This channel is dedicated to Lore and History behind videogames and board games. We will be thoroughly looking at every game's lore and will also be performing some theory crafting ;)
@josephhesse2634 Месяц назад
How is this considered lore. This is just vdo stating facts in game. It’s good, but have misleading name. Nothing explained. Just facts.
@myeyesaredrymylove 28 дней назад
That's... kinda the point of lore: Facts.
@Sharpstoned Месяц назад
The first empire wouldn't call themselves the first empire. They would have had a name.
@rogaldorn5486 Месяц назад
I like the shek lore a lot, it fits them and the japanese inspired setting very well that they follow an very extreme version of the bushido Code wich also is intendet to lead to a live of responsibility and strength of character but becomes "if you like living, you a pussy" very fast if you twist just a little and from listening to lore videos and the game, conversatios etc that seams exactly what he was going for, also i just think its more sensible that the final stand was misunderstood by shek, possibly from the start but shurly over time it got twisted.
@Elnidax Месяц назад
There are also scavengers they aren’t called bandits but they are a bandit faction they’re primarily in UC territory, their pretty unique because you can find them traveling solo or in small groups they’ve attacked my group a number of times
@trumplostlol3007 Месяц назад
The skin spider travels at 7 to 14 mph and is slow like a turtle. LOL
@theprelate4219 2 месяца назад
Kenshi does not really fit in 40k.... but it DOES fit in 25k. I can see Kenshi as a world that existed after the end of the Dark Age of Technology but before the rise of the Imperium. The ruins on the planet have a pre Imperial look to them.
@Tere225 2 месяца назад
S crab. Pack animals A. Everything else f
@alteredbeast7145 2 месяца назад
No psykers in Kenshi
@samuelrodriguez9801 2 месяца назад
I would like to think that the world of Kenshi was one of the many planets that were never found during the Great Crusade.
@Kreegam 2 месяца назад
just got the game, ran through the hives only in small groups and was fine, one guy got kidnapped on one of my hashish runs, idk why he went the way he did but he was promptly dragged, put on a rod, and then worshipped until he died
@Kreegam 2 месяца назад
fairly certain he was supposed to be eaten but it never happened 😅
@user-fy5gg4um9f 3 месяца назад
Cat-Lon went mad because of everything that went on he was most likely in the skeletons vs human war that happened 1000s of years ago he also most likely fought in 100s of wars and 1000s maybe even 10000s of battles than he made a empire and his army did a really and i mean really bad job of ruling which in turn lead to the holy nation forming and that also was a war and than he had to retreat to the ashlands all alone with mindless drones yea i would go mad too if i was in his boots or metal feet?
@user-fy5gg4um9f 3 месяца назад
Fun Fact: Almost everything wrong with how the world of kenshi works is because of Cat-Lon and his army, the cannibals happened because the group of high commanders in Cat-Lons army who where put in charge of food failed so bad that the tribes in the north turned to cannibalism to live, the holy nation happened because of how the skeletons treated humans idk about the united cities but most likely the same thing and ect if not for Cat-Lon and his armies being so stupid and did there job right kenshi could have been a perfect world
@jaybee8862 3 месяца назад
Bulls are S tier for me... Early on I leave them carrying tons of iron and following a hauler... by the time they are an adult they have around 60 athletics and 50 strength... Once I have a couple adults I take my herd thru the desert... watching them plow thru starving bandits and outlaws... Very good aoe dmg and knockbacks
@RuBuNsGo 3 месяца назад
Gurglers see every other species as food source, yet they dont fight to kill only for eat or territory which explains the bounty but not an army to exterminate them
@smexy_man 4 месяца назад
Probably the descendance of the fish species dried fish
@skydevil644 4 месяца назад
I feel like the hivers that turned into fogmen have experienced a form of Cordyceps or something similar to this nature.
@sp1cychick3nsamm1ch9 4 месяца назад
This is it, this is the head canon I’m playing the rest of the game with
@foxdavion6865 4 месяца назад
I've determined both settings have absolutely nothing to do with each other despite the similarities. However, if one was to indulge this, I'd hazard to suggest that the game takes place not in the galaxy with the established Imperium, but instead before that, it is during the Age of Strife, likely sometime in the 28th or 29th Millennium. Also, Exterminatus despite the memes and Relic Game's obsession with it; It is used seldom by the Imperium in canon, requires Inquisitorial approval and is considered a last resort to deny the enemy a population, a resource or a base of operations, such as a planet that will become a deamon world or be dragged into the warp or completely overrun by xenos with no human alive and offers no strategic, economic or industrial necessity. If the nascent, early Imperium came across the planet during the Great Crusade, the Skeletons, Holy Nation and mutants will be immediately targeted for extermination, especially the skeletons, following this the Mechanicum would descend upon the planet like locusts searching for STCs.
@chriskoay1038 5 месяцев назад
I love these videos
@uberwayz 5 месяцев назад
The bugmasters created the hivers and the Shek. Hivers were created due to the famine in order to produce more food, whilst the Shek were created as enforcers
@joelmitchell7597 5 месяцев назад
I heard in another lore video that the shek seek out the bugmaster when they're ready to die in battle. 🕷
@robfus 5 месяцев назад
Personally i think the empire did not fall. Only on Kenshi and the empire do not even know what is going on in Kenshi they think everything is fine probably
@alexrosu4405 5 месяцев назад
Fun fact: the domesticated bulls you encounter in HN lands deal mostly blunt damage because of their stumped horns the ones you see in the wild deal mostly cutting damage because of their sharp horns. The domesticated ones are way more dangerous especially if you tend to wear heavy armor.
@ttandc 5 месяцев назад
Sad that Kenshi 2 seems to be a no show :(
@Storm_Crown 5 месяцев назад
One thing you forgot to mention was his relationship with other relevant skeletons. I remember seeing passive dialogue from skeletons about how him and Tinfist used to be friends.
@phoenixdash549 5 месяцев назад
I kept the Tinfist lore for the Second Empire video, which will be more indepth
@Storm_Crown 5 месяцев назад
@@phoenixdash549 Can't wait!
@patochan7831 5 месяцев назад
Amazing stuff i love your videos, hope to see more
@ND._o 5 месяцев назад
Are we really sure that Skeletons go mad without memory wipes, or is that just their excuse to hide the world's past from organic beings who weren't alive back then? Because in World's End there's that Skeleton (forgot his name) who works as the main assistant of Finch, the leader of the Machinists who sends tech hunters to retrieve lost tech and documents to try and piece together the world's history. If you talk to that Skeleton as a non-Skeleton character and ask him about the past, he'll say how he can't remember anything due to occasional memory wipes. But if you talk to him as a fellow Skeleton and ask the same, he openly admits that he's using his position to sabotage Finch's attempts to uncover lost history and that "we shouldn't worry because the past will remain hidden from organic beings" or something along those lines. It strongly hints that Skeletons don't actually need to reset their memories to avoid going mad, they're all just collectively using it as an excuse to avoid talking about the past, for whatever reason. Maybe they don't want anyone to discover that the Skeletons are the ones responsible for turning Kenshi into a barely habitable wasteland and almost causing human extinction? The exact reason is open for speculation but I think that Finch's Skeleton asisstant in World's End truly proves that Skeletons are all lying about memory wipes.
@joewalsh9571 5 месяцев назад
You should make a video on what you think the lore setting of Kenshi 2 would be like! Like if it'll take place during the hiver "arrival" or second empire and what you think the factions and map will be like. I'd be curious to see your thoughts!
@robdabanks 5 месяцев назад
We do love a bit of Dashlore. You know, I think with your style you'd be quite good at delivering Diablo lore or similar if you enjoy those.
@Arrays23 5 месяцев назад
ooh kenshi lore, havent played for quite a long time tho.
@phoenixdash549 5 месяцев назад
Kenshi 2 waiting room
@Arrays23 5 месяцев назад
waitx3 there Kenshi 2!???@@phoenixdash549
@Arrays23 5 месяцев назад
damn i just checked it. what a surprised Kenshi 2 is under development.
@fernandohood5657 5 месяцев назад
This boss ends to be a letdown, why have 100 skills and fight naked, he can go down so quickly with a mediocre squad ganging up on him 🫣 the actual enemy in That location is the squads of spiders. roaming around. The issue of weak armor or no armor at all is Also present in many late game mobs
@AreEia 6 месяцев назад
Kenshi would likely be subdued by the Imperium, Xenos and those skeletons cleansed, all human tech of value would be taken by the Mechanicus and after that maybe either used as a recruitment world for either AA or AM. The Imperium rarely wants to waste any ressources, and conquering Kenshi would likely only take about a day or two...
@WinterRaven25 6 месяцев назад
My theory is that the gurglers are the dominant aquatic lifeform on the moon. And since there's only one continent that we know of it would be reasonable to assume it's a water world. Every few decades or centuries the gurglers attempt to set up a beachhead on the continent to try and expand their reach, but they are always beat back by the humans, Shek, skeletons, or hivers. But this particular invasion is unique in that they actually succeed in taking out a UC territory and stand a good chance of taking out Catun as well. The UC is weak because of the red rebellion and the nobles aren't taking the social contract seriously at all. Without the player's intervention there's a very real chance of gurgler domination in the south within the next few months or years as more gurglers are born or rise from the sea to join the successful expedition.
@aristedes9449 6 месяцев назад
No, no it's not. That association is an insult to Kenshi.
@geemanamatin8383 6 месяцев назад
Sand Ninja's are my go-to ninjas for playthroughs, although their lack of offical ore is a tad annoying, its nothing that can't be worked around. If you got an imagination, you can even just fill in the blanks yourself, which is what i often do. ;)
@TurKlack 6 месяцев назад
And then you have the Hivers. On their own, pretty big faction, but weirdly enough so irrelevant that they aren't a Major Faction. It's so ironic. They fit so perfectly unto Kenshi that it seems impossible for them to be a natural evolution. I'm certain that they must have been created.
@slacksviii9824 6 месяцев назад
No way they'd exterminatus the world, I could see them forcefully moving the population to a hive world though or conscripting them into the guard
@Arbaaltheundefeated 6 месяцев назад
I sure hope not. A huge part of why I love Kenshi as much as I do is for its unique setting. If somehow it ended up gobbled up as part of 40K I would consider it a great loss. Luckily it's NOT going to happen I'm quite sure and this "theory" is bullshit.
@nox22119 6 месяцев назад
If Lorgar found planet Kenshi first he would be happy to teach them the imperial cult and happily convert the holy nation to worshipping big E. The sheik are abhumans so they might be spared and treated the same way as Ogryns.
@Japsterise 6 месяцев назад
Bro I also think Rimworld takes place in 40k during the early Dark Age of Technology. I think of the crafting knowledge as being unlocked from STCs, which allows for rapid colonization
@thenutella8846 6 месяцев назад
I'm glad everyone else has this thought of connecting kenshi and Warhammer because they fit similar themes. I have my own fanfics that incorporate several fantasy/scyfi settings like the soulsborne series, armored core, the elder scrolls, Warhammer 40k and fantasy, deadspace, bionicle, etc alongside my own stories. and yeah kenshi too. I know it sounds scizo but uh, with a lot of headcannon and retconning, it just works.
@internetuser320 6 месяцев назад
I was having a similar thought
@LordInquisitor701 6 месяцев назад
It could be possible be pass the crusade and be somewhere in the middle of the 32 or 34 millennia can you do a video about that?
@mindofthecosmos9674 6 месяцев назад
Last time I checked kenshi is it's own sci-fi genre/franchise so I'm pretty sure the answer to this entire video is a big fat nope.
@CryingCreeperMLG 6 месяцев назад
The problem is that the connections Kenshi has to 40k are also just extremely generic sci-fi elements. Like, bread-and-butter-tier basics. Humans developing machines and robots that make life so easy life becomes dystopian? Blade Runner and frickin Wall-E do this. Machines ended up playing a role in the down fall of organics? Practically any sci-fi setting with robots, but lets name... The Matrix. Kenshi isn't in the 40k setting, the setting of Kenshi is just insanely unoriginal, just like 40k. But with 40k it's on purpose because its a satirical setting. With Kenshi it's just because no one is picking up a game like Kenshi for the lore, so there's no need to put effort into it. 75%+ of people who picked up the game probably haven't even played enough to know the game HAS a bunch of lore.
@CryingCreeperMLG 6 месяцев назад
When coming up with theories like this it's important to take a step back and go "Yes, these two settings share these elements, but how prevalent are these elements in the genre as a whole?" because 99% of the time, you'll see they aren't direct references or connections but rather just someone covering the basics of worldbuilding.
@thesmilyguyguy9799 6 месяцев назад
:< D
@thesmilyguyguy9799 6 месяцев назад
=][ D
@OGDoomGuy 6 месяцев назад
Nah it’s a common theme in Sci-Fi - Aliens - Robots - Genetics - Post Apocalyptic - Power Armor Im already making my own fiction with these themes 😁
@IVortUa 6 месяцев назад
Well, it might as well be in the Dune Universe after the Butlerian Jihad.
@enterthejouz6728 6 месяцев назад
In other words exterminatus.