Learning how to make digital art + sharing my appreciation of it with the world.
I Remade My Scratch Game in Godot
7 месяцев назад
I Made a Game Where YOU are a Spider
8 месяцев назад
What I Learned Making an AI App in School
11 месяцев назад
I Made a Game With No Free Time
Год назад
I Made a Hard Speedrunning Game
Год назад
I Made a VR Game in 5 Days...
Год назад
The Tux Racer Modding Competition
2 года назад
I Made a Pinball Game in 12 Hours
2 года назад
I Made a Game Where YOU are a Bee
2 года назад
I Remade My Scratch Game in 3D
2 года назад
I Made a DSi-Style Game
2 года назад
I Made a 3D Platformer in 48 Hours
2 года назад
5 лет назад
a Book for a Friend - Animation
6 лет назад
My First 3D Animation
6 лет назад
@illbean1337 2 часа назад
I've just gotten started on my first real project. I dont count following along a tutorial and doing exactly what they're doing as a project. I've a lot of experience with the Warcraft III world editor, but only extremely limited experience with other actual game engines such as Unity. At first it felt kind of overwhelming, I had literally no idea how to make anything appear on the screen. Then after 4-5h of tutorials i'm now in the process of making my very first super simple platformer. I've even stumbled upon videos on how to make pixel art, so i'll be making my own graphics for the very first time ever. And I gotta, say, they actually don't look bad. I'm very excited to see where I end up eventually. I've got a game that I want to make reality, but there's so much information, skill and actual art assets that I lack before I can even start making it, but when that day comes. I'll be ready with Godot.
@zegnick 13 часов назад
Am i going the same way? started with scratch. needs to make a 3d game for school. wanted to use unity but i use a cracky laptop and gonna use godot now.
@LaynaStambaugh День назад
I'm gonna take a lot of tips from how you built the movement system; not getting used to the systems in my game for as long as possible is definitely a unique and potentially incredibly useful development methodology!
@LaynaStambaugh 2 дня назад
This is really good motivational stuff!
@LaynaStambaugh 2 дня назад
Your university sounds absolutely awful, where ARE you?
@LaynaStambaugh 2 дня назад
I'm surprised that you had issues with Techbros in open-source software... I thought that was more of a corporate nightmare (Unreal) sorta thing
@jc_wesson 5 дней назад
@souporwormgaming 5 дней назад
Ngl it was pretty reassuring hearing you talk about your productivity struggles. I’m going through something similar with my own project right now, but knowing that I’m not the only one who does that helps a lot. Can’t wait to see what you do next!
@bombrman1994 6 дней назад
wait what 100 hours and you did not get to figure how to change default editor to vscode, just go to top editor bar and find how to change the default editor from those settings/configs. You can find bunch of useful godot extensions on vscode. So please do yourself a favour and change ur editor to automatically open vscode when you click on a script
@GamerBoy-pi3qm 6 дней назад
I wish i had my laptop working and it runs godot......fuck my luck but iam still thankfull for allah to grant me with food and water...
@zelojin4195 7 дней назад
how is it today? did this stuff get improved?
@sussydog1425 7 дней назад
If you read this can you make that game but the player controls the enemies?
@bumbleprime7713 7 дней назад
About like 8 or so months ago i decided to switch to Godot from Unity because well.. y'all probably know why. I had twice the stuff i had from Unity in a month, in Godot in ONE WEEK Currently working on a Metroidvania platformer kind of game, but I want to get all of the movement mechanics down first, then combat/enemies, and then make the rest. Ive posted a bit about this game (titled Robot Run), in small devlogs. However, the devlogs have stopped, but I've got more since then (title screen, pause menu, etc.). If anyone's interested, please let me know! Im new to video game development in general lol, so anything helps
@pieppy6058 8 дней назад
Godot is built in godot
@vici-_- 8 дней назад
Wow i can't even find a way to import png :c
@ParryMime 9 дней назад
@DevWorm is a great resource for beginners and intermediates!
@johannharding8161 11 дней назад
Currently working in my free time on a "clone" of a game on sega saturn called Baroque. It was ported to playstation 1 as well.
@Corroriw 12 дней назад
@JamesJLetourneau 13 дней назад
Eloquent and articulate. Impeccable delivery my friend. Truly
@YannicAndersen 13 дней назад
holy shit the brackeys prediction had me so confused for a few seconds
@luna_dzx 14 дней назад
the reason there are so few C# tutorials is because the godot documentation has a single page detailing the differences between gdscript and C# naming of methods, if you follow a gdscript tutorial you'll be able to easily and intuitively do the exact same thing in C# also setting up an external editor literally solves every issue with the built-in editor and takes like 1 minute to configure, the built in editor clearly isn't really made for doing all of a game's programming
@Yurem_ 10 дней назад
@christianremboldt1557 16 дней назад
I want to use Godot because it's open source. No company can f**** me over with a license change like Unity tried
@TcVideoHosting 17 дней назад
Can this do the same graphics as unity?
@lewishickey8350 19 дней назад
im starting to code so my friend recommended godot so im starting with it and so far i know like 1 command
@Ben_R4mZ 19 дней назад
I'm almost 2 years late to this party but I've been giving game dev a bit of a bombastic side eye lately and knew Godot was decent so i ended up here. If you havent come across it yet my go to starting video is going to be Clear Code's "The Ultimate Introduction to Godot 4". 11+ hours of entry level concepts and processes for being creative with Godot. (recommended by Luke L. from Linus Tech Tips) While it may not necessarily help you, maybe it will help someone else like me searching these comments in the future. ❤ Amazing video and fave me a good baseline of what to expect despite the updates that have happened since.
@NHFNNC 19 дней назад
"Unity's favorite word is deprecated." That hit hard
@MichaelAdams3D 20 дней назад
Man...teenagers now really blow my mind with how productive they are. When I was in highschool we didn't even have a functioning PC or easy access to the internet so I mostly just hung out at the library. And I'm only 40! I had to spend 10 years in college to get into game development and anyone can just spend a few weeks on youtube now and get a decent education on it. I might sound bitter and I AM a tiny bit but I'm also happy for more education being more readily available.
@yudnai5577 20 дней назад
I started a game with Unity and got really low fps so I moved to Unreal it was ok until I had more Actors inside then I found out that Unreal is faster only if you use C++ the BP is slower than Unity C# so I went back to unity. opened Godot but the structure of nodes vs game object got me confused so I went back to unity
@therealquade 22 дня назад
How long did those 100 hours take calendar-wise?
@clif_rice 23 дня назад
psst... try making a game using **pico 8** :)
@DD_OneZero 10 дней назад
well you don't want to kill them!
@LjTrader 24 дня назад
I think the ideal method to create shaders is to no import them, and to create a script that handles mathematical/scripted settings of visual & physics interacting w light on the object. I am not that advanced yet but from what i have learned that is the best method to control objects visuals in any scene.
@notsordfish2 25 дней назад
Bro fucking angry bird 1:34
@notsordfish2 25 дней назад
Oh 1:41
@DryzoFR Месяц назад
i only use godot cuz i messed up my unity installation 😊😊
@itwasntme7481 Месяц назад
I can't remember if one of the gripes in this vid was swapping quickly between the scene and the script editor, but if anyone wanted to know, the shortcut is "ctrl" + "F1"(2D) or "F2"(3D) or "F3"(Script) or "F4"(AssetLib)
@CMIR_Cube Месяц назад
I worked in game maker for about six months and this is what I learned: making a game have no profit while I'm just alone. maybe I should try more on it or maybe I need to change my learning strategy. I'ts a total mess.
@samueleveleigh2767 Месяц назад
I get the feeling that godot WILL become industry standard despite the efforts from console companies and obviously the entrenched engine providers. Right now even there are so many indie developers beginning to adopt this engine while professional devs get no choice in the matter.
@RiddleRations Месяц назад
Wow… what a journey! 🤯❤
@damsen978 Месяц назад
0:34 Then what's the point of watching this video? It's more like "I used old Godot for 100 hours, here's what i didn't like about it".
@MaxF1v3 Месяц назад
Glad you are back ❤
@lemonamon Месяц назад
as a GMS2 dev, godot heavily interests me. it just seems so... clean? there's only 2 things that turn me off about the software: gdscript's syntax, and the fact that game objects (nodes? idk the terminology) only have 1 script, whereas in comparison with GMS you have an over-abundance of different events (scripts) where you can put code in, which i find wayyyy more readable as opposed to having everything jammed into one script
@Ashash99 Месяц назад
You talk alot be short azz
@fredfee3 Месяц назад
God bless all of you and remember God loves you all and so do I may God be with you all. Jesus is coming soon God bless repent
@TaylorBroussardShow Месяц назад
fun fact: you can undock windows in godot
@chandra_creator Месяц назад
character arc in this devlog
@Axquirix Месяц назад
I'm looking into game development in the near future, and Godot is already in my Steam library. Can't really beat free for someone just dipping their toes in for the first time. This was a nice overview of what to expect, thanks!
@Walter-White590 Месяц назад
I've been using it for a little while I've made a few 2d platformers with it but now I'm on 3d and I think it's awesome
@ZoXlikeLP Месяц назад
its very true what u said at the end xD Unity Projects feel very fragile. I never had this issue with godot :D It feels more like a playground i can test anything and if something isnt right, i can easily revert it to the working state :D Im mostly in 2D atm and i having a blast. After loosing some projects on unity cause off updates or old packages or idk what xD Did put a lot of effort in a project and now its dead and i cant do anything about that. i guess that godot will get its critical mass like Blender and i also think that the 3D part will improve a lot over the next years :D for me its a 10/ 10 engine atm and i love to work with it :D
@obondostudios9482 Месяц назад
I was trying to learn unreal so I asked a question about any good resources to start with, The only comment I got was someone calling me stupid. Godot has been different in that regard.
@rudyrmm3357 Месяц назад
i am confused this video is 1 year ago but it feature a brackeys vedio that doesn't exist. and he only came back like few week ago from now.
@croissantstastegood Месяц назад
Just coming from another Godot vid from a different person, and so confused to hear Bowser's Inside Story music in both of them. But loving it:)
@young-salt Месяц назад
I just hate the ten minute launch time for unreal engine 5. Plus godot works on linux without a VM or wine, so the smooth experience is even smoother on linux