
Yu-Gi-Oh Eric Herdzik vs. Adam Corn 

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31 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 36   
@EsteBandido_YT 2 года назад
"why do I draw so bad with DAD?" well for starters, Eric got greedy witht the card trooper. knowing the mind games some pro players bring at the table, greedyness got the best of him. There is a story in which Adam was using Salvo-DAD, he went first against my friend (using Lightsworn). Adam sets a monster and two backrow (as far I remember) and says "omg the typical play lumina garoth and what not". My friend instead went for Lumina and Lyla, hitting Mirror force, attacks the facedown which turned out to be not a floater. Mills 6 at the End Phase, 2 wulf and necrogardna. Adam just stares at his other set card, shuffles hand, scoops...
@Bladen12345 15 лет назад
People can be so harsh. Back when Adam ran Prime Material Dragon way back he gained a lot of support and favouritism. That then appeared to turn into jealously and now he has a lot of haters. Seriously, wtf? It's like everytime someone rises up a new batch of haters are born. Michael Jackson Adam Corn Barrack Obama It doesn't really matter if you're a superstar, card player or president... this cycle (sadly) continues.
@zukzulkhan 15 лет назад
that tele-dad deck got overpowered from the start by gettting crushed and didnt have any draw power at all.
@ShivasLeftEye 15 лет назад
which one is Adam Corn?
@brandonrouach1885 6 лет назад
This was the last month of teledad format correct? Or was this recording a long time before it was updated.
@TheIronEnforcer 15 лет назад
I like how the stacker even shuffles his hand. Either he has a problem sitting still or hes stacking again.
@yugiohUK1 12 лет назад
you solemn the initial summon of gyzarus so then adam would solemn your solemn and then afterwards his effect would activate targetting your set roar in which you could then chain roar it would be a completely different chain
@achram093 15 лет назад
the guy on the right
@magneto1992 15 лет назад
you do not actually expect that he got it just for LP, if he has any good math or physics class he is dead if he does not have one
@Combatstyles1611 14 лет назад
wasnt eric the guy that made out with jeff jones?
@RomeoBarnes 15 лет назад
its called bluffing. A skill you MUST learn to be good any card game thats romotely close to poker which ALL TCGs are.
@invision1995 15 лет назад
the dad guy was under pressure ^^
@StunGadget 14 лет назад
person below me is a liar. he obv. wouldn't stack at a regional.. lol.. IF he does stack (which i dont think he does tbh) he would only do it at ycs's and nats.. but, he hasn't topped recently at big events outside of nats where he got T32
@yugiohking1996 15 лет назад
yeah sure thats why he stacks
@michaelxdrift 15 лет назад
adam corn..... he seems like a very hyper guy
@monarchSYNCHRO 15 лет назад
guy on the right is such a terrible duelist! why did he chain roar? to what? he should have waited for gyzaurus to come out and solemn it.
@iTechCards 15 лет назад
adam corn is an ok player he lucks sacks most of the time.
@nosam91 14 лет назад
im confused as to why does he always have a toothbrush lol...i aint tryin to cap on you or nothin im just wondering why
@sparkyhero2 15 лет назад
i want to duel him so bad!
@RitualOfDisgrace 14 лет назад
@animefreak619240 I beg to differ, he stacked against me when I played him at a regional. I definitely understand how he does it.
@bchung100 13 лет назад
Why does adam carry a toothbrush in his calculator case? lol
@TheIronEnforcer 15 лет назад
oh its a big deal
@itacome 15 лет назад
Holy Crap WHAT?! He didn't Solemn the Gyzarus?¨!
@TheCrimsonSpider 12 лет назад
yeah Adam maybe you do cheat
@SackyBackGorilla 13 лет назад
adam corn looks like a gay pauly d
@blockman11 13 лет назад
@TeamDuelmodeYugioh Lmao this was back when there was more than 1 bestiari....... Why else would adam dump the bestiari knowing the other guy had crow...
@Vandius24 15 лет назад
why would you want to duel him he well stack!!
@jestonivillanueva 12 лет назад
Why do you have an oral b tooth brush Adam
@mcth0ny 15 лет назад
corn is a stacker so scrub
@RealHoangthang 9 лет назад
The good old day with the $2000 crush card virus that Acorn likes to stack lol
@theThugLife112 12 лет назад
Stacking is impossible WTF
@stefansnake 15 лет назад
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