Talking With Tom
Talking With Tom
Talking With Tom
tom talks. about music, video games, maybe even films. if you're lucky, tom will talk about his mental health. actually, he'll do that even if you're not lucky.
Silent Hill 2 Haunts Me
Год назад
3 года назад
so this is the new year.
3 года назад
hold it in.
3 года назад
we need to talk.
3 года назад
Call of Pripyat: Darkness
3 года назад
The Soundtrack to the End of the World
4 года назад
The Story of Radiohead's Best Song
4 года назад
Goldeneye's Unintentional Horror
4 года назад
Sufjan Stevens - Writing Grief
5 лет назад
@johnc7651 4 дня назад
In Galway a year or two before, he says during a gig how surprised he was that they were famous now, like the big crowd and everyone knowing the songs from The Bends was a shock to him.
@alexgrimm3521 5 дней назад
Pleasantly surprised me on a walk to find such a good distillation of all the moments that filled you with dread in the game..Thank you RU-vid algorithm gods. And awesome video dude. Your video structure perfectly mirrored the tension you discussed. Felt very much like the game.
@MrDmorelli 5 дней назад
the strings arrangement is even more genious... the note on top the stringsis not an A#, it's a A half sharp! it's a quarter tone above A, and it gives that unique feeling of "being off"
@DavidLucian 13 дней назад
The reason why Silent Hill 2 it became a classic is because eventually people began to see how unique, eerie, melancholic and authentic the game's atmosphere it really is, and took the time to enjoy its deeply thoughtful narrative and symbolism. To this day it’s by far one of, if not the most mature examination of grief, sexual trauma, suicide, and morality all combined. It’s an intelligent game that does not hold anyone’s hand and comes at the player with utmost confidence in itself. It’s fantastic stuff. The rest of the original 4 are great in their own right and have their own well written stories, but they don’t hold the same emotional weight to them. I think SH2’s maturity by comparison is something that a lot of people are drawn to. ☯️ 🤷🏻‍♂️✌️
@thelytz9806 16 дней назад
Nah fuck that if ya’ll actually knew what No Surprises was about, you would know that it’s by far the greatest Radiohead song ever
@TalkingWithTom 15 дней назад
okay i dont care
@wherestheaudio3209 17 дней назад
@eduardozepol2000 19 дней назад
That's not true their best song is Creep I like it very much it's very underrated
@Waryfuls 19 дней назад
Wish I got to play the game as a kid... I only finished it months ago... *If you have never played Silent Hill 2. This is your call to action! Be prepared to be dragged into another world.*
@BrianVincent_ 21 день назад
“Optimistic” is a song on Kid A with guitars and a OK computer type vibe. You should listen to the album more carefully mr narrator
@TalkingWithTom 15 дней назад
'majority' of guitars. you should listen to mr narrator more carefully
@bradleysavoy2231 25 дней назад
Great video! What version of SH2 is the footage recorded from? Seems super HD, I’ve recently tried replaying using component cables and could only wish to get it this clear - I’m thinking maybe PC port?
@jameshw9751 29 дней назад
I didn't hear Paranoid Android in there. Am I in the wrong place?
@naturalnashuan Месяц назад
It's somehow comforting that people who have seemed to reach the utmost success are stuck with anxiety and Depression too. It tells me that it isn't my deserved self-punishment for not achieving everything I want to do. It's my brain's problem and I'm not really a failure.
@pottymouthphil Месяц назад
The feeling when the clarity breaks through after the wailing, overwhelming cacophony near the end is unbelievably powerful. It's elation, almost, but it's also painful. A release, without question. This must surely be one of the most beautiful and powerful pieces of music ever created. A true masterpiece. If they'd only ever recorded this one song, it would've been enough.
@groses Месяц назад
yes, this is my favorite radiohead song
@ashbob88 Месяц назад
You made great videos mate. I felt the same with TOTK as well as SH2.
@LsTR_Kblr0xjmeshoneyX6s7 Месяц назад
after a year of this being in my watch later playlist because i hadn't yet played silent hill 2 i can finally watch this video
@milanetc4865 Месяц назад
Fantastic. Please, post more Radiohead analyses
@Modus888-if9yj Месяц назад
Thoms my Favorite song writer
@camelat7228 Месяц назад
personally i think it's nude but this one's definitely up there
@GeordieGamerGuy Месяц назад
I love the first 3 Resident Evil games and Silent Hill games (especially the second and third of each) for the feel, vibe and aesthetic. They're so nostalgic.. but there is one thing I universally hate about them all. The fixed camera perspectives. I absolutely hated them for that. The Resi 2&3 remakes fixed this for me and I love them so much. I'm so excited for the SH2 remake and I really hope they do the same with a SH3 remake! Obviosuly I would've preferred that they remade Resi1 and SH1 as well, for completions sake, but I understand why they focussd on 2&3 as they were the best games for both franchises. I'm so happy fixed camera perspectives are a thing of the past haha!
@jadegecko 2 месяца назад
Your comment about expecting something to jump out- First exposure to SH was a copy of SH3 one of my roommates had. Most horror knows to build up fear and dread slowly. Silent Hill 3? Weird, incomprehensible horror out of nowhere. No warning at all. Dread increases your torment, but it also gives you advance notice something's going to happen. But at least you can prepare yourself. SH3? NOPE. You're always freaked out, because you know the game isn't going to give you a chance to prepare yourself
@ladychelsea5002 2 месяца назад
James going "I'll leave when I'm done here" in the beginning was such a coldly delivered line if you've played the game more than once. Because its true. He isn't leaving until he's done dealing with his trauma and somehow, under his amnesia, he knows this.
@shdevnull 2 месяца назад
@michaelmblog 2 месяца назад
Poor Thom Yorke, so difficult to be a famous rock star
@CyberneticSheep 2 месяца назад
Kid A was so outside of its time... Ever since i started listening to their songs again after my dad exposed me to their music 12 years ago. No other album has caught me so much, in such way how every single song has a meaning, yes even the ones without lyrics. Even tho Idioteque will remain my favorite of all time, How To Disappear Completely is a close second, it resonates so much with my social problems, with my incapability of understanding the meaning of sacrifice and work, to be surrounded with stress, to not be happy unless you find something that you will be comfortable enough to do for the entirety of your long, yet short life... When i realized im supposed to be listening to music form way outside of my time, i wonder how many people just dismiss this amazing album purely because it wasn't on par with the popular genres of the time, which were more melody and rock based. Sometimes i wonder how well the album would do if it was released nowadays, maybe nothing would change much... but i for sure appreciate it, forever, thank you Radiohead.
@rozroz00125 2 месяца назад
Amazing video
@jettesides420 2 месяца назад
Great breakdown. A man of Radiohead culture.
@mitchyyy18 3 месяца назад
God i love shit like this ❤
@xylan9543 3 месяца назад
awesome video...
@FreireTuccola 3 месяца назад
Buenismo video, saludos.
@rambojohn4476 3 месяца назад
Rock star probemms. I get it, we all have em
@renanokamotozagonel5430 3 месяца назад
@ravendelacour1917 3 месяца назад
The true horror isn't the reveal of the horror itself but the dread of what it may be. It's why Cosmic Horror can be so effective, because you can never truly have the horror revealed to you. You just get implications of something just waiting, watching beyond your perceptions.
@IvanLendl87 3 месяца назад
“I think people are perfectly capable of making their own decisions. And God help then if they listen to me.” - Thom Yorke I certainly agree with that statement.
@winky3 3 месяца назад
just came to the thumbnail
@ShinGallon 3 месяца назад
But this isn't about "Where I End And You Begin", I'm confused.
@twitchygiraffe4636 3 месяца назад
My personal favourite album of their’s is The Bends, mainly because they finally beat only being known for creep and were still very rocky and accessible as well and the songs were fantastic! OK Computer had the same effect on me as Dark Side Of The Moon, only I felt more hopeless listening to OK Computer! Kid A on the other hand left me confused? I didn’t know what to make of it as they went full on into experimentalism, but it grew on me in time, but on first listen it was only Idioteque that I liked but that soon changed! Intriguing album that??
@EmilXOM 3 месяца назад
You perfectly described why I think this game is a true masterpiece, and why I'm awfully concerned that the remake is going to butcher the game's haunting, dreamlike atmosphere.
@victoriaberrogain2099 3 месяца назад
love this, keep posting
@LoneCanadianPoet 4 месяца назад
I think that the song acts as a warning about trusting Michael Stipe and anybody else who is "stuck" inside of Vancouver's bowels... where TV Land and Rolling Stone Magazine dare not enter nor reveal. To accept advice from someone like Michael Stipe is suicide. This song, to me, is about Thom Yorke being couragous to see himself as not having to accept advice from a "superstar", accepting the fact that Stipe is a Member Of The Vancouver Loser Club, and not having to rely on the opinions of others. I think the song is a big "F* You Loser" to Michael Stipe and that Vancouver cesspool of "membership". I think an artist's Preservation Of Integrity and Honor is very important.
@utubeisazzhoe1413 4 месяца назад
Yes it is their best song.
@akf2000 4 месяца назад
Eugh "off of"
@nairmonteiro8034 4 месяца назад
Totally agree with Tom ❤ It floats you to another dimension. It feels like meditating while experiencing deeply external and internal chaos.
@mattlogue2657 4 месяца назад
you have no idea what digital vs analog means
@jegoshar 4 месяца назад
The beginning of the music is a perfect personification of how giving up would sound like. Hopelessness sadness feeling like you cant rise back up anymore
@aleenly 4 месяца назад
The night my boyfriend killed himself I listened to this song, just after I wrote him that everything was going to be alright. It felt like something was off but at the same time comforting. I have listened to this song a few times in the course of my life since then. Funny how Thom will never know how much this song meant for many of us.
@drbrucehubbard 4 месяца назад
Brilliant analysis! Ties together so many strands of this band's evolution, Thom's crisis and resolution, Jonny's move into string arrangements. Keep it coming!
@letsmakebunnies 4 месяца назад
Dis/sect covers every song on I Rainbows disc 1 to incredible detail. Every track is dissected with it's own dedicated epic. It's a podcast that I had never heard of until recently. For all you super sound/radiohead peeps this season of Dis/sect will not disappoint.
@Enniccino 4 месяца назад
Can someone tell me what that sound effect is in the very beginning (five seconds in) where the title screen rolls up? Figuring it out is haunting me more than SH 2...
@sob.breebree 4 месяца назад
i love this video so much, i hope you make more like this analyzing songs and albums like this!! love ur other videos too, very funny and entertaining💕💕