The Counter Corps
The Counter Corps
The Counter Corps
Hey, I'm Paul and welcome to the Counter Corps, where we're taking casualties and butchering rules. Wargame boardgaming.

Join my Discord channel so we can find opponents to play and discuss rules and new games! discord.gg/qSbk8MhD98
Into the Woods: Sound the Long Roll [1]
10 месяцев назад
First Winchester (GBACW): Turn 2
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First Winchester (GBACW): Turn 1
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@WARdROBEPlaysWWII 6 дней назад
Thank you.
@WARdROBEPlaysWWII 6 дней назад
I appreciate the honest assessment…but did it take you out? You’ve been out for a few months! I hope all is well.
@368engbn 11 дней назад
Best play though video I have watched in some time. I am actually leaning how to play this game by watching it.
@WARdROBEPlaysWWII Месяц назад
@lazzurroClaudio Месяц назад
I love your cat. :D
@eugrizzi 2 месяца назад
Man, you sound sooooo demoralized. Nobody watching this video would ever buy the game. It’s definitely for the hard core modern warfare fans that know scud1-c specs by heart.
@steveparker576 2 месяца назад
Please make more of thse and post a picture of your cat. The entrenchment limit is per nation per turn, not per scenario, IIRC
@falconplays3001 2 месяца назад
Nice Video🤗 Got my copy yesterday and I am learning now. Saw your GBACW Videos too. Could you say wich Series (despite their differences of course) is your favourite? Operational or tactical? Greetz from Germany
@azzido851 2 месяца назад
30:24 - you don't get a shift for elite units, because British commandos are also elite. See rules: 9.7 Elite Shift If the attacker has an Elite unit in his MAF and the defender does not have any Elite units in the defending hex, then the attacker earns one column shift right on the CRT. The Elite Shift can never be earned by the defender.
@steveparker576 3 месяца назад
great video to help me learn. My favorite part is the kitty paw. ❤ Mons was a British bumbling loss, and Le Catau a disaster. They were lucky the Germans considered them shattered and disregarded them in their advance.
@steveparker576 3 месяца назад
Great video. It will help me o seething before reading the rules as it gives me the general framework and flow. Great thanks.
@kevinb9675 4 месяца назад
30.28 you don't get an elite shift because the defender is elite
@romiloszachariadis2334 4 месяца назад
Great video! very instructive!! However, IMHO, at 14:00 you could have activated the 7th Arm and driven to the Barracks (?)
@davidwaxtel 5 месяцев назад
I just played the game with vassal You have underestimated this game. This is an awesome game and is basically two games because once the Russians hit that river, it becomes a nightmare for them. You have to be an excellent player to the Germans. The one thing that also represents is an exact historical representation of what the war was along that river with the German Panzer fireman, and put out fires here and there the Russians back across the river Description is unacceptable and you should look at this game again
@jancolpaert8163 5 месяцев назад
43:26 You fired with the 4th Virginia on the Union unit in the woods but didn't return fire with the Union unit. Normally they should be able to return fire, I suppose?
@korposp 5 месяцев назад
Very interesting, Thanks.
5 месяцев назад
Very helpful. Thanks much for putting it together! One comment: I don't believe it's possible to coastal ship the 22nd Gds to Bardia, as Bardia only has a port capacity of 1 shipping point. The 22nd Gds has 2 stacking points and would require 2 shipping points. See rules 21.2 (Shipping Points and Shipping Limits) and 21.3 (Port Capacity).
@lesliedavis775 5 месяцев назад
I've asked this question on several USCW video playthrough links, but I have not got a clear answer. Does the Confederate control marker near Harper's Ferry (shown at the start of the video) disrupt the rail supply line for McClellan? Historically, the Confederates destroyed the B&O railroad bridge at Harper's Ferry on Game Turn 1 and the rail line to Baltimore was put out of commission for ten months. Is it possible to recreate this historical event in this game on-Game Turn 1. If so, what is the effect on the Union supply capability? Is it possible to take control of West Virginia if McClellan is unsupplied?
@sparerib5494 5 месяцев назад
In the Blind Swords system, they've taken to labeling the height on some of the hexes.
@hammer2722 6 месяцев назад
The 2 units in the improved position were within command range of LaHarpe which means they cannot roll for their own initative.
@sonsofliberty75 6 месяцев назад
16:30 after combat with a leader involved, needs a roll for leader casualty.
@tomw324 6 месяцев назад
Dont you roll to remove delay markers after you place them on the board? That way it builds in a little uncertainty to your placement.
@FerminBernaus 29 дней назад
Yes he forgot to do that
@michaelscherer6416 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for these videos. I am new to this system. I just bought Gringo and Death Valley because I figured I’d start with some smaller battles and learn the system. Gringo has some smaller battles, but I found out, that because the Mexican war battles were so unique, that there are a TON of special rules for each. So not the best game to start out with 😅 The battle of El Molina Del Rey is smaller and a lil more straight forward, the playbook even says it’s a good battle to start learning with. But I also got Death Valley along with its expansion. Watching the sequence of play with your videos over and over and reading the rule book over and over is helping me get started. Stiglr and Hexy have some good instructional videos too. Thank you again, hope you post more!
@neuroniky 7 месяцев назад
Am I missing something, or you could have done a breakthrough after T1 combat? You could have advanced 3 hexes, first one being free if you entered the attacked hex, meaning you could have moved 2 hexes, and attacked 1809 with the third mp.
5 месяцев назад
Advancing into the hex vacated by the defender is not free. It costs one hex from the Advance After Combat Allowance. See rule 15.2.4 (Forming a Breakthrough Group) and the example that follows.
@Kirk1914 7 месяцев назад
Your channel is the best 👍. Keep up the great work
@EricTheMadviking 7 месяцев назад
Nice video, very honest assessment. It is a very exciting game. Great job by Yves and Vuca! I'm working my way through the exercises, looking forward to getting Fulda Gap on the table.
@falconplays3001 7 месяцев назад
Great Work and Video😊 Thanks a lot for helping me to start playing this great Game. I struggled a lot about LoS and terrain issues. But I will go like you. Enjoy playing. Greetz from Germany to the Valley🤓
@HistoricalConflict 7 месяцев назад
Bruh...there are so many numbers on the counters...
@Stiglr Месяц назад
Yeah, there are, and a lot of TLAs (three-letter abbreviations) to come to grips with (fortunately supported with a great glossary!!) ... but overall, the system is really nice. It plays pretty smooth once you get used to it. I always tell people that the "complexity" (if one wants to call it that) comes from the fact that almost every facet of the game is familiar ... but in this system, it's done completely differently than you expect from other games ... so you have to "re-learn" everything you might assume in a game of this scale and subject matter.
@HistoricalConflict 8 месяцев назад
im about to break this one out. this one is also in Hungarian Rhapsody
@marksthamm 8 месяцев назад
Great video. Thanks so much
@brunobgiovinal 8 месяцев назад
top merci!!!
@campsawyer 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for the video. You were great and pretty much nailed it for the activations. One minor point is that Wright and Crook are at the same level, essentially corps level for this scenario and there will be efficiency draws for each. Look forward to more.
@eric1752 8 месяцев назад
It's nice to see a playthrough where you are still trying to keep track of everything. GBACW is a vast and complex system. I agree that with so much time left in the scenario, the CSA forces were pushed too far forward when they have reinfocements coming. Thanks of the playthrough of GBACW.
@freakyzed8467 8 месяцев назад
Picked up a copy of The Third World War from Compass Games. Has the same feel. Just too much to handle, too big a footprint, and makes me feel tired even thinking about trying to set the whole thing up. When it becomes work it's no longer a game. Have had fun with the smaller scenarios though. Wonder if this is worth it for that alone? Does look pretty nice!
@HistoricalConflict 8 месяцев назад
Not brave enough for this one yet heh
@Deltium5683 8 месяцев назад
Very good assessment, thanks !
@Jezza_One 9 месяцев назад
I wish I had watched this before buying a copy it does look ridiculously complex in terms of the air game. The Next War and Under an Iron Sky are huge games covering the same future conflict but they allow you to play without a lot of the rules to speed things up.
@eric1752 9 месяцев назад
Good series. I like seeing the counters moving and the figthing, with explanations of the DRMs.
@eric1752 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for the playthrough. Turning off the camera for a think and to better organize units, thoughts, or whatever is perfectly okay. No one is losing their mind that this isn't a continous one shot. Good job.
@eric1752 9 месяцев назад
Good playthrough. I am really enjoying the pacing, camera, and commentary.
@eric1752 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for the playthrough. I am a new subscriber. I like you style and pacing. Very clear. Very good video. I agree with the idea of play the game rather than halt everything to look up complex rules. Leave rules reading for non-game time.
@eric1752 9 месяцев назад
THank you for the playthrough. I like you pace and filming.
@john-lenin 9 месяцев назад
Calvary? (Even the subtitles picked it up.)
@thecountercorps 9 месяцев назад
Is that a swipe at me mispronouncing something cause I get flustered when I record things to put online? If so cool thanks
@patrickols 9 месяцев назад
This game sort of remind me of the old Victory Games from the early 80’s The Pacific War. On paper and as a concept it’s amazing but to play it is a real b1tch! 😊 Myself, my brother and two buddies manage to play a full campaign of that back in the summer of 1987 but it was just way too massive, the amount of space needed to run it and the time involved in playing each turn made it such a beast to actually play. Fun as heck but really just too expensive for the amount of space and time it takes. This game really look’s like the same problem. Thanks for playing it but there is no way I will buy this, at my age I just don’t have that much time to spend on a massive game like this
@thecountercorps 9 месяцев назад
Yes, in many ways Red Strike is similar to GMT's Pacific War (I believe GMT's recent imprint of that game was a reprint from the old Victory Games version?). Both are monster games with high interaction, mostly through an in-depth detection system. I dream of having a couple of weeks free with a willing friend to give this campaign a try. But I really don't know how practical the game is. A few days ago I started recording a playthrough of one of the smallest scenarios, but I had to stop because I realized it had taken me the better part of an hour to resolve just one air strike sortie... and each plane gets three sorties and there's probably half a dozen NATO airbases to launch strikes from. And there are soviet interception missions to fly and resolve and detect, etc. And I like to think I pick up rules pretty fast so it's not a matter of getting familiar with the rules to speed up play. I know this sort of deliberate play will appeal to some people. I'm just not sure I'm one of them. I think game systems this deep and expansive are better suited for computer games, where a lot of the heavy lifting can be done under the hood
@patrickols 9 месяцев назад
@@thecountercorps Yes, the GMT version is a reprint of the old Victory Games, it’s the same exact game with just better colour maps, aids and counters
@Jezza_One 9 месяцев назад
​@@thecountercorpsI managed to complete the Pacific War campaign it did take around 6 months though.
@GromStal 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for video! Tell please. 18:36. if CSA Sk3 will shoot at Union 39NY, then will the 8NY and 13PA be able to return fire?
@YvesRince 10 месяцев назад
I will clarify the off-map handling of air units in an upcoming update. Thx for bringing this up 👍
@YvesRince 10 месяцев назад
Hi Paul, thanks for the video 😎. Concerning the setup issues: NATO naval units setup "at sea" and undetected if the hex has no port. Sorry for that blunder. The EG helicopters may set up on map OR. on the air base display, it's the same place geographically. Thx for bringinv this up 👍
@thecountercorps 10 месяцев назад
Yves, I have to give you a standing ovation for what you've managed to put together. It's very impressive that those little typos are the only things wrong with the game I found. Now, if only you can tell me where you found so many friends to play your creation with you then I'd be all set lol. Keep up the good work! Looking forward to whatever your megabrain comes up with next! 🫡
@YvesRince 10 месяцев назад
@@thecountercorps Thanks for the praise. I had a few good men who helped me enormeously. I have not found a lot, but some. The campaigns are really something to play in teams on a multi-day convention. The battle scenarios are the heart of the game and will be played mostly I guess. I am also planning on adding battle scenarios, nothing fixed yet, but there seems to be a demand.
@thecountercorps 10 месяцев назад
I definitely see the possibility of expansions and porting the system to other flashpoints of that era. Kind of like how Next War has done with its various installments. You have lots of options! Can't wait to see what you come up with
@MrProsat 10 месяцев назад
Do you play monster games? If not, it would be overwhelming. If you play 1000-2000 piece 2 mappers, this doesnt seem any worse than others. You just make it your game you play for 6 months, an hour here, 90 minutes there. You dont have to be retired or have 6 hours a day. I can see it takes up way too much space if you play the campaign. They could have done better with the air base layouts. Maybe one box per base and use counters to mark sorties. That way, you wouldnt need a 3 car garage to play...
@thecountercorps 10 месяцев назад
Yeah I thought I said it in the video, but for someone like me with a full time job and a farm to run, playing this "monster game" would be the only game I play in 2024 for the reason you say... it would have to be poking in and out to play when I have time. Perhaps I'm just too millennial, but I prefer a bit more resolution per game session. I don't enjoy having to wait several months to see if a strategy I crafted at the start will pan out. At that point it becomes too mechanical for me rather than a simulation. But to each their own! If you are the kind of person who loves monster games and playing half a turn here, one activation there, then you can't go wrong with Red Strike.
@MrProsat 10 месяцев назад
@@thecountercorps Yea, running a farm, I get it... It's hard to find "monster" games that can keep my interest for 6 months. I have to immerse myself in the history, say the Last Blitkrieg, MMP. Reading up on the battles of the Bulge and how the game develops. I "play" as more an historical simulation, rather than a game. "When if the 6th Army went more south". Etc. The choices at major intervals of the battle. Now, Red Strike, that will be a bit tougher, since the battle - fortunately - didn't happen. So immersion into history will be different. You defintely have to be the type who can focus on one game for months. It is cheaper! Take care
@thecountercorps 10 месяцев назад
Haha yeah no doubt my bank account is asking, "Isn't Red Strike enough for you?" Maybe it is? Maybe I should just put all 1200 counters on the table and see how long I can stick to it.... 🪖
@MrProsat 9 месяцев назад
@@thecountercorps I guess it depends on how fiddly it is. I am beginning to have my doubts. This is tough, between Under an Iron Sky by Thin Red Line and this one. I did enjoy Deadly Northern Lights. I'll have to look more closely at the rules. It seems that the TRL system is a bit less fiddly, like for example the interception process.
@Jezza_One 9 месяцев назад
I have already ordered my copy but I do specialise in monster games. 🤓
@IRLBemused 10 месяцев назад
Interesting thoughts. I would hope that one would get experienced with the flow of things through repeated plays so that each interaction moves more quickly. In terms of number of counters and map size have you experience with OCS or the like? There are even more counters involved on larger maps. That said, you have highlighted the granular interactions which are cool but time consuming which are not a feature of OCS. I really hope I find that this is playable solo, well the battle scenarios at least.
@thecountercorps 10 месяцев назад
Yeah I'm sure that if you get enough reps in then some of it starts to flow a little better. I've tried a few OCS installments (most recently Hungarian Rhapsody), and by comparison, one of Red Strike's biggest wins was being able to avoid the stacks of doom and overload on informational counters. For the most part, Red Strike has very few counters on the map other than combat units. That said, what you get in return is a very abstracted supply system, which some people might be ok with. I think you'll find that the battle scenarios will be playable solo, but you'll feel like you're missing something and the campaign scenarios will beckon 😅
@przemekbozek 10 месяцев назад
Looks like it is a beast to play 😀 Funny that I already start to recognise Vuca's distinctive counter art, they are certainly making a splash in our small wargaming world..
@thecountercorps 10 месяцев назад
Yeah massive kudos to Vuca for putting together such a good looking and polished game. Their art design is definitely a welcome improvement over other publishers
@ChristophDeClercq-mj1pk 10 месяцев назад
​@@thecountercorps 3 months ago i bought a game from another publicer. Only 200 counters or so. Now 3 months later i still sorting those counters! i really dont know which unit belongs to what HDQ. Now: you have a massive game like red strike. 24 countersheets. But probably within 2 hours or so everything will be sorted. That is an huge difference with other companies!
@thecountercorps 10 месяцев назад
Agreed! I think this hobby can only benefit from more publishers taking note how Vuca does things. They really do bring wargame boardgames into 2023 and on par with the production quality of non-wargame boardgames