Sklover Working Wisdom
Sklover Working Wisdom
Sklover Working Wisdom
Want to See Your HR File? Here's How
14 лет назад
@roberthall6161 8 дней назад
I understand.
@fiinanafuka4106 2 месяца назад
i was suspended without call the witness
@LifeUnlocker 2 месяца назад
3:00 Investigation Tips
@SuperAwesomeSandwich 3 месяца назад
What is the objective here? Convince an employee to stay at a company that clearly wants them gone? The better advice is recognize the PIP for what it is, and advise the recipient on how to maximize their payout and read the writing on the wall. A PIP is a death sentence almost 90% of the time.
@andyn6053 3 месяца назад
My employer offered me 2+"3 months but I demand at least the double of I will sue them for discrimination
@andrewh2u 3 месяца назад
Its just a paper trail to cover the ash of company HR if the victim makes any legal claim when fired. Act accordingly.
@jimmyjack7141 4 месяца назад
I had a bully boss, one day I asked for proper documentation to do a machining procedure and he got pissy at me, I walked away and half way back to my work area he jumped in front of me and chest bumped me, this was aggressive, themvhebrold me to go home, I was like ??? Went to HR they said go home, next day HR calls and said I am laid off and to get my tool asap.
@ncascadehiker 5 месяцев назад
I was too emotionally exhausted from my job to find the energy and focus to document the bullying. I just resigned and hope I land on my feet.
@OK-wb1dy 5 месяцев назад
If they try to “force” you to sign things you don’t agree with. Never sign.
@TinaLouise73 6 месяцев назад
I have been micromanaged bullied belittled and invalidated looked over and ignored in EVERY job I've EVER had! It's a dysfunctional generic trait in my personality that NO matter how hard I work n try I get picked on n singled out! It's not thst I am "work shy" like the uk torie government try n label ppl like me it's the jobs thst dnt want me! N with my fragile emotional health and affected overall MH includn my phisical limited capabilities makes employers dubious about whether to employ "someone like me" 😐
@callmeishmaelk767 8 месяцев назад
7, you're getting a lawyer involved. That will scare the shit out of them.
@barbaravyse660 5 месяцев назад
Just the mention of a lawyer can work in your favor
@callmeishmaelk767 8 месяцев назад
I'll be 55 in two months. Been at the same company for 29.5 years. I'm not letting them buffalo me out. They can kiss my ass and pay up big time. Eff them
@Native_love 8 месяцев назад
I think you just saved my life! Thank you! Know any good lawyers in Arizona? ❤❤❤❤
@mickhick619 11 месяцев назад
This is how I dealt with a bully boss.... I seeked contentment with a different employer for more income.
@lawrencemunroe6798 11 месяцев назад
I lost a job with a temp agency because someone said I was smoking marijuana .I only spoke of the stuff briefly in a conversation .Thankfully it was only a temp agency but I was highly regarded in my abilities and reliability .Arrowtech
@SpecialEdDHD 11 месяцев назад
OMG if you find yourself in this situation at work where you need this video you are most likely guilty lol. Probably an unaware narcissist lol.
@luclongly529 11 месяцев назад
My work place mobbing followed me home 🏡 I even found out that my own government and family participated in it, it's also called "GANGSTALKING" a.k.a. zersetzung 😢
@terrencemilton5088 Год назад
What do you do if they don't email back? 🤔🤔🤔 Did they watch this? 😂😂😂
@stepnot3208 Год назад
I wish I knew about this beforehand
@jmfs3497 Год назад
I am fairly certain the current manager of my team has OCPD. Number one, he hovers and surprises you with contrarian feedback when you are in deep focus, which completely ruins the entire day or two after. Number two, he will monologue for 90 minutes straight in a 45 minute meeting-if you take notes it ends up only being buzz words in sentence form. If you ask a question, he looks like you insulted his mother. Lists and Lists of every changing whatever. Constantly moving stuff around where you can't find it, and if you try to do anything to keep it organized he gets upset for disturbing his very possessive approach. Constant need to keep tabs on every click of a button on a project. Refuses to delegate anything really. It's all sitting and watching him fumble his way through your own job duties, and you can't do anything or he will dive in front of you to "correct" you. (seriously. I asked "Who is the client?" once. Looked like he wanted to kill me and responded "I AM!") I gave up with him. I tried to communicate with him like a human. I talked to his boss and asked to report to a different manager multiple times. I talked to an HR Leadership Coach for a year. I applied for other jobs. The damned pandemic happened. It just gave up on him. I say "Good morning", "Ok", and "Good to see you" pretty much every day. I play deaf, dumb, and distant as boringly as possible. And I do the best work I can in secret. After several years, and his own boss getting fired and us getting moved to a more senior director, people are starting to notice. I try to stay cool, while he overcomplicates everyone's lives. The new team notices my adaptability and awareness of the new role, and the notice him clinging to the past and micromanaging. Even the CEO called him out for micromanaging me in front of him by saying "Man, [OCPD manager]! I thought [OP] was directing this one! LOL!" Some people can dish it out, but they can't take it. They can't meet anyone half-way. They think they are entitled to more control over others than reality permits.
@jimbojimbo6873 Год назад
PIPs are used to fire you, the decision to let you go is made prior to enforcing a PIP. You’re better off quitting and saying your father was sick and you needed to take care of him than seeing your PIP through to the end and getting fired
@erikamiller3809 Год назад
I will pray for them . I will never let anyone take my joy. The devil is under my feet. I will bully right back by telling them about Jesus. He is the only one who can change there ❤️. If they can come to me with foolishness 😒. I can come the them in the name of the lord. 🤗
@WhiteMouse77 Год назад
Step 1.: Get contact to a dealer Step 2.: Buy pocket fitting gun with silencer, pack of bullets and some latex gloves Step 3.: Test the gun on lonely place Step 4.: Spy where&when he/she appears alone Step 5.: Have ready bulletproof alibi in advance Step 6.: Point the gun from hidden place and be precise
Human Resources is not a Police Department. HR does not play the role of judge and jury. They are just employees like everybody else. If there is a conflict between two employees, they are going to do what's right for the company, not the victim. HR usually tries to get rid of the victim, especially if he/she has low social status within the company. The only reason I went to HR is because my lawyer said I should. He said, "He should let HR know because the law is not going to do much for you." That means if you are being harassed at work, you only have two choices. You either put with it or resign.
@Melinamiu007 Год назад
As an HR, we need to show this video to employees. Even in the comments you see that people still don’t want to be realistic/unbiased about the function.
@WhiteMouse77 Год назад
BTW if these 7 so called truths are ment seriously then it's 100% legitimate to have gun on your belt when bein at work because you are in a war zone full of psychopatic enemies!!!
@erexpill Год назад
Lol...went to HR with DOCUMENTED events and PROOF of BULLYING, HARASSMENT, NATIONAL ORIGIN DISCRIMINATION, FMLA INTERFERENCE, Workplace HOSTILITY, THREATENING, SLANDER, BAD PERFORMANCE REVIEW for 2022 even though I received several awards for above and beyond for 2022...HR blamed me and said it's all my FAULT!!! 😂
@Gen3Hater Год назад
if i get bad treatment in work im resigning immidiatly. Period
@CaesarBro Год назад
Although this video is very old school, it has lots of wisdom. Thank you Alan, hope you’re still publishing videos.
@nellatl Год назад
What are examples of bad things in our files?
@TireSlayer55 Год назад
bruh that intro music SLAPS
@SuperJohn0927 Год назад
My boss treated me like garbage
@TacoMexxx Год назад
Thank you for this video, I will never wrestle with the pig again.
@momyour69 Год назад
HR or the employer should rehabilitate the situation so they won't get sued so in a way they should help
@jeng1395 Год назад
Wish I’d seen this months ago. My bully boss forced me to resign. I did, however, record her making all sorts of racist and derogatory comments about her own boss. HR and her boss got a copy.
@annas.5676 Год назад
Thank you for keeping this video up. It's been very helpful I'm dealing with stuff at work along with other coworkers that don't know what to do. Much appreciated God bless you!!
@JohnGrilloJag Год назад
1] Address the facts - if the premise is wrong, the conclusion is likely wrong 2] Address the conclusion 3] Address the process taken 4] Look into the possible and proper motive behind it 5] Insist it be withdrawn and replaced by an different process or investigator 6] Suggest an alternative--that is, different process, a transfer or a severance agreement. Always answer it in writing with respect and BCC yourself, so that there is a record. Also, impersonal. Do not attack people; attack the person. Send it to the top, and have an end solution in mind.
@duaneyoutbe Год назад
6. The employer made false claims, the employer claims there were undisclosed multiple witnesses, i.e. the employer will not name any of their supposed accusers of these claims of which I say are completely false claims against me? ( saying people said I did something ) How do I force the employer to back up these false allegations with the proof that these witnesses are in fact real? Like a PRIVACY ACT request, GRAMA request, or like a foia request EXCEPT for employer’s claims of supposed witnesses or accusers of what I claim is a FALSE accusation against me. Maybe even to assemble ā defamation case? BTW, I have documented proof of the employer claiming these claims of witnesses against me. How do I force the employer to give up their supposed written reports and or witness statements the employer claims to have against me? I believe these reports and or witnesses aren’t even real.
@allkindsamusicchick Год назад
The accuser's character should be of the utmost of importance. But, no....let's not look that way. The ne`er-do-wells...have often been in trouble in one way, shape, or form, and/or....they saw it growing up, and know how to play the system to the hilt. What's worse...is that these slimy characters have no problem hurting others, therefore no conscience whatsoever. Down the road....society...will have to bear the brunt...of whatever else is up their sleeves. As my father would say, "It's NG." It's all...No Good!!!
@andrewtesta5944 Год назад
HR is only for the company period.....
@jermill9101 Год назад
@ivanferraz8914 Год назад
I suggest applying a Brazilian Ju Jitsu choke in your bully boss, so he will respect you and will also ask in which academy you train, so he can enroll in it
@KO-im6sm Год назад
I worked for a couple.. usually men doing it. They are taught
@johnrainsman6650 Год назад
I was once taken to my boss's office with her and a high-ranking chef. The chef told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much. Not THAT type of touch, of course not! Just casual ones, like on arms or shoulders. I was always very outgoing at work. When I asked her if anyone complained, she said it didn't matter (so I assume yes). She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment, and that I pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school (I work at a university's catering service). She told me I shouldn't tell my stories because they may be inappropriate to my coworkers. Now yeah, I guess I do occasionally say✌"inappropriate"✌ stuff at work, but _not horribly nor intentionally._ I only meant to joke around and have fun. I really didn't get specific information from the chef about what and whom. She likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits. And again, that I shouldn't touch anyone without consent. But seriously, I'm not a creep. I didn't mean to be so "handsy" (I say loosely). I can't tell the difference between innocent, casual taps and hands on shoulders/backs, and creepy, condemnable ones in the workplace. While I own making anyone uncomfortable (at least that's my presumption), I don't think the chef handled it all that well, you know? A gentle, very brief talk in the hall (with _just_ the chef) would've been better, if you ask me. I'm not a criminal who needs to be in the police's interrogation room.
@kendiaz5109 Год назад
H.R protects management even when management violates company policies
@NoneofyourBusiness-hy5ln Год назад
I was falsely accused of stealing LAXATIVE out of all medications that could be stolen. Then a problem client lied and said I called her names. That’s also a lie. They made me sign a paper stating I did so. I’m also 7 months pregnant. What do I do?
@jaymorgan. Месяц назад
Why sign something you didn’t do?
@sal8372 Год назад
Good vid. Liked the language examples
@tracychen2493 Год назад
@Demy1970 Год назад
I got charged it’s toxic work environment, false accusations and cleared and guess what? Got a medical note and getting a full 7 months pay.
@galactichand551 Год назад
HR reps are the epitome of conflict of interest.