Serial Binger
Serial Binger
Serial Binger
Videos every week covering the stuff i find most interesting in movies and series. Hope you like it!
How Breaking Bad Became a Meme
6 месяцев назад
Why Did Hank Collect Minerals? - Breaking Bad
6 месяцев назад
What Happened To Skyler After Breaking Bad?
6 месяцев назад
Why Didn't Hector Kill Gus? - Breaking Bad
7 месяцев назад
All the Clues Hank Missed- Breaking Bad
7 месяцев назад
How Breaking Bad Changed Television Forever
7 месяцев назад
Why Didn't Walter Kill Jesse? - Breaking Bad
8 месяцев назад
Why Is Skyler White So Hated in Breaking Bad?
8 месяцев назад
Was Saul a Good Man? -Better Call Saul
8 месяцев назад
What Does The Pink Bear Mean in Breaking Bad?
8 месяцев назад
Gustavo Fring's Mysterius Past - Breaking Bad
9 месяцев назад
The Tragedy of Nacho Varga  - Better Call Saul
9 месяцев назад
Why Did Kim Hate Howard? - Better Call Saul
9 месяцев назад
Why Did Jimmy Hate Howard? - Better Call Saul
9 месяцев назад
Why Didn't Hank Find Out Sooner? - Breaking Bad
10 месяцев назад
What Drives the Characters in Breaking Bad?
11 месяцев назад
Why Is Mexico Yellow in Breaking Bad?
11 месяцев назад
Did Mike Hate Walter? - Breaking Bad
11 месяцев назад
Did Gus Favour Jesse over Walter? - Breaking bad
11 месяцев назад
Why Did Walter Save Jesse? - Breaking Bad
11 месяцев назад
@yellowplaydough7894 Час назад
What ai generated garbage
@GawdTy 5 часов назад
As bad as some people think Walt acted (And personally I think your stance on walt's actions say a lot about your lived experiences. People who like or benefit from a traditional status quo view him as evil. ) Anyway morality of Walt aside, this post is about Hank (and Marie) Hank is a bully. A racist. A man who refuses to lose, and when he does takes the law into his own hands. He is the shows biggest hypocrite. Look at him at Walts party. He comes in and shows walt up. Steals the attention. Makes fun of Walt. He is a clinical narcissist of the more aggressive type vs self loathing variety. ANd this narcissism manifests itself mosts when contrasting Hank and Marie's (WHo shares a narcissistic disorder with hank) treatment and attitudes towards Walt and Skyler at the start of the series and by the end. At the start, Hank is the king. Walt is his whipping boy. Hank has the Mcmansion. The middle upper tier law enforcement job (ANother line of work that is more likely to attract narcissists and psychopaths) He has his other whipping boy Gomez. He thrives on dominating others. Racially, and in regards to masculinity. That poker scene on is very poignant. Where Walt buffs him out. Still like a narcissistic bully, he treats those he can bully with some favour. He's "nice" to them. endearing. He's the friendly bully. The owner of the dog. Contrast it to Hank and marie's end behaviours. Remember also that it is implied throughout that Marie is infertile. It's not in your face, but the Kleptomonia etc. She can't have children. She takes excellent care of Hank when he's wounded, (expression of her unfulfilled motherhood) and her wanting to "rescue" the baby Holly. Hank and Marie turn into vipers. They at the start held the clearly superior position. Now it is revealed Walt is this mastermind drug dealer. A deal maker. A millionaire. WHilst Hank and Marie might justify wanting to bring him down as the legal right thing to do, what they want is a return of the status quo. As narcissists it eats them up inside that Walt holds a superior position to them. That's why they get vindictive. That's why they go extra-legal in catching him. Why Marie has such vehemence in her voice. Walt is the man who made it possible for hank to walk again. But she turns nasty well before Walt and skyler make the phony confession. And markedly, the way Hank and Marie gloat on the phone together after Hank handcuffs walt. Mind you Hank had no legal legitimacy in arresting Walt in that moment. Hanks tragedy was all of his own making. he could have let sleeping dogs lie. EVen his bosses wanted him to drop it. But his narcissism could not accept a man who was supposed to be his inferior being his superior. Hank can never catch Walt without it being straight out in his face because Walt is nothing but a nerd and hes a jock. And a nerd could never do the things heisenberg does only a real macho man could be heisenberg.
@chrisper3148 7 часов назад
(Because they wanted more seasons) you’re welcome
@wrbrown571 10 часов назад
Pucker moments. Can you hear the squeak?
@benjaminthorpe4098 19 часов назад
This is the worst piece of media I have ever consumed
@alexquinonez8443 День назад
Man ate a bad batch of chicken and got a bad case of chorro
@panzfaust9812 День назад
Such a revelation on a toilet seat is funny and awesome
@Eshkanama День назад
Ironically, I feel like if Tony wouldn’t have killed Chrissy, that he probably wouldn’t have been killed himself. Chris was an excellent soldier, he could have handled it.
@DevilishBeaver0 День назад
Walt is awful, by the end at least.
@JaceDanielFilms День назад
Hank was the moment Walter became Brian Cranston
@raenv100 День назад
Take a shot every time he says “ability to manipulate circumstances”
@swaggery День назад
Yeah no. Gus did not plan all those things out. He probably wanted to save Walter yes, and Hank was the only person he could redirect them towards. The purpose of his warning was he wanted a very messy assassination. If people at least saw the twins, or better yet civilians unrelated to the drug trade conflict got injured, there would be a national outcry to hammer down hard on the cartel. Anything to close down the border as he didn't need the cartel's drugs to sell and there would be no suspicion on him for supplying drugs as somebody would have to fill the gap.
@hunterthurmond4771 День назад
Lmao if you dont understand why Skylars hated, you dont need to be watching things DRUG RELATED. People dont understand the underworld goes by a different sets of codes.
@zaralbsstuff 2 дня назад
Not gonna lie, the script for this video is really weird, I noticed multiple errors, and the intonation makes me think whoever read the script hasn't viewed breaking bad. This is a guy reading what an AI wrote.
@TheSnotify 2 дня назад
Aside from trust, Hank is shown to underestimate Walt, which has also been one of the reasons why Walt felt and went that way.
@LoneWolf22_ 2 дня назад
the MAIN reason hank never connected these dots were due to his perception of walt. He did deeply care for walt but he saw him is weak & sick with cancer. He could never be cable of these things in hanks eyes. Think about that person you know who is super weak and shy and soft you’d NEVER assume they be the total opposite in a different world
@mikechartofilis 2 дня назад
Many of these "clues" are not clues at all and not related to Walter at all. They are just assumptions made just cause we as the viewers know all the facts. Other than that, they had nothing to make Hank "connect the dots" as you say
@jamigoddess 2 дня назад
Gus being driven and blinded by revenge seems emotional 😎
@chasechase4138 2 дня назад
This is a poorly written video
@flixl23 2 дня назад
Am i the only one that never really took Hank seriously, that barrel video for instance, where he says "its a barrel just roll it", one...that makes noise and two rolling something that is highly flammable is not the best idea
@PaytonPectol-cy2ro 3 дня назад
@wyomingptt 3 дня назад
Omg I use chatgpt all the time and didn't notice the script. Now I can't unhear it.
@josephmoussakhani7208 3 дня назад
Wish we could see the clips instead of you talking the whole time
@DharmendraRaiMindMap 3 дня назад
Low iq
@tatianalyulkin410 3 дня назад
Guys, I'm 60 years old! Gus is too young to have been someone very powerful either within Pinochet's inner circle or the DINA leadership. I say his power comes from his family name- his true family name. In other words he's " a Royal Prince ".
@boroooooooooo7443 3 дня назад
The greatest tv show ever made in television history in the whole world, breaking bad.... Thanks for its founding father and its creator vince Gilligan ❤🎉
@leerobbo92 3 дня назад
Jesus Christ this commentary is unbelievably vapid.
@boneappletea3858 3 дня назад
5:20 answer: he didn't know and intuition and experience is the reason this video gives. Which is all that's left considering the show gives us nothing else. This is mostly a video essay about two breaking bad characters. Which is fine but not what the thumbnail would have us believe. Clickbait bs.
@nathansanchez6311 3 дня назад
It should have been her. Not hank.
@grynocologist 4 дня назад
She's not that innocent.she wanted Jesse dead,she used Walter's money when it was convenient.she had the lust for ted even when she was pregnant.she used the drug money for the causes she deemed necessary but bashes Walter for buying a car for their own son.she wasn't good to Walter from the jump
@justaperson3641 4 дня назад
Hated Tony for swhacking Chris. I figured it was coming sooner or later
@adokapo 4 дня назад
Gus was fuck up. Walter took him out of his own misery.
@mellevala 4 дня назад
My theory is that Walter always wanted to be at the top, be what Gus was, as Mike said. That's the reason why he wanted to kill Gus, even from the beggining, but manipulating himself to think he needed to do it for his own safe. The reason why i think this is because if he wanted to be safe, he wouldn't cross Gus orders in the first place. So, to kill Gus he needed and ally, he needed Jesse. We don't give enough credit to how important Jesse was on the series. In the drug word, having someone that would do exactly what you say him to do is extremly usefull and important, it's the reason why, at the end of the arc, Gus and Walt focused in having them on his side. Thats why i think that this act was also a thing he did for his own convenience.
@necrohead9334 4 дня назад
Anybody know what the song/beat in the background is?
@KaiserAfini 4 дня назад
When push came to shove, Jesse had consistent quality. He was perceptive and, although he had a problem with authority, was constantly learning and was a far more stable business partner. Unlike Walt, who did it all for his ego, Jesse was looking for acceptance above all. This Gus could work with, this he could direct.
@JackMellor498 4 дня назад
1:45 “If Hank scrutinised it more clearly, he would’ve noticed Walt’s distinctive features” What features? He’s masked!
@KaiserAfini 4 дня назад
Mike did everything for his family, without need for recognition. Walt did it all to gratify his ego. Mike held himself to strict rules of professionalism and minimizing harm. Walt kept crossing lines with greater ease. Mike worked to secure the money his family needed, Walt worked to indulge his greed. Mike demonstrated tremendous amounts of self control. Walt had none, killing Mike for offending him, acting like a deluded narcissist throwing a tantrum.
@32kwame 4 дня назад
yeah i think it was just a good opportunity to possibly get rid of the twins or at least slow them down a bit by giving Hank a warning
@TheJofrica 4 дня назад
Good video!
@user-ge2vc3rl1n 4 дня назад
This literally sounds like you had GPT write the script in an extremely verbose way.
@granityseis104 4 дня назад
guys this is ai made video
@dshrecksBW 4 дня назад
In an alternate timeline, Walt confesses to Hank instead of crashing the car and asks for help to get out of the game. They cook up a plan to pretend that years ago Walt agreed to infiltrate the region's drug operations and find out who the boss really was. They claim his cancer was why he agreed to the insane plan, and disguised it because Hank knew it wouldn't play nice with the DEA. Walt and Hank take down Gus, Walt gets a plea deal and immunity where he doesn't have to disclose his profits gained while under cover, Gus is taken down, and everyone lives. Jesse is probably screwed though...
@michaellarsen3033 5 дней назад
Is it just me, or does this use ChatGPT?
@camilocuesta 5 дней назад
Because the writers decided it so?
@JordanDCGehl 5 дней назад
These two look cool as hell and really add to the atmosphere of every scene they're in... yet... they do absolutely nothing at all in BB.😂 From memory (refresh me it i'm missing something) all they did was destroy one of Gus' trucks and almost killed Hank.😂
@AlexinOslo 5 дней назад
Its too bad Nacho was not friends with Anton Chirguh from No Country for Old Men. He would have helped balance the odds for Nacho.
@Ladis1 5 дней назад
3:24 .. Gale who?
@charlesmcdonald852 5 дней назад
I saw it as a mercy killing. I could hear a death rattle coming from Christopher. Tony put him out of his misery.
@Rorschachqp 5 дней назад
Gus wants to avoid Hank but he doesn't hate Hank. On the other hand he hates the Salamanca family, including the twins, who are potentially major liabilities in Gus' revenge plans against the cartel and the two Dons, old man Salamanca and Aladio.
@Rorschachqp 5 дней назад
To answer this question fully, it's important to understand Gus' singular motivation, which was to take vengeance on the Salamanca Cartel including Don Salamanca and Don Aladio for killing his protege and possible lover from Chile, Max. He needed to take out Aladio first then Salamanca was a helpless (or so he thought) old man. His method to do this was successfully executed, to make enough of the best meth to bring the cartel to the table again where he would pretend to kow tow to the whole family in order to poison everyone, including himself, as we all saw in the show. So he needs to avoid any legal entanglements to make it to that meeting and also get that super meth to get Don Aladio and his top guys attention. So Victor: 1) Made himself expendable by all his sloppiness at the crime scene, making him legally compromised, this is already explained. 2) Was killed in front of Mike to let everyone know loyalty should be to Gus, not Victor to Gale, not Mike to Victor, etc. Gus already knew Jesse and Walt were loyal to each other only and Walt was loyal to his family, not Gus...Victor was so upset, we could see in his mind he was thinking on his own too much...if Gale would become Gus' Walt, Victor thought he would be Gale's Jesse. That's a Victor agenda, not a Gus agenda. That's why after Victor, Tyrus and Mike only watched Walt and Jesse via camera and not the tanks, the gauges or the cook. 3) Had made himself into Gale #2, so what should have ended Walt and Jesse's concern with Gale's death, a rival cook who can make the guys expendable to Gus supposedly...now by showing he could cook himself he made himself into another Gus cook...however Gus already knew Victor's 70% meth would not accomplish his goal in luring the cartel, he needed Walt's 99% and this was even proven as he sold Jesse to the cartel to at least get to 90% using Walt's way. So, Gus had to remove Victor in front of the guys himself. He did not want Walt and Jesse to use that excuse to act out again, with their minds out of whack with Gus' goal conspiring. Gus wanted Walt to cook, not plot, so Gus could reach his revenge goal. Even after he sold Jesse to the cartel, he did not replace Jesse with another helper for Walt.