Noah Caldwell-Gervais
Noah Caldwell-Gervais
Noah Caldwell-Gervais
In-depth gaming reviews, mostly whole-franchise retrospectives or comparative reviews. My videos always have a table of contents in the video description for jumping from game to game rather than being broken into smaller videos. If you like these videos, please post them where others may find them!
A Thorough Look At Resident Evil
2 года назад
A Thorough Look At Watch Dogs
3 года назад
Elements of CONTROL [Spoilers]
4 года назад
A Thorough Look At God of War [Spoilers]
4 года назад
@LegacyDrummer 8 часов назад
You severely misunderstand what "git gud" means
@demiscordova8070 12 часов назад
Lost my shit when i Saw GUN was on this list. Happy to see it talekd about
@JackWse 12 часов назад
Is there like a complete gap between people that played splinter cell, and people that played resident evil 4? Like like completely separated demographics that never have ever crossed over? Cuz, it sure gets a lot of credit for that over the shoulder shooting that others had done both before and better... Shoot I'm pretty sure, OG splinter cell had a cover system, as well as some limited blindfire stuff if I recall.. I can't remember if it was only blindfire though lol.. This was replaced with shoulder swapping in the third one, One of the few things it didn't completely surpass its predecessors with. The second one had a laser pointer as well, proper laser, without the stupid beam.. and it actually made sense mechanically, as it would jitter to give a physical representation of what had been implied from the expanding crosshairs.. although I'm pretty sure it's not the first game with a laser pointer. But the original splinter cell is pretty much the first time I can find the over the shoulder camera matched with FPS controls when a weapon is drawn and aimed..
@ofwschroedinger527 16 часов назад
the CV critique is way too harsh. And the transphobic line everyone points towards is a simple issue of the Voice actors, as its not in the script, so its easy to retcon. And people seeing alfred as a freak is not because of him dressing up as a woman, but him believing he is his own sister, which IS gross in the context of their already skewed relationship. Noone tiptoes around that....
@Isaac_clark 18 часов назад
I’d argue that 4 and 5 are quite bad of games. 4 is second worse, and 5 being the worst game out of the franchise. Didn’t even bother to put “of war” in the title because they probably think that’s facist
@CaptainIcebeard 22 часа назад
I think that at some point you just have to stop griping about Resident Evil's quirks and see them as something to look forward to, rather than something you wish was gone. Like after that many games, rather than point at the very first games and say they should stop punching the boulder, instead embrace those moments because they make Resident Evil unique.
@manhattan2003 День назад
I have played exactly five minutes of the Quake remaster on Xbox - I do enjoy it, despite the microscopic amount of time I played for, but this video might just get me to go back and really dig into Quake. I've wanted to for a while now
@chrisaddy4025 День назад
Those comments on TF2...
@J----L День назад
"I am just one of many people for whom the franchise has become part of their core sense of identity." I think "people" is too big a word to use here.
@CHANN3L_NAME День назад
Quake 1 is one of my favorite games ever. Its environment, soundtrack and aesthetic are so enticing and beautiful.
@AugustRx День назад
No Kung fu? 7/10
@blakeduckly2875 День назад
I've never heard somebody so arrogant and spiteful to a community than this guy. Swear every fromsoft video of his has him calling anybody who likes the games for their difficulty gatekeepers.
@FlyMontag День назад
Hey man, thanks for the content. I really appreciate it!
@qmass День назад
if you aren't an AI voice, you should sell your voice to make it more obvious to consumers that the voice speaking to them is not human. thank you for your service, robot-voice.
@blakeduckly2875 День назад
I'd argue that it's a small camp who want hate easy mode for prides sake. The majority of individuals I know, and even including the video, say that the game already has easy modes attached. It's up to the player to actually utilize them. Sure, adding an Easy Mode would just make it more clear from the word go, but having that attached does go against the principle of what the devs want the game to be. It has already been stated to death, but the base "difficulty" was intentional. The combat and bosses were designed to be mountains that you would climb and occasionally slide down, but the moment you stab your flag at the peak, comes the greatest feeling of accomplishment, THAT is what DS is designed around. A setting that (this is mostly coming from how other games easy modes work) decreases the health of enemies, increases your stats, and etc. goes against that very ideal the game is about. While I agree that anybody who hates on anybody else who uses these "Easy Mode" options is an idiot, I do agree that the idea of decreasing the challenge further for accessibility is a hard line that shouldn't be crossed due to the developers intent.
@thesolarengineer День назад
Your homily on RE5 is pathetic and sad. You are more than welcome to hate yourself but don't drag everyone else down with you, girl.
@axa993 День назад
1:20:00 it pained me that you failed to simply click to force pull your saber back into your hands. Great video
@Dudeonwheels День назад
The first 40 seconds. The promo for the Special Edition of the OT. I just realized, that voice over, is that Jim Cummings? That sounds a lot like Jim Cummings.
@b130610 День назад
Noah played the game in a resolution commensurate of the game's quality lol. Great analysis as always.
@roylong2059 День назад
You actually made me grateful the world lacks justice. I never thought that was possible.
@EXHellfire 2 дня назад
First time I see someone being honest about Sekiro being better and less cheesable with bullcrap while also saying "and it's too hard for me to enjoy it the same way because of it" instead of having a lot of copium based answers. You really earnt my respect because of that
@timhaas6021 2 дня назад
Nice hackeyed feminist virtue signaling and convoluted sophistry.
@Erilis000 2 дня назад
love your assessment of RDR2 being all about tone over all other facets of gameplay. You best defined it as hybrid media. That's why I enjoyed it.
@timpeterson175 2 дня назад
Still the GOAT ❤ love your work Noah
@feartheoldblood7222 3 дня назад
I agree 99%... Bloodborne is GOAT'd though.
@williamhall3933 3 дня назад
God bless these essays. Love em
@ghostoffalconthekinalitch6811 3 дня назад
@devinlee3462 3 дня назад
I hate the conversation about resident evil 5, and especially the way that you portray it here. Maybe it’s a little bit insensitive, in the way that only a disconnected company in 2009 could be, but for some reason nobody ever even thought that it was racially insensitive to mow down every single Spaniard you see, and invoking direct cult-like parasite worship imagery that directly mirrors Christianity? In the Spanish community? Yet, of course, spending three full games mowing down white enemies and Spanish enemies invokes absolutely no reaction, and continuing to do so in later games actually gets “fun”. But somehow when the villains are black, the game is racially insensitive. Forgetting, of course, the fact that the ACTUAL villains are literally all white, and that the game stands in direct opposition to eugenics, which is the MAIN VILLAIN’S OPEN GOAL, it’s racially insensitive to mow down mindless, parasite-infected zombies because of the color of their skin. Unless their skin is slightly-browner, like the Spaniards, then it’s okay. Do you see the double standard here? Resident evil 5 is just as insensitive as the entire series, there’s literally nothing different about it except where it takes place in the world. The very concept of zombies is, in itself, an insensitive idea, because the reason the zombie exists as a monster is to make fun of the unclean lower class, comparing the public majority to mindless monsters infecting everyone with idiocy. Mowing down zombies is equivalent to mowing down poor people, yet again, for some reason it’s only a problem when the poor people happen to live in Africa. The continent that, if the zombie apocalypse started in real life, would genuinely probably get hit the hardest??? I don’t understand your reasoning, is it that black people cant be zombies? Is it that places like this don’t exist in Africa? It’s literally just virtue signaling. “Hey guys, I promise I’m tolerant, look at me complain about this game from 2009 and pretend it’s racist because the enemies are black! But fuck the Spaniards, they’re on their own”.
@ishitstanding4493 2 дня назад
I don't think it's virtue signaling, I think he explained his points pretty well. Personally I found it a bit strange because of the tribal shit, lack of female zombies which kinda gave in to the violent african stereotype and top of that the portrayel is different. In the opening you can tell that the Spaniard zombies are zombies, whereas Resident Evil 5 blurs that line a lot, by making them just seem normal and slightly hostile rather than just zombies.
@devinlee3462 2 дня назад
@@ishitstanding4493 Resident evil 5 doesn’t blur the line at all, it does the exact same thing as RE4, down to nearly the exact same minutes of gameplay before they reveal they’re zombies. For the first 10-15 minutes or so of both games, the locals are being hostile and it isn’t clear why. Only then, relatively close to the first mini-boss, are they both revealed to be infected with the parasite. The difference is that RE5 is actually a bit MORE sensitive about it, revealing that the locals were already infected well before you got there, whereas in RE4, you watch some of them get infected and watch the infections worsen in real time, with nothing you can do about it. And again, like I said before, I don’t think it’s insensitive at all to show the tribal setting- any more insensitive than it is to directly tie cult worship of Las Plagas to Christianity like the last game did. (To the point that the RE4 cult symbol is literally just a cross with the parasite symbol over it, and they actively overtake a Christian church.) just like there are, in the real world, enormously religious villages and areas of Spain and other Latino communities, there are, in the real world, tribes in Africa living in simpler housing and wearing clothing we would find “stereotypical”. Again, could they have been a bit more sensitive? Sure, maybe. But that has literally always been the case, and was ESPECIALLY the case in RE4, as I’ve always pointed out. Yet, nobody ever talks about it. Because they aren’t black.
@ishitstanding4493 2 дня назад
@@devinlee3462 Have you played re4 and re5? They're very different in their intro. The Spaniard zombies in the intro are in a catatonic state where they're not in a normal state, whereas the RE5 zombies are just normal people that are looking at you weirdly yet are acting like people. The difference with the tribal stuff and the church stuff is that the church stuff is a very obvious perversion of what churches are usually like, whereas the tribal stuff was already like that. And yeah obviously their clothing is somewhat like that in some tribes in Africa, however the RE5 version is a flanderisation which isn't like any western african tribal masks. And as for Spanish villages, while there are barely any vilages like that, it still wouldn't be as offensive as Spanish people don't suffer the same from stereotypes as African people might. Africa is an impovershed country that faces insane exploitation and discrimination because of racism. RE4 doesn't inadvertantly support historical racist ideals for RE4 like it does for RE5. AT the end of the day it's moreso about the historical context. The colonised won't be as affected as the coloniser. Not that this destroyed african lives, however it promotes historically racists ideas which is a big nono
@gabrielrodriguez463 3 дня назад
"well, he IS a Kennedy" hahaha
@richeeezgaming6929 3 дня назад
My major problem with this video is that he thinks that he didn't get good. He did. Thats the entire point of get good. You did it. but for some reason he doesn't think so and just says "see thats my problem with get good"
@b130610 3 дня назад
I absolutely loved this analysis of the series. It really helped me understand the narrative value of the fallout franchise that always eluded me. In middle school I was fascinated by the visual art and thematic promise of Fallout 3 when it was new, but I couldn't play it for various reasons relating to being a child without a job. Many years later, after completely forgetting about the franchise, I got a PC that could kind of play older games, and I picked up New Vegas. I absolutely fell in love with the game, but for almost none of the reasons that Noah explains so well in this retrospective. To me, New Vegas was a Clockwork puzzle box of interwoven quests, character statistics, gear, and simulation. I started dozens of playthroughs to see how you could manipulate the systems in both intentional and unintentional ways to create my own often nonsensical, but satisfying stories using the game's verbs. In Fallout 4, I found even more satisfaction in this sort of play with the survival mode, and the increased build variety, and the almost rouge-like elements introduced by random legendary drops. Each playthrough could proceed differently with different self imposed challenges or build goals, and survival mode with its limitations on fast travel and carry weight made the whole thing feel more like planning a route, and rationing your backpack space was a core part of the experience. With all that said, I was always the guy "mashing spacebar to skip the dialogue" like Noah describes the level 500 Fallout 76 player. I never could get invested in the stories of the characters in any of the games, even new vegas where there was a lot more depth to the writing and the character arcs because I had already thoroughly spoiled my view of them by looking behind the mechanical veil, and I couldn't suspend my disbelief to see them as characters rather than just pieces to be played in the game. Seeing the whole path of the franchise from this narrative viewpoint really puts into stark relief just how much of a betrayal fallout 4 was to the themes of Fallout as a whole. I always felt that it had shallower writing, and a slightly off tone, but in skimming all the dialgoue, I only had a surface level understanding of the plot, and it was overshadowed by my simuational immersion facilitated by the scavenging gameplay loop. I really want to go back to play New Vegas again with fresh eyes after this, as well as fallout 1 and 2, but I think I might be too far gone to avoid metagaming the impact out of the narratives :( Thanks for helping me experience these stories in some capacity vicariously I guess.
@bornon18 3 дня назад
It's ridiculous to even compare the two. Tacoma is such a disgusting DEI trash.
@sboy1024 3 дня назад
I just have to let you know that "a constellation of connected differences" went so hard I had to look around my empty room as if to say "are yall hearing what this man's doing??" Lol. Also the connection you tied between the hunters and the beasts they're hunting being one in the same while being a simple and somewhat obvious point was so plainly yet eloquently stated it really helped to shift my perception of the story , overall just wanted to say your a fantastic writer and analyst! Subbed!
3 дня назад
finally played through rdr 2 and immediatly watch that part. You really went through with a comb, so I was surprised you didnt mention Sean and what his death meant for the gang. The camp party at horseshue was in this name, Karen was totally smitten for him and took his death hard. Sean was slated as a successor for arthur, when he grows up and cools off, so when he dies as the most importat youngster, it clearely says, the gang has no future, even you don't know anything about the history of the west.
@jamesdegriz 4 дня назад
Really excellent writing. Loved it. Great work!
@jtlego1 4 дня назад
Anyone coming back to this after the announcement of GoW: E-Day?
@ashe.7945 4 дня назад
Listened to this for an 11hr overnight coach between Melbourne and Sydney. Still didn't finish it in one go.
@euchrideucr0w 4 дня назад
Elements of this video are so strange after the medieval Doom reveal. It seems to have really cemented Quake's place as a historical icon rather than a dormant franchise ready to be revivified.
@TheOnlyTaps 4 дня назад
Great watch
@Railer890 5 дней назад
Came for the Diablo retrospective, stayed for the criticism of capitalism.
@AugustRx 5 дней назад
my little theory on the existence of unnecessary filler is they wanted that trailer shot that went _our game is so finished and polished, we even added chess boards_ (even though it takes zero effort to ctrl+c ctrl+v)
@sentientmeat96 5 дней назад
Hearing you talk about the crux of what makes the Souls series rewarding to play through shined a light on my competitive journey as a Smash Bros player- surprising amount of overlap, there. The visceral thrill possible through active media, the satisfaction of arrising victorious in a situation you've been bested by many times prior, etc. was all great food for thought.
@adriandelatorreebro9555 5 дней назад
It would be really cool if you could make a "How does Gears of War: E-Day compare to previous Gears games?" video once it comes out!
@ghostel9253 5 дней назад
“If you start killing Nazis, and you keep killing Nazis, it stands to reason that eventually they’ll run out of Nazis”, simultaneously one of the rawest and funniest lines of all time, chefs kiss
@stephenattwood1992 5 дней назад
Hated Kate, never spoken to anyone could tolerate her shit character. Gears 5 hands down best horde.
@Grilledcheeseobamasandwich12 5 дней назад
2:28:12 Im pretty sure it was confirmed the reason Leon was sent alone was because they knew only someone in the government/millatary would have been able to pull off kidnapping Ashley. Which was correct because Krauser was the one that kidnapped her. The president didn't want to send a full team because he didn't want to risk sending in a traitor. Thats why he only sent Leon.
@arcflashhazard_ 6 дней назад
Watching this, years after the fact, and suddenly I know what Max Payne 3 reminds me of. It feels very much like Rockstar's take on the 2004 Denzel Washington film, Man on Fire. The film grain effects during dialog, the washed up tough guy drowning his sorrow and pain, the expectations of others that the protagonist subverts. Not that being derivative is/was a bad thing, but I wonder if the creative leads at Rockstar saw Man on Fire, and later thought that they could wrap a Max Payne skin on the bones of that film.
@kelev48 6 дней назад
"Michael Knowles plays resident evil" fixed it
@ishitstanding4493 2 дня назад
isnt michael knowles conservative
@kelev48 2 дня назад
@@ishitstanding4493 no
@ishitstanding4493 2 дня назад
@@kelev48 it says online he's conservative and he'son the daily wire
@kelev48 2 дня назад
@@ishitstanding4493 nah
@ishitstanding4493 2 дня назад
@@kelev48 yeah
@MrNintendeion 6 дней назад
"The fume knight was beyond what i could accomplish alone" Didnt you get him to one hit lol?
@theyellowjesters 6 дней назад
Thanks a lot for this indepth look at quake! I played the og and 2 a bit as a kid, and loved 4. I would still love an honest to God sequel to quake 4 though! I really liked it