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@qwertyasdfg1261 День назад
This guy is now trying to prey on 21 year old women to get them to come be his personal trainer at his house....why would a former SEAL and gym owner need physical fitness training from a part time personal trainer? Funny what happens when you turn from Jesus.
@stephenfisher3721 Месяц назад
Why are 14 books of the Bible not only hidden from Protestants but completely removed from Protestant Bibles today? Why are Protestant ministers, pastors, reverends, and missionaries hiding the truth? Why do these same Protestant leaders praise the Septuagint for faithfully, honestly, and truly quoting from Holy Scripture as recorded in the Gospel, the Holy New Testament, with the words of Jesus himself and his apostles but remove these 14 Books from the very same Septuagint? Why praise the Septuagint when it serves your secret agenda but hide the rest when it doesn't? What are the Protestants hiding?
@mappyman8271 2 месяца назад
The book of Mormon is a fantasy. The plates never existed or could they have. Let’s see how long this man remains a member. Is he still a member?
@Sirach144 3 месяца назад
From one cast off religion to a false one
@mak88119 3 месяца назад
Isaiah 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. This verse completely destroys the LDS church which says you can be a god.
@Blacktorch27 3 месяца назад
The arrogance to think that you can come up with a single verse (in a book we believe in) to “destroy” the Church is astonishing. A couple ironies I want to point out. 1) who is the servant referenced in this verse? Isaiah? A Prophet? Does God use prophets to speak truth? Sounds like a church I know. 2) Isaiah more than anyone else in the Old Testament testifies of the profound truths found in no other church but the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Temples, Priesthood, Foreknowledge of Christ, etc. Only if you have eyes to see and ears to hear, that is.
@effervescentrelief 4 месяца назад
One of the keys to Isaiah is learning the history of the time, the politics, and players involved, and then how they apply to our modern day. All of it has double meaning, as the prophecies condemned the people of that day, and yet all of it will transpire similarly before the coming of Christ.
@hollayevladimiroff131 4 месяца назад
Isaiah says there is only one God, Isaiah 45:5 I am the Lord, and there is no other. I am the first and the last. Isaiah 46:9 I am God, and there is none like Me, Isaiah talks about there is only ONE God unlike Mormonism, that has many Gods, and that god is a man who is exalted. Isaiah is one of the great Books that speaks of the ONE glorious all-knowing God.
@jacbox3889 4 месяца назад
Joseph and The Book of Mormon both teach that the locations is here in the US. I don't understand how you can miss that.
@joliettraveler 5 месяцев назад
No direct lineage to the beginning of Christianity.
@cabarete2003 5 месяцев назад
I would be interested to hear him unlock the 4 Gospels and other NT script from a Jewish point of view.
@AlbertJLouie 6 месяцев назад
When you seek answers from the Book of Mormon instead of the Bible, God can't help you because you have turned your back on Him. Therefore this leaves the door open for Satan (II Corinthians 11:14-15) to step into your life with a false christ or prophet showing you signs and wonders to lead you away from the real Jesus of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. God Himself warns us about this in: MATTHEW 24:23-24 "Then if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or There! do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect..." Mormons teach and believe that their jesus is the brother of Satan, which contradicts what God says in His Bible that Jesus is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. So Mormons, which Jesus do you believe in? A. Your jesus of the Book of Mormon, who is the brother of Satan. OR B. The Jesus of the Bible, who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.
@mikeboyd3225 3 месяца назад
Wrong again sport. Leave this to the adults.
@AlbertJLouie 3 месяца назад
@@mikeboyd3225 You use insults. I'll use the truth.
@corybritton1966 6 месяцев назад
The book of Isaiah is hard for Mormons because it destroys the Mormon theology of multiplicity of gods, the book of Isaiah is diametrically opposed to the King folett discourse, repent of your blasphemies
@hollayevladimiroff131 4 месяца назад
Great, someone that knows Mormonism, God Bless You and God help the Mormons.
@jeffhenderson3184 3 месяца назад
Whatever! Ha. There absolutely are multiple Gods. I could go on for days quoting scriptures that prove it. I’ll just start in Genesis, “and God said, let US make man in OUR image”. Just who is God talking to? Seems God was not alone. To believe there is one God is to ignore scripture, or at minimum completely misunderstand it. You are the one who has fallen into the trappings of what you have been taught by uninspired, blind guides and teachers. Throw off your shackles and believe the Bible! think for yourselves and believe what God has written.
@brucegillingham2793 3 месяца назад
@@jeffhenderson3184 Jesus, he was talking to Jesus.
@jenniferleon-guerrero634 6 месяцев назад
Very interesting, thank you
@PRLoga 9 месяцев назад
What are Isaiah's Challenge?
@denisekyle6603 10 месяцев назад
Wow ! Thanks so very much for a deep insight 👍
@peterhook2258 Год назад
This opens so much up regarding religion, language and how the divine teaches us. Awestruck. This explains so much more than can be conveyed in my comment. Referencing the hebrew mind by comparing words in the BOM with words in the ancient Hebrew mind, and concepts, as well as actual academic knowledge of how language is formed, allows the divine to couch its knowledge and integrate it with human creativity (which is an academic principle)and code knowledge so it becomes a judge of the heart and not only the objective reality of the law of the jungle. This is lifechanging info folks. In other words if you see an anachronistic word or thought in the BOM the key is to see how that word is represented in the Hebrew mind in the OT (or NT for greek) and what that mind meant in that time and place including the nuances of how languages are formed in every culture. The "errors of men" are when the trail of concepts and thoughts get so lost they are difficult to trace. But lucky for us, there is quite a bit that is not. This then allows the blind to say..you made it all up (your a visionary man) but those with eyes to see (who faithfully meditatively study the scriptures) see clearly. Amazing. (this allows for free agency) It also teaches us that a literal understanding (since that understanding is needed to that individual of that time and place) has to be garnered as a foundation for the future key of disencoding.
@arlahunt4240 Год назад
This was the most precious testimony.
@Tahimate Год назад
DNA ? Geography? r0FL. nice
@FFM115 Год назад
Isaiah is easy to understand, he uses geographic locations from his time to prophecy about events in the last days. He refers to Ancient Israel and Egypt to describe America(Modern day Israel because of the gospel restoration and Egypt because of America cultural influence) he refers to the King of Assyria in his time to describe a powerful tyrant nation in the last days that will cause great destructions in America and other Gentile nations ( China/ Russia) the modern day Israel (USA) also described as a choice vineyard that became corrupted and didn’t produce good fruits, will eventually be trodden under the feet of the Assyrians. These prophecies are close to being fulfilled. We have very little time to repent from our false traditions, priestcraft, idolatry, lies, deceit, financial abuse and other iniquities. These events will catch us by surprise. Compare to the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith prophecies. Our leaders are blind to what’s happening and what’s coming. We need to wake up fast.
@kcb5336 4 месяца назад
Who are the leaders your referring to? Church leaders ? Political leaders? Very interesting comment
@FFM115 4 месяца назад
@@kcb5336 both religious and government have become blind and corrupted but Isaiah is referring to the church leaders in the chapter 56, he describes these “Watchmen “ a term used to refer to the leaders, as blind, dogs that cannot bark, they are not doing their job of receiving real revelation and prophecy and warning the people of what’s coming, instead they are sitting comfortably thinking everything is fine , that all is well. 10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. 11 Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. (Isaiah 56)
@kcb5336 4 месяца назад
@@FFM115 wow! Thanks for the reply. I think you’re correct! So do you think the modern church leadership is astray? Are you an active member of the LDS church?
@FFM115 4 месяца назад
@@kcb5336 yes I’m active, yes the church is off path and it has been since the days of Joseph. It’s not necessarily unusual, Ancient Israel as well as other God’s people often go astray. The problem is that they never find their way back until God punished them, it happened to Ancient Israel several times, it happened to the Nephites and it will happen to us Latter Day Gentiles. I guess it’s human nature. We have been warned , Isaiah speaks to our day, the Book Of Mormon speaks specifically about us, we need to heed to its warnings.
@jeffhenderson3184 3 месяца назад
Watchmen includes all religious leaders. Even if you argue and say it’s LDS leaders only… that is a general statement including local leaders of which there are thousands. And in that case, I would agree with Isaiah’s assessment. Many are blind guided. But, many are not.
@shirleysmith9353 Год назад
Did you do the workshops? I really would like to learn more. Thank you for this wonderful content!
@brandahmessenger433 Год назад
Last comment? As if one can’t get personal revelation of understanding on Isaiah as a type?! Why would a teacher steer students away from finding meaning? Just because she’s still intimidated and hasn’t got her answers yet?! You know what I think… I think there’s very much trouble in the church today because of that exact default. No one wants to know. Prefer to breeze over holy book vs do the personal work. Find or in the least SEEK the meanings and answers. Granted I can appreciate the weight of responsibility to teach difficult text, but the numbness in tone here on that last comment advice is deafening to me. I do appreciate Oakes comments here.
@newmanhoverd206 Год назад
Brilliant! I would love to learn more about all this brother Kay. Where can we find you?
@latterdaycovenantliving Год назад
He has a channel called Mormon Yeshiva
@jaredb9523 Год назад
My grandmother told me my ancestor was the first jew to convert to lds .. decided to see if I could find any info on it thru RU-vid n I'm here
@voldemort54 Год назад
Very interesting commentary! I've always thought that the Battle of Gog and Magog described in Ezekiel was something different than the final Battle in Revelations. Something to think about.
@henryponnefz1419 Год назад
This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing. I have learned so much!
@michaelmichaelc1748 Год назад
The Book of Mormon Institute Manual explanations of Isaiah are so good. When l read the commentaries and explanations of Isaiah there it was the first time really that l began to understand what he was saying.
Silata collins your Over Doing it! God is Only the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit! Be Careful in Your Concept of God! The Celestial Mother Exist But She is Not God To Us! Only the What The New Testament and Book of Mormon Testifies! Dont Over Do it You will Scare other Christians Away
@tuvoca825 Год назад
The promised land on Earth is symbolic of the Heavenly promised land... the real inheritance is bigger. The lesser is to serve the greater in purpose like the tabernacle. Because we are strangers here. When the isles of the sea are remembered... he is saying he remembers the ones broken off and driven out... the ones who were taken away after the diasporas.
@tuvoca825 Год назад
I have Sephardic heritage and the Cohen Modal Haplotype (though I dont know which CMH yet) and am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. There's more than that but... I needed this. I really appreciate this video. DO MORE. Please.
@trishaa46 2 года назад
I can't hear the video
@donattridge1356 2 года назад
@camillehollinger4944 2 года назад
If I understand right they were not of the tribe of Judah but of Joseph. However, they were from Jerusalem/Judah physically
@audriabuchanan244 Год назад
Politically and geographically they were 'Jews' of that time period. Lehi learned later that he and his family were descendants of Joseph through the tribe of Manasseh.
@jaredb9523 Год назад
@@audriabuchanan244 how did he find that out?
@shirleysmith9353 Год назад
@@jaredb9523 the Brass Plates
@rkdesrochers 2 года назад
This is fantastic!! Great video! Thanks for sharing!!
@shanemaddox5049 2 года назад
His hood winking folks for ez living
@dianehenry733 2 года назад
Wow, thanks again. You are needed and loved. Thank you
@shel629 2 года назад
It is true that many people of Hebrew and Jewish kept their ancestry quiet and to know the history of the Jews you can see why. However, if we believe in the Adam and Eve story all humans are relatives and as tribes migrated they forgot they are relatives and some became enemies. DNA they say we all came from one mother. Interesting. Most religions believe in Abraham's God. They have more in common than differences. Why the conflicts? If we are all relatives, why do we create a division between us. Why do we have wars. Why do we complicate our lives when we are relatives. We still need each other to survive on this planet.
@yeboscrebo4451 2 года назад
I rarely hear anything of real substance from these general authorities.
@gabegoldweight1854 Год назад
You should try listening. 😉
@yeboscrebo4451 Год назад
@@gabegoldweight1854 How about pondering?
@brandahmessenger433 Год назад
Then damn YOU.
@hollayevladimiroff131 4 месяца назад
Amen, he can't talk about Isaiah, it differs from Mormonism. Mormonism is unbiblical.
@beverlyvanfosson8259 4 месяца назад
You are obviously an apostate
@Hala-ataa 2 года назад
What does pink have to do with anything?
@miemartine7771 2 года назад
🦁⚜️🐝 I am.... Anakazi Jew by Birth - A 17 Year Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My Jewish mother and grandmother were only 1.5% of Jews living in Hungary that survived. Because my Aryan German grandfather brought them to Nice France, for safe keeping. My Jewish Mother's Maiden name is Bombas (Bombus) meaning Bee - Bumblebee and Queen Bee 👑🐝 I was also taught to stay quiet about being Jewish. And that people, are still trying to hunt us down.
@lindamoses3697 2 года назад
Fascinating. Thank you.
@amyjo4367 2 года назад
Thank you! This is AWESOME! I've already downloaded book 1 & I'm searching for more videos! Thank you! God Bless you both!
@danielhickmott5800 2 года назад
Thankyou, Bro. Kay. I was raised a Protestant and studied the Bible throughout my youth. As I became aware of the BoM I realized it read very much like the Old Testament. There are many times throughout the BoM where it speaks of the people following the Law of Moses. This requires specific plants, foods, animals for sacrifice, and fresh water. A lot is inferred with this statement.
@DaisyMay222 2 года назад
Love this video! So grateful for this added knowledge! 🌸
@Bishop_Spearsmith 2 года назад
This has been the most insightful of all Isaiah's commentary that I've come across.
@juliusschwencke142 2 года назад
..have just completed a thesis, which I knew I had to get out of the way before proceeding with my recreational reading; historical biographies and the scriptures. Another priority I had set, was a detailed study of Isaiah, as per the Saviour's admonition. The algorithm threw this one up, so I know this was no accident. Thank you.
@siilatacollins154 2 года назад
Thank HEAVENLY FATHER and our BELOVED HOLY HEAVENLY MOTHER, for this BROTHER'S testimony. Yes, the Book of Mormon, is the word of our HEAVENLY PARENT'S.
@laurimuse1390 3 года назад
This is amazing! I’d love a full series in this. Much more..
@BB-ct4dt 4 года назад
Isaiah 19 is America in its last days. Codename Egypt. Writing this in June 2020. Look for modern "Moses" who will lead the righteous away from destruction enacted by the "Assyrian King" as he is empowered by God to destroy the wicked of the world.
@brandahmessenger433 Год назад
……. Code name Egypt? Not ;)
@brandahmessenger433 Год назад
@FFM115 Год назад
You got it right brother. I’ve been Isaiah for more than a decade, and that’s exactly what the record says, my prayers were confirmed that Isaiah refers to the US as the modern day Jerusalem/ Egypt, he uses these two terms to describe the USA and as scary as it sounds he prophesies about our destruction for corrupting the vineyard and that God will bring the king of Assyria against us, Assyria was a cruel conquering alliance of nations in Isaiah’s time, in our day its very likely to be China/ Russia and a few other allied nations that will go on to dominate the world for a period, a time of darkness and great destructions, especially among the Gentile Nations USA, Europe and its allies. This matches other prophecies in the Book of Mormon about the end of the Gentile nations as described by the Savior in 3rd Nephi 20 and 21 and in D&C 87. Most members don’t realize what’s coming because they are sleeping relying on the arm of flesh, busy with religiosity, focused on the church leaders and following them, just like ancient Israel, they will be caught by surprise when these things start happening and we are closer than never. The Lord will send a mighty Prophet to set the faithful free from captivity because the king of Assyria will invade the US and kill many and take people into captivity and none can save them except God. We will see a repetition of what happened in ancient times.
@jeffhenderson3184 3 месяца назад
He’s right. Egypt was the super power of Isaiah’s day. A type for America. What… you didn’t know that?
@al-8026 4 года назад
Please, how do we end the use of your systems [in our country the Family Law Court] from sending children into the homes of the abusers? Some of us have been praying, fasting, trying to expose and bring our children and grandchildren out for years. We have laws that stop us from being able to use documents we have to prove the injustice [Section 121 of the Family Law Act].
@shel629 4 года назад
This young man is a very good person and has done a lot of research on religion.
@shel629 4 года назад
This helps us understand the roots of our three great religions. Abrahams religion and it shows how people migrated and carried their religious beliefs and cultures with them. I find it interesting.
@grayman7208 2 года назад
there are only two religions of god. both abrahamic religions. judaism. christianity. mormons are christians. islam is the religion of satan.