Gneiss Name
Gneiss Name
Gneiss Name
I'm a geologist and just enjoy making things.
How to average color
21 день назад
Why care about Geology
Месяц назад
The Real Missing Colors of Minecraft (*1.20)
2 месяца назад
Noteblock command tutorial
2 месяца назад
Minecraft Education Edition’s Failures
3 месяца назад
A perceptual color space in Minecraft (Oklab)
4 месяца назад
How does Minecraft ore compare to Earth
5 месяцев назад
How To Improve Mob Control
6 месяцев назад
Tuff Talk
7 месяцев назад
Color Schemes, Featuring HermitCraft Season 8
7 месяцев назад
How Gneiss spent his summer vacation.
7 месяцев назад
Text Display Tutorial
8 месяцев назад
How hot is Minecraft Lava?
8 месяцев назад
Geology and the Munsell Color System
9 месяцев назад
Using HSL to convert a build to black and white.
10 месяцев назад
What isn't Geology
10 месяцев назад
META_Tommy: Text display wizard.
10 месяцев назад
1.20 Color World update 1.1
11 месяцев назад
What is Stone, Alternative Theory
11 месяцев назад
Minecraft Color Theory: What is CMYK
11 месяцев назад
Geologist answers: What is Stone
11 месяцев назад
1.20 Color World Release
Год назад
RGB vs HSL vs HSV Color Spaces
Год назад
Ideas for fixing minecarts
Год назад
@SubparLoki 4 часа назад
I used to want to go into geology because I thought it was a non-math heavy major lol. Now I’m looking at like wildlife conservation and natural resource management stuff, but I still find this stuff fascinating. Awesome video!!
@cillianennis9921 4 часа назад
I do Geography which is basically geology & well human society study. Also why'd people think Geology could ever be solved. I feel like the only science to ever be truly solved is physics just because of how its the basis for every science & thus is the easiest to solve not to say it will be anytime soon we have a bunch of problems with our current understanding of gravity at a quantom scale which likely when solved will lead to a whole load more being learned like when we worked out quantom mechanics & general relativity. But Geology is like Biology the bottom of science the tail end the things that will only be able to be solved when nothing exists to do stuff differently. Also Sociology & Psychology fit into this. Basically Chemistry with the right theories & tests with different chemicals can be solved roughly one day until something like biology of an alien world shakes our understanding by having life use something like Ammonia as its solvent for life which would change it all.
@TrixieEnjoyer 9 часов назад
beacon colors kinda have their own system too i think
@maksiksq 10 часов назад
1:07 these colors aren't a default thing in Java, it's definitely a Minecraft thing.
@CmFive 13 часов назад
Magic is real, and her name is science. It's beautiful how intricate every little thing can be.
@SlamJamMusic 13 часов назад
fun fact: iOS uses the wrong blurring algorithm
@ThatOneSaltyFilipino 13 часов назад
I wonder though. Is there literally any way to convert video into a sort of sRGB space so that it gets accurately shown on web browsers and web apps?
@CaptainBeebi 14 часов назад
So here's my best guesses based on my own experience with OpenGL: *Particles:* The RGB(A) 0.0-1.0 has to do with the way the effects are colored by OpenGL. Since we use normalized color values for vertex coloring, Minecraft's just trying to save a bit of processing time by avoiding the need to calculate (1/255)*V. This approach saves 108-264* compute cycles per particle, which doesn't seem like a whole lot but it'll add up over time. IIRC the reason Dust particles don't have use alpha value while Effect particles do is because Dust particles don't have a way to alter their transparency in the game code. *Glow Colors:* These may be locked to those 16 entries to match the color range for chat messages. The reason they're different from the dyes is because they're visibly distinct to people with colorblindness, while the dye colors are much harder to differentiate. *Text Display:* Likely uses hexcode for ease of use, since you can just copy-paste 6 characters from Photoshop or Paletton instead of 0.0-1.0 or 0-255 for each channel. Since it only needs to do the (1/255)*V calculations when initializing the entity, the tradeoff of readability vs processing time is much better than for particle generators. As for why the alpha transparency is 0-255, hexcodes don't include the alpha channel and people are better at picking random integers than random decimals. *Text Background:* I think Mojang just hates you guys, because I can't think of any reason they'd have you convert the hexcode to an integer _before_ entering it into the command block. *Leather Armor:* is stored as an integer for space-saving purposes when saving the game. One 32-bit integer takes 4 bytes of data, while three 32-bit floats take up 12 bytes. And since they only need to do the (1/255)*V calculations on loading the game like the text entities, the time spent converting the integer to floats isn't that big a deal. _*Division is very slow, taking 30-60 compute cycles to perform a single operation. Multiplication is faster, but still takes ~6 compute cycles to perform a single operation. This seems like nothing, but when you're generating hundreds or thousands of particles each second, that adds up._
@xgnrudy8620 15 часов назад
It’s purple because it’s using 16-64 bit graphics. Purple is what you use instead of pure black to denote shape and shading. Also shadows.
@gamechannel1271 16 часов назад
Wait... Photoshop isn't even blending brushes in linear rgb space like GIMP does? How shitty can a complex expensive program be?
@Roshikiki 17 часов назад
Me who was watching this but knows very little of chemicals, elements and compounds: What the heck is this dude speaking? I'd like an English translator...
@DadicekCz 18 часов назад
And that's why you can only make obsidian sith overworld lava! 🤓
@buffyvalentia2891 19 часов назад
How did I not know you can dye armor without a cauldron 😭
@therealdia 22 часа назад
I believe the 16 colors for the glowing effect are the same as the standard ANSI color codes, which are still used in modern terminals. If that’s the case, then it wouldn’t be shocking for those colors to be derived directly from Java
@NovaBugDrayosix 23 часа назад
It's silly, love the grand canyon footage at the end though ^^
@CrocygatorStudios День назад
Maybe 4 netherite ingots + 4 amethyst shards and then one new item could work? I think the End needs to be given something new so maybe use a new item from there (or just the dragon egg). And that would be cool because it would require something from all three dimensions in order to be created!
@joaovitor88 День назад
bro, you changed my mind about geology
@natalie.m.newman День назад
Dude this video was awesome. I clicked on this just expecting a someone making fun of education edition but I actually learned and that’s lit. This was so interesting!
@angelus_solus День назад
This isnt a problem with Mojang, but a problem with Microsoft, who owns Mojang. The fact that Microsoft owns the game should tell you everything you need to know about why this is such a failure.
@Ibcanator День назад
Great video!
@strusiagent775 День назад
legaci code+small team I geas
@NoenD_io День назад
🖥️💻"Beep boop beep we cant avarage🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖"
@sonikkuffffff День назад
no mojang absolutely does not care, the education edition was created solely for profit in mind. they are also too busy creating 1 major feature update for java branch per year that adds mobs and blocks that nobody asked for and don't do anything. modders make more significant contribution to this game than its own creators, and i can't even say creators, they're more like maintainers.
@Unkle_Genny День назад
1:15 I don’t know the specifics, but I can tell you that the first set of colors are also the palette used for chat text colors and sign text colors
@zandermclane4868 День назад
Cool video, I fucking love rocks
@Yuberz День назад
I dont know what I expected clicking on this video, but the quality greatly exceeded my expectations!
@Eric1738-7 День назад
pp extremely cool vid
@hannah42069 День назад
Some answers from someone who does a lot of development with Minecraft: - The 16 colours are from old terminals. Naming just happens to be different internally to the translations (the names of dyes) - 0 to 1 RGBA in particles makes it easy for the array to get sent to the GPU. Particles internally are an absolute mess since each one requires different data. - Glowing effect actually does support RGB colour, but team colours don't. - ARGB is preferred when programming because 0xRRGGBB is the standard way of representing RGB in hex. Doing it as 0xRRGGBBAA would be more of a weird change than 0xAARRGGBB since 0xRRGGBB == 0x00RRGGBB, making it (kindaa??) compatible The reason there are so many different colours is mainly because these were made by different people at different times, and that they all serve different purposes. The 16 colours was used for the old text format that Minecraft used to use. Now text can be full RGB, but other things made use of the 16 colour system before this change (e.g. wool and dye). The particles use a 0-1 array because the easiest way to do variable information like that in a command is with NBT, and the shader will take a vec4 (array of four floats) anyway, so it's quick to access. There's no reason it couldn't be another format, but it would be more effort for no reason. Glowing effect is only limited by teams, and team colours are a byproduct of that old 16 colour text code. ARGB is just a normal way of writing it in code, but Minecraft doesn't let you write integers in hex (0x....), so you just have to convert it. The conversion with RGB is still two's complement: 0xRRGGBB is the same as 0x00RRGGBB so it's always positive. Sorry for the block of text, I hope this makes some sense. TLDR: Legacy, people, and purpose
@gneissname День назад
Thanks for the info, I can understand why they are used in each case it’s just odd that if you are making something for an end user that there isn’t consistency just so it easier. I know commands aren’t really something they focus on though.
@hannah42069 День назад
@@gneissname Yeah, I think the commands are more of a case of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'
@bookofmistere День назад
Geez who freaking informative was this video. Wow
@Zero-4793 День назад
100% agree with this. i noticed this (or got angry at it) when i tried to summon leather. other than that ive really only had to deal with the old dust particle system
@OstojaSRB День назад
For the furnaces you could just have a gamerule that limits how many a world can load at once
@Cootshk День назад
You forgot potion colors They’re just RGB -> hex -> decimal
@cubirk День назад
You should check vintage story's geology
@StCost День назад
That day I feel like using specific format I didn't forgot yet. As long as it works
@aternias День назад
Your data visualizations are soooo good! ❤❤ love what you do
@gneissname День назад
@TheySuckFatLongDonkeyLogs День назад
They are good for contraptions, especially redstone contraptions, the derailment mechanic would be HORRIBLE for that. Being able to rely on their behavior is very important, and derailment would break EVERYTHING, just a bad idea.
@Bentroen_ День назад
Situation: There are six competing standards. - Six?! We need to develop one universal standard that covers all the use cases! Situation: There are seven competing standards.
@An_Alias 2 дня назад
I'm nearly done with my geology degree and you perfectly captured how I feel about how geology is perceived. So glad I found your channel.
@thetubbe_drawing 2 дня назад
Do dwarf fortress dawg
@Rudxain 2 дня назад
It's always been a mystery to me why gamma has to be polynomial and not exponential. It seems like nonsense compared to how we scale sound, which is logarithmic/exponential. Why do humans use radicals/quadratics for digital light?
@xerneas02 2 дня назад
I am very late to the party here i just wanted to point out that chaining minecart is alerady a think because if you put in the front a furnace minecart at the front and put coal in it it will track evry minecart behind it and they will stick together i must say it's not the most pratical way of doing it but it exist
@spicklesandwich 2 дня назад
What about beacon beams? They seem to act similar to leather with the additive glass colors.
@dandyspacedandy 2 дня назад
hypothetically, what happens if you average by HSV?
@austinmai356 2 дня назад
Do we ever see lava in different colors like green or blue
@gneissname День назад
there is some called blue lava but its sulfur burning and making a blue flame, not really the lava that's blue
@octonezd 2 дня назад
I think named colors are there to make game friendly for colorblind people - though I am not sure that minecraft has features for alternative palette
@sirati9770 2 дня назад
the 16 colours for formatting text in older versions as well as the team colours correspond to the 16 colours available in ansi terminals (and old standard for displaying coloured text on computers were having more than 16 colours would still overwork the cpu and gpu) in may-june 2009 when notch added coloured text messages and coloured wool for the first time, he just coded those 16 colours into the code. the colour for wools was only changed in 1.2 when notch decided to add dyes to the game and especially choco beans as one of the colours. so far no brown existed
@sirati9770 2 дня назад
i think one reason is that in memory these numbers are indeed just one number, when they write the command they need to set setting for each argument on how that be processed from the human input into the internal state. the default for that is decimal numbers, so they just forgot to set that those arguments should be hex in the command. as for items they do not have a special way to say that a property is to be interpreted/displayed differently when interacting with the human, at least that was true in the old nbt way or storing things before tags. so for item those properties are just you setting the nbt manually and because it just knows this has to be a number the architecture does not allow to ask for that number in hex.
@GeorgeRNG 2 дня назад
ok, here's my justification for a few of the color formats using decompiled code: I'll explain formatting codes first; there is a list of formatting codes, which have letters and names, such as "gold" having the letter 6, which can be applied by using §6, but servers often allow &6 instead. Somebody else pointed out the color choices are similar to the 16 colors from IBM PCs, which you can see more by finding their comment, or on the trivia part of the *Formatting codes* page on the minecraft wiki. Their actual color is an integer, using the RBG technique you mention later on. First of all, I cannot explain the particle color format, it seems the most random. In the version I decompiled, their color is a vector and I think that's because it uses some shader stuff for rendering if I look at the code. Team colors use a formatting code, so technically the team could be colored italic. Dyes are just separate from formatting codes, but their color is internally an integer. Text entities have separate transparency since they don't handle the color of the text, that is just handled by the text component. Text components can use our formatting codes for color, or hex codes. The ARGB decimal value is the one directly passed into the vertex rendering, it's the literal value which gets rendered. In code it is an integer. The RGB decimal value is just an ARGB value, with an alpha of 0, it will be the same as if you set the alpha to 0. In code it is an integer. So, in the end, they're all java integers. (apart from particles)
@raccoonperson1216 2 дня назад
mojang needs to just hire their modders at this point