Adam Smith's Panmure House
Adam Smith's Panmure House
Adam Smith's Panmure House
Panmure House is the final remaining home of Adam Smith, philosopher and 'father of modern economics'. Today the house is a centre of excellence for the study of contemporary economics, a place of reflection on the legacy of Adam Smith, and a venue for social and economic debate. Our mission is to provide world-influencing social and economic debate and research, convening in the name of Adam Smith to effect positive change and forge global, future-focussed networks.

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Culture War Capitalism with Philip Rathgeb
Месяц назад
A Cultural Species with Joseph Henrich
Месяц назад
The Ecomodernist Alternative with Alex Trembath
2 месяца назад
The Ecomodernist Alternative with Alex Trembath
2 месяца назад
Global Discord with Sir Paul Tucker
2 месяца назад
Global Discord with Sir Paul Tucker
2 месяца назад
The Decarbonization Delusion with Andrew Moore
2 месяца назад
The Price is Wrong with Brett Christophers
2 месяца назад
The Decarbonization Delusion with Andrew Moore
2 месяца назад
The Price is Wrong with Brett Christophers
3 месяца назад
@frankagliotti3626 8 дней назад
Great insights and wisdom from Niall as always much appreciated.
@Jiidwag 9 дней назад
AmeriKKKa is over🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 AmeriKKKa = The NEW HITLER
@Nhoj737 11 дней назад
No 'BAU'? 'Most' 'economic thinking' is 'short run' and 'redundant'? 'It' ignores the 'supply side'? 'Growth' {and 'civilisation'} depends upon 'cheap' F.F. - those so called 'halcyon days' are 'over'. ?
@jackshultz2024 13 дней назад
Someone said that for the opening 20 years of this century, the US had been fighting and not winning, while China had been winning and not fighting. The US would do better to learn from China. They may have something to teach you.
@jamespier7801 13 дней назад
This guy wants the EU to provide worldwide governance for all business. This man is out of his freaking mind. He cherry picks Novo-Nordisk as an example of his dreams working, when what really worked for NVO is coming out with a blockbuster drug - whose “detriments” remain to be seen if we are being realistic. Why is Panmure House giving a world government advocate a platform? You should be trying to protect the world from people who think like this.
@oscarcollier5141 15 дней назад
Boring academic discussion.
@shadrackkumalo3903 15 дней назад
Summary: US can't compete fairly with China, so US resorts to "Yellow Peril" fear mongering & national security to drive unfair policy - how sad that US has lost it's way.
@reynoldliao7462 15 дней назад
This is loaded with neoliberal drivel
@lagrangewei 15 дней назад
the overcapacity narrative does not make sense when our global carbon goals requires 550MW of new energy every year and we only did like 450MW last year. so how does the west square the target and the claim of overcapacity? are we abandoning the climate target? I feel the west has to explain how it is "overcapacity", especially when watching bloomberg and other US fiancial news, its clear that while profitability in renewable are declining in China, it is still profitable and the conclusion seem to be company merger seem to be the path forward which would create even more competitive product from China, so it really doesn't look like overcapacity yet, there is still room to absorb or close down underperforming players, so I feel they can push the price even slower. and honestly US putting tarriff on China isn't really going to affect relation or balance of economy much since the majority of chinese trade is not with US anyway. tarriff is more of a domestic policy for the US then a foreign policy. US abandonment of TPP and other FTA basically surrenders the global market to China. like in Singapore, we use not see any chinese cars because the tax in singapore is incredibly high so we go for quality cars like german or japanese car historically, but this year, you can see chinese EV running all around town in Singapore. so the Chinese they have market outside of US. and worst they have no competition from EU and US because the west is focus on protectionism than competition. the strategic move by China to allow Tesla to establish itself in China to force Chinese EV companies to become world class is just a chad move. where years ago Singapore buyer would mock at the "plastic" cars of China, today those cars has better build quality than Audis. lastly, I am surprise US even use tarriff, given that US literally ban Huawei, why don't US just ban Chinese EV and their parts? to me, the tarriff seem to be driven by domestic election politic, than any meaningful economic development policy. US "conflict" with China feel rather skin deep, it like how wife would bitch about her husband and try to spend on his credit card as revenge but still doesn't divorce him because she realise it still better than being single. the whole idea of decoupling is dead.
@lagrangewei 15 дней назад
Racism, old white man can't take the fact that they are only longer the only one leading the world...
@ajwo5984 16 дней назад
At around 31:00 he switched to non-concerned of EU interests. Clearly he ain’t European and couldn’t care less of European concerns.
@LowenKM 16 дней назад
High praise when even the comments section merits the attention of the CCP and the always obsessive 'Little Pinks'! ;-p
@alfred-vz8ti 16 дней назад
news flash! prc is being managed better than any other nation now, perhaps ever. and in other news, usa is collapsing, due to obsolete structure and simple greed.
@frankoconnor4350 16 дней назад
The majority of the worlds nations are fed up with the USA and its bulying behaviour. China is a far safer ally and superior in every way.
@marcusyeo5071 17 дней назад
De-risking, decoupling, overcapacity, ... what else USA?
@hsingkao2024 17 дней назад
If the US is able to fix its 10 percent of domestic problems, such as inequality, crimes, drug, education, etc. instead of being stuck in hegemonic foreign policy, it still has a chance to remain competitive.
@jamespier7801 18 дней назад
we have now 40 years of experience with how China operates. They did not liberalize as the dreamers hoped they would - instead Xi is more Maoist than ever. To continue to make the same strategic mistake is nothing short of suicidal.
@jackshultz2024 13 дней назад
For the last 40 the mean PPP (personal purchasing power) in China has increased by 400% while in the US it has been flat. If you consider that 50 years ago, China’s level of development was comparable to Haiti’s, China is the biggest success story in the economic history of the world.
@Jean-Luc-sh2pg 28 дней назад
let's take a minute to reflect on how cute adam is
@rakadus Месяц назад
A "Brown Sahib" in full flow. Ok. Please ensure that you remit USD back to India for a one sided presentation.
@efghggdxlmfn33 Месяц назад
BRICS already won.
@efghggdxlmfn33 Месяц назад
"Our prosperity has been based on cheap energy coming from Russia. Russian gas - cheap and supposedly affordable, secure, and stable. It has been proved not [to be] the case. And the access to the big China market, for exports and imports, for technological transfers, for investments, for having cheap goods. I think that the Chinese workers with their low salaries have done much better and much more to contain inflation than all the Central Banks together. So, our prosperity was based on China and Russia - energy and market. Clearly, today, we have to find new ways for energy from inside the European Union, as much as we can, because we should not change one dependency for another...Josep Borrell" EU Ambassadors Annual Conference 2022
@efghggdxlmfn33 Месяц назад
“Inverted totalitarianism, unlike classical totalitarianism, does not revolve around a demagogue or charismatic leader. It finds expression in the anonymity of the Corporate State. It purports to cherish democracy, patriotism, and the Constitution while manipulating internal levers.” ― Chris Hedges , Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle
@AuditorInvestor Месяц назад
Very interesting about Scotland's miracle economy in the 18th century - perhaps a topic for Niall's next book - would read.
@AuditorInvestor Месяц назад
24:30 I like how he takes his scotch in between the talk "for purely medicinal purposes" - sounding like Sean Connery too.
@Joe-dime-a Месяц назад
You are either purposely lying or extremely naïve, the climate crisis has been debunked by thousands of academics, scientists, and journalists many former believers and current democrats, it has always been a bs cover to take away wealth and opportunities from the poor and enrich our leaders
@AnbesaDeb-md6nv Месяц назад
Hi @AdamSmithsPanmureHous.I have been following you for a while & see your RU-vid content is very unique. But you didn't grow this platform .You need a perfect SEO & also video promotion. When you cover this then you can grow this platform. Have a good day!
@krish2nasa 2 месяца назад
Excellent conversation, very informative. Thank you very much.
@stuartegrin7543 2 месяца назад
You really need to look at Patrick Moore’s work on climate change
@jackreacher. 2 месяца назад
Oh, how the ''anointed'' proselytize salvation for the masses.
@randomdude7384 2 месяца назад
"The Century of Humiliation" began when the CCP took power, and has been going on ever since.
@whatdouknowzilch5636 3 месяца назад
In the 1950s and 60s when the US was a major exporter of goods free trade was gold. Any country that didn't open its door to the US goods risked being investigated and sanctioned. Now protectionism is needed when Chinese EVs are out competing the US and EU cars. "Of cause we won't let them in." What a libertarian you are. Ferguson and the host are both idealogues who advocate the dominance of Western civilization over other civilizations. This kind of thinking which is basically racist is prevalent among Western scholars. Of cause no one openly talks about it. BTW, by "institutions" what are you referring to, Mr. Ferguson? When the host said South Korea can export K Pop because it's a democracy, I couldn't help but laughed. Not only is the host an idealogue, but one that is platitude spewing.
@detectiveofmoneypolitics 3 месяца назад
Economic investigator Frank G Melbourne Australia is following this very informative content cheers Frank 😊
@johnsmith5139 3 месяца назад
@jasongray4517 3 месяца назад
Even Hughie Green's accent was never this transatlantic!
@krish2nasa 3 месяца назад
1:08:52 "My belief is that all problems of the sort that I am describing are not culturally specific, they are not specific to race, religion or for that matter geography they are just about institutions... ." -Niall Ferguson, UATX.
@richardwills-woodward5340 3 месяца назад
Ferguson is miles behind on China. China is now repeating itself and the gap is reopening. President XI shows capitalism can only go so far without institutional liberty. China is now collapsing as an economy. They are a long way from the Enlightenment. The Anglosphere is also under so much state influence that our economies are also stagnating (but China is going full on Maoism). Capitalism only goes so far without Anglospheric institutions. Further, given how well I know China, whoever makes the calculations for PPP needs sacking. Plenty of the USA is poor, but China has hundreds of millions still in abject poverty. The two are incomparable. As always, I suspect, figures are compiled by Left-wing institutions with an agenda. Wages are being halved in China. 956 million people (Shanghai University) now earning £2,500/$3,400 a year or less - a YEAR not month. The economy is disappearing. They aren't very innovative. Without Western investment, faux property market, manufacturing exports, they can't function. The conditions in China are appalling. Few are picking up on how bad it is.
@raymondswenson1268 3 месяца назад
New World Order appears on the Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States as "Novus Ordo Seclorum". It referred to the NEW government of sovereignty in the People, rather than kings, which was the Old Order in most of the world in 1789.
@angusmcangus7914 3 месяца назад
Much as I enjoy listening to Niall Ferguson, he loses me when he talks of climate and CO2. If he were to take the time to look into it I think he would be astounded at the evil intent and persistence of the Great Lie about climate and CO2.
@raymondswenson1268 3 месяца назад
Agreed. Global warming is a minor problem that is not due to arrive until 2100, and will be solved by the shrinking of world population without any other action.
@r64g 2 месяца назад
Yep. The climate religion is basically ruling class virtue signaling and distracting the labor class from that truly matters. Adam Smith would have railed against this skulduggery.
@dickens123 2 месяца назад
He's a beneficiary
@jhrielly 2 месяца назад
What is the great lie?
@angusmcangus7914 2 месяца назад
@@jhrielly that climate changes due to mankind’s emissions of CO2. It does no such thing
@jiahan3849 3 месяца назад
Is there an essay/book about the topic?
@Roberta-my7qr 3 месяца назад
Ferguson conveniently side-steps the devastating consequences of the coups and violence, that paved the way for Milton Friedman, and his "free-marketism" that wrecked Argentina in the '70s. HE was the first guy with the chainsaw. Crushing austerity, removal of any social programs and Western terror of Communism has crippled their economy to this day. Milei represents the return of the Chicago school theory of the day.
@ronaldyoung8040 3 месяца назад
Someone needs to advise Angus NOT to wear bow ties or look so prosperous when he's talking about inequality
@maori_brotha 3 месяца назад
Niall Fergusson - well if economists can predict the future poorly and still get paid, I spose gradiose history lecturers can get paid too!
@Khorinis139andLennox-dd2yc 3 месяца назад
I love how Wikipedia explains to me what new world order means and that its a conspiracy haha xD Thank you for the insight!
@raymondswenson1268 3 месяца назад
Actually that is RU-vid's doing. It has to target any discussion with Woke propaganda. If it were honest, it would state that the UN IPCC has found there is NO climate cause of hurricanes, droughts or wildfires, and sea level rise is in the noise of changes from tides and normal storm surges.
@HouseOfAntioch 3 месяца назад
I know right. Them paranoid censorship freaks
@xushenxin 3 месяца назад
This Niall Ferguson guy is full of shit. I don't know why RU-vid keeps recommand his video to me.
@robertprawendowski2850 3 месяца назад
@julianwilson5468 3 месяца назад
I guess I don't understand the distinction of the institutions that need to change. I'm not sure I care what the institutions call themselves but I do care what rules they establish and enforce. There is a referee in both football and rugby, but the difference between the games is dictated by the rules and their enforcement - not whether they have a referee or not. Surely it's the rules we have to amend? Of course, the starting position of a society has a big impact on the games that will work (availability of energy, natural resources, low cost labour and their availability, an innovative class, a market for products etc). Why do we never have an exploration into the options of the rules we could adopt?
@Khorinis139andLennox-dd2yc 3 месяца назад
Because we are afraid at our core, for we must die and we know it. It is really just a matter of balls in my humble opinion, whatever the matter. Good to see someone is out there strifing to ask the right questions ;P
@mikeryan2802 3 месяца назад
Wonderful insights. Thanks.
@pitlee3987 4 месяца назад
Intro starts at 39.10 , Branko starts at 45.20
@Flux_40 4 месяца назад
capitalism requires infinite population growth.