
Zarathushtrian Religion, Philosophy and History 

California Zoroastrian Center
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Professor Kaikhosrov D. Irani is a retired Professor Emeritus of Philosophy from City College of New York. At City College of New York, he taught philosophy for 41 years, and also served as the chairman of the Department of Philosophy for 9 years.
He has served as Director of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities at City University of New York, and is a member of the Academy of Science in New York, the American Philosophical Association, the Philosophy of Science Association, and the American Academy of Religion.
Prof. Irani has lectured in his field at UCLA, the Universities of Michigan, London, Goetingen, Vienna and Rome. At Princeton University he got to work with Albert Einstein. In 1999, he was singularly honored by the establishment of the K.D. Irani chair of Philosophy, at the City College of New York.
This Video was produced by The Zoroastrian Assembly(www.Zoroastrian.com) and Lord of Wisdom.
To order your DVD visit: www.LorfofWisdom.com



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@smokyhaze 9 лет назад
I'm a Zoroastrian, born and raised in Mumbai. Throughout my formative years and as a young adult I was encouraged, shamed and even coerced a bit into following the rituals involved in the religion (prayer, worship, traditional practises) with only the most abstract explanation of what they meant. The rituals were harmless (if slightly time consuming) and my community was certainly well intentioned. HOWEVER, there was never any focus on the philosophy of the Gathas and Zoroaster; there was never any focus on encouraging the spirit of enquiry or free will or choice. In fact, quite the opposite - do as you're told - we can't quite explain it - but it’s how it’s always been. Of course, a lot of what i consider to be a strong moral code trickled down into me as well, but that was always something i could rationalise, something that was validated by other cultures, religions and people around me as well as my own conscience. At roughly the same time i learnt about the renaissance period in history at school. I was very taken by the principle of questioning things, which was only emboldened by my natural curious instinct and propensity to read everything I could. However, I never came across anything to do with Gathic or Zoroastrian Philosophy - certainly nothing accessible to me. Thus, in my limited world view, religion = meaningless ritual. As a consequence, I decided that this religion stuff was not for me - it seemed to be seeped in dogma and fundamentalism and devoid of any logic or reasoning. No one seemed to have any answers. I decided that I would not do things i did not understand merely because 'that’s the way it’s always been'. I would think for myself, choose my own path while living a life of good thoughts, words and deeds. Little realising of course, that my principles happened to be the very essence of Zoroastrian philosophy, the very religion I was rebelling against. It is a shame that the tribal mind set which Zoroaster sought to abolish is the very mind-set that is prevalent in the majority of Zoroastrians living in India today. It’s also a shame, that like much of the world, we have started worshipping meaningless rituals and religious leaders instead of using their ideas and examining their philosophy. We get far too caught up in 'preserving the culture' than looking at the bigger picture of what that culture actually stands for. And in the process of trying to 'preserve the culture' we imbibe a sense of irrational pride, insecurity and closed-mindedness... In my opinion, very counter-productive to the ideals of 'Asha'. So, thank you, for this video Professor Irani and CZC. Its awesome.
@smokyhaze 9 лет назад
...and further, it's amazing how many philosophies of Zoroaster, as perceived by Prof Irani, run parallel to the principles required for strong self esteem as outlined by Nathaniel Branden, in his seminal book '6 Pillars of Self Esteem' which was a result of decades of research on the topic in modern times...
@solhamer3502 9 лет назад
That is a fascinating story. You are quite right. I can't blame the Parsis for placing such gravitas on the notion of preserving their culture forasmuch as it has been tragically subjugated since the time of Cyrus. I hope that even if they will not know it, all people will one day be Zoroastrians at heart and work towards Asha - good thoughts, good words and good deeds regardless of colour, creed or religion.
@Falamu445 9 лет назад
Feroze Engineer What do most Parsees think of Iran, do they regard it still as a holy motherland? And does Zoroastrianism have anything in common with native Indian religions, such as Hinduism?
@smokyhaze 9 лет назад
Falamu445 I'll answer your second question first. The Gathas (original zoroastrian scripture) have a LOT in common with the Vedas (original hindu scripture). I understand scholars have puzzled over this but there isn't a conclusive answer as to why. Scripture aside, Zoroastrians have adopted (and in some cases adapted) many traditions, rituals, cultural practises, etc that exist in India since they migrated. Most parsee zoroastrians would (and quite rightly so in my opinion) consider India as their motherland, most would sadly never have been to Iran at all even though they are aware that is where we originally came from. For me personally, where ever i rest my head is the place I call home - but i would still love to go and see Iran at some point.
@ODamoo 9 лет назад
Hey Ferose, Sorry for misspellings form my pad is corrupted and I can not see what I write nore correct my mistakes . Oke, that being said I would like you to read/look into the book OAHSPE, whoch is discribing all fromer profets that walked yhe earth and how they where reased from birth, like po, brama, abraham and others. It talks about the birth of man some 24000years ago and shows most of the heavely creatures and gods, demi gods, demons, evil spirits and the Great Spirit ...all man has lived through or worked through.
@staceypappi8632 6 месяцев назад
I took many courses with professor Irani at CCNY during the late seventies. He was the chairman of the philosophy department. He truly changed my life. Sometimes what he was teaching , especially the field of epistemology, was difficult to crasp, but his tone ,his presentation was like watching a conductor conducting a symphony. Truly amazing. There was an occasion I went to his office and asked him if he believed in God. He gave me the answer he is presenting here. He was happy to sit with me for over two hours discussing Zoroastrianism. I was a Christian at the time and was convinced that the teachings of Zarathustra was for me. I was blessed to have known KD Irani and cherish the time in his classroom and the private conversations we had together. He actually awarded me with the Gabriel Mason award in 1979. He never told me about this, but one day after graduating I received a letter from him telling me about receiving this award and included a hundred dollar check. I was amazed that he even thought about me. A great man of my time, probably the greatest mind of my time. He was a gentle , funny, kind and empathetic person who loved life. He influenced me more than I can articulate. Thank you Professor and Godspeed. You’re the greatest.
@ellsworth1956 5 лет назад
Professor Kaikhosrov D. Irani was 90 years old when he gave this interview. May The Creator bless me to be this wise and coherent when I am 90!
@parsaarta4721 Год назад
If I was able to aquired what I desired only once, it would've been to have access to yor notes, writtings, sound bits. The writer has spend some fifty years of living to eliminate ego. And the writer understands these. Simple code to save paradise. The Good. - Nader Meh, Toronto
@spiralsun1 Год назад
Amazing thank you ❤
@aprilr1064 5 лет назад
Isnt it amazing how you can be in another country and live by the same principles of a religion that you have never heard of? Interesting.
@hellomynameisname4270 3 года назад
What you've identified is The Golden Thread of Truth that is sewn in the fabric of every belief system.
@liamgray6017 3 года назад
@@hellomynameisname4270 that truth is a tool nothing less nothing more 😂
@jimmyjimmy7240 3 года назад
@@liamgray6017 I would research evolution all the way up to a couple thousand years ago. A tool, yes. A tool that made us what we are, not just any tool.
@miklosdavid7627 3 года назад
Amazing indeed, and I probably felt the same. Perhaps Zoroastrianism is not widely known today but what matters most is the philosophy and principles behind it. And you can dig deeper into the history of the people and their civilization which gave birth to Zarathustra and his teachings, if you like.
@timisa58 2 года назад
Doesn't this demonstrate that YOUR specific religious taste may not be the right one? All of these religions cannot be THE right one. Interesting in many ways including that the very real possibility that either there are many different gods or none.
@muhammadkhan2532 10 лет назад
We sent our boys to a school managed by practicing Zoroastrians in Karachi and we have found them truly great. We are ever grateful to them.
@jamiegrieve5875 6 лет назад
Muhammad Ali Khan are Zoroastrian people still in Pakistan?
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@mmsherzad6352 4 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-EDdiWcqvd34.html nice doku
@entrepreneurcity3317 3 года назад
Wow interesting what country
@muhammadkhan2532 3 года назад
@@entrepreneurcity3317 Karachi Pakistan
@zoroastrianduhokkurdistan3153 4 года назад
Hello, I’m from Kurdistan, and I’m Zoroastrian, very happy for this center..
@delaramsalmassi4063 3 года назад
Kurds are also an Aryan/Iranic/Iranian people and Kurdistan is Iran and I wish we could unite all our Aryan Peoples into one country.
@quasaric 2 года назад
Free Kurdistan ♥
@delaramsalmassi4063 2 года назад
@@quasaric I am myself an Iranian Kurd from Kermanshah city and I am an Iranian Azari from Tabriz city. I am myself a mixture of Azari and Kurd! And you are either a Zionist or a Zionist pan - Kurd!
@mmsherzad6352 Год назад
@@quasaric You are a big TERRORIST long life ERDOGAN
@GodsElph 5 лет назад
Ive never had someone discuss their spirituality in such a way that it made me emotional. This is beautiful
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Arc Shilohite Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@GodsElph 5 лет назад
This resonates with me greatly @@erwinaquinde7211 Thank you 🙏
@marvinharms1891 2 года назад
From what ever human made religion you belong to. (They all made by humans) You will always worship nature. We are a part of it. Time for spring cleaning of this rat race. Get your EGOISM, your RACISM, your PREJUDICE out of your mind! It is hard, but guarantee you will feel and do much better than you did and felt previously. That's the way it's supposed to be!
@MakeYourOwnLuck 2 года назад
03:35 Good And Evil 10:52 The First Enlightenment 12:34 Freewill 14:00 Heaven And Hell 20:12 Satan 25:02 Origins Of Philosophy (Ethics) 28:35 How The Zoroastrian Concepts of Freewill And Individualism Influenced The Greek Philosophers 32:56 Zoroastrian Enlightenment Moves to Greece 35:11 Zoroastrian Influence On Middle Platonic (Body And Mind Duality) 39:59 Cyrus The Great 41:53 Cyrus The Savior In The Bible 51:18 Hope (Wisdom Creates Heaven) 53:12 Zoroastrians-by-Choice
@olympiahendrix4392 Год назад
Well done, we need a transcript of this interview! Thank you.
@netizencapet 2 года назад
I know it's a rather "materialist" and trivial observation but the professor has such a pleasant voice. Combined with the tastefully faint monochordal drone in the background, one is placed in a calm, reflective mood quite independently of her/his intention.
@afghanzoroastrian7854 3 года назад
I’m Afghan Zoroastrian but I left Afghanistan along time ago because of war
@LoverBoy-dg5jb 3 года назад
Welcome my friend. I am an Iranian Zoroastrian from india. Happy to have you as a part of our faith 😊.
@resqdogs4me113 2 года назад
I didn’t know there were Zoroastrians in Afghanistan. Are there many? Is there discrimination against them?
@Mokh7777 2 года назад
There are still Afghan Zoroastrians left? Or you're just a convert?
@koordrozita7236 Год назад
And here Kurdish Zoroastrian from Kurdistan ❤️
@king_hhh Год назад
I'm a Hindu. Can I become a Zoroastrian?
@deusrex6230 7 лет назад
I'm half Italian, half Persian & I love researching my nations rich histories, inventions, all their influences, worlds greatest empires to ever exist & how much they shaped the world more than any other countries
@mehrdad5767 6 лет назад
@vidakalhoor8310 5 лет назад
I am persion and I Love You
@skyjuiceification 5 лет назад
Italy stole its culture from Greeks, Etruscans , Minoans, Egyptians etc. and the Iranians did the same ( mesopatamia and egypt both are ithe root of Persian religion) . ur smug egotistical remarks are paper thin. and u do not understand the actual history. imagine that.
@nagihangot6133 5 лет назад
Sad face mix race
@urartiangal3856 5 лет назад
@@skyjuiceification which Egyptian or Mesopotamian religion practiced anything remotely like Zarathustra's monotheism teachings? Zarathustra according to many sources lived 6000 BC, if correct then which religion predates him? (Maybe even older)
@miklosdavid7627 3 года назад
According to Professor K. D. Irani, Zarathustra's vision of the truth and an ideal existence: "The truth Z. talks about is the relationship of all things in perfect harmony so that nothing occurs at the expense of something else. There is no friction in that existence." I am now so joyful and grateful for finding that truth. Thank you so much. After watching and admiring that splendid and crystal clear reasoning, I believe that I am a Zoroastrian by choice. I have been following my conscience and my mind tells me what is wrong and what is right. Not because Zarathustra or another prophet tells me that. And I can see nothing in my way of life and actions that would be in conflict with Zarathustra's teachings.
@chendaforest 3 года назад
Yes it makes a lot of sense, I believe I am too.
@miklosdavid7627 3 года назад
@@chendaforest "The world is a moral reality, your way of life. Act with good thought, good words and good deeds, and you have accepted the doctrine of Zarathustra. Contrary to the tribal notion this decision to accept this vision, this way of life, is a purely individual matter. As Zarathustra says, 'I talk to each of you, listen with care and careful thought, and make a judgment each individual by individual, man and woman." If you immerse yourself in these wonderful thoughts, you will possibly see enlightenment and be able to make a decision as an individual, man and woman. "But each one is asked to make the decision and each one is asked to bear the responsibility for that decision." I wish no more, I need nothing further to live a full life without the expense of others' existence.
@chendaforest 3 года назад
@@miklosdavid7627 absolutely
@ms9771 6 лет назад
He is real teacher, also lucky those who are his students, and lucky such interview give rest of us chance to hear what he know, teach and remind of us the real history of ancient time, special about the persian history,religion, culture as mother of civilization
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
M S Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@cameracam315rv 6 лет назад
I love it! I love it! I love it! My direct ancient roots are Zoroastrian, this discussion resonated with me. I am so grateful, Professor Kaikhosrov D. Irani looks and reminds me of my grandfather. Thank you for the interview.
@mattjones1578 7 лет назад
best people ever came to india, love my Zoroastrian brother,
@onetao8 10 лет назад
I could listen to Prof. Irani talk all day.
@richardmulledy3857 10 лет назад
How pleasantly profound. It's amazing and astounding to think such a sublime religion predates all the other major religions. I've been genuinely interested in Zoroastrianism in a long time. Thank you so much for sharing this.
@alpspitz1 10 лет назад
Some of the scriptures have parallels in the teachings of the Vedas in India
@richardmulledy3857 10 лет назад
DAVID LOCKWOOD That's not surprising given the geographic proximity of Iran to India, the trade routes between ancient Iran and ancient India, and the fact that Avestan and Sanskrit are both Proto-Indo-Eurpoean languages that were spoken by PIE peoples.
@6strings1pickup12 10 лет назад
DAVID LOCKWOOD Absolutely, they are descended from the same Proto-Indo-European tribes originating in what is now the Ukraine and Southern Russia.
@otterrivers3765 5 лет назад
"Predates all other major religions" =not quite true. Just pointing out. Am I wrong? Isn't vedic/Shaivite religion (now known as Hinduism or sanatan dharma) much older? Not that it matters to me. Just trying to remain factual.
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@anthonyhiggins6342 3 месяца назад
This was the best discussion of Zoroastrianism that I have heard. Especially interesting was the importance of individual choice and conscience over tribal expectation. That bit demonstrates to me the Divine Nature of the religion and the importance of its influence on human society.
@innakupriyanova8449 6 лет назад
Great presentation, inspiring. Persia is the forgotten or ignored mother culture of so much. Speaking as a Christian, the critical watershed between these ideas and Christianity, which have so much in common, is the acknowledgment of man's constant predilection to get it wrong, and the redemptive mission of the Creator. Man has free will, and this feature is so powerful and sensitive that one primal mistake has a knock on effect which alienates humans, preventing us from achieving the perfection of the noetic vision. We can strive, but our striving is on a foundation of bad precedent. The Creator overcomes this by becoming human Himself, intervening in order to redefine what it means to be human, and introducing the possibility to truly get it right by individuals tasking on this new humanity. This synergia, co-working with God, Grace, and the idea of transforming the physical world is something not really there in ancient Greek philosophy, nor in this presentation.
@olympiahendrix4392 Год назад
"the acknowledgment of man's constant predilection to get it wrong, and the redemptive mission of the Creator" Precious words you say. Science is still not getting it! But they will try to replace God by attacking all religions! They want to be God.
@jankimm1 2 года назад
Hi , to you my pleasure to watch your discussion. iranians must come together and restore the media persian empire from Kurdistan , Iran to Afghanistan. Iranian nation deserve their true religion and culture .... May Ahura Mazda bless you
@massoud1325 5 лет назад
Deroud Bar all Zoroastrian , I changed my religion form Fake Semitic Religion Islam to Zoroastrian Philosophy,.I think I did the best thing in my life for me and for my family
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Massoud G Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@holeefuk6087 5 лет назад
lol u dont need to say it like that
@aszmalas8259 5 лет назад
Ha ha! Good joke
@khangfrey9736 11 лет назад
I happened to have the great honor of hearing him lecture at UCLA while in seminary. I wish there were more clear headed speakers like him.
@justinanthenge5624 6 лет назад
yes we should move from "tribalism" to "individuality". such a beautiful lecture. This tribalism has plagued our countries.
@sammygibson3045 5 лет назад
Very well said!!
@miklosdavid7627 3 года назад
Agreed. I think I managed to do just that. Well, it comes with age when you had better see there is noone else to take responsibilty for your actions.
@PHAD-yp1qw 3 года назад
You are idealizing!
@AI-hx3fx 3 года назад
Ugh it's destroying mine from within. See our elections next year and it's all the same families running for top positions. We're basically the tropical version of the Holy Roman Empire, where nationalism is an afterthought to tribal loyalties.
@ΠράσινοςΜαχητής 3 года назад
First monotheistic religion ever. Its influence is massive to Judaism and Christianity.
@balramsingh7217 6 лет назад
Zerathushtrian religion is ancient & peaceful like Hindu religion. we Hindu respect this religion.
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Balram Singh Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice. By the way, brother, God also sent a prophet of the Hindi people.
@henrimartin9283 4 года назад
Infact hinduisme and sanscrite (issue of procrite) originate from this part of the central asia.gathas and avestas are persian.upanishades are from this religion. The symbol of ox (Cow in india),and pawn ( a divine bird ( angel to zoarastrians)are also from zoarastrism.
@tasinal-hassan8268 4 года назад
Zoroastrianism does include a caste system lol.
@kalicow98 3 года назад
@@tasinal-hassan8268 there used to be one, though not in the same sense that hinduism has inspired. it's not in the religion it's self per say but was practice outside of it, hopefully that makes sense. there used to be three different "castes", the soldier caste, herdsmen caste, and the priestly caste. all of which were seen equally as important parts of the whole of society. i recommend listening to the (zoroastrian Q and A) podcast on Spotify and listen to there latest podcast called (episode 6: the priesthood) they talk about it in there.
@tasinal-hassan8268 3 года назад
@@kalicow98 Sounds interesting. But were these castes merit-based?
@tjmoore9964 2 года назад
Wow🤯 this was probably the most simple, yet fascinating and wisdom invoking interview I’ve ever heard! If only we all would approach spirituality in such a way. This was Amazing! Enlightenment in a way I’ve never imagined. Thought provoking and astonishing conversation. I love how the interviewer looked at the Professor with great respect and adoration✨💫
@Magus9 7 лет назад
Sending light and love
@binaifarbhesania1519 10 лет назад
Best interview I have ever seen. Thanks to all who made a effert to bring it out to the public.
@janhansen5618 8 лет назад
Amazingly well condensed and put forth. Thank you for sharing this.
@pendlelancashire 2 года назад
*Persians are a very fine and intelligent people. Very well behaved and well mannered. Highly civilised and highly intelligent.*
@VeniVidiVandaliAuz Год назад
They're certainly far nicer people than Arabs are, that's for sure.
@subbanarasuarunachalam3451 9 лет назад
very straight forward and clean religion based on good thought,good word and good action.absolutely transcendental thinking as in certain Upanishads as the Prof says.
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Arunachalam Subbanarasu Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@crazycosco5657 5 лет назад
@@erwinaquinde7211 lol why are you spamming??😂
@henrimartin9283 4 года назад
Upanishads , gathas. Avestas Are from zoarastrism. Sanscrite itself originates from' Procrite' a primary central asian language.
@XyzXyz-ir2gr 3 года назад
@@henrimartin9283 no proofs for that oldest sanskrit text rigveda was found near pakistan india border and for the matter of fact oldest religion is sanatana dharma aka hinduism so upanishads vedas sanskrit belongs to sanatana dharma not a younger religion
@outlawJosieFox 8 лет назад
Wow. I'm completely irreligious but this was fascinating.
@lunaticzellot7792 7 лет назад
don't need to be religious to indulge in philosophy.
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Josie Fox Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@johnbedinghaus2390 7 лет назад
Fantastic interview!
@MrBrunoGI 8 лет назад
Judaism, Christianity and Islam nit picked some interesting concepts from Zoroastrianism, but they left out the part of encouraging people to be a critical thinker and to fully analyze the traditions and the prevailing beliefs of the majority. That's why those religions remain and Zoroastrianism doesn't at that level. Because Zoroastrianism really is what a person is naturally, if left alone with his thoughts and own moral conscience. He said the priest are in fact the enemies of the prophet, and that is so true. The prophet, or the person who is enlightened, who has a vision, is the embodiment of this free spirit that lives in everyone but is not as apparent as in this person, and the priest are representative of the status quo, people that tries to capture this enlightenment and put it into a box, and you cannot, it has no boundaries, it is free, and the paths to this enlightenment are numerous.
@dboydboy1000 8 лет назад
Most ridiculous comment I've read all week. In the the Old Testament the Bible says, "Come let us reason together." -Isaiah 1:18 and in the New Testament, Jesus taught, "ASK, and it shall be given you; SEEK, and ye shall find; KNOCK, and it shall be opened unto you." -Matthew 7:7 Lastly in Proverbs 25:2 "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of KINGS to SEARCH IT OUT." So tell me again where CRITICAL THINKING is not encouraged in Christianity. I can think of a few more verses as well. You are mistaken my friend, in fact IMO, most of the Conspiracy Channels here on YT belong to Christians. I think I'd have fun talking to you about your biggest problems with the Bible, pure misconceptions I'm sure.
@drcheekyisback 7 лет назад
micro fox Zoroastrianism was the fantasy. Sorry to burst your 'if left alone' bubble but Islam is the reality. Please wake up and accept it before it's too late.
@MrBrunoGI 7 лет назад
This may blow your mind as it does for me, what if I was to say in the essence of what we are, not who we are because who we are is a product of what we become once immersed into this reality and given these parimeters of self conscience, and the illusion of our own world view.. But in the very essence of all of this we are really one separated as light is separated through a prism, though at the other side different colors come out each appearing as separate colors, it's source or it's essence is one light. When we deal with people let us remember this, let us remember that when we hurt other people who are we hurting really or when we make others happy. Though we may not see it now, once we go to the other side we will. As experienced by those with near death experiences.
@MrBrunoGI 7 лет назад
God is not law, law is an expression of his will, which is our will, hidden within this thick cloak of our reality, it is needed as we cannot fathom it at this level but in our essence it is only second nature.
@MrBrunoGI 7 лет назад
God is what is, law is the expression of what is concealed in what is not but what should be. Law is obsolete if there isn't anything diametric opposed to it, In the very essence of existence is perfection, in perfection there is no law because there is no need for it, it's just nature, no free will. Through concealment of this essence, there is this vacuum we call our world, imperfection, the ability to do and choose as we will, at times going against what even best for us. In this world our essence becomes law. But we cannot call law essence because we come from a place that supercedes and precedes this realm where law exists.
@papamagus 3 года назад
What A Beautiful Soul, Thank you for this wonderful Message
@HutanBeringin89 11 лет назад
"The followers of Zarathustra are limited only to a small place - Bombay. They had come to Bombay from Iran when Mohammedans forced Persians either to be converted into Mohammedanism, or to be ready to be killed. Thousands were killed; millions, out of fear, became Mohammedans; but a few daring souls escaped from Iran and landed in India."-OSHO in Zarathustra: A God That Can Dance
@womanandthoughts Год назад
There are still some left in Iran that I admire the most for their bravery and commitment to keeping Iranian ancient culture alive despite all odds. Also, there are Ziriasterians all over the world such as in Australia, the US, etc
@bigjimmyrocker 11 лет назад
awesomeness.... this is absolutely one of the best vids I've seen on any subject. It's a blessing to see spiritual material presented in such a way that clearly defines one's own responsibility concerning freewill and reinforcing the "golden rule". thanks for the post ;9)
@nibiru-ir5rf 9 лет назад
This is one of my favorite videos.
@alpspitz1 10 лет назад
Today in India, there are about 250000 Zoroastrians living near Mumbai They refused to convert to Islam so to avoid death, India took them in. An interesting book read is: The Zoroastrian Tradition by Farhang Mehr.....
@MohamedOmar-wc6mb 6 лет назад
Alpen Jodler liar
@saeedorandi32 5 лет назад
@@MohamedOmar-wc6mb Mr.omar, I am born Muslim, the problem with Islam and all Abrahamic religions is that they never admit that all miseries human being have is because of them, and the cruellest religion is actually Islam, in the war of khandagh the prophet Mohammed ordered to kill 670 jews of the bani quraiza, you must read the history and stop being blind and deaf.
@mator2339 5 лет назад
That number (250000) is too inflated. The Zoroastria population in India, let alone Mumbai has never reached that number ever in their history in the subcontinent. The Zoroastrian population in India is pegged at about being 59000 and about approximately 30000 in Mumbai.
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Alpen Jodler Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@motorcop505 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing this information!
@ukrandr 4 месяца назад
An informative and concise distillation of Zarathustrian thought. Thank you for making this available.
@Magus9 7 лет назад
Thank you for this, Sending light and love
@rakshithsridharan5078 4 года назад
Can a non parsi/irani also become Zoroastrian and follow Zarathustra teachings convert to it ?
@fightronin3753 2 месяца назад
One of the most ancient, strongest, and beautiful religions that we have!!!! The oldest monotheistic religion yet they never caused mass genocide multiple times like the newer religions. Fantastic video!!!!
@Vahki100 5 лет назад
Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta :) from a Christian friend!
@zarvan777 3 года назад
From a Mr Irani to a Mr Irani, job well done.
@acreymundo 2 года назад
What an excellent interview. Thank you.
@zthetha 8 лет назад
This is one of the better vids on RU-vid: a softly spoken, intelligent man who knows his subject. Alas, even this top end vid has to be contaminated by irrelevant music... although in this case I think it may be a solfeggio consciousness expanding vibe of some sort. If so, well intended... but still unnecessary.
@skyjuiceification 5 лет назад
So u came here only to be a critic...which was also unnecessary..imagine that.
@janineroses3819 4 года назад
I understand that you only critique with the best intentions to improve for the future 😌 perhaps they are considering that people have different learning styles and the background music may keep an auditory learner more attentive 😌 it is not bother ❤
@farhadelavia 8 лет назад
Brilliant discussion. Some homemade, self proclaimed Zoroastrian Scholars like Khojeste Mistree need to see this.
@smokyhaze 7 лет назад
Farhad F. Elavia precisely
@gamerk1625 4 года назад
Blessed to hear about this ancient religion of my Armenian ancestors.
@gamerk1625 3 года назад
@Uncle Ruckus very interesting , I see zoroastrian symbolism in ancient armenian artifacts as well
@Soulja_AK4L 2 года назад
In Assyrian iconography first
@gamerk1625 2 года назад
@@Soulja_AK4L All the same DNA brother.. and Hatti & Hurrian before that .. Assyrians , Sumerians , Akkadians , Urartians, Egyptians
@sammygibson3045 5 лет назад
I keep coming back to this video
@apesce1 11 лет назад
I am happy to have stumbled upon this conversation, so enlightening. I look forward to discovering more conversations with Professor Kaikhosrov D. Irani. Thank you for posting this video.
@timhennessey7778 Год назад
Excellent description of the religion, thank you
@petegarvey9224 3 года назад
A wonderful speaker with much that is uplifting.
@raoulwijnands 10 лет назад
great interview! i love it! and i love Mr Irani and Zoroastrianism. and i'm not even Iranian, but Dutch. :-D
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Raoul Wijnands Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@schmidtmichael3515 4 года назад
thank your Professor, for the very great theaching....i am happy to understand , is luck for mankind to hear this---I grew up with Christian-Lutheran-teaching from my father's family without being forced to do so and with the teaching of the Germanic and Indo-European religious culture of my mother ..... today I follow more Buddha's teaching, which has a lot of Zahrahustras aspects and the liberal old Germanic religion of my mother
@NairaKa 7 лет назад
Rest in peace Sir..
@alejandropatagnan5628 2 года назад
It is therefore advocated individualism.
@chalangshingaly502 2 года назад
thank you
@blackarawak83 9 лет назад
It's hard to believe that many important aspects of our belief system (speaking as a Christian) is derived by Zoroastrianism and Mithrahism. Paradise, ultimate sin, naming of angels, the messiah/saviour, light and darkness, good and evil, heaven and hell etc..
@gayamartan9425 9 лет назад
Most of the concepts that you have listed above are common in mankind; for example the contrast between light and darkness. the naming of "angels"; could you pls explain that? cause the names of the zarathustrian Yazdan have nothing in common with the christian angels.
@blackarawak83 9 лет назад
Gaya Marɘtan I think you're wrong because Christianity was reinvigorated with more Persian belief system from Mithraism, which was itself part of the same tradition. From a reliable source it states: "Angelology and demonology in Judaism became more highly developed during and after the period of the Babylonian Exile (6th-5th centuries bc), when contacts were made with Zoroastrianism. In the Old Testament, Yahweh is called the Lord of hosts. These hosts (Sabaoth) are the heavenly army that fights against the forces of evil and performs various missions, such as guarding the entrance to Paradise, punishing evildoers, protecting the faithful, and revealing God’s Word to man. Two archangels are mentioned in the canonical Old Testament: Michael, the warrior leader of the heavenly hosts, and Gabriel, the heavenly messenger. Two are mentioned in the apocryphal Old Testament: Raphael, God’s healer or helper (in the book of Tobit), and Uriel (Fire of God), the watcher over the world and the lowest part of hell (in II Esdras). Though these are the only four named, seven archangels are noted in Tob. 12:15. Besides the archangels, there were also other orders of angels, the cherubim and seraphim, which have been noted earlier".
@blackarawak83 9 лет назад
Ancient Persia a was huge land bridge between the West and the East. As the numerous Indo-Iranian speaking tribes pushed towards Central Asia they integrated their religious traditions with local ones. Thus influencing also Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. That's why there are may common themes between the Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and those derived from the Indian subcontinent.
@08453300222 9 лет назад
moby D Thanks. Universe. Uni One verse or song... Blessings and love to all.
@08453300222 9 лет назад
moby D Some and I am amongst them, think that the three wise men who astrologically followed a star from the east to present gifts for both the birth and death of the Christ, were Zoroastrian holy men. One cannot break the Jewish ten commandment if we follow the wonderful prescriptions of, `Think good thoughts, speak good words and do good actions.` Blessings and love to all.
@abrahamvpallivathukkal320 11 лет назад
This is one of the best I apreciated
@MaverickTopG 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing, this is a brilliant interview and found it particularly enlightening as a practicing Zoroastrian
@afghankhan2609 11 лет назад
Great interview. very informative and professor is very knowledgeable. Thanks for posting.
@DarkMoonDroid 5 лет назад
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful! Tribalism is a 2-edged sword. Everyone older than you controls you. But also, everyone older than you protects and nurtures you. Until you become an Elder and control, protect and nurture others. Make sure you keep the baby and throw out the bathwater. 😉 I study all religions with special emphasis on the Ancient and Primitive ones. The Restoration of Zoroastrianism is _so_ exciting! 🙏🔥🌟
@abooswalehmosafeer173 2 года назад
Nice,soft,smooth,gentle,sweet,peaceful as the message is passed,like a dove,in its glide,and flight,without passion of Ego,... Wisely.
@mithraraven1264 3 года назад
Great discussion, Thank You.
@empireStyle 10 лет назад
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Morgan Freeman Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@AtmosphericAtmosphere 5 лет назад
It is fascinating how many words from Avestan sacred language have in Serbian and other Slavic languages......
@alejandropatagnan5628 2 года назад
Advocated individualism with the use of rational (good) process of thinking. The mind is clouded by feelings and emotions and that leads to irrationality (evil).
@hellomynameisname4270 3 года назад
The light is not absence of darkness, but the shining light is turning darkness into light. From darkness is born light. To darkness light goes.
@thecrimsondragon9744 3 года назад
That is very interesting. Could it be that light is the elixir of immortality that so many of the ancient alchemists from different civilisations like India, China and Persia sought? I had never thought of it that way but it seems to make sense.
@SiyavoshM 3 года назад
I beg to differ. Darkness is absence of light, as coldness is absence of heat, silence absence of sound and stilness absence of motion. Basically you either have different forms of actualized energy or you don't. The fire that burnt behind a Magi (Zoroastrian Priest) symbolized the fire in our Sun source of life. So when they draw a picture of a Magi he had fire (light) behind him at the altar. So this light around the Persian Magi's was copied in subsequent religions to denote sanctity of their holy men.
@hellomynameisname4270 3 года назад
@@SiyavoshM light behind, darkness in front of the magi. From the light we are sent into the darkness that we may transmute the ignorance of our mundane nature into the awareness of divine nature.
@zingardoh1 7 лет назад
One of the best conservation that I have ever listened.
@alexgabriel5423 2 года назад
Edward Zeller, in his History of Greek Philosophy acknowledges the role of the Thracians as an interface between Asia and the Hellenic World. Herman Diehls who organized and published the Fragments of Pre-Socratic Philosophers in the Original Ancient Greek, placed at the very beginning of this prestigious collection a biography of Orpheus, whose father was Oeagrus the king of the Thracian tribe of the Edoni. Later, the University of Cambridge published the Presocratic Philosophers[Anct.Greek & English]the editors were G.S.Kirk & J.E Raven.
@Vimana11 10 лет назад
Very interesting and a great conversation. Thanks for downloading.
@makervideo1656 3 года назад
Those ancient people thought is so modern🤯
@Mithradatesi 10 лет назад
Thank you!
@delaramsalmassi4063 3 года назад
When are you going to make more videos about Iranian Peoples?
@JusLivinAXA 7 лет назад
I have found something special here, I must continue to research this for in it I find truth thus far!
@jimmyjimmy7240 3 года назад
Absolutely inspiring.
@otterrivers3765 5 лет назад
Thank you! I enjoy learning from all religions but I could not find an in-depth, non-dogmatic description and explanation of Zoroastrianism and couldn't find it anywhere online until I found this!
@rajaseelan6934 9 лет назад
Zoroastrian has its link with vedic literature. In the oldest vedas, Ashur and Devas are not distinguished and both are good and used interchangingly. However in the later veda's there is a gradual distinction with vedic writings calling Ashur as evil and Devas as the holy ones whereas Zoroastrians label Ashur as good and Deavas as evil. This is a clear indication that they both belong to the same family and split hence took opposite direction possible as dissent between them. While the westerners may not be able to see the similarities, Persians and especially Indians easily notice that Zoroastrian and Vedic language are almost identical and the teachings are also very similar. Whatever the reason for split, whether political, power or disagreement or be it misinterpretation, it drove a major split between them. Even the writings were purposely made from right to left. Such a split would most likely involved rulers/kings or priest class.
@namanchaturvedi8897 6 лет назад
in ancient literature shukracharya is said to be the guru of asurs, dont you think Zarathustra & Shukracharya sound similar!!Maybe Indian & Iranians lived in 1 common place before splitting up & went in different places!!& that time's tale has been carried to our books!
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
raja seelan Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@Akhtario 3 года назад
Similarities between avestic and vedic languages are known by western scholars since the studies on zoroastrism started in Europe, and some of them wrote both on zoroastrism and indian teachings. Exemple : Anquetil Duperon back in the 18th century wrote a translation of the Avesta and later translated a few dozen upanishad into latin. More recently, Jean Varenne, which was uttermost an Indian civilization specialist wrote on zoroastrism. Although somewhat controversial, his books which are targeted at and easily accessible to non scholars teach a lot about the similarities between vedic and zoroastrian religious practice and philosophy ; some parallels can also be drawn between those indo-iranian doctrines and other old indo european (german, greek, latin) beliefs.
@XyzXyz-ir2gr 3 года назад
There are few similarities between avesta and vedic culture but they aren't completely same but considering the proximity between there land it's obvious they may have influenced each other but we dont much proof so cant say much coz vedic and aventa has many differences as well
@aryamonaadahura2632 3 года назад
Thus spoke Zarathustra, I praise aloud * the Thought Well-Thought, Deed Well-Done, Word Well- Spoken *
@anahita777 8 лет назад
This was awesome, thank you for the interview and for sharing
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
SinNombre Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@hueym2196 3 года назад
Finally some who gets it of what reilgion actually used to be and how it was perverted. The creation myth philosophies were teachings not records of time. He is correct that the mind is caught up in greed and fear and it needs awareness of what damage it does so that a person in the end does what is right.
@0lAllan 8 лет назад
I'm here to review my knowledge and increase it on zoroastrianism. I solute the man for getting to lecture in Rome, how awesome would that be. This is going to be great!
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
0lAllan Introduction 17 But this was not the only people to whom the Lord had given his laws and his gospel and had blessed with the Priesthood that would allow the children of men to establish churches and places of worship among them. 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. The Birth Of Zarathustra 42 And it came to pass that there lived a man and his wife in the eastern part of the wilderness that surrounded the great land of Mesopotamia. And his name was Pouruchathpa, and the name of his wife was Dughdova. 43 And Dughdova was a chosen daughter of God who had the spirit of the Lord with her since the days of her youth. And in the days of her youth she dreamed a dream, in which she saw a great camel descend upon the home of her father. And the camel was golden in color and spoke in her tongue, calling her by name and saying unto her: 44 Behold, truly thou art blessed above all those of the earth. For thou shalt bring forth a son and he shall bring about much righteousness in the land of thy fathers. And in thy heart thou shalt know the things that thou should teach unto him; but the things of thy fathers, even those things which thou hast been taught, teach them not unto him, for he hath been chosen by the great Ahura Mazda, who is thy Lord. 45 And it came to pass that as she grew in stature she kept these things in her heart. And she married Pouruchathpa and did not divulge these things unto him. 46 And Pouruchathpa was an honorable man, who had much business among the merchants of his town. And when Dughdova was ready to deliver her child, she called Pouruchathpa unto her and recounted unto him the dream that she had as a youth. 47 And there were midwives there who heard the things that she told unto her husband. And they immediately spread what they had heard throughout the city. And the priests, who were those that had been appointed over the people to keep them in subjection to the gods that they worshipped, even these did come into the house and mocked Dughdova for the things which she had said concerning her child. 48 And because of the things that they said unto her, she became exceedingly sorrowful and cried that her husband would come in unto her. And when Pouruchathpa had heard all that the priests had said to his wife, he was filled with anger, and he cursed them and their gods and threw them out of the house. 49 And the priests commanded the people of the city to avoid the house of Pouruchathpa and his wife, and their child; for they were condemned from that time forth by the gods of the people. And because of the condemnation of the priests, the midwives did leave the side of Dughdova and would not return again unto her. 50 And Pouruchathpa shut the door of the house and went in unto his wife. And Dughdova cried in pain and delivered the child. And as the child was born, the sun shone down upon the house. And its reflection caused the people of the city to become terrified at the sight, and they ran in among the priests and told them of the great light that shined down upon the house. 51 And the priests surrounded the house and condemned it before their gods. And they commanded the people to cast Pouruchathpa and his wife out from among them. And before an hour had passed after the birth of their son, Pouruchathpa and Dughdova were forced out into the wilderness by the people. 52 And it came to pass that the Lord was with them, and they found shelter and sustenance in the wilderness. And they came upon the house of a man who had lost his sight many years ago from the effects of the sun. And this man was poor and had little effects, but those that he did have, he offered to Pouruchathpa and Dughdova and their son. 53 And they called their son Zarathustra, which being interpreted means, golden camel, after the vision that his mother had in her youth. And it came to pass that Zarathustra spent the days of his childhood in the house of the blind man. But as the days went on according to the days of Zarathustra, even unto the days of his youth, the blind man began to receive his sight. And he looked upon Zarathustra and thanked the gods for that which had been done unto him. 54 But Dughdova rebuked the man and explained unto him, instructing him that he would not teach her son concerning the gods of her fathers, which gods were of the priests that had cast them out of the city. Becoming a prophet of God to the Great Persian Empire 55 And it came to pass that Zarathustra grew, and he was wrought upon by the ministrations of the spirit world and taught those things that he would one day teach unto the people. And when the days of the pinnacle of his manhood was reached, the Lord sent an angel unto Zarathustra and gave unto him the laws of the gospel and taught unto him all those things that had been corrupted among the children of men. 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. 57 And he also knew of the plan of Lucifer, who was called Ahriman, according to the words of the people. 58 And now, I, Moroni, would that ye should realize, even those who have received these things, that the Father hath allowed his prophets to teach His gospel unto all of His children in their own tongue and according to their customs and traditions, as I have previously explained it unto you in this record. 59 And Ahura Mazda shall be known in the world as the God of Zarathustra, a prophet of God. But this Ahura Mazda is the Father of whom I have spoken of in this record. Thus can ye see that the names which the children of men give unto Him are of little importance to our Father. 60 For the words of Zarathustra were given in their purity to the children of men in the beginning. And he become a prophet to his people. And there were many that followed after his teachings. 61 And it came to pass that he taught the gospel to one of the great kings who was among the people. And this king accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and caused them to be taught throughout the land. Nevertheless, the King would not allow those teachings of Zarathustra to be taught, which would usurp his authority among the people, or in other words, the things that would take away from his own divinity. 62 And Zarathustra taught in the court of the King for many years. But after a time, he went back among the people and began to preach the gospel unto them. And because of his teachings to the King, the people, who were of the nation of the great Persian Empire, which had risen to power after the Babylonian Empire, were ruled with justice.
@Fritson 4 года назад
Great concepts articulated so beautifully, thank you so much 👍🌹😍🙏💕
@joseph4loan 3 года назад
A Christian Preacher who talks in detail about Ahura Mazda ; Angra Mainyu you. Thank you Pastor Danohue. @
@jameszebell3845 2 года назад
Great interview. Happy the algorithm fed it to me.
@abooswalehmosafeer173 2 года назад
Democracy has become a battlefield" Never truer words were ever Uttered as now,during this interesting programme.
@Artchitextural 8 лет назад
I connect to all of the fundamental aspects of Zoroastrianism of GOOD, as a Moral Responsibility. Every notion & idea of how we can live (by our own individual responsibility) to be a part of a non-frictional existence, not because we will have some reward or spiritual gain, but because of our genuine desire and practice of GOOD thoughts, thereby resulting in GOOD Actions.
@alim-gi8mf 11 лет назад
thank you for uploading
@hireality 3 года назад
What a wonderful talk, thank you indeed 👏
@utash321 11 лет назад
Message of Ashu Zartusht Forever!
@udz5480 Год назад
I am not Zoroastrian although I would love to be. All I want to say is thank you and you and thank you. I have imbibed and adopted your beautiful principles and good words, good thoughts and good deeds and it has made my life so much the better. Thank you again!
@chendaforest 11 месяцев назад
Me too. I've no ancestral connection to Iran as far as I know, but Zarathustra's philosophy makes such sense to me. 🕯️🕯️🕯️
@ronchinoy 7 лет назад
I think the truth he is talking about. Is being able to see reality with clarity. This is asha. The ability to see the one true reality. What prevents us our clouds our vision from seeing this one true reality greed, fear & selfishness. To see things clearly and truthfully should be the goal of every human.
@TheModernHermeticist 9 лет назад
This talk should be subtitled: From Tribalism to Individuality
@marvgustafpardis5991 9 лет назад
@shivaabdighods5489 10 лет назад
its the best thing for Iran. Go back to your Zoroastrian roots and have peace. Dorood bar Aryamehr!!!!!
@wakaka2waka 9 лет назад
***** Indeed. But there are quite a few other people other than the Iranics who have lost their culture and heritage - and that is basically everyone in the Near East except the Arabs theselves. The Assyrians, Egyptians, Anatolians, etc... They are all following this backward arab religion that clearly gives favor to arabs - yet people worship this Arab god.
@08453300222 9 лет назад
shiva ockeloen Amen.
@EndrCat 9 лет назад
shiva ockeloen I agree!
@08453300222 9 лет назад
@wakaka2waka 9 лет назад
***** Arab propaganda to make people forget this backward Arab-supremacist destructive religion.
@TheYah00netstar 7 лет назад
The present interview truly enlightened and expanded my horizons...thank you...
@wahnano 2 года назад
I'm curious about Mazdayasna (The eternal "Good VS Evil" philosophy of ancient Persia) And its impact and contribution to Shia Islam. All my respect to Professor Irani who indeed is deep and knows what he is talking about.
@alexgabriel5423 2 года назад
I submitted all these comments to show the presence of Orpheus' Thought that was compared to Hindu elements(or rather Vedic I would say)by German scholar Edwin Rhode in Psyche[the belief in Immortality among the Greeks]. Until the archeological discoveries of the late 1980s in S.Thrace/Bulgaria the Thracians were just a name on some pages but now they are very present on the scene of world history. We cannot ignore the translation work of Thomas Taylor[1800s]of the 86 Hymns of Orpheus and of The Six Books of Proclus on the Theology of Plato--now in paperback, on whose back cover the translator concludes the importance of Thracian Orpheus as THE BASIS OF PLATO's THEOLOGY.
@marvinharms1891 2 года назад
I've no religion. I just love life that's been given me. Oh!!! And love all things ancient Persian😁🙏
@barpedaret536 4 года назад
I hope our great land will go back to its roots one day. For that to happen though the people must be awakened and educated away from dogma. Something that may seem farfeched but I'm sure we can do it once again! Long live Persia.
@paries1014 4 года назад
We will back to our root every one can hate us no problem
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