Cynic Contradiction
Cynic Contradiction
Cynic Contradiction
@justfrostyman8273 29 дней назад
Love your stuff, keep uploading
@TheRandom_Boy22 Месяц назад
Oh buddy, why is this coming up in my recommendations so late??!!! This is exactly what I've been looking for on 2 years of searching and it was here the entire time??!!! Ah, how ashamed my recommended should be right now. This was an amazing experience, thank you for giving me a great joyful evening. Do you know about the making of the stanley parable 2? The link in the stanley parable 2 merch expo. It's amazing, it made me go insane. It permanently changed my brain chemistry.
@arquejecovorrato20 2 месяца назад
sacred and terrible air (a book on the same universe that takes place 20 years later on another isola) expands on just how important this quest is by showing that anodic dance music and love *can* keep the pale at bay, so noid was right, the church was made to contain it, and so will the club
@ukaszgrzesik7231 3 месяца назад
Speaking with La Revacholiere fells like, I imagine, a religious epiphany.
@Jayblood415 8 месяцев назад
So now there are 4 LA kaijis
@markmikolay9019 11 месяцев назад
INTERNALLY COHERENT! (Really enjoyed the video, great job!) YEAAAAAAGH!!!
@JamrockHobo Год назад
Great video!
@Myname-cb9ru Год назад
Egghead for next innocence!
@lesbiannoyed Год назад
it's the best side quest in the history of videogames. also I will die to protect Acele and Egg Head.
@Mhill08 11 месяцев назад
@danielhall6354 Год назад
arresting them makes no sense because i'd rather be the kind of corrupt cop who takes a regular cut once their lab is set up
@MrYarik04 Год назад
So you're telling me THERE WAS A MAP????
@fernandomonteirogama6010 Год назад
@Matyunkin Год назад
It's not only best part of the game, but main part as well. You can messed up whole investigation and still complete it, cause corpse and murderer doesn't really matter. Dude already dead, murderer already insane, relationship between union and corporation already in trash. You cannot affect any of it. But you can help those 4 people build the place for themselves and for others, and try to save the world by discovering 2mm hole in the world, and speak to the city that would ask you to save it. And dance with Kim, of course. And to do so, you need to actually try hard and be lucky enough. Side quests are actual game. Main - is just plot, so the whole game made sense.
@southparkking2 Год назад
Eggman is best boi next to Kim, fight me .3. (Good to see the love for this area in all seriousness. Favorite part to me also.)
@ArcTrooperRod-269 Год назад
Love this Video
@phoenixflameknight Год назад
Where can I find that chart?
@ArcTrooperRod-269 Год назад
Men, This Video Has Aged SO WELL
@Hiiroplayer Год назад
Well, my favorite ending is freedom because his implications, i mean, you give another chance to humanity to exist and (maybe) correct his mistakes, i love true demon ending too, that final battle was intense and the fact that you have to get stronger and stronger to punch gods in the face is pretty cool.
@lucasdacarinha Год назад
Amazing work, this should have more views. Also, there were two new endings added to the game: the bucket version of both the coward and heaven endings
@baconmoop Год назад
Spoilers for the anniversary update!!! They added new bucket endings for the button heaven and the coward ending. Hard to get, but the button heaven ending is…. Interesting.
@Shadowhite Год назад
A fascinating deep dive which made me appreciate Ultra Deluxe more than I already did
@ButWhyMe... Год назад
*_c a p i t a l i s m_*
@Miju001 Год назад
This was incredibly insightful!! I can't believe I found the exact video I wanted now that I'm going through a little The Stanley Parable appreciation phase lol. This was a very tightly-written and analytical video, huge props I didn't fully agree with all of it admittedly, but not in the sense that I think the video is wrong or anything - like, for example, a lot of the bucket endings get their own section, but to me, a good chunk of them feel more like a variation of the "bucket centers everything" thing in a way that doesn't really say anything more specific than that lol. But there are some things that I also found especially clever! I had not at all thought about the theme of "repetition causes decay" in Ultra Deluxe and your explanation of how it ties into the Skip Ending and the Infinite Hole Ending was really insightful. I also hadn't made the connection between the two bucket-backstory-related endings and the concept of unexpected plot twists in sequels. I find your commentary on the Not Stanley Ending with the bucket really interesting, too. To add onto your analysis, it almost feels like a commentary on The Stanley Parable itself, specifically. The Narrator is scrambling to keep the story going in it, but The Stanley Parable needs good jokes, so he must keep making good jokes. This gives a stronger connection between the Narrator's desperation in the bucket and bucketless versions of the ending. I also had not at all considered Stanley's movements at the end of the Freedom Ending as having been his own. Admittedly, I tend to equate Stanley with the player and not think much about their relationship lol, my bad. I had figured that Stanley moving at the end was the ultimate move by the Narrator, weaving a story about Stanley's newfound freedom while literally stripping him of any form of control. But considering that the only other time we see Stanley move on his own is in the Escape Pod Ending, which is definitely a movement Stanley himself makes, I'm not sure of how much weight my own interpretation holds. Again, huge props for this video!! It was a great watch!
@made.online2149 Год назад
It took a lot of deep searching to find an analysis of the film that focused on absurdism; a lot of the other youtube videos published have some very superficial misreads of the film's intent. Thanks for making this!
@combatpizza5549 Год назад
I’m glad I found this wonderful video, I can’t wait to see what other hidden gems you can make. Keep up the fantastic work!
@_CrimsonBlade Год назад
whole game is overrated
@RedStinger_0 Год назад
I love optimistic nihilism.
@RedStinger_0 Год назад
Wow this sure is extensive. Both informative and entertaining, great job!
@Ace22 Год назад
Conclusion. According to what Absurdism is. Absurdism doesn't have to be creating a meaning that doesn't satisfy you. The mom's meaning was to cherish every moment of her life. To create meaning can have some negative implications, but you don't have to give in to those desires.
@yu4ia Год назад
I like this Ending because it fully embraces evil and its super nihilist, but at the same time you don't feel too lonely because you got your demon buddies, who support you, and I just love the fact that the game tries to persuade you, and it even scolds you at times for going down this route. It allows the player to live out a fantasy where you can fully throw yourself into the abyss of evilness and arrogance.
@Darth_Bateman Год назад
See, this is why I started the Rumbling in 2029.
@AngryGamerDragon Год назад
I'm your 700th subscriber now! Nice
@balaocoon Год назад
This video just appeared in my recommendations so I'm commenting now. I think that the True Demon Ending is the best because it forever removes the Conception as a possibility saving countless worlds from suffering the same fate as the one that befell the Demi-Fiend's and removes a level of control that an uncaring god aggressively against free will has over the populace of the multi-verse.
@fluxthemagician7928 Год назад
True demon ending is always my fav ending because its so badass and the only ending that give you feel of complete while you try your hardest on Hard Mode. And the though that Demi Fiend fight the god itself is Menace Move ngl
@ArcTrooperRod-269 Год назад
@heartnet40 Год назад
I'm so happy I get to come back to this video after She-Hulk finally premiered and say...yeah this is still really bad. I can't believe they wasted such an important and genuinely eye-opening characterization on fucking She-Hulk of all things. I was right in saying they want to keep trying to recapture Tony Stark, and this time they made it worse by giving She-Hulk a very poorly timed character call-out on one of the most poorly handled and underused members of the Avengers as if that in itself wasn't already salt in the wound. New toy syndrome is *really* burning this ship down fast and its probably not going away any time soon.
@themushroom_dude 2 года назад
I don't find a problem in the lack of represantantion, but I do find a problem in the spamming of represantantion in the exact moment those discussions start to rise
@skepticalbaby7300 2 года назад
Great video! The movies are bad primarily because they're not movies, they're tv shows. It's not long-form storytelling. It's just a long tv show with the same formula. Some people like it because of this. They know what they are getting and want to see the next episode. It is like spaghetti for dinner.. For me, it's just dull and repetitive. Also, the antagonists are so boring and stupid. I mean literally stupid,, not smart.. then there is the problem with the antagonist with same powers as the hero. over and over. The latter is clearly used when u run out of good ideas. Roman gladiatorial combat always was asymmetrical. Most will look back and realize that these movies just aren't good.
@Halucygeno 2 года назад
Great job! A super comprehensive summary that points out some parallels that I didn't notice. For one, I didn't interpret the bucket as a symbol for "the new", even though you're right, a majority of the new content is only accessible with the bucket. In terms of narrative inconsistencies, a subtle one which I love is that on the cargo lift, jumping off kills you instantly for the sake of comedic timing, but in the Zending, a drop of comparable height takes three jumps to kill you (while in the Infinite Hole ending, despite the much greater height, there's no fall damage at all). It's just another detail that shows the arbitrary nature of the world Stanley inhabits, with even basic things like gravity bending to fit the story. To me, Ultra Deluxe feels like an extension of the commentary in the Apartment ending, which frames videogames as a shallow escape from the monotony of a conformist, repetitive white-collar life. Ironically, the game also forces you to do exactly as you're told, highlighting how meaningless this escape is (beyond just the fact that it's fictional). Even the fantasy used to escape conformity only allows for conformity. The only difference is that the presentation in a videogame is stimulating enough to keep players sedated. This feels especially poignant, with some games being filled to the brim with repetitive chores (cough Ubisoft cough), and the prominence of "live service" monetization models which use updates, events, daily and weekly rewards to keep players coming back everyday for years. In that sense, games really have almost become comparable to a desk job. Ultra Deluxe takes this critique and expands it to franchises. A single game, no matter how captivating or lengthy, cannot hold your attention forever - its power as a tool of escapist fantasy is evtually "spent" as you get bored and quit. But franchises, sequels, updates, DLC, fandom creations... These things offer a way to expand the escapism beyond the scope of the original. Finishing a game doesn't signal the end of the fantasy - you carry the daydream with you to the user forums, where you speculate about what's next for the series. A sequel? A spin-off? It doesn't even matter if it's good or bad - anything to give you a pretext to keep thinking about it, keep talking about it. Fans do it out of sadness, nostalgia and desperation, creators do it out of greed. This, to me, was the most poignant message. As someone who used to be obsessively loyal to my favourite games, films and TV shows, I eventually had to learn how to let things go. It all started to click for me when I noticed how soulless publishers time and time again use beloved IPs for cynical marketing campaigns and low-effort cash grabs. Cave Story, my favourite, incredibly humble and earnest indie game, has become little more than nostalgic iconography for the NICALIS brand, occasionally re-deployed in cross-overs and promotional materials. The game's characters have become entirely calcified and symbolic, just a reminder of a thing you liked. So you see, this particular satire felt incredibly cathartic for me. I finally felt like someone agreed with me, and was advocating for people to consciously give up their irrational brand loyalty, including to the Stanley Parable itself. The whole Memory Zone is a mockery of this, in my mind. I will personally remember The Stanley Parable and it's Ultra Deluxe expansion for years to come, but not because of sequels or expansions or merchandise, but because it's just that good, intrinsically, on its own merits. It's though provoking enough to warrant this amount of reverence and discussion without any needless "reminders".
@cyniccontradiction 2 года назад
Thank you so much! I really wish I had to say more in response to your amazingly thoughtful response, but you really summed up a lot of what made me enjoy this game so much, and provided more than a few insights that has just left me with even more to chew on with regards to The Stanley Parable. Ultra Deluxe as an expansion of the Apartment ending, in particular, for example. The parallels there can really be taken quite far, the more I think on it! And I have to agree, I will definitely be remembering The Stanley Parable for a long while yet! Thank you again, reading your comment was was an absolutely lovely treat!
@mr.iiconic 2 года назад
alternate take; accessibility shouldn't have to matter. I don't know why everyone (I'm respectful here I enjoyed the video) once Marvel to continue this mainstream "for everybody" approach; it's not, it's for fans and I really don't say anything wrong with making content specifically for the people who want it at the expense of a wider audience reach
@redmii69 2 года назад
I agree on what you said about Spider-Man, and fortunately, No Way Home seems to be a soft reboot that makes Peter more like the way he's usually presented.
@will_of_europa 2 года назад
If you’re going to make a talking video, learn how to speak first. I-ron, egregEEous? Seriously? Diversity and representation are not virtues.
@skyyswaggstudios2934 2 года назад
The mcu is starting to have issues that the comics have, but without any of the positives. Like you said it’s formulaic and most of the mcu is fairly bland at this point I feel like. Plus if you start reading comics it’s not as difficult to get into because you don’t have to read everything. Most of the time you can just start with a volume one of whatever and go on from there, and generally just read what looks or sounds cool
@foxtrot.uniform.charlie.ki2824 2 года назад
I think your whole speil about representation, while relevant, is still a bit off - You reader want diversity yet the new comic runs have tanked. Also, several of the new shows have been widely panned for being a bait and switch, like Hawkeye for instance.
@Raul-ed3di 2 года назад
I’m really enjoying your channel and I’m looking forward to your next video! You have really varied tastes and articulate your points well! I would love your thoughts on SMT V if you’ve played it
@dc7981 2 года назад
Gonna be real most people only like tde cause its technically more content and the final boss .....and i guess beezlebub
@NotAstroMan 2 года назад
Look I don’t mean this in a “EWWW YOU ARE A LIBERAL” sort of way (seeing as I’m not a left OR a right I’m more of in the middle) but how did this video become political, In the middle of the video I mean. It became a sort of “Disney sucks” which I agree with but what I mean is that YES Disney sucks and YES they’re just greedy business Men/women. But I don’t think complaining about the fact that they’re bad at representation is a valid argument. I don’t like the recent MCU due to over-saturation and bad writing. And I don’t understand how the term “snowflake” is used against minorities. With what I’ve seen and heard it is really only used against “Woke” people and overly sensitive people. I am perfectly happy with having a MATURE conversation about this in my replies. But what I will not accept is people just saying “I disagree so you’re terrible” or “I didn’t understand that even though it made sense” or “I didn’t read your comment but I know you’re wrong” just please have an open minded mature FAIR conversation if you agree OR disagree with me or even if you agree with some things and disagree with other things. Thank you for your time if you have read this far, take care!
@damongutierrez1206 2 года назад
@dennis3dc 2 года назад
As a light brown male who grew up loving comics, I love seeing diversity. My favorite representation so far is America Chavez’s inclusion in dr strange. However, I don’t like treating the likes of iron man, Spider-Man, hulk, Thor & other icons as “just a bunch of white guys”. You don’t have to bring down white folks in order to raise others, especially white characters that have been big parts of our childhoods.
@wolflordbradley7353 2 года назад
Agreed. On the other hand America Chavez was a terrible character. Is representation more important than good storytelling?
@forzaflash 2 года назад
Fun video!! I partially disagree with some points, but we can all agree that the insane scale of this feels like it should open up itself to wild stories of all kinds, I understand why a Multi-Million Dollar formula is something that you wouldn't want to break, and to expect Disney Execs to agree to risk losing even a cent would be too much to ask. However, and this is coming from someone who has been following the MCU since it started, at this point, I do want to receive more variety... I believe it was Browntable who said this through how repetitive MCU costumes are, but his main point was that as a whole, the MCU feels like the same thing in every movie, it just so happens to be in a city for Spider-Man and in Space for Thor and the Guardians. But the world of these characters feels way too integrated, like their worlds aren't clashing when they meet, it had always been the same one. (for the most part). I sorta expected this to at least be an exception with the Disney + shows, but besides Loki and technically Moon Knight, we just barely got that. Besides this, your comments on a lack of representation are spot on, perhaps (even though it shouldn't be this way), I could see them being "careful" about their approach to LGBTQ+ characters because people are dumb, but even then... Cool vid dude