Jakob // Monster Hunter
Jakob // Monster Hunter
Jakob // Monster Hunter
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Why CAPCOM will NOT port Monster Hunter
Месяц назад
What is Monster Hunter really about?
4 месяца назад
TOP 5 armors in Monster Hunter
10 месяцев назад
@navnnavn1226 10 часов назад
Thanks for uploading this, I come back to this while working a lot
@Onikirimaru231 21 час назад
3U and 4U were phenomenal.
@alureon25 3 дня назад
This is a really neat perspective and a very well-made video. MH can be about whatever the player wishes, whether it be hunting, decorating, or researching the world and its creatures, which is why it's so accessible. Thanks for making this!
@Nich888 3 дня назад
Ancient forest theme bruh😂
@mohdimansaifullizan6193 3 дня назад
Monster Hunter x Gundam
@nidohime6233 4 дня назад
I think you a bit blinded by nostalgia. While is true Dos have very unique features the reason there never returned until now is because it work agaisnt the players. There is a lack of synergy between what the player wants and what the game tells to do. Is likely many where frustrated by not been able to go to to places such as the desert to hunt down monsters, and with a online feature where player interaction is important many where likely to felt left behind because they couldn't finish the armour or weapons they wanted to upgrade from the game self-imposed limitations. People hate waiting, specially when there is no justification. You need to give them stuff to do, otherwise they get bored. On the other side is true in later installments there is a bigger emphasis on the dps side rather than the survival part of the experience. Many tedious stuff like item management and taking consideration on the enviroment have streamlined a lot over the years, even in Rise you don't need Hot and Cold potions. The series starts to feel more like another hack and slash rather than the hunting simulator is supposed to be. Anyway it seems the Monster Hunter team hasn't forgot entirelly of Dos, from the stuff rumoured of MH Wilds there are bringing many things like seasons and survival stuff, just revamped and more enjoyable thanks to today's technology. 59:30 Fifty minutes wasn't put only for game balance, but to make it last enough for short amounts of time, like a lunch break or when traveling by train. The reason why the portable games became so popular is because at least in Japan people could play at something while passing time at their jobs and schools rather than wait to get to their houses and plug their PlayStation. It also incentivise people to meet others and play along together, like with other games with social interaction like Pokémon, Mario Kart and many more.
@the_audsquad661 4 дня назад
It’s interesting cause I bought mhw after only having played the original when I was younger. I found myself wondering why I wasn’t enjoying the game as much as the older one, so I’m replaying the original on an emulator and it clear how the pacing of the older games results in a more satisfying experience. The game play loop felt more genuine, like to tackle the best monsters you needed the best supplies and equipment. Gathering those led to using the tools and exploring the map. This made the intention of running around the map much different between the older and newer games. In the older game I would only pick up what I was looking for or could afford to carry because of how long gathering items takes. This made getting items in the older game more impactful cause it was a time investment. In mwh I run around like a mad man mashing the grab button as the bugs light up all the things for me to grab and it feels so completely mindless.
@spacecrash 4 дня назад
Nah for me I just like hitting powerful attacks killing monaters
@tratamarack441 4 дня назад
You know what? I'm noticing a particular thing in common that suddenly made these blank-slate-protagonist story a lot more interesting. Its when your character became a supporting character. - I didn't play sunbreak, so i can only infer from your video, but the story is basically about the rebuilt kingdom trying to prevent another disaster, and your kamura hunter is just there to help them figure things out. And you liked it. - MH4 is about the Caravaneer searching for the source of his scale fragment. You're there to clear the way for him and the team. - F/GO's "Lost Belt 6", is about you helping Castoria to fulfill her seemingly impossible duty. - GBF's "What Makes the Sky Blue", is about Sandalphon's redemption arc and finishing off what Lucifer couldn't, and you're there to assist him.
@kingslead8369 5 дней назад
I will state this: experience has always been, and will always be subjective. Objective is just nomenclature used to somehow justify that an opinion is better or worse compared to one another. I've always disliked that aspect, and would instead like to see people describing their experiences and feelings without caring about which one is 'better' or 'worse'. Life isn't so straightforward you'll always hold the same thoughts on it. reviews like this are the most obvious portion of that.
@TheAstralCatastrophe 5 дней назад
After seeing Wilds trailers and gameplay impressions it's remarkable how spot-on you were in your wishlisting.
@PoisonousSwamp 5 дней назад
This music is Monster Hunter as I remember it when I first started playing. Nothing grand or ceremonious, no "Sapphire Star", we were just some chump who rolled into town one day looking for a job. The world would keep on turning without us if we disappeared, and the music, that feels so alive but also indifferent to us, reflects that perfectly.
@Mountain_Dandy 6 дней назад
Also look at the attire of the NPC who was doing something alone. The garb is that of the feathers of our mounts covering him and his hat represents many northern african or middle eastern shepherds IRL. I believe his mission was to move the Seikret herd and this situation overwhelmed him. Luckily for him you showed up. Shows how we will be effecting all aspects of the world instead of ghem simply being provided and disposable.
@Mountain_Dandy 6 дней назад
Cooking! I believe there making this a staple of game play. The individuals interviewed have spoken many times about the way cooking "kind of" works but stressed the importance of ingredients. Also that one village in particular specialized in milk harvesting & processing only. This leads me to believe that we'll need to secure regional areas to increase our recipes and it ties into the main story. I'm better there are so many more recipes. I think they let us cook our own made up recipes and share it once we've made it enough. 🤞 The "lighting" monster your seeing is just an area alpha monster, not a flagship. Also it's an example I believe they wanted to showcase of monsters utilizing the chaotic environment to their benefit in this case electricity. Other monsters will be using their own environmental chaos in similar fashion. Listen to the sounds of the electricity being made. That sounds more like static electricity being generated during these particle storms and the glands probably help it direct either a build up of static or direct a bolt. Look how the lighting goes upwards after firing, lighting doesn't always appear in the sky first. All just theory but the wing tips are coated in a oily metallic substance, perhaps for lighting protection/generation. I believe you'll have to wait until the storm hits the area to fight it. The flagship is gonna be something we're not expecting. I know the game is still far out but I keep hearing from interviews of the mh team that say: "It's monster hunter 6 and we are evolving the series". My bet it's a more than 4 person hunt somehow. Or it's something that involves the sand ship or being air dropped like in the Hell Divers game but from an airship. Just saw an interview where the mh representative slipped in that there will be multiple villages and seamless change between. Bet your player farm is just outside villages. So what's the gathering hub gonna be now with cross play? I think we're getting some kind of large scale separate hub with a regional theme. A great way to consolidate players and incentives micro transactions for cosmetics 🤨. But I wear tin foil hats so...
@av3835 6 дней назад
Monster Hunter is about making wild animals into boots
@taicyrrussell1333 6 дней назад
I disagree with you in terms of immersion, yes moving pictures make you immersed in the game, but mechanics like turf wars get you immersed in the ecologically and food chain of monster Hunter. I to, am fan of the old games, I have never played them, but used to watch a friend of mine play on his rom. It was very cool. I agree that they are different experiences, in total, I believe that the monster Hunter games are more monster Huntery than they have ever been.
@buttersidedown5905 6 дней назад
Dude these are so sick
@DiabloTraeluz 7 дней назад
It's odd that you mention a few times that the people that worked on Monster Hunter Dos previously worked on Resident Evil because, as far as I can tell, nobody credited as a designer or the director of Monster Hunter Dos has ever worked on a Resident Evil title and the closest anybody gets to working on Monster Hunter from Resident Evil is people who were also working on Resident Evil Outbreak at the same time, and even then, that extends mostly to the producers. In fact, a developer you mention by name as being a Monster Hunter Portable guy, Yasunori Ichinose, has notable contributions to Resident Evil Outbreak as an event planner for Outbreak and File 2 and a scenario writer for the penultimate scenario in both Outbreak games.
@manueldelbono202 7 дней назад
Rewatching this after the second trailer for mh wilds give me Hope that some of the features in mh 2 will return. Not all of them since It would be too hardcore, but most of them like tracking the monster etc We just have to wait. On the mh world story... It's not that they are actuallu trying to colonize the new world. It's just that the elder crossing started to become more and more frequent so that's why the started going on the new world. Becouse they were worryed that it might have am effect on them which it could have. Nergigante isn't there to stop the Zora Magdaros. He's there to stop the hunters from killing the Zora Magdaros from sacrificing himself to burn the xeno jiva with that much life energy so it's just a misunderstanding and the guild was there to do their best and to study and discover which is human nature. Now i'm not saying world's story is good. It's shit honestly, but at least they tryed a little bit
@pascalwittke5935 7 дней назад
OMG it looks so good 👍
@combatcarl5070 8 дней назад
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate IS the best. Everything from the combat, weapons, monsters, sound, soundtrack, story etc. I pumped 2000+ hours into the game since 2014 and would gladly put more in if the servers weren't down. I would've put down the game and never played it again if it weren't for 2 hunters that helped me understand the skill table. The skills arn't just handed to you like in the newer games, you have to put +10 points in order for a skill to activate. It made it much more enjoyable! 4U didn't hold your hand like World, you had to learn in order to play. The fights felt so solid, there weren't any gimics like wirebugs or slinger mechanics. It took more skill to fight monsters and more patience. You could go on Guild Quests, level them up and reap the rewards after fighting some of the toughest fights in the game. Thats without mentioning Gogmazios a fan favorite monster. 4U has the BIGGEST monsters in Canon, its wild to see the largest Monsters in the universe on a 240p screen. 4U still has some of the best cutscenes to date.
@kylehandschin5117 8 дней назад
This was a very good video with well-constructed arguments. Thank you for posting ❤😊
@juanmartinlepiobruno1090 8 дней назад
Nah you're wrong
@Goofyahhgamer69 8 дней назад
@assonance9057 8 дней назад
Haha I love this game it’s so fucking good…
@darahsuci8578 9 дней назад
MH Rise isn't made for the hunters. It's made for the bulliers
@TheAstralCatastrophe 9 дней назад
I imagine that hunting the non-alpha monster will result in them fleeing the zone after taking substantial damage.
@kevinferdian746 9 дней назад
Can't wait for the inevitable complain. Looking forward to it.
@VezixHaikal 9 дней назад
my man speaking facts through and through
@vj7248 9 дней назад
if this is taking alot of inspiration from 'Dos' and MH4 i am super hyped
@jockpackage1770 9 дней назад
A flock of seregios invading was the plot of MH4U so... also the flock of legiana in Iceborne. i hope we get groups of flying wyverns too. Please! For the love of gog and all that is holy, please use Rise's version of bleed! it's so much better. if the skeleton issues are finally fixed, please give us najarala and a new snake wyvern. I'm begging you Capcom. that's true, what if you hunt multiple monsters in the heard? how will the drop rates for monster parts work? Yeah, that's a flying wyvern, it doesn't have the 2 extra legs so people comparing it to the magalas makes no sense. It may be a sudo wyvern though, like tigrex but it also flies so more like barioth. We haven't gotten a new one of those since the last 2 in MH3, those being barrioth and gigginox. i hope we get gigginox back, it's been too long. He was last seen in MH3U. this guys does look a bit like old concept art for zinogre too. Before they made him a fanged wyvern, some early sketches made him a flying wyvern.
@mechadebzilla 10 дней назад
Perhaps the behavior of pack animals changes depending on whether they are packed or singled out. The alpha could become more aggressive and use different moves when singled out. This is going to be a great, deep game.
@MrChris2460 10 дней назад
Bro. I know which Monster would make sense in the tundra region. Gammoth herds!
@-Spiceoverlord 10 дней назад
Bruh this looks so cool you should def work for lego
@marmyeater 10 дней назад
*Seikret (SAY-kret)
@Pekaman66 10 дней назад
2:13:13 whatever happened to dos not having any grinding 😒
@Pekaman66 10 дней назад
1:35:40 This is objectively false you can get large monster materials from their tracks.
@pinkfridge6111 10 дней назад
What site do you use to get the parts ?
@Pekaman66 10 дней назад
1:18:09 so far any good points you may have had are lost because of how pedantic your arguments are and how cherry picked your examples are. You do realize a lot of the options are just optional right? No one is forcing you to use the item boxes at base camps if you just want to hunt with the items you bring and can gather you can still do that. It’s pretty much the only way I play.
@lowfade3273 10 дней назад