Mostly a gaming channel I guess. Long reviews, funny stuff, weeb shit, maybe all three at once...
"Which Trails Game Should I Start With?"
3 месяца назад
@guillaumegagne8068 23 часа назад
since i play only cs no axzure i likeplot point
@WeeeeeeebNation День назад
Not even rean can fix angelica.
@Layazeroda 3 дня назад
@weaponsci 2 дня назад
No wind. Sad Gaius noises
@YoungSX 3 дня назад
9:23 Had Me Dying😂
@sjstronghold9238 4 дня назад
"The War of Lions" because that is the only thing that ever happened in the history of Erebonia.
@TheKingofAndrosica 5 дней назад
I barely have games on my PS5 now. Wow bro!!
@FunkyPunk1995 5 дней назад
I get starting with games out of order, especially when so many series these days aren’t so tightly connected. (Theres no real reason to play an elder scrolls or fallout game in order for example, since they’re only loosely connected) I had friends back in the day that started mass effect with 3 because it was new and that bought into the hype. But i feel like I enjoyed it way more because i played them in order at each game’s release. Especially because I had imported saves. Sky being only available on PC does also change some things. I’m only just now starting trails, and I decided to start with Sky FC and to go in release order. I just hit chapter 3 of FC last night before i went to bed. I’m having an absolute blast. I do find it *slightly* odd that people are unwilling to start the trails series with older titles because of graphics though. I totally get wanting more modern systems, especially in a action battle system game…but for turn based I don’t really get it. Older action games often have much clunkier combat systems and controls that don’t feel great. But turn based doesn’t really change much. I know daybreak has the new hybrid system, and I totally get its appeal, but you’re still going to be doing a lot of fights with the turn based option, so it hard to picture that being the deal breaker. I can admit, I’m very used to older games and graphics and that graphics are typically the last thing i take into consideration when buying a game. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely nice to have, but i don’t think I’ve bought a game just for the graphics, or not bought one because of the graphics, since i was maybe an early teenager but that was probably only a few rare occasions. I feel like it needs to be about the FUN FACTOR first and foremost. Sometimes that can mean the gameplay, sometimes it can mean the story. Both influence if you’re having a good/fun time. Its hard to think of visuals being the reason you aren’t having fun. I know people say that they don’t want to start with sky fc because its “slow” but i really don’t agree at all. It definitely takes its time, but absolutely nothing so far has been done without reason. Every slow moment where Estelle and Joshua take time to just live in the world and the moment feels so incredibly purposeful and it’s honestly my favorite part of this series so far. The combat also feels incredibly modern for a psp game from 2004. The turn based is semi fast paced, has plenty of modern convinces, and has enough depth to keep you engaged but isn’t overly complicated. I’m by no means a JRPG fan, and have only played a handful of them, and finished even less, but this game series is already something incredibly special and unique and implore people (even people who have never played a jrpg) to give this series a chance. It’s legitimately a beautiful piece of art.
@pyrored5212 6 дней назад
Even if we "don't have to buy" the 5 pro, won't the normalizing of these huge prices become everyone's problem when it comes time for the PS6? There's no way their gonna make it weaker than the 5 pro. I hope all the people saying "you don't have to buy it" enjoy paying $850 for a digital only PS6 and paying $80 for the games.
@weaponsci 4 дня назад
Yeah they're most likely testing the consumer to see how much they can get away with charging, and will definitely make a note of that when the next gen comes along.
@giuseppeparry1365 6 дней назад
END OF GAME SPOILERS DON'T LOOK WEAPONS: 23:05 Altina talking about Millium being killed and referring to strangling. He really is a god damn prophet!
@whydoistillusethissite8626 6 дней назад
1:07 funnily enough Stellar Blade is confirmed coming to PC now. Shift Up (the development team) told investors at an earnings call that they're working on a PC Port
@giuseppeparry1365 6 дней назад
I've never really been interested in any consoles except for classic consoles. Anything newer than the PS1 doesn't really hold any appeal for me. Steam already has more games than you could play in 20 lifetimes and it's only going to keep on growing. Why would I ever need to buy a console when I can do every genre from my laptop?
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
I think you've just achieved the gaming equivalent of enlightenment lol
@Ghalion666 6 дней назад
Stay tuned for the next episode, or else weapons will pawn his PC to try and afford the new PS5, and you dont want that, do you? I agree with most points except: The ps3 legit brought me more time and joy than the ps4. Cold steel 1 and 2 came on ps3 first, dragons crown came on ps3 first, demons' souls and dark souls, which I enjoyed day 1 btw, I didnt jump on a hype train. No Ys games... huh... Xillia, i wont list all the games. But the ps3 was by far a bigger weeb machine in terms of gaming than the ps4, weeb games that had no indication of ever coming to pc. By the time the ps4 came, weeb games started getting pc ports again, making my ps4 basically a bloodborne machine. Also, regarding pricing, the ps3 was kinda up there but it was also a blu ray player which alone made it cost effective, also, I got my PS3 for only $200 Canadian just 3 years after release (albeit on craigslist, new in the box though), just saying. Your point on reverse compatibility is kinda reversed. Its not that consoles often are not reverse compatible, its that they are NEVER forwards-compatible. As soon as the new console comes out and makes new games for it, your old console becomes a doormat to them. A similarly aged pc running a port for that game will be able to run it if it gets a pc port just fine though, it wont look at your hardware and say NO. (You did mention this but I thought the corrolation with consoles was kinda off)
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
Yeah I guess I kinda said it, just wonky and out of order. Next gen consoles are not guaranteed to be backwards compatible Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo decides that for you. But I think I did say later on that you're at least given the option on PC to lower settings when you're build starts to get dated (which doesn't even happen for a while).
@ethermelt4780 6 дней назад
The "holding a console for 6-7 years" argument holds no weight when you factor in that *we already have PS5s*. There's nothing exclusive to the new shit, it's just a small QoL improvement that most people won't even be able to see. I'd argue that the Pro is designed for Content Creators and Businesses (who can write-off the costs as a business expense), but Sony is shilling this to 'everyone', bad press be damned again, in order to hopefully recoup some of the losses from Concord and other big failures this year.
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
Yeah I have a hunch this is "punishment" for Concord. But I rewatched the presentation video and I couldn't see a difference. I even went and pulled it up on a nearby TV (none of my monitors are 4k) and still couldn't see much of a difference. Graphical fidelity really has kind of just plateaued, which may ironically work in Nintendo's favor since one of their weaknesses compared to the other two was being behind in terms of hardware.
@deiruru 6 дней назад
PS3 was bad out of the gate, but ended up fine in the end with the slim and price cut
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
Ain't no price cut for this as far as the eye can see, lol
@esuelle 6 дней назад
I'm happy I was patient and didn't get a PS5 to play FF16 and Rebirth, because now I get to play 16 on PC in a couple of days! And I'm sure Rebirth won't take too long to arrive either. Plus all the other not so exclusive titles. As for the ps5 pro, this is in no way a unique take, but even if it is technically a powerful machine for that price, it doesn't make a very good case for itself as a console. The presentation was really bad, 10 minutes of looking at tiny background details followed a by a really expensive price, lol. I'm sure it probably looks great in person but video compression also wrecks those small details. Graphics have been on a diminishing returns era for a while, and I think the ps5 pro presentation was a shining example of that. On the positive side, imo, is that even old hardware (be it pc or older consoles) can still provide fantastic gaming experiences if you don't need the shiniest stuff.
@weaponsci 19 часов назад
I think something a lot of people forget too is that 700-800 is expensive for a console. A PC isn't quite held to the same standard because it's still a computer, so you're sort of paying for it's ability to do computer-related work as well as gaming.
@jmporkbob 6 дней назад
If you count a monitor as part of the PC price, then i guess you have to count a TV as part of the console price too eh? If we assume the default is people watching content on their phone or tablet, rather than having cable or a computer.
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
Maybe. The average person is more likely to have a TV lying around than a monitor though.
@yorhamixta9528 6 дней назад
Imagine how much the PS6 will cost 😭
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
This is actually something I didn't think of while recording. Even if you have no interest in this hardware, they're 100% testing the consumer to see how much they can get away with selling the PS6 for.
@FieryAnubis 6 дней назад
Build a PC. Can be mid range, it's fine, no need to splurge. Get Steam. Have all your games in one place. Play with whatever controller you want. No need to go 4K if you don't wanna, just go 1080p at 60. Enjoy game sales left and right, including brand new releases sometimes. Nice and cheap. Don't have to upgrade for 5 more years (think of it the same as a console life span). PC + Nintendo is the best. These prices are straight up scams lmao
@esuelle 6 дней назад
I think PCs also have the advantage of having 1440p as a more reasonable option in-between 1080p and 4k if you want something a bit better but getting a fully 4k capable machine is a bit too much for you. TV manufacturers "skipping" 1440p was detrimental to consoles, imo.
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
Yeah that's what I do these days. I mainly use PC and have a Switch to play Nintendo stuff, as well as a Steam deck which makes for a good emulation machine ngl
@rhaspados666 6 дней назад
I also bought a pro however by the time i sood my base model i think it cost me like 75 bucks
@rhaspados666 6 дней назад
As a early ps3 adopter this feels familiar atleast those early ps3s had bounus bawkwards compatibility
@kevinstreetgaming 6 дней назад
The PS4 would have been Sony's best console if it had backwards compatibility with PS3, PS2, and PS1 games. There was a renaissance of so many great jrpgs during the PS4 generation At this point, you are better off just buying a regular PS5. It's probably going to go on sale around November of December or at least be bundled with a game.
@Ghalion666 6 дней назад
@@kevinstreetgaming the problem with backwards compatibility is that the hardware on the ps2 and 3 is very obscure and impractical. As soon as the ps4 came out I knew the ps5 would be backwards compatible because ps4 hardware is more sensible, which is also why btw, indie and small studios can make games on it much more easily than the ps2 and 3
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
I'll probably wait until the end of the generation (or PS6 release) and buy one. And that's only gonna be for any Playstation games I may want that don't get brought to PC
@Ghalion666 6 дней назад
@@weaponsci Such as... Stellar blade? For some reason that game to me looks meh actually. But maybe because I'm a freak and think Nier Automata is over-rated. I'll play Ys8 over it any day. more enemies, more interesting world, better combat (you play as 9s the most, his combat is balls), etc. Stellar blade combat looked to me too QTE heavy and such. I haven't played the game, so maybe I'm wrong, just saying. I suspect it's a good game, not a bad one, and not a great one, just a good one. and my backlog is already giant so.. ehh.. I can live without it. As for the fanservice, she is definitely an improvement over western designs, but I'd rather wait for a pc release and play as the other girl who pulls her out of that pod or whatever, that one I can goon over more, but I'm a weirdo who actually cares about a face and hair more than boobs and ass, that and I def wont spend money just for that purpose... Also, why can't we play as kos-mos in such games? modders? cmon! =P
@RaifSeverence 6 дней назад
Ps1 wasn't a bad generation...like at all, so if youre willing to make an exception
@avarisclari 6 дней назад
I find it funny that the PS5 Pro also just comes with a regular DualSense. You're trying to appeal to the "high end" crowd and not including the "Pro" controller? C'mon
@KramerJones 6 дней назад
Love the trails community!
@meimmakoto3224 6 дней назад
The WORST part of the PS5 pro is regardless of the extra performance some games will still only run at 30 FPS. You gonna ask us to buy your 800 dollar console to play my games and not ALL OF the prePS5 Pro games will hit that 60 fps mark? Are you joking Sony?
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
Yeah it's at the discretion of developers, so if they can't be bothered having a Pro over a base model may not even matter.
@EthanHaesloop 6 дней назад
I was gonna go to sleep but nahhh I want weapons to rag on consoles
@Nikita_Akashya 6 дней назад
The PS5 Pro costs 800€ in Europe. That is more than what some people pay in rent here. This is also like half of someones paycheck. And that person still has to pay rent. This is why I think falcom is gearing it's games more towards Switch and PC now. Sony is getting too expensive for them. If we consider what Nintendo usually does, we will get the new Switch for half of what the new PS costs. So you can buy 2 Switch 2s for the price of one new Playstation. IF my theory is correct of course. But yeah, Sony. I really wonder how they plan to pay off the concord debt when nobody can afford their stuff? You can get a PC powerful enough to run most falcom games for less than the OG PS5 costs. I really wonder what Nintendo is doing with the Switch 2, but all we can do is aait and see how this goes.
@meimmakoto3224 6 дней назад
If that's there idea because they know about the pro being too expensive then good on them Jesus
@Nikita_Akashya 6 дней назад
@@meimmakoto3224 Well, most people said the gameplay in the Sky remake trailer looks too smooth to be on Switch. And it was part of Nintendis partner showcase. It was definitely Switch 2 footage. I am sure of that part at least. And if Nintendo manages to keep the cost down for their main target audience in families to still be able to buy it, then yes, investing in Nintendo is good for falcom. The Switch 2 should be affordable enough to sell quite well. I hope so at least. I do think the Sky Remake will come to PS5 later too maybe. But I think Switch and PC will be Falcoms main platforms going forward. Just for the fact that I think the PS 6 could end up being the same price as rent in New York City. Who has the money for that?
@KnoxZone 6 дней назад
Bro outing himself as someone who takes a shower every week. Not a true gamer smh.
@ShadowS.R. 6 дней назад
Bro can't reach the true gamer enlightenment like this
@denofpigs2575 6 дней назад
Not smell-maxxing what a damn shame
@weaponsci 6 дней назад
Ah, so that's why my smash bros skills have declined...
@boltinabottle6307 7 дней назад
All I hear is Instructorean!
@Erpy80 7 дней назад
Be sure to stop by Jingo at the pawnshop often. Not just because you can manufacture rare quartz here, but also because her mini-storyline of her and her dog is one of the most legendary things in videogaming ever. I kid you not.
@weaponsci 7 дней назад
@floris1111 7 дней назад
The class 7 character assassinations begin, first victim: Millium losing all her charm
@giuseppeparry1365 6 дней назад
Errrr... how?
@agustinruiz9467 7 дней назад
if you want altina to make decent damage, focus on her ATS more than her STR, she is more of a mage in this game
@wolffster25 8 дней назад
Ah yes Trails of Cold Steel 3 is the return of mute Rean. You remember all those newly added lines XSEED added to CS1 and CS2. Welp expect more scenes where Rean is mute while another character talks especially when you meet them for the first time. Fun fact if you played the PSP or PS3 version of CS1 & 2 than you too can experience mute Rean in those games (this also applies to the JP voices). Also play Vantage masters otherwise you will regret it. Also PANNED CAKES
@Nikita_Akashya 8 дней назад
Ah yes, the twist villains. How did Machias put it? "Your secret society isn't secret if everybody we meet is in it guys." And yes, I feel that bit with needing an older adult that isn't me. My coworkers told me though that this is normal. I can't wait to play this game myself. I just need to finish my midlog first. Musse is literally the thirst character. I plan to avoid her. Also Reans scar. I heard it gets explained later. My fridge is broken btw. I really need to make sure I don't buy stuff that needs to be cooled. Pesto is my friend. And noodles. Keep having fun man.
@weaponsci 7 дней назад
It was around 93 degrees for like a week and a half over the summer and our fridge struggled to keep up, so I feel your pain there.
@Nikita_Akashya 7 дней назад
@@weaponsci It is actually cold as balls right now and my water ice was almost thawed completely together with the frozen pizzas I bought.
@ShadowS.R. 8 дней назад
I told you last time that Gale kept being nerfed ever since CS3. CS2 was easily his strongest and stupidest iteration lol. Especially if you depend on Spirit Unification Also, Juna's Brave Order, Sledgehammer, is VERY strong. Be sure to exploit it.
@RosyMiranto 8 дней назад
I find it funny when you said that Valerie looks like Aurelia knowing the context that i had... I won't spoil it yet tho xD
@add8chicken 8 дней назад
Unironically would love if they just made Vantage Masters its own thing lol. Pretty sure it’s based on the old Vantage Masters game by Falcom iirc
@shinnbidan7536 8 дней назад
It's less that Munk's becoming a major character and more that the Japanese version started to put a bit more effort in giving more characters (especially those with unique designs) voice acting, even if it means doubling up. As in, there are few characters in the game that don't share their Japanese voice actor with another character (some even with Class VII members). Incidentally, while Rosine shares her Japanese VA with Tita, her English VA voices a different character that hasn't showed up yet. P.S. Not going to lie, I chuckled when Altina was worried about being a third wheel to Juna and Kurt. That was kind of cute.
@giuseppeparry1365 6 дней назад
He already knows she's returning because she was in the pre-opening. Though of course Rosine's English VA also voices a third character in this game...
@danangluthfihidayanto7821 8 дней назад
Abusing brave orders and break system is the key to snap the game's difficulty, so get used to them. When the enemy is in break state, you'll generally want to attack them with normal attack/crafts to recover BP before unleashing S craft for maximum damage. This is also the appropriate time to use offensive brave orders such as Rean's Raging Fire (read: Not-Motivate). For defensive Brave orders, you'll want to use them RIGHT BEFORE the enemy's turn so you can benefit from their effects longer instead of immediately activating them such as here 28:56 Due to the game's battle system design, you'll either be cheesing the enemy (via abusing orders, break , and link attacks) or they'll be the ones cheesing you (expect more Summon Power type BS along the way), there's no middle ground. Rean's default orders are actually pretty good for how cheap they are. You have damage boosting as well as defense and recovery (Iron Will also recovers HP and EP, which can be used as an immediate healing and might save you from game over) before you gain access to more specialized (and broken) orders. Oh and Vantage Masters is actually a pretty fun minigame (more so than Blade). Beating an opponent for the first time usually rewards you with new cards.
@luizkuzunoha7150 8 дней назад
23:38 A lot of Crafts in this game this, even the ones that are not particulliy good, so similar master quartzs to Rean's or cp regen acessories and arts are prety good in this game.
@luizkuzunoha7150 8 дней назад
They probally did this to "balance" the crafts with High Break Status and good attack, because enemies in Break Status take soo much damage, that becomes stupid.
@soulsq2 8 дней назад
I love vangtage master and it pretty cool.
@RoanoraZoro123 8 дней назад
did you speak to all the branch campus students? I think this game integrates them a lot more in the story compared to previous games.
@riofernando9414 8 дней назад
Falcom knows what they are doing when making those S-craft art for millium and altina😂
@guccidonbuzzflightyear4440 8 дней назад
Kurt and Juna could be cute but Kurt has too much shame
@igable82 8 дней назад
Really the whole new cast of CS3 I really love. Altina's brave order can come in handy if you know the enemy is about to get several turns in a row. Like spam 3 S breaks, leave the last person to activate the order and then s break again. Enemy gets several truns in a row and all attacks get reflected. Don't sleep on Vantage Master if you are looking to get all points in each chapter. Obligatory Le Guin my love post every time she shows up. ❤
@keroclow9059 8 дней назад
Your intro described my life at the moment. Mines a stressful case , but that made me smile. 😅
@Penguin1999sci 8 дней назад
It makes sense that Zemuria struggles to keep up with technological advancements. They are making a lot of the strides in technology we make over the course of a century over the span of about a decade.
@trullikoi 8 дней назад
I always said Wayne was the love child of Machias and Jusis
@Therealfreanix 8 дней назад
Brave orders, brave orders, brave orders,! Break, break, break
@ApsuP 8 дней назад
Welcome back Jingo, my second favorite shop keeper in all of trails.
@Ghalion666 8 дней назад
Me too. Cerebus is #1 =P