
YOU SAY VOTE with Jesse Williams 

Save The Day . Vote
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This is not about the White House, this is about your house. Share this with a friend who might not be voting.



26 сен 2016




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@LevZhivaev 7 лет назад
"This government was designed to be changed." Yup, after two Democratic terms, I'm with you there, buddy!
@voxorox 7 лет назад
That very last line is absolutely THE BEST reason ever given to register and vote. Some people don't want you to. They're afraid of your vote, so they do what they can to discourage it. They'll whisper in your ear that it doesn't matter, or that it's already rigged. There's only one way to un-rig it. VOTE.
@SlashinatorZ 7 лет назад
no, violent revolution is the only way to unrig it. It didnt matter how many people voted for Bernie, the DNC was gonna shove her down our throat no matter what
@voxorox 7 лет назад
Wow are you ever short-sighted, and deluded. First: Bernie got close, but didn't quite make it. I can safely say I'm a more fervent supporter of him than most, but that happens all the time, especially in politics. Were there shady dealings? Sure. But you're showing some *serious* cognitive bias in thinking he could have won otherwise. Second: Violent revolution never unrigs anything. In the case of this country, it would only serve to dismantle what little we do have in favor of a completely uncontrollable power play using actual brute force rather than political maneuvering. Third: In this corner: Bubba with his shotgun! In the other corner: the most advanced military in the world! Good luck with that one, dumbass.
@SlashinatorZ 7 лет назад
JussumHashol 1st, Bernie had bigger crowds & the only reason his base wasnt even bigger was because of the media blackout of him. Wasserman Schultz rigged it against him & is a wretched human. 2nd it would be the only way of cleaning the criminals & crooks out of the government. They cant be removed peacefully. Only a French or Russian revolution could do it. 3rd that would be a challenge but history has shown there are no invincible armies. An EMP would cripple the military's capabilities. As quoted by Nappa, the army/navy are a bunch of pansies hiding behind toys. & if a large section of the military defected, the proletariat army would have a chance.
@johnrhogan2908 7 лет назад
To those who don't vote: Don't bitch or whine or moan or complain about how the election turns out, if your candidate(s) lose. You have no right to.
@byzantineJesusLov3R 4 года назад
Damn so detroit gave androids equal rights.
@reepicheepsfriend 7 лет назад
Nitpick: I know for a fact that you CAN sit on a jury if you're not registered to vote. Because I got a jury summons in my town while my voter registration hadn't been updated to reflect that I was living there. They base it off of your driver's license.
@kanusuggondese489 7 лет назад
This is Nationalism vs Globalism. The choice is simple.
@kanusuggondese489 7 лет назад
***** People who obsess over race are the real racists.
@msakikibee 7 лет назад
I am baffled that all these people in the comment section failed to understand that he was mainly talking about all of your LOCAL elections in which your vote definitely makes a difference. All of this "I'm not voting for either candidate" is nonsense because its not just the president you'll be voting for on the 8th
@1truek269 7 лет назад
msakikibee EXACTLY!!!! But there are too many f*ktards in this country who don't realize there is more on the ballot than just the Presidential candidates. what a shame. So busy hating that they can't listen for a few minutes, even in their own best interest. #Deplorables
@pilotperry4525 7 лет назад
They're Trump's and a bunch of other random simps who don't understand political science.
@bruvva2160 7 лет назад
I will be saving the day by voting for Trump you're welcome!
@RelevantDad 7 лет назад
Is this a joke? Still hard for me to believe that people are actually going to vote for him.
@jasonl3637 7 лет назад
No joke
@bruvva2160 7 лет назад
No it's not a joke Hillary is a criminal, Gary is a fool, and I don't agree with Jill on her stances. But if you want to vote for any of them I won't judge you, it's your choice.
@RelevantDad 7 лет назад
Gary is a fool, so you're voting for Trump? That's ironic. Yeah, I don't think GJ is the perfect candidate by any means, and everyone is entitled to vote how they please. Just found that a bit ironic that you're choosing one dummy over another lol.
@PieroMinayaRojas 5 лет назад
Wait what is Markus doing there?
@tramnguyen0000 4 года назад
he decided to have another good cause after getting his freedom ya know
@Itec0ntest 4 года назад
so I take it this was Jesse's audition tape for Detroit?
@qamar1651 7 лет назад
This is a very important message people need to hear #Vote
@518vicki 7 лет назад
Thank you for this. The important politics are local politics. These are the politics you can, and should, get involved with because the decisions made locally will have great impact on your daily lives.
@TheIrishMLK 7 лет назад
In true Joss fashion - and one of the reasons he is such an effective communicator on and off screen - this message is non-partisan and doesn't tell you who to vote for. JUST THAT YOU SHOULD VOTE! If you complain about this law or that rule or some injustice or inequality - JUST VOTE! Don't worry about what you think everyone else is doing or how they are voting - JUST VOTE! Don't worry about seeking approval from your coworkers by wearing that "I voted" sticker. Vote for your conscience and for "your house" - JUST VOTE! Most importantly, don't believe that the only ballots you need to cast are for the president. You local officials and state government representatives effect your daily lives as much or more than the President - JUST VOTE! The US Congress and Senate control much more of the actual LAW-MAKING than the President and so many people complain that they are career politicians. Why do you think they can make a career out of politics? NOT ENOUGH VOTERS TO FORCE THEIR CAREER CHANGE - JUST VOTE! I don't care for who or why. Only you can decide those things for yourself. Even if it's for the the local PTA or your Bridge Club or the Lollipop Guild - JUST VOTE! Participate in every possible election so you your voice can be heard. Hopefully we can go from the 54.9% of eligible voters participating in 2012 to as close to 100% as possible if we all - JUST VOTE! And just in case you didn't get it the first eight times - JUST VOTE!
@KeanosMagicHat1 7 лет назад
Like others before them in the US, UK and many other countries, there are people today around the world still fighting & dying for the right to vote and have their say. If you are fortunate enough to live somewhere where the most you have to do is a little research before travelling to a polling station, you should 100% take up your hard won right and vote!
@Sucheit 7 лет назад
you heard him guys he wants change this means vote for trump cuz hillary is obviously third term of obama
@TheHacka2000 7 лет назад
I say how high is the wall, maybe I can't jump that high.
@timmya4000 7 лет назад
the cheese is strong with this one
@klddiggs142 7 лет назад
I show this PSA to my clients everyday and EVERYDAY one of them says thank you, I didn't know. That about sums it up LOL
@nostrum6410 7 лет назад
at least this one wasn't a Hillary ad
@mrsir3658 4 года назад
Heyyy it's Markus!!
@Patrick19833 7 лет назад
why people saying this video is anti-trump? He did not even mention his name once.
@PieroMinayaRojas 5 лет назад
I don't know, it's very confusing
@codybethel4142 3 года назад
When you include the video of him and other celebs bashing trump and basically saying just vote for Hillary than everything they did was essentially anti-trump.
@demonthunderwolf116 7 лет назад
His eyes give the expression his face dose not need to tell me if he is angry sad or serious if ygm
@JamesManon 7 лет назад
Damn powerful...awesomeness
@imjuliewaters 7 лет назад
If you don't vote, I don't want to hear any bitching from that person about whoever wins.
@michaellaurenzana2353 7 лет назад
We're not bitching about the person who is in office. We're bitching about the structure of the system period. The original design was for people to go serve their country (IE Businessman, scientists, school teachers, lawyers, doctors etc etc) and then go back to their original profession. Now lawyers have made it impossible for that too happen and they have created a monopoly of career politicians who are just lawyers (with some exceptions, Ben Carson, Rand Paul etc etc). Show me a group of people who are willing to install term limits so political careers are not created and we will vote for those people.
@crafttacular9733 7 лет назад
and Jesse's point is if you don't vote you have no say in who's in that structure.
@stevenbeckley1160 7 лет назад
Term limits is actually on Gary Johnson's campaign platform. www.johnsonweld.com/term_limits
@imjuliewaters 7 лет назад
Michael, I'm saying what Tara said. If you don't vote in the election and then don't like who/what wins (for whatever... President, school district council member, proposition #, etc), you can't really complain about it because you didn't vote to change the results.
@2Brian 7 лет назад
*If your main reason for voting Hillary Clinton is: You don't like Donald Trump, then THAT IS A PROTEST VOTE.*
@peterg8717 7 лет назад
Today, President Obama said that to not vote is "a vote for Trump." In other words, the president said it's impossible to not vote.
@JazGalaxy 7 лет назад
That's true in a somewhat philosophical matter of speaking.
@nxzavian 7 лет назад
I'm going to vote for Trump
@viinsonn 7 лет назад
Even they think we can't do this they're tell us a good reason why
@b2.y 7 лет назад
*_Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho 2016_*
@christiamcoronado1621 7 лет назад
@QM571 7 лет назад
Christiam Coronado Well then your an idiot.
@HT.100 7 лет назад
+David “Dsr478” Robert Git triggered
@QM571 7 лет назад
Mr. Edwards No, I'm just smart unlike Trump supporters.
@QM571 7 лет назад
HT Nah I'm not triggered, just laughing at your stupidity.
@QM571 7 лет назад
Mr. Edwards The only kid here is you, what kind of adult would support Trump?
@HalfManThirdBiscuit 7 лет назад
"This gov't was designed to be changed." Yeah, er, they changed that. It's called foreign money and influence.
@michaelb.4372 7 лет назад
Spot on. I have friends who say they won't vote because they don't know details about the people and issues on the ballot. I say vote for what you do know and leave the rest blank. Even if you only check one box, you've done better than nothing at all.
@RelevantDad 7 лет назад
Absolutely not. If you don't know what you're doing, don't screw it up for the people that do. I'm totally fine with people not being interested in politics, but why make decisions on something you're not informed about?
@michaelb.4372 7 лет назад
Absolutely YES. I said "vote for what you know". The phrase "leave the rest blank" is so the person doesn't do damage where they have no knowledge. But they should go to the polls even if they have just one person or issue they care about on the ballot. Eezee peezee. I don't see why you have a problem with that.
@RelevantDad 7 лет назад
I don't have a problem with that. But if someone doesn't know anything about the policies of the presidential candidates, do you really thing they'll have any knowledge of the local candidates or issues? I supposed there's a chance, but it seems unlikely.
@NotDustyDrB 7 лет назад
OK, I'm motivated to vote. Let's look at the candidates...eh. OK what about third parties? Oh. Giant Meteor it is, then.
@stlchucko 7 лет назад
How can it be said that voting matters or can make the changes I want when I don't agree with either party and those 2 parties put rules and laws in place to eliminate any 3rd party or independent competition?
@RelevantDad 7 лет назад
It's absurd. They try so hard to make everyone believe that any vote not for one of them is a wasted vote.
@freakygirlish 7 лет назад
Well it is. If you don't vote for one of the only two candidates that actually have a chance of winning the election, you are wasting your vote, because you have a winner-takes-all system. Not voting isn't a statement, it just means that you are not allowed to bitch or complain about anything that is happening as a result of this election, because you chose to not let you voice be heard.
@RelevantDad 7 лет назад
No, voting for someone I don't believe in is wasting my vote.
@stlchucko 7 лет назад
One of the problems is that people buy into the stigmata that voting for a 3rd party is equivalent to not voting; or that it's a vote for the "other guy" (Rebs saying a 3rd party vote helps Hillary win, Dems saying a 3rd party vote helps Trump win). Both parties actively work together to eliminate any 3rd party competition, and too many people buy into it. This is the election that a 3rd party has the best chance to win in decades; possibly the past century... But not if people buy into the stigmata or just stay home.
@kellywingate8826 7 лет назад
He said a swear word so he must be serious.
@mochawitch 7 лет назад
apparently he missed the democratic primaries… 😒😏
@EdensEssential 7 лет назад
This is untrue, in the state of Florida all you need is a drivers licences to be forced into Jury duty. Whoever the editor is, needs to get his facts straight.
@crazykenna 7 лет назад
Kayla Bihlajama yeah, I got summoned to jury duty twice before I registered to vote. My dad has never voted and he still has served on juries (never exciting ones, it's always a civil suit).
@leightonhall6424 7 лет назад
Vote Hillary #imwithher
@christiancrocetti9940 7 лет назад
Leighton Hall I actually care about this nation #heswithus
@ThreeFingerG 7 лет назад
#Mr. Gaunt Jill endorses Trump skipper
@angelnavarro582 7 лет назад
I'd rather not go to war with Russia or have all our big cities look like Detroit.
@vincentjames7210 7 лет назад
Leighton Hall Yeah, vote for someone who supports the killing of innocent babies? You're sick. just sick.
@chrisedwards6573 7 лет назад
You can sit on a jury; in fact many people don't register thinking it will stop that. It doesn't.
@Jezahb 7 лет назад
I am writing in Bernie, because it is MY VOTE for who I want to be president. I will vote, as it is a right that we fought hard for, but I refuse to vote for someone I cannot stand behind. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils, if the best the other side can say is "Our candidate is better than the alternative" than that is pretty sad. I get so sick of people telling me, and others like me who refuse to vote for the candidates the rigged system chose for us, that we are stupid, silly or wrong. How? How is voting for who you actually want to be president regardless of how "unlikely" it is they will win wrong? Isn't that what we are SUPPOSED to do? Vote for who we want to be president?
@Christiantwk 7 лет назад
You know Bernie has, pretty explicitly, said not to vote for him, or write him in, and instead vote for Hillary, because then he can work with her to get legislation passed that they both agree on. So here's a question for you. Why would you vote for a person who is directly asking you not to vote for them?
@robertaroberts9723 7 лет назад
Don't let someone vote shame you. It's YOUR vote. Do what you want. Even Bernie said that she needed to earn our votes and she hasn't earned mine either.
@illuminatitom4555 7 лет назад
Great pro Turmp video, guy. Looking forward for every vote November. ;)
@jorgeperez8330 7 лет назад
@vazak11 4 года назад
Great work!
@riadburctoolla3251 7 лет назад
0:25 That is why it is better to spoil your ballot rather than not voting. #VoteOrVoteNone
@corinnehernandez7886 7 лет назад
@rusty4134 7 лет назад
It would be simple for most people if they even knew of the other candidates, sadly, most people I try to talk to only know of the two. You should be voting regardless, for the simple fact that the President is only one box out of 20+ in some states. People need to quit falling for the "sham" that a vote...or not voting is a vote for the other side.....if enough people do it that other side becomes one of the "not known about" candidates. If enough people wanted to actually make a change they could, they are just to scared to make the change they so desperately need.
@auditoryeden 7 лет назад
Unfortunately the nature of our voting system means that this simply isn't true. It's terrible, but voting for a third party or abstaining really is the same as voting against your own self-interest.
@nothingtoseehere705 7 лет назад
Damn right.
@deanwinchester484 7 лет назад
Truly Amazing
@jeremyforeman4284 2 года назад
I voted for Beyonce Foreman I'm not a republican or democrat
@RybacksOnlyFan 7 лет назад
Hey, its a video starring the whiny actor who got butthurt Justin Timberlake made a lot of money!
@DolphinJoy12345 7 лет назад
HillaryForPrison 2016
@Flightjunkie4u 7 лет назад
I'v been voting for 41 years. NOT because any actor- or anybody else- TOLD me I had to; But, because it's a RIGHT. Also, besides everything he said, if you don't vote you have no right to complain because you didn't do anything to try to stop it. THIS is why I'm voting for Trump/Pence- Because I want to STOP THE CORRUPTION AND LAW-BREAKING POLITICIANS.
@ltg_dp 7 лет назад
Does everyone here know why we are in this country? It's because we were not allowed to choose our leader, our religion or just about anything. Hundreds of people have given their lives to be able to vote, and some people have just thrown that right away like a pice of paper. But what you don't realize is that the right you want to through away makes a difference. Everyone who doesn't vote in the U.S.A. takes their rights for granted so you might as well just leave. Go ahead. I don't care. But I do care about what happens to the country. Think about what you are throughing away.
@donniedarko8012 5 лет назад
Thank you, Hollywood for helping us all elect Trump.
@KialIrvin 7 лет назад
can I unregister to vote?
@dorianjohnson8746 7 лет назад
You are a clown and part of the problem!
@KialIrvin 7 лет назад
+Dorian Johnson what problem? just making a little joke.
@ItsTonyYouTwat 7 лет назад
This 24 year old Hispanic is voting Trump/Pence. Rage on, Liberals. :)
@alejandromolinac 7 лет назад
Amen to that brother! And if they bitch at you, tell them to go camping at the border...
@NaylorIsKing 7 лет назад
Love this
@DiplonEmerion 7 лет назад
@peggysmith8797 7 лет назад
Right on!!
@robertoramos1948 7 лет назад
soy mexicano , and i live un united states
@user-iq9yf5oi9u 7 лет назад
@IAmDeighton 7 лет назад
Bit weird to disable the like and dislike button on a video about expressing yourself by voting and the general importance of voting but I liked the message anyway.
@ExiledSummoner 7 лет назад
the dislike and like system just makes butt hurt little edgy 14 year olds feel like they're important. this way they can state their opinions and not be knocked out of the youtube algorithm.
@carol4real 7 лет назад
Well, amen then.
@Jnvlv247 7 лет назад
How does it feel knowing about half of the eligible voters did not vote :P
@Manx123 7 лет назад
When he said there are people who don't want you to vote and looked at the camera, was he looking at me, who was probably in the age range of their target audience, but didn't want the youth to vote because they vote terribly?
@pedrohernandez5642 7 лет назад
I am a Hispanic immigrant and now US citizen...lived in the U.S.A. for more than 30 years.....AMERICA IS THE LEAST RACIST PLACE I HAVE BEEN TO (including my country of origin) and I have have been to over 15 nations in Europe and Central/South America....
@richardroberson2564 7 лет назад
Pedro Hernandez word
@tylerrector2782 7 лет назад
@47ravenlord 7 лет назад
4 presidents have been elected WITHOUT the popular vote (YOUR VOTE).....That is direct proof that your vote matters...but ONLY if you vote the way the elites want you to,otherwise you are overruled and your vote literally means nothing.
@TABULOUS1 7 лет назад
I'm not here to bother talking sense to nonsense. I just stopped by to check out the GARBAGE trolls within the comments, who happen to be an accurate representation of our bamboozled, misguided society. I knew I could count on yall to show up to disparage an attempt to relay constructive messaging. (chortles @ your lives & the trash relationships within it, hairflips, and saunters away)
@paulsalinas4308 7 лет назад
@KthulhuXxx 7 лет назад
"We are a short-form digital production company dedicated to the idea that voting is a necessary and heroic act. That every voice in this wonderfully diverse nation should, and must, be heard. That the only thing that can save democracy is the act that defines it." Funny how your channel description differs so blatantly from the extremely partisan and fear-mongering content you put out.
@KthulhuXxx 7 лет назад
If that was really their primary intention, they "Go Vote" message wouldn't be buried under so much "Trump is EVIL!!!!" Joss Whedon wants you to vote....as long as you agree with his elite Hollywood liberal groupthink. If you don't, these ads have made it very clear that he'd rather you walk in front of a bus.
@nanaissayinsth 7 лет назад
But you have to consider, that the "fear mongering" is far more fact based (trump's speeches) than trump fear mongering about muslims, mexicans, the criminal situation in america... about anything. Their key expression is "vote" and not "vote for hillary". They let you choose.
@KthulhuXxx 7 лет назад
Except after the first 20 seconds or so, the entire thing is basically saying "VOTE...as long as you agree with us."
@BionicLatino 7 лет назад
Funny that you heard that. How so?
@alejandromolinac 7 лет назад
Are the Democrats afraid? I am being serious and critical. With all these celebrity voting ads, seems they are pandering to the lowest common denominator who only consumes showbiz....
@elfsong713 7 лет назад
I read "lowest common denominator" and "showbiz" and assumed you must be talking about Donald Trump.
@alejandromolinac 7 лет назад
elfsong713 I am not getting into petty arguments. Have you seen the militant ranks on the left.... The what you can argue on the left, you can easily mirror on the right...
@sumpiooner 7 лет назад
the normal peoples aren't hollywood,why in 'save the day' there are only vip? they are actors ... what do you thik about this?
@houseoftofu2612 7 лет назад
let me precede this by saying i am voting, but a couple complaints. 1) we aren't directly a democracy. 2) if votes reallllllly mattered then explain the DNC putting their thumb on the scale for hillary during the primaries. 3) and what if I vote for trump? would you still be telling me to vote.
@christophercarsonsmith5088 7 лет назад
I'll take a crack at this. 1) So what if we aren't a direct democracy? No country is. They are all some sort of representative democracy, like the US. If you are referring to the electoral college, still a lame reason not to vote. Boo hoo, there's a small chance the electoral college outcome might differ from the popular vote. That doesn't mean it's not important to vote for your preference. 2) Primaries are not elections in an official sense. They are only elections within your party and the rules are not under the jurisdiction of the federal government (other than campaign finance laws) like the national elections are. So, if you don't like it, they would say you are free to join another party. Has nothing to do with the federal election. And 4) yes.
@houseoftofu2612 7 лет назад
1) I was responding to the video claims on us being a democracy, which isn't 100 percent accurate. 2) It's still voting. And nice. If I don't like how it's ran join another party. Did you even read your comment before you came out like an asshole. 4?) Bet not. I love seeing all these videos online of people being harassed for being a Trump supporter.
@primal2020 7 лет назад
i'd rather not vote than vote for criminals
@cforce64 7 лет назад
Not voting is metaphorically the same as voting for either Trump or Hillary. Your decision to not vote increases the chances for one of them winning the election. Just vote for the 3rd candidate. Sure he/she may not win, but at least you'll have the satisfaction of doing your part in keeping Trump/Hillary from winning.
@mrheisenberg4067 7 лет назад
Why Barack Obama don't stay as president
@flavvlb4487 7 лет назад
the fucking laws
@eruditediva 7 лет назад
ummm how many terms can a president serve? just TWO.
@JazGalaxy 7 лет назад
pretty sure it was a rhetorical question.
@mrheisenberg4067 7 лет назад
JazGalaxy Yes it was
@smenezes5359 7 лет назад
How do states like CA, NY, PA, NJ, MA validate the vote count without voter ID? There are millions of non-citizens that reside in these states ...
@citizenschallengeYT 7 лет назад
I wonder, can you offer any objective evidence for what you believe?
@citizenschallengeYT 7 лет назад
***** Sound like your own biased opinion slash conviction. Have any objective supporting information, that will help inform?
@citizenschallengeYT 7 лет назад
I think we would find the numbers much lower than you presume. What about the other side of the coin: Malicious Republican voter suppression actions and Citizens United allowing massive corporate spending and all the dirty tricks that has come with that?
@smenezes5359 7 лет назад
citizenschallengeYT Both sides are complicit in this matter .. the main reason why it is not addressed ... Hopefully a good pure soul takes this up and fixes the wrong.
@smenezes5359 7 лет назад
Without ID laws, it is literally illegal to find any objective evidence. My question is "How do states without these laws validate the vote count?" - would you perhaps have an answer? thx.
@ComedyBros5 7 лет назад
Sheesh. RU-vid is very biased. lol
@nervclax7458 7 лет назад
The DNC would like to disagree with you or didn't you follow the primaries?
@StarlessBandNJ 7 лет назад
yes. i will be voting for Donald J. Trump. Sorry hollywood know-it-alls
@cubo121 7 лет назад
well good luck fucking america or worst the world
@aurelian5234 7 лет назад
StarlessBandNJ I have no problem with who you vote for. I only ask that you have an open mind to every person who you don't know personally. Wether that be Donald, Hillary, Obama, or any person who you don't know.
@StarlessBandNJ 7 лет назад
@MRxAmazing 7 лет назад
Who even is this guy?
@urgirlri 7 лет назад
an actor
@Flightjunkie4u 7 лет назад
He's Ellen Pompeo's "love interest" on Grey's Anatomy. The PC part of the show.
@kevinhermiller5162 7 лет назад
@aswerty911 7 лет назад
Actually you can. By not voting the candidate gets less support and in the long run hurts their political future. Like when I dont watch his shows, the ratings suck and it gets canceled. Imagine only 40% of people vote, then these atleast 1 these hacks' careers are over. A close race only encourages the loser to try again and stick around.
@OccasioGee 7 лет назад
After the election (& all the legal follow up) there is only a W & L. No one cares or remembers how many voted only the margin by which someone wins.
@aswerty911 7 лет назад
Of course people care. Why did people want Mitt Romney to run again? Because he still got almost half the popular vote in 2012. If he only got 35% no one would've cared.
@MrsJChrist 7 лет назад
If you know or willing to pay for a constitutional lawyer for me, I can help you keep your promise to do better by Women. What if our father in heaven is really our mother who sent her son 1st and will send her daughter 2nd as the Queen of the South to collect His rent aka the Final Judgment. The only way for us to get a New Heaven & Earth is for Women to receive inheritance denied them due to their gender and let a Her-It-Age begin.
@myttydohun4851 5 лет назад
Trump: *mission accomplished*
@2001spacenuts 7 лет назад
Trump endorsement
@MrV2310 7 лет назад
@PHREDOFFICIAL 7 лет назад
@sikrikaran95 7 лет назад
first to like and comment lol. where's those dumb ass speeches 😅😅😅
@esteevius 7 лет назад
Look what happened when people voted. Also, this video's message is pretty vague.
@kawnuayo 7 лет назад
first coment
@alexiskinessa 7 лет назад
the actual fist
@normanjeans2798 3 года назад
biden 2021 baby lol
@HT.100 7 лет назад
Who is this bum?
@chamoni4466 7 лет назад
@myttydohun4851 5 лет назад
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