Bes D. Marx
Bes D. Marx
Bes D. Marx
@Das_Eisen_aus_den_Rosen 8 минут назад
I haven't even watched anything on the video but, im actually getting disgusted by the Nazi, fascist and Communist sympathizers. I haven't heard so many, ignorant people before. It just hitted me like a truck
@inksand7092 15 минут назад
I deadass read the title as "How Nazism saved Germany"💀💀
@kokopelli314 Час назад
The drive towards territorial expansion and colonization is more fundamental than religion.
@BrixxonLP 2 часа назад
I'd like to remind everyone: Karl Marx is a descendant of a famous family of Rabbis. His families relogion shines througg tge communist doctrine it couldn't be more obvious.
@xavierjchis 2 часа назад
Wholly underrated channel. You’re amazing.
@SicklySweetBeast 2 часа назад
Not that I agree with either side since war is war and realistically no one was a right to any land, since the dawn of humanity ownership of land is decided by the victor sad but true. Before the founding of Israel the territory switched ownership multiple times long before Zionism and before Israel was found Arabs in the area was at war with each other the Zionist gave them a common enemy to unite against. To be realistic without the virtue signaling and hyperbolic talking points, understanding Israel has far superior fire power, military capabilities and support from Allies if Israel has been committing ethnic cleansing for over 70 years there wouldn’t be a single Arab left in the area especially acknowledging the fact they do have the ability to do so. People sometimes get too caught up in repeating narratives without acknowledging reality which does more damage in the end. Both sides has committed atrocities but only one side is held to moral standards. For example when Hamas commit atrocities the response is what did you expect would happen and the have the right to resist where they aren’t held accountable morally and justification is given because of history and in reality that mentality damages the entire Arab identity as a whole and in itself is a form of systemic racism. So the people who think they are doing good by standing for palastine is actually doing a disservice to the Arab world by not holding Hamas to the moral standard of humanity it’s as if they inherently believe they aren’t capable of diplomacy without violence so it’s forgiven, if that’s the standard they hold them to then they aren’t actually helping their propagating negative stereotypes change can’t come is both sides can’t be held accountable equally. If you truly see both sides as human then you should have the same expectation and standards.
@Alexdorio-kc9yf 4 часа назад
You insist in all videos about Europeans jews, they were 10 percent in Israel during 40 ths. Mizrahi Jews have black skin. Yemen and Iraq are not in Europe. You should educate yourself about Israel demography. Advice travelling Israel, oren is historian
@Alexdorio-kc9yf 6 часов назад
If Israel expeled how 200.000 could stay after partision plan? Not mentioned. What about lands by Jews -not mentioned. Wich private lands do Jews stoled from Muslims? Not mentioned. Muslims stoled private lands from Jews outside and inside Palestine. Golan heights 1888 and after gaza and Hebron massacres.- not mentioned. Moust Jews living in Israel during 48 come from Iraq, Yemen and Syria - not mentioned.
@silask.7370 10 часов назад
Stating a legal trial of an Antifa terrorist as a nazi-trial is beyind crazy and not good journalistic work, though you state alot of good points in general. Also I would like to add that the punishment in the nuremberg trials was extensive and brutal in comparison with most legal piece treaties, especially judging that the allies commited equally as many warcrimes and got no punishment but get called heroes for murder and rape. Thirdly not everyone who was a nazi in that time was evil. People were forced to commit to the cause and if they rebelled theyd die. You dont think locking over 800000 ppl behind iron bars is pure stupidity?
@malakas283 11 часов назад
Nazis. Never did the thing with the jews. Why would Hitler kill the jews when he suggested the creation of Israel in 1935. This is brainwashing. Only the Croatian did atrocities that where this bad. And the Germans told them to stop because they where inhuman
@pletschy396 12 часов назад
You somehow overlooked the fact that Lina E. was not charged because she ‘hurt a few Nazis’, but was convicted of various offences, including damage to property, grievous bodily harm, forgery, theft and membership of a criminal organisation. She was even supposed to be charged with attempted murder, but there was a lack of evidence.
@Rap-ow2lh 13 часов назад
About 25:51 the Erinnerungskultur was established after 1968 where the 68er Revolution took place
@FuckZionism. 15 часов назад
You can't be a socialist and a zionist 😅😅
@laushan2225 16 часов назад
So sad for both sides, but the Arab leaders should be blamed.
@GranPlayzzz-be6ue 17 часов назад
idk man, "hunter of communists" doesnt seem that bad of a title (knowing that communism is same, or even worse than nazism)
@GranPlayzzz-be6ue 17 часов назад
just as nazism rises, communism does the same. Two same evil ideologies, and if you think soviets were there to "liberate", you need to read about soviet crimes and atrocities.
@wtbdarkness2900 18 часов назад
As a german: what denazification? :(
@Th3_b3an 18 часов назад
Welp, shit
@bluecoture042 18 часов назад
Life, from the point of view of a Gazian † Unpacked ** ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-o7dX6j8--vA.htmlsi=koK7fsVR2gGQdeVn Y.W.
@paugamer289 20 часов назад
"With the help of the americans, Barbie managed to escape to bolívia" -Ah yes
@Creepex 23 часа назад
Heute gelten sie unter dem namen "die grünen"...
@Pik180 День назад
Conveniently left out much of the NPD's infiltration by police and glowies, and the Verfassungsschutz' (VS) infiltration by leftists and ex-Stasi agents after 1990 (Bavaria is the only state that effectively bans leftists from the VS). Also, the fact that the Stasi orchestrated right-wing actions in West-Germany to destabilise the regime, for example, the synagogue smearing of 1959/60. You skipped the NDPD in East Germany, which served as a reservoir for ex-NatSocs in the GDR, and the fact the NVA recruited Wehrmacht veterans like Vincenz Müller, Bernhard Bechler, Arno von Lensky etc. "According to Stasi statistics, one in four colonels in the Ministry of National Defence came from the Wehrmacht. In the ‘Training Administration’, 60 per cent of senior officers had switched from brown to red; 45 per cent of Wehrmacht officers were found in the intelligence troops; every third NVA aviation officer came from Hermann Göring's air force. A third of the 15 NVA district commands had also served Hitler, as had 75 per cent of the senior officers in the naval forces. Admiral Hoffmann - the people's soldier with the anti-fascist ideals - was also one of them." - "NVA: Aus Braun Mach Rot", Focus Magazin, Nr.10, 1997. Also, you forgot the solidarity between right and left against Western Allied occupation at the time ("Ami Go Home" by Ernst Busch is an all-time classic). The OG attempt to rebuild the NSDAP, the Sozialistische Reichspartei (SRP) even said they'd "show the Russians the way to the Rhine". The last time a real attempt on a grass-roots right-wing movement was made was the DVU and die Republikaner, but they became irrelevant. The AfD is not a "party with openly fascist elements" (not to mention, fascism ≠ National Socialism). It has no Führer, no manifesto, no paramilitary wing. It's a milquetoast populist platform, originally euro-sceptic, now trying to build a German equivalent of the MAGA/Brexit phenomenon. It allows Jews, foreigners, homosexuals, women into its ranks. The people who had anything remotely to do with NatSoc or just right-wing ideas in their past (like Andreas Kalbitz, Wolfgang Gedeon or Matthias Helferich) were expelled, and members who shared things that obviously stem from image boards or edgy WhatsApp chat groups (like Daniel Halemba) are currently under arrest. It's the party with the largest amount of expulsion proceedings, probably in the history of the FRG. Absolutely not NatSoc. German neo-NatSocs are mostly online groups purity spiralling into oblivion. To put it differently; the AfD are casuals, in the NatSoc competition they lose as much as the Green Party or the SPD. The only person in that party that can be taken seriously as a politician is Björn Höcke, who is a thymotic cultural pessimist with a dislike for materialism and global capitalism, and for now seems to be quite content with his regional role in Thuringia. The real answer to the title is it didn't survive, but there's people who wish it did, and there's reasons for it. There is no way to ever "de-nazify" the German people unless someone kills us all; instead the world should stop using our past as basis of their rape-and-revenge narratives. You're not really educating foreigners on German history, rather feeding your bubble and alienating any rightist, and especially any German who drops by. It's not just that I don't like it, it's a poor analysis. Next, do "How monarchism survived in Germany", and you will see the same trends (personal continuities in both West and East Germany from the 50's onwards, farcical revivals beginning in the 90's, 2010's modern platforms with different goals subject to witch hunts due to 70 years of re-education toward neurotic reactions against anything remotely national, and chronically online ideologies), played out with even greater clarity and pronouncement. Overall the video is a more or less pitiable attempt at agit-pop to revive the best concept of enemy that ever fell into the laps of Marxism for the post-woke left that's craving to construct one. It would have been better, more co-operative, and more convincing to build on open ended questions and investigation, rather than drawing the arguments from the conclusion. TL;DR: Places where right now you're more likely to find authentic National Socialism than Germany: Argentina, Antarctica, Earth's interior, the dark side of the moon, Agatha ;P
@floydsimmons7174 День назад
All paid for by American tax dollars & military welfare
@justiceforall220 День назад
A terrorist state with communists? Explains everything about Zionism which equates to Nazism!!!
@savodjokic395 День назад
They say that communism is bad but when someone says what about fascism they say nothing if capitalism hated fascism like communists nazism wouldnt exist on our world
@DimaErmakov97 День назад
This later caused the rise of political islam in turkey, which ultimately led the country to destruction of some core values and institutions
@HermesTheWildcat День назад
Turkish anarchist here, just added this documentary on my list, gonna watch it in my spare time. Thanks for uploading!
@Brian-bw3uu День назад
Istanbul was Constantinople
@TRtraybloxeey День назад
reviving east germany speedrun
@cbrauts707 День назад
"Germany raises military spending by 1 €" *News outlets:*
@silask.7370 9 часов назад
This guy does not tell a neutral story like a journalist but takes many things out of context to basically warmonger..
@arthurmorgan830 4 часа назад
Fr this video is a joke. No one talks about Turkish,Russian,Chinese nationalism which actually leads to wars, everyone is worried about Germany which is today a super liberal country
@nemo5335 День назад
Biden absolutely LOVES this woman and has been repeatedly photographed kissing her.
@catmelvin997 День назад
these are so entertaining i love all these little forgotten sagas and the effort u make to show us the pictures and footage
@ja3far-7abib День назад
Germans want to preserve their culture and they have the right to do that however they want
@Dezznuts2294 День назад
whats wrong with you😢
@toastbrot_hd750 День назад
@@Dezznuts2294 what do you mean? Can you explain yourself?
@Kiwi-69 День назад
By being nazis?
@toastbrot_hd750 День назад
@@Kiwi-69 do you even know what a nazi is? preserving their culture isnt nazist.
@gabri41200 День назад
If your culture needs artificial aid to survive, it is not natural.
@SevereWeatherCenter День назад
If this doesn’t stop, Germany and Europe will go fascist must do everything to prevent this from happening.
@Pik180 День назад
The best way to prevent fascism is solving the problems that cause people to want fascism; third world immigration, work over family, usury etc.
@Michael-lu2tz 17 часов назад
@@Pik180oy vey
@Pik180 16 часов назад
​@@Michael-lu2tz 🎩 👁👃👁
@Algizen 12 часов назад
It’s all the liberal and leftist decisions that have made people want it
@englishpolishmememan8892 День назад
Well. When you ignore the will of the populace who say "We don't want x to happen or in our country" and work to actively commit to anti-democratic actions like considering taking your opposition who is the only means by which the people have to express their anger at the ballot box, off said ballot box. Don't be surprised when those people start feeling the system that they work under doesn't benefit them and look to the most horrendous ideologies which did benefit them in the past, for their future.
@mendozabensouzan744 День назад
They stole the whole damn thing and lied about it endlessly
@fishofthepeople День назад
Great historical content on the Settler Colonial Entity and its genocidal project. You should check out the work of Brazilian journalist Breno Altman on the present escalation of violence.
@A_Hanım День назад
Thank you for bringing light to Susurluk, Gladio and its relation to grey wolves. Turkish Gladio stuff started around 1950's though. With that, all the information given about Atatürk's rulership in this video is false. I can say that as an Alevi woman (ethnically, I'm an atheist), Atatürk, himself, never ever caused a genocide. Armenian bloodshed was because Ottoman Rulership, it had no ties to Republic of Türkiye or Atatürk. Dersim is land of Alevis and Kurds, it still causes pain in our hearts but Atatürk was not at fault for that. Atatürk's idea of Turk was never off ethnicity. It was based on civic nationalism, not ethnicity. Ethnicity nationalism started to rise through Gladio's Grey Wolf Counter-Guerrillas, in fact. They took the Turkey's Turk and turned into Turkic ethnic Turk. Conservatives who never liked Atatürk, loved every part of the new nationalism *they* created. Atatürk's ideas were always egalitarian. I cannot stand and watch the disinformation muddle such important truths, about Grey Wolves and Gladio, lying under. Your sources are very biased and misunderstood about Atatürk. Funny thing is, his ideals are the exact thing Grey Wolves and their buddies try to destroy. Dersim People love Atatürk, to claim he tried to ethnically cleanse Alevis and Kurds is a joke. It did happen but the culprit is *not* him. All went downhills after his death. I mean, why would Alevis love their destroyer so much, if he did all the bad things? It's like claiming Führer is loved amongst the Jewish people even though they were victims of genocide. ps: Güneş Fatsa'dan doğacak!
@thedanishsocialmonarchist7286 День назад
What is the plan What do We do about the zionists then?
@fishofthepeople День назад
The only mistake Stalin ever made.
@user-ho3ry7rn1d 2 дня назад
wework kibbutz " we love bringing people together"..he missed out the part where they take the land of the palastinians and then listen every night to the thousands of bombs being dropped on the heads of Gazan children. yes lets all sing kumbyfruckin aah why dont we.
@tamolamo4698 2 дня назад
Germans are not unique becouse of what they did, the only unique thing about them is that they appologised and showed remorse. Soviets did basicaly the same sh*t and yet not even 100 years passed after Holodomor theyre pundits are discusing the need to destroy ukrainian nation and culture
@Kiwi-69 День назад
Yeah but what germany is still bad and it should not happen again
@just_a_casual_viewer 19 часов назад
​@@Kiwi-69And yet it is happening again....In Russia... As if your statement changes what he says...
@kungfu465 2 дня назад
Рофл в том, что многие европейские страны стали нацистскими-Россия, Польша, Украина, Британия
@GreatSighForward 2 дня назад
At 4:44 when he mentioned the power of myth I wasn't looking at the screen so I thought he said power of meth and I didn't really flinch because it felt just as true
@hozy_weh 2 дня назад
most of these "far right" parties arent even far right, they are legit the same as middle parties 30 years ago, but todays faschists, the left, see anything that isint extremly on the left as far right
@toastbrot_hd750 День назад
Thats right. AfD isnt Far right.
@Pik180 День назад
@@toastbrot_hd750 AfD supports gay and female rights, it's very milque toast even compared to 1950's CDU and FDP.
@zS39SBT4fe5Zp8Q 2 дня назад
Settler colonial religious ethno-state pulled the fleece over the wests' eyes.
@Staroni_ 2 дня назад
coming from marx lol
@draidenarth8446 2 дня назад
The weirmont is way more than Nazisim
@USSFFRU 2 дня назад
Europe went left for decades, now it's turning to the right.
@toastbrot_hd750 День назад
Okay. But where is the Problem? Left and right is just a political orientation. There is nothing illegal to both left and right.
@seangambogi7901 2 дня назад