Hi, my name is Ben van Kerkwyk, welcome to UnchartedX. I'm a long-time student and fan of history. I've spent a lot of time throughout my life travelling to, photographing and filming ancient sites all around the world, and (more recently) interviewing and talking to many of the leading researchers and authors, many of whom are working to uncover the true origins of the mystery that is our past.

I believe there is a need for high quality content that addresses the new science and new discoveries that should affect how we view the past, and to examine the contradictions that are clearly evident on ancient sites, and in our orthodox version of history.

I hope you'll join me on this journey! Please consider the value-for-value model as outlined at unchartedx.com/support!

@GinaParmar 13 часов назад
Maybe osirion is the same concept of the wells in India that have steps down 15+ floors carved with steps and different levels down to the aquifer . Also didn't ancient astronomers use still waters to study the night sky. They used the reflections on the water to view the stars.
@DjJannoEuroRave 14 часов назад
I’d love to see that machine take a look at the very small stone vases. Wonder what the precision and detail looks like on the extremely small vases
@johnhough7738 16 часов назад
Did I hear my ol' buddy Zahi Hawass briefly shouting in there? He's very good at that... brilliant, actually; in fact I think he makes up for reasoning with volume. (And splutter.)
@timpeifer6682 16 часов назад
...There is no doubt those where built with a lathe u can see it ...but it guess for them to have a stone lathe 5000 years ago is pretty insane ..but they do say the antikathereum mechanism is like 3000 years old ..that thing has tons of gears in it ...ancient Greece we know for a fact got all there tech and knowledge from Egypt...once u apply technology with gears and pulleys itbisnt that far fetched the could make stuff like this...if u understand the ratio of gearing wich they clearly did they had the antikathereum mechanism ...there is definetly something going on in the past that is lost ..
@LuciferMornStar 17 часов назад
Johanna did a pod where she got stone masons from all over Europe to look at stone work from Barbara in India. Guess i spelled that right, maybe! But anyway, they were pretty much dumbfounded when looking at the work. That place, if you're not familiar, is where the inside of a rock outcrop that had 3 chambers hollowed out to near perfection. Truthfully, i had read about the place, but it only looked like a grainery that someone put way too much effort into carving out. I really didn't see what was so special about it! Especially after having seen all the glorious anomalies of the Egyptian stone work. But when i decided to watch Johannas vid with the masons. I i didn't realize that the three chambers that were carved weren't connected but were almost perfectly aligned along with the same precision of the one before. It looked like all 3 were stamped out by a template. I have been in construction for my entire adult life. With one of my simplest constructs being outdoor decks and I've probably built around 150 of them. Many have different layouts, but surprisingly, even with the same basic design, none are exactly the same. Even if the same master mason carved out all 3 by hand, they wouldn't be exactly the same. These 3 chambers look like a cookie cutter just punched them out. After looking at them now a few times and doing some research on available technologies for stone cutting. I'd say this site is just as puzzling as many of the Egyptian sites are. I'd suggest maybe on one of your sightseeing trips you take to Egypt that you slip in about a half dozen legitimate stone masons to hear what they think. I firmly believe that the egyptologists and archeologists need to stick with digging up bones and grave robbing! Real professional scientists and engineers are the ones we need to be listening to! That's how we know the Sphinx has water erosion around it and not wind erosion and is the smoking gun for it being much older. I believe it's even older than 12,000yrs. But as long as Hawass holds the keys to all the locked away sites that nobody gets to see ,we won't know the truth. Hawass wants the world to believe the Egyptians built everything. Hawass ol'buddy, we already know you inherited everything! We will give you credit for trying to copy what you found,tho it's almost a sin that your people put all the badly done hieroglyphics on some fantasticly carved monoliths that look more like chicken scratches and don't come anywhere near the close to perfect work seen on the artifacts. I don't claim the Egyptians were stupid,i think we have a big portion of the timeline wrong to start with. Secondly, we can really no longer ignore all of the circumstantial evidence that keeps piling up that there was someone using" VERY"advanced technology on this world before 12,000 BC. So it comes down to one of 2 possibilities. #1 Copper chisels and reed rope were much harder and stronger than they are now and their workers were a hundred times stronger than now or #2 there was a unknown civilization on this world that had technologies far superior to ours! I wouldn't be surprised if we have already found signs that they had bases on the moon and maybe Mars. And i will go a step further by saying that my government isn't hiding information on ETs. What they are hiding is the fact that they have recovered technologies from that civilization, and that is what we have been backengineering! And in fact, the ufo/uap situation is, in fact, the cover story for the truth! Just a side note: yes russia we have flying saucers and death rays in our arsenal now, so FAFO! OH! One last thing. Those pounding stones. They aren't for pounding, i don't believe. I realized that 2weeks ago when i saw a cabinet maker moving a very large cabinet piece across very expensive flooring. I looked closer to see if i was seeing it right. He was using tennis balls to roll it across the floor! When they came out the back, they were moved to the front in the direction they wanted to move. I would speculate that they were used in the quarries to move the blocks around. It wouldn't have worked on soft ground but would have been perfect for moving them around on ground that was hard enough for the so called pounders to roll on under the weight of the block! Don't know why nobody has thought of this before. it's so simple! Sorry this turned out so long!
@CrispyHistory1 18 часов назад
This video was epic. Thanks Ben! We appreciate all your hard work. I feel like the more we dig, the more questions we ask about ancient Egypt, the less we know.
@3vimages471 20 часов назад
Ramses 2 was a shameless, narcissistic vandal.
@NarrelleChain 21 час назад
How is it that mainstream archaeology are so dumb, do they think for themselves or do they just ot question what they are told, this is a lack of curiosity and quite tribal thinking, do they think along to get along, they might lose their dumb jobs maybe!😂😂
@NarrelleChain День назад
Such a fascinating and quality stream on cutting edge research into the megaliths, pyramids, and statuary of Gizeh and 🇪🇬 Egypt!❤😂
@NarrelleChain День назад
@timpeifer6682 День назад
Get mee a stone lathe with x and y axis i can makenit no problem
@ambientnstuff5456 День назад
I immediately left when you said you wouldn't pimp raid shadow legends into me.
@kester1time День назад
It could have created a vacuum or acted as a valve.
@kevinmills465 День назад
Thank you! I as you and so many absolutely see it and get it and I thank you for all your time and energy SAYING it.!
@sandecoffey9125 День назад
Just your average Sherlock Holmes here. Made on a lathe by artist not as important as what they were used for! Here it is, light bulbs. Metal Filament Sealed in a vacuum similar to Edison design hanging like Christmas lights translucent colorful . that's how they lit up the pyramids and tunnels. Feedback welcome! Copper wires and gold contacts all recycled over thousands of years. I believe they found copper rods in Afghanistan?
@stevensanfilippo5578 День назад
It is a good fantasy that the Egyptians drilled holes and used saws to cut granite with copper LOL . Lets wake up they did not do it. They found it
@dennisbrantley6925 День назад
Thinking outside the box, pun intended. What if that box was originally bottom side up covering something, or having something on top that needed a slant to match and hold it. Later on, sometime in the past, someone flipped it over upside down. Just a thought.
@doctormarazanvose4373 День назад
The key takeaway for those of limited intelligence is the lack of copper - not the presence of other metals.
@fastlane458mag День назад
It's clear that Zahi Hawass knows the truth and he runs around Egypt trying to cover it up. I feel he has done more harm than he will ever do. Good.
@Dontkissthedog День назад
The more I think about it, the more I think there simply weren’t enough people in history, to have created all the artwork in Egypt by hand. Think about the time each block takes to carve, think about the number of humans around at the supposed time. Mathematics, difficult to argue with numbers
@patrickfrensdorff7485 День назад
water drainage. and u don not know how much it weights as u do not know the entire measurments of the block.
@zikemdg День назад
Aqua good!
@davidgibson6909 День назад
Sonic healing chambers. Find the most resonating sound for that space and there's you healing frequency.
@savithaambatipudi7470 День назад
27.30 Ashoka already converted to budhism before the kalinga war And that guy immediately after this telling that India was sticks and mud before Ashoka. So in his opinion they became technologically advanced within a period of few years? It's amazing how condescending the westerners of Indian civilization
@cmodomo День назад
Can someone please explain to me why we have all these ancient structures BEGGING to be explored and mysteries to be solved but when ever I see video of an excavation in the 21st century it's just a ton of skinny men that look like they haven't eaten in weeks, working with tools that look like they made them themselves?
@3vimages471 День назад
Ramses 2 was such a narcissistic vandal ....... shame on his memory,
@0001nika День назад
Modern so called archeology is completely ridiculous
@taxiuniversum День назад
I think the massive crack in the cave with the porch may provide a clue why it was not finished by the „high tech“ builders. They may have started to carve out and polish a box-like segment of the cave. And after they saw the massive crack, they abandoned it. A later generation - one without access to that previous high level of knowledge then decided to „complete“ the cave and add the crude porch.
@server1ok 2 дня назад
Pre dynastic Egypt could move a stone of 1500 tons ( without cracking it ) but didn't have the wheel or boats. They could align the pyramids to the Universe but couldn't navigate. 🤡🤡🤡
@sunilaraganji1466 2 дня назад
Ashok was Buddhist before kalinga war. Same old colonial narrative without research.
@jesseedaddy 2 дня назад
Seems like it was an apprenticeship and we failed to duplicate the work so they left unimpressed… just a speculation
@jesseedaddy 2 дня назад
Seems like whoever engineered these left in a hurry. Only taking what was important. Maybe to the next planet
@Melticus 2 дня назад
Cool. I remember him from AA's. Yes we definitely had similar technology as today. I have donea lot of lathe work myself. There has been a massive coevrup to control us. This includes hiding the fact that previous civilisations buildings, primarily made of red brick, went through some cataclysm which appears to have melted them. The red (iron) was cooked out. This can be seen running down much of what we think is just natural rock.
@outsidethepyramid 2 дня назад
what is just weird is that these very ultra delicate vases survived all these millennia burred underground but none off the heavy duty equipment / industry / society used to make them survived
@evaldasd2907 2 дня назад
Hi. The element of # 5 Bor. B. Atomweight 10,81. 9,5 on the Mous scale,the second hardest material. Boran is used in alloys. Bor's etymologic: to bore (drill if you will) And theres even a breed of cattle in Southern Africa called Boran. Poetic Edda. Voluspa #3: 'It was early in the ages when Ymir livde,there was neither sand nor sea nor cool waves,no earth existed at all,nor sky above,a gap of gaping abysses and gras nowhere' #4: 'Before ,the sons of Bor lifted up lands,they who gave shape to glorious Midgardr,the sun shone from the south on the halls stones,then the ground was overgrown with green leeks' Vafthrudnirmaal#21: Vafthrudnir says 'From Ymirs flesh the earth was formed' Bor appears to the surface when methane leaks from the ground,its not soluble in water,methane that is, so it has to be processed by adding water and hydrocarbon(Ymirs corpse or Apis droppings)to produce ammoniac,a watersoluble fertilizer,and thanks to the smelting of the southern Ginnungagap(icecap/sheets) caused by the heat and flames from Surt in Muspellheim(the area where Kilmanjaro,The Victoria,Malawi and Tanganyika Lakes with a lot of cracks in the reef with volcanoes and the Ngoronga craters,the grass and the green leek of garlics restore the wasteland. The processes were made at the Meidum,the Red and the Bent pyramide complexes. So Bor's sons were Methane and Ammoniac. Mayby they could bore with Bor in copper alloys,with other ingredients aswell,dont know.
@UnchartedX 2 дня назад
Thank you!!
@taxiuniversum 2 дня назад
To me, objects like these - with these OBVIOUSLY DELIBERATE, extremely precise and „odd“ angles have the character of functional elements of a lost technological PURPOSE. For a „rain shelter“, none of these extremely precise calculations and features would have been necessary. Simply put, a simple hole in the stone would have sufficed. Plus, one could easily have built the most elaborate literal palaces OUTSIDE to protect from the rain - with LESS effort than to create highly precise rooms inside a granite structure. What I suspect is that when these structures were created, they were DOING something with them. The highly specific geometry served to achieve the means to make something happen that REQUIRED exactly the features comprised in this design. But we seem to be very oblivious to which PURPOSES these might have been. I sometimes sing (overtone singing etc.) in places that have unique acoustical properties - because I enjoy the, to me, amazing effects this creates. What if they had made these structures to do something that involved frequencies? That they had a concept of vibrations that exceeds our awareness by far? I mean, we know how to build lasers, MRIs, radar, sonar, x-rays and so forth - and we are USING that awareness in order to facilitate specific purposes with them. So I suspect that at some distant point in the past - probably more than 2000 years ago - there may also have existed an awareness of certain frequency-based phenomena, that could be employed in order to achieve a specific purpose. And structures like these „caves“ (cave feels like an inappropriate term for such a highly complex, obviously extremely thought-through structure) may thus have been instruments, or tools, or „machines“ that served as the catalyst of achieving what they wanted to achieve. I chuckle at the thought that at some point in the future, someone may look at an excavated MRI machine and think it was a storage for bread or whatever. 😄
@shadfurman 2 дня назад
Do you suppose the "varnish" could be water glass? The guy who proposes (and made) a geopolymer used natron to make water glass, which I think would be a fantastic candidate for the glaze on granite, and would probably be easier that polishing.
@NarrelleChain 2 дня назад
I like it very much, much-needed discussions on these age old questions, that haven't been answered adequately at all, i am big new fan, only just came across you on weekend and can't stop watching and i am just a layperson, amateur artist!❤😂love Chris Dunn, great man!
@mikelCold 2 дня назад
Wait you made a movie?! Nice
@russellroberts4321 2 дня назад
Do a podcast with Jason Breshears of Archaix.
@TheDejael 2 дня назад
Great presentation, Ben! You have several valid arguments with mainstream academic Egyptology. I have raised some of the same objections myself in my studies over the years. I do appreciate your work, as well as Hancock & Bauval, and Dr. Schoch, J.A. West and others in the 1990s. Zahi Hawass knows a lot more than he is telling, and Mark Lehner holds the line with academia. In the 1990s, I was associated with Joseph Davidovits and Margie Morris. In the 1980s I was associated with Professor Dee Jay Nelson, and we were actually planning an expedition to the Serapeum in Saqqara in Egypt in summer of 1989 when he suddenly died of a heart attack in June, and the trip was cancelled. We were on the same track as you, we were going to study and document the great black stone box sarcophagi of the sacred Apis bulls there, to measure and document their dimensions for an engineer in Texas to confirm that they were actually built with unknown advanced technology.
@Thatsaspicymeatball 2 дня назад
I used to worry that, with Graham and Randall not getting any younger, that their campaign for truth might die out. But having Ben on the scene is so reassuring. Especially with the level of research he's put into the Egyptian drills etc, the future of rediscovering our lost past is in safe hands..
@johncastaneda6320 2 дня назад
@Ak47Dawg 2 дня назад
Makes you think, where are these tools now probably long distroyed or lost to history and how were the created
@markdover3329 2 дня назад
secrets of the ancient stone masons. passed down from their ancient ancestors...
@colinuout2725 2 дня назад
So when the walls were lined with alabaster ,the holes were drilled in the early modern days for looking for hidden rooms and treasure. The tunnels were completely cleared later when the powers that be realized they would loose control of the world if the truth about this civilization was discovered.
@stestar09 2 дня назад
Ground like their life depends on it , Because it probably was 😢
@mcdjchandler 2 дня назад
Is it possible there’s additional elements in there not on the periodic table? If so, would the equipment be able to scan and identify unknowns?
@mcdjchandler 2 дня назад
Were the vases found beneath the Step Pyramid, or the Bent Pyramid? Great video.
@UnchartedX 2 дня назад
@mcdjchandler 2 дня назад
@@UnchartedX thank you
@TheDejael 2 дня назад
I have been studying Egyptology since the mid-1960s, and both read and write in hieroglyphics and hieratic text, as well as other ancient languages - Coptic, Greek and Roman Latin. It has been my impression with the colossal statues and temples of Dynastic Egypt that the works were separated into several cottage industries - one for stonecutting at the quarries, the next for specifically granite stone, another for limestone and sandstone, another for alabaster objects, others for pottery and art objects and jewelry of various metals, and yet another for carving inscriptions into the stone statues and temples. Another industry was making papyrus sheets for use as writing materials by scribes. Others were professional clothing makers, and personal accessories, and weapons. All of these industries served the kings of Egypt.