Colin Casper, LMHC
Colin Casper, LMHC
Colin Casper, LMHC
How to Communicate Difficult Things
2 года назад
Save Your Marriage
4 года назад
Why You Fight in Marriage
5 лет назад
ABC Model for REBT and CBT
5 лет назад
Your Friend is Suicidal??? 3 Tips
5 лет назад
Boundaries: 3 Questions to Ask
5 лет назад
Why am I anxious?
5 лет назад
What you can’t control...
5 лет назад
Try THIS to calm down
5 лет назад
3 Mistakes New Therapists Make
5 лет назад
@reachnandini 12 дней назад
Where is your flip phone
@marcfield1234 Месяц назад
Every body gets this wrong. It is not the smart phone they are addicted to. It is the apps. It is the Facebooks and the Instagrams and the Twitters and the RU-vids. I never got into social media so I never felt addicted. Ya I got a minimalist launcher because I thought it looked cool but I don't realy need t. The only reason I even have a smart phone is because I need a navigation or a TV or camera or some music or a movie for the night.
@jejehdh Месяц назад
Frogs don’t notice getting slowly boiled. Its the same with the iPhones. Im excited for my nokia to arrive to hell with the matrix
@nauxsi 2 месяца назад
If you have a laptop and majority of your communication is text based you dont need a smartphone or apps. You also wont receive cold calls.
@GoodOrderlyDirection325 6 месяцев назад
Check ✅ in Louisa Parson
@RBT_DATOS 9 месяцев назад
Do you still use it in 2024? I bought a flip one that only uses WhatsApp
@CletusHunnicutt 9 месяцев назад
My flip phone with a busted hinge sits on my dresser powered off until I drive away from my house. Then I don't use it. I watched this video and I'm typing this comment across the room on a 40" screen. All of my old friends contact me through email when they need me now that I've been off of Facebook for most of the last three years. They know I will answer an email up to days faster than my phone, and usually within a few minutes...if I'm at home. This way makes sense to me.
@reversingglobalwarming9431 9 месяцев назад
Fuckin e logs don't work on flip phone
@benjaminbrown5245 Год назад
What is this it is like everyone on here has never seen a flip phone hahahahahaah why do you want to regress when you all know that smart phones are here to stay and as far as what you said about hiding from people that is not true. The smart phone is their for a tool but it is like everyone here is saying they are being freed from bondage or something and society laughs about that because you all know that society is smart phone accessaible. First of all why do you want to downgrade and have limits. Umm Bering present is easy with a smartp phone. All these people that are saying they are going to regular flip phones that is fine cause you have a phone but don’t justify that a smart phone is a very bad thing and you are using drugs I mean come one here. I remember the days of the flip and rotary phones and boy I am so glad we have smart phones today oh and by the way some commenter said on here that he would bee glad that the smart phones will go away I have news bucks smart phones are here to stay. You all are living in the past. I remember being so limited on what I could do with a flip phone and I had to ask Bering a blind adult for so much help with my phone. When the smart phones came out in 1994 the siamon personal communication devise I never had that of course but when the iPhone came out boy oh boy it changed the way I work and I can do things alone. Yea. Earlier smart phones were a pain in the ass to use cause they had all these keyboards and it was hard to use them but the iPhone changed that. I don’t know why people think it is such a big thrill to downgrade I mean we are not regressing back to the past here we are moving forward. I would never as expensive as it is I would never even think about downgrading to a flip phone. One those ringtones are super cheesy. And just downgrading to a flip phone doesn’t say anything you are not proving a point to anyone except society is going to turn you away cause all of the N.f.C. And different things you have to use that are smart phone required. And you can’t legislate life. People will beep n their phones in restaurants. So their you go. Downgrading to a flip phone from the past doesn’t really prove anything but to say that you are stupid. This day in age society works with smartphones hell people don’t even use their computer to much anymore everything is done on smart phones. So all down grading to a flip hone makes someone do is they have to go back to seeing if their are places that have manual or paper maps or you have to carry more than one devise. So it doesn’t prove a point. You have to rely on many other things instead of having one devise. You can’t get around in society these days without having a smartphone or touch screen phone. No place these days is back in the 1970’s here. So all you are proving is that you are stupid. Yes. If it was back in those years, then it would bee excepting but society is laughing at those that do that cause this is the modern day in age we are living. Everything is done via app or smart phone not dumb phone. Your banking, eating out requires a smart phone, depositing your checks you do on line now not a lot of people go into the bank anymore, going to brick and order stores people don’t do much anymore cause everything shopping is on line so what are you trying to prove. Nothing. Downgrading doesn’t prove anything it just handicaps you. Back in the day that was excepting cause that is what we used and that is what we had but society doesn’t run on flip phones anymore. Those days are gone. It is like trying to bee Ommish when you are not. These people are stuck back in the past in the stone ages and don’t want to change their ways to live in the modern day world.
@CletusHunnicutt 9 месяцев назад
Wow. This seems to have touched a nerve. I have yet to be in a situation where I've needed a smart phone. I'm still handed menus here. I pay with a card. I hand someone a card and they insert it into a smartphone dongle. Banking and everything else on a Windows 11 desktop. Keep your phone if it makes you feel superior. It's fine, but life is much more stress free without it. Why? Because smart phones are still not necessary and life does not halt and regress without one.
@benjaminbrown5245 9 месяцев назад
@@CletusHunnicutt some places don’t have Apple Pay or Samsung pay but most places do these days. Their is only one place that I go to in my area that doesn’t have Apple Pay and that is black bear diner and boy they are good that is the only place I can’t pay with my phone but everything else, yes. There is Apple Pay. I mean as long as you are paying with a card but the phone just makes it faster. Even at the bank. I don’t even pull out my card anymore. I just hold my phone over the reader and it is faster way faster than having to tap even my card on the reader. Before then, even the tech was there but I would actually insert the card into the reader and it would take some time to process. I would have to wait for the card reader to ding but I have to say this. Got to use your phone to its potential cause you are paying a lot for the devises. So why not make them work. If it is going to help you then why not use it and everything is there. And I agree with you that some places still carry paper menus but not to many. It is good to know what you want when you order and or use your smart phone to get the menu pulled up. Lots of places now have kiosks. To order your food and then someone will get it to you. That is just the way modern society rolls. It is great to have that tangible thing to hold but many places don’t have that anymore and you just have to adapt to change. I am not saying you but in general. We humans don’t like change a lot of the time but it is for the better not to drag or bog you down. I think at one time a lot of smart phone users including myself were saying that we would never have a touch screen phone it’s got to bee button pressed phones but those days are gone for the time of tester year. Everyone pretty much these days with the exception does have a smart phone cause that is what is required of us. Even not to many people that I know of use the computer anymore cause everything is on the move or mobile and you can answer emails, do your banking righ then and their. I haven’t heard for the longest time someone say “Well, I need to get on the computer and check my banking.” Or “well, I will get on the computer after work and finish my project.” You just don’t hear that stuff to much anymore. Cause everything is mobile and the modern smart phone is if not more capable than the computer is. It can do even more and there are apps that do what different tools back then use to do. Now all that is in apps.
@Sandlingtonfoot Год назад
I've had a flip phone now for 1 year. I agree with all the benefits you mentioned. I also found I shop less now. One because I don't scroll and shop. Second, I don't have a ton of apps for rewards programs and incentives to order on their app for specials. I find now I buy something when I realize I need something. I'm a LCSW and work in mental health as well. Loved your video.
@dinguls Год назад
I’m getting a flip phone delivered and I’m hoping to make it my primary phone
@StigmaSam Год назад
Such a good video, thank you 😊
@anaymakan6989 Год назад
I switched to an old Blackberry for a little bit but as great as it was only being notified when someone was trying to message or call me, not uber eats giving me a promotion. There were certain elements of my smartphone I still need, such as mobile hotspot to my laptop, calling an uber, music for the gym, having a good camera. Ik most of these issues can be fixed with stuff such as iPods, digital camera, local taxi numbers. So I decided to delete all social media off my iPhone and almost make it into a dumb phone other than the most essential apps such as whatsapp and uber and spotify. And I have disabled other unnecessary apps, even the web browser.
@mattlopez9351 Год назад
Spot on! Thank you for sharing
@RockysFunAndHelpWorld Год назад
You can press and hold the OK button to use voice to text for sending text messages.
@bonenfant96 Год назад
It's odd. All the peoples who give the reasons why they went back to dumb phones, never mention for not being spied on.
@dobrawarutkowska Год назад
I have just bought a flip nokia. I have missed it much since my last broke in 2016 and I changed to a smart phnone, but now I just have enough of the distractors.
@soundseffecter9972 Год назад
Watching, analyzing, re-watching and analyzing a movie called "My Dinner with Andre" changed my life. You could easily watch it, and only take away "Boomers hate technology" and keep living the way you did. For me, it came into my life at the correct time, and I'm happy to say that it has made me think about every action I take during the day. It doesn't make me get rid of all my comforts, rather, it makes me choose which comforts I could live without. I'm not on social media and I do not let algorithms decide what kind of content I want to watch. I am here watching this video, because I've decided to change to a flip phone after my old one dies out (7 year old phone by now, still works but is showing signs of aging). I only watch videos that I myself thought to watch, and those videos will end up meaning more to me. Not to say that I do not indulge in watching videos about things I don't care about (drama, essays about subjects I don't know about), but being aware of myself, and knowing what I want, makes the difference. That movie made me find out why it's important to think about what you'd like to be doing in 5 years. It's not about career growth, money, or accomplishments. It's about developing, and reflecting upon yourself. Life is what you make it. The constant comfort of smartphones, social media, and most of all, COMFORT, makes us forget to be ourselves. Great video. I wish everyone a great journey of learning to be human again.
@tammybradford5921 Год назад
I was just looking at a flip phone yesterday, im tire of anything i google than google start hassling me on that mayter or subject. In im tired of high bills in if anything happens to my phone, without the bill being due they charge me, no perks or teal benefits anymore with yhese phone companies. They figure ee so hooked we not going to get rid of them and they can do anything to us, charge you for any and everything. Most of yhis young generation dont know how to communicate because they rather text. Its c4azy out here because of electronics.
@Zelea-nj3pz Год назад
Had an iPhone 11 Pro until last week. Missus was on about upgrading so while browsing I realised I don’t need another smartphone. 1. I barely use social media, nothing other than Instagram and I’m not even posting and that 2. It’s big in my pocket, don’t like it 3. I only use it really to call, not big fan of texting so barely, maybe weather, calendar and that So instead of upgrading, I locked it away and bought 2 (yes, 2, one spare just in case 😄 ) of my favourite phones ever. MOTOROLA V3. Now I’m stress free, it’s weird now being in a group and everyone scrolling. You don’t see that when you have one. Not planning to go back to a smartphone anytime soon, especially with a kid on the way. PS: I’m writing this comment from my PC, in case you’re wondering 😄
@oldengineer464 Год назад
I don't even have a dumb phone.
@stevegold2784 Год назад
56 years old. Got my 1st phone , a flip in 2009. Never got a smartphone, too big, fragile and needs constantcharging. Flips are easy cheap And you can easily put it in your pocket.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😎😎😎😎
@NormanTiner Год назад
I'm 32. I watched the whole thing unfold (pun intended). My mom had a pager, then an old flip phone with nothing but a call log. My first cellphone had an mp3 player and that's it. I had the first android phone, the G1, a weird little brick with a sliding keyboard. The screens got bigger and bigger, the apps become addictive to a science. Concerts were filled with screens, people stopped making eye contact, attention spans shortened and nobody is happy. I'm breaking free too. I have a flip phone coming in the mail tomorrow.
@adid.5585 Год назад
You guys are cowards! Y'all got a 2019 flip phone and make such a big deal out of it. Try to use a legitimately old cell phone, something like from the early 2000s, regardless if it's a flip phone or candybar phone, and then tell me how it is!
@Kaige46 Год назад
I’ve managed to get through 76 years without being glued to a phone, and I’m still breathing! For many of those years I had no phone at all. I have a dumb phone which never leaves the house. I wouldn’t have that if the government hadn’t made it that all phone calls have to come through the computer - VOIP!
@Sgs0425 Год назад
“I don’t have a smart phone “ proceeds to pick up smart phone.
@theretromillennial Год назад
Very cool stuff, and always nice to find people from the Bay Area here (I’m a St. Pete guy, but lived in Tampa and Clearwater). I’ve been working on unplugging for a while and haven’t made the jump back to an old T9 flip phone but I’ve taken all 3rd party apps, email, and notifications off my phone to make it as “non-smart” as possible. It really does help, and when I come home from work, the phone goes on my desk, the smart watch comes off, and my AirPods go in my pocket. It’s been really great for my mental health and for my family time.
@alidk5923 Год назад
I can remember my days in 2007'ish. I had a computer and a Nokia cell phone. And I really didn't have any of the problems that I have today from smartphones. I guess when Computer and Phone became one, It changed everything. Now, you can become addicted to computers with the ability to carry that addiction everywhere with you. When you couldn't have it before because you couldn't sit on the computer for too long. I'm switching to normal phones again, I had enough with smartphones.
@ZoomStranger Год назад
Just to help, I immediately pause vids starting with Yeooo Whats up guyys or similar, write this and move on
@raysult Год назад
I love it ! GREAT video !!! 👍👍
@mlhspot Год назад
The only question I have is, how to have GPS ?
@ganguram99 Год назад
I'm also as a teenager planning to buy a flip phone but I'm mostly scared as I dont want to lose access to whatsapp...lets see how it goes!
@thefondraiser3787 Год назад
I’ve been using my flip phone for over 6 months now and I love it I think a flip phone is so cool to have. I agree with you that I flip phone is better to have than an iPhone or smartphone. I don’t ever use a lot of the apps that people have on there phone because I’m limited to what I can do on my flip phone and I feel like I don’t need all of those apps that people worship on there phone’s basically
@beckybaird4395 Год назад
I am going back to a flip phone soon. I hate smartphones! Not for me anymore. I don't care who laughs at me! Thanks for the video!
@batiyah3166 Год назад
As soon as we all get a flip phone...the companies will be told by NSA take them off the market 🤨
@4R53Hole Год назад
How about: Life without a phone. ?
@rick00770 Год назад
I'm 71 , yea I got a fliphone and use it to take breaks from all the crap on smartphones.
@magatow1906 Год назад
Dana Carvey is now a licensed therapist?!
@ff-mu6cc Год назад
@adhd_with_pennies4867 Год назад
I heard stories of Vietnam folks i can say there interesting
@RobR386 Год назад
I've tried using a feature phone/flip phone instead of my iPhone, it didn't stick, I find my iPhone to be way too useful, so I changed the way I use the iPhone, I do the task I want, then put it away, that said I still have the feature phone for absolute emergencies if the iPhone battery is dead and I need to make a call
@katmancilla5777 Год назад
I actually just bought a flip phone and I’m planning to do at least 30 days with it. If not longer. Great tips!!
@aizun3614 Год назад
I’ve changed to a flip phone for 2 months, and it’s amazing! Using a flip phone looks so cool and it helps me avoid all distractions, talk more with ppl around, communicate and make more lovely memories. what a wonderful way to make my life more meaningful 😊
@koshal4med Год назад
Bro change the damn intro audio, it almost exploded ears, so loud
@adminofsugas Год назад
I turn off all sounds and no vibration it helps and I keep the phone out of eye sight or in another room or in a bag when with others so I don’t see notifications I also shut the phone off every night before going to bed , I am looking into flip phones now and trying to see if one comes with a turn by turn gps
@darnellmahomes15 Год назад
Im not gonna pay 700$ to these carriers for a thin touchscreen and soon as it drop the screen cracks its no good
@darnellmahomes15 Год назад
Plus flip phones are hard to break and its worth the money.touch screens are a waist of money
@darnellmahomes15 Год назад
Ive had a hacker that call my smart phone awhile back saying they had my account number from there i went to a flip phone
@darnellmahomes15 Год назад
Flip phones are the best from hackers
@lilPopper Год назад
No GPS? No problem. That helps your inner compass. If your parents had to navigate by planning their route via paper maps, we should be able to do that as well. Or, purchase a GPS navigator -- they're still better and accurate than a smart phone's app like Waze or Google Maps. And they use satellite feeds over a data plan. Not banking on my phone -- that's something I refuse to do. If I'm banking online, I'd rather do that in the privacy and comfort of my own home. I don't care how "convenient" it is to bank on my phone -- I don't feel safe or comfortable doing it on such a device. No data plan -- a basic cell phone is just calls and texts. Financially, you can imagine how much money you have saved, and the level of stress has dropped.