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Enemies of The People: Chapter 1
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@PacoOtis 14 часов назад
When I was a kid all houses had large porches on the front where people could sit and greet neighbors. I have not seen a porch on a newer house in decades. Uhmm?
@guardian_bob День назад
Democrats better hope Trump's team doesn't remember this ad
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu День назад
Now if we could only get the governments to see the benefit of Mangrove estuaries. Someone sold the people moving here the idea that bare shore with no plants was better. Maybe if you have waterfront land and you just want to walk on your dock and go boating. But the storms come and your dock and boat will not like those storms. So, I would love to see Florida return to a massive intracoastal waterway with lots and lots of connected Mangrove estuaries all along the coast line, the Indian River Lagoon, the St. Lucie River and even along the inlets and calmer ocean spots. I am not a fan of beach renourishing, the forced pumping of seabed sand back onto the beach. I would love to see the beach become an undulating, curving coastline with coves and small inlets all up and down the Florida East Coast with Mangrove populating the water's edge even on the oceanside coves. We have created a very artificial and unstable coastline that is very vulnerable to storms and surge and flooding and erosion. Maybe we will allow the East Coast to Rewild to it's natural dynamic, Mangrove inhabited ways? Or maybe the cost of maintaining such an unstable and unnatural coastline will eventually be too great and people will move away and areas will revert to their natural barrier plants ecosystems? I would love to see that. People moving back off the water maybe a couple of hundred yards or more and letting the coastal interface lands and waterways and oceans be dynamic and alive again. But Humanity would have to learn to value nature over property values. Well as the storms get more numerous and stronger, property values on the water's edge will be coming down.
@RaniVeluNachar-kx4lu День назад
I believe that the Hydrological Cycle is Plants. I have practiced "calling the Rain", by growing a lot of potted plants and then added a lot of plant matter to the bare spots in my complex. I kid you not. I have forced watered the sod to increase sod mass, and I took cuttings from my Song of India plants, a Dracaena reflexa plant that propagates easily and is hearty and drought and sand tolerant. The effect is to get more growing plant matter in a given space and the roots store water in the soil. I also use a lot of succulent ground cover plants like dwarf rhoeo to fill in bare spots, and layer with clumps of taller plants interspersed in the cover area to give it some shade. My complex likes grass, which I know is too water and care intensive, so I sneak in the ground covers here and there to balance the grass and give the landscape more depth and less intensive watering and care. So when I water with tap, I get rain either later that night or maybe the next day. If I skip watering a lot, then the rains become fewer and fewer. It's really the plants acting as a pump while stabilizing the soil, storing carbon in the roots and slowing the movement of water when it does rain. Then as the heat builds here in South Florida by late June, the rains come more and more and the plants put the excess water back into the air and that goes aloft and at night the cooler temperatures drop to the dew points and rain falls. It's just a biological pump. But you have to cultivate plants a lot of plants and you have to in the Spring water to Prime the Pump. The plants need to be drought tolerant to the Winter Spring slow season and then when rains come in the Sumer Fall like here in South Florida, they will survive the dry times and grow in the wet. The plants hold the soil, and cool it allowing for a complex microbiome that is really absolutely necessary for plants to survive. Microbiomes don't like dry, hot dirt. They like cool, moist, warm soil. So, I will even tolerate any weed or plant that first emerges into a new area, just to get cover and to promote nitrogen fixation. Then later the desired species will typically crowd the "weeds" out. But there are no bad plants and weeds are far better than dry patches of sun baked dirt.
@rebeccabilbrey3524 День назад
I agree. Ive been dealing with lonliness more since i started chemotherapy. You have to be so careful both for your health and safty of others. Still it has been a blessing to have a few friends who call and check on me. My neighborhood is transitioning from older people who've lived here for years to short term rentals.
@cornbisque День назад
The fact they call themselves Chicanos just makes me cringe
@elizabethsalvatore1633 День назад
If she was a man, she wouldn’t have gone to jail. 😢( at that time)
@amyludwig8685 2 дня назад
Why doesn't she just leave? I'm a survivor too, and what all people need to know is: Leaving is the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship. It's not as easy as it might seem and it is INCREDIBLY dangerous. The second woman, speaking of being embarrassed is spot on.. we are ashamed we're being abused. And trauma bonds come into play.. With all due respect, if you haven't lived through this type of relationship, you cannot imagine how difficult it really is..
@fenmiao3bi4zheng 2 дня назад
It is surprising any liberal newspaper would print anything not ovverflowing with prraise for democrats
@Oxol33 2 дня назад
Our media keeps telling us that our neighbors are our enemies, if they have different political opinions, skin color or religious beliefs. What did anyone expect would happen?
@macthesaltydog 2 дня назад
Cohousing does a great job balancing privacy with community. Most new mainstream housing only gives you only privacy, which fosters loneliness. Also, cohousing is an amazing place for kids. They can run free with loving, trusted neighbors keeping an eye on them. I raised my 3 kids in Heartwood Cohousing. It's the best thing that could have happened to them. They often express how grateful they are to have been able to grow up here. They had many adults who were very positive influences for them. Their teachers regularly commented on how mature they were for their age and how skilled they were at communicating with people of all ages. Our kids (now in their 20's) have remained incredibly close to all the other community kids they grew up with - like family.
@bluejedi723 2 дня назад
aids and covid have a lot in common- mistakes on how it was handled in the beginning and people died at a high rate...and then one day the world stopped caring
@BleakVision 2 дня назад
Of course Berry Scheck working hard for evil to prevail.
@Aqeelmahmood-v6f 2 дня назад
Stops executions in us aswell.
@Goku_sama322 3 дня назад
I dont know what to call it. Europeans/colonisers/abrahmics will first wipe out the indigenous population/culture, to civilise them by giving them Bible...and now they want to embrace Indigenous Practices. Your medieval Dark Times are still not over, you just got upgraded.
@JeanValjean875 3 дня назад
Ironically, losing to Ford in 1976 probably helped Reagan long term. If Reagan had gotten the nomination, he likely would have lost to Carter. '76 was a difficult environment for the GOP.
@seanwebb605 3 дня назад
This looks like a repost of a video. Not new content produced recently. Anyone reporting on HIV/AIDS today should stop reporting on it as if the global pandemic began in 1981. Looking back we know the crossover from SIV to HIV from non human primates to primates happened decades earlier in Africa. We know that tainted blood products from poor Haitians helped set off the epidemic in the United States Of America. We can know that Ryan and other hemophiliacs didn't get infected from whole blood transfusions. They were infected from Factor 8 infusions. The difference matters because how the plasma was sourced, the risk factors and why 11,000 hemophiliacs were infected with HIV and/or Hepatitis C. We should also point out that the Ricky Ray Bill and the Ryan White Act were the first programs to compensate hemophiliacs and provide health services to those infected with HIV. We still haven't seen much recognizing the harms done to the at risk blood and plasma donors, gays and others who were allowed to suffer. We don't do enough to recognize those who offered themselves as the face of the epidemic in the U.S. and suffered and died ignored.
@seanwebb605 3 дня назад
Let's just point out that each time they tried to describe Ryan White as an innocent victim he made sure to correct them. He didn't think that he was different than anyone else with the disease. There was an attempt to limit the conversation about AIDS to "innocent victims" like Ryan and Kimberly Bergalis who was infected by her dentist. Each and every time Ryan said that he appreciated the support of the gay community while he was ostracized by others. His mother remains a firm supporter for everyone suffering from HIV/AIDS and stands by the gay community. He really made things more difficult for himself by doing this. He could have been treated if he had joined in and blamed other groups for his situation. He didn't do that. It forced a broader conversation than the public wanted and many credible news agencies would have preferred if it was limited in scope.
@michellecrocker2485 3 дня назад
The parents who got him kicked from school were insensitive monsters and I feel no sympathy for them. That boy deserved to go to school like everyone else
@michellecrocker2485 3 дня назад
The parents who lobbied against that boy should be ashamed of themselves
@seanwebb605 3 дня назад
He's one of the better known examples, but there were 11,000 American hemophiliacs infected with HIV and/or Hepatitis C. There were hundreds if not thousands of these cases. Many went away silently. Others just didn't disclose their status. The last of the Ray Brothers from Florida died about a year ago. Three brothers with hemophilia that pushed to attend school. The neighbours burned down their house. Mark Hoyle was an example where his school and community rallied around him, but the public didn't know his identity or much about him until after he died.
@uniniversalstar1974 3 дня назад
If she wouldn’t have did what she did while he was asleep he would have unalived her sooner or later
@RIP_JUS 3 дня назад
Womp womp cry about hahahahahahahahaha
@user-ee3up4qj6y 3 дня назад
Между стёклами з}
@davidpayne706 3 дня назад
Because that's white people won't that's the f****** reason it's that simple
@cortashaelam320 4 дня назад
Relationship with God is the most important. You're not here for yourself, you're suppose to serve others, then you won't be lonely.
@alexanderangelo7284 4 дня назад
I'm not religious. But I agree with you.
@singleedge778 4 дня назад
This film says children who accuse famous people and politicians are always making it up.
@Blaccsparrow 4 дня назад
Idk who's a bigger bigot. Wallace, Taney, bull Connor or Andrew Johnson🫠🫠🫠
@tamgee3730 4 дня назад
When the law won't protect us, from these men that want to kill us, then what other choice do they leave us.
@rickreid8572 4 дня назад
Just send us a pic of the relics on the Moon...simple eh? and yet....... nothing..........
@rickreid8572 4 дня назад
No way it went. Artemis won't get there either- there will be some 'excuse'. They can't make it through Van Allen. Never happened. Won't do for centuries probably. A PA28 doesn't start first time... and yet....6 missions.....not a fault......
@felixthecat2786 4 дня назад
I've been saying this forever. We've created a wholly isolationist society. We don't even need to interact with people to obtain food or work anymore. People are suffering and they don't even know why Strip mall suburbia worked fine when the GI generation created it because they were able to maintain that sense of community that they remembered from their childhood days in small towns and streetcar suburbs. The Baby Boomers also never needed it because many of them maintained their childhood friendships. Gen Xers, Millennials, and Zoomers are dying deaths of despair because they have so little human interaction that they can go days and years without affection. It's just getting worse. We refuse to fix the problem even though it's caused system issues and a full blown crisis in our society. There are no homes for people. People are literally living in their cars because Boomer NIMBYs refuse to amend R2 zoning or even build sidewalks. Rents keep skyrocketing, mortgage interest rates are so high that even investors are no longer making money.
@SusanA1056 4 дня назад
Except that it doesn't take into account the disabled or the elderly, who perhaps couldn't get from their home to their vehicle, I like it.
@sgris573 4 дня назад
People take law into their hands when the law enforcers do not protect the victims, she felt she had no other hope so she did this. Even family members did not help her. This guy was mentally ill from the looks of it.
@stickman11833 5 дней назад
I was fkn there. They are lying.
@stickman11833 5 дней назад
I was there. Another soldier and I caught the suspect. The F.B.I. and G.B.I. took him and us in a room at the Marta station in Georgia. We caught him and they let him go while questioning us on how we had the F.B.I. flyer showing the suspects information. They then tried to blame Richard Jewel until the truth came out. This video is full of lies. U.S. soldiers captured him and the government let him go. Idk how the fk they come up with this story. I still have my government security clearance badge, and my Marta train pass.
@davidhutchinson5233 5 дней назад
Dr. Salk.....my hero.
@efragar2003 5 дней назад
In Cuba is some places whit the dry well system,basically is a big dry pond whit pipes going down the ground and filled whit rocks to avoid garbage going down and when rain the water going in that direction and the modern nature take of everything
@marianmorgan2156 5 дней назад
Love it
@TheSouthIsHot 5 дней назад
Don't buy more house. Buy more LAND.
@joshfoster6189 6 дней назад
I still believe Tawana
@tulipchic34 7 дней назад
What if you didn’t find someone to marry.
@debbiejoseph7532 7 дней назад
And this stupid azz brawly mafe this all up, got money from celebrities, i believe tysongave her a rolex, she was out all night and made up a friggin to save her azz, lying azzhole, sharpton was always a money grabbing bullshit artist, and worse now
@jaidebeck 7 дней назад
My therapist said up to about 18 percent of ppl have it and aren't aware so it is not 1 percent. :/
@jaidebeck 7 дней назад
that's not right. you aren't them. i have DID i know what it is like. :l I am NOT THEM.
@CK-hu8vz 7 дней назад
Seems like a great idea until you get trapped near an annoying neighbor. I do have my community along with my privacy where I live. I prefer having my own home. It is about balance for me.
@oldhamegg 8 дней назад
5:27 my house, my plants. lol.
@TyroneSigma-iq5hv 8 дней назад
@davidrobertson4332 9 дней назад
The purity movement is really a grooming method, it makes these girls a prime target for sexual predators within the "purity" community.
@charlesb7019 9 дней назад
Absolutely not! More space between neighbors is the solution.
@seanwebb605 9 дней назад
You're trying really hard not to call it a hippy commune. But it is what exactly? Very sloppy, messy, disorganized.....hippy commune. Jones Town. Manson Family.
@duo315 9 дней назад
4:57 Maslow's hierarchy of needs; no one thing is ever enough, ever
@PacoOtis 14 часов назад
Excellent to know some remembers it! I'm from the old school! Best of luck!