Space Nerd Confessions
Space Nerd Confessions
Space Nerd Confessions
Telling my story by sharing my career opportunities, knowledge, and passion for space.
Assist with questions about the USAF, Space Force, and STEM interest.
@gowine504 День назад
What role does age play in the competitiveness of the package? I am 39 years old.
@RaviTeja-ph2fg 2 дня назад
Us navy officer application process how
@hkt9999 16 дней назад
The most important thing here is that OTS candidates don’t have to go to basic training. Sure, they have their own bootcamp but it’s way easier and you get treated better.
@bobvorwald9737 17 дней назад
Back in the 80’s I didn’t get selected on my first application. My recruiter advised me to try again since it would be more streamlined. The second time I was selected Persistence can pay off. (2 years)
@Lhupizzzz13 29 дней назад
I have a bachelors degree and currently working on my PPL, I wanted to come in as officer & on the pilot side, but everyone at my nearby AirForce base is telling me that I should come in as enlisted then transition to Officer. IDK if they’re lying to me just to get a # in, or if it’s really better to come in as enlisted any advice? If enlisted, is it true I can transition to officer as soon as I finish tech school (example: if I choose a career that takes 1-1.5 months to complete tech school)? I wanted to be reserve 1st for the 4yrs to see how I like it, within those 4 yrs be a pilot already in case I don’t want it for long term/life long career.
@hannibalthe1st565 Месяц назад
But isnt OTS hper competitive? You can do air force rotc even as an older person in your 30s. Ive been looking into it
@Jm1416 Месяц назад
Thank you for video! This was extremely detailed and in depth. I’m currently studying for the AFOQT and im trying to shot for a high score so I can myself competitive.
@Jake-be9ji Месяц назад
You went from enlisted to officer. I have a degree and am considering enlisting first I had a 2.4 gpa in college bc I was working full time during my schooling. Do they look at your gpa when applying if you’re currently enlisted? Also, do how many applications did it take for you personally to be accepted to commission?
@amandaclements5629 Месяц назад
So i was told that i could only have two letters of recommendation, was i mistold? I am a current civilian hoping for non-rated in the Space Force.
@MattyZan Месяц назад
For enlisted over the age of 31, what options are there to get to officer? Even without the scholarships, is ROTC still an option? Is that even possible with active duty?
@truckingwithtobee Месяц назад
We just got back from Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. My son-in-law just graduated from OTS and my daughter is in ROTC at her college and just contracted in two weeks ago and she will go to OTS training this summer. She will finish her degree in a year and a half she will enter the space force as an officer at the age of 23 years old.😊
@rodbutler4054 Месяц назад
Please ditch the tattoos🤪!
@IronDisulfide 2 месяца назад
My favorite argument for enlisting first: If you enlist first, you can join an Air National Guard unit while going to college, or you can do college while Active Enlisted. This would give you a chance to start racking up years-of-service toward retirement while also working toward becoming an officer. Also, you're getting paid for those years as Enlisted. So, as long as someone buckles down on college during their 4 year enlisted contract, I believe an enlisted-first officer can make more money in the long run compared to a college-first officer. And then there's the benefit of being a 4-years-in-service O1 with possible job qualifications that result in bonus pay.
@pfcsoldier5454 2 месяца назад
Hello, I'm taking my master in cyber security right now. I'm having a hard time getting to talk to Officer recuiter. Because I'm still active duty army, but my ets will be on 2025. Can you help me out?
@shujayethossain6554 2 месяца назад
Hi, I am 29 years old, a civilian, and will finish my bachelor’s in this December. Could you please tell me the easiest way to become a fighter pilot? Thank you!
@oldnatty61 2 месяца назад
The omly hot chick in the space farce.
@danielrn133 3 месяца назад
There is no disadvantage to going O straight in. None. I was E for 8 and O for 12. If I had it to do over I would have gone straight in as an O. The benefits are so minimal from the upside it is pointless. Also prior E is not more likely to get picked up over a new applicant. I retired as O-4 and would have for sure made at least O-5 if I had gone straight in as O. Also medical issues get scrutinized hard on riot service. No one gives more "respect" to prior service. Respect comes from doing a good job. Not resting on laurels.
@ethobbyshow 3 месяца назад
I was in the marine corps, door kicking knuckle grinding espirit de corps. Motivated by 248 years of blood sacrifice and extreme discipline passed down theough the spirit of every marine, trained to do nothing but think clearly and kill, im super proud to be a marine. But soemithing tells me in 200 years our beloved corps will seem so barbaric.
@sillyshrapnel 4 месяца назад
Is the Application Guide the same thing as the Program Announcement? www.recruiting.af.mil/Portals/78/AD%20AF%20OTS%20PA%20COA%2023Oct2023%20-%20Final_1.pdf
@laurenanderson6466 4 месяца назад
I’m currently active duty & I have my bachelors in Spanish & my masters in social work but don’t have my clinical social work license & was told it’d be easier for me to get into OTS if I get my license prior to commissioning I’ve called the recruiters near my base & near my hometown & it’s been almost 2 months & no answer. What else can I do to get in touch with someone who can tell what other requirements I must meet to qualify?
@schwarzerritter4451 4 месяца назад
Creat job
@Gliam1205 5 месяцев назад
You're beatiful!
@yingyang7448 5 месяцев назад
Hey Space Nerd Confessions. I sincerely apologize for bombarding your comments section with me replying to nearly everyone, lol. I'm just really desperate in learning everything about my dream job. Ever since the space force video that Business Insider posted, my life became alive and my dream was to do what you do. Thank you for your understanding. 1/16/2024.
@MyAllysun 5 месяцев назад
I'm interested in joining, I have my AA in Early Childhood Education. What are the odds of getting a waver if i have Poriasis?❤❤❤
@thecherishedlife 6 месяцев назад
This is incredibly helpful, thank you so much!
@Jake-be9ji 7 месяцев назад
Will having a masters degree make you even more competitive or is it disregarded?
@armaniirani4720 7 месяцев назад
Appreciate the information I’m still working on losing my 80lbs before getting to move forward with recruiter. 🎉😅
@AliAbdullah-oq5kq 7 месяцев назад
I want to get a work please help me with this issue and I will be grateful for the office please help 🙏🙏🙏
@AliAbdullah-oq5kq 7 месяцев назад
I want to go to USA for work please help me with this issue and friends and relatives and clans and families please help me with this issue and I will be grateful 🙏🙏🙏
@Jake-be9ji 7 месяцев назад
I have a bachelors degree and am a civilian. If I enlist first am I able to begin applying for OTS the moment that I enlist? Or do they require me to serve enlisted for a certain period first before being able to apply? I ask because I just want to join the Air Force now but do want to ensure that I become an officer. I am incredibly persistent so if I don’t get it first I will continue trying until I get in hence why I’m considering enlisting first to just build experience starting now.
@MikeMiasuki-vy3xx 7 месяцев назад
O-1 over four years enlisted is a big pay raise. Consider that too please.
@garouuchiha4041 7 месяцев назад
Cynthia!, I have a serious question!, please respond!, since one of the SPACE FORCE recruiter I contacted hasn't contact back yet to me. Is it true that the SPACE FORCE allows anyone to enlist of entry level and no longer an individual to be prior service members?.
@yingyang7448 5 месяцев назад
Hey Garou. Did you get into Space Force? Just curious because it's my dream to get into Space Force. Thank you for your time. 1/16/2024.
@garouuchiha4041 5 месяцев назад
@yingyang7448 No, not yet, I am still preparing things in my life but I am planning to though.
@garouuchiha4041 5 месяцев назад
@yingyang7448 Also my real name isn't Garou, it's just a fiction name, a username to use for the account. But the space force is really competitive, higher than any other branches. Like wow!, ASVAB score that anyone needs to join needs a 60 or above for the ASVAB to join the USSF. What about you?.
@yingyang7448 5 месяцев назад
@@garouuchiha4041 Judging by your username, you seem to be a One Punch Man and Naruto fan? Mine is of Hunter x Hunter, lol. So I talked to a recruiter back in the summer and he told me with all the stuff I got going on medically and legally, I likely won't get picked by the Space Force and It'd be better for me to try the Air Force and then try to cross train/transfer into the Space Force. I lose most of the weight needed and talk to him again in November. He tells me that with all the stuff going on, I probably won't be able to choose my job depending no what his commander says and I might even be permanently disqualified all together :/. I agree to join anyway. I filled out my online application in late November and now it's just a waiting game for his commander to get back to him about the results. I scored a 94 overall on the ASVAB so I'm hoping they will give me a choice to choose which job.
@garouuchiha4041 7 месяцев назад
I really wanna join the SPACE FORCE, it is still brand new and fresh, I wanna be part of the legacy early while it is still brand new.
@manoupardo2977 8 месяцев назад
Ça me fait stresser un peu de l’entendre parler
@MikeMiasuki-vy3xx 8 месяцев назад
I would add this. I do not know about the "free education". People with inside day jobs can take advantage of off duty education better than people who work on the flight line or in the missile field. It is not easy. Congrats on your success. The AF has changed a lot. I wish you luck in the Space Force. Make sure you can move around if needed to enhance promotion opportunity. My advice is to take an OPR (front and back) place it under the plexiglass of your desk. Each day try to satisfy as many of the blocks as you can. Keep track of what you do. Make bullets and other similar statements suitable to insert on an OPR. Hand in (to your rater) this information around three to four months before your OPR is due. Keep a copy. Remember, you must take care of yourself before you can take care of other things.
@MikeMiasuki-vy3xx 8 месяцев назад
If I were you all, I would look at the promotion opportunities in your respective career fields. Look at your cross training opportunities or career broadening prospects. How many O-4s, O-5s and O-6s are in your field. Did they spend all of their time in that field or did they move around. Do not believe people who tell you that Evaluations are inflated and you can still get promoted with a "new guy 3". It wont happen. Talk to senior people in your field or the field you want to go to. See what they did to get ahead. "Bloom where you are planted" is nonsense. Leadership is what you need to show and get that "Definitely Promote" or visit clothing sales to buy stripes. Remember, take all of the responsibility you can handle and show LEADERSHIP. Wanna be a technician? Join the Army and become a warrant officer. One last thing. It is a pilot AF but leadership and successful Major HQ inspections will take you farther than you could ever dream. You get this by relying and supporting your NCOs. However, some sergeants can destroy your career because they are in totally ineffective. Use your senior NCOs to motivate and build them (leadership). Fly if you can but grab everything in life and this career. It will be over before you know it.
@mdmarko 9 месяцев назад
Enlisted many years ago, commissioned later. Actually served in the same unit, first enlisted, got out, commissioned through ROTC, came right back as a second lieutenant. The enlisted time definitely made me a much better officer. Been retired many years now.
@CharlesFockaert 9 месяцев назад
hate to break it to ya, but it's all fake. there is no space. space force is pure propaganda but, carry on
@prettylegit0101 9 месяцев назад
would the army enlisted side for cyber be viable if i already have a degree and i have student loans? Ideally i would've wanted to do air national guard or ROTC during college (but i didnt know), so im just trying to figure out if i should 1. go army national guard and do cyber to get my loans paid 2. go air national guard and do cyber, no loans paid both will pay for my masters/doctorate though 🤔
@jamesdoe1881 9 месяцев назад
Great video. You might also mention my scenerio of graduating from ROTC, I was commissioned and served 8 years active duty, transfered to the AF Reserves while taking a GS12 Federal Air Force Civilian Flight Chief. This way you can get a AF Pension from the Reserves and a Air Force Civil Service Pension...plus I also get VA Disability Pension at 100% due to medical conditions that occured while I was a active duty officer. BtW whats the tattoo on your right arm? Lots of great Air Force Civilian careers that you can get being prior Air Force military and if you don't do 20 years active duty, you can buy back your military time to add to your AF civil service time for retirement so you wont lose that 6yrs or 12yrs you may have done already either as a officer or enlisted member. Good luck Superstar!
@herculessmith6562 10 месяцев назад
So beautiful
@jameyteng7348 10 месяцев назад
As a former enlisted Air Force exactly why I left the Air Force when the officers ruled the military and the segregation between the two ranks that was enough for me
@dsi2994 10 месяцев назад
omg you are so pretty
@preis3220 10 месяцев назад
Shipping out October 3rd for Dental Assistant. 🎉
@josephmartinez2015 10 месяцев назад
What is the earliest I can apply for OTS if I’m enlisted? I already have a bachelor’s degree
@madgun2537 11 месяцев назад
That is a very interesting insight, E05 AF here, our structures and CoS are very similar, after 15 years I'm struggling to promote due to availabilities, I am definitely looking towards OTS as now the only logical progression in my career. Great video! 😊
@jeremybuchanan289 4 месяца назад
You are a 15 year E5 in the Air Force? You’ll never get chosen for OTS.
@jakob8363 11 месяцев назад
Hey, so I haven’t gone in the Air Force yet, but I’ve sworn in recently to go enlisted and I’m waiting to leave for basic. I’m trying to plan our part of my future, so I figured I could ask some questions here in case you may see it. Basically, I’ve already been to community college, and actually did three years due to looking into other majors. However, for a period, some personal stuff in my life was going on, and I didn’t do so well in school. Because of this my current GPA is a 2.44, just below the 2.5 minimum to apply for POC-ERP. Would this be a serious problem, and would they still let me into POC-ERP under these circumstances? If I can’t, then my plan is to just continue to do online school while enlisted at the same college I went to, and retake some of the classes I did bad in, and also take some others to above a 2.5, because I know I am able to. But this brings me to another question: If I do this, will this possibly get in the way of me being able to do POC-ERP since this is well over 2 years of school? Even if my cumulative GPA ends up being high enough after? Or will it not matter and they’ll just look at my GPA? Also, finally with all of this, what are the chances I can actually do POC-ERP? Is it very difficult to get into? I have a plan B set up to where if I don’t get into it, after my 4 years I’ll go civilian again, and do ROTC at a school I choose and use the GI bill to help me out there, and then go back in the Air Force as an officer from there. I know this is a lot, and I know you may not see this, but if you do, what is some advice you could give me?
@yingyang7448 5 месяцев назад
Hey Jakob? How is the Air Force? I'm wanting to get all the information I possibly can about the military. Please comment back when you get the time. Thank you very much. 1/16/2024.
@KnightRiderowner Год назад
Won't lie 32 didn't think I could get into the air force thought I needed to finish college an all that BEFORE applying honestly thinking about long term 10 years+ wanna try and become an officer at least make Captain maybe in SECURITY Forces
@jbro6236 Год назад
Love your videos, but respectfully disagree. We do not need a separate branch, as the Air Force and Navy (and even some Army) were already doing these missions. It would have been much more effective to boost U.S. Cybercommand, USN 10th Fleet, and USAF Space Command than to create an entirely separate service. The formation of Space Force was and always will be an unfortunate Trumpism. Forever plagued with that legacy. A laughing stock that will struggle for decades to be relevant and professional.
@simonlee7077 Год назад
Do you think officers have a tough time dating compared to enlisted members since there's far less of them than enlisted members? Also, I'm studying for a computer science degree so I may be interested in getting a tech job. I wonder if I should choose officer even though I've never expressed natural leadership?