Austin Williams
Austin Williams
Austin Williams
Hi, my name is Austin, but some call me El Agustín. I am the proud owner of this channel where I talk about money, life, and personal finance.

Wanna say hi?! - williamsaustin329@gmail.com
Why Net Worth Explodes After $100K
Месяц назад
How I Saved My First $100,000 (My Formula)
2 месяца назад
Why Saying ‘No’ to Money Is Important
2 месяца назад
Why People Who Get Rich Quick ALWAYS Go Broke
2 месяца назад
How The 9-5 Job Keeps You BROKE
2 месяца назад
10 Spending Habits You Need To Stop RIGHT NOW
2 месяца назад
Why Being CHEAP Is Important
2 месяца назад
Why LOOKING Poor Is Important
3 месяца назад
Why Everyone Is BROKE
3 месяца назад
12 Things You Are Spending Too Much Money On
3 месяца назад
10 Frugal Living Rules That Changed My Life
3 месяца назад
@bn880 15 минут назад
Because the rich have you by the shorty curlies and are drawing more and more from your income for necessities, that is loans, food, energy etc. That's the biggest actual fucking reason.
@InsideLookingOut99 23 минуты назад
Individualism sparks ideas which sparks innovation. We create new things not copy other people ideas. Willing to take a chance makes America great.
@sandiellett1786 Час назад
Paper towels are essential for greasy messes. Other than that, washable cloths.
@koencooper3944 Час назад
I like to buy used books
@danielmalinen6337 Час назад
Bro, withdrawing cash from ATM and using it costs money. At least in Europe, banks have come up with charging customers for using cash. For example, you withdraw 20 euros from your bank account and the bank charges 5 euros, you buy food with that 20 euro note and the bank charges 5 euros again. And in reality, that 20 euros was 30 euros. And at least in Finland, a 20 euro note is the smallest amount of cash you can withdraw from an ATM.
@yrankin1 2 часа назад
100 percent again. New sub here!
@craftsmanctfl3493 2 часа назад
A problem in finding the dream in countries poorer than the U.S. is that incomes in those countries lessen the possibility of equalling the American Dream in that country. Yes, remote jobs help, but not nearly everyone can get one of these fully remote jobs. Austin can speak of this phenomenon because he has a job that is essentially totally remote. He’s looking at it through HIS lens, not nearly everyone’s situation.
@yrankin1 2 часа назад
Spot on. I am not in this consumerism game anymore. I live well below my means now. It is still very expensive (I have to eat!), but I do everything I can to be happy with less.
@pontiac00 2 часа назад
You and you-all don't know what the hell you're talking, why america is in this condition,
@yrankin1 2 часа назад
I have heard buzz a lot that the cost increases and gentrification of our favorite western hotspots for westerners has indeed pushed the prices up of everything that is more cost prohibitive for us and certainly for the locals.
@elbegimo 3 часа назад
30K year and i have a 30 years old car...🤦‍♂
@yrankin1 3 часа назад
You have 100 percent hit the nail on the head!
@t.h.4893 3 часа назад
You made a GREAT point with wanting to be treated with respect, not like a piece of cr**. It's about dignity. Thinkin...I'm not really a lesser person than you just because of my job title! I don't want to be talked down to or treated as 'less than '. Dignity. Respect. It goes a long, long way in keeping employees.
@chrissharkey9644 3 часа назад
That was an amazing video! A lot of thought put in to that piece!
@djsargex7777 4 часа назад
Lmao, I agree, for the last 7 years or so, I've been saying the American dream, is now a nightmare, not even planning to expand business there.
@nancienordwick4169 4 часа назад
The new marxist socialism cult actually wants to destroy our ecocomy as they are told thats te onlybway to reshape it.
@rknight56 4 часа назад
I disagree with your example. When your opening partner quit, you weren’t doing the work of two people, the two of you did the work of one person and got used to it.
@afisanaa 5 часов назад
I saw what you speak of about Mexico happen in Panama. Although my family is from there, I was born in the USA and the gentrification by others not born in Panama sickened me. I saw the indigenous with cups in their hands but too shy to ask for money but hoping you would put something in their cup. Americans, Europeans and white South Africans flock to Boquete and now the indigenous and the locals cannot afford to live there or shop at all of the shops opened by foreigners. I left after a year and am happier back in South Florida.
@themrcyeah 5 часов назад
Hi Austin, I enjoyed watching this video. However, there’s a few points you touched I believe aren’t quite right. You mention the fact that you’d struggle with the culture of the host country and wouldn’t fit in. This is true for migrants all over the world. Yet, people live and thrive in different countries with completely different cultures. Your view is a very US centric, you probably think your country is the best place in the world, which it isn’t. I am not trying to put you down Austin, but as a migrant myself living in London. I am South American, I can tell you, there isn’t such a thing as gentrification in our countries. Rich people live in rich neighbourhoods and poor people live in poor neighbourhoods. As a foreigner most people would be able to afford more than the local people, so basically, they wouldn’t be able to experience what local people would have to, such as no access to vehicles, reduced public transport links and more importantly living in segregated communities. Unfortunately, you Americans are too full of yourselves and think the world revolve around you. I have lived in England for nearly 20 years, sure I miss my country, but I am not depressed, nor do I dismiss the good things living in this country has brought to my life.
@manuelescrig7288 5 часов назад
I think it is more important to have children than pets.When you are old without children,you can't do nothing.
@HJ-ls1jj 6 часов назад
@TVHouseHistorian 6 часов назад
Where it's all gone wrong is we've made work all about pleasing the customer. It's time to turn the tables and start making life terrible for customers. If they give employees a hard time, their bank account is raided, and suddenly they find themselves being forced to purchase the service or product whether they're satisfied or not - at double charge, of course. Conversely, if they treat workers kindly, then they'll be treated with kindness.
@KidIkarus 6 часов назад
Switching to 1.25 playback speed made this video 125% more enjoyable. Real talk. ✌🏻
@mark-os6fj 6 часов назад
In my industry auto finance manager companies expect twice as much for less pay. And 10-12 hour days.
@Glenningway 7 часов назад
We became a nation where we compare ourselves to the betters, and look down on those who don't have those luxuries. My teens and 20s was spent being laughed at mopping floors and cleaning bathrooms in a nursing home while paying for college since my folks were NOT smart with money or kept a job. It honestly made me bitter for the decade that follows as I watched those same people skirt by in life, start families. take over a relative's business, and buy houses and cars while I'm just now catching up to them 10 years ago.
@plainsabertooth7828 7 часов назад
Honestly I don't want to have a job only to work for someone else's dream and not my own, a job I can get fired for any reason but never see any profits.
@OldSchoolL4D-zb2kt 7 часов назад
The hell is air conditioning 😂
@pla4825 7 часов назад
I’m so happy for you congratulations 😊
@javierjaime9386 8 часов назад
Because greed
@NatasaJanser 8 часов назад
We love our Kia - it's very reliable!❤
@carolynstewart8465 8 часов назад
80$ is a lot of $$$$
@user-zr8oi1di4m 8 часов назад
Aaaaah good ole CORP America..NOT! 30 yrs in it. You are SPOT ON with all 7 reasonings and milestones of the impact. I started HATING the CORP system starting around 2007. Corp America owns so many businesses,all the same business model even down to the mid size companies. I was a work-a-holic bcs I enjoyed what I did when companies valued their employees, gave you promotions based on merit not popularity,gave wage increases annually and cost of living increases annually, valued your personal time at home. Your sick or have kids sick--go home to attend to it and come back well and they don't hang it over your head as a performing scoring. They gave you ample sick days plus PTO plus vacation.Yeh, those days are gone. I DESPISE Corp Americas system now. But you have to work to stay afloat. You have to work long hours to get that middle class pay. Oh, and all the worthless meetings and managers walk in the office and right past their teams, no hello, good morning, go to h*ll nothing. Close their door to work quietly but people on the floor its loud, enployees dont care and cross talk all day, language and story tellings is so FOUL and mgmt turns their head UNTIL someone goes to HR or your annual Q1 videos roll out to watch as CODE of CONDUCT policy reminders. Workloads are not distributed evenly. I could just go on and on. You leave one Corp job, go to another one, same structure, same mgmt style, same work noisy environment. Same everything. You get emails all day who in upper mgmt they have hired. VPs have a position in every job title you can imagine. They create positions for them. Managers do not even manage people, they manage schedules,meeting,emails as top 3. Its a JOKE. You get interns on the floor that are clueless because lack of hands on training and Mgmt. expects the employees to train without added pay now and expected to do their daily job while people sitting or standing with them. Managers are so removed from daily operations in office settings. The Supervisors are doing desk level work too and min time to supervise and train, improve efficiencies. Work lunches Corp says you get but your eating at your desk while working and IF you go to breakroom they interupt you. Everything is WRONG but Corp is only concerned about the bottom line. People dont matter. At very best you might get a pizza but in actuality you eat with your employees and back to work. Our society is driving all this. Health is at its worse. Familiea are broken, in debt. The American dream does not line with Corporation agenda. Its frustrating, exhausting and no purpose indeed as expressed on this video. When will people rise in a non union enviroment and stand up as one against all these big companies. Then the small mom and pop compainies are spread out thin and workload ia more,pay is less,no pay increases,training min.,high turnover. So frustrating!
@gigilongtime2891 9 часов назад
Pretty accurate
@ct4074 9 часов назад
A culture of IGNORANCE and government FASCISTS!
@audreyhuggins8822 9 часов назад
I don't think being a digital nomad as actually living in another country, but more as a perpetual tourist and visitor. When you live in country you speak the language, play a part in the community, have a job/career there, build a life, not work for American social media outlets and merely transplant your computer.
@peterk6797 9 часов назад
I've been a Product Manager for 10+ years and when someone asks to explain my job, I can't do it, its pretty complex and diverse wearing a lot of hats, and each time I do the role its different depending on the company. My partner is a chef, he can do the work of 4 people, so they eventually fire the other 3 people and get him to do everything. Its nuts
@sandiellett1786 9 часов назад
My plans are more like wish lists, but even a basic plan helps. Already retired, but my plan while I worked was putting 15% a year into my company 401K and have a paid off home which are now completed. Now I want to start investing in a S&P index fund but waiting for a stock market dip. It took me 5 or 6 years to have $100k in my 401k and 8 years to pay off home.
@thetruthbetold86 9 часов назад
Hard work=more work is 100% true. If you finish your work early let's say within 5 hours. They will give you 3 hours of extra work to do lmao.
@davido3109 9 часов назад
Subscribed!!!! Gracias!!! Nice incredible presentation... Namaste Haribol Asewe!!
@workinprogresssince1974 10 часов назад
Thank you for giving both sides of the story on this subject. It’s all too easy to think of the benefits to yourself when making this choice, and not thinking about how it effects the cultures and the communities in which you are planning to settle.
@2CoId 10 часов назад
Very well said. You are very articulate with your words and you don’t waste any time with your explanations. I don’t comment often, but this was a very helpful video. Thank you for putting in the effort/time to spread your knowledge and experience.
@M_O_P.Limited 10 часов назад
People of the world, stop practicing wickedness and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven and hell are real places. Pray and read the Holy Bible.
@philipdepalma4672 11 часов назад
I spent most of my work years working for the garment workers union (ILGWU and it’s successors) and while you put all the blame on the employers, a large share of it goes to the consumers. People always said they wanted clothes made in the US by workers with good pay/benefits/working conditions BUT they actually bought clothes made in foreign sweatshops with terrible pay/working conditions/no benefits because they were CHEAPER. If we want jobs to treat/pay workers well we have to say that with how we spend our money BUT that means we will have to spend more to get less. And I appreciate the irony that I say this while planing to go to COSTCO this afternoon.
@adrianrackham9807 11 часов назад
You have gentrification within countries as well. It is very evident in the U.K with the economy based around London itself. With have Londoners who have high wages and have properties moving around other towns forcing property prices sky high so locals cannot get onto the property market as estate agents force up the price of housing .
@nancypatricia511 11 часов назад
Look up George Carlin and the American Dream from 2005. George has been gone for a while, but he talked about the loss of the American Dream maybe even before this stand-up performance. It is as he said back then.
@georgekibblin9924 12 часов назад
As an older man (57), I am seriously considering moving to another country. This country is no longer the country that I grew up in. Everything is toxic, materialistic, and super expensive. If I was a young person, I would start my life elsewhere. Do not get caught up in the slavery trap here in the U.S.
@Coffeaddictedcinephile87 12 часов назад
I'd be worried about corruption in some of these developing countries. Parts of Latin America are controlled by cartels and gangs. The police are paid off and are not there to protect you.
@saltodefe 13 часов назад
Soon American companies will realize that the job they are paying $50,000 to an American citizen abroad can be done by a foreigner abroad by $35,000
@blogdesign7126 37 минут назад
True too or they already have the data to back that up.
@Vita-a-stelle-e-strisce 13 часов назад
Very good points especially those about not trying to change the host countries.
@Jensasha 14 часов назад
i hate job enviroment they think they own you they think they have a word to say about private life and who you date.. often boss are sexual harassment like when you make it clear they fire you.. i am like fine bye