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Art of 'Thirsty Suitors'
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@Abracadaniels Час назад
Maybe finish your game eh?
@cokomantis 2 часа назад
so the lead designer is a voluntary fire fighter, huh? first of all, this is awesome. second, it explains the smoke & suffocation mechanics lmao third, gg.
@Ralke1 3 часа назад
Awesome content!
@eksplosiveknight8891 3 часа назад
The game is great and I love the whole Iron Gate team but this talk is kind of rought
@arunn3874 4 часа назад
reallyyy good game
@emma_tm 4 часа назад
this is one of the hardest games ive ever played. i love it so much
@Soulute367 7 часов назад
He sounds like a kid in a candy store, and I think it's really cute.
@emis8988 8 часов назад
This is increadibly impressive. Really goes to show how far building dynamic systems go in tbe long run.
@bubuasqw123 11 часов назад
the combat system is basically a quick time event where the player gets sorrounded and the players reacts to the actions of the enemies, dodge, block or attack
@tjlambaes 12 часов назад
Valheim is an amazing game, maybe one of the best in its class. I’m happy to wait for a perfect finish.
@ShahabSheikhzadeh 15 часов назад
Why does everyone at GDC refer to Ikea? I get that they're popular in many ways but from my perspective they have sub-standard furniture, are bad for the environment and are generally located in very pain in the ass areas to get to.
@jefawksspaghettorium 15 часов назад
32:28 thanks for squat-leaving :) and not blocking the view
@NoahtheEpicGuy 15 часов назад
an additional method of 3D camera shake, which is by far my favorite, is projection, frustrum, or shear shake. (I don't know the actual term for it, but shear is probably the most understandable, since it's how Build Engine games and Doom '93-derived games did looking up and down in a column-based renderer: shearing the Y axis projection.) It's essentially a 2D shake in 3D, where you shear the projection matrix about the X and Y axes. In simpler terms, the vanishing point moves around instead of staying at the center. I'm lacking the vocabulary to do it justice here. Lethal Company is the best real world example I have, and is most noticeable when a spike trap slams down.
@Lil_tanisha 17 часов назад
Your game is a masterpiece. I don't understand the hate. Like I really struggle to understand. It's a game with phenomenal plot, graphics, soundtrack and the list goes on. It's a whole universe and the live action part just adds to the originality. It disappoints me people hating on a company that actually cares to deliver a perfect game to its audience. Smh
@ShahabSheikhzadeh 17 часов назад
I wonder what this guy's personality type is, as seeing how his other talk on success vs failure and going for an MBA, he's brilliant. it's great to see (what I assume) are concepts like Eli Goldratt's The Goal into these sort of processes.
@NoahtheEpicGuy 19 часов назад
I'm one of those people that says "lerp" for any interpolation. Or at least used to, I've been a lot more semantically pedantic over time, which you could probably represent as an interpolation of the quadratic ease-in variety.
@christopherlawman9521 21 час назад
It said "Erm" 81 times in the first 30 seconds and I suddenly understood the raional behind senseless "life deleting".
@customsongmaker 21 час назад
Floating down a river on a log? Frogger did the same thing in 1981.
@ShahabSheikhzadeh 23 часа назад
at 7:19 what does he mean re: net code for street fighter?
@django-unchained 23 часа назад
The biggest issue she brought up is the fact people like her work at important positions in the industry while she is no gamer and didn't even play games herself. THIS is a major issue with all the "suit" kind of people in the business.
@drewwilson8756 День назад
My Valheim journey launched during the great Texas Snowpocalypse of 2021. Great times.
@django-unchained День назад
80% were obvious human things, a bit too much babbling. You could see on the audience they just got out of there as soon as he stopped babbling.
@themalmana День назад
Ok, nice, but seriously when Valheim 2? Game with better combat, less grindy, less punishing, less inventory management and less annoying stamina system.
@ShahabSheikhzadeh День назад
3 minutes in and mispronounces giblets. Damn. Is there a way to determine and find high quality GDC talks like this? A lot of people recommend postmortems, but this obviously is not that.
@customsongmaker День назад
Brie Larson was already condescending even back then, but at least she didn't voice her disdain for the majority of the audience like she did in later speeches.
@veryexciteddog963 День назад
wait so being a reddit mod is an actual job lmfaoooo
@ShahabSheikhzadeh День назад
WTF is with the background music/noises?
@ShahabSheikhzadeh День назад
Holy bad audio feedback off the walls, batman. I want to like the concepts presented here but this is painful to watch.
@arcan762 День назад
when does the talk actually start?
@DrN0VA. День назад
Jonathan was incredible and seemed so straightfoward and genuine, loved this talk.
@popomopodopo День назад
Bikes in valheim is not a troll account 😔
@thebeatts День назад
52:11 Oh look, it's a live demo of Valheim gameplay since they won't add more inventory slots! JK, much love to you, Iron Gate team.
@sonidojamon День назад
This was fascinating. Thank you!
@agoatheadbaby3512 День назад
I wonder if their process has changed at all during the time that's passed since this talk. The version of Flash used in this presentation is Macromedia Flash 8 from 2005. They must have moved onto a different software by now.
@FallingApplesVids День назад
Personally, I think Halo plays best as a pseudo first person bullet hell, with the player being able to dodge and weave between incoming projectiles and not being forced to hug or hide behind cover in fear of being shredded i.e incentivising lame play where waiting in boredom behind cover for shields to recharge massively outways pushing to items of interest like weapons, equipment and environmental elements like grav lifts that provide a far more engaging and interesting gameplay experience. I feel elites in Halo would be better balanced, and would still be a significant threat, if plasma rifle bolts were only slightly faster than plasma pistol shots but they retained the ability to track the player throughout the burst, they'd be more mentally taxing to dodge without forcing the player to use unfun, monotonous tactics.
@wizzenberry 2 дня назад
yeah, maybe you should of hired some more people, had the potential to be great but not enough man power. 1 update in 2 years is crazy. you guys earned at least 50 mill just freelance a load of people
@ruzdaniellegarcia4774 2 дня назад
I like valheim because it is a co-op/solo game and that you can play as a viking and roleplay as one with friends. I used to play How to Train Your Dragon: School of Dragons and I want more viking gameplay and ended up liking Valheim instead.
@mrhelitosis7564 2 дня назад
19:01 One of the songs here is Twist of Cain, which I had to guess was the song by Danzig that never made the final cut.
@chefnerd 2 дня назад
Based devs!
@ryanmiller3020 2 дня назад
I would like to see more of these games become accessible to the total site list.
@JadePGSurvival 2 дня назад
great stuff smarsbar
@TerkanTyr 2 дня назад
Jonathan gave me a world where I could build a home that lasted longer than any apartment I've lived in, until my hard drive failed for separate reasons and I lost much of it as I had not kept up with backups. I've spent 1000 hrs soon. Much of it with a close friend. We've started a new save for Ashlands. We turned off raids this time, and gave ourselves the ability to build for free. I have a lot of love for this man, his team, and his odd beautiful game.
@meediamongergamemodder2302 2 дня назад
ista mod ora feature 🤔
@XpLiZiTcOnTeNt7 2 дня назад
“No guitars” lol I swear every track I’ve heard from the Doom Eternal soundtrack features heavy chunking on an 8 string. Must’ve changed their mind for the second game
@gatheringwolves8267 2 дня назад
The devs from this game are amazing, such a small team with an amazing vision, thinking big and going all in, this is what we need in gaming industry to carry the future of development.
@zapalniczkakaminski9990 2 дня назад
Why is there a weight limit in the game?
@ezraho8449 2 дня назад
Probably so you can't carry your base with you everywhere you go.
@Hasenmafia 2 дня назад
+1 Time Consuming Inventory Management is something that has more and more become a reason for me not to (re)play or buy a game. Sorting chests and transporting cargo over and over again ... I did this too often in too many games (the recent Diablo IV update shows that I'm not alone with this). Generous inventory sizes are always a plus point for me. Where are the upgradeable deer backpacks and the carry-all food? 😅😅
@AshleyBlackwater 2 дня назад
Mod it out if you don't like it. Not a fan of it either tbh.
@AnalyticalReckoner 2 дня назад
Look at my boat, my boat is amazing
@spartanlegacy7090 2 дня назад
Wilder and Serene Chandeliers!!
@attckDog 2 дня назад
but for real tho, Why are there not bikes in Valheim?
@krejons 2 дня назад
I'm half through the talk and it's awesome! I love Valheim (over 100h on Steam). As a dev it's a great piece of information.