Age of Noob
Age of Noob
Age of Noob
Friendly Age of Empires community. 🛖🌾
The Ultimate Beginner Guide to AoE4!
5 месяцев назад
All NEW Ayyubids Units in AoE4!
6 месяцев назад
All NEW Japanese Units in AoE4!
7 месяцев назад
All NEW Byzantine Units in AoE4!
7 месяцев назад
Japanese - New AoE4 Civ Summarized!
7 месяцев назад
Zhu Xi's Legacy  - New AoE4 Civ Summarized!
7 месяцев назад
Byzantines - New AoE4 Civ Summarized!
7 месяцев назад
Ayyubids - New AoE4 Civ Summarized!
8 месяцев назад
New Patch + Halloween Biome in AoE4!
8 месяцев назад
Jeanne d'Arc - New AoE4 Civ Summarized!
8 месяцев назад
6 NEW Civs + New Campaign & More in AoE4!
8 месяцев назад
The Byzantines CONFIRMED in AoE4!
9 месяцев назад
Aztecs - Civilization Guide (AoE2)
9 месяцев назад
Age of Noob Remonetized + Final Shoutouts!
10 месяцев назад
Abbasid Dynasty - Civilization Guide (AoE4)
10 месяцев назад
New Civ series from Age of Noob! (AoE2 & AoE4)
11 месяцев назад
@Ballistic-vn6em 3 часа назад
I played the PS2 version back then, i hated the controllers though
@snuggleseal 5 часов назад
black pups are rare 😍😍😍😍
@turtlebla2461 8 часов назад
Do you have any videos on age of mythology?
@VojvodaSloboda День назад
so wtf did i buy aoede for?
@upcomingvillain 2 дня назад
When I click on the trade button with a trader, and then try to click on an allies market, it says "cannot use this ability on this target" Right clicking on the market doesn't work either. My trader will just walk to the market and then go idle. How do you actually make them collect gold and return home?
@SigmaSusanto 2 дня назад
why Do I Hear skyrim music?
@YourVideosDogchitHeresWhy 2 дня назад
I was ur 69th subscriber
@loweloking88 4 дня назад
Imagine how incredibly op that would be
@FurkanTopal 5 дней назад
Btw why the heck so many black units? Not to offend anyone, yes black people were also living under Ottoman Empire but the crushing majority of the population and especially troops were formed by white people.
@FurkanTopal 5 дней назад
This is also not only about AOE4. While some more unimportant nations get 2-3 different unique units in AOE2, I never understood why Turks had just Janissary which introduced as a cannoneers. Turks have a very very important unit too. Kapıkulu cavalries (i.e. Kapıkulu Süvarileri). Even in Persians, there are elephants and that special cavalry, but for Turks, just a Janissary. And in this one, no horse archers. Turkic people historically are the pioneers and artists of horse archery. Write "Turkish archery" on google and look at some facts about history. Horse archery is one of the main tradition of the Turks, and no, they never dropped this even in the late Ottoman Empire era.
@FurkanTopal 5 дней назад
But props to other units, thanks AOE for creating these beautiful historical things.
@eaglenebula2172 5 дней назад
That such baffling omissions are present in a 4th instalment of a 2 decades long franchise is a good indicator as to why it is important to keep the ppl who have known their craft well for years should be the ones working on it instead.
@scarletkinggaming629 6 дней назад
Hello Age of Noob want to ask I used all different tuning pack mod to increase byzantine population but always stayed at 200pop
@nrg4285 6 дней назад
ALL TIPS: 1. Strategy/decision making is worth more than action per minute (apm) or being fast at anything 2. Use hotkeys like selecting all idle villagers, etc. to do mundane stuff easier 3. play intro tutorial (if not already done) 4. don't hoard resources - keep less than a few hundred each in early game, lower than 1k in mid-late game 5. don't idle your town center - keep producing villagers 6. make tons of villagers - up to half population (100 in a 200 pop game) 7. avoid idle villagers and idle military - villagers need to be gathering resources and military can patrol or defend resources and villagers 8. be careful with boars - requires 7 or more villagers to take down 1 boar comfortably 9. prioritize food sources - order of fastest to slowest: 1) shoreline fish 2) boars 3) deer 4) sheep/farms 5) berries 10. learn build orders - like openings in chess - can get you faster to feudal age if you execute them well 11. learn to garrison units - esp. villagers - can select villagers and click seek shelter button - then return to work button 12. first town center has significantly more HP than secondaries 13. use scouts efficiently, gather sheep, see what enemies are up to, never idle scouts 14. training a second scout early game 15. refresh lumber camps by building a second one closer to forest to decrease walk times 16. straighter and longer wall sections are cheaper than shorter and multiple section ones - fewer angles saves resources 17. know when to do economic upgrades to resource buildings 18. setup economy for army composition you are targeting 19. only siege units can attack stone walls (except elephants) 20. incomplete stone walls can be destroyed by non-siege units 21. stone gates actually have directions that matter - typically point gate outward from base 22. put thought into wall designs - do not just encircle your base with walls 23. utilize outposts for vision, defend your resources, deny resources to others - upgrade throughout each age 24. use keeps defensively and offensively - defend farms - deny areas of map - less important in imperial age though 25. avoid long production queues - queue units more efficiently 26. pick up relics - extra passive gold - pick up 2-3 relics on way to castle age 27. use attack move command, do by attacking and moving the ground nearest enemy and not specific enemy or building 28. focus fire and kite with range units by attacking and running away from melee range, repeat - good in early-mid game otherwise amass fire 29. don't forget about blacksmith upgrades - prioritize upgrades for units you have now or plan on having soon 30. know your unit counters - e.g. spearmen counters horsemen, etc. 31. understand Lanchester's Law - military units, dmg outputs, outnumbering is important and not linear 32. use springalds against siege units - insane range and dmg against other siege units - must have before imperial age 33. no friendly fire in aoe4 - use weapons against enemies near allies without consequences 34. units take up different amounts of population space - e.g. siege unit is not worth 1 villager etc. 35. heal wounded military units with religious units 36. obtain map control - learn when to gain control/relinquish control 37. build multiple production buildings - not uncommon to have 5-10 buildings of the unit you are training - can train units 5x faster 38. check minimap regularly - helps react faster 39. use market to balance economy when necessary 40. population efficiency matters in late game 41. use rally points - tell units to go somewhere immediately after they are trained 42. utilize fast building trick - example: build a mill and then spam click the mill with farms to auto place them around mill 43. use shift commands more - quickly queue 5 units with holding shift and clicking queue once, or instruct villager to do 2 different things in succession, tell monk to pickup relic and go to monastery immediately, etc. 44. use ctrl+click - selects all of the same unit immediately, helps separate units 45. use control groups - select units and press number or function key to assign units to a group, now those units become a hotkey selector 46. tweak centering options - when hitting hotkeys to select units or groups you can change whether camera follows or does not 47. consider panoramic zoom level - change camera mode setting from classic to panoramic 48. read post game stats - gather insights on what to improve on 49. watch replay of game to see how opponent won against you 50. watch pro tournaments
@nrg4285 6 дней назад
TOP 18 TIPS: 1. efficient resource usage (<500 early mid, <1-2k late) 2. produce 100 villagers 3. prioritize food sources: fish, boar, deer, sheep/farm, berries 4. learn build orders for early game 5. obtain map control, use outposts, drop keeps, better wall design 6. efficient economy - upgrade resource buildings, upgrade blacksmith 7. use attack + move to ground before enemy 8. focus fire + kite with ranged units 9. select + control + number to group units 1/2/3/etc. 10. build 5-10 of each building that trains units - train units in parallel 11. pick up 2-3 relics before castle age 12. know unit counters and Lanchester's Law (non-linear combat) 13. use spingalds against siege units until imperial age 14. heal military units with religious units 15. use rally points and fast trick building 16. use shift click to produce 5x of units per click 17. use ctrl+click on unit to select all of that unit 18. tweak centering options and use panoramic zoom if desired
@irfanzulfiqar2143 7 дней назад
I am a beginner and just bought age of empire IV anniversary edition but when i try to play skimmish there is no ottoman empire that i can choose do i have to unlock ottoman empire first if so how
@jhndyt 7 дней назад
Just got into the game now and this breaks my heart, your guide to new players was what made buy the game, such a shame
@msc7594 11 дней назад
Really badly designed units overall. It forces the Turks to rely on seige engines. IRL the Ottomans changed warfare, the Janissaries were used as elite shock troops and would constsntly be put in the worst situations available, i.e. a breaking center or full breach in a seige, and they would persevere against anything. These guys literally made the knight obsolete in warfare as it was a complete counter, light armor, far ranging weapon, with am emphasis on mace close to close combat they were ridiculously effective.
@user-rs1no4nz6b 12 дней назад
I liked. I subscribed to the channel.
@nielzene9656 14 дней назад
Amazing video. Really informative and precise. Thank you!!!
@wolfparkour 16 дней назад
You a G brother
@christophermccarthy9318 18 дней назад
Loads of cuts in this video
@GatochanBolivia 18 дней назад
I understand you bro, BUT you shouldnt say bye to this channel :3 maybe you can comeback for AGE OF MYTHOLOGY, it really promise to be a good game, yes its just a posibility but why not? IVE WATCHED ALL YOUR VIDEOS HERE and let me tell you IT WAS EVEN BETTER THAN PLAYING THE ACTUAL GAME XD (no joking) thanks fort all your efforts bro, wish you the best :3
@adagamefreak 18 дней назад
I salute you sir. Thank you for all the guides and wisdom!
@fennisdembo34 20 дней назад
i'll say this: while it hurts that you won't be publishing content on AoE anymore, any other game you'll be covering is... lucky to have you doing that. THANKS for all your work so far. thoroughly enjoyed it!
@Persuasion94 22 дня назад
Where one door closes, another one opens. You're better off without these devs and corpos anyway, and better believe they won't have much support on the game, AoE is already a dying name. Time to work on the next project 😊
@TravisEFong 23 дня назад
I have appreciated your analysis. This is a big loss for the AOE4 community. Thanks for your work.
@diezelfunk 24 дня назад
Goodness gracious, mate this is just sad. The writing on the wall was pretty obvious when the mobile game was announced. It's nothing but a predatory monetization scheme. Your integrity is something to be highly respected. Therefore, it has been a good run and wishing you nothing but the best in your future prospects!
@triangledesign2336 24 дня назад
Would love to see you cover some Bannerlord content!!!
@indirecttim2141 24 дня назад
Sorry to see you go but I understand you are in a tricky situation. Your AOE vids were my favorite to watch, even above spirit of the law. I could tell you put a vast amount of time and effort into your vids and it showed. We need to normalize honesty and integrity. This should not have happened to you
@AgeArena 24 дня назад
Thanks for all the amazing videos! I wish you the best in your future projects.
@GustavoFolmer 25 дней назад
Indeed a pretty horrible situation, a fatality, your content was always top notch. Would have been best to simply ignore the mobile game instead of lifting flags against it, since it appeals to a completely different audience, and the general AoE player would not have much interest into that. And like many examples in the industry, mobile games that come as spin-offs from some real games tend to flop pretty often. I was so fortunate to find you back then, when AoE IV did not even exist, and I just wanted to learn how to be a better AoE II player. Then every AoE IV video was greatly appreciated these past few years. Regardless, you did what was right for you, that is what matters in the end. I'll still be hanging around Gamenoob, best hopes for your next project, but frankly I already now that you have everything to keep making these great videos as always!
@dudeguybro 25 дней назад
Thanks for the great videos, dude
@RTS_Papercut-bo7qt 25 дней назад
Thank you for all that you have done for the AOE 4 community!
@bpz2678 25 дней назад
Beyond impressed and fantastic to hear you stood up to predatory monetization! That is rare in today's over-hyped environment of promoting for the sake of promoting not because your thoughts/opinions align with what you are promoting! Kudos! I'm sure great things are in the future for you! Thank you for all the videos you've made!
@chrispaynter 26 дней назад
Well done on not gossiping That shows a high level of integrity
@psihypo 26 дней назад
some good beginner tips :) someday i'll beat easy AI heheh
@Nathan-rt5vj 26 дней назад
Wishing you the very best. Thanks for all the content throughout the years. Cheers!
@Yesnog05 26 дней назад
Your videos helped me alot playing AoE4 keeping up with my older brothers and friends that play more than I do and they were surprised to see how much Ive progressed because of you! Very proud of you for standing up to your beliefs in such a toxic gaming environment.
@tjarmand 26 дней назад
@yourshames 26 дней назад
Name names.
@LaPrateriaDiTashunkaWitko 26 дней назад
We need more people like you in this declining western society. People with Integrity. It's unfortunate to lose your contents. Good luck mate
@BourgeoisRaser 26 дней назад
Have a good one mate
@TCOYChannel 26 дней назад
Bro your content is amazing sad to see you go!. Please share any future channels so we can find your content!
@encoreperformance1081 27 дней назад
You were the first youtuber to ever get me into Age of Empires, I made my first ever video after being inspired by you and was beyond excited when i recieved your comment. Its still there on my first video. I appreciate you so much man and I hope only the best for you. Peace out Numan. I can never express my appreciation enough brother.
@miraclemotor487 27 дней назад
karenamu saya menyukai game age of empires 2 dan 4, terima kasih.
@rislitas 27 дней назад
mate first of all ihope yr ok. thannks for the channel. but get it what will happen to age of noob? youwill shut down all videos?
@robbylava 27 дней назад
Goodnight, sweet prince. I'll be eagerly waiting for Gamenoob content.
@pavitheranar 27 дней назад
@pumpkinpie8235 27 дней назад
@1256813790 27 дней назад
Im doing my part
@dezkar7944 27 дней назад