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What Religions Believe in Hell?
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Why Don't Muslims Eat Pork?
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Is "Jewish" a Race or Religion?
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Can a Christian Marry a Muslim?
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@samfightss День назад
me me me me me me me
@user-zi5lx6lx5k День назад
The mistake was allowing the feminists to have ANY position of authority....
@keith20thSOS День назад
This sounds like Jew PROPAGANDA once again Rewriting history to absolve them for STEALIJG PALESTINE!
@rhevanobezuidenhoudt9920 День назад
08:10 seconds is left left or right is left?
@jonathanraven5939 2 дня назад
There is no hidden meaning in the Last Supper. It is exactly what it’s supposed to be.
@SaneNoMore 2 дня назад
As usual they cut and paste the Bible facts because they refuse to accept it as accurate historical accounts, not because of any actual evidence but because of a blatant anti-Jewish/Christian bias.
@christianandjesse7370 2 дня назад
As long as he accepts you sexualizing men. A lot of straight dudes are like "well we both can sexualize women, you cant sexualize men tho". So they give themselves the right to 100% of their sexuality but their wives sexualities are still in service to them. Like st8 guys think their jealousy and insecurity matters more than a womans
@nixbronowski5822 2 дня назад
Tax Benefits
@lukeslc-xd8ds 2 дня назад
Not all Israelites were Jews. I have Israelite ancestry and I am not a Jew.
@trudymaenza9672 2 дня назад
You are all full of baloney!!
@mahadeva666 3 дня назад
The strength of the Israelites outlasted the Assyrians long enough for disease to spread destroying his army which was very common in warfare until WW2. Sennacherib boasted about leveling Lachish to ruins. Sennacherib already accepted tribute from Hezekiah yet he kept attacking. I am non religious and study Mesopotamia extensively and I am amazed at times how both archeological records can be collaborated with biblical records because it has greatly helped me put pieces together in my work changing my viewpoint on things. the Hebrew bible ?
@curtisbrown5939 3 дня назад
If the paintings were simple then they wouldn't be very interesting
@unga1129 3 дня назад
If truth were relative than I suppose your point might have some merit. But morals require an absolute truth. To say that someone acting against natural attraction with deviant sexual behavior etc… just doesn’t make any sense.
@lazalacarlosable 3 дня назад
I honestly think that Leonardo painted this just to be a beautiful picture and that's pretty much it but we live in a world where everything has a message and everything has a secret and everything is a theory conspiracy wise or other I believe this is just his interpretation of what he believed the true supper ment to him
@navega3997 4 дня назад
Maybe we are overthinking it … 🤔
@Andrea-xl6cj 4 дня назад
Well this is completely inaccurate as being that if you look at where Abram(ham) was originally from Ur of the Chaldeans they are NOT at all white. Nor are they black. But rather resemble the Iraqi and Irani people. Even looking at Moses another person who, btw could pass for Egyptian. Last I checked the Egyptians where not at all white. ( although some crazies out there might disagree. ) might want to do a little bit more research into history and origins as well as changing areas such as Britain France (Franks) Spain (don't even get me started with how confusing their story of origin is) and more! Please if you're going to make a claim try to do research and have evidence to some degree that can't be torn down. Oh and before you go and claim I'm some black nationalist or whatever you low come back will be.... the jokes on you I'm 6 different mixes split down the middle interracial. So I have no gain by lying. Also the old testament as well as new clearly states they ARE/WHERE scattered across the world for their disobedience to The Lord their God. And mine! So good luck trying to figure all 12 tribes out. Oh yeah and 1 last thing when it is finally clear as to the FULL 12 tribes get ready that's when the fun begins .... Aka the Revelation/End of world= apocalypse. Which No man can predict!!! So don't even try. God Bless you and I pray you gain or take away something from this post. Thank you for your time.
@bensaysthis 5 дней назад
Don't nuck.
@abbaskoko204 5 дней назад
this is not accurate , it is agreed upon by Muslim scholars that women must cover themselves with a loose , non-transparent , non-decorated piece of clothing from the top of the head to the toes except for the hands and the face which are a matter of disagreement . that is what the verse in the video (which commands modesty , not as the video says ''advises'' ) and other verses and sayings of the prophet peace be upon him convey clearly . this campaign to show the hijab as just an optional head covering and not a mandated and obligatory full body covering , is meant to sow confusion and doubt in poorly educated Muslims especially women , and by the will of Allah , it shall fail and perish . and Allah knows the truth of the matter.
@StillSearchingTruth 5 дней назад
My religion is the teachings of Christ, the eternal Word of God alone and nothing else. As for everything that contradicts the teachings of Christ, in the Old Testament or after Christ, they are satanic inspirations. The only one who inspires his prophets to kill in the Old Testament or after Christ is Satan. The one God alone is capable of kidnapping souls, and he does not ask his prophets to wage jihad and kill. As for Satan, it is because He is unable to kidnap souls, so he inspires his prophets to kill to achieve his satanic goals. that's done ............
@honestlydontknowwhatimdoin8405 5 дней назад
The amount of people in these comments who seem so proud to show they don't understand the first thing about interpreting art is baffling. Newsflash: art does in fact carry meaning beyond what you can gather in a 3 second glance at it.
@acagraphic 6 дней назад
Adam the first human kind came down from heaven, worshipping the only almighty god. So did Noah. So did Solomon, David, Mosas, Jesus, all the 120000 prophets before and after them and the last one Mohammed.
@jasonegeland1446 6 дней назад
i like this.
@thedungeonmaster8846 7 дней назад
Bhagavad Geeta Chapter 10 There You Go That Is The Answer
@ozzzz9328 7 дней назад
Jesus went to the Jews and told them don’t worship Yahweh Satan and worship elah = Allah so Jews killed him
@CallitWhatitis-bn2qd 7 дней назад
The whole collection of stories used to establish the Israelites as a specific people and culture different from the other many Semite peoples in the Levant have enough real persons in the history of the area, but for the most part are based in mythological fabrications that serve to allow exclusivity to those that called themselves the new name of Israelites or Hebrews. The like minded wanted separation from those with contradicting beliefs.
@ClownBoy-iv8qd 7 дней назад
God only allah
@ClownBoy-iv8qd 7 дней назад
Only Allah ❤❤❤❤
@ClownBoy-iv8qd 7 дней назад
Only allah
@tzafas2 7 дней назад
There is no jewish nation or ethnicity. In the past there were a people called hebrew who were almost all wiped out by the Romans after the Simon Bar Kochba revolt 230 AD . Today there are polish russian german spanisch rumanian aithiopian arabian indian etc people who share the jewish religion. You can not call christians a nation so you can not call jews a nation
@ikengaspirit3063 8 дней назад
Christian nationalism isn't America first and Christianity recognizes the legitimacy of state officials and thus of the state. So I don't know, loving a foreigner doesn't equal treating them as a citizen.
@RobertK1993 8 дней назад
Jews suffer a seige mentality . Over bombing in 2023 into May 2024 is an example.
@prat4669 8 дней назад
Killed own person..it's war of power no love for Jews or Christian..it's human power only...gods are byproduct of human imagination.,😊
@Ron.M-yo9ht 9 дней назад
Speaking in tongues is simply speaking in a foreign language that others may know And always there must be an interpreter
@IfYouSeekCaveman 9 дней назад
Are those weird dots on all the "spatula sceptres"?
@busoko_Ismail2468 9 дней назад
This region is still under Egyptian influence and always needs Egypt, and this is wonderful
@lanbaode 10 дней назад
"Men Can't Be Priests" By Rosemary Radford Ruether. A synod of bishops from the four corners of the earth, and a full panoply of Mother Superiors, recently converged on the Holy City of Rome to consider the vexed question of the ordination of men. The Holy See had received many tearful appeals from the cruder sex claiming to have a call to the priesthood directly from God Herself. But Her Holiness had firmly replied to these appeals that the call must have been a wrong number. Our Holy Mother in Heaven would never call to the ministry those so obiouslv disqualified by reason of gender. But the men had refused to take no for an answer Throwing down their picks and shovels, they had declared that they would do no more maintenance work for the Church until there was equality of rites. They sent petitions to the Holy See, filled with arguments for the ordination of men, both theological and practical. Atthough, of course, they could cite no example from Jesus himself, the incarnation of Holy Wisdom, since he most evidently had ordained no men to the priesthood (or women either). It was said that confining the ordained ministry to widowed women over sixty-five was causing a crisis throughout the world. More and more older women felt the juices still flowing after sixtyfive and were not willing to embrace blessed widowhood. Some preferred to run for Prime Minister or Chairwomen of the Board, rather than turn to the sacred service. Finally Her Holiness decided to gather the Holy Mothers of the Church together, with a number of the best qualified peritae, who had spent a lifetime studying the odd characteristics of the male gender, from a safe distance, of course. They hoped to come up with a definitive answer, once and for all, to the vexed guestion of the ordination of men. After long and careful study, in which the Holy Mothers had enjoyed a good many laughs on the subject of men and their foibles, a final decree was drawn up defining the reasons why men could not be ordained. Ihe decree was proclaimed by Her Holiness ad urbe et orbe, and the Holv Mothers departed for their respective seats of wisdom, feeling very pleased with themselves. The decree Ad Hominem stated to their satisfaction, and, hopefully, for all time the weighty reasons for their gut prejudices. The first part of the decree deduced a good many reasons from men’s biological and psychological natures that disqualified them from the priesthood. It was said, first of all, that men were too violent and emotional to be priests. .Anyone who has watched groups of men at football matches, ice hockey, soccer or cricket games, not to mention political conventions, has seen their volatile tendencies and penchant for solving conflicts with fisticuffs. To ordain such creatures would be to risk disgraceful brawls at the altar. The male proneness to violence surely disqualifies them to represent the One who incarnates graciousness and peace. The cruder and heavier physical frame of the male clearly marks him out for the physical tasks of society, digging ditches, mending roofs and the like. The finer more spiritual tasks of society are intended by our Mother in Heaven for those more refined spirits and bodies, women. This separation of roles is clearly evident in Scripture where the males are said to have been created from dirt, while women were created from human flesh. Moreover women were created last, clearly marking them out as the crown of God’s Creation. It was even suggested by one Mother Superior that Adam was a rough draft, Eve being the more refined and complete version of human nature. The Mothers had a good many laughs on that one, and some decided to make it into a bumper sticker. It was also felt that men were needed for military defence. A man’s place is in the army, declared one wise perita, and all the Holy Mothers nodded in agreement. Besides men would look silly in red dresses and lace. The sacred garb is clearly intended for women Profound matters of a theological nature were also discussed. One perita has prepared a long paper proving from the symbolic order that men could not be ordained. The division of humanity into male and female is a profound mystery that symbolizes the relationship of the transcendent and the immanent, the spiritual and the material. Women represent the spiritual realm, men the material. The material must be ruled by the spiritual, just as Holy Wisdom presides over the physical cosmos as her household. Moreover since the Church is female, those who represent the Church clearly should be female as well. There should be a physical resemblance between the priest and the Church as Holy Mother. Obviously this means that all priests should be mature women. The Church is also said to be the Bride of Christ, and brides are female. The priest, as representative of the Church in relation to Christ, represents Christ’s bride. Therefore only women can be priests. Finally it was noted that most of the people who come to church are women. Men tend to stand outside the doors of the church gossiping or else sneak off to sporting matches. To have a man on the altar might distract a woman from her prayers. It was solemnly noted that men are sexually attractive to some women. For women to have to sit listening to men preach or watching them stomping about the sanctuary might lead their thoughts to descend from the higher to the lower realms. It was hoped that with so many clear reasons, from both the natural and the theological realm, against the ordination of men, this would settle the matter. Male impertinence would be silenced, and they would slink back into their proper sphere. Roma locuta: cause finita.
@Skept88 11 дней назад
So all jews trace their ancestry to the biblical abraham therfore they are an ethnical group. Is there any evidence to say abraham actually exhisted? Or just taken as fact because its written in the Tora? Are you kidding me? This is definately a Psyop 😂😂
@dataphoenix8004 18 часов назад
they cant trace nothing ask them what tribe they are from if they are from Abraham
@GredelsRage 11 дней назад
And yet today you xtians want to crush your boots of christ upon the bodies of those thatbsee youbtalk a great game then ignore all those ypu just mentioned in thevsermonnon the mount. Younonow what really gives me hope? Being toldcrepeatedly how im gpingvto burn in hell for x while the church i dont belong to is doing X and worse calling for banning of womens healthcare . How caring were you when phelphbwas desecrating the graves and funerals of american soldiers. Or when trumpt was telling everyone about his love of the bible then haewked them on tv. How about churches screaming fir the death of dragqueen story hour, the lgbtq, athiests papists, satanic humanists secular humanists, muslims, need i gomon? Like insaid yountalk the talk, not as well as I, but youmprobably havent spent 16 yeats studying history, theology, anthropology and the evolution of religion. Lemme guess, either self styked evangelical/independant or evangelical denominational church seminary.
@DannyDL1ght 12 дней назад
Don’t think it’s God that tells them to not eat pork when they believe Jesus was just a prophet and not God in the flesh. They follow the teachings of Muhammad that lived 500 years after Jesus, while the new testament has writings from people that lived and walked with Jesus, the quran is teaching about a guy that collected taxes, waged wars and had multiple women. Who was sinless and divine i ask you, Jesus or Muhammad?
@joaquimsh6989 12 дней назад
Tell me of one single country that in the XVI century respected human dignity more than Spain, specially the ones focusing only of de las casas testimony while ignoring hundreds of other testimonies and historical sources still kept in “La Casa de Contratación” of Seville. De las casas was a complex subject, he witnessed some personal abuses that are inevitable, but the Crown worked very hard to defend the dignity of natives because Queen Isabella in her catholic mindset understood that they were humans and deserved to be converted and protected and that why they baptised the first americans in Barcelona’s cathedral after Columbus came back, the Laws of the indias (Leyes de Indias) were written specifically for that purpose. Its not am anecdote but an overwhelming, Spanish black legend was written by protestants who believed they were the old testament israel and wiped all the native americans from their lands as if they were amonites or philisteans cause they believed in pre-destination. Its a matter of geopolitical interests, english and dutches mainly projected their crimen to spain, the brutality of their protestant inquisition in catholic inquisition and the genocide of their colonial spreading to spanish conquest and converting of american territories that were not colonies but viceroyalties and part of spanish crown as it was Castille, they founded universities, hospitals and made dictionaries and books with natives languages and knowledge, also allowed mixing with natives in the XVI century, centuries before protestant countries did that. African american black slaves escaped to spanish florida to get baptised and become free men, us protestant genocided native american populations that were already catholic and part of spain like the native Geronimo, whose great-grandson is doing speeches telling that, its curious that the country who did the most for natives dignity and rights even sacrificing temporary interests is the one which is the most blamed, and specially by the ones with the worst crimes who are mever talking about their killing millions of bisons to starve the natives, giving the infected clothes, killing millions by starving in India, creating the potato famine to exterminate the Irish…but for some countries to recognise that spanish black legend is a myth(maybe with some isolated true elements but still a myth) would mean necessarily having to recognise that part of their “official” history is a lie and the recognising of their crimes, something that destructive for the geopolitcal of amy country. Its basically war propaganda against an enemy power that they mastered better and became part of collective imaginatio. For this two centuries Spain was the world 1st military power and it was easier to them to war than the weapons one. Stanley G Payne could be a good option to read for english speakers.ñ, its not a matter of benefiting subjectively your country but defending the objective complex truth “Veritas liberabit vos”. I could expect to see British Queen, of american WASP spreading that, but what I think is serious is that catholics are buying the history manufactured by the enemies of the church blaming the countries that fought the most for the faith and the Church. As Pope Benedict XVI said to Alberto Fernández a Spanish politician: "the devil attacks the best more and that is why he attacks Spain and wants to destroy Spain" «The devil knows what Spain has done throughout its history: the evangelization of America, the role of Spain during the Counter-Reformation, religious persecution during the 1930s»
@dorisstucki7207 12 дней назад
Maybe The Habrus are related to the Hibrus Like Abram to Abraham. Or Sarai to Sarah. Maybe they have fallen from the Hibrus in doing not good and therefore lost the i in the name to habrus?
@nolslifegren 13 дней назад
Thats not John thats Mary Magdalene
@user-mk3zm6fe4s 13 дней назад
Nope ,not exactly. You can worship one god or goddess ,but if you admit that there are more than one ,you are a polytheist. Hinduism is pantheism ,neither monotheism nor polytheism.
@thedungeonmaster8846 7 дней назад
True Krishna Did Say i Am God In BG Chapter 10 But There Are More Forms Of God Like lord shiva But Krishna Said I AM SHIVA So That Makes it panthiesm
@Anon16290 13 дней назад
it's because they would be eating their own kind.
@user-ahmed51 14 дней назад
i wasn't aware i was a part of the muslim race
@sheepdog4987 14 дней назад
To act like sexual assault victims make up a large portion of abortion cases is such bullsh*t. Like they dont give you the morning after pill at the hospital AS PART OF THE ASSAULT KIT PROTOCOL.
@tyamada21 14 дней назад
A segment from 'Saved by the Light of the Buddha Within'... My new understandings of what many call 'God -The Holy Spirit' - resulting from some of the extraordinary ongoing after-effects relating to my NDE, when I was struck by lightning during September 1970. Myoho-Renge-Kyo represents the identity of what some scientists are now referring to as the unified field of consciousnesses. In other words, it’s the essence of all existence and non-existence - the ultimate creative force behind planets, stars, nebulae, people, animals, trees, fish, birds, and all phenomena, manifest or latent. All matter and intelligence are simply waves or ripples manifesting to and from this core source. Consciousness (enlightenment) is itself the actual creator of everything that exists now, ever existed in the past, or will exist in the future - right down to the minutest particles of dust - each being an individual ripple or wave. The big difference between chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and most other conventional prayers is that instead of depending on a ‘middleman’ to connect us to our state of inner enlightenment, we’re able to do it ourselves. That’s because chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo allows us to tap directly into our enlightened state by way of this self-produced sound vibration. ‘Who or What Is God?’ If we compare the concept of God being a separate entity that is forever watching down on us, to the teachings of Nichiren, it makes more sense to me that the true omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of what most people perceive to be God, is the fantastic state of enlightenment that exists within each of us. Some say that God is an entity that’s beyond physical matter - I think that the vast amount of information continuously being conveyed via electromagnetic waves in today’s world gives us proof of how an invisible state of God could indeed exist. For example, it’s now widely known that specific data relayed by way of electromagnetic waves has the potential to help bring about extraordinary and powerful effects - including an instant global awareness of something or a mass emotional reaction. It’s also common knowledge that these invisible waves can easily be used to detonate a bomb or to enable NASA to control the movements of a robot as far away as the Moon or Mars - none of which is possible without a receiver to decode the information that’s being transmitted. Without the receiver, the data would remain impotent. In a very similar way, we need to have our own ‘receiver’ switched on so that we can activate a clear and precise understanding of our own life, all other life and what everything else in existence is. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day helps us to achieve this because it allows us to reach the core of our enlightenment and keep it switched on. That’s because Myoho-Renge-Kyo represents the identity of what scientists now refer to as the unified field of consciousnesses. To break it down - Myoho represents the Law of manifestation and latency (Nature) and consists of two alternating states. For example, the state of Myo is where everything in life that’s not obvious to us exists - including our stored memories when we’re not thinking about them - our hidden potential and inner emotions whenever they’re dormant - our desires, our fears, our wisdom, happiness, karma - and more importantly, our enlightenment. The other state, ho, is where everything in Life exists whenever it becomes evident to us, such as when a thought pops up from within our memory - whenever we experience or express our emotions - or whenever a good or bad cause manifests as an effect from our karma. When anything becomes apparent, it merely means that it’s come out of the state of Myo (dormancy/latency) and into a state of ho (manifestation). It’s the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness, being awake or asleep, or knowing and not knowing. The second law - Renge - Ren meaning cause and ge meaning effect, governs and controls the functions of Myoho - these two laws of Myoho and Renge, not only function together simultaneously but also underlies all spiritual and physical existence. The final and third part of the tri-combination - Kyo, is the Law that allows Myoho to integrate with Renge - or vice versa. It’s the great, invisible thread of energy that fuses and connects all Life and matter - as well as the past, present and future. It’s also sometimes termed the Universal Law of Communication - perhaps it could even be compared with the string theory that many scientists now suspect exists. Just as the cells in our body, our thoughts, feelings and everything else is continually fluctuating within us - all that exists in the world around us and beyond is also in a constant state of flux - constantly controlled by these three fundamental laws. In fact, more things are going back and forth between the two states of Myo and ho in a single moment than it would ever be possible to calculate or describe. And it doesn’t matter how big or small, famous or trivial anything or anyone may appear to be, everything that’s ever existed in the past, exists now or will exist in the future, exists only because of the workings of the Laws ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ - the basis of the four fundamental forces, and if they didn’t function, neither we nor anything else could go on existing. That’s because all forms of existence, including the seasons, day, night, birth, death and so on, are moving forward in an ongoing flow of continuation - rhythmically reverting back and forth between the two fundamental states of Myo and ho in absolute accordance with Renge - and by way of Kyo. Even stars are dying and being reborn under the workings of what the combination ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’ represents. Nam, or Namu - which mean the same thing, are vibrational passwords or keys that allow us to reach deep into our life and fuse with or become one with ‘Myoho-Renge-Kyo’. On a more personal level, nothing ever happens by chance or coincidence, it’s the causes that we’ve made in our past, or are presently making, that determine how these laws function uniquely in each of our lives - as well as the environment from moment to moment. By facing east, in harmony with the direction that the Earth is spinning, and chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for a minimum of, let’s say, ten minutes daily to start with, any of us can experience actual proof of its positive effects in our lives - even if it only makes us feel good on the inside, there will be a definite positive effect. That’s because we’re able to pierce through the thickest layers of our karma and activate our inherent Buddha Nature (our enlightened state). By so doing, we’re then able to bring forth the wisdom and good fortune that we need to challenge, overcome and change our adverse circumstances - turn them into positive ones - or manifest and gain even greater fulfilment in our daily lives from our accumulated good karma. This also allows us to bring forth the wisdom that can free us from the ignorance and stupidity that’s preventing us from accepting and being proud of the person that we indeed are - regardless of our race, colour, gender or sexuality. We’re also able to see and understand our circumstances and the environment far more clearly, as well as attract and connect with any needed external beneficial forces and situations. As I’ve already mentioned, everything is subject to the law of Cause and Effect - the ‘actual-proof-strength’ resulting from chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo always depends on our determination, sincerity and dedication. For example, the levels of difference could be compared to making a sound on a piano, creating a melody, producing a great song, and so on. Something else that’s very important to always respect and acknowledge is that the Law (or if you prefer God) is in everyone and everything. NB: There are frightening and disturbing sounds, and there are tranquil and relaxing sounds. It’s the emotional result of any noise or sound that can trigger off a mood or even instantly change one. When chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo each day, we are producing a sound vibration that’s the password to our true inner-self - this soon becomes apparent when you start reassessing your views on various things - such as your fears and desires etc. The best way to get the desired result when chanting is not to view things conventionally - rather than reaching out to an external source, we need to reach into our own lives and bring our needs and desires to fruition from within - including the good fortune and strength to achieve any help that we may need. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo also reaches out externally and draws us towards, or draws towards us, what we need to make us happy from our environment. For example, it helps us to be in the right place at the right time - to make better choices and decisions and so forth. We need to think of it as a seed within us that we’re watering and bringing sunshine to for it to grow, blossom and bring forth fruit or flowers. It’s also important to understand that everything we need in life, including the answer to every question and the potential to achieve every dream, already exists within us.
@melekfleurisme 14 дней назад
If he was guilty for blasphemy then it makes the Quran false
@mertonhirsch4734 14 дней назад
The first ecumenical council used didache as a template and replaced the word deaconess with καλόγρια in the corresponding section with the same requirements, widows and virgins age 40. Literally, female monastics subsumed the role of female servants (deaconesses) and never had parochial liturgical roles equivalent to ordained deacons who MUST be eligible in all manners and impediments to become priests. Nuns can carry the Eucharist to women, and distribute it in the monastery and even go into the altar area to assist a priest, but would never wear the vestments of a deacon signifying an order of priesthood and eligibility to become a priest. A "deaconess" (female servant) is fine, but not a "female deacon" which is an order of priesthood.
@dstuart2918 14 дней назад
there is no such thing as 'race" Religion is idiocy.