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You MUST Understand This About Gender Roles 

Martyn Iles
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What are the differences between men and women, and how do their roles differ? In this presentation, Martyn Iles gives us a biblical perspective on gender roles.
Watch the full talk here: • Masculine and Feminine...



5 сен 2024




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@fayewood1377 Год назад
All of these things are clearly stated in the scriptures I do not understand how anyone can be confused on this, other than " some will not want to awaken for they are in love with the darkness"
@SusanParker-uz5du Год назад
Men wrote the Bible for men so of course they will claim that men are superior to females who need to get on their knees.
@ahmedomar8428 Год назад
YouChristians let this gay. Onsense last to long. This evil , you allowed in the west and now they want your faith killed and your children adopted to their evil filthy ways. Yes ,satans children. Its not too late. Figth until you get rid of them evil ones and we muslims shall prayand support you to the end . Even to death, for that is better than this evil and for the LORD we dont mind death. Aameen ❤❤❤
@danclark1348 Год назад
As he speaks words of creation, role of man and woman, changed greatly. Women bossing men around, holding high positions in society. If all went by the scripture, be no women as vice president, nor senator, nor congress, nor owner of business and so on.
@DC-gp3vn Год назад
If the word of God says we are to have no Covenant with those who live in darkness we are not to stand with the wicked God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their perversion and the diseases and we have to deal with today, sad thing is many people twist the scriptures to gratify their own perversion totally blind to the fact that if you change one word in the Scriptures it is no longer the gospel of God, every teenager that dies this day will burn forever because they have rejected Christ and embraced this type of wickedness what you people call of God calls vile affections, you can't claim Christ then turn around and claim to be something you're not God's word is clear you are not to mutilate your bodies it is an Abomination to do so
@ahmedomar8428 Год назад
@@DC-gp3vn That is true as also stated in the Quran. Lot, peace be upon him, lost his wife thru her sympathetic ways towards evil. That is a lesson to us all. Aameen. May the LORD be merciful and strengthen you and your Loved ones. Aameen.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. Regards from South Africa
@johnking2740 Год назад
Males and Females have strengths and weaknesses that are supposed to compliment each other.
@margaretclarke3643 Год назад
Amen and Amen. Praise the Lord for the TRUTH of His Word. Thank you Martyn for an excellent presentation. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.
@DrDoerk Год назад
​@@invite6192yes, the truth.... what is so hard to understand?
@Ehtbhtbrjjd Год назад
​@@DrDoerkit's hard to understand why so many people believe stuff like this
@BindyCleaver Месяц назад
​@@DrDoerksinners hate truth
@michelleheathcote8048 Год назад
Amen. Loved this teaching 🙏 Thank you Jesus for Your precious word ❤🕊
@SusanParker-uz5du Год назад
Why would you think that Jesus is on the side of female hate. That would be Paul. Jesus loves and respects women there is no over or under. Does no one actually read the Bible.
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
@@SusanParker-uz5duWhy would you think Paul is on the side of "female hate?" You say to read the Bible, yet you read it yourself with jaded lenses from liberal, higher critical ideology. Do you not see in just about every letter of Paul how he praises the women who were serving in the church and giving thanks to God for them and their service? Just because Paul stands by God's creative order doesn't mean "female hate." Jesus IS God, and HE created this entire universe, including male and female. He even quotes the creation to the pharisees. Stop reading modern societal ideology into the Scripture. Repent of this.
@SusanParker-uz5du Год назад
@@evangelicalcatholics "God's creative order" is by men who hate women. Jesus loves and knwos women are not lesser and therefore are not evil. If you believe that God created women to be lesser beings you are sick in the head. When you die, good luck trying to expalin your hatred of women to Jesus.
@DrDoerk Год назад
​@@SusanParker-uz5duwhy do you hate God's creation?
@firstbornjordan Год назад
Hi Martyn, you rock. Love the truth of what you teach. You are a wonderful ambassador for Christ. I look forward to more. Lord help us to apply your word to our lives.
@4n1l0u Год назад
While I don't disagree with much of what is said I do wonder whether our English translation of AYZER softens it too much. The other places it is used in the OT it means 'delivering ally'. It is used primarily of God in his relationship to Israel and in other places to military allies. It does not tell us that the woman is just there to bring comfort to the man unless you take that word from its Latin roots (com=with and fort=strength). Rather, she is to be his ally in fulfilling the task God has given. That will look different in different circumstances but I think ally describes it better than 'helper' in our modern understanding of that word.
@izzyplant8428 Год назад
This an excellent comment adding wisdom to understanding.
@elibennett6168 Год назад
This was my thought exactly when hearing this talk. There is a tendency to downplay ezer and thus women - and to go so far as to say women were made to be men's servants rather than partners/allies. They are called co-heirs or equal partners despite their physical difference (1 Peter 3:7). Think of the hymn with the line: "Here I raise my ebenezer". This is "stone of help", commemorating God's miraculous delivery. I think it would help a lot of marriages to view women as a valued ally. And indeed Paul speaks of the interdependence of husband and wife, having claim's on each other's bodies. There is a mutual submission in Ephesians 5:21 that is mirrored in 1 Corinthians 7:4. Some translations, like NIV, call it yielding authority wife to husband and husband to wife. When God draws them together, I think the matching is more than just general gender roles, God matches them personally based on unique characteristics, and also by what will help people grow.
@bonnieboulter9486 Год назад
True. The Hebrew term applied to woman, " Ezer Kenegdo" describe woman is much broader than "helper". Your descriptions are more fuller, thus accurate, as Hebrew would be. Translating words from one language to another has its challenges and should be cross referenced numerous times. This is what distinguishes a scholar or teacher.
@baconlon888 Год назад
Thankyou and amen
@jennroberts3837 Год назад
Thank you Martin for this podcast. Looking forward to any more you may upload.
@bonnieboulter9486 Год назад
The full Hebrew text is Ezer Kenegdo. Both terms not easily translated. Which leaves broad room for interpretation. But the term goes beyond "helper" such as "face to face, opposite or equal to". Also, in Hebrew the term Adam means human. Only when God removes from Adam, "wo-man", does Hebrew scripture start using the distinct gender terms 'man and woman.' Science/ biology bears this out as man has an XY chromosome, and woman XX, one from each parent. If gender roles are to be that distinct and delineated, what is the role for the single or childless woman?
@margoagogo Год назад
So good well explained 👏 Praise the Lord brother in Christ. Love and Blessings always from Perth Western Australia 🇦🇺 ❤
@caroliner2029 Год назад
So very interesting, thank you Martyn. I was engrossed in the subject and it abruptly ended.
@deacontoby1 Год назад
I’m a member of the Catholic clergy in the US, and I enjoy your talks, know thatyou are in my prayers 🙏🏾🌹
@morganclare4704 Год назад
If you are a Catholic then your prayers will never get to MARTYN from your works based religion/cult.
@user-im9ov9ud7m Год назад
Maybe some day you will be able to escape the organization.
@deacontoby1 Год назад
Once in heaven, lol
@eyoung8215 Год назад
​@@user-im9ov9ud7mhardly - the One true Church.
@ktz-fk9qj Год назад
Very well said! Thank you for this, where can i see the full message?
@cherylmanley7156 Год назад
The link is in the description.
@raphayah4933 Год назад
Thank you pastor Shabbat blessings ✨💕✨
@user-im9ov9ud7m Год назад
Always good when judaismists drop by to learn about Jesus.!
@brumbybailey6599 11 месяцев назад
There are plenty of Christians who keep the 7th day sabbath
@stephanied3637 Год назад
Thank you for sharing Martyn.
@joebalamoan5784 Год назад
1 Corinthians 7:6-9 I say this as a concession, not as a command. I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
@@invite6192 "all Scripture (including the Epistles) is breathed-out by God..." This makes it the voice of God.
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
@@invite6192 I don't have to prove anything. Christianity is based on the Scripture and Christ Himself confesses that "the scripture cannot be broken," so to doubt the Scripture is to doubt Christ is to not be a Christian. That is Scripture and not my opinions.
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
@@invite6192Actually, this is precisely why it IS true. God said it, thus it is true. And your judgment against Him is without knowledge. You listen to the skeptics and the naysayers as your guides but they are all blinded by sin and concupiscence. The blind leading the blind will not result in anything good.
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
@@invite6192yes sin is part of our nature, and our nature has been corrupted by it! Sin isn't "salt" but vomit! NOTHING good or uplifting or positive comes from sin or giving into the sinful nature. As the Lord says, "those who sin are a slave to sin and a slave has no place in his master's home. But if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed," and an heir of all the Master has for all who believe on Jesus' name to forgive, save, and make what is dead to be alive. You are the walking dead! Repent and believe the good news!
@gupachan Год назад
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. For the wages of sin is death. Repent!!! Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
@thevonya3977 Год назад
So you are advocating the hate speech of Leviticus? Let us not forget that Leviticus was a bit of the mad religious sect that also banned eating fat (3:16), letting your hair be unkept (10:6), eating ANY shellfish (11:10-12) going to church within a month or two of childbirth (12:4-5) and many unnecessary laws by todays standards. The laws of Leviticus were meant for the Israelites and even Paul has said that most of them should not apply to Christians and that Jesus overturned these laws. Even though I am an atheist I spent many years in a Christian school and learnt to understand the MESSEGE of the bible and to fully understand what it was trying to teach. They were not blind rules to follow, they were messages to learn how to be a better person and to love thy neighbour and not to mistreat others. To put your own words in your mouth, I will quote the bible: Matthew 22:36-40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” If you cannot love your neighbour, if you cannot love other people regardless of race, sexuality and creed... then what kind of Christian are you truly?
@gupachan Год назад
@@thevonya3977 I know the truth hurts people. Imagine if you truly love someone, you wouldn’t let him/her going to hell. That’s not love. You should tell him/her to repent from sins and believe in Lord Jesus Christ. And stop being gay or lesbian. So both of them go to heaven. That’s love. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
@thevonya3977 Год назад
@@gupachan You cannot 'stop being gay or lesbian', it literally does not work that way. That is like walking up to a black man and shouting in his face to stop being black. That is not love, that is hate and no matter how you try to write it such hated for your fellow man will result in your own eternal damnation for preaching the scriptures of God and not following the spirit of the scripture. Sorry to say, God does not appreciate hatred towards his fellow man. Enjoy the fires your hated wroughts.
@gupachan Год назад
@@thevonya3977 you can. Just stop doing that. Leave yourself alone. Repent and believe in GOD. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
@thevonya3977 Год назад
@@gupachanEnjoy explaining to Jesus and God why you spread hatred towards your fellow man when you are judged. Your refusal to allow others to live happy is testament to your real sinful nature. God have mercy on your soul, however it is evident that the fires of Hell be your only comforts in the afterlife.
@janetmartin988 Год назад
@Jacke7111 Год назад
Man and woman is the way God wants it to be. All this confuse about sexes nowdays are demonic.
@markmtni Год назад
preach it Martyn Australia need ya
@medusa210562 Год назад
One of the reasons why I am Christian is that the Bible takes away all the confusion and at different levels and subjects corrects ALL OF US. I thank God.
@gingertom56 Год назад
God forbid if you though for yourself?
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
@@gingertom56 I'm assuming you mean "think for yourself." When "thinking for yourself" leads to rebellion against God and His Word, then only evil will result.
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
​@evangelicalcatholics the Bible teaches that slavery was a good thing. Now tell me what you think about slavery
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
@@--..-...-..-.--....No, the Bible does not teach that. You need to learn the difference between PREscriptive language in the Bible and DEScriptive language. Scripture never prescribes slavery of any kind. It describes it because the practice existed from the time of Abraham, and sets up limits and boundaries so God's people do not go too far, but in the prescriptive stuff (the law of God, for example) slavery is never okay'd by God, anymore than having multiple wives and concubines.
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
@@evangelicalcatholics Leviticus 25 versus 44-46
@rhondav4204 Год назад
Great message
@onceamusician5408 Год назад
well done sir
@brianmorris8045 Год назад
Oh, on another subject, I am missing your "The Truth of It" on FB. Please bring it back, in your new capacity.
@thecrew777 Год назад
Appreciate the detail and explanation!
@antoinettecarson8145 Год назад
Unfortunately, we've missed that part. If we would really take the time to just listen, rather then become argumentive or threaten. So much more insight would be gained in God's reasoning & purpose. The value would not be lost in a competitive nature. Sadly in today's upsidedown world, we have lost the perceptions all together!
@SusanParker-uz5du Год назад
Really so why are men claiming that they have to be the leaders? Did God only give men brains? What kind of God treats half of humanity as second class and tells the lowest of the low to obey and bow for your male owners?
@kenwhite9891 Год назад
Genesis 1 and 2 are written as Hebrew poetry. The text is not meant to build doctrine but to engage artistically and emotionally the greatness of the Trinity and the amazing creation of the universe and humankind!
@OhKarolina282 Год назад
Martyn you're absolutely right. God created the roles for male and female and His plan was and is perfect. He created the two to be together. When you take the amount of letters in Adam's name and add them to Eve's you get the number 7, which is used throughout the Bible. The number 7 biblically symbolizes perfection and completeness! We know that His plans are perfect! (-USA)
@hilarypower6217 Год назад
In Aramaic and Hebrew, Adam is 3 letters, Eve is 6. Rather throws your '7' theory out the window...
@gevansmd Год назад
Numerology is pagan. Also, see the other comment. The Bible wasn't written in English.
@hilarypower6217 Год назад
@@gevansmd What do you meant the Bible wasn't written in English?! Next you'll be saying that Jesus didn't have blonde hair and blue eyes....
@gevansmd1 Год назад
@@hilarypower6217 we don't know about that, but probably not.
@bonnieboulter9486 Год назад
That's a very loose association. Women are less than, imperfect, inferior because of the number of letters in a name?
@27Zangle Год назад
Never thought about the orientation part. That is super neat!
@DJ22561 Год назад
Thank you. Amen 🙏
@lylesimpson618 Год назад
LOL.... I'm not an expert in Hebrew, but now I'm going to interpret what these Hebrew words mean. Brilliant!
@FitmartFitness Год назад
The ESV Bible quote shown on the screen says "your desire shall be contrary to your husband", yet the reader states "it shall be for your husband". Most translations say "for". However ESV says "contrary".
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
In Hebrew the phrase is וְאֶל־אִישֵׁךְ֙ תְּשׁ֣וּקָתֵ֔ךְ and is literally translated "your desire/longing shall be for/toward your husband." In the LXX the phrase is καὶ πρὸς τὸν ἄνδρα σου ἡ ἀποστροφή σου and translates as, "and to/toward the husband of you shall you desire." The ESV uses the word "contrary," which isn't necessarily a bad translation, just confusing because of our modern English sensibilities. The idea of this text however gives clarity. Notice who the devil went to first when sin came. He went to the woman and through clever words, moved her to make a decision without the man to eat from the tree. If Adam were doing his job as the man, he would have stopped the devil dead in his tracks and said, "don't talk to my wife." This didn't happen. Instead, the woman literally took a rulership role over all humanity, without her husband's voice. Roles got reversed. The man became submissive to the woman and the woman became head of man. In the Lord's words in chapter 3, He is telling Eve that, because of sin, she will continue to have this desire to rule over 'her husband' but that the original setup still stands, that man is the worker and provider and ruler of the household. This is how the Lord ordered it in creation. So the "contrary" nature exists between man and woman, even in marriage, that all creation says man is the head of the household, but sin says that woman should fight for that role and go beyond it even, and oppress men. And then you look at feminism today and that's precisely what's going on, isn't it? The sin that brought sin into the world continues on. In creation, however, God created woman for man, to help him and bless him and support him, and man was to protect and love and self-sacrifice for the woman. This is how God wanted it. But sin got this all screwed up. Transgenderism is just another step down into the pit of hell with all this. This world is nearly over. Look to Sodom and Gomorrah and see how the Lord utterly destroyed it all because of their depravities. How much more will he destroys this world on the Day of Judgment, yet how much more will He wait until every last person slated to be saved is delivered from His wrath?
@princessbabibear4794 Год назад
How do we help people that are intersex or born with both male and female and chromosomal abnormality? They feel lost and confused. How can the church help these people? Not to mention the mental health crisis that America is currently facing with people who are gender dysphoric from children all the way to adults. IT'S maddening and hard to address.
@DavidNotSolomon Год назад
The mental health crisis of gender dysphoria is due to the promotion of LGBT ideologies combined with the breakdown of families and years of feminism which for ages said that gender is a social construct. Have you spoken to intersex people? Are they lost and confused? It seems many people speak on their behalf, but when I hear them talk they say they are sick of people dragging them into their gender wars and that the groups that do are not really representing them.
@mht5875 Год назад
Intersex is very rare and is Biological. Gender Identity(TM) as it is presently exists, is Social Contagion(TM Pending)
@maryhunt3083 Год назад
​@@mht5875yes l agree with your points it's also social engineering, because they want to interfere with DNA and do genetic engineering.
@evangelicalcatholics Год назад
you don't make rules based on very rare exceptions. On occasion a person is born without sight, or with no fingers, or with no hearing. We don't, in turn, pluck everyone's eyes out or cut off their digits, so that the rare exceptions can feel equal. Instead, you provide medical assistance, prayer, and support for those who are born with deformities, and where a deformity can be repaired so the individual can live a more functional life, do it. Where a deformity cannot be repaired, we help in other ways. But what we do NOT do is force society to wear blinders and say, "that's not a deformity."
@dhenderson1810 Год назад
​@@evangelicalcatholicsBut those people aren't treated like sinners, whereas those with gender dysmorphia are.
@pastordeborahhung5417 Год назад
thank you and Amen 😊🎉
@rosehenderson2624 Год назад
Good message for this morning.
@eugenelombard960 Год назад
I'm so glad that upon His return, God will make all things new again and where sin will never rise agsain.😊
@ji8044 Год назад
A lot of things have changed in 2,000 years. Do you think he'll be good in front of the camera?
@eugenelombard960 Год назад
@@ji8044 Ask Him yourself when you meet Him. Cheers.
@SusanParker-uz5du Год назад
I am sure God will remove the lesser being from the planet so the world can be perfect and without sin.
@TheRealPureBlood Год назад
@@SusanParker-uz5du That is precisely what will happen. When Christ returns, all who are not serving God as he requires will be removed.
@jeanninesaeler7607 Год назад
And I just “love “ your flashes of subliminal pictures showing us YOUR idea of what a woman’s role is- people, you better cover your eyes and let God Himself define who you are And what His Purpose is in life. He who calls will surely equip!
@rodneyhorrell Год назад
Thank you, Martyn, for a very clear presentation and I also loved the matching videos. Will there be more videos in relation to how the male and female differing roles and functions play out in the Old & New Testament? Wow, that could be a very good series, especially in the face of all the gender identity friction we are experiencing at that moment.
@ji8044 Год назад
Just remember the two greatest creators of Christian art in history were both gay men, Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo.
@rodneyhorrell Год назад
@@ji8044 So was Tchaikovsky and Shubert was a fornicator who died of syphilis. King Saul was anointed the King of Israel and killed himself during war after visiting a witch for guidance from the spirit of Elijah. What's your point? We are all sinners needing a Saviour, only found in Jesus Christ.
@firstbornjordan Год назад
@@ji8044 They were male nonetheless, "facing the world" and carrying out a labour of service. All consistent male orientation. Is that what you are trying to get at?
@SusanParker-uz5du Год назад
Got it men as the heads, women on their knees. And you wonder why women are leaving churches that think women have to obey male owners and STFU.
@ji8044 Год назад
@@firstbornjordan What are YOU trying to get at?. They didn't cease to be male because they were gay.
@marilenat.5255 Год назад
Amen indeed! Blessings 💞🙏
@julialarson-be6gg Год назад
Well done thank you
@paulanthonybridge5741 Год назад
Fank ye, and, and, and, done-do well. (%....).
@kidsliketolearn Год назад
The Holy Bible should be taught and required reading at school and at home. The Word of God. Praise God. Thank you Father for creating me and giving me life and writing the Holy Bible to teach me the truth on how to live. Amen
@ji8044 Год назад
Or you can home school your kids and kill two birds with one stone.
@davidpreston4715 Год назад
Yes , for sure, teach the Bible in schools….. so long as it is categorised as fiction . Actually , school is there to remove ignorance, by learning facts, science and truth. You learn nothing from unsubstantiated fiction.
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
They should teach the Quran. What say you?
@robmarshall956 Год назад
@@--..-...-..-.--.... absolutely 👍 they should teach all religions in school and evolution as the theory it is and creation as the fact it is, what say you ?
@--..-...-..-.--.... Год назад
@robmarshall956 how is creation a fact? Prove it. Evolution has many examples to back itself up. What can you say about your claim? All you can say is that you believe it. Also, which god created life? Was it brahma? How can you tell me no?
@georgefredericks2699 Год назад
What an excellent talk on God's view of gender which is found in the Bible. Excellent, excellent talk!
@broniakaniowski9367 Год назад
Hallo Martyn from '''''''AUSTRALIA'''''' DOWN UNDER''''''' HOWDY MATE''''Thought you might be missing the Ausie Language.Nice to see you again on line and welcome back....AS ALWAYS your brilliant and so GIFTED by GOD.
@AdventureSMBW Год назад
I love how you corrected 3:16 live. You could always just use a good translation... lol
@DavidStrchld Год назад
It is written as "He created them male and female" , not "He created him male and her female". the former is scripture, the later is interpretation. As for orientations, Paul forsook his orientation to not only have a celibate life but to take on a female role in the church, 'in the pains of childbirth', giving those born again milk, not solid food. Let's remember that there are different and temporary conditions since the fall, and Christ, not us, will restore all things. Even marriage is different now as Moses allowed divorce, but it was not like that in the beginning. It is not as cut and dry as taking only the Scriptures you want to make your point, but you must also not break scriptures in the process.
@manuelasilva9359 Год назад
God absolutely did not curse humankind, but very clearly spelt out consequences of their actions. Only the snake was cursed in Genesis 3. This distinction is crucial for understanding Christ’s work as anticipated in Genesis.
@ji8044 Год назад
Well he murdered every single person in the world but 8, so in the bigger picture does it really matter if he cursed them too?
@margaretclarke3643 Год назад
​@@ji8044 Perhaps it might be good for you to read Genesis 6:6-8 VERY CAREFULLY from the Creator's point of view; meaning, YOU, put yourself in HIS POSITION, and than decide what you would DO! It also might be of help if YOU START at Genesis 1:1, and continue through to chapter 6. Let us know how you would have dealt with the situation.
@dhenderson1810 Год назад
​@@margaretclarke3643If I was God, what I would do is to get rid of sin at the start. No sin, no fall. Secondly, I would not have a tree of knowledge of Good or Evil in the grade, which they can't eat, and I wouldn't have a serpent in the garden either. So no temptation, no sin., no fall. Also, don't give man free will. Have it that Adam and Eve have no will, so no choice other than to follow God, meaning no willingness to sin, no temptation, no sin, no fall.
@jussaraarundel9953 10 месяцев назад
Exactly, I resent being told I'm under God's curse to morph into a domineering shrew the minute I say "I do"... unless I'm prepared to act like a brain-dead doormat Stepford wife ..'doe ce doe' anyone.☹️😒😞
@paulcollins4932 Год назад
God loves everyone as he created them male and female
@traumaisbest Год назад
Good lesson and teaching. Thank you
@mc05266 Год назад
I really enjoy this message. I can do without the cutaway snippets throughout though. It makes me want to turn off the video and just listen.
@fionahobbs8818 Год назад
Very interesting, thankyou.
@GingerGirl222 Год назад
Thank you--this is both relevant and revealing. Speaking of Revelation, with current buzz about the Euphrates drying up, Turkey's earthquake, and now leprosy on the rise in my current state of Florida, I would love to hear a talk from Martyn & AIG regarding Bible prophesy. Looking to scripture for direction. Simply be watchful, feel affirmed? How might we share with non-believers, and those gone astray? Sometimes I just need more on how to share the great hope with this Godless generation. Thanks and God bless.
@ji8044 Год назад
You should definitely quit your job and wait in the basement with a supply of canned goods until the Second Coming (or until the canned goods run out)
@miscalotastuff733 Год назад
The euphrates is drying up due to abuse and overuse of resources. We are to blame and nothing else. We are destroying the earth not God. We are causing plagues, dieseases, famine, and killing everything due to abuse of very limited resources. We did this. As for the verse of desiring the husband it isnt correct. It is being in rebellion to men. Please be sure you are getting lessons from a proper bible and pastor who isnt changing verses.
@stevecatlin5609 Год назад
another theological question to ask, and which has been addressed in Jewish writings like the Cabbalah, is there such a thing as a male soul and a female soul or is a human person just a ghost in a machine? Do human souls have gender?
@refuse2bdcvd324 Год назад
The world would be a better place if we all just did iy God's way.
@pingupenguin2474 2 месяца назад
Where does this leave women who do not have a husband ? Where does it leave women whose skill set is not nurture related ? Women with talents and those whose pull is towards work ( including farming/ gardening !) Genuine question btw, from a women who did not connect with my life partner till almost 40, and to whom the above applies/has applied.
@sarahjones79 Год назад
It would be interesting to see genetic research done with reference to Gods word. What the relationship of xx and xy chromosomes really are. ( because blood is made in bone marrow is it not?)
@vshah1010 Год назад
God took Adam's rib, which would have male DNA, to create Eve. So, Eve would be a transgender woman. Transgender is changing one's gender - by definition. Also, it says that doing this would produce a desirable mate for Adam. I don't believe if you start with the man's genetic characteristics, it would produce a desirable female.
@vinkim7554 Год назад
I like and love your channel
@lizpromontionals1022 Год назад
Gj Martyn and the editor too.
@jeanninesaeler7607 Год назад
Ok, I have an exhaustive concordance here, and I don’t see where succour is used in Genesis describing Eve at all. The first use I see of it is 2Samuel 8:5-want to help me out here? I’m not arguing for gay rights but I am arguing for Truth
@gupachan Год назад
Romans 1:26-28 For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due. And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting; Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
@ji8044 Год назад
I'm pretty sure that Paul had no interest in women himself. Makes you kind of wonder whether he was . . . well . . . you know.
@dhenderson1810 Год назад
​@@ji8044Maybe he was asexual.
@davidway4259 Год назад
@ArguelloFlores Год назад
This slow approach reading the creation looks similar to Theology of the Body. Yes, God created us but distinguished male from female. Thank you for sharing this video, interesting to meditate it further.
@SusanParker-uz5du Год назад
Read Paul how women have to obey their male owners. Funny how Jesus loved and respected women as equals not the underlings of men.
@DrDoerk Год назад
​@@SusanParker-uz5duI don't think you've read the Bible
@SusanParker-uz5du Год назад
@@DrDoerk I don't think you understand Jesus or God. Grow up, you are not God women are not stupid and we can stand beside men not live on our knees. Do you not understand that if women do not use the incredible brians given them they are spitting in the face of God. Sorry but God does not favor men over women. Live with it. If ;you believe Paul over Jesus, good luck when you go for judgement.
@cowtoyscbc Год назад
Note your first mistake One you state that the only curse was to Adam and Eve however note the ground (creation) is cursed as well. Rom 8:22-23 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. Man is given authority over the woman it is the Antitupos of Christ and the Church see the Song of Solomon . Mark 10:7-9 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. It is the marriage of the man and the woman. Second the curse on the Serpent. The secret gnosis one who lied first about God.
@lifelinesoutreach Год назад
Genesis 1:27 What does it say?
@robertschwarz8042 Год назад
"....the verses I'm going to pick out..." yeah, and ignore the fact that there are three different versions of how mankind was created
@Steven-sp3zw Год назад
Whats the 3 different versions for the bible? Or are you talking about different religions
@DrDoerk Год назад
Bro... what?
@lollypop2413 Год назад
Man was assigned to name the creatures..not woman
@xxxchurch100 Год назад
Wonderful and accurate 😊
@gupachan Год назад
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Or know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Timothy 1:8-10 But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully, as knowing this, that law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and unruly, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for abusers of themselves with men, for menstealers, for liars, for false swearers, and if there be any other thing contrary to the sound doctrine; Glory to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
@ji8044 Год назад
Pretty sure the OT is full of fornicators, adulterers, and generally really bad people who were much favored by God, like David and Solomon.
@stevespears8193 Год назад
This world is corrupt when they took prayers out of schools and working on the Sabbath day that's when family doesn't spend time together rather than Now no time @All this world is in the Dark!!!!;
@mcdonalddc Год назад
Please PLEASE get rid of those terrible distracting clips. Martyn is charismatic enough. The cutaways distract from the message. It makes the video look like it was targeted at pre-schoolers.
@jussaraarundel9953 Год назад
I believe God is also described in scripture as 'our very present helper in times of trouble' & in our battles against the enemy... which means God created women with great capacity to render aid in many forms, practical, emotional & spiritual...ie., intercessory prayer... ironically like Jordan Petersen I also believe Adam was created a Haemaphrodite until put to sleep for a binary chromosomal separation out of the two genders. Otherwise women were not made for true communion with God but merely to appease men. I don't believe Genesis supports men having headship over women in general outside of a covenant relationship such as marriage.
@lemongate4869 Год назад
I completely disagree with your notion that God created Adam as a hermaphrodite. What an absolute insult to our Creator! Have you ever seen a hermaphrodite ? Probably not. I have. I'm a nurse and have cared for a hermaphrodite child while waiting for the chromosome test to determine which reconstructive surgery to have. The genitals of a hermaphrodite are deformed! God did not create Adam as a deformed man. He created him as a beautiful, perfectly whole, hot blooded masculine man, with testosterone pumping through his veins, out there in the rugged, wild, open wilderness. God created Eve as a beautiful, perfectly whole, soft, feminine woman, with estrogen and progesterone pumping through her veins, in the fragrant beauty of the Garden of Eden. And God said it was very good. She was created to compliment Adam, not to compete with him. However, the Fall changed that. God put Adam as head over her to which she rebelled. There has never been perfect harmony between man and woman ever since their rebellion in Paradise. All this is found in Genesis.
@DrDoerk Год назад
What you believe is in no way biblical.
@jussaraarundel9953 Год назад
@@DrDoerk whatever Doerk
@quince95 Год назад
Great exlanation
@stuarthill5916 Год назад
Starting @ 07:07 . . . . . Interesting, that during the same week, Liz Wheeler discusses the deeper meaning of these words. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-VcaiLGJsxxU.html 39:06 - 40:40
@jml5100 Год назад
I think this is probably the best concise explanation of complementarianiam. But it fell short in not really hitting enough on the effects of the curse. Because of the man, work is affected and because of the woman, mothering is affected. Also notice the curse as it relates to them together. She will want to rule over him but he will cruelly suppress her. Which we have seen play out for centuries. Neither accepts their God given role (him to love and lead, her to support).
@davidkoehler136 Год назад
and what about Adams first wife ?
@DrDoerk Год назад
@kevinbergonia5806 Год назад
@adriankoh4859 Год назад
"when you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all" if anyone knows where when was this said then yes you are perfect and there's nothing wrong with you 😊👏 as for the rest, if God has a plan it's flop now🤣
@MikePulcinellaVideo Год назад
Here's the most important thing Christians need to understand about gender roles. What other people do with their lives is none of your business. You want to follow an outdated book written by ignorant frightened savages and suppress who you really are? Go right ahead. You are free to do that. When that doesn't work for you (and it won't) we who have freed ourselves from ancient superstition and walk in the clear light of reason will be here waiting for you with open arms. In the meantime, leave everyone who is not Christian alone.
@lobo3678 Год назад
Why are the "traditional" churches not teaching these things!!! They have forsaken sound scripture and replaced it with follow your heart teachings even though the Bible says the heart is deceitful above all things
@lilchristuten7568 Год назад
They aren't made out of different materials. Adam is made out of dust and Eve is made from Adam. They're both made from dust.
@roysenum7083 Год назад
Why do you use the ESV Bible?
@DrDoerk Год назад
It's a pretty good Bible. It's more accurate and easier to read than the kjv, and it's easier to read than the "most accurate" English version, the nasb.
@infowolf1 Год назад
helper is considered aninferior, employees are called "the help" soetimes in English, but NOT in Hebrew, ezer is an equal or superior God is called ezer, the woman's subordination comes as part of the curse and the Hebrew is "I will greatly increase your pain and your conception" so she would be ore fertile, and this results in depoendence on the man and he rules over her. ezer neged face to face like man to man opposition or friendship depending on context. more of an amazon that a delicate "feminine" over emotional idiotic barbie doll modern woman.
@theboombody Год назад
The last chapter of Proverbs really emphasizes that. The praised woman there manages large purchases and everything.
@vshah1010 Год назад
God decided even before Eve was created that she would be a "helper" for Adam. So, Eve was supposed to be a "helper" even before the curse.
@infowolf1 Год назад
@@vshah1010 as I said, the English and I guess some other western languages a helper is a subordinate. the Hebrew concept is that a helper is an equal or a superior. GOD IS CALLED HELPER check Strong's Concordance you will see. Eve was not in a role situation until after the fall and that was itself to play out by her default. all the real necessity from childbirth and rearing, and the vanity and cultivatig of "feminine" attitude which is phony but elieved by the one living the lie, put her in dependence while some thik thay are so clever because they can maipulate men. neither the wome nor the resulting men are fully human but warped.
@infowolf1 Год назад
a helper is only an order taker in English and some western languages, in Hebrew concept it is an equal partner or a superior. GOD IS CALLED HELPER, EZER for instance.@@vshah1010
@buzzlightyearlight1247 Год назад
@catherineatallis Год назад
@mariannaoosthuizen9639 Год назад
The enemy BLINDS the people who do not belong to CHRIST because they do not have the Holy Spirit to interpret the scriptures even though they read the words.
@cabot100 Год назад
Galatians 3:28 ► There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
@margaretclarke3643 Год назад
You need to read this Scripture in context to understand the meaning of it. You understand that this is a letter by Paul to the Galatian Church. The letter is not written in verses; that is just added as a help for our study of it.
@cabot100 Год назад
@@margaretclarke3643 God created humankind to be androgynous.
@margaretclarke3643 Год назад
@@cabot100 THAT is NOT what the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the CREATOR of ALL that EXISTS says. MALE and FEMALE HE CREATED THEM! (Genesis 1:27.) You have a choice, believe God, the Creator, or be deceived by the devil, he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false.(John 8:44.)
@cabot100 Год назад
@@margaretclarke3643 Please study Scripture so that you may better understand its teachings. Sadly there are many false believers who will be expecting to go to Heaven and will be denied entrance. The best way to avoid being one is to make sure you have truly put your trust in Christ alone for salvation. When you have repented and put your faith in Christ, that will lead to a life change. Follow God and educate yourself with his Word. Many people follow false teachings from the Bible given by false preachers, or they refuse to obey instructions from God and follow false beliefs. Many people throw on the Christian name tag and think they will be granted a place in Heaven by just going to church, which is false. You know there are people like that in your church. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
@DrDoerk Год назад
When you read this passage with context and don't use eisegesis you'll learn that it is talking about our inheritance in Christ. In no way is this passage talking about the roles in a marriage or a church.
@rochellecaffee1417 Год назад
There are very few Biblical teachers who actually believe the Word of God, and can express it as Jesus would, having the “mind of Christ”. They do not know Christ, because they do not follow him. How could you love God, whom you don;t even know?
@busybody1474 Год назад
That's a load of rubbish, speak for yourself but you don't speak for other preachers, only God knows our hearts so get that plank out of your eye
@user-vn8so9rf3d Год назад
Lots of questions - A friend once asked "If men were created first, what is the purpose of their nipples?" That aside, looking at the culture of people at the time and gender roles, there would be a female in charge of a household adopting "male authority" over her husband, who has a "female role" in HER household. Gender description of authority roles is often not understood when reading scripture. Then also, many languages confused me at school like German (Der, das and die...) with non-natural genders for everyday objects.
@user-gb1tc6ws8n Год назад
Pepole who are gay find it so hard to get out of more help is needid to help them
@erikjager4704 4 месяца назад
What no Adam and Steve?
@doksh5740 Год назад
Excellent speech. I wish all people would listen and understand. Islam also says that men and women are different.
@user-im9ov9ud7m Год назад
Always good when the organization of the anti-infidel drops by to learn of Jesus.!
@danclark1348 Год назад
We all know each of us are different in many ways. Until I have any little bit convincing evidence, I'll stay with my own personal perspective, being spiritual without any man's say so on how I live my life. I have no need for a "middle man" to seek God.
@user-im9ov9ud7m Год назад
Does baal take you right in off the street, @@danclark1348 .?
@Sjoldschool Год назад
I’m not bowing to this woke ideology in the slightest I’m opposed to everything that it stands for. I’m going to learn how to be a good Christian as I’ve just started to understand what is expected from me. I’ve never felt religious until recently but I’ve witnessed the world turning towards darkness and away from God.
@theboombody Год назад
I remember really noticing that in the 90's when the mainstream music started getting really filthy. And it happened in movies sooner than that.
@oblivionseddie7565 Год назад
Men are the head of Women just as women are the head of children. Equally before God? No we carry the burden for the sins and we die first 70% of the time
@wondergolderneyes Год назад
Does Martyn have any theological training?
@AntAnt-mr7lc Год назад
No he is a lawyer
@margaretclarke3643 Год назад
Definitely, and it is continual, from the Holy SPIRIT of God. (John 14:26).
@AntAnt-mr7lc Год назад
@@margaretclarke3643 yeah not formal as was asked
@margaretclarke3643 Год назад
@@AntAnt-mr7lc Notice, JESUS Himself speaking; "BUT when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all TRUTH (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and HE will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future]. He will honor and glorify Me, because He will take of (receive, draw upon) what is Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you." (John 16:13-14.) Now, I ask you? Can you get a higher qualification? Read and study the Word of God. Without the Holy Spirit, one cannot understand the Word of God. 1COR 2:14 BUT the natural, non spiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly ( meaningless nonsense) to him; and He is incapable of knowing them (of progressively recognising, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them) because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated. You may also not be aware, that Martyn grew up in a very God orientated family, serving the Lord. In other words, the Lord God was a part of his life from birth. Peace and blessings.
@garymahon1955 Год назад
Im 69yo, never had any real chance for marriage. I am no longer desiring a mate,. Wanted one for 51 yrs. Just pets .
@morganclare4704 Год назад
@Daisy.florina 3 месяца назад
Mostly are not true is his own statements. There is no verse that states a man is to serve from Genesis, and the word helper is made up by his interpretation, he said'' nurture, nurish,strengthen etc. You can help someone without nurturing nourish etc. Anyone has the ability to help . He wants to it be of a nurturer, a women can help save the natural environment from pollution etc, help develop new technology to help with issues, Roslyn F, a female scientist helped to research to find new cells to discover and she discovered DNA . He wants to be by the image of a nurse, you can be a nurse without those nurturing etc. He is dictating and not in touch with the facts. Adam said '' she will become the mother '' it was not God he said a ''helper'' not a mother .Also Eve was not a mother at the time when he said it.
@Elvengem Год назад
Many women dont emotionally support men anymore thanks to feminism. Men should seek anyone who shows them love and care.
@mikerockwood4475 2 месяца назад
What happens when a woman doesn't need a man anymore ? Like today . The woman bares the mans child but she takes them along with the house and child support !
@slapdog1833 Год назад
This is all good but I have questions. What about all the birth defects,there are many,physical and mental including gender identity. Let’s call all of these poor people woke. Better to pray and ask for understanding than to tag them woke.
@martinsjbmbrito6766 Год назад
Devil makes its job…if it can’t ripe souls it will do everything to souls do not exist….
@n9wff Год назад
God created a woman for the man's need for companionship and procreation. The problem: Eve's disobedience caused a rift between male and female, listed in Genesis 3:16. Nothing has changed. The only way this can be restored, both male and female is by the Blood and submission in the chain of command toward obedience and pleasing God.
@yvonnegordon1952 Месяц назад
you guys are talking about the WRONG THINGS: ALL ABRAHAMS descendants get into the covenant, but the way it is separated is not between people, but between the OUTCOME for the people who don't keep the covenants as they are laid out according to the VOWS they took to keep them: Jews don't need Jesus, they NEED their God which is supposed to be the same God Christians have, bring them to HIMSELF through the ANOINTING as he did when he took them out of Egypt the first time. If they trust HASHEM for this anointing, they will immediately understand Jesus: On the other hand, Christians who believe in Jesus and were never anointed, don't KNOW JESUS at all and are also in danger because the devils believe and tremble. I don't know why Jews and Christians doubt so much, well, I actually do: FOR THEM, Messiah never returned: BUT Messiah both came and started returning in that same generation he arrived, which some did see. Messiah actually started revealing himself to Abraham or there would be NO Israel or Jews at all even today. Isaac is the spiritual seed while Ishmael is the physical seed of Abraham and neither Jew or Muslim understands this and to my dismay, not even Christians understand it and that is supposed to be their message when Judaism didn't bring it or keep that first COVENANT HASHEM made with Abraham, the heart circumcision. So when did Christ return for Christians which are the lost exiled tribes of Israel? (Acts 2 he started returning for the last 2000 years) but Christians like Jews discount their own scriptures all the time: Just cherry picking where they are in the journey which is waiting for the Messiah, first or second time, don't matter: HE HAS BEEN arising and yes he ARISES IN HIS PEOPLE, his saints, when they are baptized into his NAME by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT so they can be as he is in the world: NOBODY is reporting this anymore which is why the STORY of it happening is all that is left for both religions that are now just living in the past and future, with no "REAL" experience of the Messiah. Does that stop them from talking about him? NO, they love talking about what never happens: IT keeps them important and relevant. in a little while and you will not see me and then in a little while you will see me and your JOY shall be full: ENTER ACTS 2 where God starts building his house upon the cornerstone the builders of the first two temples rejected: Christ has been returning for 2000 years but to EVERY MAN IN HIS OWN ORDER I COR 15, in his saints 2 Thess 1:10, and only those who have SEEN him (become witnesses of him) can tell you HOW HE RETURNS (I just did) because the seed of the woman was born through the good ground of my heart (Mark 4): All those who have not experienced their "HOUR" of their visitation, their APPOINTED TIME, will not be able to tell you that because their "EYE" has not seen him nor their EAR heard him yet. HANG IN there, your HOUR could come on these Jewish Feast days starting with Tisha B'Av if he was born through your heart last Christmas around Hanukkah: ONE day, people will be glad when the next and next person experiences their HOUR like the early church was: TODAY, nobody will be happy for you but ridicule, delete and tell you to take your meds: B"H and BLESS YOU ALL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a JEW can't hear me and NONE of them can for some reason, they will not get to be the head but remain the tail (of the serpent is the carnal PHYISCAL five senses without the ANOINTING OIL) that can NOT RISE anymore than the physical HAIRY part of Jacob, which is Esai can repent to God: The carnal mind can not repent but the SOUL (JACOB) must REPENT to get the birthright, the ANOINTING: PLEASE MICHAEL BROWN: Hear me: Your people are in trouble and now Christianity has followed its confusion for 2000 years, still in Babylon they have not COME OUT OF: The rapture is the first resurrection (your soul ascends) even while your body remains here as we see with Apostles and early church: The rapture comes after the TRAVAIL of the woman (heart, Israel) who brings Messiah into the world, John 16, Mark 4): This separates the soul from the body within two years, takes Israel the SOUL UP and out of the world, and leaves 1/3 of the heart and mind here (TAIL OF SATAN) and this part goes through the GREAT TRIBULATION: Paul explains it all in his own EXPERIENCE so the CHURCH would know what is happening and HOW: and to another guy and his video, HOW TO LOSE A WAR did anyone really think we could all steal land from others and just be glad they weren't able to keep it from us? AMERICA is stolen but by Gods WILL to give them their "TIME" to gain a people for his name which is the SOUL ABOVE THE BODY: When the people don't gain a soul, they remain in exile around the earth till they get the MESSAGE and do the WILL OF THE ONE WHO BROUGHT US ALL HERE: What is that will? TO KNOW HIM (LOVE) and LOVE others as our selves: We don't like either of those commandments:
@yvonnegordon1952 Месяц назад
gender is not about the sexual organ below but about how the BRAIN works above: You have a male and female part of your brain: The male or left brain is described here: The left side of the brain is often described as more analytical, verbal, and orderly than the right side. It's also sometimes called the "digital brain" because it's better at tasks like reading, writing, and computations. Activities that use the left side of the brain include: Logical tasks: Tasks that are sequential, analytical, and have an end point Reasoning: Subjects and experiences that focus on reasoning and identifying important details the left brain then has been associated with males in the past but not so much anymore: The RIGHT brain or female brain in the past rules more from the SUBCONSCIOUS and nature, and males often weren't that interested in those aspects, but not anymore: WE HAVE EVOLVED IN OUR BRAIN TO UTILIZE BOTH SIDES of it and it is CONFUSING to the sexual being that has a sexual organ of one kind of sex but uses a different part of their brain or as it is becoming, USES MORE OF BOTH SIDES of the BRAIN, hence this is actually what the MESSIAH DOES, is bring the BRAIN together again since it was separated in Gen 2 for angels to become male and females, so they could BE HELPERS among the sexes: Once Christ joins the BRAIN together as ONE HOUSE, Gods house, there is no more male or female but we are again like the ANGLES IN HEAVEN and the measure of an ANGEL is the measure of a MAN: (LAST ADAM): No more giving or taking in marriage: No more Jew or Greek either but a NEW MAN, a new creation: So why aren't all people waking up to their gender crisis clear about what is happening? There is a resurrection of the JUST (MESSIAH in us) and a resurrection of the unjust (the rest of us): WE ALL WAKE UP but those who have Messiah are just as confused about their "GATHERING THEMSELVES TOGETHER AGAIN WHEN THEY SEE THE DAY DRAW NEAR", as those without Christ consciousness understand it is about becoming WHOLE and not about becoming weird: (and you all know the difference by what people engage in because they just plain don't understand what is going on: LOVE is being purified internally between MAN and his two sides coming together: It is not an easy process so everyone do your part to help or step back:
@saoirsejb Год назад
This is stepping stones towards Fascism. If you don't want to be queer, don't be. But don't sic the Christian church onto queer people.
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