RPG Imaginings
RPG Imaginings
RPG Imaginings
My musings on Role-playing games and related products.
Ghengis Con Report and Pickups 2024
2 месяца назад
Unboxing Lustria for WFRP 4E
4 месяца назад
RuneQuest Contest Winners
8 месяцев назад
@philipboardman1357 8 часов назад
The levels of vain self-gratification coming off of this guy are unheard of. I could not imagine having him at my table.
@kylegraywolf 4 дня назад
Thanks for this, just got my set and was confused why the spines didn’t match like in the mockups. I was thinking I was crazy, appreciate the confirmation 🤙
@JuddKarlman 4 дня назад
My favorite Traveller is the original black box, creating the setting based on inspiration from chargen. That said, you've sold me on this. I have been using the Stars Without Number tables for ages now and would like an alternative. Thanks!
@agrayday7816 4 дня назад
nice work. There are many movie making people who should probably read this book........
@wanderingbardagain6945 6 дней назад
Thanks so much for sharing this. I've been on the fence picking this up, because money is tight right now. But it looks well worth the price. Packed with really useful looking game material. And I am planning on kicking off a new campaign in COC. This book looks like it will be a huge help in getting that rolling.
@paulbigbee 8 дней назад
Absolutely love your coverage of Traveller 2E. I bought this as soon as it was available, both because I want to immerse myself in game in greater verisimilitude but also, well…the sheer nerdery of it.
@matthewconstantine5015 8 дней назад
This book looks great.
@tamsinp7711 8 дней назад
I bought this book a few months ago (just after the physical book came out) and it is a great resource. My only real quibble is related to the shipyard annual output section - I see that as being affected more by the TL (automation) and Efficiency of the system than by the Importance Index; over the past year or so I've been doing a lot of personal research around the shipping industry and bigger ships don't necessarily take longer to build than smaller ships, it depends much more on the complexity of the design - for instance it may only take 6 months to complete a large container ship, but a cruise ship of the same size would take 18 months and an aircraft carrier of that size would take 6-8 years.
@RPGImaginings 8 дней назад
This is a perfect example of how to mold an option to meet needs/conception. Your variation makes sense. Well done!
@michaelberry6016 8 дней назад
this one rapidly shot up my to buy list to the front pew (and now awaiting it to be shipped to me) once I got the fabulous Rim Expeditions book and once I read that .. I thought to myself I need this book and can really use it. It helped a lot that watching Geir's Mayday 2024 interview video done CyborgPrime and reading his internet posts on the Mongoose forum you can tell this is a dude who has it all together and wired tight. I've started reading the PDF of this and have to say, very well done and will be extremely useful.
@RPGImaginings 8 дней назад
Thank you for the detailed further insights! I'm going to ask Mongoose about Rim Expeditions as a natural extension!
@michaelberry6016 8 дней назад
@@RPGImaginings actually to me the World Builder's Handbook is the natural extension to Rim Expeditions. That I got because of the Solomani angle, but suppose it also would really come in handy with the Deepnight box set which I haven't got as being a bit more in tune with Charted Space and its races and not as much the great unknown and void outside it. Not yet at least. The area directly rimward of the Solomani Confederation is sort of chock o' block full of undetailed systems just waiting to have this book thrown at them.
@adults_talking 9 дней назад
Got my copy
@starcrafter13terran 12 дней назад
Got many of the book and enjoyed them. Tried to find people to play and...nothing. Gone from excitement to depression in one week.
@RPGImaginings 11 дней назад
Oof, sorry. The biggest community is in Denver, but there are people all over that play Savage Worlds. Once people see how it plays they'll love it.
@chriscooper7962 13 дней назад
"...and there was a schism within Judge's Guild where some of the original members said some really racist things online... OH NICE A RIBBON!" Made me laugh. Also, great review.
@RPGImaginings 11 дней назад
This quote fully encapsulates the kind of reckless, aggressive, joyful nerdery you will find here. We gotta see the forest for the trees. ;)
@RunningOnAutopilot 15 дней назад
I’m reminded of that one time someone tried to do an assassination by putting a rattlesnake in the targets mailbox, and it almost worked in killing them, but the snake didn’t leave the area so they would have been caught.
@blacksabbath6227 15 дней назад
return to the keep might be good but I wouldn't buy it solely because of the cover art
@RPGImaginings 14 дней назад
It seems like you're self-selecting a lot of good content out of your gaming? I mean, do you. I'm pretty sure there is some saying about judging books based on the cover?
@paulcomerford1 17 дней назад
Interesting was looking for red moon stuff a while back. Really should read more Glorantha.
@ardonysicebane1997 18 дней назад
Can you explain why you hate Gary Gygax without using the word 'nostalgia'?
@RPGImaginings 14 дней назад
He pretty objectively treated a lot of people, especially women, like crap. He was a biological determinist who thought that women were not pre-disposed to gaming. It is well documented that he ran an incredibly sexist workspace in which women were openly degraded. He was certainly intelligent, but intelligence does not absolve someone of how they treat people. He was very clearly a small town, every man, and he acted like it. That is not a compliment. He was not a genius. He acted like a genius. His first attempt at DND was unrefined and incredibly confusing. Other people fixed it. All of the best parts of DND came from Arneson and others. I can keep going if you want. Here's my question back: Can you explain why you LIKE Gygax, knowing that he said and did a bunch of terrible crap? And you can't use YOUR nostalgia as a defense.
@donnaldjohnson659 21 день назад
We should make playing this game a second priority at GhengisCon. After of course games with Luke.
@donnaldjohnson659 21 день назад
I have played it with one of the developers, so should look for one of their games.
@matthewconstantine5015 21 день назад
New camera! Looks like typically awesome RuneQuest. Love that art.
@otakuofmine 21 день назад
wait, you are not just hands and a voice? jokes aside, great preview as usual. I sadly cant get it for a while, once again. (no money left and currently stuff of another rpg that cant wait cause limited. but plan to get cult books in a bunch again anyways. unless i cant resist heh) okay - absolutely love the cover still. love that it has nysalor. (cant wait for the upcoming illumination rules). the art work, again, makes me just drool. like the moon phases on the side. and yeeesh, they reprinted the red moon maps of the guide here, well done chaosium. (i have the guide, but it just makes sense and great for people not having it). didnt expect such a cult write up for the bat, but guess it makes sense. LOVE it. excuse me, batwings??? i think one my gfs will like this. now i cant wait till we get the official lunar empire sourcebook (and i know, the dragon pass one is even still shrouded in mist) agree with ur end sentiment.
@RPGImaginings 21 день назад
*checks* Nope, it appears as if I am not just hands and a voice. Weird!
@CooledCross 21 день назад
When I heard about this book I was hyped, and a little disappointed. Really excited for the book, but I had just wrapped up my Ruinquest Lunar campaign the previous month. My party had insisted on playing as the Lunars, but joined Fazzur's Rebellion as soon as they discovered they owed the Red Emperor taxes.
@Growls 21 день назад
Classic player behaviour. Taxes? I have enough of that in real life!
@dangarthemighty0980 21 день назад
I just finally got my hands on Runequest after wanting it for years. 😊
@johnwalsh4857 21 день назад
loving it and will buy it. been playing runequest since the mid 80s. starting with the avalon hill editiion. The current edition really defines Runequest
@kevinthorpe8561 21 день назад
Thanks nice video
@asdasd-di4zj 21 день назад
Can't wait to get a copy. We are all us.
@TommyRushing 22 дня назад
Any but found stencils, or is making stencils for this?
@creativeplayandpodcastnetwork 25 дней назад
Well put! I am definitely a Traveler fan just so few players want to give it a shot 😢
@RPGImaginings 23 дня назад
Their loss!
@voltage2773 Месяц назад
Inspiration from Star Wars. That first art picture in the book was flat out an AT-AT with a boat on its back., 😂
@bruced648 Месяц назад
thanks for a glimpse of this game. the art is fantastic. however, the game world is bland and limited. not very impressed with the mecha game mechanics. very vague. character types are A-typical to many sci-fi of similar genre. I'm sure that as the game developers add content, the setting will improve. as there are already a dozen plus mecha RPGs that have been published over the past 45 years and were well made. only a few have withstood the test of time. I'll pass on this version as it is too vague for my taste in RPGs.
@RPGImaginings Месяц назад
Thanks for expressing your opinion. How about naming those other dozen Mecha games so we can understand what's better!
@bruced648 Месяц назад
aside from the battletech titles of Mechwarrior rpg, a time of war rpg and Destiny rpg. Robotech rpg rifts rpg mekton mekton Ii heavy gear cav strike BESM metal gear solid Titan legions (rogue trader) gamma world star frontiers I'm sure there are more that I'm not remembering at this time. but the genre has been well covered over the past 40 years. granted, some of these are not as good as the game you reviewed. but it gives a comparison to make an assessment. my top 3 of these: Mechwarrior 2nd ed rpg BESM Robotech rpg
@RPGImaginings Месяц назад
@@bruced648 Great list. The only one we may agree on is Mechwarrior 2E. But I would also never spend time playing MW 2E. And that is my point. You and I have big differences in what we like in Mech RPGs. You want way more fluff (and I'm guessing probably more crunch) than this game provides. Part of the reason why I dislike (and despise) some of the games you listed is because of the overwhelming backstory and the crunch. I LIKE vague. It is more room for imagination. But hey, it is ok to disagree. MANY ttrpg gamers prefer rules-light variants within genres. And that is ok. Salvage Union provides a nice entry point for people to tell the kinds of stories they want to, with a level of gameplay that they prefer as well.
@bruced648 Месяц назад
@RPGImaginings like anything, I can agree to disagree. just as you have your preference and I have mine, that doesn't make either of us right or wrong. this game may evolve into something absolutely fantastic. for your gaming, I hope this gives you the joy you are seeking. part of my preference is the game mechanics. the genre matters, but if I don't like the resolution process, then I lose interest. good luck!
@gowankommando Месяц назад
17:20 "Socrates Johnson" 😂 Great Bill and Ted reference!
@leylinepress Месяц назад
Thankyou for this excellent review! Salvage Union is the Mech RPG we always wanted too, and we've been delighted to bring it into the world and share it with the community.
@TwinSteel Месяц назад
@cerebralparasite9238 Месяц назад
The art is terrible.
@manofredearth Месяц назад
The art is fantastic.
@gowankommando Месяц назад
Art is subjective
@donnaldjohnson659 Месяц назад
We are not here to have fun, we are here to play a game.
@Nicsopana Месяц назад
The book is only printed in Lithuania. Like many other rpg books. Leyland Press is UK based.
@gwenmcgarry528 Месяц назад
are there any modifiers for dice rolls or is it entirely random? Like if my character has quick reaction speed can I get a bonus to initiative rolls, or am I beholden to the die itself for all these actions/events
@matthewconstantine5015 Месяц назад
Kaiju, I think is the word you were looking for, in reference to giant monsters. I've never been a big mech-based Sci-Fi fan, but this one has piqued my interest. I especially like that they're more human scaled, as opposed to Voltron, Battletech, or Neon Genesis. Heavy Gear was a game from the 90s that had a very different vibe to this, but also featured more human-sized mechs, which work better for me. This reminds me a bit of Ian McQue's art, and of Philip Reeve's Mortal Engines novels. I get the sense that it would be about building community and such, which I dig. And rules light, which I dig. So many mech games I've seen like to get bogged down in crunch. Quest was a game I wanted to pick up, but it was the wrong mix of difficult to acquire and expensive.
@RPGImaginings Месяц назад
That's it! Kaiju.
@markgrehan3726 Месяц назад
Damn that looks to be a pretty awesome product, the art sets the mood well and it looks really well thought out production wise.
@donnaldjohnson659 Месяц назад
Why did I not know it was your birthday? Why is your birthday not on my calendar? Why do I have so many questions?
@cassiegregory6757 Месяц назад
Thank you for your great review, It's the book I'm probs most proud of design wise and I spent a long time trying to understand real life navy tactics, uniforms etc, I really wanted to get the right vibe down :)
@RPGImaginings Месяц назад
You succeeded. Congratulations!
@PetesDracolich Месяц назад
Hello RPG Imaginings! I've been excited to check this out, specifically the DCC version! Upon opening the original book, its upsetting to see Alexander as the first to put in his 2 cents worth, but then again it also brings up the opportunity to recall his true intention. I feel its important when understanding Jennell Jaquays's influence on our hobby, that we also hear about that guy trying to take credit for her work. Thank you for speaking out & saying what needed to be said. Much respect to you. 3D6 Down the Line!
@fredericjaquet3729 Месяц назад
Regarding dictatorship : in ancient Rome, the dictatorship sounded not as bad as nowadays. A dictator was nominated during hard times in order to re-establish order; the dictator was nominated for a limited time and had to give power back once his mission accomplished. I suggest that you consider this word in orca's culture as in the ancient Rome 😉
@rory7590 Месяц назад
How do Amazon Print on Demands compare with Drivethrurpg print on demand?
@RPGImaginings Месяц назад
I'm willing to bet that they might all be sourced from the same place, just sold in different ways. But I could be wrong. No difference in quality, IMO.
@SoloAnteelDADO Месяц назад
Great book, is just amazing the amount of information. Traveller is basically the UNIVERSE for sci-fi games.
@RPGImaginings Месяц назад
Couldn't agree more!
@TheTkhhwilliams Месяц назад
Thanks for this unboxing. I was really on fence about this box set. Not sure when I'd ever run it, but MAN! I think it's a need, not a want for me. Thanks for sharing this
@wbbartlett Месяц назад
Someone seems to have gotten out of bed on the wrong side today. Anyone else you want to have a snark at while you're at it?
@RPGImaginings Месяц назад
Yep. How about you? I expressed an opinion about the idiot move of a game designer that seems to think he's above accountability and is well known for having a pretty fat head. A real small fish in a big pond, all things considered. Do you think people are above accountability? Do you think it's right to take credit for what other people are known for after they die? Think carefully before you answer. This attitude among gamers that game designers aren't accountable for their words or actions is bullshit. Hell, you're trying to hold ME accountable for something I say in a recreational video, but a game designer is perfectly fine for a brazen attempt at mis-crediting ideas?
@midnightgreen8319 Месяц назад
Alexander is a complete shit for trying to take credit for someone else's creation. Lot's of people gave this guy the crap he deserved for this.
@CScott-wh5yk 24 дня назад
@@RPGImaginingsYou sound crazy.
@RPGImaginings 22 дня назад
@@CScott-wh5yk Yep, I get it. People aren't allowed to express opinions on the internet you don't like. Bonkers to do so. And yet...I am doing so. And you can't stop me. Uh oh! Sarcasm aside, I'm allowed to be expressive in my videos and you're allowed to not watch if you don't like them. My format isn't going to change. My energy isn't going to change. So, if you don't like those things (perfectly fine), just don't watch. You not watching is a far better use of everyone's time than you taking the time to whine about what you don't like.
@sunsin1592 Месяц назад
This set is fantastic. Might be the best thing I've ever backed via KS. Can't wait to play it over the summer.
@SpiritWolf1966 Месяц назад
I enjoy all of RPG Imaginings videos
@markward1803 Месяц назад
I got the full range of modiphius Conan range and the art and character building system was wonderful as was the amount of detail into the world. However I just did not like the 2d20 system seemed to get in the way of the game. Did not know about GURPS Conan so may check it out. Personally I think the DCC system would be awesome for Conan and would love to see them do a setting box like they did for Dying Earth.
@paulbigbee Месяц назад
Exciting news on more Traveller content, eager to see it!
@paulbigbee Месяц назад
Happy birthday, and thank you for sharing this gorgeous effort to keep our hobby's history alive and current. Good on Goodman! Oh, and given your killer ominous voiceover skills, I'm gonna need a daily posting of you reading something out of the book. 😆
@RPGImaginings Месяц назад
LOL. That's the educator in me.