Touching The Afterlife
Touching The Afterlife
Touching The Afterlife
Thank you for being here. My desire is to bring you engaging stories from my guests who have experienced the Supernatural through dreams, visions, miracles, and the Afterlife. The experiences they share have shaped who they are and I pray your life will be touched by their stories.

If you have a personal experience with the Supernatural that has had an impact on you, and would like to be a future guest, please submit your story through email.
Many blessings, Julie

"Great faith is the product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials."
-Smith Wigglesworth
@lisagood2551 56 минут назад
@uhuraspore4662 Час назад
Watching testimonies keeps eternity in perspective. I'm so thankful for the obedience of Yah's children. 🤍✝ The Holy Spirit has also been EMPHASISING how many people are finding themselves in hell for WORLDLINESS; make-up, jewellery, loc'd hair, chemically curled or straightened hair, coloured eye contacts, perfume, cologne, tanning, skin bleaching, plastic surgery, false lashes, heels, CONTRACEPTIVES, tight clothes, straightening hair with flat irons & curling with curling irons, hair dye, NOT PAYING TITHES, tattoos (once saved and the old tats are repented for the Lord forgives),nail polish, false nails, wigs, hair extensions (OF ANY KIND, EVEN WOOL), mascara, women wearing trousers and men wearing skirts, men in vests (wife beaters and shorts in public) men also in dresses, secular music, movies (please note even some Gospel music is sang by Satanists) e.t.c He calls it PERVERSION.🙅‍♀ THERE IS NO PERMISSABLE AMOUNT like "just a little lipstick" for example. He has sent a prophet to hell because she refused to stop dying her hair (I think she didn't like the greys, she passed away and the Lord showed her sister in Christ the vision because everyone thought the prophet went to heaven). There are NO exceptions.😔 Satan has convinced us we're less-than without these things although the word says we're fearfully and wonderfully made. He's allowed us to think we can do a better job at creating ourselves than God did. It's a trap.⚠⚠ When we adorn these things, we alert the kingdom of darkness which perceives that despite professing our love for Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour by mouth, our allegiance is actually with them. We CANNOT mix the holy with the profane. No one I share this with in my life seems to believe me, their flesh takes over and FIGHTS the Holy Spirit.🤦‍♀ Romans 12:1-2 New King James Version (NKJV)📖 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. James 4:4-8 New King James Version (NKJV)📖 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Please look up The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog if you're serious about living for Christ. You'll see how serious God is about what we presume is okay. May Yahweh bless & keep you.
@gaziz3225 Час назад
La illaha ilAllah
@sarahspeaksup 2 часа назад
I love the way she describes everything, very spot on and well spoken. Her enthusiasm touched my heart.
@theanimationstation1574 3 часа назад
Just curious what would motivate someone not to go tjere from listening to how bad itvwas there fear , of pain are torture so many may go to god to be spated from pain but dont truly love him how that work is god insuranve i have trouble with a story that promote fear as a way to go are do something ,instaed why dont you demonstarte the power of god and show his power and how why he would eant a relationship with are since he your father that love you have him come down himself and explain it that's way no one can doubt the message if hell is taht serious if my son was in danger of useing a truck that might explode and kill him u think im going to send his younger brother im going myself cause real danger to those who got kids and eever seen them in danger you know the feeling
@shalandaallen3593 3 часа назад
How can I contact this lady? Can someone tell me pls
@theanimationstation1574 3 часа назад
Why the apple in the garden where we could get to it
@theanimationstation1574 3 часа назад
Then why did he make hell
@puga420 3 часа назад
We are all sinners. The body is weak, the mind is weak. Gotta be strong and resist temptation, all glory to God Jesus Christ. Please forgive me my sins and make me clean and pure as a child
@Paul-ww5jo 3 часа назад
I have a huge crush 🥰 on Julie
@reginaLPC3566 4 часа назад
My cat was anointed because he used to love to sit with me and my children as we had church, reading the Bible, and worshipping! The spiritual realm can use ANY object, including people!
@marilenejonez2561 4 часа назад
Can't hear u 😮 barely hear u...
@marilenejonez2561 4 часа назад
Plze turn up volume plze increase the volume 😮 can't hear u 😢
@marvinjacobssr538 4 часа назад
This dude was just high That’s all.
@carmenfernandez789 4 часа назад
Beautiful and very touching testimony Thank you Jesus 🙏🙏🙏
@CatherineHart.hh3vw 4 часа назад
God bless you Anna
@franklinberry6700 4 часа назад
I converted from traditional religion to understanding. Him who called me loud and clear, search me. Wow, the ride on this is so profound. As soon as i am conflicted,, iam reminded of what He did. I am not an associate to any domination(Abomination). Gentle lovng kindness is a reach out to Him especially when the search for truth sets you free,when you love your neighbor as yourself, forgiveness has more . Hold fast to the truth.
@CatherineHart.hh3vw 4 часа назад
Just feel Gods presence and power so much thru this message ❤
@JESUS.IS.GOD.777 5 часов назад
I am ex athiest. I used to mock christians and say it was all just a fairy tale to help people die in peace. Until i overdosed and stood before Jesus. His face is as bright as the sun. I couldnt see any details of his face but i could see his arms were held out like to hug me and they were a dark tan color, not white or black. Which makes sence remembering he was born in the middle east desert!! When he held out his arms the light got brighter and i felt so much love and peace and raw power that i cant even find the right words to describe them. Jesus is God in the flesh. God is a trinity. All power the father has Jesus also has. He has existed with the father since before the earths creation.
@AndreaEllis-vr3kn 6 часов назад
Ps: I will be sharing your stories as well. Just wanted to let you know and I hope others do too. Because the more that hears your testimony.
@yeshuaistheway 6 часов назад
Get right with God Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
@andreaatsevenov4444 6 часов назад
28:00 we all deserve hell… but Jesus ❤ if you turn to Him… He will save you
@kapesa.witness5262 7 часов назад
Wow! The king and the fighting men!
@thetoughgroup 7 часов назад
Excellent testimony about the redemptive power of God! Praise God. Thank you. Two issues with this testimony. One, he claims he saw Jesus and first said Jesus wasn't Black (he felt the need to stress this for some strange reason), then said Jesus wasn't White either but said He's Jewish. Well we already know He's Jewish from reading the Bible. But this gentleman loses some credibility because the Bible says no one can see God and live. Is he saying we can see Jesus in heaven and live? Two, I have questions about marijuana automatically being considered a sinful drug. Many people myself included use it to manage high blood pressure. Many people like myself have extremely negative side effects to pharmaceutical drugs that help with high blood pressure so we seek other natural remedies. It took me years but I finally found the right combination of natural herbs, supplements, juices and marijuana that work for me. Remember God gave us herbs and plants not only for flavor but for medicinal purposes. The Bible is clear on this. So, how can using the marijuana plant for medicinal purposes automatically be sinful? That seems to counter Scripture. I fully understand ABUSING anything can fall into the sinful category but I'd truly like to hear from all the people who commented above about this. Our Bible mentions the use of herbs for our healing in 2 Kings 20:7, Psalm 51:7, Psalm 45:8, Genesis 43:11, Revelation 22:2, Psalm 104:14, and more. This is a genuine question coming from a devout man of God.
@kapesa.witness5262 7 часов назад
111/11 11 - spiritual access and power, heaven is open, angels working on your behalf 222/22 22 - God is leading you to (guaranteed) success. What is bound up will be released at an appointed time. 23/23 23 - stewardship over the earth, global influence, a world changer 33/333 - divine promises coming to pass, dreams coming true, Jesus is with you 34/34 34 - material blessings. Use them to attract people to the kingdom 444/44 44 - having influence for God's kingdom 555/55 55 - being on the right path, abundant grace 666/66 66 - don't be carnal / don't be anti Christ 777/77 77 - The spirit of God is in you and around you 888/88 88- wealth and prosperity to support God's kingdom 999/99 99 - don't hold back, God wants to take you higher, expand your mind 10/10 - the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy 12/12 - you're called into ministry, ask for God's power 123/1234 - ready set go, divine elevation 134 - publicly acknowledged and validated as one chosen by God 818 - when you're blessed, don't forget God, don't forget others still in the struggle
@jakesontiano 7 часов назад
Man like 6 months ago I’ve never in my life felt like God was talking to me like I did this day I mean he sent me on this adventure and gave me these ideas for like 3 days I became obsessed with trying to figure out if this was real or am I having some sort of mental episode or delusion I did everything he told me to do except I never finished it just stopped making sense to me as to why he would have me do something so odd like it was like a business idea but also a way of spreading his coming I even feel embarrassed to tell anyone cause I feel like they would think I was crazy but I never stopped thinking about what happen and if I made a mistake by not finishing I mean he told me everything that I need to do for 3 days but never said why or what the final results would be than I didn’t know if he was still taking to me or I was just adding to the idea myself it’s so confusing I still have all those things he told me to get in the trunk of my car and just can’t bring myself to throw it out it was just a very odd experience. I mean it was like I something was in me and kept bugging me the entire morning as to where to go and I never been to that place before or have any reason to go but it wouldn’t stop so I went I got these things that costed a kinda of a lot of money that I have no use for other than what he said I don’t know I hope I didn’t make a grave mistake and he can’t trust me anymore
@Rude_Boi 8 часов назад
Amen, First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ!!
@hennesseyme9112 8 часов назад
Listened to these stories a plenty and the one thing I keep hearing is, you are never allowed to sleep and even while serving, you are being tormented.
@DonielleJoslyn 8 часов назад
I love this channel. Thank you for what you bring to the masses. The Masters Voice Blog RU-vid channel is another channel like yours that edifies me.
@stpdncr 8 часов назад
Say the Jesus prayer. And Repentance, every day, immediately after it happens. I’ve seen so many NDEs of Christians going to hell or having a negative experience and they exclaim but “they are saved” yes but maybe for years and years you were living a terrible sinful life. It’s walking with God everyday.
@Glitterip 9 часов назад
The first and only time I ever did mushrooms, God took me to Hell. It was really interesting to hear this man of God talk about memory being a part of the punishment. In the beginning, I was looking at the grass, and the flowers were what I called dancing, but now I know they were actually praising God. They were worshipping Him. It was incredible. Then, time escaped me. Which freaked me out. I felt like I was walking around the trees for hours trying to throw up but, I couldn’t and it was not hours at all. Then, I sit down. Suddenly, the flowers praising the Lord, and everything around me, were looking dead, like an old Wild West movie, than tannish dead color. And it would flicker in and out. I told my partner what was happening to me, and it was not happening to him. He was having an absolutely fine time. Which concerned me. I started to get scared. He said don’t be scared just enjoy it. But I had no choice, I wasn’t scared in the first place but became scared from my perception turning so dark so randomly. Suddenly, I saw myself laying unconscious in a giant hand which was definitely God. It was complete darkness, yet I could see myself, as if a light was shone only on my body. Even Gods hand was completely dark. Then, I no longer see myself, and experience feeling - I do not remember seeing any demons or anything, but I felt like my whole body was being absolutely crushed but, not physically. Emotionally. Every negative thing that I’ve ever experienced - every bad feeling, was there. And crushing me. It hurt so badly. Then I started going in and out like Jason talks about here. When I came to, I saw my partner and he was having a great time! So I started SOBBING because he had NO idea what kind of serious pain I was going through and what was happening to me. It made me so sad. Then I was back in Hell, and I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING BUT THE FEELING, and I also woke up multiple times to real life, and said to him, “it’s spiritual warfare”, and “I’m under spiritual attack”!!! (I didn’t know what that meant at all- I don’t know how I knew that or who told me). After going in and out so many times, and seeing my partner in real life totally oblivious (obviously) to the pain I was feeling and experiencing, I was so stressed. The last time that I went out of it, I was taken somewhere good. I previously called them “light beings”, I know now they are angels. It was like I woke up in a bed in a hospital, but all I saw in front of me was angels. And I felt so much love and peace. Then, I was in my yard suddenly. And I hear something like an air conditioner, so so loud getting closer and closer, it got so loud that I started to get very annoyed because I had no idea what it was. I asked my partner, he did not hear it. It was SO LOUD and it suddenly stopped. When it stopped I heard the birds, and the peace, and I just started sobbing again. Because I was not in pain anymore. The funny thing? That’s the day I decided to get deeper into “spirituality”, and I started doing tarot, astrology, candle magic, other witchcraft, so many things. I thought I could get to God without Jesus. I thought that was a symbolic experience. Ever since Jesus saved me 10 months ago, I’ve realized that I really, really was in Hell. I used to say “it’s like God dipped me into Hell”. Now I say “I went to Hell”. I still wonder why I can’t remember anything but the feelings. But mushrooms are NOT okay. Seeing into the spirit illegally is NOT okay. God is so good. Thank you Jesus for saving me!!! And thank you Jason for your mind blowing testimony.
@Tomipolus 10 часов назад
Like, I tried to like watch this, like...but there's like just too many like, likes that he like keeps like saying...so I like gave up, in like first like minute...
@iwishpeoplecaredagain 10 часов назад
Such a beautiful testimony. Thank you, God, for it, and thank you, Anna. I want to find God and be saved.
@dragonore2009 10 часов назад
Jason mentioned that he watched some hell testimony videos and that Jesus told him, "I made you watch those videos." I wonder if that is the same with me? I watch hell testimony videos all the time to keep me on the straight and narrow path. When tempted to sin, I think of the various hell testimony videos on your channel and other channels. I wonder when tempted to sin, if Jesus is reminding me of those videos.
@iamthelaw9369 11 часов назад
How do Christian’s reconcile that Judaism practices blood magic, believes in reincarnation, believes Jesus is a false prophet for the qlipqouth(however you spell it) for those they view as evil (all non Jews) and shattered vessels? I say this because Christianity basically comes from Judaism and a lot of Christian’s are extreme in their support of Israel and Judaism, but they don’t get the same support back. Just curious, because it seems like if you believe in christiantiy you believe the Jews aren’t living the right way anymore and will accept Jesus at the end? Is that right?
@sinnz146 11 часов назад
Love the testimony other than they way she says Halleluiah LOL
@stefanieaeiou 11 часов назад
thankyou for your work thankyou for making this channel!!!!!!
@sinnz146 12 часов назад
The Word of God doesn't adapt to modern times LOL!!! The Word is the Word!
@midimusicforever 12 часов назад
Faith in Jesus is what everyone needs!
@Sam-fp8zm 13 часов назад
these videos are great.
@GarlandBrooks 13 часов назад
Powerful testimony. Hopefully Katie Perry will one day realize she’s made a very deadly decision to replace her Christian life for the enemy’s fame and fortune. I believe Katy is being tortured by her decision on a daily basis. One day She’ll have a reckoning and still realize the devil sold her a bag of dreams that lead straight to Hell.
@WatchingMyFigures 14 часов назад
Very interesting to hear that she is a Romanian gypsy. I went on a mission trip to Romania and met the gypsies there and there’s a serious spirit of poverty over their community but they’re the happiest people you’ll ever meet.
@Tyu8903. 14 часов назад
This is a banger. Glory to GOD!
@RisenShine-zy7dn 15 часов назад
That's it. God wants us 'ALL IN' with Him.
@midimusicforever 16 часов назад
Jesus saves!
@al2954 17 часов назад
Jewish? They worship black cube saturn saturn... I don't think that was the true father. It was an entity, a shapeshifter demon.... I suggest you speak to the most high. Not the tricksters..
@timirodigha3927 18 часов назад
I love this ma,God bless him so much
@ILLGREEN1 18 часов назад
Lord did not suffer Hellfire, He is holy holy holy. He went there to free His son's of the old testament, from Adam to John the Baptist. Also there was no fire in Hell yet, it was a lonely prison. We are not perfect, but read it in the Book of Nicodemus.
@carenthusiast1023 18 часов назад
I am blessed to watch your video today. Thank you for sharing your testimony to us so people will be more aware. I also pray that I will be able to share to more people about the Gospel.
@RRFTB 18 часов назад