Total Futbal
Total Futbal
Total Futbal
@lobstered_blue-lobster День назад
1:45 what did Bielsa say? Mark didn't really finish what he was saying
@zenalibertana 6 дней назад
Jano, prečo si brzdil tých hráčov? Mali tomu novinárovi naložiť ako si zaslúži. Ján Kozák do parlamentu a urobiť ho ministrom pre médiá !
@stefanvlcek5765 6 дней назад
Nemal ste ich brzdit nech mu tu zgranu natr.....😅
@jozefteniak1554 7 дней назад
Šport je v tom istom chlieve Todovej ? ako Sme, a ďaľšie jej EXKREMENTY !
@martinzruban8416 Месяц назад
Najlepší tréner čo SVK malo
@marekvalach1109 Месяц назад
Pan Kozák je veľmi dobrý trener.rozumie futbalu
@adrianadrian2391 2 месяца назад
Najlepší futbalista v histórii Slovenska,podľa mňa aj v povojnovej histórii Československa.Viem, že sme mali aj majstrov Európy a finalistov majstrovstiev sveta, olympijských víťazov a medailistov ale tento chalan bol jednotka.Skoda, veľká škoda, že predčasne odišiel.
@adrianadrian2391 2 месяца назад
Čo narobíme, spoločnosť je prešpikovaná takýmito odborníkmi vo všetkých sférach,nielen vo futbale. Keď sa Merčiala pýtali, aký šport robil v mladosti ,odpovedal, že žiadny a ešte sa tváril aké je to "cool".Potom počúvame vo futbalových prenosoch hocičo iné,len nie to, čo sa týka samotnej hry.Pisálkovia, ktorí nikdy nekopli do lopty, vedúci športových redakcií, ktorí sa nedokázali vyšplhať ani na 5 metrovú tyč,ministri obrany, ktorí majú modrú knižku,ministri financií, ktorých z domáceho rozpočtu vydeľuje manželka,starostovia, ktorí majú spravovať obecné financie, podozriví z prania špinavých peňazí.Bohužiaľ, čím väčší diletant, tým dôležitejšie miesto zastáva.Tak sa nečudujme, že je všetko hore nohami.Pokiaľ sa nezmeníme my sami, každý z nás na poctivých, pracovitých a vzdelaných,tak nečakajme zmeny vo verejnom živote,priestore, pretože všetci títo diletanti sú obrazom nás samých.Vygenerovala ich spoločnosť,ktorej sme súčasťou.
@Nogopssx 2 месяца назад
They always force out their legends 😂☠️💀
@lemon73629 Месяц назад
they aren't
@radoslavtoth8605 2 месяца назад
Velky pán
@AaronDawson-eu5jw 3 месяца назад
@SJKWHU 3 месяца назад
@SastroMusic 5 месяцев назад
wonder how fdb responded to this 🤣🤣
@TheIInfideLL 5 месяцев назад
Yh I don’t want him at The Arsenal what so ever! 😡
@jb9433 6 месяцев назад
Everyone of these retired footballers uses the same old cliches. Load of bollocks.
@Badtitanb3ast 6 месяцев назад
Thing is his story changes. One is Ince u ain't touched a thing, in other versions its keano, and sparky (Hughes) bag of cement and in other versions its cole. So I think its probably a bull shitbstory
@dannyboywhaa3146 6 месяцев назад
If this is true, it’s quite awful...
@alancampbell3364 6 месяцев назад
The fact Robson was long gone 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@paulcook3360 7 месяцев назад
Get him that fucking statue built
@henrysmith883 7 месяцев назад
Nice jokes but totally untrue. Ferguson didn’t even know what had happened after Cantona was sent off.. He was told on the bus on the way home.
@andym4544 7 месяцев назад
Coked up
@pauliepaul3697 7 месяцев назад
Don't give up your day job sharpy 🙄 Oh sorry it is now 😂
@gimmigota1 8 месяцев назад
@iRoynar 8 месяцев назад
Now his wife passed away… reat in peace Cathy Ferguson
@johnflanagan5123 9 месяцев назад
@benus2k 10 месяцев назад
So much love for the guy.
@Monthehoops67 10 месяцев назад
Bryan Robson wasn't enen at Man U when this happened
@jamesheath7601 11 месяцев назад
@conorharrison6907 11 месяцев назад
There is a simple reason why Cantona got treated differently to everyone else - he was different to everyone else
@randallkaplan6161 Год назад
A perfect demonstration of the aphorism "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."
@estiva007 Год назад
Потрясающе! Привет из Москвы!
@ucirak Год назад
PÁN Kozák bol prorok, všetci novinári sú zapredaní potkani, lebo mne už príde že aj v médiu o varení sa snažia nejakým spôsobom štvať a rozdeľovať spoločnosť a nie len ohľadom športu. Nech boh chráni novinársku čvargu až sa ten hnev tohto národa obráti raz proti nim, ani zákony na ich ochranu a ani pandúri im nepomôžu.
@0dog1251 Год назад
In America it’s ok 💀🔫
@SirRomanAbramovich Год назад
I love this guy 😂
@kevvo26 Год назад
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story .
@eaubert1 Год назад
Why are you Brits so sensitive about the "F word"?
@liverpoolfcx7 Год назад
This is actually an American nbc broadcast. I’m pretty sure you can actually say more on British tv than American
@eaubert1 Год назад
@@liverpoolfcx7 .... I had recently watched an interview with Fabregas in which he used the "F word" and they remind him to watch his language.
@OUTBOUND184 Год назад
@@eaubert1 Yes but in America they do things like blur the middle finger. Who can account for why...
@Kingofthekop1 Год назад
@@eaubert1 Because children are watching maybe
@eaubert1 Год назад
@@Kingofthekop1 .... well children are also watching Internet porn .... does that mean we have to shut down the Internet?
@chrisleung4998 Год назад
medias make football less fun
@irisheyes6781 Год назад
And what would you do with Jones jose
@aadarshvarma6313 Год назад
Thank You Phil Jones👏👏👏👏👏💛💛💛💛💛
@philipobiora6688 Год назад
@stephenelliott8599 Год назад
Robson was not at united that season he left in 1994
@LUFC123 Год назад
Please come back
@cbierman17 Год назад
My heed is sare
@JP-gi5lj Год назад
This is why players need to learn to put their lives, their careers, their families and their CLUB first, over country. Country is nothing. Fake made up pride, sourced from your compatriots who barely watch football unless its a world cup or a big tournament. Decline to play for your country if it means you can play better and perform for your club. They pay your salary. Football needs some new philosophy. It's a business, run it as such. Don't let your assets get treated like crap by their shitty national teams.
@omaru6iu Год назад
country is nothing you are a dick
@manutdboy3326 Год назад
0:19 what are they saying?
@runexyz Год назад
“You scouse bastard”
@manutdboy3326 Год назад
@@runexyz that’s a little disappointing 😐
@owls9848 Год назад
@@manutdboy3326 they’re only singing it as a joke
@manutdboy3326 Год назад
@@owls9848 I guess
@Rivelino824 Год назад
Fantastic footballer prime Rooney one of the best in the world.
@herbertjohnston4608 Год назад
Remember it well spot on.
@TheCherryRebel Год назад
I didn’t know about this practice in football. Props to him for shining light on this. Wether it’s for a friendly or a competitive match, it’s really f*cked up. Players are commodities in the eye of their clubs so I guess they would treat them like so if there’s money and contracts involved. Imagine your boss giving you anaesthetic injections so you can turn up to work on Monday. A capitalists were dream
@lordvoldemort1729 Год назад
Something special, only to throw it all away, fools.
Год назад
Маракана, рођаци!