Whaddo You Meme??
Whaddo You Meme??
Whaddo You Meme??
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THIS is Why You Don't Mess With God
14 часов назад
Okay, Maybe I was Wrong
Месяц назад
The Kanye Situation is SAD
Месяц назад
SOMEONE Had to Say it
Месяц назад
The Olympic Boxer Situation is WILD
Месяц назад
They Turned on Us
Месяц назад
Okay, I'm over this...
Месяц назад
This is SAD
Месяц назад
This is Getting Out of Control
2 месяца назад
Why Does EVERYONE Seem to Be Missing This?
2 месяца назад
The Most Important Film of 2024 (no really)
2 месяца назад
ANOTHER Pastor Exposed Secret Sin??
3 месяца назад
We Need To Talk About This
3 месяца назад
Christians, This Interview Should Disturb You
3 месяца назад
4 месяца назад
The New Planet of the Apes Movie Was…
4 месяца назад
HUNDREDS of Protestors Convert to Islam??
4 месяца назад
@jaykaydevante 9 минут назад
Shes against Zionist and has to be protected at all cost
@InconspicuousStranger 25 минут назад
@Kanzer7TS 28 минут назад
Not going to lie I find it weird that anyone could have their faith shaken by this guy. The way he talks is even un-intelligent. "When you back engineer..." lol what? He doesn't even know English words, how would he know ancient Hebrew?
@kensilvia1422 42 минуты назад
Good.job man amen 🙏 🙌 👏
@RUGER5264 42 минуты назад
@gotohellenwaite6371 50 минут назад
I feel it is not my place to judge Mr Dahmer or anyone else’s faith. That is between them and God. I have enough dealing with my faith and deeds and fixing me to be out here judging the rest of the world. Blessings and Peace be with all.🌹
@LePedantSemantique 54 минуты назад
God is worried about Diddy??? 😄😂🤣😅 Jesus needs to re-prioritize his to-do list!!! 🤷‍♂️ IJS
@knockturnal1 57 минут назад
i started to read bible years ago, when my 5 times married caucasian mother finds out (she who chants hari krishna since the 80's) yells at me with that look on her face, "what are ya, a christain', i said no but im a believer, she said why, i said because my fathers dna is melanesian Jamaican west african Egyptian and black hebrew so we havnt spoke to each other for over five years now, i loves me bible it speaks to me whether im good or bad
@daddada2984 Час назад
Stay away from catholicism. Stay away from idolatry & fanaticism of men. Follow Jesus, become a Christian. Identify yourself with Jesus Christ not with institutions of fallible men.
@daddada2984 Час назад
Candace is simp for tate?. hehehhehe
@COKTilYouDrop Час назад
RU-vids abortion disclaimer is sad, get a life RU-vid!
@daddada2984 Час назад
She is not Christian, she is catholic.
@413PDS Час назад
My life isn't horrible, but it's not great either. I've had my fair share of disappointments in my life, both with relationships and careers. I'm in my mid 40s and feel like my life isn't going anywhere and why I still even care to live a life I'm not happy with. With that being said, if I had the option to use a "suicide pod", where I could lay down and fall asleep peacefully never to wake up, I probably would. I'm not depressed, and my health isn't bad. I just don't see the point anymore in a world where I feel like I struggle with most things in life and don't have enough happy moments to fill the void.
@bnegs521 Час назад
Overall i still think Candice is on the right side of things.
@camilomiranda61 Час назад
Tbh I'm pretty apathetic on this issue I just hate the cowardice of the left claiming that it isn't a life when they do an abortion. If you are gonna kill a baby don't tip toe around it.
@EvilLeRoy Час назад
Remember life isn’t that long even another seventy years is the blink of an eye to the universe it will be over all too soon enjoy who and what you have while you still have it.
@bobnewman4876 2 часа назад
It's passive aggressive or simply modern nazism.
@ReformedMind 2 часа назад
Abolisionist here. Abortion is murder and murder is illegal. Abolish abortion. Make all murder illegal. Period.
@hhowdy Час назад
Yeah I don’t even know how abortion is an argument. Do you know how much of a 1 in a million that potential life has and how lucky you are to be here standing today. Do you understand how lucky you are that you’re entire time as an embryo all the way to fetus had to have gone well? And to take that potential life away is disgusting. You’re alive and living and conscious. Why revoke that from a baby you monster.
@johngibson7307 2 часа назад
When God answered my prayers to change me so that I could get off the needle as a junkie I vowed that regardless of how miserable life might ever get I would go on choosing life my family has put to much into it and God has given far to much of his own blood for me to just through life away because I’m not a happy camper right now I’m on this ride were ever God takes me im going
@anthonyellison2444 2 часа назад
Ive been depressed for 13 years. Ive been diagnosed with clinical depression and a few other mental health issues. It may get better for others but not for me. Feels like the mental health care system don't work and when it becomes harder and harder to survive economically in society you really dont see the point in living...
@onceagain77 2 часа назад
My opinion is against tattoos. You wouldn't spray a church with graffiti so why would you vandalize GOD's creation?
@-laurel-6059 2 часа назад
I know better than to question Brand's conversion... but... Baptism is a public statement about the spiritual rebirth that has already happened. He speaks as though his baptism was the magical experience that changed him. Also, where is the brokenness over the filth of personal sins? He speaks about Christianity in a happy-go-lucky, cheerful way that looks superficial to me. Yeh... I'm sounding really judgemental, I know.
@nzadventurefamily3728 2 часа назад
There were three types of rulers in ancient Israel. (1) Kings that did evil in the sight of God. (There is a long list of them) (2) Kings that did what was right in the eyes of God, but were afraid of walking in full obedience to God. These kings did not destroy the pagan shrines (high places) because this would have been considered counter-cultural and politically incorrect. (Kings Jehu, Jotham, Uzziah, Amaziah) (3) Kings who turned to the Lord with all their heart, being fully obedient to God by destroying the high places. (Hezekiah & Josiah) I think Trump fits into the second category. He is a good man, but he fears the opinions of people more than God. The only thing we should be afraid of is displeasing God. (Luke 12:5)
@whatdoyoucare777 3 часа назад
Jugs of baby oil not bottles... When it's over a gallon it's a jug.
@veritasreigns 3 часа назад
The Millstone Protocol will come into effect.
@CEA9234 3 часа назад
Fuk. Life is hard
@ajmalahmedh5300 3 часа назад
Has the bible been corrupted? If your answer is Yes, then there is No room for an arguments.
@kschumacher5533 3 часа назад
"Christian" mass media is inherently dishonest. Big shrug yo.
@josephromano2883 3 часа назад
You understand the Democratic Party is the Party that founded the Klu Klux Klan right? Liberal ideologies like yours aren't in favor of the Black population, they are only interested in controlling you and oppressing African Americans like you, and youre falling for it. Come on man
@nosferatufingers216 3 часа назад
If you are pro-life as a personal position, fine. If you are under the impression that the Bible is pro-life, it isn't. Here's my evidence: Numbers 5:16-28 New Revised Standard Version "16 Then the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the Lord; 17 the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel, and take some of the dust that is on the floor of the tabernacle and put it into the water. 18 The priest shall set the woman before the Lord, dishevel the woman’s hair, and place in her hands the grain offering of remembrance, which is the grain offering of jealousy. In his own hand the priest shall have the water of bitterness that brings the curse. 19 Then the priest shall make her take an oath, saying, “If no man has lain with you, if you have not turned aside to uncleanness while under your husband’s authority, be immune to this water of bitterness that brings the curse. 20 But if you have gone astray while under your husband’s authority, if you have defiled yourself and some man other than your husband has had intercourse with you,” 21 -let the priest make the woman take the oath of the curse and say to the woman-“the Lord make you an execration and an oath among your people, when the Lord makes your uterus drop, your womb discharge; 22 now may this water that brings the curse enter your bowels and make your womb discharge, your uterus drop!” And the woman shall say, “Amen. Amen.” 23 Then the priest shall put these curses in writing, and wash them off into the water of bitterness. 24 He shall make the woman drink the water of bitterness that brings the curse, and the water that brings the curse shall enter her and cause bitter pain. 25 The priest shall take the grain offering of jealousy out of the woman’s hand, and shall elevate the grain offering before the Lord and bring it to the altar; 26 and the priest shall take a handful of the grain offering, as its memorial portion, and turn it into smoke on the altar, and afterward shall make the woman drink the water. 27 When he has made her drink the water, then, if she has defiled herself and has been unfaithful to her husband, the water that brings the curse shall enter into her and cause bitter pain, and her womb shall discharge, her uterus drop, and the woman shall become an execration among her people. 28 But if the woman has not defiled herself and is clean, then she shall be immune and be able to conceive children." Of course, you can find passages that say the opposite, but that doesn't matter. Your stance on the issue does not have any God-given authority. It's just your personal opinion.
@DH50-HWT 3 часа назад
Amen brother, accountable before God, he can be saved
@DH50-HWT 3 часа назад
BE NOT DECEIVED; GOD IS NOT MOCKED, for whatsoever a man soweth, That shall he also reap.
@kschumacher5533 4 часа назад
I learned about that acid test in a traphouse. He right.
@jeffb9586 4 часа назад
Diddy! Or Didn't he?
@DH50-HWT 3 часа назад
He diddy
@lanakovalchuk8049 4 часа назад
His assets, too,must be ceased.
@KYMan678 4 часа назад
He already has...
@Welcome-To-Sin-City 4 часа назад
Dang , I should have thought of this a long time ago!
@doumc3584 4 часа назад
I thought something had changed with him... something was off... I guess not only Kamala flip-flops...
@pauljacob99 4 часа назад
I’m proud to say that I’m a single issue voter. Abortion is the most important human rights issue of our time.
@willowthelyxra 4 часа назад
I would totally do this if I ever got pregnant 🙏
@b_real2 4 часа назад
I grew up Christian, and have been welcomed with love and respect and called brother by many muslims! We have the same God, so if we love God, and they love God, we are not enemies by default… maybe it means they believe he doesn’t love the deceivers, or the false profits 🤔 I grew up hearing many lies about Muslims… 99% propaganda. I spoke with Muslims only to hear we are brothers and they love us. It’s “Christian’s” I hear speak ill of Muslims… I encourage more Americans. To ask Muslims what they believe, I’m sure they would love to tel you, much like they were happy to tell me. Go to the source, we are brothers!
@NoBro_NBK21 4 часа назад
Yall he is coming back to God. At his Korea LP he prayed for everyone.
@christsgospel7 5 часов назад
Dear Christian family❤ Right now we must focus on, believing and proclaiming the gospel. We must believe, how, Christ died for our sins he was buried in the rose again the third day, amen. Maranatha🎉
@kschumacher5533 5 часов назад
No lie, i used to do an ape load of research chemicals and skate around to Biggie....is anyone...like really shocked by this? Did anyone ever LISTEN to the albums? "Move over Lucifer / i'm more ruthless, ha!" These men were always criminals, and the world always rejoiced in their wickedness. Why is everybody suddenly playing dumb?
@chuchutheson 5 часов назад
Love how you always end with the gospel 🙏🏾👑
@AkeemBruce 5 часов назад
Christian love concerning themselves with other poeples businesses. Passing judgment like they god themselves.
@mayaportland8805 5 часов назад
Anyone can fall. The more famous one becomes, the evil one will focus his evil powers against them to bring them down and away from God.
@SomeGuy-hr5og 5 часов назад
If the democrats have their way with immigration, there will be no future for ANY pro-life, or even any right-wing, movement period.
@kschumacher5533 5 часов назад
Brother, thank you for being so encouraging. Your willingness to extend grace to even the most sus of individuals speaks volumes. A pleasent break from the chaos of the rat race.
@John14-6... 5 часов назад
As the future progresses, men's hearts get darker and darker, so it's no surprise that right to life isn't as important to conservatives as it once was!