Eric The INTP
Eric The INTP
Eric The INTP
Ghosts - Original Song
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Ti Si Loop for INTPs
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Idealism In Romantic Relationships
2 года назад
INTP 5w4 (Subtype: Sexual 5)
2 года назад
@BeautyBehindTheScience 7 дней назад
Can you elaborate on the deity part? 😊
@BeautyBehindTheScience 7 дней назад
Thanks for giving your perspective. Is there a point when the INTP is actually actively pursuing? Does it ever happen?
@EricTheINTP 7 дней назад
I think as INTPs get older they realize their need to take initiative and are more willing to risk everything that comes with trying to invite another person into their lives. INTPs that are prone to anxious attachment/vacillators will want to be chosen by a special someone, so their pursuing may be hindered by the hope someone they like chooses them.
@blackcoconutcoffee 7 дней назад
i caught myself thinking about inventing time travel equipment 😅 but im always wondering how physical body can transfer in an invisible way 😅
@Bobby_101 10 дней назад
This is top grade acting
@justice4emilyandnatalia 12 дней назад
The way you explain things is so similar to me, and now I can see how it confuses people. I understand perfectly (lowkey wish my teachers would explain topics like this), but like it kinda adds up why people look at me rlly confused when I try to explain something to them.
@EricTheINTP 12 дней назад
Haha I try so hard to make sense, but I still see the confused look on other people's faces. Glad I'm not the only one! We can get better at this together!
@AbigailOrtiz-ml3ib 20 дней назад
I love how you read the bible as a sponsor. That was awesome.
@ludyna_rozymna 21 день назад
I can relate to ISFPs so much as an INTP. Maybe that’s because of INTP’s ISFP superego
@ae-Michael 21 день назад
I recently stuck in Ti-Ni loop, I was overthinking about logic and the future.When I took an MBTI Test, I mistyped myself as INTP. I lost my Se.
@lamedvavnik33 29 дней назад
I guess i'm on a sweet spot right now between the functions... After my birthday maybe things will go down the hill and i'll remember everyday who doesn't gave me a present
@lamedvavnik33 29 дней назад
Corinthians II 14 the women must shut up in the temple and obey their husbands
@lamedvavnik33 Месяц назад
Haha the 26° like came right after
@Missdovanova Месяц назад
By translator you mean we need an entp or entj 😅 where are those ppl who will stand for us and translate our thoughts 🤔
@being-Lisa Месяц назад
Can confirm
@s0c0urt Месяц назад
Omg father who is more quiet and mother who is more of a planner. It me. Please elaborate!! Why do I keep attracting INTPs? ~ISTP female
@Sa.Ka2323 Месяц назад
Do you know where my holes are i can't find em 😂😂😂
@Sa.Ka2323 Месяц назад
Oh my god the baby words is super relatable to me 😂 thanks for sharing
@chester72ccm Месяц назад
I’m very active in making things happen in my own world. I fail badly though when other people are involved.
@normanb3244 Месяц назад
Indirect communication irritates me to no end. As others have said, it feels manipulative, dishonest & just weak. Say what you mean & stand on it.
@sionesaafi7484 Месяц назад
Bible does not talk about pre tribulation rapture or mid tribulation rapture, but Jesus said in Mathew 24 that the tribulation starts in verse 21 to 29 the the rapture in verse 31,same as Revelation 20...the tribulation in verse 4 and the First Resurrection (rapture) in verse 5.....
@yerintaem Месяц назад
Super interesting, so they kind of exhibit ENTJ traits when they are looping. I'm an INTJ and this is super interesting, thank you!
@BF-non Месяц назад
I get you - INTJ 5w4 sx
@cross-eyedmary6619 Месяц назад
This describes my life. Thank you so much!
@rachaelelliott3598 Месяц назад
I am an ESFJ. Extreme things kind of kick me out of depression. A 10-minute cold plunge. Bikram yoga (yoga at 105° for an hour and a half). 3 day fasts. It's all torture. I didn't want to do it. But when I force myself to do these things I feel better for a measure of time.
@4rchim 2 месяца назад
Why I'm I even watching this when I'm INTP and I knew exactly what he'd say lmao
@MetalHobbit22 2 месяца назад
My partner is an INTP and one of my favourite things about him is his loyalty. Loyalty is very important to both of us, we both relate to the touch being very intimate as well, and that also makes us a match. We aren’t huggers with the average person. 😂 another favourite thing about him is his logic. Sometimes it can frustrate me, but it’s important. I am prone to over thinking with my emotions and creativity and lose all sense of logic. (I’m prone to insanity. Literally I experience psychosis off my meds.) there is nothing wrong with being picky, I am too. I didn’t date anyone until I met my partner and we’ve been together for 6 and a half years, I just knew.. “that’s the one.” If you haven’t already I really hope you find your match. You remind me a lot to my partner. A nerd who was also a lacrosse player though not a runner. Don’t lose hope if you haven’t found love yet. And if you have, I’m glad. 😊 INFP 4w5
@MetalHobbit22 2 месяца назад
I’ve been with my INTP partner for 6 and a half years. I know that he loves me, he shows it all the time. But I often worry that I’m not intellectually stimulating enough… 😅 I feel bad for being emotionally stimulating.. and as a dominant Fi user I can feel like I am selfish for mostly being focused on my feelings. I do care about other people and their feelings, but I seem to focus on myself the most. It’s pushed me to get the therapy that I need though which I think has been positive for others as well as myself.. 😂 Though I kind of feel bad for majority of my conversations being about how I feel.. -INFP 4w5
@cora5525 2 месяца назад
Hey, you should research the background of Carl Jung and personality psychology in general. Sure enough, these people dabbled in the occult HEAVILY. It preys on people just looking for answers, but it directs us further into ourselves for knowledge. This doesn't lead to good fruit. Proverb 18:2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
@lamedvavnik33 29 дней назад
Corinthians 14:34 shut up women!
@cora5525 20 дней назад
​@lamedvavnik33 Acts 2:17 in the last days your sons and your daughters will prophesy. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ.
@Edwin6264. 2 месяца назад
W video
@Persephoneeeeeee 2 месяца назад
Intj found me an intp. We didn't bother with the small talk when we met. We went straight to the values & we knew. He has lots of hobbies to keep his mind busy. But he doesnt expect me to share all his same interest. But we get each other. Its weird but cool at the same time. He's also very affectionate which is something i appreciate but not used to.
@doomguy6296 2 месяца назад
My experience as an INTP with an ISTJ was like talking to ChatGPT: You provide them a lot of details for context and they snap a very cold and logical, precise, carefuly worded responses
@bellaramsay2724 3 месяца назад
I think the ti-ni loop is especially dangerous because it pushes the istp so far into his introversion that other people tend to have little effect. I've found that re-orienting to big goals I've had in the past and working towards them in even a small way works wonders. It doubly helps since istp goals tend to require Se.
@casual_citizen 2 месяца назад
I've been obsessed with figuring out which personality type I belong in for a few weeks. At times some of the different personalities can be like cold reading. I'm sure everybody would recognize themselves in other descriptions depending on what mood and situation they're in. Like I am capable of being extroverted. It's really hard to say if I'm introverted by choice or because people avoid me. I have the capability to make decisions on what is best for the group. I'm not a robot and I'm not only thinking about myself. I do have sympathy and empathy. And I don't always make rational decisions, sometimes I just do what ever feels right. But what has made it more difficult than anything to determine what personality type I belong to is because regardless of the answer, I know I have most certainly been stuck in a loop for many many years. I had to see what a ISTP looks like while in a loop before I knew for certain I'm ISTP. And now that I understand why I'm stuck in analysis paralysis I did exactly what you did. I went back to my old goals and I've started doing a little bit everyday towards becoming a freelance web developer. Never been the mechanical type, so I found it really hard to believe I was an ISTP. I also have a hard time shutting up once I start. But I do enjoy using a computer as a tool.
@SaraAlrammah-h3u 3 месяца назад
Hello there, كيف حالك؟ , I am an INFP and I have many INTP friends, they are fun to be around and we always have great conversations, can you make a video about what INTPs usually look in a friend, what fun activities do INTPs enjoy, BTW I am from Saudi Arabia, and I enjoy your videos😁
@Coneman3 3 месяца назад
Too much like poetry 😂
@75V37K4 3 месяца назад
Talking to Te doms seems pretty much logical! Wow. Thank you for advice!
@justicewokeisutterbs8641 3 месяца назад
It's funny to me that you said, as an INTP, you want to do everything. I'm INTP and am now old. When I was young I used to joke that what I wanted to do was usually the last thing I saw somebody else do. 😆
@caeliamoonshadow 3 месяца назад
I think i have a crush on you both ❤❤😊
@agathamery8137 3 месяца назад
im an isfp and i was trying to look for fi ni loop but all of them were talking about intjs only so thank u
@caeliamoonshadow 3 месяца назад
Dang. Lettuce have a bite?
@more444store6 3 месяца назад
I am an Infp and I almost can't stand Istjs. They love duty and tradition, but they don't care about truth or right and wrong. Not a good mix. They are company men, so if they are a member of the mob, they will show great loyalty to that. Never considering, the right or wrong of it. They are clan like. If you are a member of their clan (military, LE, Masons, etc...) you are in like Flynn, can do anything, break any law and they are okie dokey with you and it. They don't respect me as an Infp (childlike, lazy, etc...), and I don't respect them as an Istj (loyal to evil, if in their clan, obstinate and unbending, right and wrong don't matter). Of all 16 personality types, there are 2 that I almost despise, that is Istjs and Estjs, the bossies. I ask God to remove all of them from my sphere of life, amen.
@CoachFardBell 3 месяца назад
Great video, bro! Christian INTP
@91722854 3 месяца назад
DO you attend or adopt a particular denomination/ set of doctrines? what denominations do you think is most suitable for an INTP, stereotypically speaking?
@EricTheINTP 3 месяца назад
If we’re speaking stereotypically, I would think INTPs would not fall into any strong position but would rather want to find a balance of perspectives in all the different expressions of doctrine. Even bad theology, there is a curiosity as to why it exists.
@encounteringjack5699 4 месяца назад
Yes! King Cat has returned!
@iberos 4 месяца назад
This video is 6 years old please tell me you found a solution
@viatorinterra 4 месяца назад
I'm an ISTJ, one of my best friends is an INTP we're both mathematicians, economic/financial analysts, and AI devs ironically nowadays he's more interested in empirics and I in theory
@EricTheINTP 4 месяца назад
If you hear a pop...that was my knee