Norman Let Go
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@ADZ333222111 5 часов назад
Oh dude picking my fave song from the game is gonna be hard... It's probably between The Necropolis and The Risen Fleet? The later is a perfect workout song. The last bit pumps me up so good I think these two are my fave because they both like to pair really low bassy sounds with high melodic sounds? Like how the flute in Necropolis sounds so good laid over the low synth. My fave runs are always the surface ones simply because of the music (and maybe the nautical theme too) I was so into the music convo I forgot all about Arachne too 😭😭😭 omg
@ADZ333222111 6 часов назад
Oh so Artemis and Nem are just doing it nasty huh. In the woods????? Happy Pride Month 😳 Yeah honestly I can't imagine completing the Arachne challenge with the Axe, it just seems very unweildy. Reminds me of the Stygian Blade in the og, my least favorite weapon *by far*
@tuantran4880 8 часов назад
29:48 & 1:02:26. Without Enyo, Angelos, Arge, and Eleutheria there would be no destruction, no devastation, no damage, no danger, no violence, and no falsehood.
@hjjh46 13 часов назад
Hestia with a gun is literally that cute duck meme with a knife. Polyphemus will write the Ancient Greece Michelin guide. Icarus is boyfriend material if Meli doesn’t want him I wouldn’t mind dating him XD That duoboon with Apollo’s cast and Demeter’s cyclon and Hestia’s projectile omg omg So what are Circes feelings towards Odd? Love? Resentment? Interest?
@Hamstir4 4 часа назад
The duck meme in Hestia's attire would be so cute! I'll have whatever Poly's making! I didn't know we were sharing Icarus :3 I have him for weekends! That duo is really cool! Hopefully get it with Thanatos Aspect. Ya know, I thought it'd be resentment, but she seems to recollect fondly about Odysseus? The way she talks, seems he's in the clear, but idk, I'd still be watchful for Od.
@tuantran4880 14 часов назад
You should know that 1) Aries ♈️(The White Lamb) is the soul of Golden Ram. 2) Taurus ♉️(The Golden Bull) is Cerus the Wild Bull. 3) Gemini ♊️(The Twins) are the twin brothers Amphion and Zethus will replace the twin brothers Castor and Polydeuces. 4) Cancer ♋️(The Giant Crab) is Carcinus the Giant Crab. 5) Leo ♌️(The Lion) is the soul of Nemean Lion. 6) Virgo ♍️(The Maiden) is Parthenos. She was the younger sister of Molpadia/Hemithea and a Princess of Naxos. 7) Libra ♎️(The Heavenly Scales) is the Scales of Astraea. She threw it into the sky before she was no longer the goddess of justice, which meant she had given up her role as the goddess of justice. 8) Scorpio ♏️(The Scorpion) is Scorpius the Giant Scorpion. 9) Sagittarius ♐️(The Archer) is Krotos. He was a centaur and the son of Pan and Eupheme. 10) Capricorn ♑️(The Goat) is Pricus the Sea Goat. 11) Aquarius ♒️(The Water Bearer) is Deucalion. He was the son of Prometheus and Hesione. 12) Pisces ♓️(The Paired Fish) is the disguised form of Aphrodite and Eros. 13) Ophiuchus ⛎(The Snake Charmer) is the Trojan priest named Laocoön who was killed by sea serpent.
@tuantran4880 15 часов назад
21:00. Charybdis was very loyal to her father in his endless feud with uncle Zeus; it was she who rode the hungry tides after Poseidon had stirred up a storm, and led them onto the beaches, covering whole villages, submerging fields, drowning forests, claiming them for the sea. She won so much land for her father's kingdom that uncle Zeus became enraged and changed her into a hideous sea monster forever.
@theheartofmymystery 16 часов назад
So happy that my girl Medea came through for you! Also I think a new patch came out?
@Hamstir4 14 часов назад
Alright, responding comments out of order, starting with you Mystery! Ya! I think last time we tried she didn’t show up, Witch of Shadow indeed. Had a good feeling about this one ^ Right new patch was yesterday! I haven’t read yet, but first game back would be the Avatar challenge haha. Excited we’ll try this new Scorch as part of its debut!
@theheartofmymystery 13 часов назад
@@Hamstir4 I was actually referring to Medea's skulls working so well for you, but that works too! :)
@Hamstir4 11 часов назад
@@theheartofmymystery LOL, well you can go ahead and let me drown now.
@theheartofmymystery 7 часов назад
I see what you did there! And it’s fine; I wasn’t clear in my original comment 😊
@hjt091 18 часов назад
Interesting that you got Hestia as your first god, she's been enormously buffed in the new balance patch
@Hamstir4 14 часов назад
Yay, that’s great to hear! I expected Hestia to receive some buff. Enormously tho? Whoa. I’ll give it a read this evening ^
@hjt091 12 часов назад
​@@Hamstir4 Is basically just a big boost to scorch damage but it helps her a lot
@Hamstir4 11 часов назад
@@hjt091 i didn't think Scorch damage was the problem, it was the speed rate right? Unless you meant the damage is more noticable now, yay!
@batter384 18 часов назад
32 runs look easy for you now.
@Hamstir4 14 часов назад
I would agree until last episode happened. I lost with our best Axe imo.
@mitigatedrisk4264 19 часов назад
I don't know whether Meli and Icarus are romantic or just friends, but I love it, and I love them.
@Hamstir4 13 часов назад
I love them too! Currently, they seem to be just really good friends, but clearly, they think about each other. They are literally one sentence away from being a romantic couple. (eep!)
@digifreak90 19 часов назад
20:03 I believe you can. I think there's one sitting next to her hound in the Crossroads. 30:15 I mean, you can still use the Shades to attack, thanks to one of your infusions, they just won't do as much. 38:21 Wait, she messed with a piece of the Golden Fleece? 43:13 Honestly, they seem to act like Ares Blade Rifts with the Hunting Blades Duo Boon. 49:40 basically, "you put me to sleep, he'd put me in a coma." 58:20 Eh, not the great since the Surface is incomplete, meaning the odds of finding a duplicate boon are pretty low as it is. It will be slightly better once we get more Surface regions. Honestly, I wonder if there's any dialogue for talking to an NPC while wielding there aspect. (i.e. talking to Circec while wielding the Aspect of Circe staff)
@Hamstir4 14 часов назад
True true, and weird we see them often MIA. I keep imaging they’d help Hecate in combat like in EM4 but need to remind myself that’s not what they’re for. Infusion? You mean Incantation right?* but ya, I just wanted to see the +12 shades haha. It looks like she did! As she should! Ya, feels reminiscent of the Ares cast ^ I find it interesting Surface run ends at Eris, seeing you’re rewarded the statues. Tells me you’ll keep your current load out but be transported to a completely different Run. I feel so! But I either get cockblocked with other dialogues or they don’t show up! Ahh.
@Andreecals День назад
the idea of pissing hera off is that in myth, she'd probably get pissed about you anyway, so why bother? you gonna get wrecked either way. ask heracles.
@Hamstir4 13 часов назад
Truue! It's why Hera is who I spurn during the Trial chambers.
@ADZ333222111 День назад
Making my way trough videos I've missed -- Is the fish you catch on Tartarus, the Jiffy, a time pun? Be back in a jiffy? Good run Hammy c: you did your best given the boon circumstances
@Hamstir4 13 часов назад
Alex! You've been missed here! You're so right about the Jiffy joke, me don't catch those. I try to not think about that sad run, perhaps I should've tried a bit harder, but my motivation was low looking at our boon lists.
@ADZ333222111 7 часов назад
@@Hamstir4 Man I'm so behind on vids 😭😭I'm hoping I get a free day so I can catch up soon Honestly no idea how I got that joke when I'm not even a native speaker. Are the other fish on Tartarus puns too?? At least you made some entertaining commentary as always c: Hopefully next challengue will go smoothly
@benjaminpeterson455 День назад
Ain’t doing it anymore because it’s clear you’ve already done it.
@Hamstir4 13 часов назад
Yay, thanks for believing in me. The stickey notes worked lmao.
@alessandragangemi9611 День назад
0:12 Thanatos essentials? A fear of abandonment, a stern, yet fragile persona, and a loving underworld prince who'll get a lot of time confessing to? 7:31 that's not a secret. 16:58 and I thought it was going well... 18:27 Hermes is pretty too. Do not listen to my ravings, I have been listening to "wouldn't you like" from the epic musical too much, and also started getting myself enamoured again in a comic series about the Olympians that sadly is only in Italian but that I adore. 19:37 Y'know, I usually don't look too much at foes, but in past episodes I started noticing how fucking horrifying the face on the boulder enemy looks. The red eyes and everything. 20:58 Narcissus just makes me sigh in frustration sometimes. He's so much. 29:06 No we don't want Apollo. Apollo hate club rise up! (You are also part of it now, btw.) 29:10 McDonald's is a better choice than Apollo. 29:15 Traitor. 29:27 horrified by what they're seeing of late? I am horrified by what you let happen to Cassandra after the siege of Troy, Apollo. 29:30 FOR GOOD REASON. 29:32 translation: I hope we can kill everyone we don't like and don't miss any of them heretics. 29:55 THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING! 31:25 I am here for the silly hamster with a bow. Also your pain, but that's a built-in feature! :3 40:07 Actually... I think it's because he is the third patron of the Olympics along Zeus and Hera. The last tournament ti decide who would be the god representing the Olympics was the sprint run, between Hermes and Apollo... and Apollo won. I think this is all pro-Apollo propaganda, but I might be biased. And salty 46:26 You died on Hecate, to balance things out. 54:27 And I don't like you! 58:57 Moros, holding back death for us: Princess, my arms are getting tired.... 1:04:06 it's Apollo's fault! Not because his boons are bad, but merely because I've been criticising him the whole video basically, so I'm not gonna stop here. 1:05:15 Because to him, it's work. He is desensitised to what it entails. 1:05:35 My Gaydar is beeping, Hamstir. I did not expect this to not succeed. I do really not know what went wrong. Maybe you just went too much into the line of danger? That might be it, but... don't feel like speculating too much. I don't think I understand the game as much as other commentors here. The guys gonna do the analysis. I am here only to provide Greek Mythology insights and hopefully be funny. Also, have you ever seen Hamtaro as a child? I dunno what it's called outside of my mother tongue, it's an anime about hamsters going on adventures and the beauty of friendship. Edit: I didn't beta read and forgot to put the "again" while talking about a comic I know since middle school. It's important The Internet knows I have been obsessing about this for years.
@theheartofmymystery День назад
What's the name of the comic book series? I would like to learn Italian eventually and maybe I could read this eventually. Doesn't it seem weird that Cassandra has gone unmentioned in both games so far?
@alessandragangemi9611 День назад
@@theheartofmymystery "Olimpo: Gioie e Disagi" there is a lot of dick jokes, so be warned.
@alessandragangemi9611 День назад
@@theheartofmymystery "olimpo: gioie e disagi" the humour is mostly crude though, so you might not like it. (I think youtube deleted my reply, because it said a swear word)
@theheartofmymystery 21 час назад
Oh 😔 How much of your reply do you remember? Could you try again without the swear? And I have loved Greek mythology since middle school too! 😊 It is probably the reason I am here lol.
@alessandragangemi9611 21 час назад
@@theheartofmymystery dw, it was just what you read, but the vulgar word for "dong" was mixed in. Go look at the dumb Italian God comics. The character designs are very cute.
@batter384 День назад
Those were a lot of his range spin attacks. Should play more careful with the axe. Build was strong.
@Hamstir4 13 часов назад
Don't have to rub it in on me Batter!!! Who told Chronos to spam his flying sickles?!
@hjjh46 День назад
You entering the door that Nem had chosen at the last second, that ladies and gentlemen is cinema. Hera is litteraly vengancesexual, she can sniff the smell of vengance 100km around her, impressive. I feel like they added some new moves to Roxy or is just the delulu taking over me? That use of Selene's spell in the fight honestly galaxy brain moment! Also playing safe? what is that I dont know her, I haven't met her. When I will hit on someone now I will say, you lured me here with your trail of rubbish I think that will work.
@Hamstir4 13 часов назад
It was top comedy! Especially after calling my best effort embarrassing! Vengeancesexual sounds like a kink, anyways, it is quite a talent ^ Hmm, I'd have to look again, but to make sure, the artists get new moves if they become featured ^ I may never meet this Playing Safe person, but seems like a sweet gal! Lmao, I'd be effective on me. You're luring me aren't you?
@hjjh46 2 часа назад
@@Hamstir4 ;)
@tuantran4880 День назад
4:14, 14:29, & 1:05:50. True! Before Hecate lived in the Underworld, she was in a nearby cave of the living, called Hecate's Cave and overheard the former's screams. She immediately rushed to help, but upon arrival, Persephone was already taken to the Underworld. Hecate sensed that someone was abducted, but couldn't identify who it was or the kidnapper. Unsure of what to do next, she decided to go back into her cave and wait until nightfall to gather more information through her spells. However, both Zeus and Hades were covering up the abduction with stronger magic, preventing Hecate from learning more about it. After ten days of searching, Hecate found Demeter calling for Persephone in the area around her cave. She immediately pieced together what had happened and met with Demeter, sharing her belief that Persephone had been abducted by a powerful god, which made Demeter even more distraught. Feeling sympathetic, Hecate offered to help by using her torches to light the goddess' journey through the night. During the day, Hecate returned to her cave to rest because her magic was weak during the day, promising to help Demeter again after nightfall. Eventually, Persephone was reunited with her mother. As a reward for helping Demeter during her search, Hecate was given a place in the Underworld as an attendant to Persephone, which made her more than happy as the darkness of the Underworld made it a better place for working magic than a drafty cave.
@tuantran4880 День назад
Hecate decided to side with the Olympians during the First Titanomachy, which allowed her to retain her duties after the Titans were defeated.
@Hamstir4 5 часов назад
Thanks for the summary Tuan! I have huge respect for Hecate, like has she even done anything wrong? If she has it's blasphemy!
@black7594 День назад
I think this ghost really enjoys being a ghost
@Hamstir4 День назад
This ghost is who I aspire to be (when I'm a ghost).
@digifreak90 День назад
3:15 I feel it would depend on what Chaos means when they talk about 'the world'. Are they referring to reality as a whole? Or are they referring to Gaia, the Earth Mother? (likely the former) Either way, I wouldn't consider Nyx to be being referred as being the same offspring. 4:15 That is accurate to the mythology, when Persephone first went to the underworld, Demeter searched the surface desperately, and Hecate's torches provided her with light during the night. 8:37 Mel asking the real questions. 15:55 Given the inconsistency, I'm guessing it's a bug. 21:20 I love the fact that there's unique dialogue for encountering the Tiny Vermin with Toula. 30:10 Here's what Mel said (the text appeared on screen for a brief second) "I assure you any I'm experiencing is nothing compared with the pain I'll inflict on you if you continue to cross me." 30:40 Oh, I guess I didn't need to write that out. 38:49 I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure it would only give you a boon that you qualify for (some boons have prerequisites, particularly if they require a target having a specific curse affliction, or if they're legendary or duo) 46:50 I'm thinking it's basically saying that Mel made it so that she could get to the House in as few rooms as possible (5 + Charon) by forgoing rooms with rewards.
@Hamstir4 8 часов назад
They mention the world, and I keep reminding myself there's Gaia, but surely, they're not referring to them. I also think it's the former ^ I'm just caught off of the language Chaos uses when referring to their world but does not say the same about Nyx. I guess they still have a long way to go ^ Aww, a comment said the same thing. Hecate is such a boss. Hecate and Demeter sounded like an amazing duo. He did stick around for long? Like a mortal with a spider? I have many questions. It's a tough bug, you'd think it'd be patched by now! I liked it too! Now if only Toula did anything!!! Actually, I think it'd be cool if during that fight, Toula would be active the whole fight, as a special feature. Aw, Digi you're so sweet for typing it out. In case I couldn't find that dialogue, nice knowing you had my back. Okay I wish I recall which Run because I stopped taking this Echo boon. But I got an Aphrodite boon that made Weak more potent, but I don't have any Weak boons. Now I need to check if that specific boon had prerequisites. It may not list it specifically in the boon list, but you should not get a boon like this, unless you had Weak boons prior! Going with this, I feel this Echo boon cheats a random boon out without the preconditions. But until then, I can't confirm either until I snag a legendary. (ig a better chance is getting a legendary on a Surface run, then find Echo the run after) The prompt appears so often, I feel like this option is the norm! But definitely related to the extra chambers I feel ^
@digifreak90 День назад
8:43 Fun Fact: Heracles was named as such in an attempt to assuage Hera's anger at Zeus cheating on her *again*. 10:17 I mean, we know from The Legend of Korra that Zuko was eventually able to create his own lightning. 23:25 To be fair, that +10 is added before any multipliers from other boons. (i.e. if you had a boon/hammer that gave +200% damage then the Slow Cooker damage would end up as +30 damage, assuming that Slow Cooker is a flat bonus) 48:50 So, that boon, combined with the 10% from Hades means that Slow cooker is adding 19 damage to your attack. Even more if it triggers the bonus damage against distant foes from the hammer you took in the fields. 48:56 That's because she did. She was born (for lack of a better term given the situation of her birth) when Chronos overthrew Ouranos and took the throne. 56:00 Hestia speaking facts. 1:04:55 Wow, there was bitterness in Mel's voice there.
@Hamstir4 15 часов назад
Digi!!! You're back :) I really like the name Heracles for this reason! Took getting used to, but the layers behind it adds to the story ^ Okay you caught me, I actually haven't seen Korra. I hear mixed but willing to give it a chance! Zuko creating his own lightning is cute, implying he managed to balance the state of his mind (forgot Iroh's advice on lightning bending). Right right, these numbers are multiplying real fast with Slow Cooker ^ still funny Hestia gets an Infusion about base damage. but I haven't read the new Scorch effect yet! Her birth still confuses me, but ig Aphrodite "existed" during that time ^ Hestia has been consistently based! Gives me hope Meli won't fall into the same trend of gods cursing mortals.
@digifreak90 8 часов назад
@@Hamstir4 Yeah, I'd written out a comment and forgot to hit post again (: Also, I didn't know that patch 3 was already out.
@Hamstir4 8 часов назад
@@digifreak90 LOL you're good, as long as you're well! I haven't had the chance to look at the patch notes until now, I'll check it out real soon! But so far, heard hot things about Hestiaa! and Hera nerf is to be expected.
@alessandragangemi9611 День назад
10:20 HONOUR RUN!!!!!!!! 22:02 She indeed cursed Narcissus. I like to see you having done your homework. 32:06 I get the feeling you do not hear a lot of metal. A metal song with the Organ would be "Dr. Stein" by Helloween, although even if it is not the most hardcore, or serious, I really like that one. Powerwolf obviously comes to mind, but they do not have larger segments with solo organ, but treat it as another instrument. Juda's Priest had a song called "living bad dreams" with a bit of organ, but it's at the end and background. Just listen to Powerwolf. "Incense and Iron" and "Army of the Night" are bomb. "1589" is also kinda neat. 41:34 Chad Bug Report. 56:02 HESTIA IS BESTIA. HESTIA IS BESTIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 57:18 y'know what else is looking hot? U. :3 58:06 because _technically_ everything's already happening. Olympus is under siege, but the devs cannot spoil us what is attacking it. 58:20 Dude. Chronos means that Olympus is under attack. It's a hyperbole. Stop overthinking it. 1:01:39 beat him on the countdown. God. That is just... perfection. I love when that happens. 1:05:06 You are also far younger than most gods. Let time run its course and someday you might also curse somebody. Great 32 fear run! Well done on all accounts and I feel like it didn't take that long this time. Ooohhh next run is Thanatos. Golly, you know how Thanatos makes me go...
@Hamstir4 День назад
"What's that over there? I think that's your honor!" I can't be caught clueless all the time! I haven't gone down the rabbit hole for metal sadly. and just like that I've been spoiled by your recommendations, muchas gracias! We take those bug reports! BESTIA HESTIA! (I refuse to blush!) x4 Right right, I have to understand based on the game, it coould already be happening. I was also going with the Rumbling dialogues, meaning Typhon hasn't happened yet! (and it surely is Typhon, otherwise, eating my hat) LOL I took Typhon and burning too seriously. Wait- no, I stand by what I said, Olympus could literally be burning!! and are we just to stand and watch!? (yes) The countdown, it's peak!!! Are curses by definition bad? Or they're just a spell. We hope to make Icarus whole at some point~ Umm, about that Thanatos run. Whoopsie doopsies!
@theheartofmymystery 7 часов назад
A metal fan where I didn’t expect to find one! I haven’t found any new bands in a while and like Powerwolf, who else do you recommend? Lately I have mostly been listening to…Scylla & the Sirens 😅
@hjjh46 2 дня назад
I really wanna have one day the confidence that Narcissus has. You really made the 3 sisters run this time! I guess this should count as a challenge of sorts?? Also gj Nem this guy needs to touch some grass. I really can't wait for Narcisus' art to be revealed I NEED TO KNOW HOW HE LOOKS
@Hamstir4 День назад
We should strive to be like Narcissus! (that's a sentence) Goddess only run! (ignore Hermes) It does sound like a lore challenge ^ Now I imagine Narcissus has some surf dude vibe, being in Oceanus and he mentioned how he swam to get where he did.
@TheTrueCopyUniverse 2 дня назад
Slow Cooker is not to be underestimated! With the staff, +2 base damage is basically +10% damage, *and* that damage can be multiplied by boons as well! Heck, the 5 Fire you already had basically gave your attacks a 50% boost in damage.
@Hamstir4 День назад
I should've gotten my calculator, it sounded so obvious now! Funny because I'm usually a fan of base damage increase, I don't know why I slept on it just then.
@geovanaraquel5403 2 дня назад
@Hamstir4 День назад
LOL it was truly a block buster moment. The Moros pin was peak!!!
@tuantran4880 2 дня назад
11:32. Goddess Athena punishes Arachne when Arachne's tapestry featured all the wrong and foolish things that the deities had done, such as Zeus kidnapping the Princess Europa in the form of a bull, Poseidon as a stallion pursuing Demeter as a white mare, and so on (True story). During the weaving contest with Athena, it's said Arachne portrayed how awful the deities are, while Athena glorified them. Arachne had never woven the moment Zeus slept with his daughter Persephone, who would later give birth to Melinoe and Zagreus from it. Arachne had never woven those before, NEVER. Just because those stupid Orphic Hymns keep coming up and lying about the deities.
@tuantran4880 День назад
Athena was forced to admit that the contest was a tie, for Arachne's craftsmanship was genuinely flawless, but she was still enraged by how the girl had disrespected the deities through her tapestry. Taking the shuttle out of her loom, she started to beat Arachne mercilessly. In turn, the crowd, started to laugh and mock at Arachne's humiliation in the hands of the goddess. When Athena's anger subsided and she saw the crowd scorning Arachne, she turned her wrath upon them instead, but the damage was still done - Arachne knew that she would never be able to take pleasure in weaving (her only joy in life) ever again, and the townspeople she had tried so hard to please had turned against her as well. Consumed by shame, hatred, and self-pity, Arachne made a rope and tried to hang herself. Arachne's act of suicide caused Athena to take pity on her, and so the Goddess transformed her into a spider, allowing her and her descendants to weave forever. However, from that very moment on, spiders shared a mutual hatred with Athena, and they also despised humans as Arachne was never able to forget her shame and anger at being ridiculed.
@Hamstir4 День назад
Oooh, your version has Athena bonking Arachne and ending her own life! You know, I really don't know which versions I prefer for Arachne, I like them all. I also didn't know the detail of Athena's tapestries glorifying the gods ^ thanks Tuan!
@Nicholas86753 2 дня назад
It's no secret both Hera and Heracles himself hate his name. Hera sees that which was supposed to be a compliment, supposed to show her favor, as an insult. That a child born from the wedlock of her own husband would be named to honor her, the Goddess of Marriage. It probably sounded like a cruel joke. Meanwhile Heracles is stuck with a name that gives glory to the woman who has made his life a living hell. Honestly, they probably both liked that the name was later altered by history to be Hercules. Thank you for explaining and looking over my rules for the Avatar inspired run. It was very funny. 😅, I can't wait to see Avatar Melinoe stop the endless tide of the Fire Na- I mean of the Pheonix Ki- I mean... of Chronos. Jeez, every time Arachne talks I just feel bad for her. It must be really difficult for Arachne to square her hatred for the Gods with her like (and maybe even love) of Melinoe, who is a God, helping other gods, take out the one being who is strong enough to take them down a peg. If only Chronos was doing it for the right reasons, instead of being dead set on making everything worse. Look, I know you didn't have a lot of good choices there. But picking Nexus Sprint when you could have had Soot Sprint just made me sad. Welp Narcissus my man, whatever helps you get through the day. To be fair, I don't think he's a buffoon. Self-absorbed, Utterly selfish and bizarre on many many levels. Yes. But a buffoon implies something that I don't think applies to Narcissus. Slow Cooker does sound Ap though. It makes sense, Hestia is rewarding you for sticking to the Fire, tending the hearth as it were. I am so angy you didn't pick up that Duo for Hestia and Hera. That would have been so good for the multiple curse effects thing you were trying to do, since just having Scortch on special wasn't building up enough Scortch. But speaking of your Boons, not counting the last minute addition of Aphrodite. This run was kind of centered around the Goddess that have defeated Chronos the first time around. Hestia, Demeter, And Hera. The Goddesses who were given the Earth while the Gods separated to the Sky, the Sea, and the Underworld. Some of Homer's end-run dialogue these past few runs have been really funny 😆 Take Care Laurel
@Hamstir4 День назад
Both Hera and Heracles not liking the name is so good. I always knew of Hercules, but Heracles has much more meaning. They would prefer the altered name haha ^ Thanks for your rules! Avatar Melinoe vs Lord Chronos under the gaze of Chaos. That's the thing, if Chronos had sincere intentions, the story would've felt more conflicting (which I'd prefer, but it's okay). Imagine Arachne helping Melinoe because she loved her as dear friends, but this would go against her own interest that aligns with Chronos. There'd exist a conflict that has no easy way out. Granted, we still have that bitter tension, but now it's more reasonable to side against Chronos Lmao, ik ik. and actually, I don't like Hitch sprint either. But I really wanted that second curse at that moment. Ugh, applying that Hitch through sprinting doesn't feel good I'll admit ^ I grew to admire Narcissus's best qualities, he could provide some good life advices ^ otherwise, he really is self-absorbed and difficult to engage with realistically. Slow Cooker is good! I was lost in the numbers, but yes it is good. Tho interesting Scorch is all about tick damage, why would Hestia Infusion care about increased base damage? Hmm.. LOL I really did want to try the Duo Boon properly one day! I just felt I wouldn't often be close to him while I channel. and unfortunately, the keyword was "channel", if it was on every Omega move activation, I would've went for it. Hmm! other words, an all goddess run! (ig there's Hermes, but I digress) Homer's been great! My favorite is when Chronos comes back and he goes, "Oh gods Melinoe watch out!" as if he was watching a horror scene from a movie. Its- Melinoe.
@tuantran4880 2 дня назад
21:44. If Nemesis punishes Narcissus, I would punish Minato Kiyomizu (Re-Main), Ritsu Onodera (Sekaiichi Hatsukoi), Li Tianchen (Link Click), and Kaya Saimori (My Happy Marriage). Because they are the bad characters who committed evil deeds, cruelty, ruthless, receive undeserved good luck, homicide, unfilial conduct, perjury, behaves selfishly, wrongdoing, hubris, arrogantly, and violence.
@tuantran4880 2 дня назад
As for Kento Aizome (B-Project), I would love to punish Kento Aizome like Nemesis punished Narcissus. Because Kento Aizome often is described as a narcissist with high pride and this is the man that I hate the most.
@Hamstir4 2 дня назад
I'll allow you to hate every so often Tuan, but remember, we rather love here! and ya, screw this Kento Aizome person!
@tuantran4880 2 дня назад
1:03:59. But this wasn't even the first time heartbreak over Narcissus had proven fatal. A young man named Ameinias had also been cruelly rejected by Narcissus. Before his death, Ameinias prayed to Nemesis, the Goddess of Punishment, Justice, and Revenge, that Narcissus would also one day know the pain of love. Nemesis heard Ameinias' pleas and upon witnessing Echo's fate, she decide that it would be the final affront. It was time for retribution. Seeing the handsome hunter Narcissus treat his admirers with contempt, Nemesis lured him to a pool where he saw and fell in love with his own reflection, eventually withering away and dying from being unable to look away from his own beauty (True story).
@tuantran4880 2 дня назад
Also, Nikaia was the Naiad-nymph of the springs or fountain of the Greek colony of Nikaia in Bithynia. Nemesis and/or Eros punished Nikaia for killing Hymnos, a young man who had falled in love with her.
@Hamstir4 2 дня назад
Wowow, I needed to know about Ameinias, thanks Tuan! Apparently, he died at Narcissus's doorstep lmao, poor lad truly. Romeo and Juliet moment, but one-sided.
@tuantran4880 День назад
@@Hamstir4 Tragedy, huh. It makes me think about Melpomene and I don't much about the Fields of Mourning because I just only know that Tartarus Dungeon is a place for hell, Asphodel Meadows is a place for purgatory, and Elysium Fields is a place for heaven. Anyway 28:41, the Fields of Mourning also called the Fields of Sorrow, it is an area of the Underworld where those who have died heartbroken dwell. The Fields of Mourning is a place where souls recall their earthly griefs and mourn for unfulfilled love, which are reserved for the souls of those who died of a broken heart. Those souls "wander in paths unseen, or in the gloom of dark myrtle grove: not even in death have they forgot their griefs of long ago."
@alessandragangemi9611 2 дня назад
1:06 Your outlet are these poor sods you're beating black and blue. Put your fury into it. 2:29 I have no favourites for now. I hope they'll give us scores like Orpheus' songs back in Hades, but for now I have no favs. 3:30 So, even Eos aspect is in the future. Moros hasn't wielded Ygnium either. Isn't that peculiar? 4:32 That didn't last long. 24:51 As part (and sole member) of the Apollo hate club, I frown upon this decision. (Not really. Milk the man for all he's worth, your eminence!) 27:58 Zeus... no. Just admit you're terrible. 35:35 that was close, Hamstir. 47:49 FOR THE BEST BOI!!!!! 48:07 all Hamstir can think about is his beloved lord Moros! A pity you couldn't do the challenge. 32 fear seems hectic, but as long as you like it, no trouble at all! Kinda sad this series will be on hold. I wish you all the best still!
@Hamstir4 День назад
Black and blue! Knowing your music taste, I know your picks would be great! Aww Orpheus, and actually good point! we mostly have the Sirens and Arachne. I expect to hear more Ashley Barret but she's currently Roxy. I hope we get more songs in npc rooms again. That feeling when entering Eurydice's chamber is timeless. Gah! If only you felt how I felt, the Hephaestus start, then the rerolls aren't working. It was truly the worst of times. C-can I join in the Apollo hate club? we can also milk him. Zagreus is such a good boy! We fight for him. You know, lmao, I'll concede. Eos is a good wand, but I missed Moros. I couldn't do anything!!! and I will like the 32F! and thaanks! When that time comes, I wish you well too. Luckily, there was suggestion if any game updates happens, I could do one-off videos, which I think is a solid idea, because I'd likely miss y'all too.
@batter384 2 дня назад
You doing 32 runs on all weapons?
@Hamstir4 2 дня назад
If I do a 32, it's likely with a different weapon ^ but I'm not forcing for 32 runs.
@benjaminpeterson455 2 дня назад
#Chronospause #Chronospause #Chronospause #Chronospause #Chronospause #Chronospause
@Hamstir4 2 дня назад
Chronos pause! x3
@hjt091 2 дня назад
I know lightning is fire-related in the Avatarverse, but Zeus's boons are all air aligned in terms of elements.
@Hamstir4 2 дня назад
If we're doing Infusions, I'd agree, but looks like we're aiming for visual effects and feel. We could get the Infusions, but it may not achieve the feel of the Avatar imo. Gah I would've liked to represent lightning bending, but Aang doesn't do that. Wait, he's redirected lightning before! Hmmm!
@theheartofmymystery 2 дня назад
For the Avatar challenge, couldn't Hermes count as air too? IIRC, his boons are often air-aligned. And Aang is always zooming around.
@Hamstir4 2 дня назад
Truue, that sounds like a great idea! The nimble feet and other dodge effects from Hermes sounds very Aang!
@hjt091 3 дня назад
My favourite BGM (other than Scylla & the Sirens) is probably the music in Ephyra ED: Freeze takes time to reapply yes, but Demeter's boons also give a flat damage boost that's very good for Eos; plus her Duo with Hephaestus reduces Freeze's cooldown
@Hamstir4 2 дня назад
Mmmm! You're an Ephyra person! I sense greater stakes when the BGM plays than the other regions. Good point, compared to Zeus that just adds a curse, but no damage boost increase, Demeter provides a lot more than one would think! (ppl like me) They did nerf the Special damage for wands if I recall, but it should still be a sound option ^
@Andreecals 3 дня назад
Props to SGG for hiring Ian Anderson for Polyphemus' theme
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
Mmm! Thanks for the info! Ian Anderson killed it playing for the piece, "Necropolis". It's a funny coincidence I thought your comment was regarding the recent Run, where we talked more about the music.
@Andreecals 3 дня назад
@Hamstir4 I mean, I meant this just as a joke, as the flute does remind me of his xD and I'm still catching up on your runs, slowly but surely. It's nice to see each piece of interaction and meta progress in the game, and your runs show me that (while having interesting commentary most of the time and playing well for a non haelian mortal hahaha)
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
@@Andreecals You're too kind, I'd say "interesting commentary sometimes". I think it's sweet when y'all still on my older runs. Ugh* some my runs were embarrassing. But yes, we can't all be like Haelian, he's fantastic and much more experience in roguelikes!
@Andreecals 3 дня назад
@Hamstir4 but that's another experience. With you I can appreciate the game's story and finer details. With him it's more about laughing about the madness in his channel and studying the meta to play better.
@Hamstir4 День назад
@@Andreecals Thanks! I find myself immersed and I'm pleased there's people that can appreciate both the gameplay and story. For Haelian, you can count on him breaking the game or finding fun combos! I believe he was an advocate for the Omega Special for Wands before! Then it got nerfed haha, he truly did studied the meta well.
@batter384 3 дня назад
The Chronos boss music is nice.
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
It gets the heart rate going!
@tuantran4880 3 дня назад
48:57. Polytekhnos and Aedon claimed to love each other more than Zeus and Hera were in love. The divine royal couple, slighted. This angered Hera, so she sent Eris to wreak discord and strife upon them in their home as punishment. Even though they needed Eris to punish Polytekhnos and Aedon, they still hated Eris. Because without strife there would be no violence, no discord, no chaos, no disagreement, no incompatibility, no anarchy, no lawlessness, no arguments, no feuds, no fighting, no disputes, no quarrels, no debates, and no contention. Let's all just chill. Give peace, concord, harmony, consensus, agreement, compatibility, government, lawfulness, order, and reconciliation a chance. Fighting never solves anything. Feel the joy in your hearts and just love one another!
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
I'm with you Tuan! Most people deserve happiness and peace. But surely Eris isn't the cause of all the predicaments above no? There would've been other Incarnates that want an excuse to cause problems too I'd imagine. And also, I think most marriages are slightly better than Zeus and Hera's ^ So Hera would be glaring at many other examples. A good amount about the same level but I digress,
@Nicholas86753 3 дня назад
Hephestus twice for your challenge runs... I'm so sorry, hopefully things go well? He's not a bad in terms of Boons, but he's most certainly not the God you want for the 1 God Run. Welp, I guess Arachne Challenge it is then. Boss Theme Tier List (for me): Scylla Chronos Cerberus Polyphemus (and really only the Saxophone part) Eris Hecate Area Theme Tier List (for me): The Fields of Mourning Oceanus Tartarus The Rift of Thessaly Erebus Ephyra Oh... No Arachne either this run... oof, I'm really sorry that this isn't turning out the way you want. I suggest Echo being your beginning choice for a Keepsake if you want to keep at it. And maybe just reset if you get Hephestus or Aphrodite (experience of trying this challenge has told me they are the worst to get for it.) Hera is gonna smack Zues upside the head for lying to Melinoe like that. "Small" Transgressions, really? I think a massive number of Greek Myth would like to contradict your assessment there Zues. Huh, that Duo with Hera and Demeter sounds actually really really good for certain Keepsakes (Heracles, Medea, Echo, Hermes) and seems like it might work with just about any build. I will miss this series when it finally ends, but I do hope you'll do at least a one-off video discussing any patches made? Maybe come back to the series whenever there is a major update? Maybe a new full playthrough when the game comes out in full. Idk, I just know I'll really really really miss these videos when they end, this series has been one of my favorite on RU-vid since you started uploading Hades II content. You got me into this game, and I will miss your insight. Hail, Silver Sister, Death to Chronos.
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
Music tier list! x2 Boss Theme: -Scylla is ofc! and both versions I'd imagine ^ - Chronos's is very thrilling. Was great when I struggled with him, and still fun now. I wouldn't be surprised if his theme messes with time signatures and tempo. oh and when the music ramps up, and gets your adrenaline going! - Cerberus, pretty much mentioned in the video. I guess I didn't mention the percussions! Percussion feature is really fun. - LOL okay, you enjoy the saxophone for Polyphemus ^ - Eris is interesting!? I prefer the quieter parts of it during Rift Thessaly when the bass guitar (bass guitar right?) plays that motif into an arpeggio. But the boss version of that motif is still good! - Wowow, Hecate laast! It's honestly tough call for me. All I'll say about that is when she tosses the sheep orb, a chord progression plays hyping you up as you dodge, it's really fun. I honestly love them all, ugh* idk how I would list them. I'll have to give Eris another listen again. Area theme: - whistle* Fields of Mourning, we are one and the same. - Oceanus is beautiful and how you'd imagine the sirens would sound, until you discover they've gone punk!! and adds layers their voices echo across the chambers. - Tartarus is a good callback to the original game ^ I personally could be harsh with remixes, but this is just fine! it does give a satisfying last region vibe, maybe even mission impossible in hades version. - Rift of Thessaly! based of what I said with Eris, but I'll admit I mostly liked for that tiny segment of that bass guitar. - Erebus is weird, it has this one track that plays on your first run, very grand. and it sometimes plays later? but that specific track is what puts Erebus higher for me personally. otherwise, a fine Region 1. - Ephyra, understandable placing lol. I'd argue Necropolis specifically saves it for me. The vibes are much more doom than I felt in Mourning Fields, reflecting the horrors this city has experienced. We're fighting in households that recently looked abandoned. The music dramatizes this and I'm not sure how Meli feels on the subject, but it leaves me wanting to avenge these mortals. I can definitely list my Area theme: - Fields of Mourning (Sprigs of Sorrows) - Oceanus - Ephyra (Necropolis) - Rift of Thessaly (Across the Rift) - Tartarus (surprise a remix isn't at the bottom!) - Erebus (whatever that first theme was, and never to be heard again) I actually switched Erebus and Thessaly placing (current list) and Tartarus was bottom at some point, but aiyah, I could honestly change it the next time someone asks me LOL. and thanks for your lists :) --------------------------------------------------------- LOL I fear for the first room Hephaestus from these recent events. Ya, I had high hopes for the Arachne Challenge too. Right, I took the Purse because maybe I could find gods in the shop, but the Arcana already has me set on gold, so perhaps it was redundant. And true!!!, I never resetted a run in this series. and I don't usually do, but not out of the question. I guess once I'm recording, I wanted to keep it real. But sure, why make myself suffer! I'm resetting that thing next time! Reset on Aphrodite huh? Interesting, is a solo aphrodite run that bad? Ig you'd want better curses for Origination, but on a 1-God, I wouldn't expect to find 2 curses, besides Demeter. Unless you're referring to her Gain, which I can also understand. Zues plays it off as minor relapses. Deserves a head bonk with his bangle, fan, or Artemis bow ^ Mhmm! That Duo sounds really fun once you have those keepsakes maxed out, doubt it'll be the last time we get to try it. It's just so eye opening to see the keepsakes in heroic forms! Mmm, Medea sounds sugoi! Echo tho? Idk Nicholas, 75% and 100%, to me it's tomato tomato haha. I forgot how much Hermes keepsake scales, maybe an additional minute for each rank, great for that channel speed increase ^ But I'm really curious about the god keepsakes. Sadly I had none maxed out, but what could be greater than heroic? Surely you can't cheat your way up to a legendary? Besides, legendaries are a completely different boon. Maybe it's a Heroic +1 Pom ^ Hmm! I'd be down for those one-off videos ^ and I do expect to return when the full game is out. Aww I got you into the game? I'll say I appreciate your inputs as well! You started the Typhon hype train here LOL. You really liking these videos makes me not want to make these half-assed haha, so ig we'll make the most of each episode! (aiyah, giant reply) Silver Sister on Deck!
@Nicholas86753 3 дня назад
@Hamstir4 the Time Signature for Chronos' battle theme is 25/8. Which is one more hour than there is in a day, and one more day than there is in a week. They very much had fun with it.
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
@@Nicholas86753 25/8 time signature?! I can't wrap my lil head around that. But I knew there'd have to be a mess with the time sigs. Thanks!
@calladreus6391 3 дня назад
This is just a theory but do you think you can try to Find the fates/Find your family when you get to Tartarus instead of running towards the house of hades in the future? Since when you get to Tartarus It says express route set?
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
I am a doubter on this, but I can try next time! I remember people emphasizing the "Express route set" too, but I think it might be related to how the chambers are generated ^ such as there's a progressional chamber that leads towards Chronos (III > II > I) The extra rooms are considered detours and don't count towards Chronos's throne room. tldr; I believe the express route is related to those detours if you ask me ^
@theheartofmymystery 3 дня назад
Chronos hasn’t been showing up in the rest area between Erebus and Oceanus, and he is also making significantly fewer comments when you enter the first Tartarus chamber. I wonder why?
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
I figured he has ran out of dialogue between Region 1 and 2 haha. But for Tartarus chamber, idk! I figured he could still comment like any other day, weird! His comment is very much Hades when you take the Troves in Hades 1. and those dialogues are repeated with no issues. Perhaps Chronos doesn't like to repeat himself.
@benjaminpeterson455 3 дня назад
#Chronospause #Chronospause #Chronospause #Chronospause #Chronospause
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
We are looking at four more amigo!
@tuantran4880 4 дня назад
Zagreus: "Poseidon" Poseidon: "Who dares attack my nephew?!" Zagreus: "Aphrodite" Aphrodite: "Who dares threaten my little godling?" Zagreus: "Athena" Athena: "I shall protect you, cousin!" Zagreus: "Artemis" Artemis: "Nowhere to hide from me!" You see, all the Olympian deities protected Zagreus during this time. That means Zagreus is still alive with his mother and the others.
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
You mean dialogues from the last game? I agree he's still alive along with the others. Supergiant wouldn't have the guts to kill them off! (uh oh)
@Andreecals 4 дня назад
"Hail spirit mixer" hahaha well done
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
Thank you!
@Codex951 4 дня назад
I want this on PS5 like now, I want it and I need it!
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
Your patience will reward you one day mi amigo. Full game will be worth it!
@alessandragangemi9611 4 дня назад
2:58 Chaos really do be employing Mafia tactics. The original Mafioso. "Go 'persuade' them." (Mafia's nothing to joke about. People die because of it still. Organised Crime is bad, kids.) 3:08 YOU EVEN TALK TO THEM LIKE A MAFIOSO, WTH? 6:04 *gulp* She's... big alright. (。・//ε//・。) 9:53 You met Artemis, so they are giving Artemis specific dialogue. Can't tell whether you already had this interaction, though. 12:43 if you actually manage this challenge, I will be very surprised. 13:23 I miss Thanatos. :( 14:06 you freed up the paths for completion's sake. 14:55 HESTIA'S SO BASED! SO GOATED! I FUCKING LOVE THIS WOMAN. 19:19 As expected. 19:21 Lo que pasó, es que non llevaste la faja de seda y ahora perdiste tu armadura. Felicidades. 31:56 do I hear an audio bug there? 42:20 Athena wasn't much better in the first game. 43:18 Thoughts on giving your son house arrest for having a girlfriend you didn't like, Aphrodite? 48:50 stop dying, Hamstir! 52:22 eager to see that. I honestly think this challenge's failure hinged on not having the sash. That and trusty shield coming in too late. Well, we will see how it goes on the next one. I am sure you can eventually reach your goal.
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
I am guilty of the mafia jokes ^ mafia is pretty bad. Very big! Nemesis can crush two watermelons! me neither! because it's such an old interaction, and we ran out of Hecate dialogues at some point. ig Artemis being there did make the difference. In another universe, you were likely still unsurprised. For Thanatos... flowers* It just looked nice revealing all 4! You get me. Hestia is so cool! She's cool in a hot way! I'm for hotness of the different sort!!! LOL google translated that perfectly. I know I messed up!!! (again) A missed bug report on my part. True, I didn't think Athena was last game ^ tho it's 50/50 since Nyx trusted her as the first god to contact about Zagreus. Because you said so, I'll try to die less! I should've taken the Sash, I didn't even find the ranged Cast I wanted on time. Next time, 1-God legit this time :)
@eliasweaver4293 4 дня назад
is it just me, or does hephaestus' voice sound slightly different than before
@Codex951 4 дня назад
It does 😮 It's not even slightly, it's like there's more omph in his tone not to mention he was talking pretty fast.
@eliasweaver4293 4 дня назад
@@Codex951 it sounds like he lost that sort of roughness he had previously ?? like it's hard to describe but now it feels like his voice is missing its husk
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
@@eliasweaver4293 Thought I posted, whoopsies. I believe it's most noticeable on that last sentence. Perhaps the combination of speaking fast and there's a smile to his words? The husk was lost as a side effect of that.
@hjjh46 4 дня назад
Hola. The build this time was litteraly bad wifes/husbands and Hestia there in the middle chilling (or poking at Aphrodite whatever suits you best hahahah). Also is Chronos hot? Because i think that if he tones down his megalomaniac personality there's something we could work with there.
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
LOL I never thought much of Chronos, but I wouldn't be surprised if people find Chronos hot. Far as I know, all characters in Hades are attractive. So, I wouldn't be phased if I hear Chronos or Polyphemus called daddy. Anyways. For me it is the personality that hurts Chronos in terms of hotness. But people may like him for his authoritative personality? It can be attractive in a consensual sense? But ya, personality is big for me ^ Other designs, it could be him sitting on a throne! Represents power, and power can be attractive. He's tall and lean ^ I bet he'd look great in a suit. Tho you don't need to have a skinny body to look good ^ Hephaestus would look great too!
@hjjh46 3 дня назад
@@Hamstir4 Honestly you are so right about the suit, it gives toxic manwa protagonist vibes. Furthermore, I couldn't agree more with what you say about the design of Hepahistos they litteraly managed to make a crippled rejected man kinda hot without changing radically how the ancient myths portray him. Honestly he gives me major Jason Momoa vibes.
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
@@hjjh46 ooh, I haven't delved into a manwa! But I can imagine a classy protagonist with a twisted personality haha. Honestly tho, I think everyone would look great in a suit haha. Mmm I can see it ^ we've see the man without his shirt! and the hair. The Hephaestus design is good ^ I think we do lose some story to him that he was "ugly" and had to make up with his talents. But it's not the end of the world for me, love the design!
@alessandragangemi9611 4 дня назад
0:19 "PRICKLY"?! YOU CURSED A GIRL TO NEVER BE BELIEVED BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T SLEEP WITH YOU! YOU SKINNED A GUY BECAUSE HE WAS TOO GOOD AT PLAYING! YOU- "PRICKLY" DOESN'T BEGIN TO COVER IT, APOLLO! 0:22 "sOmEtHiNg TiTaNs WoUlDn'T uNdErStAnD" you were ready to yeet your newborn brother into Tartarus for stealing cattle, Apollo. Shut. The fuck. Up. 1:58 NOOOOOOO I like the heart. It shows me u care. :( 7:52 that actually makes me feel for her. 8:55 YOU REFUSE MASTER?! OH! OH!!!! JAIL FOR HAMSTIR! JAIL FOR HAMSTIR FOR 1000 YEARS!!!!/j 24:31 roast do be a form of art indeed. 54:04 Classic Apollo behaviour. 56:40 nope! That's Hermes. 56:43 ACKSHUALLY- Apollo is Hermes' older half-brother. The latter stole his sacred oxen when he was a baby. Have I already told this story? I feel like I might've told this story. 57:37 HELP ME BELIEVE IT'S NOT THE REAL ME SOMEBODY HELP ME TAME THIS AAAANIIIIIMAAAAAAAL 1:10:20 she's so respectful, even when she hates it... it's so funny. Goshdarn, you really did it, you crazy sonofagun. Congrats on becoming Night's champion. Mommy Nyx is pleased. I cannot wait to see you suffer just a teensy tiny bit more! :3
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
You tell him! Get him! and oh! he's down! It's a K.O. from Alessandra onto Apollo. ding ding ding* LOL okay, you can keep the hearts. That makes two of y'all that appreciate the hearts! I do like the introspection from Demeter, or any gods really. We see her intentions didn't play out how she thought. Nooo, I've been caught. The one episode you should've turned away! sigh* Now you know the truth, I'm an impure creature. (jokes) We love roasts and roasting Apollo! Hmm, you might've told me about the Hermes stealing Apollo's cattle as a newborn story. But in case you haven't, you could go on and tell me more for good measure! I just love the phrasing in that song ^ THIS ANIMAL I HAVE BECOME! Completely different from Zag's statue reactions and I adore them both. Thaanks, I sure am crazy. proud face* LOL not Mommy Nyx!! Happy she's pleased. Your enjoyment at the expense of my suffering, hmmm, it's a deal.
@alessandragangemi9611 4 дня назад
@@Hamstir4 SO! I really love this story just for how bonkers it is! Basically Hermes was born and a couple hours later, he got out of his cradle to steal Apollo's cattle. He made sandals that leave the tracks of backwards hooves, and walked the cattle backwards while wearing them, so they'd be harder to track. While on his marry way, an old man sees him and he threatens him into silence. So that adds coercion to his criminal record, at not even 24 hours old. Ah, he also creates the lyre and the syrinx. Apollo noticed he lacks cows, and goes to look for them, but this proves kinda hard. He meets the same man and asks him about it. And the man tells him, because either way he's fucked. So he goes to this baby and takes him to his father. Zeus asks Hermes whether he stole the cows, and the baby replies that he sure didn't, because he is a little baby boo boo ga ga. You know, he represents himself in a court case, like babies tend to do. At some point he spews enough bullshit, that Zeus is amused enough to not punish him. Apollo is pretty bummed about his vengeance not being enacted, but gets a tad less bummed when Hermes gives him these two cool new instruments and thus he gives him the Caduceus and teaches him how to prophesise the future by throwing dice (stones???) In a jar or something, made him messenger of the gods and they become best buds. Little did Apollo know, that this was Hermes' plan all along: He convinced his father into recognising him as a legitimate son AND became Apollo's friend. And he planned all of this out. AS A NEWBORN. Edit: Also Hermes turns the guy into a stone in some versions. But they are very different from all intents and purposes to the Homeric one I (badly) summarised.
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
@@alessandragangemi9611 lmao coercion as a newborn. and yes, on Olympus, newborns are eligible to represent themselves during court cases ^ hang on- so the guy survived his encounter with Apollo? that's rather surprising. other versions he's screwed by Hermes instead. but mang, I do appreciate the story much more now considering what he achieved, AS A NEWBORN slipping past Apollos's wrath and Zeus's attention. again AS A NEWBORN! thanks for your story telling!
@dylanpyle6500 4 дня назад
What are infusions?
@Hamstir4 4 дня назад
Truue! It's like they didn't exist in this run. (unless you were legitimately asking?)
@dylanpyle6500 4 дня назад
@@Hamstir4 yes I am legitimately asking,how do elements work too
@Hamstir4 3 дня назад
@@dylanpyle6500 Oh sure amigo. So each god have a special boon called Infusions. Example, Aphrodite's infusions gives you 15% dodge chance (if you have 4 air elements). Each boon has an element categorized, such as Hestia's boon being fire elementals. But there are gods that have overlap, such as Demeter having some water and earth elementals. Far as I know, all Infusions require the minimum element to even appear as a boon. You won't see Hestia's Infusion, Slow Cooker until you have the minimum 2 fire elementals. and I believe Hestia's case would activate as soon as you grab it. But most other Infusions require more elements to even activate. Same example, Aphrodite's Infusion would require 4 air elements to activate. As for this video, since Chaos gave me many infusions of each, I expected to encounter multiple Infusions but only found Apollo's, which we did take ^