!) In fact, where is the lush green land described in all its abundance as Joshua led God's people into the land God had promised? ...A land flowing with milk and honey...a land with abundant crops, good rainfall, lush pastures for milking sheep and goats?! God cursed the land in His fury and frustration with the Israelites, so what we see now is nothing like what David worked with. Sorry, but l hope this helps the discussion. 🙂✝️
@warrenpope749 2 года назад
You're doing an excellent job, Brandon. Thank You and God bless you.
@helenr6299 2 года назад
Somebody else killed Goliath, and that is in the Bible. An obscure verse, but there it is. So it seems the heroic story was "attrbuted" to the king. I hope this little tidbit doesn't diminish anyone's faith. Alongside major principles there are strange nuggets of truth and weird but true facts. Anyway, while you were talking about David the shepherd (probably factual) you mentioned killing Goliath (probably an attributed account). The "lesson" or "truth" is that the little can overcome the mighty, which we see in ways large and small almost every day. So here in the Bible we have two accounts. One is gloriously patriotic and inspirational religiously. The other account is like the truth given its due in an obituary column paid for by loving relatives, like let's not forget which guy really killed Goliath, and yeah, God loves truth. and that truth is also in the Bible.
@Samuel-hj4do 2 года назад
Isaiah 35, it will blossom when the true Israelites are gathered from the four corners of the Earth and placed back in their Homeland.
@naamercysinclear2803 2 года назад
This is such profound teaching! God richly bless you so much for this. I’ve been refreshed!! Thanks again❤️❤️
@theresadarley7091 2 года назад
This is one of my favorite passages. Thanks, Brandon.
@JmesFloyd76 Год назад
In Hebrew, it is written, Yahweh is my shepherd for The LORD is Yahweh. It is interesting that in Israeli families that have a herd of sheep, it was one of the sisters that tended the sheep, otherwise it is the youngest brother. It was the least that shepherded the sheep. That is so like our LORD who humbled Himself and dwelt among men. We who listen to our LORD are the humble ones, never the proud. The proud would never follow the shepherd, that is what the goats are. For the goats are followed by goat herders. This is why Jesus would divide the sheep on His right and the goats on His left in the last days. It is also interesting that the Baphomet or Satan is described as THE GOAT. And it is the voice, not sight, that draws us to THE SHEPHERD.
@juliebarker6930 2 года назад
Wow thanks Brandon. You added so much depth of understanding to this wonderful psalm. I will treasure it all the more now.
@ajessm 2 года назад
I'm sure you will be blessed for posting this video. God brought me here. It was exactly what I needed to hear. A new understanding indeed. It ( psalm 23) was the last thing my son (24) posted shortly before he died unexpectedly from a seizure 2 years ago.
@singingpretty 2 года назад
God bless you 🙏
@Iamblessedchibest 2 года назад
Very sorry dear may God ❤️ bless you and your family
@ajessm 2 года назад
@@Iamblessedchibest Thankyou. So kind of you.
@ajessm 2 года назад
@@singingpretty Thankyou for kind words.
@patriciacole8773 2 года назад
I think those paths are the Ten Commandments. Most Christians are not following the seventh day sabbath of the fourth commandment KJV that Jesus created and kept even after His resurrection for forty days.
@roelhernandez3807 2 года назад
Hi, Brandon is the "Path of Righteousness" literally what they called to those lines where they walk? Or just another metaphor? Thanks
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
It is the name for those paths
@st.clairdancing2094 2 года назад
umm....are you using images of today's topography or geography or are you using what the biblical understanding was in that time. Israel as it is when it came into being as a sovereign nation, is not the same geography nor is the land the same. Why does Joshua say that God would drive out the Canaanites little by little...because the wild animals would become to numerous for them very quickly. Lions, bears and other wild beasts were no joke back then. That horses and cattle were taken all around Israel to find pasture for them during the drought that God brought about tells us that there was plenty of grass in the areas of Judah and Israel during the time of David. We can not picture what the land looked like then, because that was over 2500 years ago. I tried so many times to impose my understanding and my picture of what things looked like only to find myself looking foolish. Why did God call it a land flowing with milk and honey during the time of the conquest of Joshua if that is not what it looked like. Remember the vines brought back by the spies, and the report of suitable land for growing...but yet through the centuries we do find some of the biggest wars fought in that time in the valley of Megiddo, which as anyone who has studied battles like Rome and Carthage, the land takes a long time to recover if people are not willing to put the time into recovering the land. Why is the Sahara so large, because of the many wars, between Rome and Carthage and between Muslim conquests throughout Africa and with each other.
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
Your point is well received. The thing to remember about Israel, though, is that it’s climate is very diverse. There are certainly areas that are lush like you describe. But the sheep are kept in a different area. They are kept in more arid regions, away from the crops that they would constantly eat.
@Jen39x 2 года назад
I have to agree with this that the climate has changed - I don’t think it was quite as dry as sections of Israel today. I think it was more like the irrigated areas today
@joshmatiluko 2 года назад
I knew I never will know enough until I am with my LORD Thank you for showing more Light to this Mysterious passage
@joshmatiluko 2 года назад
I feel I need to live in Israel for a while. I fee more like a Jewish Christian
@justineemengu9807 2 года назад
Yes, psalm23 carries a mystery that God knows best. When my daughter was 4yrs old&attending nursery school I was shocked that she could read psalm 23 so perfectly although she couldn't read any other book. My senior sister-doubted but when she to see &the Bible was placed in front my 4yrs daughter&she read it as if it was God reading it for her. She later started going to heaven &returning with messages for me&her. Sometimes from the the heavenly Father, at times from JESUS, or from Mama Maria, or from Angel Michael etc. Having a personal relationship with God almighty is so great, bcause then God is so connected to all around us (children & grand children & our jobs/offices & our house holds & destinys. Glory be to God in the highest amen. Thank you JESUS. Amen.
@believer2734 Год назад
You just gave me an idea for my 4 year old granddaughter. This was from God. thank you for sharing!
@bsusie1 2 года назад
As I studied once to teach on the relationship between sheep and shepherds, it was such a revelation on our good Shepherd and His love for us. We can utterly depend on His guidance.
@MrNottocd 2 года назад
There's a society that helps people translate the Bible into the local native language. The person that wrote the article I read tells a story about the first time the 23rd Psalm was translated into Tlingit. The author provides a snippet: The Lord is my goatherder, I don't want him; He hauls me up the mountain; He drags me down to the beach. For me it was one of the funniest moments while studying about the scriptures. FYI, at the time the article was written, 1989, there were 4263 languages on Earth for which no book of the bible had yet been translated.
@maggief1095 2 года назад
I don't agree with the way he interprets that "mercy and goodness will follow" where he goes. I don't think David meant to say that he won't see this benefits, but his followers. Rather, I believe, David meant to say that it doesn't matter if the ace he is going is not a blessed place, because once he gets there it will be blessed anyways.
@evelynagbasonu3096 2 года назад
The will always be my provider. In him I place my trust. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@rodolfoposerio6042 2 года назад
True that the Lord God (in Jesus) is a true Master, not a slave master, but believers' truly loving Master! All praise and glory to God in Jesus!
@01Paulsgirl 2 года назад
You were right! I thought I knew something about the representations of this psalm, but wow did I learn a lot! Thank you for your faithful sharing!
@01Paulsgirl 2 года назад
@@jamespatrick20906 If you're addressing me, yes, you may. 🙂
@lebister 2 года назад
I was aware that the green pastures and still waters were not lush green and stream waters as we think, but actually were those bush things and the manger water. I appreciate that being brought out. The reference to Pharaoh's rod and staff in contrast with God's rod and staff was very interesting. That had never crossed my mind, but it sure is a good comparison with a lot of truth.
@kathyhollenbach7413 2 года назад
Thank you Brandon. I learn a lot from your videos.
@JustSara376 2 года назад
Ha ha ha nice shirt!! A nod to our current culture 😂
@joyceelmer131 2 года назад
Amen 😢,but Jesus is still King 💕✝️
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
It's so interesting to me how much attention that shirt gets. I just picked a random shirt out of my dresser. I got the shirt on sale. I can't afford a special wardrobe for filming 😂
@JustSara376 2 года назад
@@BrandonRobbinsMinistry lol I didn’t realize it was going to be that noticed. I was sorta joking lol 🙃
@JustSara376 2 года назад
@@BrandonRobbinsMinistry seriously tho I absolutely love what u do here. It’s so important to understand God’s word. Thank you!!!!
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
@@JustSara376 Haha. It’s all good. You’re not the first to comment. Apparently I need to purchase some more solid shirts 😂
@creativedisciplindamagecontrol 2 года назад
Thank you, Lord knows I needed to hear this, God bless you
@kdboonejr 2 года назад
Didn't the Roman's destroy the land by salting the rich grounds at one time?
@WonderfulWorld316 2 года назад
Thank you for this, it was very timely for me. I've done several in depth studies on this psalm over the years, yet there's always something more and new to be discovered in its meaning.
@suzannefl6nn806 Год назад
Although I always try to interpret the bible in the meaning away from concrete thinking, you are so great to give the true meaning.Keep continue to help us.interpret the bible in the true meaning.
@vickydean3246 2 года назад
"...on your own path, and calling it freedom." So true! Praise God for the freedom He gives...that we only recognize when we hear his voice and follow. Thank you for your insight and good words.
@tomstarzeck7137 2 года назад
Amen 🙏
@roedeer9083 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for this 👁️ 👁️ insightful and convicting breakdown of Psalm 23. May GOD BLESS YOU!!! Shalom!!! 💜🕊️🔥😇👑
@GeorgeElenaRempel 2 года назад
Hey, David had Sisters, look, „and Nahshon begat Salma, and Salma begat Boaz, and Jesse begat his firstborn Eliab, and Abinadab the second, and Shimma the third, Nethaneel the fourth, Raddai the fifth, Ozem the sixth, David the seventh: whose sisters were Zeruiah, and Abigail. And the sons of Zeruiah; Abishai, and Joab, and Asahel, three.“ ‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭2:11, 13-16‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
Hi, George. It's hard to understand exactly what the relationship is between David and the women mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2. It does describe them as his sisters. However, the same Abigail mentioned in that passage is also mentioned in 2 Samuel as the daughter of a different father than David. "Absalom had appointed Amasa over the army in place of Joab. Amasa was the son of Jether, an Ishmaelite who had married Abigail, the daughter of Nahash and sister of Zeruiah the mother of Joab." (2 Samuel 17:25)
@naledyabray3523 2 года назад
Jesus, my Shepherd 🙏❤ thank you for this Sir
@patriciajrs46 11 месяцев назад
Thank you Pastor Brandon. I never thought about the goodness and mercy part coming to fruition because of David's faithfulness! Wow! I take a lesson from this: my actions in the here and now will not only affect someone here, they could possibly, like pebbles tossed in the water, reverberate and create waves of actions much later than I would know. I wish I could be happier, and kinder like I used to be. How do I discover what changed me? How do I fix that? I'm asking here, not so much for your personal answer, but for a Scriptual answer, because perhaps I'm not the only person who feels this way.
@charlene5461 8 месяцев назад
I can only tell you what has made a huge difference in my life, a life of being beat down by the people I love and had the most respect for. I have truly forgiven but only when I started kneeling to pray again. I started praying, laying before I went to sleep. That turned into falling asleep before I prayed. I make a point to throw a pillow in the floor, picture in my mind kneeling at my Heavenly Fathers throne and praising Him. I hope and will pray tonight, you find peace in your heart with Jesus💖🙏💖
@lisabarrick4819 Год назад
Thank you, Brandon, the Lord directed me to this verse today. He told me in times past to trust in Him. Here He is again reminding me. I sought out this video again to remember what this passage truly meant. Keep being a blessing! 🙏🏻😇
@primebagarure2851 2 года назад
David had sisters, Zeruiah; mother of Joab, Abishai, and Asahel, also nephews of the future King David; and Abigail ( Jesse had 9 children, among them the two daughters)
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
Hi. It's hard to understand exactly what the relationship is between David and the women mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2. It does describe them as his sisters. However, the same Abigail mentioned in that passage is also mentioned in 2 Samuel as the daughter of a different father than David. "Absalom had appointed Amasa over the army in place of Joab. Amasa was the son of Jether, anIshmaelite who had married Abigail, the daughter of Nahash and sister of Zeruiah the mother of Joab." (2 Samuel 17:25)
@virgiliasarmiento8711 2 года назад
Thank you mr Brandon for enlightening me well understood , now psalm 23 has deepened my reflection. Of the goodness our our Shepherd.
@Cuernavacachica02 2 года назад
Bless you, Brandon ! It’s amazing to begin to grasp the many layers of our Lord’s word!! Interesting shirt for today lol 😉.
@KimberlyWard-Evans717 2 года назад
@tamipugh3377 2 года назад
I have been reading the Bible again this time I am really trying to understand not just breeze through so I can say I have read it again. In Exodus 26:14 I have several different versions one says a covering of hides of sea cows. One says badgers skins. Another says goats skin and the others say a good leather. I looked up sea cows and they are closely related to the manatees but then I found a foot note that said dugongs which is a sea cow. Do you actually know what it was they used? I didn’t question the ram skins dyed red.
@elizabethrose8510 2 года назад
Lord keep me on the straight and narrow path
@teaburg 2 года назад
Have you thought of sharing this video with a Rabbi and asking his opinion? Or maybe two? It is a Jewish Psalm. I suspect after many years of sects analyzing what it means, they have reached a fairly cohesive understanding of it.
@LittleBabywriter 2 года назад
How do you know that King David had the same pasteures we have today?
@rossjohnson1872 2 года назад
The climate was different in David's era. Archeologists keep unearthing dwellings from the times of the Judges through the Davidic period of Kings with cisterns, sytems with farms & flocks in mind, and ritual baths. Which systems in our times rainfall is too sporadic, inadequate to keep supplied. Green pastures were still seasonal in David's time.
@shlebypeyton5979 2 года назад
Thank you Brandon for this Psalm
@kuiama23 2 года назад
I was born in Cyprus. Dad in navy. In 64 when our embassy was bombed dad stayed but family went to Beirut.. grandparents had come to be missionaries and had only recently arrived to Cyprus. They stayed when we came back to the states in the Nazarene school . They were Wesleyans. I wear a Bedouin bracelet grandma bought from one of them. I do love your channel. And you really gave me a different view of this chapter. Tho the part about the sheep. I actually did know. But the path of righteousness etc. Really made me see it differently. Btw. The sheep there. Have fat tails. Parents went to Holy Lands twice while we were there. I have the Communion cups they used at the Garden Tomb. Back then. U could go inside of it. Too young obviously to remember the time there. But stories told. It's part of who I am. From the war and not knowing where they were sending us. To the nicest hotel in Beirut with literally change of clothes for us 3 kids. But soldiers lining the road with us in a bus. God had protected us.. and He still does.
@kathidori8504 2 года назад
Maybe you can visit Israel now again?
@kuiama23 2 года назад
@@kathidori8504 would be nice but think it will be during the 1000 year reign of Christ. When there really is Peace. How the world is looking. Time won't be too long.
@kathidori8504 2 года назад
@@kuiama23 Yes, you're right. God bless you
@sashtilalbachan4552 2 года назад
This is amazing! Praise God you are a Christian. This is a blessing to learn these Scriptures in context! I'll definitely share. Every Christian ought to know this! Thank you!
@terencefoster6361 2 года назад
Thank you for this video Brandon, very helpful, providing extra dimensions to understand the content. Excellent - Terence
@gigigennaro3303 2 года назад
So good. I learned so much from this. Thank you!
@fitnessfeverpt 2 года назад
I appreciate this. I just have one question: what if, being closer to the flood and the possible ice age that followed, that it might have been more lush around there at that time? It was supposed to be a fruitful land flowing with milk and honey...?
@AndyZach 2 года назад
There was definitely more rain and water 3,000 years ago. Lots of trees have been cut down, expanding the desert.
@markcamacho3152 2 года назад
I think the whole psalm is about remembering the Exodus: Egypt (Jer. 2:6), their provision in Goshen and appropriates a group testimony to assert that G-d will provide for him as a member of His people, that his purpose is tied up in G-d's purpose for His people- of which David is a part. In the last days there's to be another Pharoah of which it's written: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony." (Rev. 12:11) To me, Ps. 23 is reminiscent of this.
@brendabryant6347 Год назад
Thank you for this message. Hope everybody has a very blessed & Happy Thanksgiving. TGBTG.
@KK-fz9kt 2 года назад
Love your teachings... so inspiring. Not a big deal, but to.clarify, did I understand David had no sisters? Am I misunderstanding 1 Chron 2:16...
@BrandonRobbinsMinistry 2 года назад
Hi, Karen. It's hard to understand exactly what the relationship is between David and the women mentioned there. You're correct, it does describe them as his sisters. However, the same Abigail mentioned in that passage is also mentioned in 2 Samuel as the daughter of a different father than David. "Absalom had appointed Amasa over the army in place of Joab. Amasa was the son of Jether, an Ishmaelite who had married Abigail, the daughter of Nahash and sister of Zeruiah the mother of Joab." (2 Samuel 17:25)
@KK-fz9kt 2 года назад
Thank you Brandon. I appreciate you so much. It helps me to land solidly on the Rock. God bless you with so many more revelations of His glory and knowledge. You are a gift to us all!!!!
@catw5294 2 года назад
Brilliant Brandon, you are right, I will never forget the small water manger and the tufts of greenery that actually the valley of green. And as some one who has had horses, yes you know when the animal is paying attention to you by the turn of their ears - they do not need to look at you. Never thought about it that way. Thx for the post.
@AngQuerdetz 2 года назад
Thank you so much for the uplifting words. God bless you ☺ Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪
@patriciaarrigoni3221 2 года назад
thanks for this teaching! Totally changed the way I look at that Pslam! Love it, keep it coming!
@patriciaarrigoni3221 2 года назад
@@jamespatrick20906 sure
@jbranson7694 2 года назад
Wow! What a great presentation, I have a renewed insight to this Psalm, the very one that I read at my own Mother's Funeral! So therefore I am truly moved by your passionate presentation! Keep up the Good Work Brother Brandon! GOD Bless you and all of you that are watching this very video! Love from your sister in Christ, Julie 🙏
@JunuThomas 2 года назад
Nonsense. Green pastures mean green pastures and there are plenty in Israel. In addition David is symbolically speaking about the condition of the inner soul, the abundant spirit life when he refers to green pastures. Where did you get your distorted info from about some barren land being green pastures? Stop the distortion
@dtgirl5320 2 года назад
Thank you Brandon 🙏❤️
@marcelluscornelius2745 2 года назад
It's the first time I am seeing one of your videos. It presented a unique perspective.
@markfilippone3845 2 года назад
Once again Brandon Brandon you have wondrously overwhelmed us with your crystal-clear but yet almost deceptively simple and vivid exegesis of this most holy sacred scriptural text. Continue in the strength of HIS Holy Wisdom in your pastoral Ministry. Again, thank you Brother Brandon. Please pray for me as mine enemies surround me. Please: Continue to proclaim and amplify HIS blessed Hope.
@HAChrist 2 года назад
I've read the book: “A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23” by W. Phillip Keller -- and you did an excellent job explaining and providing instructive pictures to clarify. I appreciate the hard work you put into this, much better than a sermon from others. The pic of pharoah of Eqypt with the rod and staff, I even found helpful to provoke thought. Thank you for a superb video! Blessings be upon you in the Name above all names!!
@wendyhughes2234 2 года назад
Thank you for this very informative video. It is very touching and was just what I needed. May you and your ministry be blessed. May you have much Shalom.
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