Learn Welsh Podcast
Learn Welsh Podcast
Learn Welsh Podcast
Learn the Welsh Language in a series of Videos and Podcast's with Jason Shepherd, presenter of 'The Learn Welsh Podcast' and author of 'Learn Welsh Now: A Beginner's Guide to Welsh'.
How to say ‘Good Friday’ in Welsh!
6 месяцев назад
How to say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ in Welsh
6 месяцев назад
Say it in Welsh this Christmas
Год назад
Nicknames people get called in Wales
2 года назад
Things only a Welsh parent would say
2 года назад
Where do you live? (South Wales)
2 года назад
@zacharyconner9319 2 дня назад
Hope youre doing well man. Good health to you, from Texas.
@zacharyconner9319 2 дня назад
Thanks! ^__^
@joyhawkins9332 3 дня назад
Fantastic. Thank you.
@germpore 7 дней назад
That sounds like a very aspirated 'sl' to my ear. And funny that you mention 'Llandudno' right off, because that's precisely one of the places I visited when I was in Wales and was struggling to pronounce correctly. I know the last part was pronounced "didnaw" because Welsh orthography is quite different even where a sound have might actually some close English counterpart.
@Shaarrn 7 дней назад
Thanks for making these videos... learning the language of my ancestors. Da bo! Siân
@petrovonoccymro9063 7 дней назад
Hence Dw i’n dod I Bontypool, not Pontypool and Dw i’n dod I Fangor, not Bangor. Cheers Jason, a very great help.
@jessicajackson8064 9 дней назад
May I ask if the Welsh use "mun" ? And, if they do, what does it mean?
@itwassaid2958 10 дней назад
I love this
@itwassaid2958 10 дней назад
Nos da just means not day
@luciferthealtwitch7581 10 дней назад
My family’s welsh but we lost connection to the language fast and it made me so sad- I’ve been slowly learning welsh for years when I had time. But my mother ALWAYS makes good food for Saint David’s day, so it’s nice to know how to say something about it in welsh
@tahiti1 10 дней назад
And OED has just added 10 more Welsh words to the English dictionary
@KeiGeorge 10 дней назад
0:34 mate that was hilarious.
@YasminJahan-w8u 11 дней назад
Martinez Christopher Martinez Nancy Jackson Kimberly
@debbiet5130 11 дней назад
Thanks for this. It's useful to watch a video on rolling r's that's specifically for Welsh. I actually learnt to do the short one first and today is the first day (I've been practising for about 2 weeks) that I have been able to extend this-though it still needs loads of practice. I am 65 and completely believed myself unable to produce this sound (since I was 10 and had the mickey taken out of me because of it). If you are struggling, keep practising, because believe me, if I can do it, anyone can!😂 I have found the word "cyfarwydd" a great help!🤣
@fancystacy 12 дней назад
That's quite confusing to pronounce the same word in different ways. Why can't it be standardized?
@MargedLearnsWelsh 14 дней назад
It should not be chl but ll I feel they are two different sounds
@Tramp4Lifey 14 дней назад
This is super helpful
@christopherlawman9521 16 дней назад
The Welsh language was in decline though, that is why the Welsh government have spent money and considereable effort to reinvigorate its use. So, I can see why people say it is/was dying. Maybe "dying" is a strong word but langauges can, and do go extinct. I recently spent a few days in Llangollen and wasnt able to find a single Welsh person who spoke Cymraeg. I was told by many people, "we don't speak THAT here", as though it was an insult to them lol.
@DaanSnqn 16 дней назад
Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg
@kaisersv 18 дней назад
I can't get that song out of my head, despite the fact that I don't speak Welsh in fact I speak Spanish, Salvadoran(El Salvador )Spanish.
@paulrichards3566 21 день назад
Hi Jean!
@RevDiscarnateEntity 23 дня назад
Good description…❤ Now in a minute is ‘soon’ Over by there is ‘there’ Tamping is ‘fuming’ Nobbling is ‘very cold’ Chopsy is ‘annoying talk’ Thanks drive is ‘grateful for your driving me’ Butt is ‘mate’ Cwtch is ‘a cuddly snuggle’ Hanging is ‘after a proper night out drinking with your butties’😂 Tidy is ‘good’
@jessicajackson8064 23 дня назад
Thanks! Well explained.
@PierrePiguet-p1q 24 дня назад
I can't thank you enough, Mike! : You initiated me - quite some time ago - to the beauty, to the pleasure of learning Welsh. I am now a bit ahead on the mastery of this beautiful language and I have used over the last two years a number of resources available on the net, among which "Ask Dr Grammadeg", which is in my view the best source for those deeply interested in the structure and rules of Cymraeg. Hundreds upon hundreds of short/medium short sentences illustrating the various aspect of Welsh grammar - colloquial/written/formal/Ne-Gogledd differences. In short, a real trove for the earnest learner. This said, why - do you ask - address these comments on your site... Well, I thought, with you so implicated in the propagation of beautiful Welsh, you might know if the numerous examples offered by 'Ask Dr Grammadeg' in writing have perhaps been made available in speech, in MP3 format or otherwise. Such a thing would be a boon to us learners. If sound files are not yet available for this site, any volunteer around? I have myself looked everywhere, without success... Again M. Sheppard, a great many thanks for your efforts and enthusiasm (with just one reservation! - I remember you stating that one could get along even when not quite abreast with the intricacies of mutations. I humbly beg to disagree: no know your mutes'? - dictionary turns into a no-go zone! - Other learners will undoubtedly agree!) Any follow-up on this Dr Grammadeg sound files will b deeply appreciated. Again, 1000 thanks!
@JillySueClark 24 дня назад
I've recently discovered through Ancestry DNA that I'm over 40% Welsh (currently it's 43%), which I am absolutely delighted about because the hills and vales have always drawn me from a very young age. I was delighted to find this because I'd said to my parents YEARS ago, I wanted to be able to sing the Welsh National Anthem in Welsh. And at the end, I did sing along ... and at the chorus the tears started ... and I couldn't sing the last 2 lines as the emotion and tears were just too overwhelming. Roll on the Wales v Fiji game in November!! As this is a National language for this beautiful country of ours, and perhaps one of the oldest languages around (certainly older than the English we speak today), I believe Welsh should be taught in all schools throughout England and Wales, and the Gaelic language of the Scottish Isles should be taught in all Scottish schools. We need to look after and cherish the heritage and history of this island, because we are fast losing it. Diolch, Diolch, Diolch yn fawr iawn am y gan (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much for the song - I'm learning 😊) and I look forward to finding more of your videos. Hwyl 👋
@saraht-ds1ml 24 дня назад
Thank you
@RevoeLad 26 дней назад
Is this all of the 625 words or are you planning on doing more videos?
@RevoeLad 27 дней назад
The area in Blackpool I’m from is called Revoe and it predates Blackpool and I can’t find anybody who can explain where the word is from? It predates the Norman conquest I think.
@ruthbees7214 27 дней назад
My Nan made fantastic welshcakes. In her lifetime we worked it out she had made over a million of them. She would brown them for me and only put sultanas in for me. Because i dislike current,s. My nan was born in 1894. In 1910 she walked from Welshpool with her family to Treorchy in the Rhondda to get work in the park and dare pit. The journey took them about two weeks and they slept by the side of the road. She never smoked or drank alcohol. Followed the quaker faith all her life. Mark Jones
@supremethunder49 Месяц назад
This was very helpful, thank you!
@christopherlawman9521 Месяц назад
The word “Cymraeg” sounds like Cum-Rag to my silly English ears.
@devotioiberica3273 Месяц назад
this is how it is written in the Spanish writing form: -Doit Tim an cobio macsen -doix neeb an ai nabod o -mai mil a jue jat o flanazoiz -an anser ri jir ir cor -Pan aiz Magnus Maximus o ganrri -an o bloiden tri-jantiguen-oiz-tri -aan gadail an kenet-eul katban a jeddiul güele ni -roini anma o jid -er cueiza paub a fobpez -roini anma o jid
@nicksmith1415 Месяц назад
What a video. I've shared it with my daughter who is on holiday in North Wales with her mum. She's soo excited because I'm from Cardiff and my granny was from pil gwen. She always supports Wales despite being born in Hampshire. Her first time feeling the land in her soul.
@danforbes4513 Месяц назад
great love it do more welsh songs
@PeterHumphreys-x3c Месяц назад
Diolch yn fawr. Very pleased with myself, I answered all 11 questions correctly. I have recently started to learn Welsh as I left Wales in 1966, but these were words/ phases that I learnt in primary school and still remember. Da iawn.😊
@deanl4575 Месяц назад
There’s a Llaneast Street in Melbourne, Australia, and the tram next stop announcement voice actually pronounces it the Welsh way
@haalangcovers Месяц назад
Shwmae Jason! On the duolingo app there are some times where the r is not rolled. For example the word "traeth" is pronounced with a sound more similar to the start of the english word "church" rather than a rolled r. This confuses me a bit, so I'm wondering if there are some exceptions to the rule of using a rolled r, or if this an error from Duolingo? Diolch!
@mrs.sisson1701 Месяц назад
@crackpot148 Месяц назад
Cwts (Welsh language spelling) or cwtch means not just a cuddle but a comforting cuddle. It can also mean hutch e.g. chicken cwtch, or even a dog's bed. In valleys homes you would often hear "go cwtch" said to a fussing pet dog.
@DeborahHMarks Месяц назад
Well, that wasn't so hard. Thanks for a great explanation, unlike Google. 🙄
@LearnWelshPodcast Месяц назад
Glad it was helpful!
@rogermaynard7264 Месяц назад
What ! No sheep?
@irvingmarquez1106 Месяц назад
Thanks ao much!!!
@Stoggler Месяц назад
No treiglad meddal after the ‘ga i’?
@BreninCoel Месяц назад
What you don't hear any more is the superfluous use of "do". Particularly in the Eastern South Wales valleys, you would never say something like, "I like that". Instead you'd say, "I do like that", but the pronunciation of that phrase would be more like, "I duh like tha'.." or even, "I duh like 'ah'...". "That" was often pronounced tha' but sometimes just 'ah', ..."then" was always pronounced 'en ... and the phrase "I'm not" was rendered... I ent, or, if followed by a verb, simply...I en, as in ...I en 'avin' i'...! (I'm not having it). When I was in the navy I sometimes brought a mate or two home with me on weekend leave. Of course we would visit my local and it was loud and most of the conversation was unintelligible to them. On the first occasion, I was speaking to some of my local Welsh friends and my two shipmates were looking confused. They leaned towards me and one of them said, "You've never told us you could speak Welsh" Laughter all around, I, like my Welsh mates, was speaking upper Rhymni Valley English.
@ezebentivegna1676 Месяц назад
the is a Scottish song in Argentina that call croc chan
@BreninCoel Месяц назад
Are cwpi down"...or " twti down" still used in the valleys for crouching down or sitting on your heels?
@BreninCoel Месяц назад
Tamping down refers to rain falling heavily.
@Annabelle66633 Месяц назад
Sorry 🥺 I’m different from other people 😈👿
@samanthastevenson5901 Месяц назад
New to the language. This is excellent, thank you x