My twin brother and I upload various games we enjoy on this game
The Addition That Almost Ruined Destiny
21 день назад
Destiny Moments That Bring Back Nostalgia
8 месяцев назад
Will The Final Shape Expansion Fail?
8 месяцев назад
What Made Strikes Special In Destiny 1
8 месяцев назад
Why Destiny 1 Factions Failed In Destiny 2
9 месяцев назад
The Greatest Update In Destiny History
9 месяцев назад
New Player Ranks All Destiny 2 Raids
9 месяцев назад
@isaiahmaes 2 дня назад
I was sad they never bought back the crimson days playlist some of the items were really cool
@inigomontoya619 5 дней назад
I got the skull and flamming wolf in 1 box. On the last day of d1 b4 d2
@TheKing0fBacon 6 дней назад
ive never made an eververse purchase and oly buy the dlcs, and i have good looking characters and cosmetics from the engrams. its wild to me that people are so angry over bungie making offers that they dont have to buy. litteraly the only frustrating thing has been the flying sparrow thing bc its not purely cosmetic
@timrichards8533 10 дней назад
I want paid dlc not mirco transactions
@shadow_foxy3945 10 дней назад
Man why can't they bring sparrow racing back it came out and once it ended it never came back come on bungie you all know if you add it back so many people are going to be excited for it like come on 😭
@hugo.canosa 11 дней назад
Eververse is purely cosmetic so, never worrying
@jlrebor2626 11 дней назад
yeh, i remember getting that slr armor, but they took less than a week to pach it and make it so if you had the armor but not the pass, the armor would loose its appearance, give 0 light and if you unequipped it, you couldn't do other thing but to dismantle it
@undeadhades4526 11 дней назад
Looking for osmiomancy and star eaters to spam void bases that weaken with the facet but necrotic star is good
@EliGev 11 дней назад
Yesterday, i was in orbit and decided to do some missions, I entered the mobile app and wanted to take some contracts...surprise surprise...you can't anymore. I didn't read about any new updates, since I didn't have time to play and finaly when i got it, I couldn't close contracts anymore. I was earning bright dust with the contracts I made from Zavala, Drifter, and Lord Shaxx. now I don't have any motivation to play pve content like vanguard missions, only pvp now. another horrible decision that they made.
@shnorp 11 дней назад
I love this mode so much!
@SlongestKongest 11 дней назад
I like the idea of trials and i liked it in d1 but unfortunately the community has gotten better and is sweaty now. Theres nothing bungie can do really to change this. Id say the balence rn is pretty good. Same thing happened to fortnite. As fun at first because no one was good. But now eveyones good
@Taspens 11 дней назад
Everyone has gotten good at all games. Makes them less enjoyable
@NikoSuave117 11 дней назад
doesn't even need to be legendary campaign, you still get the quest after beating on normal
@deopping 12 дней назад
Bungie really can't use "Destiny 2 is free-to-play" as an excuse to focus more on cosmetics and an in-game store. This is because the amount of free-to-play content is miniscule in comparison to paid content. Even if you've purchased the previous year's DLC and annual pass. If you don't purchase the current year's DLC or annual pass, you're locked out of a lot of content. Try to rank up your guardian rank without the current DLC, try to level up your season rank by completing seasonal challenges, most the objectives for both the seasonal challenges and guardian ranks are locked behind some aspect of the DLC. Such as "complete the final shape campaign" or "level up your Ghost vendor" or even "find a feather while exploring the pale heart." Furthermore, each DLC comes out every year, they charge almost the same price as a new game, their expansions almost cost as much as D1 did, $60, and D2 when it first came out. And if you don't purchase the $100 version (the annual pass) you end up spending more than $100 to play throughout the year if you buy the seasons and dungeon keys. In Destiny 1, the expansions didn't cost nearly as much, and the game lasted for 3 years before Destiny 2 released. Tell me why they need $100/year per player now ON TOP of all the insane cosmetic prices. Seriously, 3 ornament sets can cost $60 themselves. If you want multiple things from Eververse, you're most likely going to end up paying MORE than the expansion's base price. Bungie, you made numerous Halo games. Games in which players paid for it one time, and had years of enjoyment from. You were sustained enough to make more Halo games just on the one $60 charge. Tell me why nowadays you need $100 per year AND an overcharged cosmetic store in-game. Where is all the money going that these players give you? I blame corporate greed, shareholders, and investors, and I blame the evolution of in-game stores. Fortnite ruined games by inspiring them all to add a battlepass. But at least Fortnite IS truly free-to-play. Now you have games like COD that used to be $60, charge $70 to play AND have insanely priced cosmetic stores in-game and seasonal battlepasses. Non free-to-play games are ALSO including these ridiculous in-game stores and battlepasses. It's like games forgot how to keep their players engaged without a battlepass, and forgot how to make money without overpriced cosmetics.
@Rhubidium 10 дней назад
Couldn't have said it better myself. Destiny 2 is certainly more of a "Try Before you Buy" sort of game than a F2P that Bungie, believes it to be. It's a shame because behind all the aforementioned bullshit, the game has charm and then some. I just wish Bungie would at _least_ be honest with the playerbase about the monetization. Also, lets not leave out the fact that in game systems have been-- time and again, made less and less convenient for players to earn bright dust cosmetics to further incentivize eververse silver sales (on top of the god awful knock-out system (or lack there of) bright engram RNG) . It's disgusting. People will argue, "Well it's just cosmetics, you don't have to buy them", but that's not even the point anymore. All these moves have just been Bungie testing the waters to see what they can get away with. And they've gotten away with PLENTY; it still boggles my mind that it took starter packs for people to wake up and call bs.
@jeixs 4 дня назад
Destiny 2 is not free to play it's free to try, almost everything is locked behind a paywall...
@bradleybuchmann902 13 дней назад
I got this roll my first run
@RAVOC12 14 дней назад
@Taspenss can you make a vid on all of your best clips?
@TheprophetDJ 14 дней назад
The exotic helmet is useful if you want to be the medic for a team
@mikeydudek2885 14 дней назад
I honestly don’t understand why people get so mad at micro transactions. Has bungie not entertained us all for years? Why is everyone so up in arms about giving them some monetary support for items that they want? No one’s forcing you to buy anything, it’s your choice to spend the money or not. What, do you just expect to pay $60 once and then get a decades worth of content for free? Thats literally the kind of thought a child or crazy person (socialist) would have. Like come on, let’s be adults here, would you produce an entire franchise worth of content for free? Monetizing their item’s doesn’t make Bungie greedy, it makes them people with families to feed, like everyone else.
@GallbladderGideon 14 дней назад
Did you even watch the video?
@NightAndDaycoreRadio 14 дней назад
they're a free to play game how tf do you expect them to make money
@rymd1875 12 дней назад
do you know how much they make in dlcs and annual passes every year
@Interxection 15 дней назад
Are you actually Taspen's twin brother
@johnposey8324 15 дней назад
Oh how wrong you were on the helmet being useless. LOL. 😂 ggs on the video.
@101PointBlank101 15 дней назад
brother, less rambling. get to the build, please.
@Beast-mf7br 5 дней назад
lol 8 mins is too much for your A.D.D?...there's a dim link for a reason!
@tomwhite7022 16 дней назад
Ron is definitely the worst here
@thehale_ 16 дней назад
Eververse would be completely evil if not for the bright dust store. It’s shitty for sure, but looking at other games, it could be so much worse.
@chelsthegameruiner8669 17 дней назад
I miss the Forsaken years, though I do love the Final Shape. My main gripe is that a lot of the ornament sets could be added into the game's loot pool as a means of giving players more of a reason to play activities like Vanguard Ops. Granted, I'm from a point in time where you earned cosmetics through gaming which made the experience more rewarding. Its why I love FFXIV, I can farm a dungeon for a gear piece I like and look cool without buying an outfit. I miss those days, now there's no real sense of satisfaction with getting cosmetics
@notaspeck6104 11 дней назад
Yeah I don’t hate the current model but I stopped playing after Forsaken and returned for the final shape, I definitely prefer things before the seasonal model (or episodic now?). Personally I just want a total overhaul, D3 anyone?
@liamgeoghegan5413 18 дней назад
you forgot about when eververse had bountys for brigthdust
@Unbound_Selrahc 18 дней назад
Oh my friend, seasons aren’t $10 anymore. They stupidly raised that price, and then made it so you had to buy the dungeon keys too. Idk if that’s still how it works now that they’ve reworked it into the current setup with acts and episodes, but…it feels like maybe they’ve cut down on some of rebar nonsense. Either way though, their prices are utterly absurd for things, worse than CoD even, and that’s saying something honestly. And they have so damn much that it’s a literal chore to look through all the pages now, and getting a good one anymore is impossible, I know they nerfed those exotic drops on bright engrams.
@Sudbinushka 18 дней назад
super good advice was in first year of destiny... That was my first exotic bounty...
@angerissues12 18 дней назад
The cash shop in D2 is actually kinda reasonable by modern gaming standards. A lot of new stuff is thrown into the bright dust pool every season and you get plenty of bright dust throughout a season to save up for the big events and buy something every now and then. Compare that to Halo Infinite and COD where there is ZERO way to get cash shop items for free...as a Halo player I don't think the D2 community realizes just how much worse it could be.
@patsonical 18 дней назад
The fact that there are worse examples does not make this "reasonable", especially considering the nickel-and-diming that's going on with expansions, season passes, dungeon keys, and event passes, on top of eververse cosmetics
@Tristanium 18 дней назад
Use this with Monte Carlo! It’s so slept on, but melee kills give you Markov’s chain x 5 which increases Monte’s damage to max and Monte gives back melee energy on each kill. Also the bayonet function also procs necrotic so it’s super powerful against majors / champions etc.. 🙌🙌
@lapislazerz861 18 дней назад
Prismatic facets huh? Now I know where the name came from…
@reese457 19 дней назад
😱😱 Prismatic mentioned!! 😱😱
@Hentastic01 19 дней назад
I miss the sparrow horns
@_Diamond-Dog 19 дней назад
I remember getting the full tsken set , then bungie took it away , I never bought eververse and stopped playing for 7 years after that
@ylerian8878 19 дней назад
Will definitely try this when I get a good drop of the class item
@deman182 19 дней назад
in about 3-4 years I've bought 3 things from Eververse I bought the Vakarian Hunter Armor, a Hover Board since it's literally just a limited flying mount, and the Ornament for the new Exotic Khvostov because that gun looks like shit without the ornament
@InsomniacSrategies 19 дней назад
I keep wanting to see if anyone's tried a Necrotic + Synthocep combo. Seems like it could be a really good option too :D
@Daoalkala 19 дней назад
I didnt mind them, make more money
@projectgg6730 20 дней назад
I don't necessarily hate micro transactions. I think in a game like destiny or any live service game it makes sense and lets people choose which cosmetics they want and if they want to engage in those systems at all. However it is implementation that is everything. You should be able to buy exactly what you want with no randomness or spending a little more than it's listed price. Virtual currencies should be illegal. It is quite literally circumnavigating real world money to make you spend more. If you have a store in your game it should just say exactly how much it costs. Imagine if you could only shop at Target with target cash but you can't directly convert the exact amount you need from normal money. I really don't understand how this is legal
@TurtleFootMining 20 дней назад
Just give me the item who cares about it being locked behind a stone that needs to be taken to someone to only then reveal your item 😂😂😂
@4evermilkman 20 дней назад
Long gone are the days of simply buying a videogame :/
@Ann_QwQ 20 дней назад
It was a better time than now. Stop the cope.
@juwonvaughn7413 20 дней назад
@Taspenss what arm armor and leg armor did you use
@techthegamer3344 20 дней назад
Definitely my new fav weapon. currently working on a build with it
@stheelklinge9699 21 день назад
Na it’s a dog shit build bc getawayartist
@amarbosanac54 21 день назад
Destiny is ruined…they ruined everything. The biggest thing that they ruined extremely is the poor written story, the bad lore, that is so exchangeable. They are making decisions in their office how to work less, how to copy paste things, how to use parts that are already developed and then they creating a story and lore to explain this decisions. A good game is build the other way around, the story and lore comes first and everything else will be developed based on that. Destiny lost this track a long time ago.
@emilianocastillejos1330 12 дней назад
I think everybody but you liked TFS
@alcapone117 21 день назад
People will critique eververse currently and forget about paying to get a random thing instead of just buying what you want, still need more earnables though
@NoBloons 21 день назад
My only complaint about Eververse is Eververse Engrams loot pool. The thousands of hundreds of possible loot makes it near impossible to get any singular item you want. Example: I joined late Witch Queen and right after it ended, I learned about the Harper Shell (Harpy ghost shell) and I _wanted_ it. But of course, it wasnt in the archive anymore. But it was in the Witch Queen. So for the past couple months, the hundreds of Eververse Engrams I opened got me multiple exotic emotes, ships, sparrows, ghosts, legendary of those, ghost projections and bright dust and everything inbetween. But I never got the Harper Shell. And the only way I'd have an actual chance at getting it, would be to lower the loot pool. _By opening thousands just to lower the possible rewards and raise the chance at the shell_ I just wish there was a way to directly purchase old archived items so we arent forced into rng.
@mikeydudek2885 14 дней назад
…there is tho. It’s literally called “Archive”. If you started at Witch Queen, then you’re basically brand new, so don’t worry, if it’s not in the archive now, it will be at some point. Although you do have to come to terms with the fact that some things are just no longer obtainable. I’ve been playing since taken king in D1 and there are plenty of things I want and will never get because they are no longer available, but bungie always reintroduces certain items after a while. For example, the 1000 Wings ship you got from the original Whisper of the Worm secret exotic mission was reintroduced just recently after years of unobtainability and that was a recreation of the D1 Kingsfall raid ship Agonarch Karve. So don’t worry you’ll get it eventually, I promise.
@NoBloons 14 дней назад
@@mikeydudek2885 you dense buffoon. It isnt the archive. It was in the archive during with queen.
@leek5682 21 день назад
The issue is that DLC is $100 and you don't get any premium currency in that to get cool looking stuff. Yeah you can gradually get stuff for free, but people who invest in the success of the game should be able to get a little more in my opinion
@fakenickib6245 21 день назад
I remember playing d1 on ps3 late late late asf. Like a year or 2 into d2. And grinding prison for the box every week and when i FINALLY got that taken set. Omg i wish it crossed over to d2. I dont play titan anymore anyway 😢
@itsmehere1 21 день назад
Free DLC? In a bungie game? Ha, maybe once every 3 years 😂
@FNG_Zayy 21 день назад
Technically they did this like two weeks ago they made DLCs free until the final shape dropped and whatever u earned in that time u got to keep
@lazyvoid7107 21 день назад
D1 made two free DLCs, D2 also made everything free around shadow keep and into the light
@itsmehere1 21 день назад
Reading comprehension test... impossible!!
@patsonical 18 дней назад
@@lazyvoid7107 They made stuff like Forsaken free only so they could remove it without Steam suing them for removing paid content (they have a clause that the content has to be made free for at least a year before it can be removed)